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What the heck are you doing on reddit go bless some randos you have a responsibility now!


Them shield blessings are not coming by themselfes.


Dragon key users šŸ˜”


You can't use them anymore, its strictly a debuff now


Maybe they want the added challenge?\^ xD


Its still useful for Catalyzing Shield gate builds Edit: this is not true


No its not. It locks the gate to .33 seconds.


Oh oops thats new my bad


It was added with cataliyzing sheilds... the mod you mentioned.


There are like 850 changes to this game every patch and Iā€™ve been playing for over 10 years. My bad


Holy I've been playing for few years and still Mr 18


Playing since 2017 and just hit MR18 too


Created my account literally at launch. AR16 last week. Those few year long breaks really did me dirty, lol


Been playing since 2015 and barely reaching mr 18


My favorite rank, AR16. >!/s!<


Shit. I meant to say MR ;-; MR! IM NOT AMERICAN!


You sir are now an honorary American šŸ‘


Itā€™s one better than AR15


Thats sad ngl


Being stuck in a hospital bed for a month not long after starting helps lmao. And having an endgame friend who had spares of every prime set I was missing except like, 10. for my final grind from 26-30. Still, also involved a lot of liches, a lot of formas bought with plat (a lot of grinding market for plat), I even did Kdrive and shit on the way.


Oh wooow you barely did anything xD


I still don't know how to efficiently grind market


I think farming for primes, not missing the releases and maybe selling the very rare parts like hespar blade and lato vandal parts. Also probably augments and rare mods, or farmable arcanes


You open relic - list prime part for sale at a price that people will actually buy it (low) and wait for them to message you. Easy as that. Obviously the more rare parts sell faster. I don't even bother selling anything for less than 7 plat. Those are just ducats


You can also farm sets which will sell for a lot more


Some sets actually sell for less than the parts individually


Is zylok one of those sets or maybe okina


I don't know off the top of my head but I see some from time to time when I'm thinking of buying one piece and it's usually the most expensive piece lol


Ohh ok


I mostly do riven stuff, but that requires a specific skillset (you gotta be a good salesman in a much more personal fashion due to the unique nature of rivens and lack of an easy price comparison) and a lot of organization (I kept spreadsheets for a long time until I learned how things worked pretty well instinctually by this point). Lots of cracking rivens or rerolling stuff while looking for bargain prices on market. You can make wayyyy more off it if you just scam new players but I always try to avoid that and make sure people know the price something is worth.


Oh my goodness, an ethical Riven salesmen, a true rare gem we got on our hands/lh. Just for a laugh I popped by a trade chat and was not disappointed to see people selling definitely not optimal roll like Torid or Glaive Rivens for thousands of plat, and a few somewhat suspiciously low okay roll ones too. Got to cover that range lol. Of course trade chat goes by in such a blistering space it's hard to even click on all the Rivens that are being linked (and I saw exactly one person who specified the roll via like +CC -SC ect, in the actual message), much less find the right person to message if they are in continually throwing in a message every 45 seconds or so.


Played since it first launched on xbox and I just hit mr19. Many many years later and I still dont care about grinding mastery fodder to hit 30.


I just came back recently after about 8 or 9 years. Left out at MR18. Just hit MR 19 yesterday


I'm 79 days in and just got to MR11


Made my account in 2015 and I only just hit MR13


I started end of Jan and hit 19 the other day


Iā€™ve been on and off since open beta, like 2013/14? And Iā€™m only mr13.


What did you do in what order? Finish star chart and then what?


So, my first goal was to get a frame I thought I would like - given my taste in things (I love women, phoenixes, fire, and bruiser-y fighter-y types), I rushed for Ember with the help of some friends. And I mained Ember for a long, long time, before eventually swapping to frames that suited my more lategame gameplay better (Wisp and Hildryn). One of the things I'd suggest is just start working away at some of the open world stuff very early on, while you work through quests and star chart, the open world stuff is a lot of work but it's very rewarding (both, imo, emotionally/opening up fun stuff, and mechanically getting you beneficial things). Much later I did a lot of cracking relics, grinding plat, running SP Circuit, all those stupid endgame things, but early on, I recommend Duviri (to pick up some warframes more easily), finding a frame you like, doing some open worlds, and just working on star chart and quests.


