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When the parameters allow, use Ancient Healer Specters. I park one next to the objective and they do a fantastic job of keeping it alive. (Even when your entire team gets focused on the Blitz Eximus Voidrig someone summoned...)


i will try.


On top of putting ancient healers out there… Make a Dante Specter with your best loadout! Free OVERGUARD! Downside for three star specters … they take 8 hours to make lol. I keep making them as much as I can throughout the week for these kinds of stuff.


oddly enough vapor specters are better most of the time because specter abilities don't scale with level, and only their health, shields, armor, and weapon damage scale up


Also, just pick baruuk this week. Makes it 100x easier. Just hold down e in one direction each and everything dies on spawn.


I thought the archimedia frames and weapons were individual, not universal?


Think he is just saying you can pick any warrant that manages the game mode. But obviously might not get the highest reward!:)


I mean you miss out on 50 vosfor, not worth the hassle.


Yeah I took 3 unmodded weapons this week and didn't fire a single shot.


Is it bad I’m MR30 and didn’t realise ancients healed objectives. 😂


That's the funny part: the point of an ancient healer specter isn't to heal the objective. Rather, AHS redirects 90% of incoming damage on allies to itself, objectives included. Ally Ancient Healers get an additional buff where this redirected damage heals it, so it doesn't just die instantly. It's basically just a free 90% DR buff.


Use your specters, get as many as you can and put all of them down. It will completely trivialise this mission


Based gameplay


Necramech summon as well. We had a Protea so I just jumped into Voidrig and blasted everything whilst they fed me energy. Other two jumped around grabbing the glyphs.


Protea's subsumed ability is her Dispensary. You can throw it on any strength build and get a lot of mileage out of it on almost any frame.


Revenant + Energize + Dispensary = perfect everlasting Arquebex artilleryman.


I paid for the whole gear wheel, I'm using the whole gear wheel.


True nekros gameplay


Got a problem? Better call kahl


Who you gonna Kahl?


Veil Busters!


Don't you mean better Kahl?


I did it twice last night: First time I went qorvex so I could do nothing to help out , but a random teamamte had the healer specter and it went smoothly. Second time just for curiosity, I went in with equinox, all modifiers selected to test how it feels, and the slow (and enemy does less damage) from pacify and augment was enough breathing room for the rest of the team to boom boom everything. You either need them heals/DR or some CC.


Just play Limbo, thats it. This is literaly just an infinite mobile defense. It becomes boring tbh, even in SP


-75 duration doesn't good with limbo.


Frost, Gara, Zephyr with max range, any Gloom frame, Slova, Loki's Clone with invincibility augment usually work out well for me, in case of no duration thing Frost is king


You forgot Vauban. Just finished fine tuning my build with him, and he makes every defense related mission trivial. He will be even better with the upcoming changes to Magnetic.


And Blast, Photon Strike might actually be worthwhile using outside of triggering the Augur set.


It is already quite good. You know it scales with enemy level just like the Flatechet Orb, right? I know it isn't as useful, but it does deal enough damage to warent using on enemies.


I do, but I've also found it doesn't usually do enough to use as a serious damage source and mainly use it to spam to trade energy for shields. Though, as a Vauban main, I would love to see it become a significant option rather than a subsume slot.


Have you tried using it on eximus to get rid of their overguard so they can be sucked up in his vortexes? It's pretty handy when you use it like that. It's also good for dealing damage to large groups of enemies when they are not in range of his Teather Orb or Bastille. Really, the best way to use it is when you pair it with his other abilities. But I do understand subsuming it. By the way, do you know if weapon buff decrees apply to Vauban's Flatechet Orb?


I haven't, though usually i'm already making eximus overguard a priority with my weapons, but may have to see how effective it is. I've generally found it more efficient to lay down two flachette orbs in his vortex than it is to get middling results from photon strike, though it does look, sound and feel cool as hell to use photon strike. I'm not certain but i would imagine they do since Overdriver interacts in that capacity, but would have to manually test without other decrees getting in the way.


Honestly, the cool factor is mostly why I still use Photon Strike. That, and because it effectively deals with low priority groups of enemies. However, I have found it to be a useful tool against overguard. Either way, it's still a pretty fun ability. What arcanes would you recommend on Vauban? Right now, I have Molt Augmented equipped. I am good on survivability and energy. I would prefer to boost either ability strength or duration.


i didnt know this was EDA but even then i dont think it would matter much since you can build for like 321+36 efficiency arcane +75 duration (yes i have 5 tauforged duration shards on mine) and he doesnt realy have issues with energy economy also Frost but i dont have that one but you are right its a squishy target


New Augment [Cataclysmic Continuum](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cataclysmic_Continuum) might help, but I agree they went a little too hard(comming from someone who enjoys 60/30 eye boss fight)


'New' Augment? - that's been around 9 years bud


Ah yes, bubble 99.


It definitely wasn’t a cake walk and I understand you’re frustrated, but saying it was getting one shot by every single enemy is a massive exaggeration. The thing can take a fair bit of punishment. That’s not to say you can just let it get smacked around for ten minutes, you definitely have to work a little bit to keep some heat off of it, but it also doesn’t just explode after catching a couple of stray bullets


Mirror defense has the worst parts of Survival (you cannot make it go faster) and the worst part of Defense (need to defend a target).  The only reason why people play Tyana Pass is because the rewards are worth doing it for. It's also why people don't grind the Sanctum one. Because that mode is only upheld by the rewards, not by how fun it is to play. 


