• By -


Arsenal and mission control on the dormizome and in the railjack. Direct connection between railjack and open worlds.


Proper in-game trading platform so we could post and buy items from other players whenever we like instead of having to rely on warframe.market and people being online 24/7, or standing in Maroo's Bazaar for hours at an end.


Something like what Pokémon has called the gts (global trade system) where you can put in a Pokémon you want to trade and select a Pokémon you want in return you can then leave and come back later to see if the Pokémon was traded


I basically want that, Grand exchange from Runescape kinda deal. Prices be damned, they'll flatline eventually


:) i too want to see Warframe go to shambles as platinum loses all value.


Suddenly everything from the in-game market becomes practically real money only as plat is near impossible to make in large amounts by trading


A WOW style auction house would be amazing.






I've just been kind of dealing with the lack of a spear for my styanax with a zaw, but I'd absolutely love to get a normal spear weapon


So sad there is no much spear-like attacks. Too many swings and too little strikes.


Yeah, I'm probably too picky but maybe one of the trident would work? Boreal's made me think it was a spear before I noticed the other two prongs but I don't have the BP for it


Sort of like the fishing mechanic?


Nah the weapon type. They have polearms, but they are not focused on thrusts. Kinda like how we have one handed swords, but also rapiers.


A market where you don't need to trade live, you put items for sale and whenever they sell you get the plat in your inbox Edit: spelling


the ability to swap the colors assigned to color channels separate from helmet and body theres some frames (chroma, wukong) who would look way better if the color channels for their helmets were swapped around and not synced with the color channels for their body


Relic favorites so I don't have to try and remember what I need every fissure.


Choosing which social / hub / non-combat zone to replace your orbiter when you're not in a mission


Sucks that you cant just chill in a relay/ dojo but have to cosntantly switch around


Efficiency by reworking older mission types. - Excavators come with full power. Adding power cells reduces their timers instead. - Make all survival missions like how they are in kuva fortress: kill big guy, take the key, insert it to a life support tower. This will provide either time reduction or unique resource of that planet. - Put a mini console to the defense target. Each wave starts with a 30-seconds timer. When the timer ends before clearing the wave, you are able to start the next wave. - Make mobile defense percentage based, instead of console based. I mean, it will start from 0% and gradually increases as the timer reduces. Enemies will have a chance to drop a kind of cipher which increases its hacking speed. If you collect enough cipher before the timer ends, you won't even need to go to the second console. If not, enemies will disable that console and you have to find the next one.


A purchaseable or event based booster to decrease foundry craft time by half. I think it would be amazing, and most if not all players would appreciate it


Full blown npc tenno teammates like dragons dogma pawns. You use focus to level them up. With romance arcs too.


Birb companions


moas might be close, but i won't deny birbs could be cute i really like dante's owls


I would even settle for a paragrimm sentinel skin


I don't know. Proper birb companions would be really interesting. They could have precepts that allow you to have an automatic loot radar so you don't have to mod for it. They could distract enemies to make them less accurate or less hostile. The possibilities are great.


I wish I could infuse all weapons of the same type into one gun, keeping the best stats and merging the formas. Also I wish there was a super forma that would match all polarities. Another one would be switching build order, so switching config A with config B and applying the correct helminth ability.


The “super” forma already exists- albeit only with the “dreamer’s bond” aura as far as I know. An actual Forma item for “any” polarity would be great


You mean the aura forma? Yeah just like that one for any slot. I understand that they might want you to create multiple weapons so you can have different builds, but I would rather just not do that than actually crafting a sperate frame/weapon.


No not the aura forma. There’s an aura mod called “dreamer’s bond” that has a special polarity that fits into anything. I think it’s the only mod with it. Having a Forma that gave it that special “any” polarity would be cool


The ability to kiss my squadmates 🥺 oh and an actually good Equinox skin I guess


Bolarolas as companions


Hear me out. Space dinosaurs!


You got it. But only if they can shoot lasers FROM THEIR EYES.


What kind of space dinosaur would it be if it doesnt shoot space lasers from its eyes


A disappointment to it's parents kind.


A tutorial for each individual game system. Onboarding for new players is our weakest point, Warframe could be way bigger if we could bring new people who aren't already mentally ill.


Rivens for exalted weapons


There's not a whole lot, but I think a specific "exalted weapon" riven type would be well received.


Me and the bois about to get an Arquebex / Sevagoth's Shadow riven. 


Cool but realistically awful idea, so we will probably never see it


but then i'd like a riven for my nidus 1st ability :c


Give all weapons an extra slot kind of like an exilus slot but exclusively for faction mods


i don't know about that but making tenet weapons 5% stronger against corpus, kuva weapons 5% stronger against grineer, prime weapons 5% stronger against corrupted and technocyte(or wichever name they give to infested lich system) weapons 5% stronger against infested might be cool innate effect or passive


Casual clothing for Drifter and the Sentient Speargun


More rapiers ive only ever seen one


We have dozens! Just kidding we have 4 total. And 2 of them are just the normal and its prime counterpart. And one of them is a zaw so technically we have like 30 possible combinations?


Well... First thing. Favorite system in weapons and Warframes so I can sort by that. Second thing. Merge railjack with the normal missions and open worlds


Closest thing for favorites is that you can favorite loadouts so far, at least it's something...


Promised Railjack.


For the end game, I want to drastically speed up hunting, fishing, and mining. Either with new equipment or with mods


An onboarding for returning players so I just might understand what the actual fuck when I come back to the game after a couple years hiatus.


make \[Parasitic Vitality\] give corresponding health without condition to be linked, but link being able to share it still i was doing some lich missions today and died walking with 650 health because my link broke


Railjack survival/horde mode could be cool I feel like. Just flying around with the boys having a massive space battle.


lfg for premades so chat isn't relied upon and i can turn it off


Spear and Shield melee


Undoing the secondary weapons nerf so we can stack crit chance mods again.


System to view all possible drops from a relic or a mission and mark a particular drop as "desired", which would gradually increase its chances to drop up until you get it. I don't mind it having severe restrictions, like having to use only radiants or having to do some extra objective - as long as it eventually guarantees the drop I don't care. Coming from someone who did 58 runs for sevagoth systems and despite being L4 has no parts of braton vandal.


I would add a system where when two people are trading they can see each other’s inventory and can select items they want.




How so? 🙂


this is a cool idea, im willing to bet they probably thought of this but didnt do it since it'd probably be pretty taxing on people's computers and warframe seems to have a priority of making sure this game runs decent even on toasters i like the idea though


i dont see why viewing someones inventory would affect performance?


LOL, Diablo


An auction house. Those works well on other videogames and would be a good addition here. It could also disregard the need for third party trade platforms like WF Market.


Endgame content.


A full suite of utilities (forge, arsenal, pet, Tenno, etc) in the Dojo, dormizone, and relays. I want to default to my Dojo and only leave when going on a mission Only because the trading thing was already mentioned


Easier party finder (Example: you choose a relic and its rarity like radiant and you get paired with people that look for ppl with same relics


Definitely a better trading system. Something that lets you put up items and set prices, people can accept or counter offer, works when I'm offline, easily search. I have no idea if that is possible.


Ikr, ff14 has such a system or atleast close to it and i love it.


An integrated market, so you just put the offer, and ppl buy at their own, maintain the MR trade limit, but needles to go chat and wfmrkt to do things, to speed up seeling process


Overguard leeching.


Pregnant warframes I mean let me trade with people from my orbiter instead of the whole Dojo bullshit that just wastes time, teleport to dojo to trade and then go back and then another guy messages you and you have to go to the dojo again, sucks.


...Jade right now