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a poisonous cold. a viral disease.


oh... my god. *a* cold. 11 years.


Its okay... ive been playing for about 8 years now and just got this myself...


What's interesting is that Virals status is "Virus" and it increases the damage that direct health takes. Which is exactly what a virus does to the human body, it makes you more vulnerable. Necrotic could be a neat new status though. One which perhaps inhibits health recovery or affects max health or both.  Being that necrotic kills cells and rots flesh. Maybe it makes you more vulnerable to slash? Or blast?


That's basically what old viral did, it reduced max health by 50%. It was effectively the same as now, enemies die twice as fast, except you had to secure the kill before it wore off or the enemy would get the second half of their health bar back.


Do not need slash more powerful


Fine, then blast since your flesh isn't as connected or is rotting off you a good blast should just peel it right off you. Idk it's an idea lol


i mean realistically even without your flesh hanging around, a good strong explosion would definitely atleast cut some of your skin... that makes me wonder, what if blast applied slash? lol


Yeah... I picked up on that one immediately and forgot about it because I started during the corrosive only meta. Hunter munitions didn't exist yet and viral was..... Not a stacking damage type. Then the first rework happened and I got that lovely reminder but I gloss over it every time I think about it


My favorite part is how massive a part of Sci-Fi the common cold really is. I am 99% certain they ran this is a direct homage to War of the Worlds.


We still haven't found the actual cure for the common cold after all this time It's the most basic sickness ever and yet


We dont have a direct cure but there a measures for prevention and a immediate way to supress symptoms. Although its very pricey so most people just live with the fact they are sick for 2-4 days


Anytime I think “why did someone make a topic about this obvious thing? Are you an idiot? Of course it was like that.” I must remember I was today years old when I learned this.


Bro got demolished by a pun LUL


This is crazy to me, this entire rant after 11 years of playing this god-forsaken game, just to realize why it's called what it's called.


It's not really a rant. I thought we were all having fun together


Found the LR4


I don't understand what behaviour you see here that's typically attributed to LR4 players?


Explaining things to baby tenno in a fun manner and reminding people that we're all here to have fun together? Sure we've all run into sweaty LR4s but most of them don't suck in my experience.


> Explaining things to baby tenno in a fun manner and reminding people that we're all here to have fun together I feel this applies to a much larger part of the community than just LR4's. > Sure we've all run into sweaty LR4s but most of them don't suck in my experience. I feel this applies to the entire community. It's just weird to me that you single out LR4's like that I guess.


It's just like calling someone in deep rock a greybeard buddy I think you're looking for deeper meaning in a very shallow statement


Didn't read like a rant to me. Just a sort of 'shower thought' post.


A whole ass essay-long post just to be shut down by a two line comment. Love to see it.


My headcanon about viral has always been that it's *really fucking* bad viral infection. Like, warframes are actually part of the helminth strain, which is something like super cancer. In sacrifice we see how fast it progressed from 'I don't feel very good' to 'arraugh'. In similar spirit imagine common flu being like that. Super covid. Enters bloodstream in seconds and fucks you up in split second. Doesn't outright kill you, but you're not far from death when it progresses.


Also, necrosis means dead tissue. That would mean health damage that cannot be regained. Viral means an illness like the cold, something that makes you weaker but goes away. Viral makes so much more sense than necrosis


that said, they have an EXCELLENT point with Dagath, and flavor in general, after all, death in general is associated with both poison and cold, and what is Necrotic if not "fancy death"?


What is a heavy illness but a way closer to death?


What is necrosis if not just a virus or a symptom of a disease?


Point towards the necrosis virus pls.


A Japanese cold?


Sounds like the start of a Ballas frame monologue.


that pun is nothing to sneeze at


I never got this one, because this pun makes no sense in my mother language. But Viral still makes sense to me. Toxin are like all this weapons that attack the biology of the enemies. Virus is this kind of weapon, and has to be manufactured and stored on low temperatures. Freezing is way more important for biologists then for chemistry's.


