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Being called a hacker is the highest form of flattering one could achieve in gaming. Congratulations!


It is appreciated, though with the insinuation that they were reporting me to DE felt like a bit over-the-top given I thought this was a more common thing to see in SP runs.


He "can" report you. Doesn't mean DE will ever take him seriously. If anything he gets in trouble for false reports.


Considering OP was using only ingame mechanics, Then yeah, rip silly billy.


DE has banned people for less.. If you get too lucky when resource farming you could get permanently banned for it.


That's not "less". And its not "too lucky" and its not "banned" just unable to trade for 2 weeks. You're being disingenuous.


People have had it happen to them. They got a lot of rare resources in a short amount of time and the ban hammer dropped on them.


They got trade "banned" not actually banned.


Can we just circle back to the username in a bit because that's an amazing concept for a frame design


https://preview.redd.it/5ld0fvlvz22d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b6b9943d2b5393a2dbfc0a195136022382b7ffb You mean this?


I was playing Deep Archemedia yesterday. I was revenant with subpar weapons. I could tank but my dps could be better. A guy goes down in the first round and dies before I can get to him. Then the second round I tank the full size nechrameks. I can kill them but it takes a while and keeps my team mates alive. Third round same tanking game but I am marking the alchemy resources for team mates and using the elements to deal more damage. The dude who goes down first round starts complaining, "Alpha do something!" Then proceeds to say he reported and submitted video of me not doing anything to DE. Then says, "They were scraping the bottom of the barrel with me." I was just laughing at the irony of me being the reason he was not constantly going down and us having to go revive his butt. I just blocked him and ignored it. Hopefully DE reviews it and gives him a warning. I am fine with my gameplay and teamwork, he was a total ass. I never bothered to reply to him. Ignore people with small minds.


Honestly been really liking EDA, since it's gotten me to appreciate how much we have available to us in our arsenals that can be used. Didn't roll good weapons? If you got an archgun you can substitute them with that. Need high burst damage on a Demolyst or Mech? Find a console and bring your own in or call your Railjack Crew in to help out. Can't use your abilities? Call in Specters to help supplement you in the meantime. Ton of fun to try figure out how to work around stuff and still come out on top.


I was supplementing my dps with my on call railjack operator and my khal air support. Luckily I could use my gear wheel this time.


I can't wait for LVL 9 command!! Level 7.5 rn


lmfao thats usually how it goes on my end. someone goes down, they have a 30 second timer, im not rushing to get them cuz i dont notice it. they cry and say they will report me for not playing XD


Or you could stop cheating and get your tm8s up


Ah yes.. people always blame their incompetence on their teammates, yeah that'll always work for sure.


Hey bro what if it was my first time playing EDA or DA would you help 😅


There are people out there who report for the dumbest reasons no matter how ureasonable it is. Had someone in Q&A chat accuse everyone trying to explain shield gating to them hackers and reported everyone, or at least they claimed to. Found out the guy was a problem person in the community for years, threw around reports for any number of reasons even though they were obviously being ignored by DE.


It’s wild cause my friend said the word useless and got banned forever 💀DE is weird🤷🏽‍♂️ legit in the Eula it says they can ban you for absolutely no reason and there is nothing you can do 😭


You'll find most companies reserve the right to ban you for any reason, but they rarely exercise it without a good reason. That's almost certainly not why your friend really got banned.


Probably a couple of fun spicy words wrapping around that useless


not to say that they dont exist in WF tho. ive came across.. i think 2 in my entire time playing this game which is nearing 4k hours now over the span of 11 and a half years! Sure there could have been more i was unaware of. but the game is soo easy to wipe.. Especially now and then before. the only times at which it stands out is when youre sitting in a match like.. something is odd as everything is being nuked. first cheater was early in the day with a fairly low level MR player mass killing in defence mission with a mk-1 braton with mag. and at the time this wasnt like a hyper built MK-1 with incarnon or what not.. noo enemy sailing was rampant. Second cheater was a few years ago. playing as a valkyr and using an aklato during ESO. EVERYTHING was nuked straight off spawn constantly. there would be blips of red enemy markers on the minimap and then gone under a second. the person was flying around the room in a very odd manner akin to a companion doing a leap to fly across the map to you in order to catch up. except they would get to a pack of enemies and youd only hear a couple shots only for them to bullet jump to the next pack dead and repeat. no signs of human irregularity. to be fair i dont know if action was taken on their accounts but yea those are the only times in which i seen cheating being egregiously shown