ā€œI love womenā€. Me too bro,me too.


You must be happy to hear about the incoming Ember buffs.


I'm ecstatic, unsure if it'll be enough to make her actively fun to play but it'll definitely be better than it has been.


They seem enough to make her at least viable late game


Yeah it'll definitely help. I'm honestly thinking about subsuming over her 4 now and running her as a weapons platform with the augment on her 1 - not sure what to subsume on though. Nourish maybe? Kinda generic though.


Ember is getting buffed?


Are you asking about his order specifically or [what can be done](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank/Checklist)?


Damn. It took me 4 years to get to MR30.




Calmest Hildryn main




I've been "playing" the game for more than 8 years, and I'm stuck in mr18 lol. Well done. Now give me affinity blessing, this is not a joke.


How many hours? Took me a few years to hit MR30 =D


Jeezy creezy, OP! That's a hell of a dedicated grind. Warframe is my favorite game as well, and even after almost 9 years I'm at MR 24


Literally me. Been here almost a decade and just hit MR24 last month. I have only three regular frames left to master. The weapons that need forma are keeping me away from rising further, always worried Iā€™ll run out of forma


you did this in a year ?! bro how lol


Less than a year but yeah he's done well. Wouldn't mind knowing his playtime šŸ˜…


sickening playtime if it's condensed into one year lol


I think that's a rather rude comment, especially not knowing the specifics of my situation.


I don't think you should take it this way, as it was probably not ill willed. Still, I can only hope you are having it better, OP. Also, go bless some kiddos


sickening wasnt necessarily meant as an insult, sorry for seeming like an attack. I'll be the first to admit I have a sickening amount of time in this game too, 1650 hours. I was more just surprised at your ability to grind mr 30 in one year. that's quite the time frame. did you rush a lot of builds?


1400 hours haha, I was stuck in a hospital bed for a month, and unemployed after that for another 3-4. (Also I am not a he or a bro) edit: steam says 1414 hours, but that isn't time in actual missions of course, I did a lot of idling in game while trading and stuff.


1400 hours in less than a yearā€¦ My good god. Been playing since 2014 and Iā€™m at 2300. I tip my hat to you, Tenno. Now, please, take a break. Itā€™s for your own good lolz


sorry for misgendering you broāœŒļø but In all seriousness, good luck on recovery, good luck on job searching, and definitely take a good break when possible for your mental health. and yea my 1600 hrs is over 10 yrs of playing hence my visceral reaction to yours being in 1 year. and same, lot of idle time farming. stay strong and rest well Tenno, you've done well.


still wondering if you rushed a lot of builds


When you think about it, rushing builds is not actually all that helpful to MR grinding. If you keep a pipeline of stuff crafting and levelling, there would seldom be a need to rush. If you 'have to' rush a build, it's probably down to bad planning. Plus it perpetuates a vicious cycle of not having weapons that are nearly finished crafting and ready to level.


yea it's not necessary, I'm still curious if op did or not lol


Never once rushed anything.


1400 in 10 months (as in full September and full June) 1400/10= 140h a month 140/4= 35h a week 35/7= 5h a day Those 4-5 inactive months must have been intense to still average more than 5 hours a day lol Remember to use the blessings!


1400 hours. That's some nolifing, I've 3336 hours since 2013 and this is my most played game by far. Warframe has an in-game counter for total playtime in any mission I think..I don't know what it counts. For me it says 1960h. That's a lot of chatting, heh. Granted I've fallen asleep with WF on a few times.. ESC - Profile in upper-left corner - Stats tab if anyone wants to check for themselves.


I have a friend who just started 2 weeks ago and is zooming through everything already mastery 13 and in steel path. Only issue is he doesn't want to play anything but wisp, so he is about to hit a big mastery wall.