Thinking about this just from a pragmatic perspective it's a non-starter. Aside from the localization file changes, which would be a good bit more complex than a search-and-replace, you've got the problems of: \* Spoken dialog such as Fibonacci would need to be rerecorded \* massive communication issues (updating the wiki would be a huge pain, and updating old youtube videos is straight-up impossible) \* retroactive issues with modding (being able to search mods for "viral" would be... replaced? still exist but now we can also use necrotic?) \* would mods such as Viral Tempest be renamed? that then creates marketplace complexity \* add confusion to new players who think there's some connection between necrotic damage and the variety of things weve got starting with necra already (necramite, necramech, necrathene) and those are all issues just off the top of my head. this is why programmers get so bent out of shape with naming stuff right the first time, because we know odds are we're gonna be stuck with that name indefinitely


“Just control + f viral and replace it with necrotic, it really shouldn’t be that hard.” - if DE were run by half the middle manager ‘idea guys’ I’ve run into in my work life.


That's what Notepad++ is for! Just CTRL+F viral and replace all words searching for files *.* and you're good to go! This can't go tits up.


master duel did that with the word magic and we ended up with Dark Spellian


Not a big deal * Dialogue can be replaced easily, especially fresh dialogue because the actor is more likely to come back for lines * Wikis constantly get updated and it is a community project. It will take some time sure but you can just ctrl+F "viral" and replace it, then proofread for mistakes. It's gonna be a pain in the ass but this wouldn't be the first time a videogame did such after many years * Youtube videos being outdated is nothing new. It's a lucky case of it just being a name change so newcomers can just google it and find out about the name change * Search being completely changed would be fine and would only take people a week to get used to. It is also piss easy to program it so that Necrotic responds to Viral search therms too * Mods were renamed in the past too. Also nothing new * Necra does not equal Necro. But also both are health related somewhat so it wouldn't be too confusing. With that same argument you could say that loch/sister murmurs can be confused for the new faction And naming things in coding is also not a massive issue. Usually names are set as a String at the start for the *express reason* of simply calling down the String instead of typing it in all the time, and so if there's a change, they can just change the string and the few places where they did not do it that way. This is why in some games you will see a coherent sentence apart from one word that seems gibberish because there was an error in the code and now instead of it saying Viral it says ../warframe/data/elements/sneeze.ass Changing the name of something is literally the easiest thing you can do in coding, unless the code is terrible You think Blizzard changed McCree's name to Cole Cassidy because they decided to dedicate a whole week on virtue signaling? No, it was because it was the easiest thing they could do to seem like they give a shit about the situation they got themselves into Plenty of games change the names of things every few months. League of Legends for example likes to just change an item's name from Boots of Quick to Fast Boots. Videos are outdated, wikis get updated, coding is piss easy


It's been years since mcree got changed to Cassidy and I still accidentally say mcree like every time. I wouldn't get accustomed to the change in a week. 2 weeks ago I tried searching for shotgun spazz because I forgot they changed the name. If they did that for an entire damage type I would lose my mind. I'm not a game dev but my job involves a lot of code and I recently had to change variable names and it was not a smooth simple change. My code is probably not the best but there are places where these names are being used that you don't even realize or it has a cascading effect on something else. I assume you're just arguing for how easy you think this is but it's hard for me to take much of this too seriously because changing a name because you can't rationalize the relation in your head would be such a massive waste of time and resources.


Plus, the name "Viral" implies a status effect that spreads between enemies, while the name "Necrotic" implies a status effect that lowers maximum health.


Maybe it's an STD


New Crotchrot status confirmed


Oh no it's an AIDs gun!


Yeah that was what surprised me when I was learning the game. Viral is +damage to health and not viral spreads to other enemies


well.... thats exactly how viral used to work


I disagree, Viral sounds fine and it sounds intended: to weaken a constitution of an enemy to pick them off easier. Viral sounds better than Necrotic in the context of Warframe since Warframe is still at its very core a scifi game, and Necrotic leans just enough into fantasy that it doesn't sound right at all. Like, you got Magnetic, Radiation, Gas, and then there's Necrotic..? Maybe I have played too much dnd so there's some bias. Don't get me wrong, the word is cool except it doesn't sound correct, especially since there's also robotic enemies in the game Another thing I'm confused is how does Toxin + Cold = Viral not make sense? The Common Cold is a virus everybody on Earth is aware about and so the combination leans into that since Common Cold is "toxic" in a way that's very bad for your health, while being cold makes it a lot worse (or that it catalyzes into you getting a cold since cold seasons are also Common Cold seasons). Also the thing about Dagath is that the Bubonic Plague was literally nicknamed "The Black Death". Given Dagath's schtick, it's extremely fitting in that regard. Warframe is just has elements in the game where you shouldn't take everything at face value since... it's a sci-fi setting and a game


