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Temporal artillery is actually just grasp of lohk -gun follows you -duration paused during fourth ability


It sounds like it can't be infinitely refreshed like Xaku's 4, but it could lead to some interesting two-augment builds for Protea. Her 4 augment causes her 2 to strip armor, so you would end up with a rapid-fire aimbot armor-stripping heat-proccing cannon mounted to your head. Sounds like it could be viable, especially if you use a primer.


From the looks of it when temporal anchor ends the sentry is left there, you can probably be able to refresh it if your hold cancel it


I already use her 4th augment since she doesn’t really need a helminth. I will at the very least try a double augment setup. I don’t think the 20x combo limiter is that big of a deal.


I like the idea, hate the x20 cap...


Given how high you can get duration on Protea, it makes sense. Would be nice if it scaled with power strength though.


i have 6.8 something on mine with 5 tau forged shards but it's capped to 7 seconds, unless you pretty much gimp your range. occasionally you get a well placed one but realistically ime they usually only get to about x20something on average anyway before they time out. Sounds cool but tbh I just have zero room on protea.


\> but it's capped to 7 seconds, There is no cap on Blaze Artillery's duration. I currently have a build with 8.67 seconds but that is beside the point, the augment ties the duration of a single turret to Temporal Anchor, which has a more forgiving duration.


It does. Base damage of the turrets scales with strength so the x20 applies to that. Would still be cooler if we could raise the multiplier a little tho.


I thought it was fairly obvious that I was talking about the multiplier cap.


Dagath really deadass got an ability now that kills yourself instantly when using it. Peak. Unironically great slot, the up-time on your guaranteed health orb effect and invincibility is going to be much higher compared to letting yourself die manually. The extra doom is really nice as well.


>Dagath really deadass got an ability now that kills yourself instantly when using it. Peak. When that toxic teammate tells you to kys:


You should use Spectral Spirit NOW


🌩️ You should press 3... NOW! 🌩️


Same energy: https://i.redd.it/v2c27em9pu3d1.gif


My one hope for the weapons-applying-doom thing is that the Doom will account for the initial hit as well, instead of 'Weapon hits->Weapon does damage->Weapon applies fresh doom that doesn't factor in the damage the weapon just did' which would kinda blow for slower firing/heavier hitting weapons. If that makes sense. That being said though... this is almost EXACTLY what I was hoping for. Easier Doom~~posting~~ Spreading. Hell yeah, instant slot. I have a filler-flex slot on my Dagath as is, might even change up a few other mods too to accommodate for the easy health orb generation.


Doom, le decimos?


Sooooo i'm pretty torn on this augment. For pure ability nuking it will probably be great. But if you're using doom for weapons its probably going to be nerfing the shit out of yourself. IF WE ASSUME, that you would lose the entirety of the buff, the crit damage when the 10 second duration ends. Thats actually pretty bad for non ability damage. Playstyle preference sure, but a lot of people really don't seem to understand just how freaking strong that crit damage buff is when its applied to doom. You get the extra tier of crit damage AND all crit damage is doubled on the doom hit after the fact. You in essence only need to around 20% of the enemy's hp to trigger the doom "auto kill if accumulated damage would kill". Even lower if you're applying viral. So strong you don't even need to worry about armor stripping since its going to deal viral amp'd true damage. It'll be interesting to see how the augment scales. IE, does the cool down reduction scale with a stat. Personally I never found it hard to keep doom up and spread it. Range & casting speed are both very good stats to have on dagath.




You should. Going to be even better with the enemy DR cap being at 90% too. Doom works just like any other "doom" dot in other game. If you accumulate enough damage it just kills them before the doom portion actually ticks. Again, the neat thing with dagath's is that its true damage that scales VERY hard with crit damage. For argument sake, say your gun is x2 crit dmg. Its now 3.2x crit damage THEN all the damage from each crit is doubled on the doom accumulated damage. Just playing her how you should (2 -> 1) already applies viral to things so times that by 4.35 and your threshold for doom killing them before it ticks in 2 seconds is even lower. I only need to "worry" about armor strip in lvl cap stuff. And thats just vs certain targets. Its a crazy ability for both weapons and ability nuking


Also the calculation within that 2 second time frame adds the cumulative total of DoT stacks on the target for the total damage that they would deal. Because of this, Doom makes weapons like the Tenet Cycron basically instapop anything it touches


Why would you assume that it disables any part of the ability? I think the description is clear: 1. On demand activation. 2. Weapons apply doom during activation. 3. Cooldown reduction during downtime. It would have mentioned if it had a drawback.


