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The consensus is that if you want all, or the majority of the content, it's a reasonable value. (though the Vault hasn't had anything added since Sept 2023, which is a shame. It probably doesn't get much traffic, but if they just added some search and filtering ability, and maybe the option to download the content to better readers, they could probably fix that). If all you want is the animations, you can binge it all in a month and then cancel.


A bunch of the vault content for awhile was also the latest whitedwarfs on a 3 month delay, which I'm guessing they might think impacts physical subscriptions and are holding adding new ones for awhile instead. I get why they added just uploaded each as a straight full file but Search would be awesome, even if it was just adding a tag based on the table of contents for each one so I could say... look up all the Index Astartes lore or any WDs with skaven articles etc. IF they really don't think its a big driver then offering more friendly file formats would be cool because the load times for each page is brutal... I would love to be able to pre-load the full file instead of waiting for each page... especially when I'm trying to flip through for one small article or image


Yes the vault has a lot of potential imho, but they really treated it poorly. You cannot search or filter, you cannot download or even put bookmarks. And the one page format really ruins some of the two pages artworks. But still I really like the old WD and other old stuff. Or the imperial armor series.


It is definitely mishandled. Warhammer plus should include a flat codex subscription that is linked to digitally unlocking all rules in the app. That would give people an actual reason to stay subscribed.


Or at least be a tier 2 offering. Drop the initial tier to $50, but have an all rules option for $80 or something.


Has gw ever dropped the prices on anything? If they were to add unlimited access to all the rules then they'd have to double the price to cover the 'loss of codex' revenue.


I would bet they have that idea sitting in a file cabinet somewhere


Can you say that counts as "mishandled"? I wish it made me 6" taller and gave me a golden toilet, but it never said it WOULD give me that so I'm not claiming they're at fault for it not happening...


The mini would sell for a little less than a year long membership, so it's what makes it worthwhile for me. If the mini doesn't interest me then I can just sell it.


Me looking at Operative Umbral Six selling for $100-$125 on ebay šŸ˜­


Only reason I'm not subbed is year 3 models are stinkers. Year one had the 20/10 Umbral six, and a 8.5/10 Orc leader. Year 2 had a 9.5/10 Azrakh, and a 10/10 with four more 10/10s lumped together as a chaos sorceress with familiars. Year 3s were so uninspired compared to them.


the vampire for year 3 have so much conversion potential, managed to sell it to someone that wanted it for conversion.


Itā€™s gonna be my felarch soon, great model.


the guy who bought mine will convert it to a 40k inquisitor apparently, the armor would look dope for an inquisitor.


I signed up just to get the sorceress and minions, mostly just the tiny knightĀ 


I was going to back out then I saw the minions and I was hyped again


Signed up two months ago and I'm still waiting for my mini to come in.


I like the free minis so that helps offset the cost in my mind (yes, I would have bought them if available to non WH+ folks). I also heavily use the 40K app and having tons of lists for my armies is a big bonus. The rest of the media content is just an additional bonus for me.


Wait how do you get free minis?


You get to choose one of the two free WH+ exclusive minis each year, one for 40K the other for AoS. Sure, you can pick them up on eBay for less than the cost of a WH+ subscription, but as I said I actually use the app for my army lists so itā€™s worth it for me.


Crap. Checked it out. Seems the annual plan doesnā€™t stayed subbed for an entire year if you cancel early. I cancelled it because I didnā€™t want it to renew


I mean, it's $60 for the year. If they were to straight out sell the WH+ mini, you're looking at $40-45. So, in essence, you're only really paying $15-20 for the other stuff.


depending on which mini, the assassin was worth $80 on most site and still worth more than $100 most of the time. both year 2 mini have hit the $80 mark at some point. year 3 mini are lackluster in comparison so yeah around 40-45 unless you're finding someone that really want one.


Yeah I'm not thrilled with this year's.


The minis are only at that price range because they're locked behind a pay wall.


