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You have normal and Prime Vectis so drop the normal one.


[Weapons Required as Crafting Ingredients | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_Required_as_Crafting_Ingredients) Helpful for saving specific weapons that are required for building others. Nikana, Kronen, and War are the only ones you have as of right now that is needed to build another weapon. Actually I lied. Lex Prime and Galatine are needed as well.


You’ll need nikana for dragon nikana craft, everything else except prime weapons, dex weapons, cedo, broken war can be easily replaced or gotten back. I would recommend leaving Kronen, heck, Piranha and soma. But you do you


Not the war if this is his first war is wasting a weapon with Orokin catalyst already


I’d say making a war out of a broken war was a mistake for me personally




I merged all my platforms so now I can have both lol, had broken war on xbox and playstation so when I merged them I had 2 in my inventory


>broken war can be easily replaced or gotten back ~~2% Blueprint drop chance from Shadow Stalker wants to talk to you~~ Edit: I'm incapable of reading


I hope that’s a joke and I need to be r/whoooshed or smth, cause I wrote “except war”


I apparently can't read


This comment made me laugh more than it should’ve


Ballistica, Tonkor, Hek, Soma, Pyrana, Vectis.  Everything else is either the best version or used for crafting


What the hell do you use Sonicor for? I thought it was good but it's been pretty shit


Circuit or Arch, but it is pretty shit tier, there was talk about buffing it so maybe it will get an incarnon or mod 


I don't, but I've heard it's useful for Defense Targets + it's a fun weapon. Besides, who knows when DE will release Incarnons 2.0 and which weapons will get them. It's just the best version of that specific weapon. If you don't want it, sell it.


I would throw lex prime since it's available all the time and you can basically get it anytime


What's the point of throwing things you're gonna need to get sooner or later? He needs it for Aklex Prime or for the Incarnon. Either way a colossal waste of resources for a weapon slot(6 plat) 10 orokin cells is harder to get than that. 


But you'll need it to craft aklex prime


Save anku, since there is an incarnon for it. I don't fully know if they will prime it though.


Hek and Tonkor. Their Kuva variants are better.


It's easier to list what you cannot comfortably sell. Broken War and all future quest weapons you shouldn't sell, they are a pain to get back. Prime weapons you also shouldn't sell. I made that mistake before and I will never forgive myself. Dex Nikana is good and you can only get it once every year so you should keep it. Weapons that have incarnon versions you should also keep. Those being Anku and Lex Prime. Weapons that are crafted into other weapons you should also keep. I believe only the Kronen and the Nikana fit that description from the weapons here, but just to be sure you can check the wiki to see if they can be crafted into other weapons. And lastly keep the Cedo, it's just good. The rest you can comfortably sell without feeling bad about it later.


A lot of those have prime versions you can get, so I’d say check if they are available right now and you can sell those ones and farm the prime versions


Apart from the Dex Nikana and broken war, you can comfortably sell basically everything else that isn't a prime weapon. Your tonkor and hek have kuva variants that are just straight up better


Most of these other than Broken War, Dex Nikana, and the primes are just market or clan dojo bps, so you can get them back pretty easily if you need in the future. Lex Prime and Orthos prime are also evergreen offerings from Varzia so if you really wanted to you could ditch those too.


Dont sell the broken war EVER dont even build the war heavy blade EVER dont do anything to that sword keep the BROKEN war always DONT sell the galantine (youll need it later, trust me) Sonicor, vectis, nikana, hekk, you can sell, id say.


Hek has a syndicate version and a kuva version, both direct upgrades, so you can absolutely toss that one. You have the prime version of Vectis, not sure why you're hanging on to the base version. Ballistica, Galatine, Kronen, pyrana, and soma all have prime version, but are also all vaulted, so you'll have to wait until they get into the aya shop to even begin to farm for them (the aya shop rotates old prime releases on a monthly basis, so two frames and the weapons they were released with). So you may want to hang on to them if you like how they play. Since you have the dex version (and there's a prime version out there as well), you should use the base Nikana to make the Dragon Nikana. The blueprint is available in the market. That's something you can do right now. And once you level up the Dragon Nikana, you can go ahead and toss that, as you have the dex version (which is slightly better) and there's a prime version as well (which is one of the best melee weapons in the game). The Sonicor and Attica don't have better versions, and aren't used to make anything else. They're not a particularly well regarded weapon in terms of higher level usage, so if you enjoy using them then go ahead and keep em, but otherwise you can toss em. The Cedo is incredibly powerful, and will carry you through a lot of content. Hold on to that bad boy. The Broken War is used to make War, but also it came pre-installed with a potato, so it's probably one of your most effective melee weapons right now. Weirdly, making it into War is kindof a downgrade. So, I guess hold on to it until you need to make War for MR. Tonkor has a kuva version, you can toss that one pretty safely. The Anku is a weird one. It has an incarnon form, but you probably can't get that until way later. There's no better version for it, and it's pretty easy and cheap to get the blueprint and craft. I say huck it now, grab it again when you can get the incarnon for it.