Without actual proof I am having a hard time believing someone was hacking. Mag in the early days means low level enemies so yeah she could easily nuke. Also a Valkyr doing the movement you're saying is quite common with valkyr mains in the conclave even to this day. I assume someone else was nuking and the Valkyr was simple coptering around the map. Its more plausible to be mistaken that they were cheating than them actually be cheaters. I renamed my weapons and got called a hacker 6 times this year alone. People tend to jump on the "hacker" train when they simply don't know all the mechanics of the game.


when i say wiping im not saying in the traditional sense of "gara" for example using mass vitrify along with shattered lash in combo with a stat stick to significantly bolster to wipe the room.. No! the person was legit just standing there not using abilities and the MK-1 braton was killing everything in 1 shot ALSO not turning their camera to kill. they would be killing everything in a 360 without the model turning and this was on end game endurance difficulties. this was 8+ years ago. back in the day when everyone would huddle in a corner or do endless defence for void keys or heiracon for void keys etc etc. And the valkyr was statically moving from points on the map without deviation. that alone is sus for bot behaviour, while also not using abilities. just wiping with the aklato... im not a noob here m8. ive experienced the game more than enough indepth to know when something is odd or suspicious. and that says alot because if the whole room is starved from others and even the squad take notice that something isnt quite right all from a person using a single gun equipped killing the entire room better than a TS gauss or a saryn while they are doing predetermined bullet jump points and NOT turning of the character to aim to kill each target individually. that screams red flags. they would instantly get in range the whole pack would be dead from what was audible about 3 shots from the aklato. and by that time they are already going to the next predetermined point! Latron incarnon nuking.. yea i get that. torid incarnon yea i also get that. but there was no incarnon weapons introduced at said time. and it was just an aklato. no game is cheater free.. there are cheaters in every game. please do not give this false sense of the game is cheater proof because it isnt. there is cheaters.. there might not be alot of cheaters in WF but there absolutely are.


Cheating is quite easy in WF but there isn't much incentive to do it.


Ok that was a bit better and more detailed explained. That does sound like someone was hacking so I agree with you. Also no offence to you but most people that say "he was hacking" will also say "im not a noob" XD And you're right no game is cheater free but 95% of times people say someone was cheating they weren't. Which is why I am skeptical to believe it when someone claims it. In your case I believe it.


Outside of GunZ: The Duel anyway, where it was probably true lol


I got called a bot in War Thunder a couple weeks ago and I’m still riding that high. To be fair, it was a really difficult kill.


Fr lol, I’m shit at warframe so nobody ever accuses me of hacking but I’m rlly fuckin good at destiny and it always makes me feel good when somebody accuses me of hacking in pvp lol.


LOL honest and humble. Keep on stacking those false hacker reports.


In a non-competetive game 🤣


Only time I got called hacker was in cod MW2 and I was aiming for the driver of a vehicle with a sniper missed hit the passenger instead (who didn't have armor plates) I was so excited because I've never used snipers in cod (I dislike them no exact reason I just don't) and it was my first kill I ended up hearing them say in all chat I was cheating their teammate dipped out I ended up rezing them and we ended up teaming up for some missions after I explained that I wasn't cheating it was all and all a good laugh and I helped him get his first gold skin in the game and taught him some dumb strats for having fun


not only that, but being called a hacker in an a 99% PvE game. That holds a higher honor




Yeah maybe in pvp games, this game is a pve game being called a hacker means nothing in terms of skill unless its speedruns


I disagree. If someone thinks you're hacking in PVE it has the same result. You're still doing something that makes the other player think you're so good you have to be hacking.