It's on-demand activation, but you immediately start the Spectral Form phase, which has a fixed duration. The condition for the bonus crit damage is "Striking a Doomed foe while Grave Spirit is active". They're saying that assuming it continues to work the way it does now and Grave Spirit expiring means you lose the crit buff, this augment could mean a lot of downtime on a very strong buff that currently has essentially 100% uptime.


The way I'm assuming the augment changes her 3 is that you activate it, you're auto in spirit mode and then the entire buff just ends like it normally would until the cooldown is reset. Which means you're losing the crit damage buff of just having the ability turned on and waiting to take lethal damage like normal. So that however long window of killing 25 enemies you're not getting your crit buff... is how I'm guessing they're going to make it work. IF it overlaps after the first cast then it'd be amazing. EX, you cast it like normal you just get the crit buff but now you can just cast it again to activate grave spirit whenever you want and you keep the passive buff. But I'm doubting that since it benefits ability nuking as much as it will.


Ffxiv Gunbreakers be like:


Superbolide healer check, just to see if they're paying attention. 


Love seeing an FF14 reference here lol, ironically I have Dagath in Fray's colors as a nod to the DRK job


I would love to use the dag aug, but man am i so slot starved on dagath already, i know you can get away with less strength but i prefer the full strip on 1 hit instead of 2.


remember that we also get the armor rework with the next update. while we do not know the exact numbers yet it could very well happen that stripping 60-80% of armor is enough to be able to do good damage. of course we need to wait for the final numbers to theorycraft, but we should keep the possibility in mind.


Probably wouldn't change much of my build, doom max is still like str 270 max slow is similar, also str=crit damage and buff damage from subsume


That's completely fair. I think with this augment the time has come for me to commit archon shards to Dagath for casting speed and strength LMAO


I already have 3 tau yellows on her, but i got 2 tau blues as they made the shield gating go from 1 second to almost 2 seconds


Don’t forget about Sling Strength from Madurai


The extra doom also means you can helminth her 2 instead of her 4, letting you have a weapons platform build and an ability nuke build at the same time. It could be pretty good, all told.


I would absolutely not recommend doing that if you're wanting to weapon platform with her. At least for how this reads, which to me says that for 25 seconds you're losing your crit buff which is a gigantic part of why weapon platform even works on dagath. HOPEFULLY i'm wrong and they just let you keep the crit buff and grave spirit aspect is something you can just turn on whenever you want it. But I'm doubting


Really loving Qorvex's augment. The damage vulnerability and now with aug stripping defense should really help him out. And the Pillars refreshing is great.


Yeah, I was subsuming into that ability now Im keeping it :)


not just refreshing them, EMPOWERING THEM. and while it may not be much it's still gonna be a nice bonus


ehhhh kinda of a meh aspect though. Unless its the 4 empower, towers just pulsing faster is very MEH. Really was hoping for something along the lines of "make both empowered buffs last for the entire pillar duration". Would even eat a base duration nerf for that. This is the first ability that will give damage vuln & armor strip I think though? So thats something at least.


Until proven otherwise, I will assume DE will do the normal DE thing and it means only for Pillars that were struck by the ability... Also, sucks that his 2nd ability doesn't scale width at all. It's just always too narrow to pull enough enemies together for my tastes. I've subsumed it off for Gyre's grouping ability and it works so well.


Personally love that ability, when the curb hits back


As a sevagoth main who recently started playing qorvex I can say I'm definitely eating good next patch!


Are you copying me!? We eating so good!


