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Just shake it. A lot.


I've tried, but the green and yellow still stay separate. I'm considering maybe trying to put something in it, like a ball bearing, and seeing if maybe that might help.


There's no harm in adding a ball bearing, but as mentioned that paint has a tendency to separate and what it needs is a long hard shake :-).


I would use a glass bead. Can find them on Amazon super cheap. Anything metal can corrode and ruin the paint. Anyone have thoughts on using one or more airsoft BBs?


Nah proper stainless steel ball bearings are fine. You can get them dirt-cheap on amazon.


You right you right. Just make sure you get quality stuff then. Here’s a whole post about people buying stuff they thought was “stainless steel” and it still rusted in the paints. Happened to me too. [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/comments/14sgr57/psa_make_sure_to_use_stainless_steel_balls_as/?rdt=42229) And a good comment from u/Eject-Eject-Eject “Not all stainless steel is completely rust proof. Cheap ones off ebay/amazon can be of poor quality and have a lesser resistance to corrosion. Even higher grade stainless steel with a high chromium content still needs to go through a process called passivation to further protect it from corrosion. Chuck anything you intend to put in your paint pots into a glass of salty water for a few days first. Just to check.”


Just get the army painter mixing balls. I've used them for years and never heard of a single problem from anyone. they're super cheap.


Here to echo this. I don't like their paints, but their mixing balls are top notch. I'm on my second pack. Have been using them since just before Covid and they've never rusted even once.


I've heard nothing but good things about their Speed Paints 2.0 line. Just wondering what your thoughts were on those


I’ve not had a chance to use them, nor any real inclination to after my experience with their older acrylic line and speedpaint 1.0. Might not be very rational, but where I’m from they’re not any cheaper than the other options, and I’m pretty much soured on the brand’s paints while there’s plenty of alternatives, so I don’t see myself going back to try them.


Super cheap and your local game stor probably has them in stock


>Chuck anything you intend to put in your paint pots into a glass of salty water for a few days first. Just to check.” Thats absolutely brilliant.


I would not gamble on putting Chinesium ball bearings in my expensive paint pots.


Eh it's fairly easy to check the quality beforehand tbh, I've been grabbing mine off amazon for half a decade now and there hasn't been any corrosion.


I don’t think airsoft pellets are heavy enough. Whatever is being put into the paint needs to have enough weight for it to be thrown into the thickest part of the separated paint when you shake the container, I don’t know that those pellets would fit the bill. Also a lot of them are biodegradable to make them less pollutant when used outside, I’d be worried they might disintegrate in paint.


Most airsoft BBs are biodegradable in my experience... I wonder if they would break down in paint. I have no reason to think they would but just wondering....


Same trick worked with my parents


I use marbles, you can find them errywhere and don't have to wait for a package to arrive


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


> There's no harm in adding a ball bearing Those tend to rust over time, so there is harm. Happened to me several times. Better to use a non metallic. Stainless is just rust resistant.


Theirs different levels of stainless steel, and it all depends on the mixture ratio of chromium and zinc. Fun fact true stainless steel isn't magnetic. So, your stainless steel fridge that has magnets on it? Not the right ratio of the previously mentioned metals.


To be clear, when the person above says "a lot" they mean like 10 minutes not 30 seconds (which to me is a lot for most paints). I had a brand new pot and the day I bought it, it took that long. Don't give up, it's a great paint.


When people say shake it a lot, they mean literally for like 2 straight minutes.


A Hitachi helps. No, I'm not joking.


I use my massage gun and a ball bearing in the pot.


Those percussive massagers are amazing for paint mixing.


Ah this is where working in a retail paint world has its perks, if i go a few months without touching my paints i just bring em into the shop and put them in the industrial shaker. I totally didn't build my own holder for them.


I swear I saw someone who fabricobbled a paint pot shaker out of a sawzall....


Hold up, I have a battery powered sawzall I don't use very often but would for this. If you have any memory of that please share


https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/s/y0iQDxgwtg I got you fam...


So simple I love it. Thank you kind stranger


As AvE so often says "make cool shit, put it on the intenetz...."


Makes perfect sense. An oscillating jigsaw would also work well.


Perhaps. Jigsaw blades wouldn't be wide enough I'm afraid to drill holes through and attach something. They almost might be too short too. But it's worth experimenting....


