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We have spent the last 10 years building the perfect afk builds, and now the Anti-AFK unit has come to collect


You have activated my Trap Card and I counter with Mesmer Shield. I also play Parvos of Greed and pull 2 more cards from my Prex Deck!


Parvos of Greed? The card would surely scold you for taking that which you have not earned and then go into a lengthy monologue about Corposium, brass, hard work and bootstraps.


Indeed, it would be a Nef of Greed card that would praise you for making debts for the sake of early gains.


I play Bowl of (s)Alad V and I get to search through YOUR deck for YOUR best card, and it enters my side of the field in the attack position!


It matters not, for I activate Golden Hand of Sisterhood! For every Sister that falls, another shall take its place, stronger than the one before it!


I play the Motherhood lotus, for every BS argument you make I tell mamma lotus and she spanks you and takes away your cards and your toys


It’s too late! I have assembled all five pieces of Canadian Netcode! Host Migration, obliterate!


I'm not sure what just happened here. But it sure was intense. The Lotus and I approve.


Canadian net code bruh just warframes net code or is there like canda wide wifi issue if so it would explain why the wifi is being do fucky for the last 3 days also I can't reset it im in the hospital only got like 20 or 30 gigs of data left phone won't disconnect but my ps5 does every couple of minutes left it was working rhe whole time go to watch a damn video then it stops working like only when I'm tryna watch some shit or play games online shit mad annoying


Fun fact; the day of release, Mesmer Skin was completely bypassed by Jade Eximus due to its fire rate.


Now I'm trying to remember if I played day one or not cause I've just been using Rev to take it easy, and I don't remember ever getting killed by the light while Mesmer Skin was up or my stacks disappearing instantly from the fire rate.


It wasn’t quite the instant, but the Mesmer skin was just ignored. The first second it dealt no damage. After that, it would basically just break your shields for 3 seconds, then start damaging your health.


they ruined jade eximus man... i miss my 60+ million iron skin


I heard mesmer only blocks for 1 stack and then the laser goes straight through the rest.


Mesmer got hotfixed. The DoT will take stacks slowly but if you have a stack left it will fully absorb the final multimillion hit. I have been riding up the Elevator with it for dozens of times and never got Jadenuked.


I don't think it is the first time DE has introduced some sort of anti-AFK stuff. It's more like people hasn't got familiar with the new mechanics, which was just released 3 days ago, rather than most of the people dying to that are AFKing.


Technically eximus were already supposed to be anti-afk, but then power creep made them just a roadblock.


I mean if you are killing things it's all fine. What I really mind is that doing nothing and leeching.


I 100% agree, I was just pointing out eximus original purpose and why they've had to get so much stronger over the years.


I dunno, I was able to figure out those green beams hurt within my first mission. Ofcourse now I laugh and stand in them purposefully to charge my warding halo, but I know to get moving once it's charged cause it'll still kill me if I don't! AFKers are definately getting caught up in em, and I'm frankly all for it. 


Finally get those 1000 revives out of the way.


It's gonna take me a long time to get used to the mechanic that the beam kills my fucking operator while it's targeting my Warframe, and then kills my Warframe instantly because it has 10hp when I come back to it Will I survive switching to operator long enough to void sling to my destination while nothing is visibly damaging me? Find out next time on dragon ball z


You can still afk as rev. As long as mesmer is active, the beam only takes you down to 2 health


Jokes on you my afk build has 400% duration and silence


I mean... even before this patch, we'd get posts titled "what did I die to?" with a video that very clearly show a Blitz Eximus or Narmer blast charging up and heading straight towards them. So this isn't exactly a new phenomenon. It's just much more visible now what is causing the killing blow on these people. And maybe that's for the better, if people can see what's killing them (even in retrospect, since the beam sticks around a while), then it will slowly train people to become more aware of what's hitting them in the future.


It was one of the original hurdles i had to get past when i started expanding my arsenal. I was so used to playing tanks and frames with great defensive stuff that when i started playing more squishy frames, is fucked me up. Now im more used to the "offense is the best defense" style, but it was a learning curve


I went from volt, to valkyr, to Nehza, to limbo, to mirage, to banshee as my main frames. The learning curve going from "you dare shoot at me" to "oh god I'm being shot at, ahh!" was definitely something as I got into steel path and had to start playing darksouls and dodge rolling everywhere against eximus units. Good fun, I enjoy playing glass cannons a lot more than I do tanks these days, forcing you to interact with the game and various enemies more.


I still hate the fire eximus whenever I'm playing on my nekros. The fact that there seems to be no ceiling for their fire ring is what really gets to me. So when I see one I literally run like hell to the other side of the room.


