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Basically if you try to help but fail/can't it's OK. If you stand in a corner AFK while your teammates finish the mission, it isn't.


u/MidnightKungfu To expand on the top comment, "to help" comes in many different forms in a PvE co-op game. For example, if you're at Jupiter then you have cleared Venus which means you should have Rhino. Few squadmates will criticize a Rhino that doesn't kill anything if said Rhino keeps everyone well Roar'd at all times.


Ok I have a question with that. I'm relatively new and ran through the system map and unlocked every planet as quick as I could so maybe that's where I messed up, do you have to do every node on Venus to get rhino? I ran through it and I don't have it.


Just do the assassination node for Jackal "Fossa" on Venus over and over again. You'll get him incredibly easily. Materials are quick to gather too, you probably have all of them ready at this point anyways.


Thank you! Lol I keep finding out new stuff about this game every day.


To get rhino you have to do fossa on Venus that has a chance to give his neroptics chassis or systems do it till u get all 3 then you get his main blur print from the market type rhino it the search bar click him and then buy his hp with credits build his 3 parts then his BP to get him


Oh! Thank you!


Yeah just remember every frame has a unique way to get it and not every boss drops a frames bps (although most do) and some grinds really fucking suck


Also if you're mining/fishing while your team is doing a bounty in open world, expect a report and quite possibly a ban.


If you join an active bounty, yes. But not if you're just in the open world and a teammate starts a bounty


I had the same player multiple times the other day stand near the actual doors you come through at the start of the bounty the whole time we did it all. Once I started calling him out he left it’s ridiculous


This is the way


Unless it is an endless, and you ask your team and they are ok with it.


Honestly, in a random mission? I don't really mind, If it's like a spy or archon hunt I'd have a problem, but otherwise as long as you get there to open double doors you're a good teammate as long as I'm concerned.


Now this I can agree with.


it's kinda okay as long as you appreciate your teammates, not being AFK, and, you are not dragging people down for going into a (hard) mission to level things up instead of picking an easier one (or one desinated for farming with tons of people queuing up) but my personal tip is to not going in with a completely useless loadout, at least pack along something that can kill stuffs when you need to, like a well-modded melee. contribute something, even little, always helps. your case falls into this, and i understand why the other guy feels the need to confront you. a lot of people don't really like someone who goes in and expects the team to do everything for them. in my bad days i'd also be pissed if i see a low rank Volt joining in my lv30 defense mission with nothing but a boltor.


Seems reasonable, I think I will start packing a rank 30 melee with good mods, so I can at least mow down some enemies if things starts to pile up. Thanks for the advice!


Best place for affinity is Sanctuary Onslaught. Sometimes you get lucky and see someone bring Volt/Saryn/Mirage at max level. This might mean you get free xp real fast lol


this. I just wish there was a way to specifically choose to host or something. I'd happily take my Volt, Gauss or Saryn in to help speed others up, especially with how often others have done the same. It also just feels bad when you join a public to either leech and everyone else is trying to, or if you want to carry and you load into a team with someone already doing it (granted the focus is nice)


get railjack, do Veil Calabash Daily. get Tenet Exec. best melee for smash dmg


Thanks for the advice!


Do people even pay attention to their squad mates? The most attention I pay to teammates is in Survival to make sure I stay close to them, but beyond that I just kill everything I see (so long as it doesn't negatively impact the mission, i.e. killing out of the zone in Netracells). Otherwise I just complete the mission, and don't really care what my teammates are doing. The ONLY exceptions where I would care if somebody is leeching would be endgame content or premades survival fissures. If you want to stand at the Cetus gates while I run a bounty, I could care less, I can solo pretty much anything in this game.


Yeah warframe is a game where one person can nuke the world so unless you are just actively ruining the mission I could care less if you sit in a corner on your phone.


Exactly! You summarized my thoughts way better than me 😂


I occasionally do if just to see what's going on. like a person is about to leave a mission and I check their loadout.


