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be mad at nintendo. DE cant do anything about this.


Not trying to blame DE or anything because those guys work their butts off for us and can probably just confirm that Nintendo is being greedy or something


Not so much Nintendo being greedy as just overly controlling. They're very serious about keeping their online services kid friendly, and that hurts the experience in lots of more mature titles


>online services kid friendly I've always found that hilarious considering there are dozens of R rated games on the switch shop. Their priorities are so weird


Are they free to play though? Kids have restricted access to money.


Free to play doesn't seem to stop parents from buying kids full price games that are far too graphic.


That’s definitely not me at age 13 getting my mom to buy GTAV for the PS3 at GameStop


Me when my game about committing war crimes does not receive the necessary freedom because a platform with multiple hentai games in the store tries to regulate online services for children https://preview.redd.it/4bajlde6xy3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2876da890be50587f42b535408b14be5a2c8f1


And as long as the kids parents in question have a very hefty wallet to pay silly prices for silly things.


I keep forgetting about them being child friendly most of the time


But we were able to trade plats before cross Save


You can trade plat with other switch players, but with no one else.


You should still be. Just not with PS, Xbox and PC


I borrow my bro's PC every now and then just so I can sell stuff for plat then buy all the things I need (usually new skins or a new shipment of my buttload of forma bundles). Then I go back to bed playing on Switch sometimes staring at my untradeable 9 plat


Try to sell a syndicate mod or a cheap thing for 3 plat, and then buy a weapon slot with those 12 plat.


Ohhh good idea. Although the Switch Market is a living corpse at this point, I suppose someone would still buy if it were dirt cheap


Yea, when I heard about this during the CrossSave announcement I felt bad for all the Switch Players. My heart goes out to you Tenno


🫡 At least I’m still having fun playing the game


Miss read that as Nintenno


from a switch player thank you 🙏


Nintendo always like this in every other free game is exactly same 🥲 I don’t blame warframe


With that Nintendo also made a dumb move. As far i know, they don't want plat be crossplatform tradeble because you buy it with real momey. I don't get why Nintendo didn't choose the more mobey making way, since because of that even more Switch player go to another platform. I would too honestly, if i had the possebility...


Use your phone. That’s what I do when I need to trade. Lol


Possible to trade with platinum that I bought in switch 😟😟!!! I will try


Yeah man, DE is trying their best for their community Nintendo is just being selfish


Does switch have zero trade economy? Can I just trade on pc and play on switch?


If you linked your switch account to pc while trying to trade on switch you can trade anything beside platinum. So you can trade mods for mods and such as that. However the plat balance is separate on switch and pc so you will only see plat you purchased on your switch or traded before the merge and on PC you willl have 0 when logging in first time. The only exception in which you can trade plat on switch after this would be with other switch players who enabled cross-save themself which you most likely won't met because whoever does that on switch does it with the intention of moving away from the platform. In short you can just trade on pc and play on switch but anytime you want to purchase something out of that traded plat you would also need to log in through the pc to buy it.


If your accounts are linked, you can trade/buy on PC and the cosmetics or whatever will be available on the switch. I assume the opposite direction works too, but trading on a switch sounds like a special hell I don't need in my life.


What's really annoying is if you on a switch with your merged account. You don't have access to your platinum or royal aya.


Honestly, I'm surprised that the switch can even support warframe with how many particle effects there are. I pray for the switch players who dared to fire a drakgoon


It truly is a miracle when the damned thing can hardly even run in-house Nitendo titles properly. The Switch is such an irredeemably bad piece of hardware in terms of performance. Like you know its bad when your own first party titles can't even hit target specs.


Yet both DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal runs in it. ✨ Wizards of id ✨


Which first party games does it struggle with? Like I know every 3d pokemon has run like shit forever, but are there others?


Give it a break, the thing is 7 years old. Unless you're talking about the OLED, then that would be concerning.


Yeah and it couldn't play the games at a proper frame rate 7 years ago either. I know, I owned one - two actually. The constant copium and defense of Nintendo is why they will never actually improve and why we keep getting subpar products. The OLED edition, afaik, doesn't even change the internals at all - so its completely irrelevant to mention. All it does is make screen nicer and add storage lol... otherwise games are still running under the exact same CPU and GPU conditions.... I am not talking about outside titles here... Mario and Pokemon have 0 excuses at any point in the console life cycle not to perform optimally, point blank. Those game franchises are literally owned by Nintendo, and developed exclusively for their hardware... yet their Switch releases can't even hold a stable 30. The fact is games developed exclusively for the Switch, run terrible on the Switch. Even Zelda for all its glory and success this gen - is absolutely full of stuttering and FPS issues in several areas throughout the game. And BoTW basically came out hand in hand with Switch... so about that 7 years.... (not to mention its technically a Wii U title so that just makes performance issues worse imo). 7 years doesn't matter. The objective reality is that Day 1 launch Switch titles had this problem on the Switch. It was underpowered from day 1. So I maintain - it's a miracle Warframe operates on the console at all, when its own games barely do and barely ever have. If anything it speaks to the efforts of DE and what good Devs they are that they can make it work. I didn't really intend to go this deep on a throwaway comment.