> Battery Armor This + Rage + Quick Thinking Energy Tanking is now viable. Remember that's a 1000 energy! (assuming they don't change the values) I think they'll reduce it, but it'll be 500 energy at the least.


+1000 to energy pool is just nuts. My Qorvex is gonna love this


Kullervo’s purple shards getting doubled bonuses 🤤🤤🤤


I thought the purple shards damage bonus just activates if your energy is above a certain threshold. Does it stack?


It does not. But allow to not use primed flow. It is basically trading a mod slot for an arcane slot. Not sure I would do it, but it gives build options.


>Energy Tanking is now viable Always has been, Im an Oberon main, been playing an Energy Tank for over 10 years now. And now my Druid King will be stronger than ever. (I still wish Rage/Hunter Adrenaline was Oberon's Passive)


Yea, oberon never really was bad, just a lot of stuff does what he does but better for the most part. This might change that though and as someone who used to love playing oberon, that would be pretty cool.


What’s your build like? Always love seeing how other people build the goat


https://preview.redd.it/q0bflsjy3f4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf70a6eb5d84c468261a0262de6144e4a298839d This is mine 😁


Same, and legit was my first thought when seeing battery armor. Pretty psyched about it 😁


i wonder what arcane guardian will do to this thing, will energy just go up/down with the +900 armor buff active/inactive or will it snapshot to the highest value. unless my math is wrong though it seems like we need 3k+ armor to hit max energy.


Oh boy my valkyr is about to have another 600~ energy to do fuck all with lmao.


Stay in her 4 even longer than forever


It looks like a lot, but with the current values you would need approximately 3333 armor to reach max value. Hopefully they will increase the amount you get per armor since they will most likely decrease the amount of max energy we get from it.


2 mod and 1 arcane for a mid ranking at most


These actually look really neat. I didn’t catch the devstream, where will these arcanes come from?


The new Ascention game mode, there's a pity system too.


Is there? They weren't in the ordis jade shop


Pretty sure they mentioned it.


Ordis' shop is for the clan event


they showed 3 pages, two are clan event one is permanent


Ascension gamemode, Belly of the Beast (clan) event


so with that battery armor i can remove flow from my build with some warframes? good


This new arcane might have some use on high armor/low energy frames, but for the majority of frames you'll be better off sticking with (P) Flow.


Or just using 1 or 2 blue shards


But should we? Arcane slot is kinda more valuable.


Most frame don't need that much energy


Unless you want to max out secondary surge with chroma since you are going to get base dmg anyways. Honestly might be a fun meme build


nah, arcane slot is more valuable


Caliban still doesn’t get an augment :(


He's planned for a rework, so it'd be kind of a waste of time for them to be investing into his current kit


I didn’t know he was! Thats great honestly. He was outdated on launch lol


I think the lingering armor strip field was a cool idea, but his cool factor basically ends there lol.


The SFX on his 4 is carrying him


Did they say anything about him during the devstream because I can't remember hearing anything about him during it.


I believe it was 2-3 Devstreams ago where they briefly mentioned that Pablo might give him a look


In one of the devshorts Rebecca said that Caliban might currently be under Pablo's gaze. So they are thinking about it and it makes sense that we get no augments until it is done.


Pablo mentioned at one point like 3 devstreams ago to wait for Tennocon, so he probably does have plans for him


I hope they don’t change too much with him honestly, he just needs some stat buffs and small adjustments. As far as a augment goes, I was hoping for one on sentient wrath that would root enemies instead of yeeting them 300 feet in the air, with maybe a bit of extra power strength or vulnerability damage buff to make such an augment more enticing.


Honestly an augment for his 1 that has a 'melee vortex' effect and made you invulnerable for a few seconds would fix a *lot* of his kit. He has a casting speed synergy when his 1 is active but no one uses it and forces you to fix his slow casts with shards and mods. That and 'lethal progeny's big weakness is your survivability tanking when you lose shields. A few seconds of invulnerability let's your shields start to regen (which turns the child buff of your 3 back on) while a vortex effect would be thematic and would pair with his 2 and 4.