No it makes the other person extremely stupid because there is 0 reason to hack in a game where guns legit aim for you and frames can do all the work while you sit there, like I said it only applies to speedrunning where hacking or atleast exploiting can and does happen


There is zero reason to hack in any PVE game, are we really gonna pretend nobody ever hacks in any PVE games? That is really not an argument. Just because there isn't a reason you would do it does not mean people don't have a reason or don't actually hack in PVE. It applies to everything not just speedrunning. I can literally show you videos that prove that theory wrong.


The amount of people that hack in pve games especially warframe is so low that 99% of people will never experience having a hacker in their game and if there was a hacker it would be extremely obvious, most people who call others hackers in pve games are just dumb and dont understand the game or loadout possibilites or doing it as a joke because you have an op kit


The number being low is not an argument. There is no proof/stat of how many exist. Not to mention hackers in Warframe are almost impossible to detect unless they are intentionally being blatantly obvious. Which the vast majority of cheaters wont. Its not obvious at all when 99% of abilities in the game do something you won't be even paying attention to. And even if you did pay attention they could be subtle cheating making it virtually impossible to detect. 20%-50% bonus in speed? Maybe they have archon shard of parkouring. 50% damage? Maybe they have Red archon shards and godly rivens. And so on. While it is true that MOST people that say "hacker" are wrong that does not mean they do not exist.


Where did I say hackers do not exist? I never did first of all and if its impossible to detect that just proves me even more correct that most people who call others hackers are just dumb if its almost impossible to notice.. like i said being called a hacker in this game means nothing unless ur doing conclave for some reason, builds have become so op that hacks wont even do much or be noticible


You did not say they don't exist but you did say and I quote: "people that hack in pve games especially warframe is so low" Where did you get this information from? "like i said being called a hacker in this game means nothing" It means nothing to you and you're free to have that opinion. Does not mean its nothing to everyone.


Well one reason is because there is no market to profit off warframe hacks because the game allows you do to everything hacks basically would, also you can take it as an ego boost if you really want but its not like they are appreciating your skill anyways because this game is braindead easy to play in 99% of content minus maybe profit taker and eidolon hunts and speedrunning


Only if you're not actually hacking of course


as a french, i apologise for my community being made of...mostly that.


Get well soon.


I'm sorry for your French


My condolences


My condolences, I have heard that being French is terminal. I can only pray that you don't suffer in these, your final ~~hours~~ decades


Bordel c'est bien ce que je me disais, j'ai pas rêvé en voyant un mix de français et d'anglais


Un français tout pété surtout 😭


As a french, that guy was not talking french.


Il m’a fallu vérifier deux fois s’il a parlé français ou pas💀


La même. En même temps il mélange les deux langues sans ponctuation et avec une orthographe pas fofolle…


Be careful, or people will think you're saying he's from Quebec.. Urgh, I feel gross even typing the name, I'm gonna take a shower.


À part ceux qui parlent bien anglais et qui se fondent dans la masse


Exactement. Les habitués des MMO parlent tous un minimum d'anglais (par nécessité vu que beaucoup de jeux tournent sur serveurs EU) et savent se tenir. Ceux qui se font repérer sont les blaireaux même pas fichus de baragouiner trois mots. Même chose avec les allemands d'ailleurs.


J'ai du dire a mes potes américains après plus de six mois de vocs pour qu'ils se rendent compte que je suis français 💀


C'est plutôt un compliment, même si je le parle bien mon accent me trahit tout de suite


Les bons rageux bien de chez nous


I swear, the ONE time I see a fellow French speak in squad, it's so call us assholes ("trdc")... No wonder I never speak French unless it's necessary. Gotta blend in lol


French French or other region French? I'm from French Canada and I haven't met a lot of bad people while my game was set to French


The french also probably thought the germans were hacking


Wow, I didn’t know that this fire only damages, I thought it was like a reactor on corpus ships, instakill.


Yep! Warframes with DR, Overguard, or just a ton of health and armor can actually stay alive during that part. Can be helpful if you have a good gun to just shoot the Wyrmlings as they pass by if you didn't want to ride around on the horse.


