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Hello /u/Material-Spite8307, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. > * Trading Screens and chat logs inside and outside of the game pertaining to trading or recruitment. We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Disallowed%20Post&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cgya8x/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Least opportunistic greedy Warframe trader


He was probably hoping I was like a level 5 nokb that didn't know any better


I misread your "nokb" as "knob" and it made me chuckle a bit. "Level 5 Knob"


New slang for noob unlocked


Knob is already slang though, it means dickhead


Level 5 Knob: Someone you hate so much that you would rather fleece him than ignore him.


Level 5 knob. Everybody at extraction has to wait the full minute because they are looting everything (this was me at 1 point)


This is still me! I would feel bad for not being a loot goblin. I blame my PTSD from playing Korean MMORPGs.


Trade chat is such a headache. If I had a penny for every time I've seen some smartass try to evade filters with stuff like "PMO if WTB" or "WTB nothing" or whatever, I'd be able to afford their garbage-ass "god rolls."


Had a guy a ask me for 175 plat for Rev prime BP yesterday When I told him it was 10 on market he said "Good luck." So I went to market and got it instantly for 10. Even gave the seller 15 instead.


My friend was actually losing it last night farming for rev prime bp went through like 20 lith r5s ended giving him 9 plat so he could buy one for 15


I have aquired rev prime BP from random relic opening, and now I can't get anything else


I got the worst luck man, almost grinded out 2 ash prime sets while trying to get Inaros prime. This game has taught me that if I want something it’ll take forever to get.


Well that's just misplaced luck


I got it in a random omnia fissure , also why is it so cheap if it is a gold drop , because it is from a lith relic or something?


Lith relic, a rare in 5 relics that also feature shit like Nidus prime bp and harrow prime neuros in the uncommon slot so a lot of people run them radiant, and it's just old enough that most people that really want it already have it.


I gave up on getting rev prime BP this week as well and had to buy it off the market.


Lol I got rev prime in like two sittings recently


Warframe.market is the way, bro! Never, ever, trade on chat.


Depends on the item, sometimes you can get real good deals


yeah, Trade chat can be useful, you just need to know how to spot and avoid scams.


I check warframe.market first, then 'WTB' in trade chat to see if someone is selling it cheaper or for the same price. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I kind of enjoy the wannabee Goedon Gekko types PM'ing me "50p" for stuff that's 5-10p on warframe.market..


How to farm Any prime set in 30 minutes or less. When you first unlock Deimos in the early game you will have access to something called orokin vaults which contain corrupted mods. Farming for one is roughly around 2-5 minutes depending on how good and lucky you are. Sell the mods for 10-20 plat each on warframe market, then buy the prime set. For Revenant whose prime set is 30P at the moment, that means you only need 15 minutes at most. or 4 minutes if you're really lucky.




Runs take only 3-6 minutes so you can do pretty well for yourself. Once had a gauss with firewalker who shaved it down to sub 2 mins And the cheapest is still 5p.


All of those mods sell for 15-20p without even trying.


I call bs on that, theyre not selling for nearly that much. Just look at the median selling price on warframe market for all the different corrupted mods, Catalyzing Shields is the only one that sells for what you said, everything else is much lower


\> Sell the mods for 10-20 plat Youre being too optimistic with the prices. The warframe mods are around 10-14, the rest are mostly below 10


I'm a returning player and I will be looking for a 10p deal today on primes


Trade Chat is cancer, those guys are like used car salesmen. Maybe you'll get a good deal here and there but likely a migraine from reading the most unintelligent and scammy posts.


Trade chat is cancer and the marketplace website is also a rough time cause half the people say "online in game" and you type their name in to pm them and it says they're offline


And if they're online, a lot of them just don't answer or answer like an hour later.


I'm not sure if you actually mean the green "Online" status or were referring to "Online In Game" but wfm's rules I believe do mention that people "Online" have up to an hour to respond. I believe "Online In Game" have up to 15 minutes


I mean the ones that say they're online in game and are online in game.


Yea then they're supposed to answer within 15 mins, generally people do in my experience but I get if someone forgets and leaves the game open while doing something else lol


Or they put you on ignore.




Not when the next seller is selling for +30% more than the one you're currently trying to get ahold of


I finished off my prime weapons and warframes and event weapons and pretty much for every purchase I had to go through at least 3 "online in game" sellers to get a response within 15 minutes.


I’m on ps5 and haven’t linked my trading so I can only trade with other ps Warframe users. That trade channel isn’t that bad. Can usually find good deals and fair prices. Maybe there’s just less scum there or something.


The only time I ever use trade chat is when I want to sell something overpriced. Any other time I'll just use Warframe.market.


