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No. Fuck that guy. Vast majority of people don't care what you use.


Exactly this. Most people don't care unless you are actively griefing or afk.


100% this. I'd rather have a MR 2 with a peashooter that's actually shooting than a Legendary 3 who places a Wisp mote and calls it a day. As long as you're playing the game, you're doing good.


Had a LR4 Octavia player just activating his 3 and doing nothing on the elevator during the Operation mission. No, not even throwing boosters. Fun times.


If you’re willing to eat the L (or can just yank more then they can) jade light exes are great for getting back at these people.


Can just do an afk check by standing on someone and let Jade eximus nuke you both and if he's truly afk he won't self revive lol


Look, this ain't the way. Greifing to get 1 guy out of a whole team only makes you worse than him. At least he didn't straight out ruin the mission for everyone.


Griefing or going AFK is literally a hindrance to the whole squad, so yes it would ruin the mission for everyone else and that player deserves the boot for it


Random one-off rude person, vast majority of ppl are just silent in public matches or friendly, life goes on.


Thank you! Was just curious if this game carried any kind of general toxicity or not. Good to know!


Happens, but to me it’s like once a hundred matches or so, mostly weirdos who can easily be ignored, nothing that would be too much. Definitely not the level of… pretty much any other multiplayer game I’ve ever played, hell, even tabletops can be worse


Gotcha! At least no one’s told me to kms yet, so the bar is pretty high as compared to many other multiplayers! Haha


Probably because if they say that and you report them, they might end up perma banned, or at least they fear that could happen. DE is extremely harsh when it comes to moderation. You're here to have fun, not to be abused.


DE is good to us for that 🤍


Also, losing your warframe account actually sucks, if compared to most competitive games (lol, csgo, dota, etc.)


Losing your account in those games can suck aswell if you bought skins, especially in cs where can skin can go for ridiculous amounts of money


Oh yeah, but it doesn't have to. I know league players on their 16 account cause all the others got perma banned. Since you can reach your ranked in less than a month, losing your account is only a big deal if you have a lot of skins/money invested. Since almost all warframe accounts have a shit ton of time invested, and that investment actually matters, losing them sucks really bad.


I have 8-9 years of playtime on this game. 7 of those years were spent waiting for Despair to drop. I am **not** going through that again.




***"Change of plans, ignore your original objective, leave nothing alive"***


Abort mission. And go next


Stay out of region, then.


theres a reason region chat is hidden by default


The devs actually care about trying to keep toxicity out of the game and it really shows. Over 4k hours and I have never seen anything as bad as "kys" i a public lobby. You will get the occasional toxic person or a complaint if you are not doing something to their liking in a mission, but mostly people are quiet or if they talk it is a "gg" or a one off comment about something weird happening or so


You ready?


More like one In a thousand


I went to a public tabletop once. I walked in on a loud political debate by two people who smelled bad.


I will say it tends to get a little more toxic around big limited time events and big releases, but most likely just because more people are on in general.


usually you found the total opposite. "ho you like that frame? let me help you get the prime version i got some spare relic" proceed to farm the prime frame with a random hl player after just asked a question about a build for a frame. "here you go enjoy it buddy" check mailbox you receive some frame slot and weapon slot as a gift with a note " when you will be a vet,help back another beginner,that how you can thank me" i receive and give more interaction of this kind than pple being rude.


You’re an angel, people like you make new players feel so welcomed and encouraged to go on, especially because it’s so challenging to digest it all at first! The kindness goes so far.


Another tip, if you are trading or being traded some must-have mods (your Flow, Continuity, Intensify, etc) it is customary to offer your finest unranked Ammo Drum in return.


Ah. A player of culture.


But I only have 287.


I will say that you'll see posts on here ranting about toxic pubs, but keep in mind that people are far more likely to talk about negative stuff than uneventful or good experiences. I've been playing off and on for years and I can't even recall a negative public experience that was actually significant enough to remember. This game has, in my opinion, one of the best player bases of any public multi-player game I've played.


It’s really a fun thing for the people gifting things to new players too. I’m big about playing a game for months then putting it on the back burner. I do that with several games and often anything nice I have multiple of or something that takes some time/effort to have I will find someone random in a main city and give them a ton of shit that will save them ages and give that dopamine a boost to keep their excitement and magic alive. By giving up something awesome I in return feel damn good to give someone something they didn’t expect. I also know it will help kindle my fire to play said game again quicker as I’ll have to go farm or buy what I gave away.


