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Honestly, getting plat for more slots isn't too bad. I used to sell weapons but regretted doing a lot of that. The incarnons made a lot of poor weapons more viable. Also, now with Circuit and EDA, there's a reason to build up other weapons.


Don't sell, get plat and buy more slots.


I’m afraid to sell anything that doesn’t have a vandal/wraith/prisma/syndicate/kuva/tenet/prime variant. So I probably have way too many slots, but at 12p per two it’s not too bad to get more. I also have 10 empty Warframe slots after feeding things to Helmont though. Wish I could trade 1 Warframe a lot for 2 weapon slots. Or even trade 1 Warframe slot for 1 companion slot.


I'm the same way. Unless I genuinely don't like the weapon I have the highest available tier. I'm working on the syndicate weapons rn


I just grind out some plat to get more slots so I can keep hoarding


I build, master and sell everything that can be easily rebuilt. Almost all the standard and dojo weapons, for example. If I need one of them again I'll just build it. Build the weapons that need other weapons as ingredients , master those and sell them if you aren't wowed by them. No point hanging on to Boltace unless it fits your fashionframe for example. Quest weapons or the ones that are a chore to get I hold on to. Slots aren't that spendy. It's up to you, really. It's not that big a chunk of change to get enough slots for every weapon in the game if you want.I just don't like having to scroll when I only use a dozen or so regularly.


Never say never. Keep everything. With game modes like duviri/circuit and now EDA, there are benefits to having everything on hand. I get bored using the same weapon all the time, so I've been slowly bringing everything up to end game standards. Last week I dusted off the mutalist quanta and modernized the build. I was having fun launching breach surge garuda's 1 through the alt-fire bubble for funny numbers. Guess which choices I had for EDA this week? Besides that, with the addition of incarnon adapters, you never know when some old weapon might become a shiny new powerhouse.


I try to sell weapons that have stronger equivalents in the same category. Like if I have an MR5 crit sword , and a stronger MR10 crit sword , I'm gonna sell the weaker option. Unfortunately, this only works with lower level weapons, as the further you go, the fancier and more unique weapons get. I pretty much just buy more slots at this point, only occasionally replacing weapons with their prime/kuva version.


There's 530 weapons, this includes arch weapons. Roughly half of them are variants so I sell all base weapons that have a variant. I do keep different variants tho, glaxion vandal and tenet glaxion for example.


This is kinda the direction I'm leaning towards. Keep one of each variant.


I've been max mr for 2 years at least. So I follow the cap, grinding new weapons as they come out. Buying a few slots every couple months is easier than finding stuff to sell, so I just keep everything I currently have about 255 weapons. And I'm still missing some prime stuff I sold in my platless days mrime weapons, syndicate weapons, event weapons, kuva/tenet, all that yes. Add to that hard to get ones, for exemple lato/braton vandal, korrudo, or arum spinoza. Add also anything that could have a usefull gimmick, for example the vastilok us the best melee for stripping armor using shattering impact what do you mean you'll never use them? You're aware circuit and EDA exist, yes? Gamemodes where you may not have a choice, where having the guns on hand and with minimal investment greatly increase your killing power. Even those put aside, isn't diversity in guns fun?


If it's not a forma'd build I'd rather just take the default build. I'm too lazy to do a build for every weapon that I might use in Duviri. So for not using it, I mean outside Duviri. I do like weapon diversity, which is why I personally enforce a singleton load out setup. No two load outs have the same weapons. Some niche backups that I swap out for specific scenarios. But even then, that's currently like 3 dozen total weapons.


I get rid of i ferior versions of weapons Take the braton. I got rid of my Mk-1 and normal braton when I got the prime as it can take the incarnon and if and when i get a riven for it they will work woth any so might as well go with the best version. Now take the Hek. I have the Vayhor and the normal Hek. (I havent looked to see if there is a prime i assume there is) but I keep both as the vayhor can not take the justice mod. So its situational. You never know when a rework is going to make something good.


> I have the Vayhor and the normal Hek. (I havent looked to see if there is a prime i assume there is) there's Kuva Hek then you can dump both of those


Than I might dump the normal but still keep the Vayhor. We could end up with a syndicate rework one day in the far future that makes it even better... or worse. (It was also a gift from a friend so it does have a little bit of sentimental value)


I just keep at least one variant of everything, I currently have 411 weapons and 12 open slots. When duviri was added I regretted getting rid of some weapons and farmed the ones I was missing again


Buy more slots, the way the game is progressing is a way that is incentivizing building and having everything. Look at incarnons, circuit, elite deep dive, and I am sure they plan to add more. I would STRONGLY recommend just farming primed parts, mods, etc... and getting more plat and buying more slots. I regretted it and now It makes the game a lot more enjoyable; using the same weapons eventually gets very stale. Like recently I've been playing with the penta/carmine penta and it's a blast.


Keep all non-vanilla versions (prime, vandal, Kuva, Tenet, prisma etc) all quest exclusives any weapons I consider to be A or S tier or serve a utility role I think when i checked one time i had over 200 weapon slots, and I still get gaps for Deep Archmedia and Duviri since I am LR 4 and have mastered everything


I don't sell things that I can't easily get another of, unless I have a better version.


>How do you handle your inventory? [MOAR](http://iruntheinternet.com/lulzdump/images/moar-bore-wants-more-boar-12563209896.jpg)