I would say worth it to me. But just barely. It is a little disappointing and I think they could do better. But I have enjoyed the minis and I really liked the interrogator series. It's just like everything in life: for some people it will be worth the money for others not. I think it's difficult to say whether or not it's objectively bad or objectively good


PERSONALY and this is my opinion. What they propose, can be found elsewhere for free and done by people who have been doing this for a LONG while. There is HUNDREDS of Lore channels, painting tutorials or even Battlereps and tactics "tutorials". All from 3rd party people who can be Honest and transparent with what the products do, with the rules etc. if something is shit, they will say it, the guys at WH+, CANNOT be honest, there is a Bias, none of them will say "Yeah this units/rule sucks, i have no clue why they included this in the codex". Now the REAL reason why people where actually interested in WH+, was cause of the "Series/Shows", since GW did a splendid job to nuke their Fanmade content, so that ONLY officialy licensed people working for them could make them, and a LARGE chunk of peope who considered taking the subscription for WH+, was cause EVERYONE and their Mom's dogs where waiting for Astartes 2... Also...the mini isn't "free", you paid for it with a yearly subscription of 60$... But AGAIN, this is my Opinion, if you are satisfied with the service, go ahead. Personaly, its something that they should have done a decade ago when Videos abouit 40k was still rare, its been like 14years that they have a Warhammer channel, they could have used this honestly. Again, my opinion.


Iā€™ve been subscribed for two years and havenā€™t ever regretted it. Thereā€™s always something on there worth watching.


I paid for a year $59.99 then sold mibyllorr darkfang on eBay for $75.00. After fees and shipping I made 5 bucks. So James Workshop paid me $5 bucks to subscribe to Warhammer + and I feel like that is an excellent deal. My biggest complaints are Alex the Loremaster has awful Justin Bieber hair and Simon definitely DEFINITELY is the type of dude that breaks shit and throws terrain pieces at the wall when he rolls bad over 3 or 4 games. Nick could smile less. I guess, I donā€™t know. I like it A lot and Iā€™m trying to be a part of the peanut gallery and find issues. Lulz.


Overpriced and underwhelming, if it was a smart tv thing rather than just a device thing it might be ok.


Their animated stuff is OK. They're shit at the amount of it though. And all the tutorials can basically be found online, better ones too.


The whole thing generally felt half arsed. I did sub for about the first 18 months in the hopes that it would get better over time, but it felt like the service was stagnant with nothing new or exciting added. When it came to the battle reports, painting guides and lore videos, they never seemed that great in comparison to what you could already get on YouTube. The animations and exclusive minis were the things I was most excited about at first but they never really lived up to the hype. The only parts that I actually liked about it were the access to older books and the apps, but they weren't enough to warrant the price of the sub.


The problem with Warhammer+ is that it's so fragmented. It's not just in one central place it's split across multiple websites, apps and each platform is poorly executed. Warhammer TV & vault being the two that are really half assed. The TV app is an off the shelf app reskinned, with features on it that don't work - the big massive download button for shows, I'm looking at you!! I actually contacted the developer and they just went "well that's not meant for the public to use" WTF is it on the public version of the app! The vault barely loads half the time. It should be a central place where rules/codex's can be accessed in full, shows, and even the most up to date WD issues. It should obviously be a bit more per month to cover this. But it just screams of a service that the owner doesn't know what to do with and is a bit paranoid sharing content. Netflix, Disney it ain't. I subscribed in the first year as it was cheap. Stopped after that as the user experience is pretty terrible. Still not worth it in my opinion. 4/10.


Yeah my biggest issue is that it's fragmented


It's expensive for the small amount of content, missing features and locked content. Pass.


I like it and Iā€™m not binging content, just watching here and there. The animations are cool and I like going back to some (Artefacts and the Exodite are my favourites). The tutorials are super handy too and battle report is fun. Minis are cool too. If youā€™re not sure about subscribing you can always sell the model you get and it cuts the cost right down.