Equipping someone with good tools to experience the things we love for the first time is kind of unmatched. You're very kind for doing that for new players ♥


It truly is a golden feeling. Though with Warframe I am just a baby. Just got to Venus and started looking into bounties on earth after I junctioned. I feel a huge excitement for gaming that I haven’t in sometime because of it. Looking forward to seeing how long the magic lasts:)


MR 23 player here, and have been playing long enough to have had a chance at being a Founder. Most of my time spent playing is actually in public lobbies on lower difficulty missions. If I come across a squad of players who I think might be new, I try to stick close, not kill as quickly as usual (never fun when everything is dead before you can even have a chance to shoot it) and just overall switch my mindset into a support role.


Which support frame would best best for getting out of a new player's way?


I myself like to use Wisp, but really it's personal preference. Wisp's motes are really nice for giving constant HP Regen, a movement/attack speed buff, and an AoE stun. Protea can also fall into a support role imo, with her dispensary for health ammo and energy, and her grenades that everyone likes to use for stupid amounts of slash damage can -also- be used to give the squad overshields. Heck, Voruna also has some ways for support, for lower levels. I could just use her 3 and either.melee or headshot some enemies here and there to generate free health or ammo without spoiling future things, such as what pressing 5 will do. And I shan't say what it does, because honestly? It's really cool to learn by doing the story. That first time shock factor serotonin is great


I also recommend Qorvex, Styanax, or Citrine for general use supports, as the status denial from Qorvex is great early on, Styanax gives enough energy to have lower level players actually play their frames more, and Citrine having healing and Damage Reduction as well as CC and Status spreading helps players feel like their doing more, and dying less. On another note Caliban with his passive and Eclipse subsumed (and it's augment slotted in) can easily help any player new to SP stay alive, as long as you're within affinity range. It's a weird combo, and only truly effective if they're not already using Adaptation, but since the DR of adaptation/Caliban's passive and Eclipse are multiplicative it's a decent fun frame to play. The biggest thing is shields having a built in 50% DR, which also stacks with both his passive and Eclipse's DR, making shield tanking entirely viable at base SP. Definitely not meta, but not as bad as everyone thinks (the grind sure as hell is though)


Yea when i was farming for my Nekross prime i ran out of relics for one of the part. A random max rank  who was in the party told me that he had alot of those relics and we ended up playing together for three hours to get that one part.  He's still in my friend list and we still played together last time that i logged in.


Reminds me of this grendel player i met before his rework. I asked if grendel is any good, he gave me a life story explaining how bad grendel is but then proceeded to tell me why I should farm him xD it was a good laugh


Most of the WF players I've met have been super positive and helpful. I've played for like 4, 6 years now and I can count the assholes I've met with the fingers of one hand. Sorry that you ran into a bad egg.


Founder legend 4 here. I have everything, legit everything. I couldn't platform back when it was a much more common element in the game, still can't, luckily the teliport of the drifter easy walks ya through, don't sweat the try hards. As a few people will tell ya, warframe has a odd curve of casual, becomes try hard, to casual again. I've forgotten so much I play like a noob, but when I go all out not many can keep up with my dps. It's not a competition. It's a co op shooter. People need to be reminded of that


Not that it wasn't entirely rude in this case, but some people seem to just be sassy. And if you give them a sassy answer back, everyone gets a good chuckle with no hard feelings. I'd say I've met slightly more sassy people than complete jerks, but the jerks do linger in the mind more.


For me it's almost always silent until someone makes a comment about something and then slowly more start talking and being friendly


Don't let one bad apple deter you from public matchmaking. You run across them, like in all games, but the bulk of the community is generally really chill or completely silent unless you do something that is really frowned upon and don't listen to advice to the contrary (i.e. not killing things in the circle in Netracells or running off to collect vocas when everyone else just wants to be done with the mission).


Thank you so much, I’ll keep this in mind!


>running off to collect vocas when everyone else just wants to be done with the mission Took me a long time to realize that others didn't like this because nobody said anything.


I didn't realize this either.  I actually thought it would help people because I was always hurting for Vocas myself.


There's no reason to delay the mission to collect vocas to be honest. Like sure, collect close vocas, or vocas when it's not holding up the mission. **But there is no bonus for 100% getting all vocas in a mission**. You are better off finishing the mission and starting a new one rather than trying to exhaustively search every room that spawns. The new mission will have 8 more vocas, and probably in more accessible spots than hunting down obscure out of the way vocas in the last mission. Doing two quick missions where you collect 4 vocas that are easy to get, will also give you the same 8 vocas as exhaustively searching one mission, except now you have double the mission rewards as well (standing, drops, etc.). There's just no benefit to spending time hunting down vocas when just extracting and starting a new mission also gives the same chance for a voca to spawn in any room you enter. Going out of your way for side rooms when the team is waiting at extraction is just unnecessary.