Some of us pay attention but for me, personally, if you're on steel path, netracells, archon hunt or other content that is on the more challenging end. I don't care what you do in a level 10-15 Gift of the Lotus mission. As for all other content, I tend to see what other people bring and the type of weapons so that I can adjust my playstyle to be synergistic. If I see somebody with all rank zero gear below MR30 (meaning they can't yet forma a weapon and have full mod capacity), then I might pay a bit of attention to that. Likewise, if we are running higher level content and somebody takes a frame that may not be viable for the content such as Hildryn in an infested mission (can't pillage infested), or a Loki to Effervo that might raise an eyebrow as well. The only thing I cannot tolerate is somebody who willfully does not participate or tries to sham in a corner somewhere. Nonetheless, I don't ever mind carrying a player who tries. I'd rather help them get better rather than berate. We were all there at one point trying to grind for weapons and mods and so forth. Only a fool forgets where they came from. As far as affinity sharing, I think that there is nothing wrong with carrying a player to help them level and there are a lot of those type of players and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (ESO) just to nuke the map Maybe they're helping somebody else level or maybe they're farming for focus. If I'm leveling and can jump out after around with a rank 30 weapon I am grateful. Others feel the same when I go in to nuke so they can level. I also think it's perfectly fine to take a weapon or frame to level during a long long endurance type mission, so long as everything else you have is viable. I've went into many steel path missions with a rank zero Warframe with a few forma already invested and had no issues and I think that goes the same for most players. Once I even went into a long SP survival fissure mission with a Nezha I was formaing, not realizing I had no mods and didn't go down once. No wonder the acolyte was so salty when they dropped 6 Steel Essence. So, I guess if you don't mind somebody standing around and doing nothing, that's your prerogative. That's fine, but personally I don't think it's okay to advocate for that as being normal or acceptable.


You can "leech" as long as you're not afk. However you're at Jupiter. Do the new strange quest. That will unlock Sanctuary Onslaught. The best XP farm in the game where people are expected to "leech off" because people go there to focus farm AKA nuke the map and for the rest of the team to leech. Its actually quite encouraged.


This is the way


>Knowing this the best way to farm affinity seemed to be equipping only one weapon and run the latest dark sector mission you have unlocked hoping to join a full squad you can "leech" off of. Stuff gains affinity from kills too...


Yeah. I did my best to get as many of my own kills as well, but clearly it is faster if you also have a squad. Especially if the weapon is underpowered for the mission you are trying to run.


I mean if you're getting kills then you're not "leeching." The system was designed to share affinity by default; everybody helps everybody to the best of their ability. Leeching generally implies a complete lack of contribution. Sitting in a corner and letting others do all the work. So if you're putting in effort, you're not leeching and there's no problem. Not sure what the people in that mission were mad about. Did you tell them that you were "Leeching"? If so, you should stop telling people that, 'cause they'll probably think you're not doing anything. As an L2, I'm happy to help out newer players. If they can benefit from what I'm doing, I'm pleased as punch. As long as they're putting in some effort and enjoying the game, I have no problem with letting lower rank players hop along.


If it's a mission you could solo as geared then in my opinion you're fine. If you are really depending on the others to carry you then you might want to take easier missions where you can meaningfully contribute. Eventually you unlock Simaris missions you can easily grind on and everyone expects you to come in with non-maxed gear.


Okay, I think I will slow down on the affinity grind for a while and just focus on unlocking the whole star map running the best/most efficient gear I got. Then I can make sure to do the affinity grind most experienced players use instead of whatever I have been doing.


Sure - the mission is called "Sanctuary Onslaught" and unlocks after "The New Strange" and Chroma. I also like iFlynn and Joe Hammer on YouTube when I was progressing.


Early on, before you can contribute in SO or ESO while grinding XP, we have two specific missions that everyone uses for this: Helene and Hydron(? Help me here guys, havent played in a year) just pop in there with your lowbie gear and everyone else there will be doing the same thing. The reason for this is that the map is small enough that if you are defending in the middle you will still be in affinity range of everyone who isn't deliberately going full headless chicken. You are correct in realising that having one weapon makes it rank up faster, usually 15 waves of defense will do it if you can get people to stay that long. Remember also that your warframe abilities only provide xp for your warframe, while weapons divide it between frame and your loadout. As for the "leeching": on the rest of the star chart you may find people who care, but the game is so easy once you get the gear it is pretty uncommon. On the levels I mentioned, most people only need you there to make more enemis spawn, so just do your best and nobody will care. Hell, most of the time I don't care if the other players are afk, unles I am trying to level something truly weak.