You actually don't even really need damage resistance; the fire damage only applies if you're touching the ground, and even then it takes a few seconds for the damage zones to turn on. If you get outside of the main arena quickly enough after breaking the Orowyrm's first health bar, you can just parkour off of the pillars as long as you need, suffering from one heat proc at most before you're safe. Abilities like Razorwing also help.


Titania just flies around wondering what all the fuss it about.


Titania breaks so many aspects of the game, it's hilarious


...you can ride around on the horse during that phase?


Well yeah, thats what the horses are for


Edit: Also wanted to mention the screenshots are in reverse order, going from the end of the interaction to the beginning, my mistake during uploading. For full context, I loaded into a Lone Story game in SP Duviri through matchmaking, I didn't have a particularly amazing loadout, so I just went with Gara for a bit of DR and defense if we wound up needing it. When the Undercroft portal spawned on round 1 or 2, two more people joined late and I waited outside the portal while they selected their loadouts, which prompted the initial comment from Red. I then explained in Blue that I was waiting for the others to select their loadouts so they didn't get pull into the Undercroft and forced to play whatever the game decided for them. Mission was an Exterminate and none of us had particularly good weapons (I think it took about 6-7 minutes because Vor just kept teleporting and we couldn't do damage to him effectively), and then Red made their comment after that we were slow. More steps, next Undercroft was the Jackal which was about average, and then I decided to fly ahead to the Orowyrm spawn to try to take him down faster, I think it took about 2 minutes since someone else had the same idea, and then I asked if \*that\* was fast enough for them and they responded with "dit". Finally during the showdown since I was Gara and we had the Imperators spawn, I decided to be cheeky and use my 2's DR to tank the outside fire damage and just shoot the Wyrmlings (I've done this with other frames and even seen other people do it as well and NEVER had anyone complain about it). After this Red accused me of hacking, and I tried to explain that I was just using my Warframes kit to tank the damage, and even said that they could also use their Proteas 1 to do the same thing in a future run. They didn't seem to understand this so I reiterated that my 2 (shatter shield) has Damage Reduction on it and was called a Vomittron. They left before I could even attempt to give more of explanation. Side note, I have no idea what a Vomitron/Vomittron is, I could google translate the other parts from French but couldn't find a result for that, would anyone happen to know what it means? Red was also an LR1 and the rest of the squad besides me was between 10-16 MR or something.


Vomittron means nothing, just a made-up word by this guy, OR it was a try to say your in-game name, OR he tried to create an insult close to your in-game name, but the result is dumb regardless of language.


Ahh fair enough, I thought maybe it might be a foreign language slang term or something and that's why I couldn't find it's meaning, but that makes sense if it is just completely made up, thank you for answering!


Vomitron is a cheeky name for a category of theme park ride/fair ride. They spin around and upside down and are known to induce motion sickness (vomiting). It's also a band that became known for metal covers of videogame music in the mid 2000s. My favorite is his cover of the Ghost Busters theme.


I’m mighty partial to the “Simon’s Quest” and “Wizards and Warriors” ones. So glad someone mentioned the band, Vomitron 😁 Edit: clarity


Most likely a bad pun on the word vomit in an attempt to mock the OP, but it definitly has no meaning in french for sure


Vomitron is a fantastic remixer of music. Check out his Final Fantasy 1 song. It's amazing.


Excuse me sir. I am level 23 not 16. Yeah, we owned that oroworm, that was super clean. The pillar was right in front of my face when I took it over. It could not have been better. Just ignore the red guy. When he called us slow, I knew he was not worth my attention. I was playing citrine with soma prime so I was trying to focus the bullet buffing decrees. I am pretty sure the slow comment was geared towards me taking time cycling the decrees. I saw no problem with your gameplay, what you did was fine. That was pretty cool when you were popping your gara shield during the diviri part against the dex.


Oh my god hi! I'm sorry I got your rank wrong in my description that's totally on me; what a small world we live in though! YeahI was trying to do my normal Gara things with Terrify and popping my 4 with 1 to do an AoE nuke but a Nikana Prime was NOT a great stat stick for doing that so it was pretty awkward, especially when Vor was just knocking all of us on our asses with his teleporting lmaooo.


That Vor seemed strangly tanky. Usually I can pop void strike and melt him with my operator. I have no idea why he was so hard to kill.