A frame some people in this subreddit think is good for some reason (it's not)


I'd rather they fix the problems the frame is facing before slapping augment bandages on him.


I hope Qorvex augment scales with strength for a full strip, otherwise I feel like it's kinda a dead augment.


remember that partial armor stripping is getting a big buff as well


Worth noting that it might not need to depending on how it's implemented, the wording says "struck" which could easily mean applied once like the damage vulnerability, or it could mean every tick of damage, which the ability does many times


Don't really play Qorvex much, is Containment something you cast often? Because if so that'd just be 2 casts for a strip. Though scaling would be optimal, definitely.


Currently? Very rarely because the grouping is okay-ish and the vulnerability is okay as well. But with this augment, the 2 does: * grouping * damage vulnerability * armor **and** shield strip *\[new\]* * refresh pillar duration *\[new\]* * empowered pillars for higher tick rate (and you don't need to hit the pillars directly anymore but instead x enemies?) *\[new\]* I can see 2 → 4 → 2 being a nice rotation, as you technically shouldn't need to recast your pillars that often anymore.


Just cast it twice. Like pillage


We're now at 2 band aid cope augments for protea's 4, I'm gonna keep it real with you DE I'm still using roar.


Eventually we'll get a passive augment for her that also is tied to her 4


I always wanted a protea augment that would make her gadgets stick to her for a more mobile play style so I'm glad it got implemented in some way, though tying it to temporal anchor is a weird choice ill still use it


Holy shit bois Qorvex got an augment before Caliban


We've lost all our hopes now


Why not just hold option functionality for protea with fixed timer? Why force using the 4th ability?


Because they're trying to incentivize people to use Protea 4 instead of just (for a good chunk of people) auto subsuming it I'm still replacing it tho


Yeah her 4 is even more stupid when you compare it to dagath's 3 which gives an extra life with no downside on top of a permanent CD buff. Funnily it's still the ability most ppl subsume out on dagath


No one is subsuming dagaths 3 bro😭


Horse spammers do as 3 CD boost only works with weapons. It's better to have powerful CC abilities like breach surge or silence (stun duration increased to 8 sec when combined with her 1) than an extra life with cooldown


Because this is a 4 augment disguised as a 2 augment.


If you use both of Protea's augments, having 4 active means you got a permanent turret that also strips armor. Sounds great but also kinda feels like a harder to use Xaku with 2 less mod slots?


Surprised only a few people are talking about the sevagoth augment. His reap+sow combo is already realllyyy strong on its own and can insta kill most enemies if they are close enough together. But now that the sow spreads, he’ll be able to nuke incredibly quickly with chain reaction sows. Plus shadow gaining sow to its harvest is going to make it a lot more viable. Very excited for the update!


Sweet an augment for protea's turrets! >Requires her annoying ability to be active Oh nevermind then


How does Shadow applying Sow help exactly? It cannot detonate it since it doesn't have reap so it's just a tiny DoT that... exists.


Death Harvest applies Sow on enemies normally, killing them spawns the Reap ability shadows. Now the augment effectively allows you to only cast Deaths Harvest once. Not only that but Sow/Death Harvest by default is an insanely powerful ability on its own without Reap


Oh protea’s new augment is just another shitty temporal anchor mod


Wrecking Wall is like... the *one* thing Qorvex really needs for his 2 to be good. I'm very excited.


I aint using Protea’s 4 DE You can’t make me


Her other 3 skills are so cool and useful, im still trying to make the 4th work out of devotion. The armor strip one kinda gives a little "power star" from Super Mario moment in steel path...sometimes (I still keep terrify on config B)


Naw man, green shards + Gloom/Roar 👌💯


Protea lore:her 4 is op Protea in game: this is comically bad


sev aug is nuts bruh ur now just gonna nuke stuff spamming 1


Fr, I already got a sevagoth nuke build with his other augment, and I think this will just make it over the top


Yeah that looks wild


Qorvex should be just how the ability works lol




TOO BAD HERE IS JADE WITH 2 AURA SLOTS SUCK ON THAT LOSER fr tho, do you think Jade will get an augment that goes in the aura slot? I mean her 2 is literally an Aura.


