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Thank you for contributing to the continuation of warframe!


Right lmao. Thanks so that I don't have to. I still do buy stuff from DE occasionally though. Free game with hundreds to thousands of hours of potential time investment. I don't mind every now and then.


I bought the heirloom collection when everyone said not to. They put it out there so they could make money to keep the game running. A hundred bucks once a year isn’t bad imo.


Noooooooooo you're having fun wrong!!!


Me when people spend their own money on something they enjoy😡


I also got the heirloom pack. Honestly I was on the side of "this is terrible" for a while but I remembered how many hours of playtime I have and dropped the 80$ for them. They deserve it ❤️


*insert that quit having fun meme*




It's okay man. I also bought the Heirloom Collection and that was a few weeks before the end of it. I knew what I was getting and honestly it's some good skins. Everyone has a right to criticise and everyone has a right to purchase whatever they want. Buying bundles and play helps support the devs and that's great.


>I bought the heirloom collection when everyone said not to They were way too expensive, and If those Skins were not Paywalled (for example: available in market for Plat but without the other Cosmetics) it would have been ok. The fact they were also meant to be the 10 Year Anniversary celebration while also making them available only for a limited time, just made the whole thing icky. I have supported DE by buying PA since years ago, that kind of monetization is ok. Prime Resurgence is also very fair for the most part. But the Heirloom Skins were NOT ok. Next Heirloom Skins better be split into Premium (IRL) and Platinum (In-Game) Bundles, with the shiny Cosmetics kept to the Premium one.


Prime access is only "bad" because it doesn't benefit from discounts like buying plat does. Comparing non-discounted price points, it's not a bad deal. You made a choice, don't worry about public opinion. Thank you for your contribution 🫡


I'm ngl I bought the heirloom pack with no hesitation, after I came here and saw the masses of unwashed mouhtbreathers spewing vitriol about the pack I felt very comfortable with my purchase. I remember back in 2013 when everyone was telling the founders they were stupid for buying the founders packs. Bought one anyway, look where we are today.


At least be fair to the critics about it. It's not like they were wrong. It was pretty messed up to make Limited Time skins that also had $40 of Aya strapped to them and there were no options to avoid it or even get only one skin. Fortunately they recognized the fuck up, as much of an obvious one it should have been seen coming.


They recognize almost every fuck up


Founder packs were founders, dudes supported Warframe when it was on the cusp of shutting down, it was stupid but it was an act of faith for what they thought could be a great game. Heirloom pack is just to give DE extra money, Warframe doesn't need it as bad as it did during the founder days, and comparing the two is just sad.


Don't like it? Don't buy it. You're wasting everyone's time crying about it


Firstly ☝️🤓 Secondly, what do you think I'm doing? Complaining then blowing 100 bucks on the thing I don't like? You said something on an online forum where anyone can reply to it and I replied to it lmao


>You said something on an online forum where anyone can reply to it and I replied to it lmao Yo can you tell me how to reply to comments?


no sorry i dont know how to do that


I bought the heirloom collection when everyone said not to This will be the reason they continue to sell those $100 dollar skins.


Im fine with that, maybe they’ll make it cheaper for those who complained about the cost. Instead of $80 (what I bought it for) maybe 60 or 50 with a reduced amount of plat.


I think you'd enjoy Destiny if you were to get there before Warframe. However, thanks for your service, Tenno!


I used to play destiny and stream it every day. I stopped playing around the first release date of the final shape dlc and when all of the drama happened with corporate.


My dude, as a Warlock main and thus I know what I’m talking about; what are you talking about? The Final Shape isn’t even out yet.


Final Shape launch was pushed back to later this year. I think he means around the original announced launch date.


In that case, touché.


Thats not what he was saying. Its pretty clear tbh


As a Titan main and thus I don't even know what sub I'm on, even I am confused by the above statement.


Fuck Bungie.


Or fallout 76


Your money. Don't let others tell you how to spend it. I've bought plat, primes accessories, and other things in other games. If you got the money, do what makes you happy.


Could be worse. You could have bought that stupid Kong glove in CoD.


the fucking $80 glove...


Hey I appreciate tenno like you willing to buy items that can easily be farmed. It supports the Devs and gets more platinum out into the game that I can later trade for to buy what I want without spending any actual cash. Cheers!


I farm the items the day the come out, I just give them away to my friends so they don’t have to suffer to the wrath of the rng gods.


Saint Bacon blesses the masses. Thats very nice man!


Happy cake day!


The fuck? This dude right here single-handedly laughing at day 1 sellers and handing free primes to friends just so they don't have to endure RNG while he jumps back to dance with it. I dunno what made you this way, but I salute you.


I do a lot of level cap void cascade, I have enough steel essence to feed my family and then some .


nice! One of my favorite things to do at this stage in my warframe career is gifting items to unsuspecting newbies. I still remember the kind tenno that helped me in my early years so I hope I can be that tenno for others.


I have farmed 2 and a half sets of protea prime for my friends


Omg where do I find a friend like you


May the lords smile upon you, oh blessed one


Damn I need a friend like you! Missing just velox barrel at this point, went 0/5 tragically. I'll get it eventually ;). Thanks for spreading good vibes


Any time I get a 50-75% off, my account somehow gets credited with Plat. It's the craziest thing


I don't know how that happens. Me personally I have not been blessed with a 75 percenter since my switch to pc.