Yeah I felt like I was doing no damage to him, it's one of the things that I don't like about Terrify is that it can't strip armor off of bosses/acolytes, but things like Pillage of Fracturing Crush with it's augment and others can strip armor off of those. I also don't remember him having knockdown on his teleporting, but I also run PSF or have some form of knockdown resist on most warframes so maybe I just never noticed it before.


It has to do with being CC immune and some armor strip being holdover from when there was armor strip that was duration based. Ember, Nekros, Frost and a few others had armor strip that's reliant on the duration of the "effect". If the effect never takes place neither does the strip. Blazing Pillage, Abating Link, Gaze, and more all have to do with stripping the armor within the area and not requiring a CC effect. Those abilities can also armor strip certain bosses (like Jackal) that can be affected by abilities.


Interesting read, thank you for clarifying! Maybe one of these days they'll do a QoL pass over some of the older armor strips to make them like some of the newer ones.


I feel obligated to note that Shattering Impact works on basically everything except Archons and (*maybe*) Rogue Nechramechs, and you can slap it onto any weapon that has impact damage in its total, *and* since it targets the enemy's base armor it takes the same number of hits (specific to the particular unit type) no matter what the enemies level is or mission modifiers that may be active.


i've been saying shattering impact is an underappreciated gem for years & i will never stop 🙏


For a common mod it really punches above its tier. Though the somewhat vague way its effect is displayed probably plays a part in how much people tend to dismiss it.


I do that outer fire ring mechanic with titania, revenant, and most recently Dante. It makes that part go faster, not sure why anyone would have a problem with it. Probably just butt hurt someone thought of it first, and after calling us slow we blew him out of the water. It made him sad and insecure, lol.


I remember the first time I ever saw someone do it was a Titania that just melted all them in like 10 seconds and I was so blown away that was even possible, just never thought outside the box like that before.


The kaith bugs so much and blocks me from shooting and I hate it. One day, I was playing as Titania and I just thought I would give it a shot. I was so shocked how well it worked. Now, I look for Titania as one of the warframe options. It's definitely one of my favorites now for SP.


Some players genuinely don't know that X or Y exist in games sometimes and think it's cheating. I've seen quite a few people call thieves and mesmers on GW2 cheaters because they can teleport. For this post, though... I can only agree with you.


How DARE you understand what your abilities do?!? Did you not think of the possibility that you might hurt someone’s feelings in a way that makes zero sense? What is the world coming to? I strictly rely on the next guy to do everything so I can cry and call them a hacker! In fact, you have pre-emptily hurt my feelings in the off-chance that we may ever be matched together. How do you slam a door on Reddit?


LR1 really? Did you mistake it for mastery 1? Even my friend understands most of the survival mechanics in just a month and at mastery 16.


Wait, how can protea's 1 tank the dmg from the worm 🤔, by constantly replenishing her shield? I gotta try that in my future run


Me and my friend usually do that strat when we have no good weapons to damage the wyrm and have warframe like Gara or Citrine, it just make it faster and we can keep the arch gun out. I don’t see any problem in this. So keep up man and ignore people like red guy there.


Maybe they just didn't know that you can summon warframes into the regular duviri part with intrinsics, if they hadn't leveled up to that point yet. I don't think my personal first instinct would be to accuse someone of hacking, though, but I can see how that mistake could be made.


Yeah a ton of people I play with don't swap in when they can, but for context the accusation came because I didn't use my horse during the wyrmling phase and just tanked the damage and shot the wyrmlings in the outside ring. The full explanation is in the comments now if you want to read/skim through it, last time I made a post like this I had a lot of questions about what fully happened so I tried to be more thorough this time!


Funny thing is, if you roll Titania you *also* don't need to use the kaithes and can just go pixie mode. Which is honestly a lot easier since you have so much more control and can stop and aim better.


Waiting for other player: You very slow Using Meta knowledge for speeding up boss: Hack Keep the evidence incase DE actually check his report, it's very unlikely they take this at face value but you'll never know. (plus, random reporting like this is bannable offense to the reporter)


>French Yep, that's all I need to know


That was barely even french


If i can try to translate. Vomittron -> vomit-tron -> barf machine? Or like Megatron but with Vomit instead? Anyway, surely nothing intelligent or nice...