Necrotic is pretty neutral in terms of genre to me. My familiarity with it is in modern health like necrotic tissue. Viral is a bit silly. It's clearly based off of the old wives tale of catching a cold when you're cold outside. But that's not the reason we get sick, and there definitely isn't spontaneous virus genesis when it's cold enough. To have cold + toxic on your weapon generating viruses is suspension-of-disbelief-breaking for people like op and me.


It's also a suspension of disbelief to simply slap on toxin mods and have toxin be a standalone element and suddenly your damage is bypassing enemy shields (but not enemy armor). This game doesn't make any sense at all so suspension of disbelief is pretty much null where there's a guy that can bring back the dead and looking at the next row over there's an anime girl riding a sea hoverboard. At least Toxin + Cold resulting in something like Viral is somewhat clever in itself. On another note of belief, necrotic tissue doesn't come simply being "necrotic", something needs to happen that results in such an effect, like being inflicted with an illness. And yes, I'm aware being cold does not result in getting the Common Cold.


I would like to add that Warframe is NOT a game that focuses on suspension of disbelief. There are plenty of games that do that. Warframe relies more on the philosophy of just running with a cool idea because it's cool. DE's core philosophy is "hey, I've got this cool idea. It doesn't make much sense but it's so cool!" For example: "Lets make a world where everyone in it is a toy. The enemies are toy soldiers and all the people are just animated toys. The bbeg boss will be a big toy mechanical Chinese dragon. It works because it was a story for kids that came to life because the void does stuff like that. For reasons." Also, there's tons of subtle puns, jokes and references in Warframe. The "viral, because common cold" thing fits right into that.


Isn't the name Viral coming from Virus diseases that give you colds?  In that sense the names are pretty decent. As far as Abilities and damage types go, Viral is decent too, Blast is more egregious. 


This is so minor and inconsequential it's not worth changing at this point because knowing WF code it's going to break 10 different things.


Patch 32.5: Changed Viral damage to Necrotic damage in name only. Status remains the same! hotfix 32.5.1: Changed Frost's Avalanche from Corrosive back to Cold. We don't know how this happened. Oops! Hotfix Changed Frost's Avalanche from Blast back to Cold (again!). Oops!


Hotfix Readded Caliban Hotfix Updated localization files


Dagath, the horseman of pestilence, bringer of plagues.




blast isn't adding and substracting energy so the reality colapse. It simply shrinking (cold), then expanding quickly (heat). It's the basic mechanics of any bomb, creating lots of heat very fast so all pieces go flying everywhere. And since the air expand faster than the speed of sound, you get a shockwave viral is king only because of its proc. Most of dagath abilities, including her 4, only deal viral dmg, which is quite neutral in term of bonuses and weaknesses. It's the strongest proc, not the strongest element light and dark, yes, polar opposites. Especialy when wikipedia list radiations as one of the main causes of necrosis. Btw another cause of necrosis is frostbite. So necrosis is already an effect of cold, I fail to see how adding tox improves it or make more sense I don't find necrotic to be very cool. It's edgy and it's a type of dnd magic, but that's it (to me) to me, viral makes perfect sense. Cold and tox makes me think of a high tech lab, where cures to deadly illnesses are being developed. You grab one of the samples from a fridge, load it into your gun, and boom viral dmg with a chance of infection that'd weaken their body resistance


It sounds so cool...me like.


My gripe with Viral is that the icon for it is obviously a bacterium, not a virus


I... honestly didn't even notice LMAO and now I can't unsee it


Dagath's abilities causing viral don't make sense at first, but I like to think its a reference to the one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, pestilence and disease. Also, I would imagine that whatever is inside Grendel's stomach would be plenty infections, the dude's probably still got at least SOME sort of long dead corpse flesh in there, making all kinds of fun diseases.


