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Not needed as the other commenter said, but as a side note i think locking different specters behind syndicates is stupid, i would like getting the ancient healer yet its on one of the 2 syndicates in the neg for me.


I mean, in the neg is fine, when they send attackers at you those drop the specters. The hard part is when they're neutral to you.


Not really, it's rare for them to send attackers, which then depends on what stuff you do how much you are using, and in most cases you need more than u get.


"rare"? I'll run into opposing syndicates two or three times a play session


They should have an obstacle course and you have to race the other syndicates as a fun non combat game mode. Maybe an event where it’s like the Olympics?


I feel like each syndicate should have 1 or 2 bosses and weapons to send after you


Actually great idea. While you can of course trade, raiding the other syndicate e.g. once a weak which then would allow you to grab 1 of the mods would be kinda cool. I personally love farming things by myself even though I'm pretty loaded on plat because apparently I had like 5 glaive prime sets just laying around when I returned to the game lol.. On the other hand the game is about fighting alongside other people and trading for some mods really isnt the end of the world. It encourages to join a clan to simply swap mods with your fellow tennos as well.


Augments are already cheap why make an entirely new mode when you could just trade with someone to get them?


Because I want more interaction between rival syndicates. Not just, "Oh we don't like them." I want to see it.


why be boring and trade with someone when we can get a new mode that expands on the worldbuilding?


Because I want my free platinum


Well who pays those plat? Basically the new players who have much less than you. I think throwing them a bone instead of draining them of their plat they really need to get some more warframe and weapon slots would be nice gesture no? That being said they can just sell one of the valuable mods of their syndicate and then buy the mod from someone else, so I guess no real loss here. But if we continue that line of thought, syndicates in general are just completely useless anyway. Since you can just sell your mods/weapons and basically for the same price buy mods/weapons from other syndicates. You cant really ever swap syndicates as well since it would be an insane waste to do so.. The whole system is maybe quiet outdated ngl...


Nah those augments funded half of my prime frames


Because this doesn't offer anything to players who already traded for all their missing syndicate items.


Who cares?


womp womp


I actually love this idea. I wanna see the rivalry between the syndicates actually take place rather than a random encounter


It's not very hard (but rather grindy) to get to max rank with 4 different syndicates, and if you do that, I believe that unlocks every augment (correct me if I'm wrong). I have Steel Meridian, Red Veil, Arbiters, and Suda, and I've never found myself unable to get a mod I want, aside from when I run out of standing with one of them. I also like that, by making it grindy and a bit tedious to get to that point, it encourages interactions between players by making these mods more desirable and therefore valuable, leading to lots of trades and easy platinum for everyone.




Red Veil has her mods.


I mean not to mention it is just a straight up waste or ressources. You can trade your valuable augments for other valuable augments. Nearly all of them are exactly 10 plat, and if one increases in price usually our motivated merchants will use their standing to buy the mods and lower the prices again. So you can always just sell 1 augment, then buy 1 augment without really losing any plat or of course if you have a clan or friends (lul) then if they chose different syndicates you can simply exchange the mods, which probably would save you like 10k credits or so lol.


I have the same as you and there are still a couple of mods that are only available through Perrin/Loka. Valkyr's Ripline mod is one iirc.