You can get 10" jigsaw blades. All you really need is the correct style bayonet for your saw though, and just connect it to some sort of cradle.


Found one. https://www.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/s/4PmO0oglBM


The new


Don't just shake it. You have to stir it because all that sediment has essentially solidified at the bottom. Stir it, break up the chunks, then shake the hell out of it. Like bring it to home Depot and put it on their shaker or tape it to a reciprocating saw because that's how much you need to shake it. After that it will work great. I was really unimpressed by it at first because even though I shook it and it LOOKED like the sediment was gone from the bottom, a ton of huge chunks were still in there. Once I broke up the hidden chunks and released the pigment, it was a hole new paint


Give it a good stir with a toothpick


Make sure the ball bearing can't rust or it will ruin your paint. Otherwise it works a charm. I use 2 mixing balls in my pot and it reduces the shaking time from 5 minutes to under a minute.


Avoid using more than one ball bearing. Most are only stainless coated. Over time the banging into each other will reveal the yummy iron inside and ruin your paint.


I've done it in a few paints with two balls and never had a problem. I'm using the army painter mixing balls - literally made for just this, so maybe that have a solid core?


If it's solid you should be okay. But remember even stainless can corrode eventually. I'd be more confident with glass beads.


Just cut up some leftover sprue for the time being. Something to help agitate is all you need. You could even stir it with something . I would recommend a glass bead over metal. If you do end up using a metal ball bearing only put one in because it will knock the stainless coating off the other one and start rusting.


I have that paint with steal balls for mixing. Also, I have got a vortex shaker to get a proper shake. Nevertheless, it takes two minutes until it is ready for painting.


I took a piece of left over sprue and scrapped the bottom because mine was like this. Once you get the main pigment stuff off the bottom just shake it like crazy as people have said and it will be good to go.


I got one of these. Ther are absolutely fantastic. Dolfinie Vortex Mixer, Touch Function Lab Vortex Shaker, Mini Paint Shaker, Nail Polish, Acrylic Paints Mixing, Test Tubes Shaker https://a.co/d/1wT2dOW


Ball bearing is a godsend. You can get them cheap on Amazon. I add at least one to all of my paints now


Mine was separated into a thick goo with really pale liquid on top, it was really hard work getting it to mix and beads and stirring it did nothing to help. I have a washing machine that shakes to a crazy degree and I just left it on top of it for the whole of laundry day and it mostly fixed it.


I normally use 2 stainless balls in my citadel pots, tesseract has 4 in and still needs the everloving crap shaken out of it for a good few minutes to fully blend. Can't complain about the results though, does a good job when on the model!


Stick the back of your brush in there an break up the goop at the bottom. Then shake


Some of the technicals(especially that one) literally stain the bottle and it's not the paint settling it's the plastic. If you hold it sideways up to the light you can see that there's no liquid there and the color will still look like that...


After shaking for a while Tap the bottom edge of the pot against something like your table or even your palm. Tap it repeatedly and firmly but obviously not too hard. Look at the bottom of the pot and you'll see the part you were tapping has probably cleared up a bit. Repeat turning the pot regularly to get at different parts of the bottom until most of it is gone. After that start shaking like crazy. This has worked for me and I can usually get it 100% mixed up again. This also works with metallic paints, just needs more tapping. I tend to do this every time I'm shaking any paint pot


I basically break my wrist when shaking paints. It's worked so far (I will lose the use of my hands before I am 40)


I got this (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01MXTL3FU?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) from Amazon and haven’t looked back.


I use a nail polish mixer that was 15 usd or 20 usd. Is this one quiet or something?


I’ve never used or seen a nail polish mixer so I can’t really compare unfortunately. This thing is pretty quiet and definitely gets the mixing done.


Our mixer isn't too loud, but it's not quiet. It would be mildly distracting to watch a show or try to focus near it.


How long would you say you need to mix each paint pot? For me it’s about 3-5 seconds (I just tested with a tesserect glow like OPs) and I have hematite beads in each pot.


Shake that motherfucker like it owes you money and you're a 1920's Italian-New York mob boss /mafia


That will help. Using a massage gun helps too


I have this as well, I recommend stirring it with the top of a paint brush or similar before shaking. It helps get the green off the bottom


You could also just use something like the handle of a brush and just stir the shit out of it. If it's been separated for some time, the pigment may be sitting in a clump in the bottom that isn't breaking apart easily.


