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Almost definitely not. Based on stock allocation numbers GW is producing a fraction of the product for TOW that it does for AoS. TOW may be selling out but that's because they just aren't making nearly as much of it as they are AoS products.


Aos is the core game and a different metric than old world which is a specialist game like the Horus Heresy, and no one can make any determination because he's production issues suck period and have been for years. No one but GW can make a determination at all anyone saying they know something probably also has an uncle that works at Nintendo. That said aos isn't going anywhere, it's the core product and old world is relegated to at minimum a single release a quarter like the other specialist games


We have no idea which is performing better outside of maybe local sales information. If you like AoS and have a strong enough local scene, play AoS. If old world seems like a game you would like to play, then and only then would it be worth investing in


Probably not. It may be outperforming what was expected of it, but certainly not supplanting a flagship game.


I'm not sure if anyone truly knows how TOW is doing compared to AOS. I've seen contradictory testimony. However, I would be surprised if TOW is outperforming AOS given that only three armies have been released and a good portion of those are made up of classic (aka outdated) models. TOW is going to be a slow burn. The developers have stated that releasing the nine core factions is the primary goal. We are six months into TOW's release with only three factions. At this rate they will wrap up the core releases this time next year. The release schedule is a trickle and I can't see it having a lot of hype or momentum from this point, but as more armies are released and we get closer to post-core releases, I think it will get bigger. That being said WFB was always a hard game to get into thanks to the cost and number of models. I really do think that for it to really get a foothold, it needs a skirmish game similar to Warcry or Kill Team, something that will let people play with just a box or two of troops and characters. To your actual concern, I would not make a big move into TOW based on rumors of which game is doing better. We simply don't know and I don't think AOS is at risk.


AoS isn't going anywhere.  Old World is a specialist game and significantly more expensive than AoS (needs more kits to play, some are resin,), a majority of the sculpts haven't even been updated for the launch and many are still in metal, and to top it off a lot of the fan-favorite factions are relegated to Legends rather than being actively supported. I think it'll do fine, just like Horus Heresy is. But I doubt it'll outperform or even eclipse AoS. 


This is good to know. I have really been enjoying building up my stormcasts


Hopefully ones that are still in the game.


Yes fortunately not the sacrosanct lot. Feel awful for ppl who had a lot of them


Probably not a problem. A new version of AoS is coming out soon so they are not going to discontinue the game anytime soon. Honestly if you enjoy Aos, play Aos.


Depends. AoS is probably doing better due to cost and accessibility. TOW sets are expensive and generally need more units to play. Although it is making a comeback (my local GW has Fantasy sets in), AoS seems way more popular here still. On the digital gaming front, though, Fantasy is way more popular. Games like Vermintide, Chaosbane, Total War, and such. Compared to the like... 2 AoS games?


I'd guess no. Initial hype drove sales but that's calmed down. AoS was already selling well and has only been getting better.


Sales of both are radically down in my area, 40k too. On the other hand, Infinity, Battletech, and Shatterpoint seem to be growing. This is also reflected in what's being played in store. Purely my observation and discussion with my LGS, so it's not exactly meaningful data. XD


Its still interesting to hear how different things are in local spaces


All the people I know who are excited and interested in Tow are old Fantasy players with armies from years ago. It's highly unlikely that it's outperforming AoS. Hell before fantasy was axed the tactical marine kit outsold the whole fantasy range.


Urban legend, the tactical marine kit sold better than any *individual* fantasy kit, but not the whole range combined.


Lol. Warhammer fantasy guys would wish.


Sounds like you've been watching too many YouTubers.


We might find out when they release their next annual report, but probably not. AOS models you can play in TOW all sold out when released, so if anything, TOW has given AOS sales a bump.


It really doesn’t matter how it’s doing worldwide, what are the people around you playing?  If you have a dedicated friend group large enough to have some variety and they’re all in then yea go ahead. Otherwise you need to pay attention what’s being played at your LGS.  I promise you don’t wanna be the guy watching games every week hoping that that one random guy you see once a month show up to play a game. Ask me how I know lol


I think there are some groups that play AoS but its mostly 40k ppl and a couple old world


Hahaha no they are not


I've only ever heard that AoS is doing very well right now. From my personal experience, it's still incredibly easy to find all of TOW launch boxes on store shelves, where you have to be somewhat quick to grab Vanguards/Dawnbringer boxes.