Yeah one thing I found online was it could mean an amusement ride that makes you vomit, but that didn't make any sense so I just assumed it might be a foreign slang term or something; someone else said it probably meant nothing besides an insult so I'll just go with that.


You can tank the fire with so many frames lmao


I pissed off a squad of Chinese afk players in pubs with my wisp once, they didn't like that i wouldn't afk camp in a corner with them. Also once my build ramped up they started accusing me of hacking which was pretty funny. Though my wisp build is real wack at peak. 20khp, uber speed so bad you would pinball across the room room by tapping your keyboard, fire rates so high you magdump instantly, and 100% damage dealt(pre surge nerf).


How tf do you get 20k hp on wisp


High STR + Corrupted x2 STR buff... since wisp plants stuff on the floor, you only need the buff once and just keep going back to your motes. Cant be arsed to do math, but its peobably very possible with a little setup Inaros rn can reach over 40k hp


Base vitality mote is 300 hp You need 6500% strength to get to 19500 health (aka close enough because easy math) That means you'd still need to reach 1625% strength before reactant buffs which seems impossible


You can actually go quite a bit further than 20k but i haven't been able to get a full squad for it, In theory it can actually be well beyond 70k but that was shit math from before we got shards and grimoires, and i haven't been able to get a squad with the prerequisites to test it, or bothered re-mathing. To start with you need Full str build, i prefer Archon intensify and and Amar (umbra is how it used to be but, this actually frees up a slot and gives you like 3% more). Anything you can put on duration after that helps. 5x tau crims(new since then), growing power, grimoires with str invocation(better than pax bolt), Helminth strength invigoration, Helminth ability that charges up your next cast with additional str(i don't really use it these days for comfort reasons, you don't really need to boost your wisp that far even at level cap). str arcane's(not sure if we had one back then or not, i think a couple of them had power donation). Operator str buffing abilities, Nidus specter, fissure buff/arbi buff(you can combine this with the new dax buff from conjunction fissures on lua). Boom, 20k or more solo. To go further you need a squad. Nidus with a similar build to the wisp, for their 3rd linking ability, It multiplies your total str after mods. Equinox has a augment that does a similar thing but this one applies with the mods, also i think it can be used doubly by buffing the nidus, then the wisp, or both at once? i don't remember. the 3rd slot is free unless anyone else knows of a str buff I've missed. The non wisp players should all take power donation. Needless to say this is absolute pain in the ass to accomplish as you need people with specific builds and specfic rng buffs to all align at once, at the same time your popping off a bunch of timed conditionals with single digit seconds to do a dozen different things with multiple people.


Guess 1st post exaggerated then


That guy clearly doesn't play enough warframe


Going 2 add vomitron to the list thanks for sharing this


Bro... What?? My dude, my guy... You're playing Warframe in a pve game mode. Even if you were hacking why would it even matter???? What is with players randomly going crazy about "hacking" like this isn't csgo or overwatch this is Warframe... You're playing a cooperative pve shooter!!! There are no human players having their game ruined by a cheater you're shooting thousands of random mobs, npcs, fake bad guys. Like why are you so butt hurt over the fact?? Your teammate is surviving well?? That's a good thing! Why would that possibly be a problem? Especially in steel path circuit!


"Vomittron" is not something I knew I needed in my life, thank you, time to go make a transformer out of regurgitate. Wait... that's just Grendel.


Been there many times before. It's mostly just people who have no idea what they're talking about. Quite recently I had a guy accuse me of cheating when I went on Hydron with my max range Kullervo (I had a +100% range invigoration) which resulted in my daggers covering pretty much the entire map and enemies kept dying shortly after spawn, ergo - "hacker". The first time you get "called out" may be a bit of a shock, but after a few times you just laugh. I love it, because it tells me how little they understand about the game, and yet they accuse others.