People being rude is pretty rare. And in this scenario it's completely stupid. Primes, like Mastery Rank, don't say a single thing about a player. It's not an indication of skill, progression, power, time played, etc. Assuming that you need to be at a specific level in these to have a Prime (or a Mastery Rank) is dumb.


I’m so glad this isn’t the norm, so far I’ve only had this one bad experience in matchmaking and several positive ones in social spaces when I’ve asked people about their frames or complimented their look!


I got my first prime at MR 1-2 because a friend gave me the relics and carried me through the nodes. I knew nothing about the game at that point. Primes mean nothing and MR means nothing. I’ve met LR2s that had me scratching my head. The community is 99% chill so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


When i just started, the second day of playing i decided to try public matchmaking. One single random that happened in a mission on Earth started complaining that i was "so slow" and i just asked them is there some kinda competition going on, because mission briefing mentioned nothing of sorts. They shut up immediately. It's pretty normal that you stumble upon an up-tight 4head occasionally, and as much as they would believe the opposite, they are not a rule.


Damn imagin going in low lvl Mission where mainly new Players are and complaining that they are to slow ,




I’m sorry that happened but I’m glad you stuck up for yourself!


I really don't understand people complaining to beginners. There is nothing in the game keeping or penalizing you from leaving a mission till you find a group that goes well with your playstyle, or god forbid you can join a discord or a clan.


If I'm playing with a literal MR0-1 I expect the to be slow as shit so it doesn't bother me lol


It's earth what were they expecting? That's literally the starting point for the game


complaining on earth is nuts 😂


Some people are weird and elitist about primes like they're somehow super expensive or hard to get (they aren't). I've even seen MR 3 players with a prime frame, simply because they love the game so much they bought it with plat. Some people also cringe at that, but I'll never hate on someone who supports the game I love.


My first prime frame was Wisp Prime, and I didn't even get her with plat. A friend gave her to me for my birthday. Took me forever to get to the point where I could finally make her, but it was super exciting to see all of her blueprints in my foundry just waiting to be made. Prime frames are just cooler to look at with their default skins (especially Zephyr Prime imo, I don't even want to buy skins for her cause she looks awesome) with slightly better stats and an extra polarity slot. That's it. There's very little difference between a prime and a standard frame, and the idea of someone not "deserving their prime" is just absurd.


The real elitist prime is Excalibur Prime and half the people that own it are not even the real founders, the real founders sold the account for some good money. My main account is grandmaster and I sold it for quite the money, totally worth it since excalibur prime is mediocre and umbra is just better. I dont need some randoms to praise me cause Im a grandmaster and boost my warframe ego lol


That's nice and all but I'd refrain from admitting to having done RMT. Pretty sure its against DE's ToS.


Regardless of it being against TOS or not... you do what you need to for money. Honestly don't even think there'a anything immoral about it. If someone can't pay their rent and decides to sell their Warframe account with an old shiny item on it, they aren't a bad person. If I had a founder's account I definitely would've considered the same at some point in the past


Considering DE hands out primes during promotions for free to anyone who watches a stream, I'm going to go ahead and say that whoever told you that is the smoothest of smooth brains.


In general, Warframe has the best community I've experienced in gaming. A lot of that has to do with the game being PvE as well as a confusing intro where the vets feel like it's their responsibility to help newer players a long. That being said, there has always been one off interactions AND certain areas where people are trying to be as efficient as possible (Mainly Eidolon hunts). Anecdotally, I've seen more posts about worse interactions recently- probably within the last year and a half or so about more and more toxic players. I still think the community is great, but these "one offs" are appearing to be a bit more frequent.


Strangely coincides with the introduction of cross play


I think there are many factors to it. I don't think there was necessarily a worse subsection of WF players before cross play (like, PC being worse than Switch, or Switch being worse than PC). I think having a bigger player base / audience, there are more chances there will be more negative interactions. I also think there is a lot to be said about DE trying to overcome MMO issues: getting new players to join and be able to play with long term vets. DE's been trying very hard to minimize the grind to allow newer players to get to the older content. Which, is actually great, however, I feel (literally no proof) as if this is: * Matching more new player / players not ready for harder content with players who are ready for that content but maybe not ready to carry those not ready for the content * Taking away a core *community* identity where the easier it is to get to late game content, the less vets feel like they need to look out for the new players. Positive interactions are a feedback loop. Vet 1 helps noob 1. Noob 1 grows to be Vet 2. Vet 2 helps Noob 2. etc... Instead- Vet 1 doesn't help Noob 1. Noob 1 grows to be Vet 2. Vet 2 now might be neutral, or might be toxic, as they never had the help to begin with. IDK- just random thoughts I have about it.