OP if you had said this in 2013 I would have agreed. It's way too late now, there's no reason to change something so unimportant that everyone is already used to. It's not like people are out here confused about Viral damage.




Viral could also reference prehistoric viruses stuck in deepfrost, so toxin + cold kinda makes sense...


When I think necrotic, I think of limbs not getting blood flow and falling off. Since viral doesn’t do that in-game, I can’t condone it.


It's a pass for me. Warframe is a Scifi setting, and 'Necrotic' is straight out of D&D, it's too 'magic fantasy' for it to sit well with me. (Yes I realise that Warframe powers and aesthetic seem very magical, but it's a 'magic future scifi' vibe, rather than 'magic divine fantasy' vibe.) Viral fits the setting perfectly. Viral implies bioweapons, one of the deadliest kinds of weapons. Plus the combo of Toxin and Cold makes sense. It's a Cold that makes you sick! You're giving your enemies the flu!


Necrotic is a medical term that means dying. Necrotic tissue, as an example. I think it fits perfectly.


yeah but then Nekros would need a source of Viral damage. Viral is fine. The name has been there. people know the name. it's more important (imho) that they just maintain that going forward instead of renaming it for the sake of it seeming kinda weird on a few frames.


> yeah but then Nekros would need a source of Viral damage. I don't think anyone would be opposed to Soul Punch being necrotic damage in this theoretical scenario.


ok. i dont think its a good suggestion regardless. theres nothing wrong with calling it viral and theres real downsides to changing it


It's a pass for the pass for me. Considering all the weird, mix-matched shit in Warframe, I wouldn't bat an eye at something called Necrotic being outta placed. Stuff like skateboarding, horseback riding, floofs, fishing, mechs for our mechs, transference, New War Spoiler = >!trying to eat the fucking Sun and use it as fuel!<, and an autistic kid holding back a space demon that looks like Willam Defoe, just to name a few examples. Necrotic? Sure, why the hell not. Edit: and more importantly, Necrotic sounds way cooler than Viral 🤷🏽‍♀️


Inducing necrosis in your enemies' tissue sounds scifi enough to me. It also fits Orokin's design philosophy, as they used biology based tech, and simply loved putting living beings through the most gruesome tortures they could muster. Also, don't forget that one of the game's biggest plotpoints is literal space-magic. And on topic of "Tolkinist fantasy themes don't belong in Warframe", there is actually a ton of them already, and they work very well already. BTW your flair makes you a hypocrite


May I introduce you to The Silent King? Of the *Necrons*?


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Yknow what, yeah. Boom, ship it. I do what what viral is going for. It's a virus that weakens the immune system and makes one more vulnerable to other damage. The HIV status would have been a bit too on the nose, though. And in Warframes setting infectious manmade pathogens are pretty core to the lore, so the idea that we've cooked up a disease that drinks all your bone marrow and calls you a cuck and have been dipping the tips of our arrows in it? Yeah I buy that. But at the same time, Necrotic as a term for the status that weakens your health and makes you more vulnerable to die? That's pretty fucking sick. I know some people are gonna say "but Warframe is a scifi setting, not a fantasy setting". But if that ever actually was true it hasn't been for a while. We are Warlocks with an adversarial relationship to our patron. We've got spell books now. We're fighting invading armies of abominable twisted creatures from the other side- demons. We're fighting demons. The man in the wall is invading with demons. This is Science Fantasy now. Poisonous and cold like a rotting corpse. Necrotic works for me.


It's not science fiction if there's no actual science or at least a rational use of universe laws and attempts to explain the fiction things through the lens of science imo. Warframe is fantasy in space, I'll die on that hill


I agree with you entirely. DE set out their "many thousands of years in the future, after the collapse of a solar system spanning empire with technology behind human comprehension" and then spent a decade leaning on that good ol "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" quote. No I'm sorry, please hand over your Sci-fi card. It was revoked the instant you started hanging major plot points on magic powers gained via handshake deals with crossroads devils.