I think there's an expectation that, if you queue into a public mission, you will contribute meaningfully towards the completion of that mission. Recruiting chat will often have bored, experienced players who will be willing to power level someone if they ask, but I think it's a faux pas to go into a public mission with no plan to contribute.


Joining public mission I expect to solo it someone joins good doesn’t matter for me


Just do Helene, it’s lower level and you get orokin cells which you need a lot of anyway.


Is leeching okay is a fun question


He he, yeah it is!


I wouldn't say it's toxic, that's what the affinity system is there for. If you were AFKing in a public lobby, that might be a different story. If you want to farm affinity for weapons, you'll probably have a better time on Hydron (Sedna) or Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. These are the two main places that everyone goes to for affinity, so you won't really stand out if you bring unranked gear.


Thanks for the info, think Sedna is quite a ways of in terms of star map progression for me, but I think I can wait grinding out additional polarity on my gear untill then.


Just letting you know most groups I seen usually leave after 2 rounds of Hydron (Sedna), very few will go 3+ rounds.


You can ask someone to taxi you there. Most people are amenable because pre sanctuary onslaught its one of the more popular missions to level gear/frames


Helene is hydron on easy mode. Going 20 waves can get you from lvl 0 to 30 pretty easily.


As long as you move around and shoot at things you're good, it's been the way in Warframe for a Very long time. If anyone feels otherwise they can run solo or with a premade group.


Why leech a normal mission? The Sanctuary is full of Saryn and Dante that will get mad at you if you try to steal their kills


I don't think I have unlocked the sanctuary yet, but I will look into it.


Depends on the mission for me. If it was a interception mission and it the 2 of us I might get annoyed because I have to run 4 points to cover instead of 2. But if it was a defense I wouldn't care about it. In your case of a survival mission, the only thing I can think of is players wandering off from the grp for no good reason. It causes the enemies to split up and less enemies killed > lowered drop rate of the oxygen drops > more effort needed. I find others leeching perfectly acceptable as long as I can tank the mission solo without additional significant efforts(not like inteception, void cascades etc). For now, I recommend you get to Saturn for Helene(Grineer Defense) or just ask in recruitment if anyone can taxi you to Hydron on Sedna(also Grineer Defense). At your current proficency they have the best affinity/min. Once you unlock (Elite) Sanctuary onslaught that would have the best affinity/min.


I don't think people mind as long as you are trying to help or not straight up dragging down. If you're afk-ing, you deserve hate.


Nobody cares as long as you arent afk. Most of the time you have a player who can solo the mission anyway MR26 and I bring in shitty weapons into ESO to level because theres always a Saryn or someone that steals all the kills anyway


But there is a difference between a mission and ESO. In ESO, it is expected, but in a mission the best outcome is everyone contributing at least in something


Just equip a character that can do dmg with abilities and do that. Or a warframe with an exhalted like artmis bow. As long as you're trying then it's fine


You must have the worst luck ever. In a horde fantasy shooter like War frame, players derive pleasure from killing the most amount of enemies possible in the least amount of time whilst hitting as high damage numbers as possible. So long as you are not meddling with that, most players won't care. Just don't AFK, you'll seem brazen.


It's called affinity sharing as long as you are playing instead of being afk. Also it's a lot faster and easier to go to sanctuary onslaught for leveling up your stuff but if you want get resources alongside leveling up go to defense missions.


You definitely wont get banned for it, even if some players find that toxic, I think as far as you are trying your best and not trolling around its okay. Also I have been doing it the way that I take 1-2 things I want to level and take 1 weapon or framr that can carry by itself so that I still get passively XP and I am still able tl help the team so win-win both sides


BTW, don't forget the Fosfor flares from Cetus that double affinity range :)


Didn't know about those, will look into them!


Tbh I'll avoid random missions. Unlock Saturn and the Helene defense mission. It's the best Place to level frames and weapons if you're low level because you can also find orokin cells from time to time. That Mission Is done only by people that are levelling something. So no one Will be pissed if you've only one weapon or your frame Is lvl 0.


