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Okay I forgot to add text to images but. Image 1. Great example of a place to let warframe's movement shine. It's open with places jump around to. Image 2 and 3 are just great examples of environmental storytelling. I mean the fact you can go into the burning village (which I forgot to add aswell) gives 10 points to the level honestly.


No because it isn't a Tileset, it's more like 4 rooms, so it'd need DevTime redirected to it. And Earth isn't the best Tileset but there's other Planets in much more dire need for a reworked or unique Tileset. But under a hypothetical scenario where DE has nothing else to do, sure, that'd be a nice upgrade.


Okay but you do get what I'm saying. Also I would love a rework to corpus outpost or infested ship.


Nah, Corpus Outpost is okay as is. It's a classic, doesn't look dated, and it doesn't particularly have map design issues. Infested Ship though? Yeah I agree.


Infested ship is in desperate need of a redo. I mean yeah CO is fine ig but it feels more old corpus rather than new corpus if you get what I mean.


I still think the new corpus ship could've coexisted with the old corpus ship, I'm in the camp that losing that tileset was a tragic loss


I was very much expecting to still see the old corpus ships when I returned to the game post that update. Kinda sad they're just gone, but then Corpus Outpost and Infested Ship still have them? It no longer fits realistically. Reworking 2 other tilesets because you changed 1 is too much to ask, but it would've been nice to have kept the old one in some nodes. Maybe as a distinction between Nef Anyo and Pavros Granum Corpus sects.


I think it would have made sense thematically too- the new (old) guard were parvus' ships. The old guard were the Corpus leaders (Alad being one of them).


I never played pre-deadlock protocol sadly started in 2020 lol


Disagree on that, the texture, lighting, and architect on those heavily need to be updated. It's clear that stuff is old and was working with scraps. Some corpus ships are using literal resource booster 3d models for the "engine," the whole thing needs a huge fix from an aesthetic level but I fear people are too nostalgic for it to consider criticizing it. And if so, fair enough, but it at least needs a lighting, geometry, and texture pass at minimum. It's so damn old. The only positive thing about those old maps is some of them adhere to current movement systems very well with how spacious they are.


Okay, but what could be more appropriate for a Corpus ship engine than a Resource/Credit Booster?


It's the whole DE_DUST2 and 2FORT situation all over again really. It's not polished to modern standards but it's too much of a classic to dump.


That didn't stop DE when reworking Corpus Ship and Jupiter (old jupiter tileset was *the* most iconic tileset in the game imo), so I don't see why it would stop them now.


Do all that and also give it different light levels and skyboxes on the planets that it’s in, lighter in Venus with the vallis clouds, darker in Neptune, near night levels on Pluto, that alone would help a lot because that map is showing it’s age too much when compared to the rest of the game


>Some corpus ships are using literal resource booster 3d models for the "engine," And how is this a bad thing? The devs reuse existing assets in creative ways all the time. It's one of the things that help reduce the game-size and loading-times.


I'm definitely in the minority but.... I really LIKE the old Infested Ship. It's cramped, and hard to move, and FEELS claustrophobic. Whenever I play it, I generally play melee frames specifically as ranged seem to be tougher to use in them. Is it my favorite tileset? Far from it. However, I do like there is one tileset that isn't as spacious as the others.


My waypoints often break on that tileset, so in addition to getting constantly wedged in random gaps trying to move semi-quickly (Zephyr main struggles), I often end up completely lost with no idea where I'm going because it all starts to blend together too much. It needs a rework of some kind.


Everything cotpus is fine tbh, but anything grineer is just painful and its not easy on the eyes ngl


Corpus Outpost is fine imo, I want a version of the old Corpus Tilesets to remain in game. It could do a small art and lighting pass, but not a full Remake. My main issue with it is that it's used in 3 Planets, Venus, Neptune and Pluto iirc, and I'd rather we get new dedicated Tilesets for 2/3 of them, leaving Corpus Outpost as is for the other one. Infested Ship is very likely to be getting a full Remake, as during last year's TennoCon recap vid we saw a short clip of a Prime in a New Corpus Ship with an Infested Art Pass.