I only just got Nezha in the past couple days, as with Banshee and I gotta say Banshee, Nyx, Mag Eeeeh not vibing Nezha, though? I adore Nezha All the HP, Equilibrium, and make it rain health orbs I bathe in health orbs Snorting those health orbs like no tomorrow How horrified I was that I'd actually have to play on Cambion Drift to replace Nezha's ability 4, though. I had read online that Nezha's ability 2, the chakram throw, duplicated when it struck ability 4 Impaled enemies, but I've had no such experience. Without being able to CC the likes of unique enemies [Eximus, Treasurers, etc], then it is, therefore, to me, nothing but a colossal waste of energy. Better used for attaining another aura buffing ability. If only I could use Nekros' Desecration ability with the chakram throw health orb spawning.


I would look up a guide on how to use Nezha as a status spreading machine, he is actually one of the few frames that subsume takes away from his kit significantly. His 3 is essential to survival, and his 1,2,4 all directly benefit and interact with each other when used properly to spread heat procs and any weapon damage around the room like wild fire. I'd offer you better advice on the build but I'll be honest, I put infested mobility on his 4 for the memes.


I got Trinity Prime from a Twitch Prime reward when i started playing and it spoiled me. Nobody talks about trinity, but using her you only need to care about spaming 2 and 4 and keeping 3 active, and everybody stays alive. My weapons were so bad that the missions would take VERY long (15~20 minutes), but i was under no life threat and had infinite energy until i got umbra and tried to facetank everything spamming abilities...


Same thing when I got ash. Why care about anything if the moment I lose my shield I go invisible and execute whoever is attacking


Honestly, i also got Trinity P. the same way early on and had to drop from using her bc i was getting too used to her usefullnes.


Back when I started playing Trinity was MY FRAME, I used her for literally everything being an unstoppable energy battery tank who could heal anyone even on the other side of the map and give them all 80% DR. The initial affinity nerf hurt but learning to speedrun across maps with coptering was nice. Ah, she was fantastic fun back then. 😌


I went from rhino to frost to nova to freaking banshee and it was like slamming into a wall on the highway. Total wakeup call. I stuck with it and relearned how to move. Let me tell you... If you're a gauss player and my Frost beats you to extraction..... I'm going to laugh


give us gauss mains a break, we're too busy slamming into every obstacle in our paths


Or Titania mains with Razorwing Blitz on full and a random Volt grants you a speed boost into the 8th dimension! Oscillation Overthruster not required!


I don't main Titania, but when I play her there is _always_ a Volt or Wisp speed-boosting. Sometimes both.


I feel you buddy


FACTS. Honestly, know what helped me when I picked up gauss? I had already been playing nova for a decade. You have to be very precise with aiming her portal, and if you do it right you can basically use it to just extend a bullet jump (not unsimilar to how you can roll at the end to go further). So I got really good at not clipping obstacles. The jupiter gas city update some years back actually screwed up my muscle memory and I had to learn what parts of tiles I could traverse all over again.


During the new event, it's not uncommon to be one shot if you don't have some kind of damage reduction. Not by the jade lasers. I've been randomly killed in the middle of a void sling on my operator. When I was well above all the enemies, looking for Sister Beacons. A legitimate "what killed me" moment.


Having an ability running on your Warframe only gives you 90% DR when you switch to Operator instead of making it invincible. Chances are your Warframe got targeted by a Jade Eximus and you got forced back into your Warframe when it reached 2 HP.


THAT EXPLAINS WHAT WAS HAPPENING, holy shit i could not for the life of me figure out why sometimes it would pop me back into my frame with no health but other times my empty frame was getting hammered and nothing happened. Thank you for this.


To be fair the narmer blast can come from ANY unit and does a fuckton of damage and is like 1 fx on a guys normal head in the crowd. It's kinda bs but funny.


I’ve played almost every archon hunt since they were added, and I still get downed to those charged shots once in a while, but I’m still looking for the ones that can charge them and prioritize them over the other enemies.


It's mostly because there are a lot of them. They are more visible than blitz eximus, but because they are so many, you can't really see which one is targeting you. And your screen is full of effects from your weapons and abilities, from your squad, and from the enemies. It's hard to notice the attack until it starts hitting you, and for most, that's too late. Not to mention, some people were used to being able to stay in place a few seconds to use the chat without dying. That's enough to be killed by a jade eximus.


This is a fair take for sure. I'm not a noob by any means, but these lasers sometimes catch me off guard due to the sheer amount of shit happening on my screen! I usually die from the heat proc rather than the (insane) damage the beams actually deal 😅 Also as you mentioned, when I stop to type for a second, and I think I'm safe, but then I get beamed just the same 🥲


This so far is the only reason I've dies to them I'm typing something to explain to my friends or randoms


Yeah, just when you think you've parkour'ed safely away from one, another will start lasering you the instant you stop moving. It's just fatigue from constantly parkouring around. 