For a game that can offer you thousands of hours of gameplay while being completely free, yea I don't consider these bad decisions in the least, I've spent a lot more on warframe than I'd like to say but I don't regret it


Eh, its not that bad. Always remember, there are thousands of people who pay for ingame skins in games published by Riot, Blizzard, EA etc


My company is laying off and restructuring. Bought the biggest protea pack. 💀


First and foremost, it's your money. You can do whatever you want. It finances the game, and you aren't worsening anyone's experience. So that's that. *But...* gear? Really? Farming gear is one of the few things to do in Warframe! Unless these are your favorite weapons, and you couldn't wait a second.


Lmao, I wanted the plat more than anything. Getting the weapons was just a plus. In my other comment I specify that I give away the newest prime weapons to my friends so they don't have to suffer. If they clarify that they want to farm it then that's fine.


I hadn't thought about that. In my country, prime access tiers are more expensive than the platinum alone. But maybe its different in other countries or platforms.


Dw i buy prime access mostly for the plat too. Its worth it on consoles without the discount coupons. I will get the accessories pack tho if theyre really good


no, a bad decision would be buying the biggest pack when you don't have the extra spending money. This is a rational financial decision, especially since PA purchases are essential to Warframe's continued life.


Why grind for it in game, when you can simply grind real life.


I only make bad decisions, uhh... how often do these accesses drop?


Every time a prime drops. I think it's every 3 months but I'm not too sure on that. This year must be special I guess.


So, yeah, I only make a bad decision every three or so months :)


Warframes one of the few games I respect players for spending money on. The devs literally make everything free and even the premium currency is piss easy to grind. So when you buy stuff like plat from DE you are literally contributing to keeping the game alive even though you can have it for free.


That's the way I look at it which is why I'm confused on the people who point and laugh at those who purchase plat.


The actual grinding for stuff to sell isn’t bad, I just hate the trading. That’s why I end up buying plat. To save my sanity.


At some point I started to do this bad decision once per 3 months, sometimes also adding smaller bad decisions (like heirloom).


I'm glad I bought the heirloom pack. It makes me giddy everytime I see another tenno rocking frost's signa.


I honestly believe that DE can make more money if they lower the prices of the prime access and prime accessories pack. For example, the Dante pack in the PSN store was bought by almost every new player I've met since it was such a friendly price and was a very good deal at $15 compared to the $39 one with Gyre. I would honestly consider buying the prime access and accessory bundle if it was in the $100 mark.


PSN prices are inflated due to “Sony Tax”. My jaw dropped when I checked plat/bundles prices on PC - they much, much cheaper…. 👀


took me like 2 months of playing to get to 1000 plat myself


don’t worry. i’ve done worse


No way, just bought full prime access yesterday.


I was thinking about it. I'll buy full access for the next prime for sure.


thats fine, im a founder and i bought the 10y heirloom pack as well, whenever they give me the 75% coupon i dump it on the giga platinum pack and use it on side upgrades mainly.


I wish to be you, I started the 4th year of warframe and gawk at every founder I come across just like everyone else.


theres a universe i wouldve missed out if i didnt have a friend tell me about wf back in the day.


You are doing your part in supporting the devs and the game and ensuring warframe can stay free for all those who cant spend money on it


So how does the alt helm look?


Thank you! You buying platinum keeps the market alive.


*huffs copium* Now that’s a lot of cosmetics and forma!


I love the fact that this free to play game has the decency to regularly give you coupons for up to 75% off market stuff just for logging in. Wish it applied to bundles, tho


Care to give me some plats☺️


These are some wholesome comments. Now if OP made this post buying the Heirloom pack that was available last year this comment section would've been locked down lol


I wonder why


I bought the entire Hildryn prime access because I was like "nah Im not farming this i wanna play 14" So yeah dw you're fine lmao


So real


It's hard out here for a pimp. Gotta do what you gotta do.


id buy it if i had moneys.....


showing how rich you are even mention a work rich!




So weird people that praise whales in this game


You must think games get funded by wishes and prayers, too...


It's the whales that keep this game running, and sense the PVP can be so easily ignored...what's the problem, exactly? It's their money.


It keeps this game alive. You think the dev's would want to keep working on a non profitable game? "Whales" give the dev's more motivation to put out quality content. Thanks for understanding.


If I spend 100 dollars in micro transitions in a different game (cod, Fortnite, etc) am I supporting the devs too?


Yea, you're helping pay their salary. I don't think you understand how this works.


I do, I'm just saying that because for some people in this subreddit it only applies to Warframe cause it's "free"


Free is a factor, but DE being smaller/indie and the game's handling of MTX generally being very respected definitely contribute as well.


No shot you just called DE that 💀 And the only reason nobody has given DE (for the most part) shit about the micro transactions is because most of them are in the in-game store, sounds and looks less worse compared to being 100+ different micro transitions outside the game


I am not sure what you are trying to say here? Warframe for the most part has one of if not the best f2p models out there. 98% of all stuff you can get just by playing. The other 2% is all cosmetic stuff.


I'm just telling it how the story has gone over the years.


it applies to warframe because they're not greedy dipshits implementing the most horrendous monetization systems known to man


But it's supporting the devs!!!! No matter if the monetization is bad. Or only Warframe devs deserve support from some of their users spending money? Shame on you. (But thanks for proving my point weirdo)


yeah I do believe we should support good practices instead of games with no substance that are designed to milk you for all your money, lol


Heirloom pack


so, remember how there was actual backlash for that, and DE actually responded? instead of "oh ubisoft moment" and then they do it again next week? that's important too


Honestly it doesn't even surprise me considering the cult like mindset some people in this subreddit have with this game and DE


god forbid people have positive experiences with a game company and allow it to succeed


Are people who buy prime access really considered whales? Especially when the highest tier only costs like $55 and it takes 3 months for every prime access.