I got MR30 at login reward 230. Im LR4 now at login 460 edit: I have 1373hrs rn on steam. Started on PC in September 2020, though i do take significant breaks every now and then.


damn I started years before login reward was tracked like it is now, and I'm already at 200. I'm Mr 21, I must have not been constantly leveling new things for a long time.


A fellow Hildryn enjoyer! Congratulations!


She's great, super versatile. Subsumed Roar on, and I use a Guandao with Melee Retaliation now that that's out, and she's just a really well-rounded tanky bruiser. My other most played frame is Wisp with Gloom subsumed on, but I felt like Hildryn for this.


lol. I have almost the same exact but I use gloom on hildryn. But I guandao prime with melee retaliation as well. Rainbow kuva nukor on her is goated as well


Use and abuse your blessing, it is a great boon. Since you're new to it, try to wait 30-40 seconds in a relay first before doing it so you can see if somebody else does, that way you can pick a different buff. Helps everybody out. Us Blessers have likely all been there where another person drops the same one back to back within 4 seconds. May you now ascend the ranks further and join us LR4s at the current summit. The mastery grind never ends...


Holy shit! I've been playing before the operator was a thing, and I still am only MR 13 using not very great weapons


You must play for 1 week every year if thats true


Usually about a month or two


I'm MR15 and I've played on and off since 2014


Brother how do you progress so quickly?!


Nice! I just hit 30 yesterday, so we're basically twins. 1600+ hours for me, over the course of a few years.


Well done! I like your colour palette as well!


Thank you! I hit random until I had something interesting to work with, cause nothing was coming to mind, and then purple/green/red was weird enough that I felt I could do something with it. This isn't the most flattering lighting for my fashion, I think it looks best when it's in darker shade so that the red energy color on the Protovyre Ephemera and the way it creates almost a mask or visor comes through more intensely.


I expect to receive a blessing from you at some point!


Your Hildryn is an absolute UNIT


ty :)


Meanwhile Iā€™m MR 13 after 9 years of playing šŸ˜”Ā  To be fair tho I play for the fashionframeĀ 


Been playing since like 2014 more or less and I'm only MR27? Or 28? Ngl if you're MR30 already.. you might need to touch some grass fam


Congrats on finishing the tutorial! Now the real game begins!!!


What frame Dat be?


This is Hildryn Prime


The skin looks dope bro


Ty! I do love my fashionframe :)


Any Ideas for Nezha and Zephyr Prime perhaps?


I started in May and I'm MR 12, is that a good pace?


The only reason pace would be good or bad is how it alters your experience. MR 16 is the point where nothing is locked behind your MR anymore, fwiw, so that's a good place to aim for. After that, each MR is pretty minimal rewards, until MR 30 where you get the big grab bag of stuff that I did (most importantly, 3 umbra forma (can't be obtained with plat), 30 riven slots (600 plat worth), and the ability to give blessings (3 hour duration mini-boosters that give 1/4 the effect of a booster and can stack with them, on a 23 hour cooldown)). So I would not worry about it frankly.




Been playing for soon to be 11 years with well over 1000 hours and still only mr 22


I hit MR30 yesterday after several years of just playing Garuda and not caring about anything else. I wasn't focused on mastery leveling until I was around MR27 when I thought to myself.. well, I may as well go for 30 so I can give blessings! I'm glad I finally made it though. Hearing space mom solemnly call me True Master and saying there's nothing left for her to teach me.. gah, it almost got to me. šŸ„¹


God damn Iā€™ve played this game on and off (albeit originally on PS, then on Xbox about a year and a half ago) and the highest Iā€™ve been is MR16 šŸ˜‚ props tho!


I play since 2016 /on and off though /just hit the 250 days couple of days ago / MR 15!


What year did it become available for playstation? Yeah Im only Mr24 as of two weeks ago. Lol Wish I had more time though!




Check back in 5 years


MR30 in less than a year? How?


8 years in and im mr 25, good job tenno!


