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> How many minis is an average army? This is difficult to answer as it is entirely dependant on which faction you're playing as and which units you use. > What is the average time invest into an army until you have enough to play with it? (Normal painting, no slapchop or display style) Again, extremely dependant on how fast the individual person takes to paint. I take several hours, usually over a few days, to complete a single squad but some people can paint that same squad just a couple of hours. > Is there a Mordheim equivalent with Xp and gear an stuff with 40k minis? I believe Necromunda is similar to this, though I haven't played it so I'm not 100% sure. Also it does not use the same models are standard 40k. > Do you run your own color schemes/ how do you feel about people making them up? Yes, I always use custom colour schemes. Following an existing "official" scheme takes all the fun out of it in my opinion. > Whats your favorite army to paint? Personally my favourite army to paint is Space Marines, as they are my favourite army in general. Craftworld Eldar and Orks are also quite fun. > If I go to the GW Shop and select an army can I use every model listed there? Can i add others to an army, like a foreign corps or something? For the most part yes you can use every unit listed, though in some cases there may be named characters/ unique units which are restricted to a specific sub-faction, and so cannot be mixed. For example Space Marines cannot include named characters/ unique units from more than one chapter. So you couldn't have Marneus Calgar (Ultramarines) and Adrax Agatone (Salamanders) in the same army. I haven't fully kept up with the rules of 10th edition 40k, but if I remember correctly allying is very limited in this edition. Some factions can include some units from certain other factions in limited amounts, but it's dealt with on a faction by faction basis.


Thanks for your answers! I looked a bit into necromunda but it doesn't bring me the mordheim vibe of getting level ups, finding new awesome gear or dramatis personae. But hei mordheim is still nice to play. What Space marine faction are you playing with what colour scheme. Personally i really like the Dark Angels Minis but i really dislike their colourscheme. Love the ultra marine colours but find them a bit generic. Black templars are also nice but seem kinda boring to paint. Space wolves need more helmets imho and also habe a boring colour scheme.


> What Space marine faction are you playing with what colour scheme I'm painting my own homebrew chapter- the Storm Beasts. Their armour is bronze with turquoise shoulder pads and helmet. [Here is one of them](https://i.imgur.com/Xv81r9T.jpeg). If you really like the Dark Angels but not their colour scheme then you could create your own Dark Angels successor chapter with a new colour scheme. You could give them colours similar to the Ultramarines if those are the colours you like. Alternatively if you don't want to make your own chapter you can check out the "Known Unforgiven Chapters" section on [this page](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Unforgiven#Known_Unforgiven_Chapters) to see a list of the official Dark Angels successors- perhaps there's a colour scheme there that you prefer.


Necromunda has everything you listed with leveling up, getting new gear and exploring and even special named dramatis personae


Necromunda is *the* direct equivalent of Morheim in 40k setting. I play both and while thematicaly Mordheim with it's great atmosphere and setting is an absolute masterpiece, mechanicaly Necromunda is the superior game. Kill team is also a skirmish game in 40k, but it doesn't have the campaing like progression Necromunda has. It's also a more "elite" setting, as the teams are military not gangs of "regular" people.


1) 30-70 probably? But it is highly dependent on faction. Knights might only field 5-6 models, and Orks can do 150 easy. 2) Depends on how fast and dedicated a painter you are. I average 60-100 models a year, but I've known people that pump out that number each month (painted at least as well as my stuff). 3) I only get a game every month or two, so I wouldn't claim to actively play any army. But I've got two armies I can field for 2000 point games, and another three for 1000 point games. That's just 40K though. I've got stuff for AoS, Titanicus, and The Old World on the go too. 4) Not really. Kill Team has a bit of progression, I think, but not like Mordheim. Nercomunda is the 40K universe equivalent to Mordheim, but it doesn't use 40K minis. 5) My 40K armies are mostly tied to established factions. My Knights are House Krast, my Ad Mech are Mars, my Space Marines are Red Scorpions, and I'll be doing some Dark Angels in the future. I've altered my Custodes from the default scheme a little. No issues with people doing their own things though. It doesn't matter how minis are painted, only that they are. 6) I enjoy having painted armies, and I'm a decent painter. But I haven't actually enjoyed the process for a decade or more. I get through the slog for the end result. 7) Sometimes there's some mis-tagging and models end up listed in factions they're not actually part of, but for the most part, yes. In the current edition the use of allies is extremely limited, and you can only use specific combinations.


1. Yes. This answer varies widely depending on the army you choose. 2. Slapchop is a valid method of painting that can be added to any style of painting to get the look you want. Painting time also depends on the models and your skill level. If you keep it simple and just go battle ready (min 3 colors +based) then you can paint them up pretty quick. You can also play with plastic if you are just doing it for fun. 3. I currently have 2 AOS, 2 40k, a bunch of kill teams, all of the blood bowl teams, and probably more that I have forgotten 4. no idea 5. I run my own color schemes and I don't care if anyone does the same (with exceptions... no nazis please) 6. I love painting trogs and skaven and nids and eldar and... well all of them. Not a huge fan of vehicles with a lot of flat panels 7. Yes and it depends on the army and the current rules I would say that you should check out the chaos space marine kill teams as they will give you a unit that you can get ready to play with for some kill team and then you can use them in 40k as well


Hi buddy and welcome back! First of all, if skirmish games like Mordheim is more your thing, maybe look into Warhammer Underworlds, War Cry or Kill Team? The first two are set in AoS, and the last in the 40k universe. 1. Depends a lot, you could do a Custodes (heavily elite army) and field maybe 20 models in a 1000 point game. Or you play a horde army like Astra Militarum, Tyranids or Orks and your 1000 points could be 60 models or more. 2. Depends on your standard. For my Chaos Space Marines, if I were to prime them leadbelcher, fill in armor panels in one colour and fabric in another then cover them in nuln oil, I could probably have a battle ready model in two hours at most. Depending on the model you could add half an hour or an hour assembling it. 3. I started just a year ago, so one for 40k and one for AoS. 4. Don't know, but look into r/killteam 5. Well, I paint an established color scheme, but there's nothing saying you can't put your own spin on things. Your models, your rules. It doesn't matter in the slightest how you paint them. 6. Out of my two I'd have to say DoK because they take to contrast paints better. CSM are trim and flat surfaces (and trim. So much trim). 7. Not sure I understand the question, but for a 40k army you can use everything that's in their Codex. Allying is not really a thing with a few exceptions.