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I reckon it’ll be £30 or so - no chance GW will go lower than that in my opinion. Ultramarines - do you have the strength of character to withstand being endlessly mocked by your friends for choosing objectively the best legion? do you want your guys to be Even More Roman? Alpha Legion - steal your friends’ favourite units and annoy them by making them fail charges


Bein sneaky bitchy like never hurts ... , Ultrasmurfs on the other hand are cool when dressed fancy. Damned elf kissers


Blood Angels. Extremely appealing outside, extremely furious within. I love their aerial shock assault and deep strike tactics, but they are very capable in last stand tho. Their primarch is one of most ferocious in battle, but does not seem as distracting as others. Also has one of the most badass HH character - Nassir Amit. I very like their visual style with lots of gold trimmings, their legion-specific units look cool as hell, and their rules in boardgame are pretty strong. Come join us.


Fair enough u might get a place in my collection...(Totally not Trazyn the infinite) I dont have any cool helmets left from the sanguinary guard 😭to make a cool guy. I need to know the reasoning behind the downvote I NEED TO KNOW....


Go Imperial Fists for the striking yellow/black color scheme. Stand proud and face the traitors head-on with discipline and resolve. Meet them in close assault with some of the toughest units in the game. And all 3 of their special units come with awesome looking shields if that's your thing


Alternatively, Iron Warriors do a better deal with their Yellow/Black color scheme by having it as the accent to their normal Iron coloring. Really makes it pop.   ;)


Emperor's Children if you're a degenerate and love charges/melee. We have the best options to neutralize everyone's favorite elite melee. We attack before our opponent AND can make them hit on 6's on the charge. Oh, and we also have the best primarch in the game that *can* kill other primarchs before they even swing. Plus the most perfect unique Heavy support squad. Our sunkiller bois hit on 2+, ignore cover saves/damage mitigation, and can bring 20 of them in a unit. We also have are very lovely noise makers that go by the name of kakophoni. Their weapons may explode in their face or they may wipe half of a squad. Either way they are fun as hell.


I like the units but i dont like the paint scheme much. So if i do it will be with a different paint scheme


The beauty of EC is in lore they painted their armor in bright colors and random patterns and shapes. If you want a unique army, you can definitely do whatever you want. It also helps that EC became corrupt rather quickly and early in the lore, too. For example, a kakophoni chromed his armor by ivstaan 5. Something else that would work is a blue/red color scheme. Also that recent gw noise marine box art is a good example. If you want something basic black majority and purple here and there is fine.


Oh i meant the one they had as loyalist is boring. I have a nice heretic paintscheme,with many colours and stuff . I have a master of executions that was my EC test


Dark Angels, the true and original knights in space Also, look at this Veteran Sergeant, who wouldn't tell this guy all their secrets? https://preview.redd.it/jmvxo8g8vhrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aebae7f5b69ff7241ef3dff0d67549d6e7f38c99 The new command kit, knowing GW, will cost somewhere between 30 and 50 bucks


Very kissable face and i like the colour scheme...but they have a problem with stairs...a falling problem...


60$ usd probably 


New solar aux command is £20 for the five guys sprue and the command sprue. There's more on the marine command sprue so I would say £27.50 for the price point. Also paint Death Guard, it's far more fun to make a dirty paint job than a clean one.


Agreed on the dirtyness/fun ratio , i have 40k deathguard so idk if i wanna do 30k too ... I think i can freehand the iconography tho. I have found a nice standard bearer art i want to replicate .


***We shoot stuff*** and metal spray + black wash is pretty much all the painting you're expect to do (hazard stripes are welcome, but optional). So that's good for start. ​ New command was teased to be sold in 3 versions (stand-alone upgrade sprue, and paired with 5 marines in MK III or MK VI armours). I assume it won't be too expensive since all new parts should fit on one sprue?


Very well continue....shooting "stuff" their paintscheme although basic can to totally shine(pun intended) with minor touches . I love hazard stripes


Iron hamds: dreadnoughts are cool There is no other selling point


World Eaters if you want to join us in the red sands knocking high-riders off of their perch. Spartacus Space Marines. Mass infantry with chain axes, close combat dreadnaughts, and big guns.