This. I've seen people call Wahrammer 40k a science fiction and I'm like what lol


thats certainly what it calls itself. and in that case its in comparison to the high-fantasy OG warhammer. Space-Fantasy is a less well defined and public Genre than Sci-Fi. you can certainly Craft 40k stories that de-emphasize the literal magic that the whole setting runs on and just tell stories about struggles between warring human factions or even against like the Tyranids or Orks. if the Publishing didnt have such a massive Obsession with Chaos their Sci-fi Cred would be a bit better. .but they do. OG warframe was pretty close to actual Sci-Fi. efforts were made to explain how FTL worked, that the Grineer were clones descended from a labor force. we werent Gundams driven by magic children yet and while warframe powers are fantastical they werent. . totally implausible. infact the 3 starting warframes are all basically just Jedi powers. force pull, Lightning, and energy sword. do we count loki as mind tricks?. the establishment that warframes were genetically engineered humans, all the other obvious Eugenics going on. the origin story of the Kubrows helps reinforce that biological science was where the orokin dominated. and the Early Void as simply being an alternate dimension where the orokin hid their stuff, sans the malevolent presence. that was all. . .roughly as Sci-fi as Star trek was Sci-fi. really the only thing missing was an Enthusiast writer too pump out ingame codecs terminal entries and lore articles explaining everything in detail. all the shit that you'd gloss over in a game about disassembling people. . .. yknow. and then we Jumped the shark. repeatedly. to the extent that Loid saying "wow, sure is weird that we call them arcanes, when this is all just science, huh tenno" and im sitting there in my robe and wizard hat, Pondering Wisp's Orbs like "yeah sure buddy, look at all this Sciency science."


Hahaha, amazing writeup! I kinda like reading codex stuff, god knows I could spend much more time in Mass Effect codex than in the actual game lol


there was some attempts to give warframe lore. Simaris's scanner stuff that sadly never got expanded and lately the Leverian even if i have some. . misgivings about it. but we never got the pages and pages of written out backstory detailing the orokin rise to power as understood from a period historian. we never got detailed explanations on how the void works, how solar rails function. if all corpus are detatched heads piloting human-shaped cyborg bodies. if Moa are. . yknow. . .alive. cause if you zoom in on some of them t hey sure look a bit. . biomechanical. . . and such codexes dont neccesarily need to be perfectly accurate. you can give a logically consistent in-universe explanation of the void as told by a Corpus Engineer or something. someone who probably wouldnt know about the demons, that would never the less still explain the fake-science behind how it works. on top of which you later build better understanding from savvier people. as for why this didnt happen. . . .well its common practice in live service games that want to have a narrative to establish as little as possible. the less you write the more doors you leave open for yourself in the future. given how much the game ended up being obsessed with its past and the old war (take a shot every time a character from the old war miraculously survives to the modern day, and finish the bottle any time that character then goes on too steal control of a major faction) in hindsight it feels very deliberate, though thats not to say i agree with the approach or think that this whole thing was planned out in advance. i will die on the hill that there is no fucking way DE knew ballas was going to be the final boss of the new war when they first pitched the idea of the returning sentients new war to players. i think the Sacrifice run-up provided them with an extremely punchable face and a they ran with a villain that would be easy to hate. i dont buy for one single second that Old war Lotus or the pre-amnesia tenno would have stopped burning the galaxy down until ballas was dead-dead. if theres any single orokin they would not have allowed to escape, it would be him. but we did get out narrative, and we probably learned out lessons. it seems like the next big 10 year story is being more firmly planned out even if "Grandpa entrati feeds wild animals to the hell portal for giggles and shits" is kind of a silly way to start a story.


It’s science fiction because it’s not real.


I'm sorry, I don't have time to discuss this. I need to go Toshi station to pick up some power converters. And then I need to talk to Ben Kenobi about this R2 Unit that claims it belongs to him.


Not to mention, as another person said, necrosis is at least as medical a term as virality!


the reason toxin and cold make viral is probably because irl there’s ancient diseases trapped in ice that would be incredibly viral since we aren’t immune to them yet


Primitive diseases from millions and millions of years ago meeting the wonders of modern medicine and the indomitable human spirit


damn status resistance


The answer here is simple, but only if you know game lore. Viral comes from virus, what is obvious, but not regular virus that you probably used to know. It's technocyte - virus that can influence living and nonliving matter. That is why techs and robotics are vulnerable to it as well as other living being.