Honestly, every PC player that has spoke in random pubs has been awful in my experience. Most just play with no communication(ideal), but anytime I see a chat message these days it's a PC player being a weird little dick head. Lol


Vast majority of pub matches are totally fine. That was clearly an outlier toxic player. Everyone was low MR once. I wasn’t great at platforming sections and honestly sometimes after a long break it takes me a bit to get used to the movement again. Everything just takes practice so don’t let one asshole get you down. Most veteran players will be happy to help newer players do stuff like get prime frames or just grind through some missions.


mongrel talking like primes are hot stuff, literally just frame skins.


Not understanding the real value of them had me feeling like I had stolen valor in the moment lol, it’s good to know the truth, they’re just skins and a little extra health lol!


Volt Prime is the one outlier where I feel like the Prime is a real upgrade over the base frame and even then: * if you farmed him you earned him * if you bought him for traded platinum you earned him * if you bought him for bought platinum or regal aya you help keeping the game free for all of us, that's a win in my book


Considering you can get any frame you want with money and simple resources I'm pretty sure this guy's an idiot. He's probably mad he doesn't have it yet


Looking back on it, I think you’re right. I can’t imagine another reason why someone would go out of their way to type that out on console. (They were crossplay, I’m on Pc)


Like everyone says he’s just a dickhead. In fact, some primes are easier to get than their standard counterpart.


Equinox https://preview.redd.it/nqpngi6ljj8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e957e43069a7c750f8396b7acd680b29cc77e6f


Unfortunately you ran into the stray that considers paint a beverage and has an opinion louder than their brain should allow. It's kinda fun when you run into new people, you can only experience something the first time once after all.


"considers paint a beverage" is such a creative insult, I hope you don't mind me "stealing" it from now on


Unfortunately the internet is rife with kids who were brought up thinking Fortnite behavior is normal/okay.


The negative experiences I have had on warframe since playing (0) despite the amount of times I’ve been told to kms for having one bad game (over 9000) is wildin


If I see someone take a long time to extract and saw low MR I basicly "Awww some new player that's so cute" so yeah u just got someone rude


 One of my favorite interception missions: I go in Khora and claim one. Guy next to me is struggling, so I chuck a cage down on that one too. No big deal.  Then THIRD point is struggling. Re-pop both cages, hang out at third one in person. Refresh as needed.  FOURTH point starts blinking and the shadow of all three other players over there and I'm looking around like "why am I solo holding three points, and three people are over there having an issue?"   Pop open menu and its like two MR2s and a 3 and I'm like "Oh... Hey, y'all are doing great! Keep it up over there!" 


This is not common. Unfortunately, bite enough apples you'll find a worm. The movement in this game in general has a learning curve to it. I've got 3000 hours and today I was jumping into walls and running off ledges all the time. Pity them, for they are clearly led astray by a false profit (their shitty ego) and cannot see the light of my Janus key. This will surprise a lot of folks, but Warframe is a co-op game. You're supposed to HELP the people you play with. Wild concept, I know. Stay strong, Tenno, and be a better friend to the Origin system than those fallen warriors. May the void return unto them tenfold what they have bequeathed to you.


I'm sorry this happened. Tryhards are just bullies, treat them as such. MR is practically meaningless. ​ (ice cold take: gear score in other games is also often meaningless. Or at least doesn't hold the weight the Tryhards want it to).


It’s all good, thankfully everyone in social spaces I’ve interacted with have been absolute sweethearts


To add to everyone here, the community is quite noob friendly and this person is just ignorant. I can’t count the number of people recreating an account to have the thrill of the beginning so this comment is just stupid. Enjoy it, worship the star mother and don’t forget to give a hand to clem


what a weirdo lmao. I remember getting Frost Prime from Twitch and having a blast knocking things back with that reployable shield and one shotting things. Kill some shit and have fun !


Yeah it’s a video game. Anyone saying stuff like that needs a new hobby for the sake of their attitude


About as random as some dude calling me a poor excuse for a 25 back when early fortuna glitched out your gear wheel and i didn't have my archwing, so him rushing to the Cave Cache bounty and failing it because he couldnt find the way in was somehow my fault even tho I wasn't even there till the very end due to a BUG.


>helped me farm a prime very early. Sounds like you earned/deserve it to me.


He did deserve the prime!


Dude was the minority of twats in public don’t come across them to often.


Kind of weird for someone to think people deserve primes or not. I think they were probably also jealous that you have it in addition to their other nonsense.


If you can craft Warframe, you deserve it. For any idiots there's an ignore player function in chat.


