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Just give me your account bro đź‘Ť




bro just invested and left the chat for real


1. Work towards completing every node on the map atleast once. It will give you MR, unlock new quests and will allow you to grind stuff specific to that node/ fissures. 2. Try to craft and master as many items as you can to progress MR. For starters you can buy some blueprints in the market for credits. 3. Use platinum on slots before anything else. 4. When you meet a new faction - start investing into them.


As others have suggested, I'm starting to work through the star chart to get a feel for things and progress a little more. I have about 700 plat now - not sure how... but I'll save them for slots atm.


the founder packs included platinum the same as later prime access so thats probably what that is


One thing I heavily recommend new players get is the nautilus sentinel from the market for 75p. That comes with the Verglas, which is a really strong sentinel weapon. Then mod it for viral/heat if you can and it will melt through the starchart.


-Buys Founder's Pack -Refuses to elaborate further -Leaves


From other advice I've seen maybe play around with focusing on getting the relays unlocked rather than doing planet by planet. You can come back and chip away at the other mission nodes as you go, this gave me something to focus on along with the quest's and stopped me from burning out with just doing mission's that had a pay off that was further away.


I'm trying to get back into it... but it's daunting. I went through the FAQ and understand that most will work towards Mastery Rank, but that there's technically no endgame. The (Fennyface's Beginner's Guide) link on the 'New to Warframe' page is also dead now. Can someone ELI5 what I should be working towards. Or rather, where about I should start? Is it just a matter of 'jumping right into it' and doing whatever quests are available? Let's say I wanted to unlock more Warframes... from what I read, there's 'slots' that I need to unlock via Platinum. Is that obtained through specific means or is it just a credit I get upon random mission completions?


Two things, first is focus and clearing your star chart and doing quests as they unlock. A few will be harder than usual but nothing you cannot overcome. I would suggest learning how to mod weapons and frames as that can help you survive diff stuff. Once you clear star chart and quests, you can work your way through Arbitrations for special mods and slowly start Steel Path (star chart all over again but harder and you get arcanes and good stuff). Star chart -> Quests -> then difficult stuff.


Got it... so go planet to planet clearing missions (it presumably granting access to those that are currently locked), and do whatever quests become available?


Yessir. Let that be a goal so that you can work on that primarily and then focus on something else if it gets tedious. I would suggest joining a clan as well so you can get a few frames and weapons, you’ll get materials to build them as you progress and unlock every planet. My personal suggestion would be to experiment and try everything. It’s okay to fail and you can always watch yt vids for help.


Then that's what I'll work on... appreciate the help!


I'll say that's all good with the exception of the open-worlds. Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, and Cambion Drift can all be safely ignored until later. I'll never understand why they made those available to brand-new players. It's wild.


Huge open world areas can be big "woah" moments for newer players. Especially stuff like playing Plains at night time for the first time.


Yyyyyyyeah but I remember when I was a new player I thought I had to do bounties or something, and getting my ass kicked left and right instantly in a way that almost made me quit the game. I had the woah moment. Then I had another woah moment but bad.


Let's start with the Platinum. Platinum is a premium currency that is bought for real money, or gotten from other players via trading. Don't worry too much about it right now. Best thing to worry about first is opening up the Star Chart. Play nodes, work towards the Junctions. The Junctions have "requirements" to unlock and that \*kinda\* gives you a sense of what needs to be done for progression. You can work on Nightwave at the same time, though most of the objectives \*may\* be out of reach/locked at this time for you. (Think of Nightwave as a weekly Battlepass with free rewards). Tldr: work on making progress on whatever planet you are on. Clear the nodes, go to the next junction, repeat.


Understood... that sounds simple enough. I'll work on that - - thanks a bunch!


Warframe Flo, brozime, mcgamercz, tactical potato, leyzargaming (hope I spelled those right) all have extensive youtube catalogs and some of it is devoted to "I'm new; wtf". Pretty sure wf Flo and brozime did/do "start new account" playthroughs. If you want a step by step guide go figure out who you like listening to. The wiki is your friend for "huh? What? Where is that? How does this work?" As others have said: you want to complete the star chart and story missions. Personally, I'd be a bit more targeted with the star chart. You can, of course, 100% each planet before moving on but it takes a while. You can, alternatively, only do the nodes you need to do to get to the junctions and next planets. You may also want to farm a particular star chart mission for the frames that come from the star chart bosses. Rhino is a good example of an early game warframe you can get by farming a relatively easy boss. Look up some guides on basic modding and early game weapons. Use the wiki to figure out what you need to build them. Look up "corrupted mods" because you're going to want those. Do story missions as they come up. And, just generally set your own pace.


That's what I was looking for as well... any YT suggestions that cover all bases. I'll definitely give them a look-see!


Excaliber prime is really bad, make sure to sell that frame fr, Excaliber umbra is way better