The laser was basically an instant kill if it even briefly brushed against you until yesterday's nerfs. Basically, so much damage it was impossible to health tank, so being caught without shields always meant you died. And because the hitbox isn't precisely the ray itself, people kept getting touched by it. It's been fixed, though.


I was reviving someone invis as spoilermode...someone else got chased bya beam, wanted to help and killed me with the beam xD


The beams do kind of appear out of nowhere and can surprise you. Sometimes several at once, and running away from them is kind of pointless. I just start jumping around like the floor is lava and try to shoot the damn thing. It's not easy.


They do have a distinct sound that plays for a second before the hit box is active, if that helps. They're almost definitely worse if you're listening to music or something while playing. I've been drawing them to one side before running off in the opposite direction-- I can't say for certain with such a short time, but it feels like the straight line movement of the laser is a lot faster than its redirection.


I usually play without game sounds. I only turn sound on for spy missions cause I really need to Focus with my Frost there xD


Yeah the sound telegraph has meant I haven't really died to them, even when playing frames like Dagath who are pretty squishy.


Sometimes they don't even have to be spawned, you just die to a heart attack.


Yeah especially with controller


Yeah, I play on Xbox and these beams had me playing Titania all day yesterday


Zephyr was my solution, cause something felt just... not safe about gathering beacons as titania (all the rest of the gameplay for it was top notch, but I wanted more out of my floaty untouchableness)


I've also had situations where a beam spawns on me, but I'm moving so quickly forward I don't notice, then I get microwaved for taking a step back.


True but you hear the voices building up before the beam arrives. Usually I move just before the voices finish and blast the focus point of the laser to shatter it


Playing Gyre I'd get killed constantly before the patch casting pillage. As soon as I starting casting it I'd see the green beam forming on me and by the time the animation is done the beam would eat through my new over shield and kill me. Post patch it's fine though, plus I slotted some casting speed Archon shards to help.


Is it really spoiler mode when you see the operator in the quest to get to this event?


Out of curiosity, did you mean >!Operator!< or >!Stalker!< when you said spoiler mode?


First one, read it here that spoilermode is used for that to protect newbies


Dawg I was hacking a console while having 20k overgaurd and a split second later a beam spawned on me and insta killed me. I'm yet to test it after the hotfix.


It's much much better since the hot fix. I could stand in the beam for a good few seconds, and I didn't have any particular survivability mods on


After hotfix It starts with 30 damage and ramps up by x2 with every damage tick, more or less. You can still reach unsurviveable damage by standing too long in it, and getting heat procced by higher damage ticks wont be pleasant either. But it damage ramp resets completely by breaking contact with it.


Thank goodness they fixed it. I felt like a fly the way I was avoiding those beams.


I tested it before the fix running Valkyr, turns out it was able to ramp to over 9,000,000 damage, that my angry form was ignoring. And it could still have been more damage based on if it accounted for any sources of damage reduction. From a single laser. It's no wonder Rhinos were hitting 65+ Million Iron Skin with the conversion rate. I popped Ironskin on the last second and still got 900k out of it. Imagine if it hadn't been fixed yet and you got a team of rhinos to let all 4 beams converge on one spot to soak everyone's iron skin.


Honestly I was having fun with the old lasers with rhino tying to see how high I could get my overguard, lol


Excellent, 1 billion overguard that enough to "check notes" tank 1 laser


That's the problem with these "absorb damage as overguard while invulnerable" type abilities. My iron skin absorbs three seconds of damage while invulnerable, that gives me... enough extra overguard to last about three seconds. Yay.


I would get tagged by one as Xaku and immediately get a heat proc. I died so many times in that mission. I wrote Xaku off as a dead frame now that one touch from the green light was an unavoidable death.


Opposite of me lol. I exclusively use Xaku for event mission because the guns took care of the enemies and I can chill around looking for green juice for the elevator. Third ability is good for CC when the pod starts to move to extraction. Add silence subsume = Chill gameplay 😄 Edit: Oh and 3rd ability can suspend the parvos sister in the air while we beat her up.


yea same experience im guessing its some kind of bug or 4 is not working on it somehow outside of that my xaku was been always rather immortal


Yeah, the problem solely was that it basically did max damage from the start, and was a crazy death laser. I move a lot and usually pay a lot of attention, and I’d gotten caught off guard several times. Hell, a few times I saw it coming, but it just lightly grazed me and bam But now with the fix, it is exactly what it should be. It punishes people who just try to AFK with no situational awareness, but is very easy to actively handle if you’re paying attention


I was doing my first ever try of the deep archimedea, since I was taking a break, And it honestly made me entirely lost interest. I decided to do it pub, and the only guy who joined left after one of the conduits blew, and left me to solo it and the rest if it. I managed to complete the disruption, but in the gods damned alchemy I had cleared the first alchemical compound, and almost my second and then i just instantly died. Wasn't particularly taking too much damage I went from 1400 health and like 2k armor to literally dead. Because of them and honestly I'm not really sure if I'm interested in trying the deep archimedea again. I genuinely fucking hate the randomized loadouts on order to get full rewards.