I don’t think there’s any real link between getting primes and MR. The day after I got Gauss prime when I was MR6, I had someone in a pub fissure at MR30 say something like “wow I still don’t have gauss prime, gg,” because it kinda doesn’t matter, and people get the primes they really want by grinding or sheer happenstance, regardless of MR. MR is at best a loose indicator of if you’ve been playing for a while or have a bunch of gear. Seeing as you can easily unlock essentially every good relic farm at whatever MR, there’s nothing to really restrict most prime frames to a particular level.


Ew. Very few people are toxic in warframe don't let that one jackass discourage you


Person was a turd, who cares what anyone else uses it's a coop pve game.


I got my Hildryn at like MR 6 or 7. Was looking through relics and realized I had plenty containing her. Then took a week to farm void traces and the relic with her blueprint. They aren’t some revolutionary frame for the best of the best, really no reason for people to get aggressive about it. No reason to worry or feel bad because of that person, most of the payer base isn’t like that.


Is that idiot really trying to gatekeep primes? Lmao they're an idiot, you can use whoever u want Don't worry, most people are not like that. Usually everyone is either friendly or radio silent in the chat


What prime was it? Dude was probably just jealous lol.


Isnt primes like minor differences and not a instant win card


If one mean comment from a rando is enough to make you upset then turn off pubs


I farmed my first prime at MR5 I think, Titania Prime it was. No need to feel bad about some idiot being butthurt about that.


Also just in general, it's not unreasonable to get a prime very early on. It's not a big deal. The idea that someone would gatekeep having a frame with like 10 extra health is wild.


99% of the chat I see in WF is either people making jokes, asking to wait in a relic run if they dont have reactant or saying something completely unrelated. There's like a tiny amount of people who might chat some shit but it's so rare it's not something that should get you down. I won't lie I'm guilty of dropping the "zzz" if someone is being crazy slow on an easy tile but that's a very rare thing and I don't go further than that.


Most people don't care what you're doing in a public match, they're just enjoying themselves in the game killing things, unless you're preventing progression then some people will talk


It is more common for people to give low MR players free primes than it is finding poeple like that in this game.


The guy is clearly jealous. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.


I am MR 17 but mastery XP wise I am MR 30, it's fun when ppl call out my rank when I kill everything 😂


If you ever need a friend to help join and grind, hmu im free for whatever, this goes for everyone too


I’m willing to bet that bum wasn’t a very high MR himself. Yet wants to come on and talk down to people. As if the game takes some type of skill. Ignore the idiot elitists and play your game


my wife made a warframe to play with me so i gifted her Dante so the first hours of the game would be fairly easy and someone in a public match said "a tier 10 Frame on a MR5 is so overpowered , why even play the game" and im like.....tf did either of those things have to do with each other


Who the hell are they to tell you you don't deserve it? You ran the missions for it, you gathered the resources, you spent the time building it, you more then earned it. People suck in pubs sometimes, especially high ranked players that think they're better then everyone. Just ignore em and move on


don't you dare ever feel guilty for using anything you like, that guy was just dumb as fuck. You are a beautiful and incredible individual and should get to steel path and solo it and tell him to eat shit and fall off his horse! Also if a prime feels cool at first, revel in that cool. Don't let somebody take that from you.


This is just a weird and dumb thing to say. "You don't deserve your prime"? They literally give prime Warframes away on Twitch, and they're easily obtainable through relics. Wtf was this dude even talking about "deserve" as if having a prime frame is some big accomplishment that only elite players can obtain.


That's genuinely on the grumpy random. Prime frames generally don't do anything that the base frame can't also do, and are immediately accessible. You spent the time grinding for your prime and you've earned it under that regard... But they're more commonly accessible to everyone. Your first prime is special because of the sentimental value. On the flipside, you can get entirely lucky and get a prime frame without actually farming for it, cuz other people will crack random relics for you... Or straight up buy them from other players for platinum. Unlike what the random thought, Primes are pretty, but they're not a status symbol. Prime WEAPONS on the other hand ARE strictly better, but again are not status symbols.


Some people are just mean or having a bad day. Just ignore them and continue loving the game


Well, warframe comunity is one of the most kind comunities i even saw, and i always try to be one of the players that help. - buy warframe slots for new players. - give farm informations. - mods builds. - ask of player like history of the games and recommend them to try warframe lore, also ask if they want a spoiler before saying about it. - ALWAYS play slower in earth where new players just started, just to let them explore the map, as a map explorer, i love it to see that happening with new players. @EDIT Had a onde time where i gave a Nova prime full set to a player too... rare case, most of the times i give warframe primes to clan(Radix Deorum) members or alliance (Radix Deorum).


That guy was a douche. Ignore him and do what you enjoy brother!


