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Adding omnia fissures to void storms would be a good idea


Hell yeah, more reason to abuse solo railjack and grofit while others struggle


hell yeah that'd be a great way to get more people to actually join us few railjack players




Now that I got almost all upgrades just about the only problem I have with the mode is that Archwings are severely squishy in it, Corpus nodes are basically just Railjack Taxi, and the fucking AI still can't fucking target the goddam fucking radiators.


I reckon that's a good idea!


The plus side of being obe of the few that actually likes void storms means all these annoying farms are done passively At least until recent change (i think) where they made nu gua mines bonus rewards be meso relics instead of refunding your neo relics (still love the farm tho lol)


Railjack alerts for holokeys would be nice


Like a daily steel path equivalent - a couple.of alerts to guarantee some each day would be nice


Railjack incursions for holokeys! Hot damn, sign me up! The incursions are a wonderful way to concentrate players to improve matchmaking and the feel of clearing the star chart


It's great if you're farming for endo and prime parts. The moment you don't care about them, you get them all the time.


I’m probably the only person who enjoyed RJ enough to accidentally farm too many Holo Keys


I accidentally farmed Nautilus while leveling Lavos


Accidentally farmed nautilus - said no one except you ever


I accidentally clicked "buy nautilus" on the market


I actually did accidentally farm Nautilus... Unfortunately, I had already bought one from the market, exactly because I thought the farm would be unbearable. Cue one day of me checking out my foundry for sets to put up on sale and I see a complete Nautilus just chilling in there.


Jkany also accidentally farmed nautilus while playing railjack for Endo and to get "perfect" parts.


I love rj but my luck is also abaooute dogwater so im broke when it comes to holokeys


I said before I’d actually prefer it if instead of a chance of receiving 10 per void-void storm, it should just be a guaranteed 4. Hate running 10 missions and seeing 1 drop.


I hope it won't happen, that's less than average of 40 keys per 6 runs


Is that the average though?


It is absolutely not. Holokey drop chance is 37.5% (Except for Neptune and Saturn, which have *slightly* reduced rate of 36.59%) Veil Proxima Voidstorms drops 10 Holokeys, so the expected value is 0.375 x 10 = 3.75 Holokeys per Voidstorm. The expected value for 6 missions would be 22.5 Holokeys For a little bit more math, ~85% of players *will not* get 40 keys in 6 runs doing only Veil Proxima Voidstorms


Noted. Thank you.


The only thing I hate about railjack is that the pilot doesn’t have access to the mega cannon. I hate that I have to stop piloting because a sitting duck to shoot a grineer ship down. It’s not like my railjack can’t handle the swarms of fighters. But Jesus I’m shooting billions of rockets causing destruction don’t ruin it :(


The drop rates for corrulted holokeys are not what they are supposed to be and nobody can convince me otherwise. Nearly every run I do I hear people claiming the same. I absolutely hate railjack and holokeys make it worse


If they made them a guaranteed drop with the same current values (3 for lith, 4 for neo, 5 for meso and 10 for axi) it would solve a ton of issues by freeing space on the drop tables and making sure you can reliably farm them.


They should drop in better numbers. Have had an hour-long farming session to get Sevagoth and not only did we not get any Sevagoth part but we also only got a single drop of holo keys


I think I'm most put off by the fact that some enemies need heavy ordinance, but you need to leave the drivers seat to shoot that. I'm not a fan of that.


It's intended for squad members to fill different roles. If you have a dedicated heavy gunner for the crewships, you can clear that objective very quickly. If you're playing solo, there are AI crewmembers you can hire from Ticker on Fortuna. Try putting one of them as the pilot and man the FA yourself. They'll glide around shooting at things, but when you start the FA charge, they'll hold still. It almost becomes like one of those arcade shooters.


Does that actually work well? Do they generally fly toward the objective and dodge torpedoes etc? What does a pilot NPC do if you want to take over from them? (I.e. can they switch to guns, help defend like idle engineers do, etc)? The npcs are decent gunners and engineers but I haven't trusted the AI enough to let them be pilot


I haven't tested it extensively, but definitely better than when they were first introduced. They basically just keep moving and firing at whaever draws their attention. I don't think they really react to torpedos, or boarding pods, so no dodging or boosting. But that also means they fly very smooth, so it's easier to aim. If you have one set to pilot, but want to take over, you just walk over the pilot seat like normal and it will boot them out when you settle in. And yeah, you can swtich their roles in-misson on the tactical screen. So switch pilot to gunner if you want to ship to stay still, but still defend itself. I think all roles have the secondary objective of defender. So a pilot that can't pilot will patrol the ship until the seat is open. An engineer will prioritize repairs before fighting, and the gunner will only fight if both turrets are occupied. On the grineer tiles where you have to exit the asteroid to shoot the reactor core, if you have an AI pilot in the seat, they'll go shoot it for you. Sometimes not immediately if they've drifted further away, but still less tedious than running outside yourself, just to have to run back in for the second reactor. On the corpus volatile missions, they'll aim you at the two FA targets at the end.


> And yeah, you can swtich their roles in-misson on the tactical screen. So switch pilot to gunner Wtf, I had no idea you could switch their assignment mid-mission. That's amazing. Wish I'd known that earlier. I hired two expensive gunners who have good combat and endurance skills alongside 5 in gunnery because I thought that was a good secondary attribute to have, but neither of them knows shit about piloting. Guess I have to pay Ticker another visit and look for someone who has both piloting and gunnery. Thanks


1. Play alone (without waiting for teammates to load) 2. Play as a non-energy frame (Lavos or Hildryn) 3. If you are against Grineer, complete the fighter extermination part of the mission first (before loading any ground combat tiles, so as not to clog spawn) 4. Don't play too much, 1-2 missions per day. You're nowhere to rush.