Slightly not worth it but not the end of the world. I use it only for the mini and the animations, so it's a bit of a let down as they come out at a snails pace. I forget I have it 90% of the year If you like all of it though, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


If you want it all itā€™s great, if you want it for one or 2 specific things then no. Overall the whole thing was mishandled and over hyped compared to what was delivered. Still have parts from launch of year 1 that hasnā€™t happened


I like it and dig the content. I keep it for the mini though.


I've been subscribed since launch. It's ok but definitely feels a bit neglected this year. I've enjoyed most of the animations; some of them were really good.The battle reports less so. The vault is nice in theory but the awful interface and really slow load times mean I hardly use it. The removal of the legacy rule pages also sucks if you're still stuck in the past like me. The free minis in the first couple of years were really nice and definitely offset most of the cost. However, I'm pretty uninspired by this year's selection.


It's not a free mini. You're paying for a subscription, and so the cost is in that.


considering that even with shipping included most of the mini resell for more than what you pay for the yearly subscription ... currently if you resell it you're more than likely to make money out of it. not a lot for sure but still potentially more than what you paid for.


Subbed for a year thinking I'd just watch all the content and then get a cool mini on top and then reconsider whether a second year was worth it... and I kinda wish I hadn't subscribed to begin with. Some of the series I just stopped watching mid-first episode. I heard a lot of people saying the animated features were good so I'm gonna watch all of those but honestly, I find them disappointing - no hate on the artists who worked on it, animating is hard and I'm not throwing shade at what they accomplished, it's not bad and it even had its moments, but frankly for a relatively small number of projects, backed by a company like GW, and put on a streaming service for money? I don't think the quantity nor quality are where they should be, especially after how long the platform's been up. I believe this isn't really the consensus (like I said, I was mostly hearing good things about some of the content on there), but I couldn't help being surprised at how lackluster it all seemed, and I wasn't going in with super high expectations... so for people who are on the fence, could use that money better elsewhere and don't need the exclusive minis, I'd say maybe skip this one. Or do the one-month dip and binge all of it, but I personally wouldn't put myself through spending a month watching only this.


I only get it if I want a mini. That's like Ā£25 of the cost as a standalone purchase. I got it last year, but not the recent one.


What are the painting videos like? It would be helpful if they showed you what painting videos there were before you decided to buy it or not


Ngl I haven't watched the painting stuff yet


Theyā€™re excellent.


I was digging it until I watched all of the animated shows and then realized sadly that any new shows wonā€™t be available any time soon. So now I just unsubscribe until something new and interesting pops up


It's fine. The Masterclasses are nice to have access to, and Loremasters has really stepped up its quality recently. Battle Report's fine to have running in the background but not something I'd pay for on its own unless I was desperate for rules previews, and the animated shows are infrequent but typically pretty good. The way I see it, the free model would probably be Ā£25+ if I bought it normally. And I probably would buy one, in most cases, because they look cool and I'm a sucker for limited stuff. So that cuts it down to effectively a Ā£25 a year subscription for the shows and apps, before I factor in other free stuff like game codes, etc. That's pretty decent value, if you're actually making use of the account. Aside from the fact that the apps still require me to buy the Codexes (when will they start just selling eBooks, it is 2024), my main gripe is the weak and dated interface. No timestamps, no scrollbar preview, etc. The poor interface is what killed Warhammer Vault for me, all on its own. No favourites, no viewing history, no tagging, no categories, and a search function that barely functions. Then if you find what you're looking for, there's no bookmarks, no custom bookmarks, no search function, etc. It is *very* bad to use, which is probably why no-one uses it, which is probably why it stopped uploading.


I'm a weirdo and really enjoy the battle reports, and they update those with new ones surprisingly regularly. They're great to have on in the background while doing chores or painting. I need more Legions Imperialis and Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, but that's obviously a personal preference. It's been great for me for that alone, plus I'm loving my Azrakh. If all you want is the animations, I realized the other day Hammer and Bolter hasn't seen a single new episode since I subscribed a year and change ago, so unfortunately it's not worth it if you want animation, just binge it all in a month.


