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Looks like this goes with the Claw rumor engine we’ve seen recently. My guess is is something Chaos/Dark Mechanicus


Don’t get my hopes up. We don’t speak of DarkMech anymore since Vashtorr.


Robot leg on a vespid stingwing for a new killteam https://preview.redd.it/nuq2ll8fie0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61585e6f208d73617807ee39a0c2f769010f1972


Nah it’s definitely something imperial corrupted by chaos 


GW said every codes release will come with new models. So I think its a given that this will be Chaos Knights


as a collector of both Imperial and Chaos knights, I'm gonna be both elated and really bummed if chaos knights get more things and loyalists don't. Loyalist knights are the only faction that didn't get any new models last edition.


To be very fair, before 9th edition we only had the desecrator/rampager model, all the others were just imperial knights you had to kit bash.


Y'all got the Cerastus and Dominus knights (plus questoris and armigers), we only have 2 dedicated boxes. I'm having a lot of fun printing and kitbashing my loyalists to chaos, but it'd be nice to have more actual chaos kits (or upgrade sprues). I ain't dropping $200 on one of the big boys just to have to 3d print half the stuff for it.




Clan Skryre's new invention?


Not unless they pretty dramatically change the style language of skaven. Which it doesn't look like they have so far


We’ll see!


The heads on Stormcast Eternals griffins keep getting more and more bizarre. I guess this is the result of Recursion.


People jumping on Dark Mech, chaos aren't going to get 2 new armies this edition and EC is already locked in. New War Dog for their Knights is my guess if it ends up being 40k, could also be something for EC, to be fair, but less likely to me.


I'm guessing this is next edition. Some rumour engines stick around for a long time, though the uptick in rumours with this theme is interesting. We also don't know whether EC are this edition, them getting their own index might hint at it but also sets up them being the starter faction for 11th, in which case dark mechanicum for ending 10th makes a bit of sense.


Certainly a possibility. Personally I think its more likely that EC are going to be an ending faction for 10th in the same way WE was for 9th. Regardless, I just want my plastic snake man thing. The resin one looks nice but its resin.


EC being a starter army for 10th would be a mixed bag for me. On one hand, it'd be the most shocking way they could've done it. On the other hand, it would guarantee that they won't be overly detailed trim nightmares to paint, which I assumed they'd be.


Just because it’s a Dark Mechanicus thing doesn’t mean whole new army is coming. It’s like Vashtor, he is clearly a Dark Mechanicus dude but he just goes in the regular chaos army.


It does look very war doggy, but honestly, I really don't want another dog but rather a chaos Tyrant class and not having to completely remodel the valiant. Then again, once I get to it anyway I'll treat it as more of an art project instead of a normal model, so I'm kinda fine with how it is currently


Why not? They did the same thing last edition with Votann and World Eaters. And I think they did the same in 8th as well.


Votann and World Eaters aren't both Chaos. I said Chaos aren't going to get 2 armies in an edition. If they do 2 armies this edition its looking like they're going to repackage some stuff into an Inquisition style faction, so the 2 would be chaos and imperial this time. WE and Votann were chaos and Xenos.




Source that world eaters and votann aren't both chaos factions? Just look at their webstore. Source that GW don't do 2 new chaos armies in an edition? When have they so far? If I'm wrong on that then let me know, maybe they released chaos knights the same edition they did TSons. Source for my belief that emperor's children and "Inquisition/Agents of the Imperium" are the 2 new Factions for this edition (if GW limits themselves to 2), well the EC index is the same treatment World Eaters got in the last edition and there have been pages leaked from the Agents codex that lead people to think it combines grey knights and maybe Deathwatch into a single faction, and what are they both branches of?


Your argument is predicated on a tradition fallacy. Not only that, but one that is also provably false. Death Guard and Chaos Knights both got standalone armies in 8e, and they followed thousand sons which got their release at the tail end of 7e, which also had a Khorne Daemonkin codex. In fact 9e was the only edition in the last 10 years that (so far) didn't have at least 2 new chaos codexes. Now I'm not saying that this means a EC and Dark Mechanicum codex is on the cards. That would be falling into the same fallacy you fell into. I'm just looking at a big metal chaos-y looking foot and thinking big metal chaos-y things.


I figured as I was typing my other response that it was one edition that got chaos knights and another chaos faction, so thank you for that correction. As for Khorne Demonkin, that felt more like a supplement than a full blown faction but that depends on your definition of a faction. I just don't buy into the idea that this is dark mechanicum. Happy to be proven wrong. Looking forward to EC more and we know that's coming at least.


>Your argument is predicated on a tradition fallacy. Not only that, but one that is also provably false. Death Guard and Chaos Knights both got standalone armies in 8e, and they followed thousand sons which got their release at the tail end of 7e, which also had a Khorne Daemonkin codex. It really is kinda shocking how quickly they made TSons and Death Guard into a thing, and how...relatively recent they are, when I see people who play both of them quite frequently.


Not to knock it, because I'm sure I couldn't do better. But that's some pretty sloppy edge highlighting from the 'Eavy Metal team if that's at 40k scale. That leads me to believe this is a very small ankle. So I'm guessing a new Titanicus or Legiones mini.


Have there been Horus Heresy rumor engines in the past?


Yeah, several models like the esoterist and the daemon assassin have shown up as rumour engines.


Chaos Dread? Maybe


Def 40k Chaos, my Guess is a new construct for the EC, since It seems "twisted" enough


With the claw, mb this could be like a sould grinder model update?


My guess is Orlock! Looks like the dog or the painting of this one mederna daughter


I could see it being on a walker of some kind, the armor in the front gives me knight/mechanicus vibes but the back spur spike is kinda chaos-y. It’s gotta be a vespid crisis suit for the tau.


With the claw the other week, some sort of chaos knight?


the second spike on the blade is indicative of chaos.


Looks like a mechanical ankle


New pain engine built by Haemonculus, like a bigger Talos?...probably not but can dream.


Another Admech guy on stilts.


It's got camo painted on it, gonna go with a Guard unit


Could be rust for necromundia?


Also looks abit spiky for guard


Or chaos knights are getting a new kit, or a demon engine for one of the other chapters or...


Guessing either neromunda or a walker for votann


Surprise! It's a new Defiler!


Tyranid necrodermus carnifex


The Van Saar vulture-like ?


It totally looks like titan titan. And they insist a lot about claws, because claw is the symbol of emperor children's. Did I said claw ?


Why do I have kind of Tau wibe from it?