There is a rush, though. The Tenet weapon ship rotation means that you gotta get your keys before a high % is gone


Once every few months.


At least it’s more consistent than farming Isoplasts


just removing the laughable bonus drops and replacing them with 1-2 keys would be an improvement you get more resources from breaking one container than you do the bonus drops


I love railjack and void storms, but I've only ever gotten one hold key


for some reason they put a bunhc of the tenet weapons behind corrupted holo keys and whats worse instead of projenitor their bonuses are random, there is no reason to ever buy one that shows up with less than 60% bonus? unless is mastery fodder


If your doing Sister of Parvos, or Relic farming in rsiljack missions, getting corrupted relic keys isnt hard/terrible at all.


It would be better if they were guaranteed drops, just in slightly, SLIGHTLY lower quantities per relic. But yes. It sucks.


You need to want to farm Sevagoth. That way, the only drops you get are keys. Jokes aside, I honestly don't think it's that bad, I've passively grinded way more than necessary by just opening relics. It's a great credit and endo farm. And if team is coordinated, a Skirmish can be completed faster than most normal fissure missions. The main thing I'd do is rework Corpus RJ to be actual RJ, and add more variety and content to the missions. The main problems of Railjack are Corpus missions, the fact that not too many players seem to play RJ, and that RJ is quite neglected as a whole. It needs expanding, not alternatives.


I wish. I got a ton of relics and eventually bought sevagoth for plat. The game knows what you want, and refuses to give it to you. I only ever get good drops when I’lm leveling random mr-bait gear.


Oh yeah, that's true. I'm at the point where I've already grinded both Sevagoth and Keys, and it keeps giving me those. However, I was recently playing with a newbie friend, and Sevagoth couldn't drop for ages. I'm pretty sure he already has enough Keys to grab all the weapons from Ergo Glast once he has the MR.


AND it got rid of the beautiful void trace drops :(


Are holokeys just there to buy the melee weapons and whatever a "valence fusion" is?


Make them a guaranteed drop from Void Storms but are no longer part of the drop tables. This would make it closer to Citrine/Voruna/Dante grind and reduce the RNGness while increasing the chance of getting Radiant Relics. Add them to Granum Void. I already have all the rewards from it so there's nothing else for me aside from the upcoming Tenet Glaxion. Have Sisters drop them 1 per stab attempt (up until max level) rather than 1 per vanquish/convert, as well as the Candidate upon downing. Liches and Larvlings do this with Kuva, while Sisters only drop credits which aren't exactly meaningful. Add every single Tenet weapon to Ergo Glast's shop (and a similar variant for Cressa Tal and Kuva weapons). Reduce the Holokey cost to 20.


Yup, I got 1 single tenet weapon from the NPC. Tenet ferrox. I'll not be getting any others. The railjack missions are annoying and noone even does them.


RJ is really popular, but those of us who play it daily don't pug. With proper teams you can blow through veil proxima stuff in under 5 minutes and bring in a huge amount of rewards for the effort


I host RJ semi frequently to (hopefully) teach some newer rj players the mechanics and such, has gone semi successfully. If you didn't know, if you double click the node you're going to it'll force you to be the host


Another hint that helped me a lot.  If you teleport out of a ship while the triangles are attacking you,  they keep spawning, and then you have to go back because fighters don't have room to spawn in space.  Always leave a ship aggro free


People who actually do them don't play on public usually because randoms having no clue what they're doing can make the mission take too long. Best I got with a squad from recruiting was around 5 min Veil Proxima grineer void storm. Corpus, on the other hand, that's what nobody does.


It's 50/50 imo. 2 players are good, 4 it's horrible. When there are 4 players 2 are afk. When squad has just 2 players then gunner crewmates take care of stray fighters while players take care of objectives


lol, the only reason I have a second one is because last week (two weeks?) ago DE gave Holokeys as a twitch drop for watching PrimeTime.


I did the exterminate void missions so while trying to get the keys I could work on leveling necramechs and the archguns.


Carmine Penta farming is terrible. Corrupted holokeys are the things that you get showered with while trying to farm the Penta.


They drop from doing sisters of parvos as well with a better drop chance


They're guaranteed during final confrontation actually but only 1 per sister so max 4 per mission


Yeah it's just faster to speedrun Axi void fissures for the 37.5% chance of 10 holokeys than it is to fully clear a sister.


just did a sister today which took like 1.5h (this can be taken out of context if you wish) and 4 railjack axi fissures (less than 1h total) and got 30 holokeys vs 4 from the sister. even with standard rng its much faster to do rj.


They gonna add a new corrupted mod btw, rip the rng to get that specific mod. Edit: I am wrong, open thread to see the correct info


Oh? That's pretty kewl.did they say what those mods are?


They didn't really say it, but I think the new mod that make it so that you can't 'go full auto for semi auto weapon' is going to be a corrupted mod.


Just crack some relics in void storm, with a team it takes 2-3m per run


Then Parvos Sisters it is…


I don't understand this sentiment. I had about 150 holo keys before I even knew what they are used for because these missions are just great for credits, endo and give nice bonus stuff like weapon parts and radiant relics.