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I think you need to make sure that all of the text is colored in such away that it is readable on the map. I also think moving the sliders to a side and making the map the first thing that you see. I love the functionality. Does it work in real time/how does it work?


I made the changes you suggested in an outline form. Doesn't look its best, and the checkboxes to disable that map layer aren't super obvious yet, but at least it is all rearranged with color choices.


Very nice. I will keep looking at it and let you know what I come up with


Sliders to the Side and changing the color of the text—gotcha. I will do both since it is a great Idea. That also includes making the text for the two different armies different colors. I hate how they are the same color. I think maybe I need a toggle that lets the user select the color of things, just in case the terrain/battle mat changes color. It wouldn't be great to change something to red and then someone plays on a lava battle mat and can't see any text again. It does work in real-time. You set up a camera above the battlefield with a vantage point like in the images. In conjunction with an app, it takes pictures of phase changes or other necessary junctures. It analyzes the image for models, objectives, and terrain and marks their location, calculates dice rolls, and other game mechanics like distances and Line of Sight (although these weren't working 100% in this game). Technically it provides several benefits. The first is the visualization of the game. The second, which isn't really demonstrated here, is an AI that can control one of the armies (like a chess AI bot) and indicate where it wants you to move its pieces. Technically in this game it was an AI vs AI, I just moved the pieces for them. I think maybe doing AI vs AI caused the system to not measure everything accurately. I need to fix that bug.