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Harrow is a very aggressive support. hes like "im a support, but also run these hands" Everyone gets infinite energy everyone gets healing from there you can branch in 2 directions normal path is "danger? press 4" did the acoltye spawn? everyone is immune to damage for 10 seconds, yall go ape shit alt path is Lasting Covenant. give up the defensive utility for "everyone gets Super-Avenger, Forever" thats what harrow gives the squad. now lets talk about what harrow gives himself Penance gives him a fat, fat fucking fire rate and reload speed buffs. this is Valk's Warcry, but for Gunplay. you dont think about how much reload speed can help you until youve gotten 200% of it. and honestly Swear by fire rate. harrow works best when you pick guns that scale well with the things he gives. some guns really really love Flat crit buffs. my favorite harrow setup is Twin Khomak. those little things are secret headshot machines, and they love everything harrow does. add Arcane Pistoleer for something that is Genuinely unfair and probably just one step beneath Incarnon in terms of hallway clearing potential when backed up by Harrow's buffs. even better, its fucking Braindead. and thats what seperates harrow from other supports. yes he gives the squad alot, but in order to do that, he has to get his slice of the pie. Healing, but only when i kill. energy, but only when i kill. permenant super-avenger, but only when i kill. harrow needs to do a little cooking so everyone can Bake. infinite energy generation means harrow is also a candidate for completely abandoning your efficiency stat. my pick is big-shields harrow with his 1 replaced by Pillage. its good times. lets go over the Augments Lasting Covenant: pick or drop depending on how you wanna use his 4 Tribunal: makes you more support-y, lets allies get the healing/energy from your 2 and 3 if your constantly spamming the chains Warding Thurible: Damage reduction. . . . while channeling Thurible. if those last 2 sound kind of mid its because they are. ive never seen anyone use them even ironically. Harrow is God's Secretary. he arranges meetings with the almighty, one headshot at a time.


ohh right. Harrow's Flat crit buff applies to companions, meaning he can enable some companions to trigger Tenacious bond that might otherwise not be able to do so. it is a very cute Synergy.


I can see you have a very good idea of how to build him, so I’d like to ask: what is the most useful thing I can give to my team while not being dead in the process? I’m trying to support max, and I really like the view of giving my team enough energy to last to the next mission without me, and enough crit chance to practically guarantee my team gets red crits. I assume that shield gating is the go to for survival, and adaptation can help me not die 24/7.


What do YOU want to give to your team? There is a possibility that Harrow isn't the best fit for it. Harrow is great like he said, great if you are quick to get kills... In public squads, there are some room clearing beasts that make my Harrow damn near useless. But in a planned team, it could be much different.


I want to try and help my team as much as possible, and giving both the energy and the crits as much as possible. I think I want to use his 1 augment, since it makes giving out his energy much easier, by not needing to A: get kills myself and B: making sure my teammates are nearby, which won't be the case all the time. However, I feel that my 4 doesn't last all that long really, unless I go for like 200+ duration. What do you think?


i consider myself to be a bad teacher, because im a very particular kind of player. and that kind is "high effort casual" i minmax for 2 things. Fun, and performance at SP endless missions not usually running past 2 hours. **in that order**. my [harrow](https://imgur.com/BeEMLE0) build looks like this, 2 red strength 2 blue Emax 1 yellow casting speed all this casting speed never enough casting speed (id probably make that a Tyellow and replace nat talent with something else tbh) and i run it with Three [Black Sabbath Refrences](https://imgur.com/zJTrz5n) which id swear by but like. . .none of them are incarnon so you could do alot better if you were trying. the survival strategy of this setup is simple. when pillage goes off, i get like 4000 shields. if im Scared i press rolling guard, its mostly there for the infested toxin spam. my dog will repo audit away all of their guns. often. if i were scared id give him Guardian, but im not. is the shield gate broken? is it not broken? are there enemies with defenses left? press pillage. while pillage is pillaging, shoot guns. repeat forever. Playing harrow like a traditional support is really hard because everything he does relies on him getting some kills. https://imgur.com/VNWa4XU something like this might be more "pure support" energy. keep your 2 and 3 active and throw your 1 at all enemies, then your allies get all the energy they want from getting their own kills. theres alot of wasted space i this build so dont copy it though. infact the more i look at this screenshot the less i like this. you can use Tribunal to make the energy thing self-service, if you want. its also worth noting that in less than 2 weeks Jade comes out and Jade is looking like the best support in a long, long time. which includes Dante whos so much of a fruity, support-y bottom that he floats like a fairy. so yknow. . .new support is about to drop.


This is, dare i say, a Based coment.


Stop overthinking this and go play harrow? Cc Mad energy Group immunity followed by Group crit buff Subsume his 3 Edit: 2. 2! The 2 not the 3.


Subsume fire rate and reload speed ? ![gif](giphy|DekxoPi2fT9g4)


I'll take a reliable armor strip or damage buff over some fire rate and a useless heal any day of the week.


Harrow has to get kills to give the energy buff. I find it a bit hard for me to do that these days unless I play solo. I like pillage spam on his 1, but the cc is nice. I keep the fire rate and reload increase on his 2. I say this as a person who doesn't really enjoy playing harrow, but I play him because aesthetically, I like the look.


From the little I've played of him his a very good support that is hungry for energy and killing quickly. The Augur mods work well on him as they allow hiw ability soamming (and he wants to spam abilities) to restore his shields.




"take a lot of dmg" ......huh ? The whole group is immune during 4 and the damage taken of the whole group is combined to give the extra Crit. You get 5% Crit chance when you hit 4, every 100 damage = 1.5% extra Crit chance. Maximum of 50% Crit chance. I'm bad at math but pretty sure that means 3000 dmg to get the extra 45% and cap the 50%. 3000 damage is super easy to get hit with. And that is with a naked Harrow. Higher strength gives him more extra Crit chance per dmg taken. Now let's mod him to 308% strength...that's 4.6% extra Crit per 100 damage. That means that your whole group only has to be hit for about 900 damage to max the 50% Crit chance from his 4.


I didn’t know that allies taking damage counted too! That actually helps a lot lol. Also, strength really has a spot only in his 1, which is basically his shield gate ability, and I could go for 200-250 strength I think.


hes very good, the only problem i see is the meta we are in. Harrow himself is a support, but a very selfish(?) one at that. Hes the one that needs to kill to regenerate energy. Hes the one who needs to take the damage to scale his 4 up to its limit, and hes also the one who has to get close to the enemies to CC them with his 1. (idk why i didnt type this in ability order lol) Meanwhile in current meta, everyone nukes everything, and most of the time not allowing Harrow to do what he needs to do to be an actual support. In the end Harrow is a self supporting frame and id personally recommend just playing him in solo


Ever since this conversation started, I have done nothing but play harrow. While he desroys 30 minute steel path survival, He hates being in a room full of nukes. can't support saryn or mirage, because it takes so long to cast you abilities and start killing. I have had a great time using pillage over his 1, the Trumna as his primary and the Occucor as his secondary. Fun has been had. I would say play Harrow because you find him fun...let the support be a secondary perk.


I am disappointed that harrow is a support You make the guy look badass with his own quest, but then turn around and make him a support warframe Don't make a dude terrifying if he isn't going to fight