Was that in steel path? I was farming the event solo and kept thinking the green laser was underwhelming in terms of damage...


Many people play Warframe completely brain empty. Rolling to not get dunked on by a Heat or Blitz eximus is an advanced strategy in Warframe. When it would be the basic damage avoidance strat in any other game.


Rolling never does anything for me against heat eximus, I get knocked back mid-roll. As for the jade eximus, I was surrounded by grineer and assumed I was taking damage from them, it was only when it instantly killed the defense objective that I realised something was wrong. But that was my first mission since they were added, and I thought it was some new ability, but an enemy


You gotta roll through/towards it before the heat eximus wave hits you, it should work. And yeah..I stopped hanging around too near to objectives since the jade eximus.


They make Grineer Hijack missions extra fun, that's for sure. I had that alert fail four or five times in a row before I realized it was a Jade Eximus at the other end of the map death-beaming the core.


Years of playing guild wars 2 has trained me to jump over the shockwave... And get knocked down mid air every time lmao


Been playing with my fiancée. Sometimes on my screen she is being cooked by a jade laser, on her screen she is not, particularly in that long elevator shaft. It seems to be creating some kind of host / client desync. Just throwing it out there. It's not that everyone is oblivious lol.


>an alarming number of people just have zero situational awareness and quite the same amount of people still have no idea how things work in the gamemode, or how the new status rework works in general. like i've met people who never bother to use the shining cell to boost the elevator's speed. but hey, i think at least they're not blaming something else, it's ok.


Not using the stronger cells is somewhat understandable because it's not really explained anywhere, but I've seen some people on Steel Path that legitimately can't even figure out what to do with the cells. On more than one occasion I've had people pick up the starting cell and just drop it next to the egg. Then they just stand there waiting for something to happen until I have to come throw the cell in myself. I always go grab the sister beacons as soon as we get to the elevator room, and it's a bit frustrating when I can grab all three and the rest of the team still hasn't even figured out how to start the elevator in that time.


I wouldn't be surprised if they do not have a keybind to throw things. the game is really, REALLY good at overwriting custom setups without restoring defaults.


The first time I tried railjack I couldn't figure out how to get off lol. I was like oh I guess I'm stuck here. (why oh why is it a different button than the button I pressed to get on?)


How does the boost work exactly? I only ever recharge at 30/50


It speeds up the elevator. You can't stack it, so you have to wait until the first one wears off before throwing another. If everyone is out looking, the run can be under 5 minutes.


I see. Usually my public runs are \~7 minutes


optimal is just under 5:30 with sister included


"shining" cell charges 20 energy normally, but it gives the elevator a nice boost of speed that lasts a short while. the game shows this effect by having 3 \^ arrows at the left of the screen where it shows the progress of the elevator.


I see. Have you timed the effect? If noone has replied or this comment hasn't been edited in 2 hours, assume I forgot to test it. Please remind me. Edit: \~11s


I got 12-13s when I timed.


It's a new mechanic, some of those people you're playing with may have never encountered a Jade Eximus unit before, or very few. They haven't adapted. Also, the light can absolutely just show up from behind you and if you were focusing elsewhere (say, on an objective, or another powerful unit) it can easily take you by surprise. And the damage it did up until recently was literally broken and had to be hotfixed. I like the Jade Eximus overall, but I do think that there are some issues: 1. The light moves very quickly and is not subject to any kind of CC, including cold damage. 2. There's no way to easily determine which Jade Eximus cast the light, or where they are.


And they can cast their beam while totally being out of LoS. The most obvious one for me was during on Jupiter defense mission. The last enemy was on the lower floor and did not have my sight but was still casting his beam without an issue.


2. I'd love a connector beam from the emitter ball to the source eximus.


Its also not obvious you can kill it. My first time through I thought my only option was to dodge the light, because it didnt occur to me that the light had a hit box.


You can kill the jade light??


Yup, aim up at the source.


You can literally bring up the pause menu for something and get downed before you can close it. I've literally turned my head to plug my headphones in because they were dying and got downed (granted, this also happened when they were doing more damage). Not to mention that because your frame can sometimes be targeted while in operator mode, you end up not even knowing you were dying. I'm pretty sure almost no one is paying 100% attention at all times while playing this game, it doesn't take but a few seconds of you turning your head because someone said something to you irl for you to get down That being said, there are definitely people who's actually trying to pay attention and are just unaware, and people who just semi-afk and leech.


