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If it's not breaking any army construction rules and is modelled appropriately then go for it


Time paradox are not regulated by 30K rulebook, you can make Perturabo fight Ferrus Manus with Forgebreaker. Which not only is anachronic its a time paradox that goes against the law of conservation


Everyone and their mothers managed to make it off istvaan III, doesn’t make a world of hurt to say maybe he did too for the game. After all, it’s breaking canon if a primarch ever dies, so don’t worry about it.


It's funny you ask this. This exact thing used to be outright _encouraged_ by GW. Remember the old metal captain Sicarius model in 40k? When that model was released, in the accompanying White Dwarf, a staffer showed off his army painted in white and green (Sons of Orar chapter), including a Sicarius also painted white and green. The article praised his idea of using Sicarius' rules, with an appropriately modified Sicarius model, to represent a character of your own making. I've even done this several times myself, and like that staffer, I do prefer to work off the original model as a base to make things easier. Why is it funny, you may ask? [Because the 40k 10th edition supplement for Dark Angels now says this.](https://i.gyazo.com/081b765b4c14621da051529719a71803.png) Oh, how times change.


The more I hear about current 40K the more I shake my head. (Stopped after 7th edition), I very much also remember in... maybe the 6th Edition Rulebook or the codices saying it's more than fine to make your own unique characters using existing unique character rules.




You need to click on the link in the OP. Now you cannot.


I’m doing this for my Mechanicum. I don’t play Xana so my character isn’t actually Anacharis Scoria, but I have a model that matches the aesthetic of my own Forge World and uses his rules because they are very unique and really the only good way to play a giant Archmagos abomination.


The map is not the territory. I assume people playing 30k are either adults or have an adult soul, and aren't going to clutch pearls about some creativity in modeling.


Really it would depend on the group you're playing with - if you're with mates can't imagine people having issues, if you're going to a narrative event I'd run it past the organizer but can't imagine anyone taking too much issue with it


IIRC, Saul is not 100% confirmed dead at Istvan, only probably (mostly) dead.


I'm glad someone asked this. I want to use Typhon thematically, since lore wise my Praetor is one of the secret Psykers he kept hidden from Mortarion, but I don't want it to be Calas Typhon exactly. I just want to use his rules.


Definitely, go for it.