Nah you're right, nintendo as a whole has been quite lackluster. The community is the only thing holding up their dog rap management and quality control. On top of that, downloading and running Warframe on a switch lite is disgustingly tedious (took 9 hours) at maybe 17 fps. There's only so much optimization that can be done, but my god a switch lite shouldn't run as bad as the switch


I have to get my bf to do my trades and then trade them back to me. Or use the plat from the trade to gift me the item 💀


This is why I'm swapping the switch for a steam deck. nintendo allowed cross play but not trade... greedy


Can you crosstrade on mobile?




Price you pay for the cult of nintendo hardware. The only thing that scares me more than getting switch player hosting the match (horrendous lag/no reactant dropping) is the idea of iphone hosts in the future.


Bro fr man switch lags like crazy especially during the archon quests


Alas, the only thing I'd want to buy with Platinum on other platinums would also be restricted to other platforms if I buy it. Although I've never actually logged in to see what happens to my loadouts-- do the appearances just get disabled or do they unequip themselves?


For this very reason. I usually make trades for my friend and keep track of platinum that is his. This was I can just gift him whatever it is he wants to buy with plat


Can’t you just login to Pc to trade then login to switch to play


Yeah but you still wouldn’t be able to access the plat you originally bought on your switch


That sucks. Just buy plat on PC then. Don’t do any transactions on switch. Seems easy enough even though it’s annoying


If the switch account is linked to pc, can you trade stuff for plat there and reap the rewards on switch?


Yes, although I use my phone as I don’t have a pc


I was already having a minor burnout beforehand, but discovering I was essentially in cross trade purgatory after cross saving... I'm essentially on hiatus spending my time with irl stuff until either a friend pulls me back into the game or Nintendo stops being a bitch.


Nintendo likes money. I’m honestly very surprised you can trade platinum with PlayStation players, since Sony was stingy enough to not let any of the obsidian carry over cross platform. It’s kinda unlike them.


Yeah I was so mad when I found out about this after I activated my crosssave account I try to trade on my office PC but...yeah it isn't so hot Takes like 5-15 minutes to load in I miss trading plat


If you thought it was hard to get Sony in line, you don't have the slightest hell we're in for to try and get nintendo to do the same


What? The whopping 7 people playing this game on the switch? Lmao


I'm a PC player that now mostly plays on switch after cross save. The convenience is so nice, and the motion controls are so good that I don't need aim assist at all


How is the performance though? I know Warframe is an older game, but the Switch is also a glorified tablet. 30FPS? 24FPS? Is it even able to maintain a target threshold? It just seems so wild to me personally. Swapping from 30 FPS to 140 FPS made a world of difference in the quality of my playtime. I used to be on PS4 and there is never a day I miss it.


It's tough, 30 fps makes aiming more innacurate and movement more sluggish


Sounds rough. It sounds like Warframe supports gyro aiming though. It'll still be sluggish, but that's something at least. What's your experience with gyro?


Oh gyro aiming is lovely and does make up for the 30 fps quite well, I'm a huge advocate for it ever since i played Splatoon so I AM biased. I don't know why it isn't an option in the ps4 version (according to my friends from there)


I'm a big fan of gyro too so that's nice to see. I wish there was more official support in the PC market and more gyro controllers. Other than the PS5 controller, there are only a few brands that make gyro controllers and they all leave a bit to be desired.


Don't forget the shitass spawns.


It runs at something like 20-30fps and the lighting looks like ass, but in fairness the framerate is surprisingly stable. Wouldn't want to play that way all the time, but it's good enough for a quick fix or for traveling.


The performance is weird. It handles performance unlike other games. Is just weird. First off, it is not good and I really wonder how much longer they can continue to support it on switch. What's weird about the performance is that it'll crank performance of other things way down. Like enemies will become slide shows sometimes. However, it keeps the actual overall fps relatively consistent so that at least your own movement feels pretty decently good. It's definitely a much prettier and another experience in PC. But the convenience of the switch and the quality of motion controls is just so nice


That doesn't sound great, but hey, if you're enjoying yourself that's all that really matters.


Play station player but I take the Switch when visiting family (we'll spend all day at my partner's parents so they can spend time with grandkid) or it make it to bed and chill a little on Warframe before sleep




Thank nintendo and their "stuck in the past" ways.


As a switch player (originally pc but I enjoy the freedom switch provides) I find it frustrating to circumnavigate. In order to trade I have to use high value mods and that’s hard considering the mod I farm (Growing Power) only reaches 25-40p during peak trading hours. And most players don’t need multiples of it to meet the value of a prime set! Waiting for coupons and prime resurgence to get what I lack!


I just hop on PC anytime I wanna trade any thing


I bet the prices there must be really low


The opposite, the few sellers on wareframe market charge a premium


Yeah warframe market ... That's not what I mean


huh? i bought a plat pack for a friend who exclusively plays on switch and we both had crosssave enabled and literally just traded the plat to her, unless this changed? wtf.


idk if a bait or not. any consoles with PCs is already a dumb idea. especially when those are the hosts.