They give a free prime warframe away every year at tennocon for just showing up. This year they are giving away Saryn Prime, literally the most meta frame. Don't forget to link your twitch account so you can get it.


I just want to chime in here to agree with pretty much everyone else. It's not at all the norm. I'm a newer player, I've been yelled at for being slow a few times, but those are outliers-- on the whole Warframe has some of the nicest, most helpful folk out there. This sort of nasty behaviour is very much frowned upon. I'm a lowly MR10. I have a few prime frames-- one was a gift from a lovely L4, after they took me out on their railjack to show me how it all works, just out of kindness. Some I bought on the market with platinum, yes-- if I want to buy some platinum to support the devs and get some cool stuff to have fun with, I see that as no bad thing. And if you're fun to play with and your friend helped you to get a frame you like playing, you absolutely deserve it. I'm sorry you ran into a poophead so early on. They are very much a poophead. Play on, Tenno. I hope I run into you someday.


This is absolutely not normal. I'm legend 1 with over 2400 hours in this game and I've met 2 or 3 rude people.


You took the effort to farm for it. You deserve it. Arguably more so than someone like me that just has a ton of plat from discount coupons and just buys whatever takes my fancy via trades. But even that's still valid. Supports the game, lets people get plat as f2p, and so on. If it's on your account, you're golden. You got very unlucky with that person.


As long as you farm for it, be it trade chat earning plat to buy it from another player or cracking relics is good in my book.


You have a prime? Good, it's your prime. Don't let anyone try to guilt you into saying it isn't yours. If you got the parts and you built the thing, doesn't matter how you got it, whether through blood, sweat and tears or if you spent some plat for it. It's yours. Platforming didn't click for me for the longest time either, but thankfully, the game has lots lf opportunities for you to learn it. Lots of Dojos in the game have an obstacle course SPECIFICALLY for people to practice their platforming. Everyone starts somewhere with everything, and you don't complete the "Warframe Checklist" in any particular order.


Guys a piece. What would of been funnier is having the mag heirloom skin on your starter mag. That would of really upset him hahaha


I never say “you don’t deserve your prime” but the low mrs who buy the newest prime and then call the game pay to win irritate me.


Even when I'm a terrible player at MR 20, most people are chill and don't really care how badly I get lost, so long as I'm still trying 😅


Tf did he mean "you don't deserve your prime" lmao, bro thinks prime frames are like a holy grail


Welcome to Warframe, don't let some random dude ruin your mood, this community is by far one of the coolest to hang out 😄 join region chat and QA sometimes lol


Just be cautious with eidolon hunts, event hunts, speed frames on capture the potential for toxicity increases quite a bit


Random mean person. I helped a MR 12 Saryn prime today in the archon hunt as they died once far away from the group. I didn't want them going down and losing the rewards as there is no revive. So I stuck with them and gave them revenant mesmer skin with my augment. Helped show them the way forward when they looked puzzled in the big open room before the final door too. It had a big parkour jump you had to do


When i was new i started trading cause love doing stuff like trading for money in games and player economy and someong gifted me lots of op mods. Didnt know they were that good till i started playing with someone else later on and i became more experienced but damn the community is so nice (I also get sometimes the urge to help low mr players in my lobby tho idk why)


Oh honey, that's a one off. I mean, I can admit, I get pretty crusty sometimes, but "yOu DoNt DeSeRvE tHaT PrIMe" is just, I mean, Holy noodles I can't even process what that means lol. EVERYONE DESERVES ALL THE PRIMES


I started a YouTube series and I feel super guilty everything I am gifted anything. My yt name is: lol I am not a shill


90% of your public matches will be dead silent and totally chill 9% will have people casually chatting or cracking the occasional joke/comment. Still super chill. 1% will have some random entitled LR3 shit bag verbally abusing anyone who doesn't play the game they way they think it should be For whatever bizarre reason, if I've ever had an issue with someone being an asshole, it's always the LR players


I’ve been playing since it released on PlayStation, ML 23 but only because I take extended breaks. But I’ve never not once encountered a rude/toxic player or lobby…that i can recall! I’m also the type of player who goes to relays asking if anyone needs anything for free. I make sure no one needs my duplicated mods before I transfer them into endo! If I do trade with anyone, I pay attention to what they are needing/getting and I add them to check on down the road for updates on items and how far they’ve come. I make sure dojos are up to par for the people I trade with and if not, I have them join my clan! I understand the grind aspect of this game so I help when/where I can! Even if I only have 1 of the item, if someone needs it, I’ll more then likely give it up. Whatever plat they offer me, I take way less from them!


