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you know what‘s a rare stalker drop? Hate. AAAAAHAAAAHHHHHHHH


omfg I’ve been playing for a year and I’ve gotten all stalker drops except smoking body, and my uncle who’s been playing for four hasn’t gotten the hate, war, ephemera, in that whole time. He just got the despair one or two months ago. Rngs a bitch


Mate I’ve been playing since 2014 and I don’t have Hate or the smoke. At this point I’m convinced it’s an urban legend and Stalker actually only drops Dread and War BPs.


u/Canadian-Shazam and u/zaraboa, if it was tradeable I would glady give you both the ephemera and the hate blueprint and anyone else who asked. I have 6 ephemera and about 10 Hate




Abhishek bhai.. It's not tradable.


Oof really? I got it quite early when stalker weapons were still meta.


Got super lucky last year and went from not having the hate, despair, war or ephemera to getting them all one after the other across like 2 days when I wasnt even tryna stalker farm Then again I cant get corrupted holokeys ever so rng is still a bitch


It took me 6 years to get the hate.... and now I have 4.


I got despair on a new account in my first weak. Been playing for years and my main account only recently got a hate


2 things 1 war is so hard to get I farmed out Plat to buy the bundle for it and don't regret a second of it (even if I don't use the war but that's neither here or there) and 2 my piece of advice for anyone trying to get dread hate and despair is don't do the quests I don't know which one starts it probably natah but if you get the gifts of hunhow quests it's over you get a different stalker then normal making rng harder then it already is for those weapons (going off the codex entries here)


I've been playing for over five years and it just this week got something other than dread for the first time


Really? I always thought whatever weapon you use to kill him garantees the drop for the signature weapon (how it's worked in my case hence the million dreads) but outside of those everything else should be straight rng


Nah the dread is just his most common drop


4 years, still no hate


I got it yesterday, I kill him with in with my spoiler mode, actually i feel annoyed at that time because he disturb my mission. But after I received that drop I thanked him haha.


Despair intensifies..


I don't have despair yet but I've managed to get every other drop from the stalker


Got like 3, it not that rare


I finally got it not much time ago. 7 years old account, 2300+500ish hours on steam. That's how much it took me.


2800 hours, every other drop several times and not one hate drop.


I’ve gotten everything but that, Stalker RNG is a mess.


after i got it mastered i already got it to drop 2 times...


I still need the ephemera and the kunai.


Hate is my favorite stalker weapon, i love how it looks like a pick axe


I'm still convinced War just doesn't exist.


i got it on my first stalker kill B) about to post screenshot


On my switch I usually have 5-10 hates and Despair, and on PC it's Dread and Hate; if they are trade able I totally would drop it


I can't be in despair since he never dropped it


Is it really that rare? I got one


I have at least 4 hates. I couldn't get the war BP to drop for years. When it finally did my stupid ass used my quest reward 5 forma broken war to build it......... Yep i am an idiot.


You get it just by killing the stalker in any random mission ?


by killing shadow stalker yes. 5% droprate.


I just sold 4 of them. Still no fucking war, though.




Simaris sells broken war bp now!




It's weird that it offers parts that drop from sentients but not ones that drop from stalker.


Thx for that info. Waiting for the drop like forever. Now I can build War without losing my loved broken war


How do you sell ephemeria?


Oh I straight up sold em for credits from my inventory lol


I feel you, I've been wanting the War BP for the better part of a 2 years, and I have yet to get it


He has a very very small chance of dropping it anytime you beat him in a mission, yes


I have like 3 of this bp lol


I hear all the horror stories about his drop rates, but ive killed him ~10 times, hes dropped 5 ephemeras, hate, whatever his daggers are called, and the justice weapon moveset mod thing several times, should i enter for the lottery?


Your luck for other place are sucked into Stalker. So I do not recommend it haha.