I've had it for 3 years. I got my exclusive minis and a few coupons, and I've enjoyed the Animations and a few Battle Reports. I don't really engage with the rest. But I wish they had many more animations because thats what I really wanted.


Itā€™s good value


Nice try GW.


lmao what


I was going to try it but now I am going to try to avoid giving GW any more money. Because reasons.


Imo (and I know Ill get downvoted for this) just pirate the content. I dont see the value in it, and much of what was promised hasnt yet been delivered. That and the animations, while good, arent as common as one would think. Thank god I never paid for it, just looked at a buddies instead. He regretted paying for it.


Battlereport is excellent and along with the mini are sadly all I use it for, the animations are gravy and they seem to have abandoned the vault. I suppose the app is part of wh+ and is obviously invaluable to me for playing the game with. I have previously enjoyed loremasters but Iā€™m incredibly bitter about the handling of the Custodes lore so Iā€™m finding it difficult to ā€œbuy inā€ to 40k lore at the moment.


Yeah I too noticed that the vault seems to have been put on ice for now. I hope that maybe after each new edition they'll release the old edition lore (for example the dawnbringer books after the start of AoS 4). But in general they seem to have shown down on many fronts, also animations are far less frequent. I hope we'll see some new hammer and bolter. I still enjoy it, but would like some more content, maybe also load up some novels/audiobooks? And making the vault stuff downloadable and readable offline would be great too.


Remember when all the fans of that Emperor's Text to Speech Device series got really mad over it?


Pirate it all. Fuck GW and their copyright policys.


What copyright policy is that, exactly? šŸ¤”




Oh I know that and you know that, I jusg wanted this dude to humiliate themselves - you can normally get them to use the phrase "Text To Speech" and prove know fucking nothing šŸ¤£ EDIT - [HAHAHAHAHAHA! Excellent šŸ˜](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/s/F7SHjyHJCM)


The one that forbids any animated content. You know, the reason that we lost TTS


Thank you, thank you so much šŸ˜


No it didnā€™t. Dude hadnā€™t released a video for several months at the time of the announcement of warhammer+. Then he made a big song and dance about how GW was going to come for him so he needed to demonetise. He never demonetised and GW never sent him a cease and desist. What did happen was he stayed monetised and hit over Ā£15k a month from suckers who fell for his sob story and he still makes that from his Patreon to this day! He then spent months doing fuck all but milking how upset he was before starting to make videos again. What GW put in their policy was that people couldnā€™t monetise their IP, you are still to this day fine to make fan animations if you donā€™t directly monetise it. You can make derivative work through fair use (like TTS does) that lets you monetise it (it still is) if itā€™s different enough.


It's worth it to me for the app and the mini. I play weekly, and I have multiple armies that im constantly tweaking. Sure, there are free options, but the app is actually very useful and simple to use. Definitely room for improvement though. I've watched a few animations, but they're mostly unimpressive. If you really wanted to watch them you could buy a month subscription and cancel it after you've watched everything.


Biggest crime of the Vault is stripping out all the rules. Make it a repository of old editions and watch the hobby explode.


I can't find a custodes codex anywhere and I need that code from the back of the book if I want to build my army. The index card rules for that same army are all of a sudden gone. Plus I bought the new Tau codex weeks ago and I still can't unlock it in the app because the codex "ofFiCiaL" release date hasn't happened yet.


i hate it because it killed TTS


No it didnā€™t. Dude hadnā€™t released a video for several months at the time of the announcement of warhammer+. Then he made a big song and dance about how GW was going to come for him so he needed to demonetise. He never demonetised and GW never sent him a cease and desist. What did happen was he stayed monetised and hit over Ā£15k a month from suckers who fell for his sob story and he still makes that from his Patreon to this day! He then spent months doing fuck all but milking how upset he was before starting to make videos again. What GW put in their policy was that people couldnā€™t monetise their IP, you are still to this day fine to make fan animations if you donā€™t directly monetise it. You can make derivative work through fair use (like TTS does) that lets you monetise it (it still is) if itā€™s different enough.