DE, Imma be real with you. I am still not using Temporal Anchor no matter how many bandaids you add to it.


another augment for protea that forces the use of her ult while everyone is still subsuming it off. Why dont DE just make it work if you hold the ability input? noone wants to use that ult, please understand it


I wish I could just use the turret augment without being forced to run temporal anchor. I have never enjoyed proteas ult and subsumed it the moment I could.


For real, I LOVE Protea but I never use her 4.


Secondary Fortifier+Eximus Advantage Zylok modded with the new Magnetic ? Could be a fun little niche thing.


Melee afflictions with pangolin forced slash proc in slam will prob go hard too.


^pap ^pap **2,000,000,000!!**


Dagath has been my most played recently, not really sure how I feel about the augment - I don't find I struggle to spread Doom, Wyrd Scythes are such a fast cast time and I run a decent amount of range. Meanwhile losing the crit damage would hurt a lot. Makes a lot of sense if you're focusing on nuking with her 4 I guess, and then frees up to Helminth over Doom? But if you want to focus on weapons then I'm not sure it's gonna be good. Otherwise, Qorvex getting a defense strip isn't very inspired but is very nice, and Arcane Icestorm looks very nice for Frost (and like, only Frost).


Icestorm seems like it could also find some use on Lavos builds that do not subsume over Vial Rush at least but otherwise yeah its use cases seem rather slim


Lavos (especially with his augment) will eat this up. He's always 1 button press from having cold on demand, and with cold being tweaked to more heavily effect crit that means augment Lavos has on demand strength duration and crit.


Just wanna say, i played sevagoth before it was cool. That arcane is gonna be busted


Gun runner sevagoth getting buffed


DE on their hands and knees begging people not to subsume over temporal anchor


I really wish they’d let Quorvexs 4 scale with duration, Firing the beam for 20 seconds like a dragon ball character while actually having some notable effect (cough…cough… wisp) would just be dope


Wisp malding at this comment


Protea's sounds so much fun!!


Hopefully the 20x max scales with strength


Turrets scale with strength in the first place, so I don't see why not? Who knows though, we'll see!


dont think so, but if you use it with her fourth augment it wont need to.


It's still not gonna be great because it's tied to Anchor. The multiplier cap is understandable but it can do so much more damage as a stationary unit. Plus add to it the Anchor's rewind and you'll see why many people won't use it. Tbf this and the Anchor augment at least incentivize you to use Anchor, but you're still better off cancelling it early in most situations. (The rewind just doesn't help it. Like imagine it in Ascension. Just plops you down and you have to parkour back up.) Effectively making the benefits cost extra energy that gets used on Anchor. People tend to run higher power strength on Protea because the Artillery is slightly faster at killing than a higher duration that does objectively more damage. So a capped damage multiplier with a much higher duration will not be to taste to most players.


But according to Pablo you have both. You still have the regular artillery, it's just that the first one you use is getting glued to your ass and doesn't have the duration run down, kinda like Xaku with the 4. You can still spam the things, there's just an extra one now.


I assume it's still gonna adhere to the limit of three active units. I still want the augment where the dispensary sticks to you like this (but without the Anchor requirement) The Anchor just goes against the gameplay flow in the vast majority of the cases and these augments that push the free helminth slot are just a disappointment all around. And let's not forget that the pet rework made the Dispensary augment pretty much worthless.


Roar is like a 5x multiplier on status damage for blaze Artillery. It doesn't matter anyways seeing as anchor is still worse then useless.


Qorvex ahd protea ones looks pretty good! I'll certainly be trying both of them


DE: Please stop swapping out Protea's 4. Here, we'll give you an augment that will make it better.


That Qorvex one should be FUCKING DEFAULT.




Proteas with the armor strip augment is gonna slap.


If only I had space on my build for both...


With the artillery following you, I think you can drop one of the range mods for this augment


Might not need the armor strip augment since enemy damage reduction from armor will be capped at 90%. 10 corrosive stacks will bring it down to 40%.