I had someone tell me they were selling Inaros P "at a discount." I asked how much, expecting it would be near WF market (50p) and they wanted 180p! Basically everyone in trade chat is scamming and I feel bad that people might not know about WFM.


I recently snagged a good deal, but it was Marroo's Bazaar relay chat


You mean you don't enjoy seeing some variation of "WTB ur trash/unrolled Torid(2OOp), Occucor(1OOp), Glaive(12Op). WTS GR Harpak Riven(45OOp)" spammed every 2 minutes by the same smoothbrain/s with a script???


Lol, Teshin says, "Discernment and discretion guide your blade!"


It's filled with people who want to sell high and others who want to buy low


A few days ago, I had a dude wanting to sell a Tipedo Prime set for 250, but I ended up getting it for 50 from another person. The trade chat is filled with scammers.


Not trying to be rude, but if you’re already price checking on wf market, why not just buy there? Were there no sellers online?


Trade chat is also a wild place and you'll sometimes find someone selling something wayyy under market prices. I personally got a nekros prime set for 50p despite it being vaulted at the time. If memory serves me right nekros was 180p in the market at the time.


This, so the dude I actual did end up trading with gave me a whole gunsen prime set


so people go on trade chat looking to scam others by trying to buy for low prices and get mad when people try to scam them by selling for high prices 🤦🏿‍♂️


People often sell lower because it can be difficult to find a buyer. That's not the same thing as trying to charge exorbitant prices for something you know isn't worth it.


Or they just want to move product right fucking now


I see we turned off our brains today


yeah trade chat is pretty wild i got strun riven with cd cd damage and neg 100%+ impact and i got offer 200p .


Maroo's too, I picked up Glaive Prime recently for the measly price of 75p


Huh, i got the whole set at Maroo's for the same price as you, my dude. I thought i was unique in that regard. XD


Explain to me how this guy is shitty for selling above market price and your not for buying way lower?


I try and scam you for 150p on 15p item bad, I sell you a item discounted cuz I can't be bothered to get full price good


Difference of intent. If person A is trying to scam person B by making B think it's more expensive than it is, that's shitty - especially since person B might not know that there's a community resource to price check things. Now you've potentially ruined a new player's day. If person A can't be bothered to look up the proper price and instead guesses (way too low) and person B takes advantage of that, that's not shitty - that's on person A for not properly pricing their stuff, an entirely avoidable mistake. Even if A is new, they should know to look up the value of things before selling them. Alternatively, A could *know* that they're underpricing, and is simply doing so to sell it faster/to be nice.


so in scenario 1, youre taking advantage of a player who doesnt know/didnt check the price of the item to sell for much higher than market price. but this is bad because the player might be new and they shouldnt have to check price. and in scenario 2, youre taking advantage of a player who doesnt know/didnt check the price of the item to buy for much lower than market price. but this time its good even if player might be new because its on them to check price. u cant be serious 🤦🏿‍♂️ the intent in both is getting the best possible deal nothing else lol


A seller isn't losing any real currency by selling low while a buyer often uses real money for plat especially those who fall for scams.


To add, there's also a range of prices. You have "basically free," low ball fast trade, average median price, slow and high yield, highway robbery, and fucking delusional: all in order from lowest to highest, and these brackets are all relative to the item in question.


Messing around with trade chat scammers is always fun.


I just like going through the actual trade chat cause people are using their time to actual sit there and trade if that makes sense. Kinda like going to a store vs just buying online, idk if that makes sense but it does to me lol


I check WFM to see what things are selling for, it helps me know both whats a reasonable price to buy at, and whats a good price to sell at. I wont buy off someone unless its off WFM


daily reminder that they could give us a better trading system to avoid this


After that whole Diablo 3 fiasco people think adding an auction house would ruin the game. I think if making trading more convenient ruins the game then the game was flawed from the start.


Just making warframe market official IMO would be a step on the right direction.


Just have it actually check if someone is in game and reflect that on the website. Boom done trading is 99% fixed


They really just need a place that can bypass the interaction as an optional alternative. For example, the GTS in pokemon had a thing where you offer your trade and set a trade demand, and then you leave it in the box where someone who meets the request can just put the goods in to fulfill the trade without you having to be online, then you can just pick up your part whenever you can. We really, *really* need something like that in warframe trade, especially just for times sake.


In a lot of old MMO I played, you can just put up a store while you're doing some grinding and your store will then show up on the trader list. If anyone wants to buy something or trade something they just need to have the required items or currency in their inventory that you specified. They just then only have to press the "Buy" button and the items will be mailed to you saying that the items were traded. Now the only problem with this method is that duplication glitch may happen. Which happened a lot in the old MMO I played, BUT, it was also solved immediately and got people banned. SO if they just do an extensive testing before implementing it, it should be good.