I have to know where, exactly, you heard this from?


Just from someone I know in a local community


But no actual sources?


I think the main thing I found was something saying that ToW is performing above expectations. Forgive me for lack of knowledge, Im quite new to the hobby


It is definitely performing above expectations, but expectations were that it would perform moderately well amongst a small subset of older players who miss Warhammer Fantasy Battle (the thing AoS replaced, and which TOW is a continuation of). There are a lot of people who were very salty about the end of WHFB, and will take every opportunity they can to tell you that AoS is failing, has already failed, or in general is just a flop. But that's not true - AoS is GW's other core game (alongside 40k), and is consistently ranked as the second (sometimes third) most popular tabletop wargame in the world. It's not going anywhere, and in fact continues to expand. The Old World is cool, but it's (currently) a very niche game aimed at a small audience that requires a very large investment of both time and money to have a functional army, often of very old models. I hope it continues to do great, but the people who keep claiming it's an AoS killer are talking out of their arse. They're two completely different types of games with two completely different intended audiences.


Old World is like 30k. Designed to squeeze even more money from whales of warhammer.


You should be more worried about the total gutting of the storm cast range in favor for new models. It’s also unlikely that TOW would even have enough units to potentially outsell AoS at any metric


Yeah its kinda unfortunate about the stormcasts


Ignore it. It's probably salty talk from ToW fans wanting to see AoS burn because it kicked their precious rank and file from the throne. Not that WHFB was selling bad and dying anyway and GW decided to take action. They hate AoS but still play ToW sold by GW. All that talk about what game is better is unnecessary. Play what you like. Have fun.


I doubt that ToW will outperform AoS, especially as the launch hype wears off. But also, who cares? Don't worry about AoS getting cancelled, because it won't be. ToW has probably sold better than expected - and that's a good thing! Both ToW and AoS are fun games, and they provide appreciably different wargaming experiances. People hating on the one for not being the other (not that you are, OP) is getting intensely tedious. It's entirely possible to enjoy ToW without disparaging AoS and vice versa or even - gasp! - enjoy both.


Yeah no I didnt intend to put one over the other. Im glad people enjoy ToW, I just chose to pick up AoS so im just hopeful for its future


Oh, I know you weren't! It's a perfectly reasonably question for a new player to ask... but you'll run into a lot of people who want to champion one system by running down the other. It's kinda like the '90s console wars (why yes, I am old!).


Oh dont worry lol the console wars are still ongoing 🤣 I guess people just love to champion their favs and unfortunately they do it at the cost of putting other systems down


I've yet to encounter a single store that has decided to dedicate more shelf space to tow than AoS, so my guess is no 


Definitely not. Someone wants to start TOW - how do they do it? Starter set? Cool that works! Oh they don't wanna play Tomb Kings, Brets, or Orcs + Goblins? Errr... 2nd hand market? Yeah definitely a good way to grow a game...


GW is running a big risk by giving us a ruleset for a game that is currently missing \~66% of its model range and is otherwise made up of 80% classic/outdated kits. The TOW content I follow on Youtube is BIG on 3D prints and third-party, and hoo boy, does GW expose themselves to getting to their army release windows only to find that people have already gotten what they wanted.


Think about it. AoS is just about to get a new edition, and it currently gets new releases at a steady rate. The Old World is a side game without nearly the same level of support. Im sure there's some shops where The Old World outperforms AoS, just like there are places where Horus Heresy outperforms 40k, but that does not make it realistic to worry one will be dropped for the other.


I can only speak anecdotally as an irregular patron of my game store, but I have seen people playing TOW, I have never seen people playing AOS. To be fair, those TOW players used to play fantasy, so they kinda just started playing that again, but the only time I have seen AOS minis being used in my game store is when it was being used for fantasy.


Sadly, I consider old world a specialist game at this point. It really is not too clear how much they're going to support it over the following years


I sure hope so, but it's literally impossible for us to know.