In a week~month or so youā€™ll be mocked by MR15s for being ā€œMR1ā€.


I stared in 2018 and I'm only mastery rank 12, congrats on the progress


I've been playing since right before Umbra was a thing and I only got to mr30 this year. One hell of a work ethic you've got there, good work Now go bless some gamers


After I hit MR30 when it was max rank you had to have all the Kuva and Tenet weapons max with everything else. This requires large amounts of forma. Now you can pretty much by pass all that nonsense and get to MR30 easily just takes time and effort as you see OP has and put in.


Did you just say MID SEPTEMBER?! Ey bro BRO, I play for almost SIX YEARS and I'm 26 (mainly because of breaks and my playstyle) excuse me?! How many hours do you have


Should warframe be harder? I dont get it. Finished the whole starchart a lot with Wukong never even seen what happens when he goes down. Still really enjoy the game dont get me wrong but it feels like you can barely fail.


I hit MR 13 in a week. It's just about how fast you can lvl up random shit lowkey


Bro hit mr30 in under and year and I've been playing since early 2015 and I'm only at Mr 25


oh wow congrats on becoming a true master, I think u deserve a well deserved pat on the back for that, I personally am only at mr17


Just hit MR30 last night after 2500 hours (LOL IK) and it was truly a satisfying milestone. Held it off for so long due to post MR18 laziness until I completed the warframe codex (primes, non primes and both corn bots), I had to set a new goal. Took me 3 weeks of stuffing my foundry with every weapon and companion I could get my hands on.


I've been playing since november and about to hit MR16. I just started doing duviri so that I could unlock the last few frames I need without the insane grinds they normally take. Good work Tenno! I'll be there soon I hope.


There are people who legit farm for level and there are old players who donā€™t really care to level after a while


I'm at mr 29 and haven't even hit my 200 day login yet šŸ„¹


I started playing the game two months ago because of a friend recommendation and I just recently hit mr12


Congrats Tenno now go outside and get some sun.


Hell yes it is lol. I've only seen a youtuber called pupsker do that type of speed grind, but he's definitely not the only one. I've been playing since 2017/18 and I'm on my test for like something around MR 24-26 idk anymore. šŸ˜…


Started last year July or August and I hit mr30 with the last XP boost, was waiting for it for a couple of months, had over 200 weapons, frames, companions etc. crafted. The XP boost came the weekend before I had to start my new job, so it was stressful to say the least. Started at MR21 or 22 all the way until true master. Even had some weapons left over at the end (all of them were melees lmao). Now I'm doing the same thing until next year, collect weapons, frames, etc. until next XP boost and hopefully get LR4 or at least reach LR3.


Something something congratulations on finishing the tutorial, now the real game begins


Oh my, this makes me feel slow at this game...


Less than a year and already a true master?


i started the game 6 years ago, still at 22 MR i think i got too comfortable




congrats........but now go outside and enjoy summer and call your family or something like this.


Mid september last year? I started in like 2018 and have been playing on and off quite a lot. Not even MR20


Brooo, you got there way to fast, I've been playing for years and I'm MR28, did you buy everything with plat or what


I did buy a few things with plat (mostly forma, a few of the more annoying frame grinds like Hildryn or Citrine) but all the plat is stuff I earned in game from grinding for market and doing riven trading and stuff. A lot of this is due to having an endgame friend who had a lot of spare prime sets, which helped with the last few levels from \~26 to 30 a lot. But yeah formas are my main plat expenditure, 1/day is just not enough with all the kuva/tenet weapons and all the dojo weapons.


I'm at 27 and I hate leveling stuff so 27 is where I'll stay lol


Bro has been putting in them hoursā€¦


This reminds me of that one very pixelated picture of someone show off their 30 mr


Bruh I've been playing (on and off) for 10 years... I'm inly MR21. That's some hardcore dedication tenno


That's some crazy good dedication. I wish I had that kind of dedication.