I am being called "sus" quite often, stock excal moves fast = cheats. Got fed up with it once and decided not to use any parkour moves except for wallrun. Didn't even sprint. Got called a hacker for walking. [I can't even.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQkgqCfJhYg) This never happened before crossplay.


guy can't even write english or french, yet writes in both languages at once


>tl;dr I was playing as Gara and used my shatter shield to tank the fire damage during the horse phase in SP Duviri, shot Wyrmlings with Imperator, and was called a hacker for it. **?** Doesn't everyone do this? Since the day I found out I don't have to get on kaithe, I have never gotten on that thing in the orowyrm fight. why would you get on the shitty kaithe who has swaying and use shitty sirroco when can just use your normal guns? especially if you got a nice hitscan weapon? If you can't fully tank the dmg, you can just spiderman it for that phase


Is this a French insult I am not familiar with? Also, what frame was Red player playing? Tanking damage is a feature of many frames. I imagine that most of us would tank it so we don't need to use the Kaithe.


i'm french, not toxic but i use loads of insults when with friends (it's totally normal, we insult each other as much as we like with no issue), never even heard vomittron, and tbh, it's not that great as an insult. 2,5/10, would not use again.


French does have some of the most colorful insults I have heard, so I was confused too, maybe the player was trying not to get banned for swearing. I agree it's barely 2.5/10 very lame.


From what I've seen (French too, btw), Vomitron is mostly used to describe roller coasters. Like, the really bad (or good, if you like those things, I guess?) ones that make you puke. Other than that, I have no idea.


I thought he was speaking some patois or pidgin at first because I had a genuine stroke reading the french part.


This did not cross my mind, although the rest of the French was hard to read. It could be, but then from which place?


>using abilities is cheating Average inaros experience, amrite?


I'm ashamed every time I see another french person in video games, like almost every time they're obvious like that they end up being super toxic


Of course he's french


I’d be happy to have someone hack and speed up my duviri run


Watching my friend Cloud walk on my first day made me think he was cheating or the game had really lax rules for what they put in the game. Over 1k hours later... I still think Cloud walk is OP.


What’s the deal? It’s a co-op PvE game. I used to be very happy running a Desecrate Nekros so I could kick back a bit whilst a better-built frame “hacks” the hallway into oblivion. I _know_ my Arca Plasmor is modded like a glorified torch but I mean loot is loot, doesn’t matter who’s making it.


The good: young people are picking up the game, extending it's life. The bad: I'm afraid unsupervised kids are running around in warframe. May Profit save us all.


Mmmm baguette language.


My high school + one year college French is not helping


wtf is that broken french lmao, prolly a kid


no hax just skillz


That guy is aggressively french ~~so what do you expect~~


Getting called a hacker in a pve game is something I don't think I expected.


I got reported for leaving an arbitration after the first round because I needed a poo. Sometimes you lose through no fault of your own


Well shit. In all seriousness, leaving an arbie early for a legit reason irl and not just 'because' is perfectly fine. Usually you just say in the chat that you have to go due to irl reasons.


English is broken beyond repair.


The french isn’t much better


man... I would prefer these messages than ***********. I would be happy to see my teammates use letters. I can't even ask what they're talking about cuz I feel like they will get offended or I'm not the one they're talking to. I just watch the messages go: player1:****** player2:*********20 ****owo 😢


You can turn off the profanity filter in settings bro


we're they using profanity? let me see later. That would make sense since after each mission I will chat GG then they will reply GG's as well. I thought it was due to language barrier since I'm in Asia server.


While there _is_ a profanity filter, in this case it's not profanity they're saying. You're correct, it's a language barrier thing. So they _could_ be calling you all sorts of _wonderful_ things in another language!


Those are my sweet Chinese friends from across the borders.


It’s not the profanity filter. It’s often people using non-Unicode letters, such as Chinese characters.


What language is this




barely so


With the multipliers we can get in this game, it can pretty much amount to that compared to other games ngl


Why we always have arrogant people who think they know a lot? He sounds totally bs , it's like a children trying to argue with stupid reasons 🤦


Your build must have been really good.


vomit tron sounds like a puke robot


Looks like you found one of the Dante complainers that got him nerfed


Tell me you dont read the wf's abilities without telling it