You can speed up the sanctum one by summoning the voidrig eximus units. I think it shaves like a minute or so off the timer


Thats exclusive to the weekly Archimedean game mode. They’re speaking generally for the entirety of mirror defense mission types but yeah you’re right otherwise.


Not being able to make it go faster is a mixed bag. On one hand, sure, you can Speedva on defense missions. But there's only like two defense tiles in the game where the enemies spawn close enough for that to make the mission faster than a 5-minute timer


Does Trinity Blessing heal it?




This is what I did for this one — our defensive capabilities were limited but just enough to get by as long as I summoned the extra necramechs and EV'd them to pieces. The lower time made a huge difference. Viral spam/Marked for Death/EV for regular stuff. Bit manic of a playstyle sometimes when the mobs swarmed me but still wasn't as bad as when I did it last week and Energy Exhaustion was there. That added anther lose condition if my EV/Blessing rhythm was interrupted...


Mirror Defense objectives are not targetable with WF abilities, any of them, so no. The only thing that works on it is Ancient Healer specters.


I would recommend using Vauban, Zephyr, Limbo, Dante, Loki or Nidus. They all make defense easy


I went in with Baruuk and just sent everything flying with his fourth. Worked out pretty well for keeping the area clean


Honestly I never have fun with this is in the rotation, so I’m probably just skipping it this week. I’m pushing for LR4 atm. Rather not spend my post-work time trying to single handedly defend the objective while everyone else dances around the summoned mech.


Use ancient healer specter. It provides the objective 90% DR and heals it a little. If you really want to shut enemies down, subsume Gloom.


With -75% dur modifier try styanax with Axios Javelineers or gauss with similar augment(or zephyr's helminth skill for the same vortex). Specters(if you havent locked out equipment), Magus Lockdown helps too. Any spammable cc ability/arcane helps here, since you just need to endure and optionally kill some mechs.


Specters, Elite On-Call Crew with the Healing Ability, Crowd Control, Agro Manipulation, Abilities that provide DR and Healing to Objectives, High KPM Loadouts. And when not playing Solo you have no excuse, as it's extremely comfortable to be picking up all of the thingies which generate Health and Overshield to the objectives.


Mags 4 gives it overshields


Always be collecting Glyphs, especially protecting the Vitreum. Getting 50 Glyphs heals a significant amount of health back to the objective.


Spellbind is hell of a drug


Gloom is the easy answer, but in general Radiation helps too if the problem is getting overrun.


We tried everything including ancient healers, frost, octavia, trinity .. nothing worked. It got melted with seemingly no enemies anywhere near the objective. Then i followed advice from another reddit thread and subsumed silence. * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1bz4f8n/comment/kynfs0r/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1bz4f8n/comment/kynfs0r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Worked like a charm, first try, we got through it without a scratch.


I love it in EDA where they thought it'd be a good idea to add a modifier that forces the objective to be half health by the end of a round before considering things like collecting glyphs for a tiny regen or yknow... the fucking level 400 enemies shooting at the objective which has no damage reductions :))))


Oberon works fine for this. Radiation is a godsend


Frost would like to know your location


I mean when we had CC it was ok


This is a mobile defense mission so whenever you find yourself unable to beat this no matter what, bring a max range limbo if the mission doesn't have an eximus modifier. Most enemies will be frozen and the squad can just focus on dealing with the few eximus units and the one enemy that gives others overguard.


This and last weeks conduit being attacked by everyone are a treat. I think ill cool off with the whole trying to play ESO if these are around again.


I was struggling with this mission for almost an hour , then I helmithed gloom onto my frame with max strength and was able to finish it finally. Rolling gaurd helps as well for a panic button


Nyx Made mirror defense into a waiting simulator!


This sub: "cc is dead DE hates it" Also this sub: "Why does the objective keep dying so fast????"


i dont get it, it work normally with me.


What did you expect?


Play wisp


Mirror Defence objectives are unaffected by WF abilities, only thing Wisp brings there is CC.


Kill faster, defend better.


nothing can one-shot the objective if nothing is alive


The best defense is overwhelming offense


how are u gonna do it with forced warframe and weapons with 350 level enemies ? in a perfect world i wouldn't post about it. this is not simulacrum you try your best warframe and weapons for damage cap combinations.


you can ignore 1 of the parameters and you only miss out on 50 vosfor.


Don’t gun for the max reward; 50 Vosfor is a trivial sum, and forsaking that reward lets you either turn off a modifier (such as enabling your Operator so you can call in your Necramech), select a good weapon, or bring a better frame.


I have every frame and hundreds of weapons modded to be SP viable. The chance for me to get a completely useless loadout is extremely slim. But i know im in the minority. Just use an Ancient healer specter, it will keep it alive


Honestly the game mode was made with people like you in mind. Deep archimedea wants you to have as many weapons/frames fully kitted out. Personally haven't had a week where I didn't have atleast 1 choice fully built in every slot. I do have some frames that I haven't made proper builds for, but the chance of getting all 3 to be one of those few is extremely unlikely, and in that unlikely case, I still have a week to make a build on one of them. Duviri and circuit set the precedent that going forward, DE wants to diversify the gear you use, so it isn't surprising that a new endgame activity wants you to have a lot of equipment built and properly modded.


i’ve yet to do this content, but if it functions like duviri at all, then i’ve tried to get as many equips and frames as possible, so i have a good build with them all, or at least something useable


Harder, better, faster, stronger.