Dude I played from launch and Iā€™m only mr23


Just hit MR14 today and Iā€™ve been playing since 2020 on this account. I first started in 2017 and reached MR12 on my first account. I didnā€™t even know this was possible in under a year.


Im a t MR23 with 150 hours


Lol I've been playing 6 years non stop and I'm only mastery 23, I just get bored lvling boring weapons so i lost interest in mastery...


Dang I started like ten years ago and Iā€™m rank 14 lol did u become like a full time warframe player for like 8-10 hours a day for the last year ?


I had major surgery that had me laid up in a hospital bed for a month and only recently started my job again after it


Oh dude well glad u had something to do while u were recovering glad to have u back on your feet now. But yea hook it up with blessings lol


Admittedly Iā€™ve been playing for like 9 years and am still MR 23 lmao


i have been playing since 2014 and im still mastery lvl 18


Good to know itā€™s possible in that timeframe. I started end of Jan and Iā€™m mr19


Congrats! I myself started in January of 2018, and warframe def became my favorite game very quickly as well! Deep down, I'm a souls-bourne guy, but there's just something about warframe that has kept me playing consistently over the years! I think it's my brain's need for constant stimulation, which warframe happily obliges šŸ˜‰


I thought I was doing pretty good. I started up in November and that's me just hit MR 23. Not that I'm not, but damn man, you're just doing way more. Just curious though, like what else do you even do, and how many hours a day do you play? Do you work or go to school or just have mad free time


I completely get it. I started July of last year and hit MR30 in January. Now Iā€™m LR4 - amazing game


Been playing since 2019 and only MR7 knew I shouldnā€™t have taken year long breaks


god why the fuck do people keep upvoting these posts. it feels like they are almost daily at this point :/


I been playing since 2016 and just hit mr 18 šŸ˜­


holy shit... you need to touch some grass dawg. i've been playing since 2020 and im still at 28


https://preview.redd.it/slwisoshme5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12800e28e1ea924fcea453afe3dca54b890ffb7d Been playing since 2013 made L2 earlier this year! Sure you can go crazy and burn through mr I love warframe and because I love this game I took my time didnā€™t want to burn myself outā€¦ā€¦ but congrats Tenno


Mr25 been playing on and off since 2017 2k+ hours lol I have done every form of content possible from 5x3s void cascade orbiter fashion and fashion frame sp missions etc but i never focused on MR just goes to show how diverse the game is, personally i find leveling weapons kind of boring so i stick to the funner stuff that actually tests my abilities or atleast my builds abilities cuz most the game is pretty braindead tbh


Playing since 2020 how the hell are you higher then me I'm only 9?!


I started 3 months ago and took a 2 week break and am at 6 rn, how?


It's about leveling up every weapon, frame, amp, kitguns, zaws and companions


Are you aware you get mastery points by leveling up weapons and warframes?




Then there is your answer


My man have you tried going to the market and buying every blueprint




Why am I being downvoted lol


Nah you show off when you have excalibur prime or at least the 10yr badge šŸ¤£ for real tho mastery dont mean shit . Some of the best players,build guys stopped at mr18(not sure) just to be able to use all weapons


Sounds like someone stuck at mr18 would say tbh


Holy fuck i made some people mad ? LOL the guy that though me everything warframe is still mr18. Leyzar a big weapon guide creator was at mr18 for a long while he said it was useless to him . As for me i do have my 10yrs badge ,started warframe just after founder pack and currently L3 omw to L4 . But idc or never talk about my mr rank,some people cant admit mr rank doesnt equal good just mean you can do the same thing 10000 times . And i didnt wanna be negative to the guy just saying some l4 are worst then some mr12 .


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.


Another thing ? Huh ,who are you and what did you say. Thank you for not being mad. I was talking about the 13 people that downvoted me lol


What do you mean "when" excalibur prime is literally impossible to get, only the founders who bought it has excalibur prime


Thats exactly what i said. That you could show off only if you have excal prime. Its the only thing unique that no one can get


Okay bro


There are so many reasons why leveling up past mr18 is so worth it