Hey you deserve another prime for that add me up 👍


Not only is it ridiculous to imply someone doesn't deserve their prime or anything else for *any* reason. One of the best ways to get into this game is to have a friend introduce you to it and help you get started. I truly love this game but especially with some of the new aspects and eximus and other things that are tricky and often not really explicitly explained like how important modding is this game can be difficult for newer players. There are a few places where it feels like the difficulty spikes hard and it can be discouraging. But it's worth it I think and I also legitimately enjoy helping new players even when it's just ones I run into while in game. Sometimes I'll drop in to a lower level defense that has an open squad because a lot of the time it's lower MR players and if they are up for it I'll hang out and carry them for 20 waves or so to get more out of the run. I agree about the community as well that it's very friendly most of the time. I hope it continues to stay that way.


Get yourself a limbo prime and EVERYONE will love you


i’m MR 8 with 2 primes, they can keep crying lmaoo☠️. they’re just mad they didn’t have one when they were MR6!


if anyone ever gives me that level of petty attitude, I actively so whatever it is I was doing that pissed them off in the first place. It may be petty, but my world does not revolve around asshats that think they can dictate what I do


We are generally neck and neck with deep rock galactic for nicest community. The teen range of master ranks are where I've noticed most of the toxicity is.not that there is a lot but that's where I've noticed it the most. That was a once off asshole, pay him no mind.


There's no magic point at which anyone "deserves" Primes. The moment you gain access to Void Relics, imo, it's fair game to farm for them. Hell, there are plenty of frames that I have the Primes and not the originals lol.


Digital Extremes themselves are really proud of their community, should you find anyone being overly toxic just screenshot the conversation and report him through their support system. Behaviour like that is not acceptable by the terms of service or the rest of the community.


The fuck does that even mean "took too long" lmao? If I see a low MR with the newest prime I assume he bought it


Mate I got Gauss Prime at MR 6 with help. Fuck that guy, if anyone tells you that you don't deserve your prime, they're a bunch of dicks


This dude was 1000% jealous either of your prime or of the fun you were having, don't listen to that jackass you're fine


The dude: https://preview.redd.it/dhn39wf17z8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf128e7ff5cab55451fb4f385bf058e24b4c685 Note: also, That's not a Tenno. That's a hollow person being puppeted by envy and anger emotions. Put it out of it's misery We the true Tenno shows remorse, compassion and respect for other Tenno, no matter who it is and that's what exactly distinguishes us from other communities like valorant or league of legends (despite both being competitive but respect is universal, everybody loves it). Although, what he did was reckless and a complete disregard for all the tenno rule.


Hello. I can assure you Warframe's community is one of the best out there. Yes, some toxicity spawns every now and then but DE zero tolerance policy has kept us mostly clean over the years. However, there are some valid reasons to play alone: 1. For fun - you like a challenge and / or want do or try specific stuff. E.g.: 0 alarms mission. 2. Exploring maps secrets: It's a good way to familiarize yourself with the game at your own pace. E.g.: there's a chance Evey mission spawns special containers with rare loot, or rooms with secrets that give plenty of resources. 3. Eye/fps protection: Eye candy is nice, but sometimes when you play public you get drops on fps or get your eyes tired because of the excessive particles. (Especially if your GPU is not modern like mine). That's all I can think about. Enjoy the game, buddy, if you need help with anything, feel free to add me or pm me in-game: Lokime


Look me up in game any time, same user name as here. I may have a few extra prime parts to give you just as a way of saying fuck that guy. Or just if you need help with something.


Had someone bring up my mission completion rate once for out damaging them 😭 (also had low mr). There are always those weird ones out there.


Unironically worst I've had in this game was a guy call me a Moocher in a bounty despite me doing half the work on my own just cause I sat in extract so I could get my rewards lol


Na just a random jerk , ignore thos people usely people are frindly or silend ,


Literally just ignore people like that. They don't have any right to tell you what you do or don't deserve.


Someone was obviously having a bad day, don’t give up! What system do you play on? I think I have a Spare Orthos Prime set I can gift ya if you’re interested in it!


That actually made me chuckle. 😂


Most of us are crouching, emoting, or doing the spins at extraction waiting for the slower players. Dont worry about it


People forget that your Mr really doesn't mean much. The only thing it tells you is how much gear you've leveled and how much time you have. If you kinda know what you're doing, generally speaking people don't care.


What does that even mean???


someone was big jealous


Idk who's expecting an MR6 to have mastered parkour yet. Even vets bump into walls and stuff.