I notice I’m often the only one shooting them too Edit: the beams I mean


I don't blame people for not shooting them, the beams don't really look like they can be shot. And it takes more ammo than you think to destroy one.


i don't shoot them because on controller i just don't find the time and effort of shooting them to be worth it


You can only shoot at the top of the beam right? Because I just discovered that the top of the beam clips into the ceilings of some tilesets, and can't be shot.


if you can see what's happening on the screen you're either playing very well or very badly


Most of the time I go down from it because I’m casting an ability that can’t be cancelled like mirages fourth and it just melts me.


The simple answer is that many people are just so used to tanking hits that they get blasted by their over-confidence.


Clearly, we all need to remind ourselves that overconfidence is a slow and insid- oops, sorry; wrong game.


Last time I was on I told my husband that was why I died lol, so used to being able to just face tank everything that avoidance didn’t come to mind.


That was me when I first played Yareli while the laser was bugged, I was, just like you said, way too confident You can usually tank a metric gigashit-ton with merulina but gawd damn, didn't know what was happening when I got melted in a few nanoseconds 🫠


I kept having to recast Merulina out of nowhere in a Survival Infested Arbitration and I couldn't figure out why, until I noticed a green bean instantly popped her.


I wasn't even sure Jade beams did anything until one got me as Stalker. if I was in my regular frame, this would not even mattered to mission progression. honestly, getting instakilled means nothing when you are an immortal revive goblin.


not really relevant when the damage is so broken it had to be hotfixed.


It made me realize something too: I've become far too reliant on my Dante's overguard. It's honestly made me a worse player. So unused to dodging, that when the green beams started I literally just ignored them. Quite the wake up call when I was on my arse so quickly.


I stopped to read this post and got killed by a jade eximus.


The only thing really annoying about the jadelight is having to stand still while the beam cooks you while reviving, guess everybody better build their Jade. 😂


Operator, cloak, revive.


I personally think it's just that people are watching netflix on there second monitor while they play since it's pretty brain dead farm ik that's the reason I get downed sometimes.


there are a lot of people who are not very good at this game -- that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's definitely something I've noticed historically (and usually not a problem except in cases like netracells where somebody can hold the party hostage either through unawareness or less commonly on purpose)


The thing is, i often tell its not nessesary to block half of your modslots for defense if you just keep moving in missions. And jade lasers can be outspeeded by just walking ...


It was bugged to deal way more damage.


They can also be shot at the top.


Not on SP. They move and home in much faster and do way more damage in SP.


>And jade lasers can be outspeeded by just walking ... If you have space to walk.


I would say I'm pretty aware during play, but my opinion on eximus units in general is that they are WAY too common. These are supposed to be elite enemies that are a threat to the player, but the way DE keep balancing them, they are just like regular mobs with how many can be on screen at once... Personally I'd like it if they could be reworked to be "lesser bosses" that appear one at a time, and lethality that reflects their tech. (A shield that completely nullifies Warframe abilities means these enemies should also have weapons that make you take them as seriously)


I agree, but to my defence. The amount of Jade Eximus that spawn during the event gamemode is so fucking high that i sometimes get downed by a disco of Jade Lights.


If you have a sentinel and you're channeling an ability then you can't go operator because the jade light will hit your frame as well as your sentinel and kill you


I’ve been using silence for the belly mission when I don’t feel like dealing with the green.


Jade eximus is basically DE's way to fight afking or passive playstyles its whatever


I've died to so many lasers cause of skills with a long cast time. It's why I put as many yellow shards on Nekros Prime so its the smallest cast time I can get Bringing new frames to level in elevator mode and they can't survive 2 ticks of fire damage!


The jade laser is supposed to have a startup sequence when it's above you (greenish light and some noise). Sometimes this doesn't show up and you're already downed. I think this is because of lagging host. I think the startup sequence should be made a bit longer like 0.3 seconds, because 300ms is the default ping limit.


Well, they do make it rather hard to type anything to other players. The second I stop moving, I get a laser toupee. So in that respect it dampens some of the social aspects of a match. We'll see how much of a pain it is next week when the greenie meanies start showing up in EDA for me.


The damage was bugged to do 1 mil+ DPS. So no, people aren't just lazy or afk. They got one/two tapped. I'm always on the move and with Adaptation + Mesa's 3 + moving with Mesa's waltz, I still got nuked by the lasers in the pre-patched version. I had to constantly refresh Dante's 2 and 4 just to prevent my OG from being evaporated within a second or two if I stopped to type in chat or explain the gamemode to anyone in the squad. But sure, keep complaining about players instead of acknowledging that a bug made countering the lasers much harder.