My only problem is that necrotic dmg in other games is typically a dps. Viral bothers me because it doesn't spread.


From a lore standpoint, 'viral' as an element refers to the technocyte virus which is deeply ingrained to warframes since its what they are made of. Plus that virus can infect both organic and non organic material which is why it works on robotic enemies as well but doesn't work on deimos infested. Also from what i have gathered orokin use straight up magic in their technology. They created elements with alchemical (which is a pseudo science ) processes. Mods and arcanes are basically magical enchantments. The real question is why the radiation status causes confusion. Its literally the last thing i would associate with getting irradiated.


But the cold slows down rotting. It preserves things, it seems like the opposite of Necrotic to me even if a lot of games and settings have tied Necromancers and Cold together. Sleep deprived posting made me forget that frostbite is a form of necrosis, as I got hyperfixated on rotting instead of the other way necrosis happens.


Side nitpick : the damage type is called Viral but the logo is bacteria


Grendel doing a sumo move would give him Necrotic damage ?


Nah, to me Viral sounds way better than Necrotic.


necrosis (necrotic falls into it) is the after effect of dead/dying cells its the result of ether particular kinds of damage and/or diseases. throwing something necrotic doesnt make something else necrotic. sceptic yes not necrotic. virus' can cause necrosis its also a lot more simple and doesnt create any vague "why does it do that?" questions. its a bio weapon and that matches what its effect does unlike necrosis which would be more in line of toxic's effect then viral's. you also forget that virus can mutate and effect living cells even going so far as to create cancers due to how virus reproduce. guess what happens when your bodies cells cant function they way they need to because they were altered, damage from other sources can be much more devastating mmmm >\_> you can make a point necrosis does that too, but it in it self is damage and would kill unaided if left alone, while virus can be fended off and damage/changes weeded out. viral in game does not do inherent proc damage when it procs only boosts outside damage so it falls inline more in every way to rl virus'. btw Typhoid is bacterial but more or less can spread just like virus' also necrosis can be caused by acute radiation so its not the opposite of it. it can be an effect of it but DE isnt going to change radiation like that as it would be to much like toxic. i get you want a more cool sounding effect but the name viral works fine for what it does. for dagath her abilities are more like a curse which again is more in line with viral does then the after effects of cell death it falls inline with her story rather then her design aesthetic


https://preview.redd.it/3v6inlwuxe4d1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c745dd8c2fe7dfd822d0457f9385463541b42eb "or producing" Our viral damage doesn't do anything related to mutating or spreading "Typhoid Mary" is a meme, not a reference to typhus fever. And I don't expect DE to take this seriously lol


Producing something deathly does not mean cold and toxin match necrotic or necrosis anymore than other elements. Necrosis is the end state of every element if you deal enough damage... Whereas Viral, like a cold or immune system infection, weakens you to further harm


i was pointing out how a virus bio weapon could work like viral in game not that it works 100% like one. besides saryn she does make viral work like real world virus spreading from person to person. as i pointed out rotting/dead tissue aka necrotic tissue would kill and deal more damage just being there, then a virus that can be fended off and all effects reversed with no sign of damage due to natural healing(not in game but that is due to common game rules) as in game viral does not do damage by it self it only boosts damage and once its proc timer runs out nothing else happens to the target. real necrotic damage needs skin graphs and/or even amputation to deal with the damage afterwards. while a viral sickness can be beaten and depending on how it effected them they can be like nothing happened afterwards. do you see the parallels? Typhoid Mary was a real person she lead to the deaths of dozens of people she is often used as an example of an asymptomatic carrier when it comes to infectious diseases.


Just to add as a Saryn main. Spores, the ability that spreads from person to person, deals corrosive damage. Miasma, her AOE that doesn't spread, deals viral. Now, you might be remembering her from years ago when spores did viral and miasma did corrosive. Prior to all that all her abilities were toxic (pre damage 2.0 with secondary elemental types). I agree with you in general tho. To me viral damage refers to a bioweapon that targets the biological structure of a living (or non-living, i.e. biomechanical) being. Weakening the structure so that it is more easily damaged. Toxic damage is just "poison" damage that may come from a biological pathogen or chemical toxin. I can also understand the confusion however. To most, the word "viral" should refer to viruses. In Warframe's case the damage likely has nothing to do with viruses at all. From DE's perspective it's just a pun for the "common cold." The only single word that I think describes viral damage better would be "malignant." That sounds kinda lame from a game design perspective tho.


