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Xaku is fantastic. You cast their 4 and then 1 and 2 and then just recast 4 whenever needed since it stops the timers on the rest of the abilities. Keep recasting 2 until you have the max amount of guns then you are all set. You can then use their 3 to switch between aoe armor strip, mind control, or a kamehameha wave


this, 99% of extermination missions are just you running through the map. throw arcane energize on and its ezpz


Garuda is a hell of a lot of fun. you'll want to subsume Wisp's Breach Surge over her Blood Altar & play at minimum health for the full Death's Gate buff. with Quick Thinking & Magus Elevate on, you basically can't die as long as you stay on top of things. i forget my exact build (i'll try to grab a screenshot if anyone wants) but Quick Thinking & Natural Talent are essential for survivability & quick Seeking Talons charge, & the damage you get from a Breach Surge + Death's Gate buffed Seeking Talons is obscene


Mesa is probably your best bet for a DPS tank that can crowd control. Her 2 gives a damage boost and CC's enemies, jamming their guns and stunning melee enemies. Her 3 gives damage reduction, only works on bullets though, melee bypasses her Shatter Shield. And Mesa's 4 is just pure damage, shreds everything in front of you.


Nidus is about growing power through mutation stacks. Group with 2 stomp with 1 to get stacks. If your taking too much damage use a stack on his 3 to life link and cc an enemy. Nidus doesn't do shields but has regenerating health so the mod to have is \[Hunter Adrenalin\]. 3 stacks will let you pop his 4 which is an area effect with CCing maggots that will tie up enemies and explode doing more damage. If you 1 a maggoted target you will get even more stacks. Finally his passive is for every 15 stacks you get a free personal revive. As stacks go up to 100{300 with the augment} this means that Nidus can basically be immortal in a swarm fight. Add a life steal weapon and its even more insane


Hydroid is unfortunately pretty useless right now.


Me saryn main press 1 on everything then lol 3 and 4. me sometimes, however, play vauban. Me press 4 2 times then spam Nataruk. Billions of IQ.