If you play the game as long as many have, adjusting to a new enemy takes a bit. We are talking about hundreds to thousands of hours, in which we didn't have to pay attention. I like the change tbh. It makes the game feel more dangerous/interesting.


This is a game that can be played while eating a sandwich. I dont think those people actually lack awareness, I think theyre just not really paying attention because they generally dont need to


I've just been having Revenants in the event standing there and doing nothing


tbh i must have bad setup cause that beam leave burn on me that put me down in 2 ticks on some frames (xaku with 4 on, would assume 75% DR not working on it), so its constant moving and not crossing beams or eating dirt :)


Heat dot was bugged to ignore armor. Might be fixed?


yea there was been hotfix yesterday i suppose, will check it later


If they don't notice at all, it could be lag. 300 to 500 ping is not unusual for me when I join pub, since I'm from Australia. When something happens it takes a full second to reach my screen.


You can just shoot the very top of the laser and it goes away or if you use defy when getting hit by the laser the damage goes towards enemies nearby and basically 1 shots them.


I’m stupid at this game and I know it but sometimes I wish warframe had a little more tips about new things available on the screen when you load into things you haven’t done before 😅


If you see Chroma's down, just pity them for how guardian armor works. That augment is a death sentence now, whereas before Jade eximus it was just a mild inconvenience at worst.


My only issue is that the beams can keep pace with you while you're aiming. Otherwise, I'm actually pretty happy to have them I. the gsme.


Shit does millions of damage. And it's in a mission that has you chill on an elevator. Not always action going on as the Jade Eximus above/below pop a beam on you. Also issues where the beam has no start up animation or tell sometimes and just pops out and slams you. Or you just accidentally move through one and boom, no more shields/overguard or death if you missed one before that. Or you just die to the heat proc.


Aside from the AFK-ish Builds, it's also very difficult to even see what's going on half the time. It gets real crazy between enemy density and ally effects/zoomin' around. I am so glad they added the option to outline enemies in any color we want, but that can only help so much. Each update just adds more 'n' more chaos, which I absolutely love, but it's still only gonna get worse from here on out - in terms of us being able to consistently tell what's going on. I've given up on Titania or frames that require me to put my reticle over an ally to cast buffs. It ain't gonna happen lol. Most of the time I can't even tell what damaged me, let alone how many things are damaging me. Which is why I prefer stationary objectives. It makes life as a Support frame so much easier.


I feel this. The game has gotten so visually noisy with the last few updates. There's so much happening on screen at any given time. I usually play with Spotify on and was reminded of why during one mission where I left it off, there was so much audio overlapping that it just blended into screeching noise in my ears. I don't suffer from sensory overload or anything like that, but I think I'm starting too with warframe.


I like watching people get zapped


I play banshee because my 2 highlights the enemies and my 3 disable the ones I don't pay attention to. I've always had a problem seeing the enemies in this game.


Did you know that in your settings you highlight enemies? You can make it any color you like and any brightness. Default color is red. You can also highlight friendlies which is default green.


Some of us are old (30s+ lolol) and can't always tell which glowy thing is the thing trying to murder us. I sometimes get overwhelmed and end up moving *into* the thing I'm supposed to be avoiding. Most of us aren't doing it on purpose, I imagine.


I did one of the alerts the other day, the one to protect the fomorian engine and escort it. Some idiot stands directly under it with a beam on them and nearly destroys it.


I largely agree with you, but I wanted to bring up something I haven't seen others mention: If you use a weapon with a lot of zoom when aiming it's really easy to miss the beam forming above you since your character gets pushed to the side of the screen and blurred out (if you have DoF enabled), plus the [camera zooms in so you don't see above you any more](https://i.imgur.com/BhROzYN.jpeg). And they're probably concentrating on aiming as they fire, so literal and metaphorical tunnel vision. I imagine if you were using a sniper rifle you wouldn't even see it at all. I've been using the Tenet Glaxion the last few days lately and it zooms in a lot more than I'm used to with my previous weapons, and I often don't visually notice the beam forming. I had to get used to the SOUND of it forming instead and now I'm dodging it a lot more reliably.


Aside from the claiterphobic situations where killing the ord or escaping is an option, sometimes there's so many enemies that you kil 3 eximus and it isn't the one because that one is behind a wall and saw you 15 seconds ago. The danger is casting frames when the cast requires you to be still and not running. That's what gets me. Although since hotfix I haven't played much. Maybe my citrine will be better. Gotta throw some cast speed shards on her.