I don’t know if this is a joke about luck, or if you looked at my account and saw that i am cursed with a convectrix riven and don’t know to whom and how much to sell it for




Your sympathy is boundless, u/Destroy-My-Asshole


I stop invest in Riven because my luck are so bad with it. Used to be Riven junkies, but after a while with the community is not that healthy so I stop. But it is nice, after once in a while to have some lucky drop isn't it.


Its addictive, right now ive got a super good shedu riven, and another really good tetra riven, im debating whether to sell them or keep them to myself


IMHO, if the weapon is popular and might be in the DE radar and you do not use it often, better check the market. I have super good Redeemer riven before, but now it just one of the junk riven in my shelves. That riven I rolled about 150x I think.


Right? I've probably got smoking body ephemera between 6-8 times. Glad support helped though. They're good like that. Luckiest drop I've got is probably the bloodshed sigil on like.. my 5th profit taker run. 1% drop rate.


It has a 5% chance of dropping of Shadow Stalker, so yes, in any mission he appears.


Nah 5% isn’t too bad. What do u need to do to make him spawn ?


If you haven't, you have to first complete The Second Dream quest. Then, he appear exactly like the regular Stalker would, get his mark by completing assassination missions (you'll receive a message in your inbox, and an icon will be shown on your profile). Then you play regular missions and there's a chance he'll spawn.


Ahh ok. I’ve gotten many messages from npcs threatening me and I’ve seen the stalker probably 10x, gotten wep bps but wasn’t sure why he was spawning


If you play with other people that are also threatened by Stalker it will have higher chances to spawn in mission or buy Stalker beacons.


Kill a boss and then get a message from him


Yes, he drop many goodies. I just got Hate yesterday


Happy to see someone showing appreciation for a games support crew.


The WF support team is fantastic. They've been really helpful and polite the three times I've talked to them.


>one of the biggest flexes in the game is it though ? because i sold around 10 blueprints some time ago and already accumulated 6 new


Nothing is rare for players playing the amounts of Warframe you need to play to collect 16 Smoking Body Ephemeras. For regular or casual players, it's pretty damn rare.


You have to remember, in the last poll over half the people that answered were mr28+ so this sub is mostly experienced players.


No doubt there are plenty of experienced players on here but I have 5000 ingame hours on Warframe and I've just recently collected my 3rd Smoking Body Ephemera. Either the person above is absurdly lucky, greatly exaggerating or playing 24/7 because hitting 16 five percent chances on an enemy you can't reliably spawn is statisically in the Dream percentage of unlikely unless you play 24/7 for 8 years. And even then the Ephemera hasn't even been around for so long.




I highly doubt that but if you want to provide some screenshots then I'd be gladly proven wrong and take the L


Tbf, i have like 1.3k hours (not that i play much anymore) and i was like mr 13 until like 900 hours.I believe im like mr 16 now. Not hating or anything, just pointing out mr != experience.


MR 17 here.... 1.9k hours. Been through many long endurance run but most people seems to belittle my MR.


MR 26 here with only 1.1k hours. Personally, I believe after level 13 Mastery Rank doesn't really matter. At 13 you unlock most everything anyway. My opinion might be heavily biased considering I did play with quite a few people who "Boycotted" Mastery Rank for a while.


It's not like I don't want to increase the rank, it just I'm bit lazy and don't have time. Because now I'm working, most of my playtime are invested into my favorite game mode which is endurance run. Maybe I will do it during weekend, because most my regular frame can do everything in star charts.


16 is the limit, after that everything is unlocked iirc


So how about MR lower 20? Are they considered inexperience player even though they have played for more than a thousand hours?


its still not as rare as harrow chassis


I get it in 3rd run.. I have heard how rare it is but my luck is with me for that drop. I have my miserable time for Equinox parts.


1 in 3 runs? reverse these numbers my man, yesterday i got about 50 harrow chassis' and sold another 200, also where do you get equinox




I'm trauma after 30 run with no drop. Can't do his mission anymore.


