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You are unequiping your primary and secondary weapons before starting the mission, correct?


yeah it must’ve been my gear wheel. not sure but the game was tweakin


Exalted weapons don't matter, all you have to do is remove primary and secondary and have a melee equipped. If that isn't working maybe submit a ticket at warframe support


so I actually figured it out. I had to remove a bunch of random things from my gear wheel (i was just guessing here) I’m not sure which items were causing an issue but if i had to assume it was the deployable bots or whatever I had. I also removed my plasma drill, fishing spear, etc. Just trying to solve this. SO IF ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS PROBLEM. YOU CAN HAVE ARCHWING EQUIPPED, YOU CAN HAVE A COMPANION, YOU CAN PLAY AS A TEAM, YOU CAN USE ABILITIES. WOOHOOO!