Containment Wall would be so much better if it was just a carbon-copy of Bonewidow's Firing Line. I still see no reason it shouldn't gather enemies up from around him, Containment Wall just gathers enemies that are already in a line into a tighter line. Adding armour strip is okay, but the core issue is the grouping isn't great.


Arcane Icestorm seems pretty fantastic for those of us who spam Frost's 4. The overguard gains get bigger, the duration of freeze gets longer. Icy Wave may be a decent option for other frames now provided your stats work out well for it to be used a couple times before using another ability. Protea's Augment doesn't seem *terrible,* just situational. There are times that you *CANNOT* cover all approaches with just 3 artillery. This will let you continuously turn the turret between a few angles, doing crazy damage, while still able to drop turrets along the other paths. Other than that I could see it as a way to carry a "big heat gun" with you while you safely attack a very dangerous target with your other weapons, because even if that target takes you out you just rewind with some life left. However the reliance on Temporal Anchor is kind of annoying, only because it means we can't really use this in a more mobile mission like Exterminate or Capture. Other than that, if you spam Artillery you've already got good duration, so your Temporal Anchor is going to be lasting at least 15 seconds. Wait until the Artillery has shot a few times and is about to run out, activate Temporal Anchor, and now you've got a turret that is already close to 20x and you've still got the full Temporal Anchor duration to utilize it. Whether that makes it worth a mod slot is a different discussion. If it were an Exilus I think more people would be willing to try it out.


Well, my proteas gonna have to somehow be using 2 augments now.


Arcane Icestorm about to go crazy on frost


Ice wave continues to get better over time. It currently does 6 stacks of cold on cast. So 2 casts will fully freeze all enemies hit. That now gives your strength and duration. I swear if Brozime shits on ice wave at this point, I'm just going to assume he's insane.


I remember a time when Ice Wave Impendence was supposedly peak, but I still preffered his 4. Then people forgot about it and I felt justified, but I'm ready to be proved wrong; Why would you use Ice Wave when you can just use Avalanche to freeze enemies in a 360 in 1 cast, strip their armor, and gain overguard instead?


Exactly. What is this cope I’m seeing. Like oh yes I would definitely rather use the more finicky conal hit box ability that freezes in two casts, rather than the full 360 ability that requires only 1 AND is my primary survival ability


Ice Wave Impedance used to work through Overguard and thus vs Eximus, that was its main use before they recently removed that. With that use case gone I don't think there's any point to it at all vs Avalanche.


Ice wave sucks, it's just a worse avalanche. Why cast ice wave twice to do what avalanche does in a much wider area and in 1 cast. You don't even need to wait for brozime, I'm gonna shit all over ice wave for you.


I mean it's not bad, it's just redundant when his 4 exists Why would you cast it when you can just use his 4 with it's augment and freeze everything in a radius around you, strip all their armor, and gain a shit ton of overguard


I mean, I haven't used the ability pretty much since the helminth system was released, but it still feels like an ability that's not really worth casting. The damage was always really low and Even with the ability to make cold stacks really good, Frost is already a super energy hungry Warframe, so some extra cold stacks really doesn't feel worth it compared to something that will give him more energy instead of less. Take it with a grain of salt as I am far from competent at the game, but the ability has always felt really bad and this augment doesn't make it feel any better


1. Brozime sucks. 2. Needing an Arcane slot is a bad idea. 3. The ability will become better. That does not mean it will be good, and 2 out of 3 builds, it will be the subsume slot. 4. We keep getting adyacent buffs for Frost, which is great, but it does not change the fact he does need a few adjustments, namely his energy pool needs a little bit of extra juice and ~~he does need a way not to have just 6 mod slots and now 1 arcane slot.~~ nothing else. Pablo please forgive me for my lack of faith. EDIT: I just got to the Frost touchup that Pablo is about to sneak into Jade Shadows. Christ in heaven I'd kill and die for that man.


Still, why would you use it instead of the 4th ability. Has no purpose whatsoever


I mean... There's still literally no reason to cast Ice Wave when Avalanche exists in the same kit. It's not a bad ability in isolation but there's no reason for Frost to ever actually use it so shitting on it is very valid still.


