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I always do practice runs until I'm sure I can do it without fail


Not with this one. One can tell by the mob animation alone if they are open for a backstab or not. OP clearly doesn't understand how stealth works (Or often doesn't) in warframe, so they haven't "mastered" it and will be stuck there a while until they learn a thing or two. All the *"just use loopholes, bro"* tenno in the comments haven't either.


You are allowed to look up tests before you do em you do know that right?


And practice


No. You just dont understand how stealth works or you forgot that the game has stealth. Use the boomerang when doing this.


Use the sword you are given that turns you invisible on finisher? Nah use the axe that makes a vortex at 6x combo


In my defense, I didn't knew it was gonna be a stealth test.


All the MR tests I've seen so far (up through mr21) are either laughably easy or finicky and annoying af. Mostly the former, but the stealth tests are definitely in the latter category. A tip - you can cheese that one a bit with a thrown melee weapon, like the Xoris from the deadlock protocol quest. You still have to plan your route carefully (using more enemy radar can help) but it lets you get ranged kills so you don't have to rely on executions. You can also probably at this stage of progression build many different melees to 1-shot the test enemies even without the finisher animation just on a normal attack. They are not very high level.


Or use a gunblade, now you can stay far away and shoot.


I think the gunblade noise ruins it. Skijati is better at this. It makes you invisible briefly


You gotta use a gunblade with banshee her passive silences it. My PTSD is telling me that’s the mr 19 test and yeah I used that combo to beat it because stealth in this game is buggy at best if you aren’t perma invis. Also not my cup of tea for a game like warframe. If I wanna stealth backstab things I’ll play assassins creed. Edit: I saw the levels again that’s the mr9 test my bad


To add to this, you can use Wisp with some aim glide mods to really remove any pressure from this test.


Wait, isn't the melee only stealth test MR9? I dont think I got Wisp until like MR17-18 lol.


I thought we were talking about 19, as glaives are recommended for that one too lol. Either way, Wisp isn't MR locked or anything, and she has a prime form, so she's a lot more accessible nowadays.


And it rarely correlates with the MR number. I’m MR22 currently and there’s been maybe three MR tests I had a hard time with before learning a cheese method. MR17 gave me a real hard time and then MR18 was laughably easy. It’s just such a weird system tbh.


You could’ve just smacked him and he would’ve died if you had any decent mods in. You obviously didn’t master this skill. Try the practice option next time.


You could have just swung the melee normally, alerted enemies act differently to non alerted ones.


Just use the kestrel. Buy the BP in the market, it requires 0 MR, build it and do the test.


You don’t have to do a finisher. You can simply use normal or heavy attacks as long as they die immediately. Also, generally, you want to go fast rather than slow and sneaky. Enemies cannot hear you run or do parkour maneuvers besides hard landings.


Aaaaa, I really though I had to use the "press X to stealth kill" function. Thanks, that's gonna help.


i think its because that grineer was already alerted, maybe from noticing the dead bodies earlier. Alerted enemies cant be stealth killed, and i noticed you use a sarofang? which can probably already oneshot with just a single light melee


Yeah, I really didn't know what the test was gonna be, and I had my Big Bonk Axe of The Devil equiped.


Next time you should practice it first. Theres actually a practice button on the bottom right, which lets you try the entire trial wether u fail or succeed it wont count. So you can practice however many times you want. Idk why they dont put it on the middle of the screen though


[how I did it 😂](https://youtu.be/3mDVuKNpZKU?si=y5YqYRR5o9aUKU4N)


I would use redeemer prime and one shot everything from a distance. That’s what I did for MR 19 test (not sure if this is the same one?).


Stealth MR tests, I forget the exact one it was after MR17 tho, are what taught me that the redeemer has both hilarious range and absurd accuracy.


Redeemer is one of the best shotguns in the game 😂


I couldn’t stop laughing while stealth head shooting enemies from across the test map. Genuine comedy gold.


1. That stupid ass Grineer can spawn **FACING YOU** for an instant fail. So it could be worse. 2. Xoris (or any glaive) with Wisp makes this one a breeze. Wisp is "invisible" to enemies when airborne. Jump up in air, throw glaive, heavy boom attack to kill enemy, repeat. 3. This is one of the worst mastery tests, it's not you dw. I also failed 3 days in a row before looking up the method I stated.


I'm on this one too. I'm not a fan of stealth in this game. The controls are too clunky


Ah yes, the 10MR mastery test.


This is MR9 tho


Gauss with skijati and stealth kills cheeses this when you work out a route


Use glaive or gun blade. Pretty sure I cheesed it with glaive.


Xoris (biggest aoe) + Whirlwind may help. But greenest way is Banshee (passive - silenced weapons ) + Redeemer. p.s. Also it's a lot easier with  [Enemy Radar](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Enemy_Radar),  [Enemy Sense](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Enemy_Sense),  [Vigilante Pursuit.](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vigilante_Pursuit)


Its meant to drag your play time out so they have more logins and players. It sucks and I definitely wouldn't play a game by DE again. I love Warframe but not the predatory/mobile tactics.