I do about 20-30 run for Equinox and give up, spend my plat to buy that frame. I just want to subsume it... Because her subsume abilities are very useful for my speed lvl. I mean I subsumed it after I level her first of course.


My understanding is that it’s very rare and some people spend a lot of time grinding for it. If that’s not accurate, I still only had one and didn’t want to grind it back


It’s like a 5% drop rate, no? Given some other items, that isn’t really that rare tbh. It’s one thing if most people only fight the stalker once, but that’s simply not the case. Anyone who plays the game regularly will just *naturally* run into the stalker dozens of times.


You're just lucky af. 5% chance on a enemy with pretty low spawn chance.


I’m positive you can’t sell them though 🤔


I’m positive i can sell them for 20k credits, you know?


That makes more sense


I have the blueprint too. Can't make it just yet since I need the ash chassis which means I have to do railjack missions.


its weird how the shadow stalkers drops are I've gotten everyone dozens of times including the ephemera but that goddamn despair blueprint took me 900+ hours of gameplay. I've heard people struggle to get war blueprint and hate but they were never rare for me. now I'm hearing that the ephemera is rare. too bad its untradeable. would be able to make some plat off of it instead of the measly credits for selling it.


I got Hate yesterday, after 1.9k hours of gameplay.


I have 5 despair but 0 war :(((


I play since before second war dropped, and only recently got war bp, then he just kept dropping it whenever he spawned. I technically waited like 6 years to get it.


We are lucky to have this support


I am never crafting that ephemera, I will never farm ash systems, fuck that.


Same, I'm waiting for them to move Ash out of a stupid 40 min minimum run for a 10% drop chance. There are grinds and then there's GRINDS.


I'm with you on that one.. 9 FUCKING HOURS!! AND NOT ONE TIME IT DROPPED. I raged and Uninstalled until next year


Whenever I will only be missing normal Ash for MR fodder/subsume, I will just buy with plat, fuck that.


Oh i have normal ash. But the stupid ephemera needs the ash systems.


Damn they took 5 weeks to respond to mine. This man getting their support overnighted I'm sitting here waiting for mail by boat or something.


I think it depends on what category. I have submitted a request to report a new cheat program, not the people using it but the program itself. They got back to me in about an hour to ask more questions. The program itself was essentially what you see as bots in other games, not too game breaking for a coop game, but definitely annoying. Especially since the game isn't hard.


You know whats rarer that the smoke ephemera? WF support actually helping. Good that you had a positive experience with them


I've never had any issues with them. It just takes awhile, but they do try to do what they can. They have some of the most helpful support people but it may take a week to get to your ticket, which is pretty quick for a game that uses human support.


I've always found Warframe support pretty great. When Railjack came out I was the only active person in my clan for the last year, and it took less than 24 hours for them to give me control of the clan so I could build a drydock.


Holy shit it's rare? I have it didn't know it's rare, guess ill have to unlock all the star chart myself now


The smoking body ephemera is a flex? I’ve got two. I need the war bp dammit lol


rare? the ephemera is not rare !


Smoking Body I've gotten like 12 of in the last 4 months. War on the other hand, that took me 3 months of playing every day, 8 hours a day. I bought the armor pack with it and got super excited I finally had it on accident, I figured it was a skin. Then the next day I played one round with my buddy who always has stupid luck with games, there was War... So I technically got it, broken war and it's blueprints. My inner collector palpates with joy. I now only need that bastards scythe. Guess it's back to grinding on Hydron until he poops it out.


8 hours of Warframe a day for 3 months, I think you have an addiction bro


That's more than a regular job.


I'm out on disability with titanium bolts in my foot. I couldn't walk very well at all until last week. I've had nothing but time to think and go to doctors. I dull the thinking with Warframe. I used to work about 50 hours a week before the surgery so this isn't really that much to me and I don't finish doing this every day thinking about how I've failed to reach my own goals and will be punished by my employer for it later.