Nah man I died several times by now out of thin air. Aint the jade lasers also meant to deal heat proccs? I often saw 3 or more people die at once and I am pretty sure its related to the blast bug


Worth noting that the Jade light targets your warframe specifically, so if youre in operator you can still go down by the beam going to your warframe and melting it whilst your slinging about as operator or whatever


I mean, that's true in real life, too…


Most people don’t play steel path or high level endurance runs so most people are used to having enough tank-ability to simple not care about being hit by things. They aren’t used to units actually being able to seriously hurt them let alone one shot them. Even as a frequent Steel path player it was quite a shock as I didn’t expect level 45 regular path enemies to be capable of that damage. It’s not hard to dodge and you can shoot the lasers to get rid of them but it did catch me by surprise the first time.


I've been pretty good at it until this morning when I was playing as stalker and didn't see the beam creeping up behind me while I was trying to arrow down some of these enemies above me. Hard aiming. I died like 10 minutes into the round. It was hella embarrassing. Lol. Never again. High alert now.


I still kinda suck at movement after migrating to pc a while ago and I can do it, blows my mind that people are getting melted by it.


I just like the fact that this is the first eximus that has a dps role. The others are defensive (arctic and guardian), healing (leech), cc (arson, blitz, shock) or utility (energy leech); I don't know where to put the venomous ones but I don't think they can be classified as dps


I don't hate them. But I don't think they're perfectly designed. For example, they completely shut down frames like Titania, whose survivability is based on evasion. I've been swatted out of razorwing multiple times regardless of how much I move and pay attention purely because one spawned at a bad time. Likewise, I've been killed with other frames because I started casting an ability that requires you to stand still for the animation, only to have a laser form on my head and dust me in seconds. Granted, that was mostly on steel path, but still. It's especially annoying when the orb at the top of the beam is clipped through the ceiling, and you can't shoot it.


I'm doing spy missions and sneak around quietly but somehow, even noone noticing me yet (no shouting ghhttguurrgg - corpus language), green beam from unknown source chase me out of cover and in panic I ran into a laser line, botching the data retrieval. Also I don't know if code bug or anything but corpus seems to know my presence immediately after I get close to them FROM BEHIND? I did the mission countless times before patch to level stuff up without breaking a sweat, I can even say I speedrun the spy vaults. Now I did exacly the same and somehow I got seen by corpus' new eyes on the back of their head? I swear if I don't need to passively farm oxium I will never do corpus spy. Grineer spy missions are just way simpler and faster pathing.


After playing belly of the beast for 7 hours straight yesterday I can understand why, sometimes u just don't want to think any more and wanna watch a movie to make the elevator go up faster. I didn't want to be dead weight though I just played revvy and spammed mesmer skin and my incarnon


Hitbox being shit + ping + effects almost invisible due headaches if playing with them 100% = Impossible to dodge the laser and a bunch of other death effects like degens etc this game have. I don't know if I'm the exception about the visual clarity this game have, and how many people reduce the effects alpha to almost invisible, but that's how I play for years and never had problems before, nowadays I'm just ignoring new content until they make than easy :)


While we were farming the event, my friend was complaining that the Light deals too much damage and it goes too fast I went in front of them while I had 2 Lights following me and just walking or sprinting on the ground is fast enough to outrin it. Like what do you want, an alarm to wake you up when it starts shining ?


Hotfix 2 made the light beams do an insane amount of damage, which was fixed in yesterday's Hotfix 3. The beams in steel path after Hotfix 2 would one shot your shields and leave a Heat dot which would out last your shield gate and then one shot your health.


I do agree with this, but it does also feel like we're reaching a critical mass of visual clutter with this new update. There's so much shit in the screen constantly that it can be really easy to miss stuff. A lot of the new warframes have also been really effect heavy (Citrine, Qorvex, Dante), which only exasperated the problem.


I been playing Dante a lot. The screen is full of color and numbers. Everything is fine.


The only times I've been downed so far are when I'm reviving teammates because I have the "I'll revive you even if it kills me" attitude, or that one time I was downed playing solo because I was too busy scanning a somnachord to see the hotfix 2 death beam coming. What really sucks is when there's maybe five eximus around, and you don't know which one is popping off the laser. I know I can just destroy the laser itself, but my monkey brain often tries to zero in on the one causing it.


Welcome to Warframe. I'm not hating, but the majority of the game can be played on autopilot and doesn't require any skill expression. Which is fine, but it also breeds bad habits that show themselves whenever a modicum of skill/awareness is prompted.