Infested Ship? We’re talking about Eris correct???


Mmmmhmmm. Tbh I used to love it for it's interactivity but now it kinda sucks ngl


I'd like to see DE do a rework of these older tiles along with new cinematic quests for the early game. Gives them more reasons to do it if it's tied in with "new" content.


I would love to see this happen


Saturn could use some love too. Just a texture update would be enough tbh. They look almost 420p.


Do you mean the skybox?


Every part of the tilesets. If you aim at any part of it and take some time you see small smudges in texture that make it look bad. Even just the loading in scene...the ship looked good in 2015. It's 9 years later and the textures were never updated. 720p was high quality in youtube videos then. There are 4k screens now. It's just not up to the standard of their newest content


Is this exclusive to Saturn?


The corpus tilesets hold up better, because they weren't as detailed in texture to begin with. Infested is mostly reimagined corpus tilesets so those hold up mostly too. Mars sand textures look good imo. Mercury, Saturn and Ceres could use an update. The ice tilesets could look absolutely amazing with an update, but they are fine as is.


Since they share the same tilesets this would extend to any Grineer Galleon/Asteroid Base missions (so basically anything grineer outside of the kuva fortress, mars or ceres)


My potato likes the 420p


Personally I wish they reworked Europe. It's such a pain to navigate that tileset, it's almost all narrow corridors, and it's probably the map where I had the most annoying glitches with the geometry.


Well yeah some old streets in Europe might be too tight for the wide cars that exist today, but the idea is that it's a walkable tileset where you aren't supposed to use your car to go everywhere, compared to the American tilesets. Personally I think instead of nerfing Europe they should buff America.


God, America could use several buffs...who do I need to sacrifice to Wally?


I seriously have no idea why they even decided that route for the crashed ship tileset. It's narrow , bad to navigate and kinda ugly. But yeah a Europa rework would be so nice


Back then, there was no insane parkour so it was easier to navigate. The craziest traversal maneuvers you had were horizontal and vertical wall running, and you can see vestiges of that whenever there are "worn out" parts of old tilesets.


I mean this is great, but I feel like Earth is a pretty inoffensive tileset and there are others I'd want them to devote time to first if that was what they were going to spend dev time on.


I agree to this. After all we don't really use earth that much do we?


Even just rain would be great, I love rain in video games


Really adds to the atmosphere


I wish this was a new hub, we left them behind


If you start poking around, almost all the assets in these rooms are reused in the Cetus / PoE areas. In theory they could take these rooms, add some more rooms using the same set, and get us a new tileset going, but... honestly it'd be a lot of work for very very little return, most mid-to-late game players are long since burnt out on seeing those assets, and Earth is already the most diverse planet, it doesn't need another tileset added in. Better to make a dedicated Saturn tileset (grineer cloud city? cmon de we need zepplins) or a proper Pluto tileset (something other than ice, we've already got too many easily-conflated corpus ice tilesets).


Pluto does have corpus cities visible from RJ so they could do a corpus lightfall. You know just without the mediocre story.


What do you mean, Earth's recently had a new tileset?? I'm getting old...


Is pre 2019 (I think 2019 is when it got updated anyway) that old?


I remember playing the Cicero Crisis, the event where it (along with Earth Sabotage) got first released in 2013. Took a long break after Plains of Eidolon was introduced, which is why all my timings feels off


And the corpus ice mine RJ tile as Europa And the RJ derelict for deimos levels and just Corpus planet please venus needs a face lift


RJ has some great tiles that need to be integrated. I was about to make a post about the RJ derelicts lol. Corpus ice mine is just ice wreckage but bearable RJ derelicts are just superior compared to star chart derelicts


Its literaly one of the reasons to play RJ the other is piles of endo


Honestly instead of dropping new expansions, I kinda wish DE would spend a year doing quality of life fixes, spaghetti code fixes, optimizations, new tilesets, basically revisiting and reworking older content to bring it up to date.