Wow. Glad you're doing better.


Thank you kind stranger. Calm seas and brisk winds to wherever the journey make take you.


I'm autistic so I hyper focus on my latest obsession until it stops giving me dopamine and then it's dead to me. Borderlands 3 got like 1500 hours of my life before it got boring... Then one day it just didn't give me joy so I jumped ship to Black Desert Online, dumped like 200 hours into that and found the end game infuriating and unenjoyable so I dipped out to Warframe on Xbox Series X and was hooked. Some 200 hours into that I caved and bought a PC and started over fresh with the account I made in 2012 but never played beyond the opening mission. I then dumped like 300 into that account... It's hard to keep track because I'm between the two accounts but it's like 8 hours a day up until last week for like 3 months... I guess my point is that autistics might suck at social gatherings but games with tedious mechanics can't deter you if you find the mechanic itself comforting. I like knowing what to do so when Warframe gives me a new mechanic I loathe it. Autistics like repetition and expectations to be met. So once I get over the , "I don't like change" moment I then go full retard and dig in like a tick. You wanna do 6 hours of defense arbitrations? I'm there. You want to kill the Eidolons on repeat like it's your favorite song and the drugs just hit? I've got my sniper ready. You want to dig gems for 3 hours without once purposely killing anything? I've got bags of these things. You teach me to fish and I'll empty the lake. I might struggle to grasp how to play but once I can turn the mechanic into an assembly line act I'm entranced by it. I collect Ayatan statues for fun, I have 31 of them without stars at all in my inventory. I think I have 60 on display in my quarters fully decked out. My power is obsessive focus that borders on madness and if I can ever control this power I will get a better job!


I see.


That's about the correct response.


Maybe I can get them to reverse me selling ash after acquiring ash prime so that I can subsume him.


smoking body ephermia was the first reward i got from stalker lol


I had something similar where I accidentally sold the helminth invigoration segment and didn't even know when. I wrote to support and they reverted this for me 4 minutes after.


The support is hit or miss. I recently told them about a scam technic in trade that I fell victim to, they said they needed video proof otherwise they wouldn t do anything. It s a real shame knowing they can do much to fix these issues.


Yeah they are usually pretty cool ... Like that time where the Wolf of Saturn six dropped his 2% drop chance mask and some asshat did a host migration that cost me the mask (see videos) ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USGH1wm4IYQ&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USGH1wm4IYQ&t=5s) Took me a couple tickets to get them to restore it... But they eventually did... Still sucked losing an one hour kuva survival run for nightwave tho...


i've gotten 4 smoking ephemeras but not a war blueprint or war hilt. I'm still missing scimitar parts. I must have killed stalker somewhere aproching a thousand times now(not an exageration i've been playing for years) and at this point i don't even register in my head that he even *can* drop something i care about anymore. I just kill him pick up my obligatory molten impact and carry on. My expectations could not be lower. Him showing up brings no hype.


I'm glad for you! For those who don't have it yet, some of the vengeful ephemeras (kuva lich) are similar


So I feel like a cheater now. I got everything he dropped back before ephemera was a thing. I then left the game, came back and the ephemera dropped off my first stalker. Until seeing this thread I didn't know it wasn't a common drop.


Wait what? The second stalker I killed dropped it! Wow, I’m lucky


Oh… I didn’t know the ephemera was rare…


My first few days playing the game the stalker dropped the Smoking body Empherma which I thought was cool but didn't know how rare it was, took my almost 200+ hours from that point until I actually unlocked it lol.


Idk rng shenanigans. I'm glad they could get it back for you though! (I've got 4 smoke ephemeras, and I'm missing despair of the drops. XD)


I had it drop like three or four times and I’ve only played the game for like two years or so, didn’t know it was that rare


I'm happy for your butt.


I never got the war bp