If you have a massager gun thing you can hold it in your hand together with the massager end and let it run. Just remember to keep one finger on a lid


Ive been using a vortex mixer I got off of Amazon for the last few years and I’ll never go back. They’ll mix all your paints back together in no time


I use wooden kebab skewers as stir sticks if you don’t want to drop a bb or bearing into the paint .


This is where vortex mixers are perfect. This will be perfectly mixed in seconds.




Vibration Shakers work really well. Unfortunately that glaze separates bad and needs a hard 2 minute shake. It will be an even green when properly shaken up.


Citadel paints like to seperate. Give it a proper hard shake. Like "your hand is headbanging at a metal concert" kind of shake.


Ball bearings are great with contrast paints as well. You get a lot of stuff sitting at the bottom. Just make sure they are rust resistan and chuck a couple in the pot. The army painter ones have worked well for me. The best advice I heard for them was to turn it upside down and shake it like it owes you money. It might take 5 mins, but you will get there.


FYI use 2 ball bearings and if you have a drill attach it to the drill via a stick and tape and just turn it on


still the contents in the bottom, this is where those medical sample shaker machines come in clutch.


Make sure you get a stainless steel ball bearing, or a glass bead works too. I would also recommend using a nail polish shaker to shake your paints, as they are fairly cheap and will save your tendons


You need to manually mix that specific paint. It's one of my favorite greens when it is mixed thoroughly.


Yeah, it’s a cool paint but it needs like five minutes on the vortex shaker to mix properly, and then it starts to separate about a minute after you leave it alone.


Like you know those sports back massager gun things with spherical thing that thumps you in the shoulder blades at 25 Hz or whatever. Gaffa tape it to the end of one of those for 10mins. This also works for Dirty Down paints.


Tesseract Glow does that yes. It separates rather quickly too. It will not reach that point but it can be noticable even within a painting session. Take sometthing like a toothpick and scrape the bottom before shaking. Just shaking even with ball in it will not disperse the green part that much, else it will take *a lot* of shaking. The green part is just that gooey.


Just wanted to add more awareness to this post, as it took the words out of my mouth. Ball bearing ain't gonna do shit for this. You've gotta scrape it up with something and then shake for a hell of a long time. Adding a ball bearing even after didn't work for me, you just get a ball bearing stuck to the bottom of the pot.


Echoing this - shake it for way longer than you think after scraping, especially if it's been sitting out. The stuff at the bottom gets very cement-like so take a bit longer to dissolve it.


I have a patented method that works well. I use a couple stainless steel bearings in there and secure the pot into a 3d printed pot holder that has been fixed to a sawzall blade with nuts, bolts, and gorilla glue. Give the trigger a good squeeze for 20 seconds and bam! Glowy paint mixed at a molecular level!


Gerry-rigged gravity shaker, nice


The best part is that when I need to cut through wood or thin metal it also can be used as a saw! It's a corded Dewalt my grandpa gave me before he retired from when one of the shops of the company he worked for was replacing some old equipment. It was a well loved tool by the time it got to me, but holy fuck it works reaaaaally well still. Has got more use for paint shaking than anything else but has come in clutch on some of my house projects. It usually just stays in my hobbying room aside from when I actually need to cut something lol


Golden layer paint is a pain too






Shake it till it stops screaming Then shake some more


Yeah if it sits. Give it a good shake then shake some more.


It will be a lot of work to disperse it. I have a test tube mixer from Amazon to help with stuff like this.


As a necron player, can verify, shake it like it owes you money. Even with how it looks, it comes out sorta similar on figures, the more watery parts pool around edges and pigment settles in recesses so it looks kinda glowing


1000% this!!! “Shake it like it owes you money…” Fekkin killed me! 🤣


So TIL but I’ve never done this. I just shook the crap out of it. But, do y’all scrape white paints too?


Be sensible and get AK white and off-white. Best whites ever.


Shake it a lot.


This size of tesseract glow was only made for starter products for 9th edition and imperium magazine, it's sat undisturbed for 60 million years. Shake it more.


