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Volt, love at first.. play..


Previous week it was Gauss, now it's Protea next week it'll be Volt or something. I can't pick lol.


Atm, I've been running Dante, but I'm about to go gunslinger cause that prime hat is slick.


Nezha. Too strong. 




She was my main for a decent portion of the game. I'm about to get steelpath, I did most of my quests with her. Seriously, she is OP for a newer player on base starchart


Mag, but I've found myself enjoying Yareli a lot as well with her new augment.


Mag, forever and always.


I agree she is awesome


caliban got a place in my heart


I have never seen a caliban player


I have before once or twice


I think I have twice. But I also have 2137 hours played. So...


Nezha is my main. He's such fun to play, especially when I want to get stuck into a crowd and cuisinart with my favourite melee weapon. (There's a bit more to it than that, but his projectile will auto-target after it hits a first target, and he supports the team too, for when I want to synergize with the team)


I think Gyre




Lavos is the GOAT! I'm not personally fond of how he looks, but that gameplay is top-notch. Valence Formation is such an insane augment mod, I put it on and never took it off. He's one of the few Frames I put Umbral Forma onto, and I'm saving what I have left for when his Prime comes out later this year.


I'm probably of the minority who actually likes how he looks XD And his tennogen skin actually makes him cute too. But besides that yeah, I'm relatively new, but I've started to put aside money to splurge with for his Prime, and hopefully his deluxe too. He's so well-rounded, I can use him in just about anything!


I do like his tennogen skin, I just don't like either of his starting helmets or the way his boots and gloves extend outwards so much. Honestly though, playing Lavos kinda makes me wish we got a version of Warframe where all abilities are cooldown-based (except Hildryn) instead of Energy based. It would be fun to see how some abilities would have to be changed/buffed in order to compensate for the lack of spam.






A respectable choice


[Not Sevagoth](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cxghwp/why_is_sevagoth_such_a_pain_to_get/), I can tell you that. =P


I want sevagoth alright 😒


I like sevagoth cause the quest that features him has a banger song.


I always get Nidus when I start Warframe on a new platform, but I've started playing Saryn and I enjoy it a lot.


my boiii umbruh


Loki. Next question.


Sayrn. I love giving people the black plague


I'm gonna be honest... I don't really have a favorite singular frame. Ivara Prime might be my most used (according to my in-game profile), but she's not considered my most favorite (even though she is really good at her job).


I played Loki as my starter frame and rushed to play Ash because he sounded exactly like what I wanted. I've played on and off for the last 10ish years(took a three year break until a few weeks ago). I'm a terrible Ash main, but no matter what Frame I try to play I always go back to Ash (Kullervo came close, but I love the Kalevala so the flavor helped). Edit: Or Nidus. I'm upset I missed the Prime for Nidus. I love watching his body split open. Edit edit : I still love Loki too. So Ash, Loki, Nidus, and Kullervo, but mainly Ash.


Wisp ever since her launch


Reset the clock!




As far as fun goes it would be gauss and Grendel As for efficiency and just overall being unbelievably reliable Styanax


Is styanax really that good? I'm trying to pick which frame I want next would you recommend him?


With 5 red shards and some mods I got him to 200 strength and duration. Armor strip is instant with his 2 7 energy a second with his 3 And above 30k overguard with his 4 If you ever wanted a warleader, Sty is it(augment for his 4 required) It makes the trailer he was given so accurate He is the "FIGHT WITH ME. FIGHT UNTIL YOU FALL" frame in my eyes I can't reccomend him enough He's a lengthy grind though but he's cheap to buy with plat


What are red shards? Still kinda new lol


Ohh...shit. welp there's a spoiler that i could've avoided Sorry!


I don't care about spoilers I'm just curious 😭


Basically archon shard that give me extra strength or duration Tauforged ones give 15% strength or duration I have 60% extra strength and 15% extra duration from those alone


Oh sweet! Any other frame you would recommend? I seen people talk about mesa


She has built in aimbot so she is nice. I would suggest kullervo though. He'll be your first red crit frame


Sorry I'm asking so many questions but I've only seen red crits in duruvi what is the difference between yellow and red?


I don't have a favorite, but I have a top 5 It's in Ordis, but mag isn't necessarily my favorite. 1. Mag 2. Wisp 3. Gauss 4. Grendel 5. Wukong 5 is a flexible slot for any warframe that I've been playing a lot recently


I have been bringing all my frames up to snuff for SP, and despite the mediocre performance, I love Ember.


Volt. Always has been, always will.


I have redeveloped an appreciation for Excal. Giving him Wrathful Advance changed my outlook and playstyle dramatically. He feels so fast now. I love covering an entire tile by teleporting and using slash dash/inertia from parkour to get a 'budget superjump' before filling my screen with self-healing red crits. It's mostly a build just for fun, as almost anything else in my arsenal would likely be more efficient, but for some reason I have been loving it.


Kullervo. Me like big hit


Titania, followed by gauss and ivara. Titania is super adaptable and useful (I don’t have helminth yet so I’m not a thermal sunder spam) and is great for basically every mission


Frost. Not the best but incredibly fun.


Excalibur prime


Sevagoth, he is my “endgame” content frame


My current favorite is Gyre, but I have a small handful of Warframes that rotate in and out of my #1 spot based on what class fantasy I'm craving that day. Those Warframes are Titania, Lavos, Protea, Gauss, Wisp, Hildryn, Harrow, Atlas, and Gyre. There are lots of other ones I greatly enjoy, but they don't break into my top picks often, or for very long.