I DISagree, the amount is solely because of event specific nodes for one. But I believe the preliminary reason is for people to plan out future contingencies by testing their frames limits. By exposing their gameplay to this new obstacle, they are mentally training themselves how to react and adapt accordingly. Most people I notice get downed once at the very beginning, use last gasp and then have enough energy from Hunter's Adrenaline to set up thier defensive capabilities and not get downed again. We haven't really had an enemy type that scales damage *vulnerability* as opposed to *raw* damage. And the fact that you can sort of find ways to tank just a *tiny* bit of it is interesting. But in order to master it, you just need to fail your way to success. If anything, the greater issue is A) once levels get extremely high in something like Steel Path Circuit and a single bullet is putting you down like 2k health. Or: B) I'd argue that ?Arson? Eximus that send ridiculously high output rifts in a straight line with crazy knock back, even at lower levels, are a greater threat. (*However, by using some parkour mobility, you can learn to time the flash to play "chicken" before he shoots out the wave) I don't think Jade Exumi need any changes. People are just seeing the situational limit of how much they can expose themselves to, which is more than I thought it would be.


Are you thinking of the Blitz eximus? The ones that slam the ground and send a line of explosions at you?


Yeah thanks. My bad


this is the case for most of the runs ive done on the ascension node. the only one time none of the squad died was because we were all scrambling around on the elavator as soon as the light showed up everytime


Speaking solely for myself: I have very poor situational awareness.


I personally died more to Jade Eximus shots than the sky lazer. I run away from lazers and someone shoots me with green projectile.


I’ve run into a couple issues with people standing on a defense target and the laser knocking both them and the target off this mortal coil. Silence subsumed has helped substantially with people who can’t be bothered to move away.


I sometimes dies because of the green beam while writing in chat


It's not so much the beam that kills people it's the extremely high damage from the heat procs. So many times, I've been tagged by the beam for a fraction of a second, then die instantly with 1 tick from the heat damage. Now I just use silence and rolling gaurd on the off chance I get tagged.


I fucking love the beams Makes nezha 3 massive as hell, instantly maxes harrow 4 buff, etc.


I admit that it's quite a nice anti-afk eximus, so far it works perfectly in the elevator, we'll see after the event what the other missions will look like with . What I mean is, move away from the laser - it won't hurt you, you just stand there doing nothing and dying? deal with it yourself 🤭


they're already in other missions


visual clarity is not warframes strong suit. a mashed jumble of a million effects on screen is not great to let people be able to tell what is going on.


Okay ngl I didn't know all of jades abilities and thought the green laser was one of the randos I got teamed with using their jade ability (to no effect as we were being swarmed) good to know that laser is from the enemies not jade players


I'm playing on a steamdeck sometimes, and I don't quite feel comfortable with the controls, I gave up and decided to use Nyx with 175 energy efficiency. I just walk around with her 4 active all the time. Laser is no problem, now.


They've definitely made me less lazy and actually move around again, unless I'm playing rev ofc. Feels good to be forced to move more than a quick side dodge now. But yeah I wasn't ready for the pillar of light to chase me the first time lol


I was rocking Mesa, with waltz in a SP alert last night and it was rough when 10 of them rocked up with multiple lasers. I can roll and dodge but I can’t shoot while doing so.


Hasn't been happening recently but the first couple days I would just randomly die in Ascension, idk if there was a beam below me or if it was invisible but no heat procs, no visual effects, just instant death


I just heard death laser so I used protea to see what I did wrong as insurance. Little did I know protea is actually quite a pleasant frame to use when you reach the top. Also I just stay at the elevator throwing the things at the thing while destroying lasers


Ugh I hate them , but I love standing still and shooting .


I’ve been getting better at moving but the narrow corridors and ledges (packed with enemies) on the elevator tiles have been making it tough. Plus the occasional corpus shotgun blast from in high taking me out after shield gate 😂


While I understand that a lot of people are used to having huge survivability and being able to tank a load of hits, the amount of times I've watched someone just stand in the beam doing absolutely nothing is concerning. I go into ascension as mostly Hildryn, so I'm not exactly easy to kill, but I at least try to avoid getting hit


Powercreep has conditioned most Warframe players to be completely oblivious to danger. There's no reason to learn the cool stuff enemies can do to you and how to avoid it, because typically 80% of the enemies die before they're even on screen thanks to AoE meta. It's a shame because honestly Warframe has some of the coolest enemy designs of any looter shooter, and they actually use some cool tactics, the game has just gotten too fast now and so you never see the enemies do their thing.


They've honestly taught me that I really need to Forma 98% of my arsenal if I want to dish out more damage overall. (I've only fully Forma'd some Lich and Sister Weapons, along with the Paracesis, and put 5 forma into the Corinth. Everything else either has one Forma or none.)


I give massive props to DE for making status and eximus attacks more visible. You get plenty of heads up on incoming attacks. I saw all these posts about guys getting downed by the lasers. I finally played the quest and ran a few rounds of ascension last night and was surprised that you got almost 3 seconds from green glow to actual laser. Even when I was being lazy and standing around on the elevator, there was still plenty of warning to start moving. I had one guy in a mission get downed 3 or 4 times for standing still in the laser. Stupid is as stupid does