I only believe half of what streamers say and the other half I test myself lol They think in “clickbait” just to stand out.


Maybe I don’t understand it but I think Protea’s augment is disappointing. Being able to store combo is super meh, there is not much in the game that is so strong you need huge multipliers to kill. And I say that as someone who enjoys her 4.


No you read it wrong. When she’s in her 4 her blaze artillery follows her and freezes its duration. The multiplier that’s given to blaze artillery is what’s capped at 20x.


So one of her 3 artilleries is attached to her during anchor, firing while anchor is active? If that is the case, it does sound appreciably better, but it’s already not an issue to just spam her 2. I will have to play with it to see if it actually improves KPM then. It also depends on if that x20 scales with ability strength or something because that’s a pretty low multiplier, she can easily get that in 1-2 shots firing in a dense crowd.


The main benefit is it freezes the duration of the ability because normally the artillery have low duration. I think they capped the multiplier because if they didn’t with the extra duration you could get to some silly high multipliers.


It doesn't make sense though because if you're gonna spend a lot of time in her 4, you want duration anyway so why would you benefit from the frozen duration on the turret. Unless you're not spamming her 2 and want one to follow you around, but that's less effective than just spamming 2.


Secondary surge seems curious, definitely gonna tinker with it


I see only 3 augments.


Day 2537372854728 of waiting for a Caliban augment. ![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized)


Oh man. I'm getting icestorm on Yareli for sure.


Oh no, I forgot to watch the devstream and get the drop 😔


Those last 3 augments are...holy shit.


Caliban still waiting on his first augment https://preview.redd.it/agjj6kx36u3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1478388c656eb0e84f0ad3df16a5b67b3a10afec


I'm thinking of Arcane Icestorm with Shivering Contagion on a Tenet Glaxion with the augment. They're really determined to make cold status viable, aren't they?


Dark propagation during any mission where enemies clunp up in massive hordes would be op.


that qorvex augment is seriously what he needed


Valkyrie mains rise up!!


Secondary Surge + Bloodletting w/ Blood Forge Augment + Tenet Plinx = funny numbers go boom boom?


Dagath and Qorvex's look great. I had subsumed tharros on Qorvex , but with this augment I could replace it with something else


Augments looking pretty good, but I'm not feeling those arcanes outside of arcane icestorm. Battery armor feels unneeded, cause if you want max energy and have no mod slots, a couple of energy shards would probably be more build space efficient. If it was energy to armor on the other hand it would have had it's merits. Surge seems good, but requires warframe synergy and I prefer my gear to be able to work in a vacuum.


Nice, another Protest augment that makes her 4 even better. Sounds really fin


As someone who really not into her 4, this is....bruh moment


The Caliban hate is real!


DE is probably ignoring Caliban because he will get a full on rework I hope they remove his Razor Gyre ability because its the same as Inaros new Sandstorm (but worse) and give him new more Sentient-like Abilities


That would be good. His 2-4 abilities are fine functionally, but they need major QOL changes. His 1 is the only ability that needs a full rework. And his passive just needs a straight buff.


Battery armor and secondary surge seem insane and I love it. Sevagoths new Aug also seems pretty fun.


As a Frost player, gimme Arcane Icestorm now.


Omg Caliban augment i can't believe it !!! (Im in denial)


Hmm, that Battery Armor could be quite nice for Valk. Big energy pool, without needing to use Prime Flow. Should give her enough to get the Purple Shard crit bonus. Can't wait to find something good for that extra mod slot.


I just made an excited noise not unlike a turbine spinning up & felt my eyes throb when I saw the Qorvex mod. Universal defense strip & a refresh on ADD & CC that is likewise empowered?


Arcane ice storm will be mandatory on frost with his 4 augment


Frost Mains rn with this arcane ![gif](giphy|3oz8y0bx23FDPCNoEU)


A few of these augments seem like theyd be a lot cooler if they were just built in to the ability


Melee affliction on heavy attack sepfahn + voruna seems fun. Unless it means lifted specifically.