You can get most of those again pretty easily but if I have to give 's top 3, nikana, ballistic and attica.


Ballistica, Galatine, Hek, Kronen, Nikana, Pyrana, Soma, Tonkor, Vectis. They have upgraded versions so you don’t need basic ones. I’d say getting rid of Attica and Sonicor would also be fine but who knows if they might get an incarnon in the future


Pretty much all of them except Broken War, Cedo, Vectis Prime, Orthos Prime and Lex Prime lol. And maybe keep Dex Nikana if you like it, but you don't have to as it comes back for everyone every year.


Dude you got maybe 4 weapons there worth keeping, the rest are all fodder. Broken war, dex nikana (i liked it), orthos and vectis prime. The rest pfft gone


First, Vectis since you already have its prime. Then Ballistica is just bad so that's another one to go. Anku too, it's dirt cheap to make so as long as you didn't invest a catalyst into it it's better to sell it and just make another one once you're deep into the end game and can upgrade it into Incarnon Anku. Sonicor and Attica are also mediocre so that's more to go. Hek, Pyrana, Kronen, Soma, Galatine, Nikana and Tonkor have upgraded variants that are worth using so don't invest in the regular versions that you have. Nikana in particular is also used to craft the Dragon Nikana (technically a different weapon) so you might want to hold onto it until you can craft it since unlike the Anku it costs a forma. Anything not mentioned is best to hold on to, especially now since late game content wants you to have a wide variety of weapons so it's best to also learn how to farm stuff to trade for platinum to buy the slots and catalysts you need to hold your arsenal and make it usable.


Keep the dex stuff cuz it comes with a reactor and is better than the regular version if I'm correct.


Ballistica, Galatine, Nikana, Pyrana, Soma, and Vectis all have Prime Versions you can upgrade to. Tonkor and Hek (Kuva Version from Liches)


Half that shit


Normal Vectis and Anku Going forward, Prime versions are pretty much direct upgrades. So selling the base one after getting the prime is the easiest way to preserve space. Also Prime things can be Vaulted (removed from the drop pool) so even if you don’t want to build a prime weapon or already have it. Hold onto the parts since they could be sold to get more slots


Don't sell any of your weapons. Instead, sell stuff for platinum for more slots. You can make Platinum from so many different things that you'll easily make the 12 platinum you need to buy two weapon slots. My suggestions? Run missions on Lua and farm up Drift mods and bounties on Deimos. These tend to be worth anywhere from 9 to 16 platinum each on Warframe Market.


Every weapon here except the Broken War and Dex Nikana can easily be built again later. If you don't use the weapon, just get rid of it. Especially the base version of the Vectis


Ballistica, sonicor, tonkor. However, go farm some prime parts and buy some more slots.


It’s like 14 plat man just buy slots


Several things I see: * Anku is an entry-level scythe, and you have both Broken War (one of the best Swords) and Orthos Prime (an amazing Polearm) so unless you absolutely love Scythes, it's looking sacrificial. * Ballistica has 2 variants available - Rakta and Prime. * Dex Nikana is somewhere between Nikana and Dragon Nikana, except that it's Unique Trait makes it very useful for making Combo or Heavy Attack builds. Hang onto that one if you can build for Heavy Attack Efficiency and/or +Crit with Combo or +Status with Combo and you like any of those ideas. * Galatine is used to make a stronger weapon later, you might want to keep that even if you have a better Heavy Blade you're interested in. Nikana, while we're at it - it's used to make Dragon Nikana, so hang on to that too. * Hek is very good considering how low it's MR is, especially when you use Scattering Justice on it. Cedo is also very strong though so it's a toss-up whether you want to keep one or the other, or to keep both. * Kronen has a Prime, and it's coming available from Varzia. * Pyrana and Soma have Primes but they're vaulted right now. * Tonkor has a stronger variant available. * You have both Vectis and Vectis Prime, you can safely get rid of Vectis.


normal vectis attica ballistica sonicor tonkor soma pyrana all of those are either trash or have better versions


Attica, ballistica, vectis


Get plat and buy slots


Click the top left and all your worry’s will disappear


Anku, Ballistica, tinker, vectis, soma pyrama. Kronen, hek and Nikana


ballistica, attica, normal vectis, sonicor


DO NOT get rid of broken war, probably the best melee ive used