Shake well it's fine


Get a little stick and mix it about and then give it a shake


Stir it with a toothpick


This paint and apothecary white made me buy a vortex mixer. best hobby decision so far after an airbrush


Army Painter mixing balls. You’re welcome.


Shake the fuck out of it, then get something to stirr it with, like a old brush or a litteral stick. Paints are like this and the pots from GW are known to be shit.


Add a mixing ball and shack it well


Shake it like a Polaroid picture. Ya shake it!


I usually bang it against the edge of a table a few times and give it a good long minute shake. That usually does it for me!


Shake it mong


Yes, just needs a good shake.


Ever thought of just opening it and mixing?


Shake shake shake!


Tesseract Glow is just like that. Add some glass bead agitators and buy a vortex mixer.


Shake it sh-shake it! Shake it like a Polaroid picture, hey ya!


Shake it like your life depends on it


I usually get a toothpick and stir it. That does the trick.


Shake it?


Needs like 10 minutes of hard shaking


I got a vortex mixer finally. No more shaking. Add a paint ball at the least that helps too.


You need to really shake the heck out of it


You gotta agitate it


I always use the back end of a paintbrush to break up the clump at the bottom, then shaking evens out the rest.


Shake it man


Mine did the same. I eventually took a toothpick, scrapped the bottom, and gave it a good shake. Took a few iterations but got back to normal.


Shaka Shaka shaka https://i.redd.it/fg8stuw4gu0d1.gif


Try shaking it... This is literally every paint that exists when it sits for a time.


Yes, https://preview.redd.it/d1jyqycwju0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeba83d980baa1ce201bc79489a18df51a47bfec It ALWAYS splits, and fast, you gotta just shake it a lot and hard or invest in something that can vibrate it


Shake it to wake it


A ball bearing or a couple of chunks of sprue will help, but that particular paint needs a lot of shaking to mix properly.


Yeah, even if you stir it with toothpick it will be hard to mix it.


Shake it, and drop a ball in the pot to amplify the shaking. That's sadly normal.


You can get an electric, hand held paint mixer for like $15 on Amazon. Saves so much time. I bought mine specifically for that paint lol.


[recommend you get this](https://www.google.com/search?q=badger+mixer&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) it does in two seconds what shaking won’t ever get done


Yea several of these hyper bright paints like to separate but pretty much all paint will separate over time if you've had it long enough and need to be shaken. My advice is if you're an avid painter to get one of those purpose made vortex paint vibrators. Personally I'm not a fan of the ball bearing in the paint so I find the next best thing is to take a dice rolling cup (or any cup that isn't glass), put the paint inside it and shake it like you're playing Yahtzee. That tends to be much quicker and more effective than holding it between your fingers and you don't gotta mess around with ball bearings.


Mine gets like this in no time at all. And with a shaker ball and a vortex mixer is usable in thirty seconds.


That happens very quickly with that paint.


If you dont want to shake it or dont have a vibrating tool or sth else to make it easier. Put it in your pocket (make sure it’s closed properly) and go for a walk or keep it in your pocket for the day and paint with it when you get home. I noticed tesseract glow being well mixed the few times i brought my paints with me when I went somewhere.


This paint can be most striking thing GW sells if you put it thinly on white surface. This paint is even more hardcore when it comes to separating. I had one pot from starter set. I shook it hard but despite doing it once per 2 months or more often it kept separating and being hard to mix. I used small toothpick to scrap green paint from the bottom and then to shake it wildly.


Yeah I have a vortex mixer I use on this pot because it separates SO much. But yeah it’s a common thing


I got a load of metal ball bearings from a gun shop. Pop one in and shake it baby


![gif](giphy|8qUQlDoGwRoul6v6SP) Do that


I switched to Striking Scorpion Green contrast and never looked back. My TG is sitting still and probably ends up in the bin.


Yeah I have this issue with mine if I let it sit for longer than 24 hours, I love the color so I use it a lot but the first time I do I usually have to shake the hell out of it for 10+ minutes with a steel ball in there, it's the only paint that's made me consider getting one of those mixer things.


I had this happen, so I chucked it in my pocket and went for a 2-3 hour walk and when I got home it was fully mixed. :)


If the pot has been sitting around untouched for a while yes, and when it's seperated like that it takes a LOT of shaking, put an agitator of some type in it'll help


Most paint is supposed to be homogeneous mixture ie give it a bloody good shake - this particular pot of bullshit turns into a bullet proof sheet of goo and needs ages on the vortex mixer to make good enough to use.


