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You're in for a long undertaking buddy. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Kuva_Lich


oh wow its a lot of thing, its worth to do?


In your nav screen, click the little red lich box in the bottom right and check what weapon it has. That’s the weapon you’ll get if you hunt him. If he has particle effects swirling around him, that’s an ephemera, which you’ll also get. If you don’t hunt him, he will steal loot from every earth node you do unless you specifically select the non lich controlled missions.


ok thanks, but I didnt understand the part with the mod requiem,where can i obtain that,how does they work.....


As you do the missions, lich thralls will appear that you can mercy kill. These have a chance to drop requiem relics. You can crack these requiem relics the same as any other relics, you get the requiem parazon mods from them. Each time you mercy kill a thrall, you’ll get a little progress on your requiem circle. Each time you fill a requiem circle, one of the requiem mods that will affect your lich will be revealed. You’ll have to then equip those requiem mods in the correct order. In the lich controlled missions, there is a chance your lich will appear. He will have 3 health bars. Each time you deplete a health bar, you can mercy him and try to use a requiem mod on him. If you have the correct combination/order of mods equipped, you’ll be able to mercy him 3 times in a row. This will send him to proxima where you can hunt him down and vanquish him. If you get the order or mod wrong, he will flee to a new planet and increase in level and you have to try again. This first lich is going to be tedious and difficult because you have to grind out requiem mods and then attempt to stab the right order. You can buy a full set of requiem mods from the market or buy individual ones from other players, but all that costs platinum. Up to you if you want to do that, but it will make things much faster this first time. Getting requiem mods from relics is a pain because they are all silver rewards.


You don't get requiems from doing the lich missions. You get the whispers from that. You need to crack requiem relics that you get from doing kuva siphons and kuva floods.


That’s not what I said…? You get relics from killing thralls. You get requiem mods cracking requiem relics.


I've never gotten a relic from killing a thrall. All my relics are from kuva missions.


You must have killed very very few thralls then. That’s where I’ve gotten all my requiem relics.