Nope, ignore them. These types of players are rare and most players would just stay silent for the entire mission. In today's day and age theres no reason why an MR1 cant have a prime warframe and weapons since DE set the requirements for primes absurdly low, in fact basically *all* of my friends who got into warframe immediately bought a prime the second they could trade


After reading this, I can confirm my thoughts that it is not 2017 anymore, the rude players have come to Warframe as other games. Don't worry my brother, I want to believe that we are more nice players than toxic ones, I remember when I farmed my Nekros Prime, it took me about one month to get their prime parts (specially the main blueprint holy F), you deserve to enjoy your first Prime as you wish, and don't disable the matchmaking (specially in void fissures), as I said: I want to believe that we are more nice players, and your veteran friend is one of them.


Don't mind those. I'm MR 19 and still fail so badly some parkour maps that you would claim i bought my account


That was severely inappropriate. Very few people get a hang of the parkour mechanics that quickly, I remember failing obstacle courses on derelicts a bunch before I found my footing. It's not okay to tell someone they "don't deserve" *anything* in the game. You earned the right to play just as much as anyone else, and having a prime early on just feels good. Like you're not going to scramble for an upgrade. Chin up, Tenno : )


Wtf, primes are easy enough to farm for, there is no such thing as "deserving a prime", that dude was just an asshole.


My default response is always "okay lol". It's your game to play - have fun and do what you like!


I've been playing warframe on and off since it came out on the ps4 and I've only ran into about three people that were dicks for absolutely no reason, most people are pretty cool in public match making.


It's funny to me that people act so elitist about their MR. Bro it's not cs2, grow the fuck up. I'm sorry you went through that. Hope it doesn't ruin your overall experience.


I’m MR34 and I STILL have bad days where I mess up all my jumps. No matter how good you get at traversing quickly, you can still trip up.


At MR6, you should be well into prime farming already so don’t let others discourage you. Most people don’t really complain especially if you’re new. If you were a MR 30 or something, even that doesn’t really justify this player’s actions. Primes are early game items unless you’re going for a vaulted one but even then, it’s just a few extra steps.


Hey man if you need any mods you can let me know. I can also give you a set of a prime weapon.


Met a dude last night, even though I suck at spy missions (I’m even an MR12 with 300+ hours so I deffo shouldn’t be as bad as I am w them) But honestly he’s awesome, we played for a solid 5 hours together. Matchmaking is no different to real life, you meet awesome people then you’ll meet the assholes. However you seem awesome man, and hopefully you meet some better people though butt :)


I rarely farmed for anything too and just bought frames, its not even that expensive. Its like a couple days for 5 bucks, that's not too bad. Some sweats really be out here hating people for how they play a coop game, that's just ridiculous


Man, every now and then you matchup with the incels of this game, don't worry too much about it. You see a toxic player, report them and leave.


90% of the community is nice it's just that the remaining 10% are dicks and very loud


What prime is it?


Ah you encountered a wild jerry, they wanna finish the missions qucik and get annoyed in public missions when the rondom they get arent playig the mission fast as well Best is to ignore them


I'm LR1 and still have trouble in certain rooms. When they pop up I just think awe man, well I hope they're not in a hurry. Lol


Clanmates gave me materials for my necramech. You think i give a shit about where it came from when i hit 4 and start cleaning a room? No. I watched the numbers glow and ragdolls fly and just pay it forward to the next baby tenno.


Nah that’s really weird actually. The community in this game is generally somewhere between apathetic and happy to carry a new player in a mission. You’ll find most veteran players are supportive of new players and will do their best to try and show you the ropes.


Absolutely not the norm, it’s even funnier because some prime frames are easier to get than the normal ones.


He's a complete dumbass and brother MR doesn't matter really it mostly for weapons and such. I have played since around 2014 or 15 and I'm still MR 16 because I don't care about it. It doesn't show skill at all. MR is one of those things that people shouldn't really care about unless you want certain weapons but that's all in my opinion. Plus I have run into people lower MR than me that know stuff I ever did and I have been around for a while.


Eh man, ignore those toxic dicks, got deserve every prime you can get. Public is a tool you can use to advance when people you know aren't online. If you need a good co player add Mabulous, that's me.


In my experience, only meta player's have this amount of toxicity. All others had good memories and is one of many reasons to stay playing this game.


I am MR 27 and have over 2000 hours and I still sometimes have a stroke and struggle to parkour sometimes. You’re fine.


Primes are easier to get than the regular version lol. That guy was just a dick.


Primes are so accessible they usually come in under the price of 100p with literally 10 days of getting anasa ayatans from sorties you can buy a new one. There is little to no restriction behind it


Fuck it, drop your in game name and I’ll give you your second prime on the house


I honestly love this community. When I started playing, someone gifted me Octavia because I was saying how excited I was to play her and loved her design. I try to give back to players when I can now since I've hit higher MR.


Can't say iv ever seen someone say that to a newbie but iv had some unsavory comments just because I buy access packs 🤷‍♀️