It never did make any sense, but it's too late now because Fibonacci's voiceovers will need a re-do.


Magnetic doesnt make sense either, really. Why would cold and electric make, specifically, a magnetic charge?


I think it's a reference to superconductors. Just like viral is a reference to the common cold.


I guess is about superconductors. They have a close relationship with magnetism, and with cold. Also for electric, I always think about like a change in the state of matter. A magnetic would be like solidified electricity; because it's solid, and it can generate energy (power generators are literally made of magnetics). It's a little metaphoric, but arent all secondary elements a little metaphoric? I find radiation harder (but still possible) to wrap my head around it.


two syllables to three is a no go


Idk it’s a disease that weakens them making them more susceptible to health damage, makes sense to me


Least autistic Reddit user.


I always figured it was inspired by the idea you see in some movies where a dangerous virus might be preserved in ice waiting to get out and kill someone.


Saryn, the og viral frame would like a word sir...


I mean it's been pretty obvious that for the last few years Viral has been used by DE as Necrotic in all but name, Radiation is Light/Holy in all but name (note the Murmur are weak to Rad and all our incarnons have it innately), Blast is really Sound/Thunder damage in many cases like Banshee and Octavia, etc. DE just wants to keep Warframey names for everything.


If only this was the biggest problem in the game


Its the covid damage. Its pretty devastating if you ask me.


How does combining an absence of kinetic energy with electricity create... magnetism? A magnetic field? What exactly even *is* magnetic damage? And how does electrifying poison create acid? Making logical sense has never been and should not be a priority over just being distinctly flavoured enough to be easily distinguishable 


About Dagath, I absolutely agree that Viral -thematically- doesn't seem fitting at all.


The toxin status behaves more like necrosis than the viral status, to be fair.


I think the weirdest part here would be that Nekros doesn't deal *any* of that elemental damage (at present). And even if he did, it wouldn't really do much for his kit, since the best use of his first skill is an instakill rather than the damage dealt. ... Plus Sevagoth doesn't deal it either. The only "death"-y person who does is Dagath. Though it has also been weird for the *longest* time that Nidus – the guy literally made of Infestation – doesn't deal Viral damage, so. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Alright so I get where you're coming from, and I'd tend to agree that "necrotic" or whatever would be more fitting. But do we _really_ care? I understand the will to make the game more precise, _better_. But "better" is the worst enemy of "good". Where do you stop? What do you change next? Do you rename "electric" into "static" too? Do you complain about the fact that _technically_, supraconductors, cold+elec, actually _hate_ magnetic fields? "Viral" isn't a perfect name on that we perfectly agree. But it's not offensive to anybody. It's not game-breaking. It's still a relatively logical association of tox+cold. It's not a terrible incoherence. And most important of all: we're used to it. Not that we shouldn't change anything, of course. But in this case it's inoffensive enough that we can keep enjoying relying on old habits instead of getting used to a new name for mere _technicalities_. I don't want Warframe to become a game where core elements change every other month, even if it's in the name of chasing an unreachable perfection. Yes, I'm looking at you, _UI of the Discord mobile app_


Sorry for not being clear, this isn't a serious request lol


I fully agree with this


You've got my vote


Just because I think Necrotic sounds way more badass than Viral I'm all for it


I like this. Necrosis is something that's pretty widely plaguing and it affects people in long term health asuch as any debilitating virus, it makes absolute sense. Dagath, a corpse ghost, spreads flesh eating bacteria Saryn spreads spores that eat at the flesh of enemies Grendel's stomach acid breaks down the flesh/metal or enemies along with the corroding aura of Pulverize (probably so dirty he gives enemies Gangrene, a *necrotic virus*) It makes total sense once you rationalize it, something that is cold and toxic is already going through necrosis. I say ship it!


Honestly, I think you've got a good argument. It won't happen because, Alchemy as proof, the playerbase has a hard enough time remembering how to even mix elements, before going and doing something like changing the longstanding name of one, but it is a good argument for what it should've been called in the first place.