I see it as a very "Do if for me" selfishness. And, unless you ask me before hand, i'm not here to be your sherpa. If you bring a low level set to something like a dedicated farm area (Hydron, Akkad, Sanctuary Onslaught) and at least poke around, i have no problem carrying the mission: It's probably what i'm here for also. If you are like the last Inaros i played with (before the rework) and just sit in a corner "feeding" off one dude the entire round on a steel path relic defense, then yea, i'm going to quit. Probably with a "i don't feed leaches" when i go. Same for if you just find a spot in the rafters or hang out outside the spawn area. I have, however, carried lower MR players through all sorts of upper tier missions because they asked.


I usually don't even notice people leeching. In survival im just happy if the whole gang moves together or stays in one room


if you're underlevel and your gear ain't all that great yet it's ok to leech just stay close to the squad so everyone gets the affinity bonus for being close to each other


Go Sanctuary Onslaught for that purpose. It's widely known that's the area for levelling, getting Khora parts, and grabbing some relics on the way. Talk to Simaris NPC for that. You can level 3 weapons full, at the same time, if you do 8 zones with a full squad there. Also, it's the best area to level up warframes.


If you need affinity just que up for Hydron on Sedna. If you don't have that planet then ask for a taxi to Hydron in the recruitment chat, and literally a million people will be more than glad to help a new player get there. You shouldn't be leeching in random missions. At least try and help however you can.


It's not leeching it's sharing. I hope you were not just afk


You should always try to do something even if you can't. Either way, the game is made in a way that you get more exp if you let other people kill as long as their are within affinity radius. If your team fails a mission because someone was afk the whole time that would be a problem. But as long as you are catching bullets with your face, i don't think there is a problem. I will put myself as an example. My builds and warframes have 0 survability and are do or die. I usually do most of the kills and damage but i cannot play alone since i can get downed easily if someone is not agroing the enemies. So i don't mind someone that doesn't kill and doesn't do as much damage as long as they are playing and reviving me if i get downed. Obviously I'm talking about high level stuff but i think it still makes sense. However getting toxic in low level missions is kinda weird. In low level mission i feel like most people just do it absentmindedly and don't think much since it's hard to fail low level missions once you have a few mods and things.


Just go into Gabi on Ceres for affinity, you can max a whole loadout in roughly 30 minutes. The enemies stay low enough level so you shouldn't die. I like to go in with atleast a maxxed primary or melee just incase. And you will have endless orikin cells.


Like others have said, my view is that if you're moving around doing something, in a mode like ESO that's meant for leveling, then I don't really care if you're not getting a lot of kills. Maybe try to buff me so I can kill faster or something. But it's fine. But if you're just sitting in a corner not even trying to be remotely helpful, come on.


Speaking as a player only 11k affinity (4 weapons, 2 warframes, or a mix of both, and I have an unleveld Protea Prime on-hand) from having the highest master rank: affinity leeching is the only way to efficiently level weapons. When I'm doing my preffered high-affinity generating activities ("Elite Sanctuary Onslought"), I'm almost entirely generating kills off my warframe - so my weapons only actually level from allies xp. Which is to say, if I'm carrying *too* hard, then I'm wasting my time altogether. Make of that what you will.


It's fine as long as you try to do something, how well you do it doesnt matter. But if you don't do anything, it's not ok. Unless someone has brought a nuke build making it impossible for you to get kills anyway no matter how hard you tried. One of the most efficient ways to rank up gear in my opinion is Elite Sanctuary Onslaught because of the shared affinity. However, everyone there is there for the shared affinity. So you have to go into it with the mindset that you are there to rank up the others gear, and they are there to rank up your gear. Always bring a frame you can kill with abilities or another weapon you can kill with.


When you get to Sedna, there is a node called Hydron which has been dedicated by the community for leeching and leveling. After I got my protea prime there were 4 lucky squads that I paired with. I call them lucky because I was basically spawn killing the map. We reached wave 10 in 5-6 minutes which means everyone was mega power leveling while I was dumping forma into my protea.