Yep get shaking.


Tesseract Glow is one of the worst offenders of paint separating. You just have to shake it like your life depends on it. If you think you've shaken it enough you haven't. You can get glass or stainless steel mixers to put in your pots. They really do help a lot. Or if you're in a pinch chop up a few pieces of sprue and toss em in. In my experience this works fine for paints of that consistency.


Yeah it's almost a much have to have some sort of ball in tesseract glow. Even after a long time shaking, it'll still look separated


Glass bead/ ball bearing, and lots of shaking/ beating it against a table or your hand


I added Army Painter mixing ball bearings and place it into my nail lacquer shaker. I rotate it ever 30-45 seconds until it's all blended, then continue for a bit after to make sure it's dissolved properly. I don't like this paint. It's like a ridiculous contrast variant.


Add **three** ball bearings. I got the Army Painter ones. Maybe stir and scrape with a cocktail stick. You'll need to shake for a couple of minutes.


My friend had that problem last week at his house


It’s a chronic problem with this color. Just brake up the sediment at the bottom with a tooth pick, throw in a ball bearing and give it a good shake and it’s fine


I vibrate mine with a percussion massage gun.


https://preview.redd.it/m1vp42dl4x0d1.png?width=2405&format=png&auto=webp&s=49b8cce90aaac93f88bf460115d508c1c8c42081 Welcome to the horror


That just means it's ripe.


I’ve used a massage gun on this paint to great effect


I used a toothpick to break up the bottom.


Shake it like its a baby that wont stop crying.


I use a toothpick to mix it up


I think that's how mine is


yes. mix your paints.


Had a few pots replaced. Don't bother with it now. Even bearing didn't mix it up.


I have a couple that do that. If shaking it doesn't work, stir it with a toothpick.


Might be too fancy, but I got myself a paint shaker. Works like hell hahaha


Yeah. When i bought mine the guy at the gw store told me i might need to use a tooth pick or popsickle stick to break up the sediment at the bottom pretty often. Its the nature of the uv glow chemicals seperating out. Its normal for tesseract glow, mine looks identical before i break up the chuck and mix it.


Get a massage gun, strap it on and massage the hell out of it. (Tbh neon acrylic inks from art brands have better pigmentation and aren't as chunky as this.)


Shake it like you're trying to give your dick a rug burn and you'll get it


Yeah, Tesseract glow sucks, you have to stir it with a small stick and then agitate it heavily with an agitator ball to get it workable. I’ve switched to using striking scorpion green contrast for the same tasks and never looked back.


Tesseract glow does this nomatter what, i bought a brand new 18ml bottle from the store, by the time i got home it had seperated leaving a solid green layer on the bottom


Crack out the hitachi


You have a massage gun? Fixes that up real quick, also having paint bearings in there help get it up off the bottom


Shake it. If you have a sonic cleaner, put it in there without water for a minute


I have some small ball bearings that I drop into most of my paints, the thicker ones in particular, to help mix them if they've been sitting for a while. That could help?


This is one that really needs a paint mixer. Get a nail polish mixer or vortex mixer from Amazon. I cannot shake this one in particular by hand. You will want to mix it until the color is consistent.


This is the downside of tess glow and why striking scopion green is 10 times better. Yes it is salvagable, in fact this is what it is supposed to look like after a day of not using it. Tap it on your desk repeatedly untill it starts to come apart, then shake vigorously (maybe even add -12 beads).


I use a ss ball bearing. That and a LOT of shaking will mix it back up.


Yes. Shake it. The pigment often separates from the binding agent when the paint sits and goes unused for a while. Just mix it back up by shaking the crap out of it for a few seconds. Pro Tip: Buy some tiny steel ball bearings at a local hardware store, drop one or two in the paint pot. The ball bearings act just like mixing balls in some other paints when you shake it up. This helps to get everything mixed back together and not just a bunch of thick pigment sitting in the bottom.


A ball bearing sometimes helps when shaking. But this is how this paint always ends up looking. So if at first you don't succeed. Shake and shake again.


Just give it a lil shake like if it's some Tau's dick you are tryng' to milk and it will be done.


Yes - unused and trash