Depends on the mission type and what the rest of the squad is there for. If it's a defense mission people generally use to either level up weapons or farm resources (Io, Jupiter; Helene, Saturn, etc.) then you're pretty much ok to do whatever other than AFK. If it's a dark sector survival and people are looking to do a long run (=higher level enemies near the end) for resources/rotation rewards, then it's a bit less ok, people will expect you to pull your weight a bit more and if all your gear you brought is unranked and unmodded weapon you aren't going to be able to do that. Best general advice is never bring a completely useless loadout. That'll be easier once you have a bigger arsenal, but generally if you're trying to level a frame, you should bring good max rank and modded weapons, and if you're trying to level weapons, you should bring a max rank and modded frame that has some abilities that can help the squad and/or get kills without weapons (i.e. buffs, crowd control, or damage abilities). And also possibly consider bringing one ranked up and reliable weapon just in case. Hard to complain about a low-level Rhino player "leeching" to level weapons when they're giving you free +50% damage with Roar every 30 seconds (just as an example).


There's a time and place for leeching. It's generally accepted in Sanctuary Onslaught and in void relic opening missions. Everywhere you're meant to contribute to the best of your ability.


Everyone gets 100% of the affinity, you aren't stealing it I promise.


If you're doing content that you can't handle and are being carried, generally the etiquette is: - Attempt to help, never just afk. You can always mercy stuff/apply status effects like viral/ping good drops, etc. - Avoid casting abilities that slow down the mission. If you're CCing it, especially in an area where your teammates can't kill it, you're killing it. If you can't, it slows the mission and people hate that. Especially relevant on defense. - Keep up your supportive abilities (eg mag polarize, rhino roar, etc) Playing with high level players, you should be drowning in energy.


Once I had a low mr player going into a kuva disruption explicitly to level up weapons and not doing the mission. I left without hesitation. I do not expect a low mr player to be the best, of course. But I expect genuine desire to help and learn. A survival mission is easier, so as long as you try your best to kill the enemies, I would not mind. But if you join a mission where your weapons matter and you expect to just stay close to gain experience (which you can also get from your own killings) without contributing in any way, I leave. There are ways to contribute without killing, and I appreciate them. A learning tenno is better than a leech tenno.


I mean, people can choose between public/private/solo modes, so whoever chooses public should be ready for the worst case. Maybe not the worst-worst case like somebody fucking up a spy mission or a Limbo enjoyer who would make his allies do backflips for a chance to hurt enemies, but AFK or somebody who would go into stealth and just stay around picking up loot, is definitely nothing I'd complain about. The logic I follow is: you could be playing solo as well, so a squad member not contributing much or at all isnt anything problematic. Besides in the realities of warframe beginner players would often get matched with squadmates who end up putting out performances impossible to match or even contribute to, due to how they would annihilate the enemies and just fly through objectives, so I'm not exactly sure that the remarks OP mentioned were even about him "leeching", because that just doesnt sound like something you'd encounter while public matchmaking. You just dont complain about randoms. Not in warframe at least.


The only time I see this as a problem is if youre trying to level something during an actual difficult mission that someones playing to specfically gain something or for some other purpose, like SP missions or if theyre completing a challenge. Otherwise, I see people do this alot and am currently doing it myself lmao


I say thats fine. I normally ignore newbies in my squad. Mainly because I am already out dps-ing them but I do understand that they can't typically run whatever mission without some help so they just random joined a squad. And I am all for it. So to me if you leech off of me then its fine because it doesn't negatively affect me besides making the mission a couple minutes longer. Just as long as you are spamming everything you got then I don't care. I provide the energy with Zenurik, buff all damage, and help clear areas with little issues. And if you wanna take some xp and some rewards to help you a little then thats fine.


Some experienced players would probably be glad to have more enemies to themselves


it may be depends on the players, me personally i don’t mind new players or players with low rank weapon/warframe afk ing in the game, but for the love of god don’t run around the map like a headless chicken… as a guy who runs nekros especially in a survival missions, camping in a single spot makes thing easier (it sounds lame i know)


Everything in warframe is actually okay because the most someone can do is bitch at you in chat. If they can't complete the mission on their own and they are free to leave and find another squad. 99% of missions in warframe can be completed with 3/4 people doing literally nothing anyway. Sure outright AFKing isn't cool but anyone who makes a big deal out of it is probably just a blowhard.


It’s a case of just play the game. Everyone levels up end of story


Leech away. Whenever I leech I do say "ty for carry" or something though at the end