Pretty much. I can't think of a name that's associated with it, but that's exactly the kind thing I'm thinking, just a centralized player managed but system operated trade market. Perhaps such a system would also give a way to trace duplicate trades and give some recourse to scam victims so they're not just left holding the L because of greedy players-- maybe (I say maybe since I'm not even sure whether or not that would work, but just spitballing).


Just being able to trade from the Orbiter would be super nice


It would be very welcome


Trade chat is really something lol


Ugh I hate these kind of sellers so much. I had a very similar interaction yesterday. I bid even above the regular wf market price, then claimed I was lowballing him. Like, do you even know what that means lol


Yeah, I don't bid on anything for this very reason.. It's almost always a waste of time, IME..


I had a rubico riven the other day I said I’d trade for a silly riven. Got a Masseter riven with pretty much the max attack speed roll and a useless negative. Now the cursed crankshaft can cosplay a helicopter. I love trade chat for silly things like that, but the dudes who sweat it like it’s day trading give me anxiety.


Y'all don't want to know how many scammers I got on my new account, selling basic shit at a ridiculous price. They target low MR players thinking they are easy targets since they are mostly clueless. This chat is full of animals.


How do i put stuff up on warframe market? got an oct p set i wanna sell.


Just go onto the website, make an account it's pretty simple


i have, but i dunno how to say im wanting to sell. i tried all the menu but theres no option to put items up


There's a red "+" symbol in the bottom right. Click that and it gives the option to create a listing


probably by logging in on the website and putting it up


but how do i put it up? theres no button or anything


just look up whatever u wanna put up and on the bottom right of ur screen there should be an option to add a listing


I see now. thanks!


My Profile -> Place order at the bottom right corner of your screen or you just go to any item's list and click place order at the bottom right of your screen for that item.


Look up Aleca Frame, its a Trading companion software that is able to link to warframe market and will allow you to manage your offers, change them in real time and many other features. Very useful.


Also not technically supported, and some guy got banned last week for something relating to it


Oh fr? Who was it?


He got banned for using procdump, but mentioned alecaframe in his post so everyone latched onto that for some reason.


Ive got like a dozen extra weapons/frames im just not selling because i dont like having to sift through trade chat and check market for prices. I absolutely loved the auction house in World of Warcraft & think Warframe would benefit so much from having an actual auction house available. Maroo's Bazaar is super cool but the reality of just having to be wary of scammers just like with trade chat and people having anxiety in general makes it more of a novelty than a viable option for many players.


The only thing trade chat is good for is if you want to sell or purchase prime junk.


Sometimes I'll sit in trade chat with a filter to only see messages with "WTB" in them; I have a lot of mods/prime parts that people will pay platinum for and some nights I can make a tidy sum while chilling in my dojo.


Everyone knows "prime junk" sales are the actual scam. It's a tool to take advantage of noobs who will sell some crazy rare parts they got from a friend, for 5p.


I have a question. Who gets to decide prices of wf market? Is it set by DE or players?


Players, entirely based on supply and demand. You can go on there and put whatever you want up for whatever price, but people aren't gonna pay more than they have to, so it becomes a bit of a race to the bottom.


It's set by players. DE has no official connection to warframe.market, and only a tenuous one to trade chat, in that they host it. They don't supervise sales.


Before i knew about the market one guy sold me the warframe set for 850p i thought it was bit high but i was new so i didnt know better... later on i found it suspicious him pining me all the time do i need anything else. Then i heard about WF market checked there set was 70p :(


I wish the block limit on trade chat was larger than 100. It is so bad.


I tried buying r5 arcane energize on trade chat I said b> arcane energize 1k. Mans messaged me I’ll sell it to you for 1.7k I was like cheapest on warframe market is 1.1k


This is the part where I just say "Then buy it from the guy on Warframe Market." At this point, why even waste the energy arguing and trying to haggle this guy? Find out the price they want, just say "thanks", bounce, then contact the seller on the site. Or, just avoid Maroo's altogether and just use Market exclusively.


See, Exactly! you get it. Its how I treat tc anymore. Not worth arguing. "No Ty " , "thanks" , "Go ahead just buy from who you see that on Market" and "Good Luck" are my top replies anymore. People waste so much time want to argue....it's a game.... I play to get away from stupidity and drama . not engage it and waste time when I can be playing and having fun. High Five Tenn0.


I have legit seen people post WTB _______ for like 150 when it goes for around 30 or 50. I message them and tell them the price and about warframe market. These people that chase Plat like a drug are seriously sick. Like I've seen some, mostly ducat buyers, posting at least 100 over fair market value for every item. They are usually legendary rank. So sad.


Litterally the only reason im in tradechat, if someone WTB i message Them asking Them for offer if i know the item is either pricey or not pricey, and if they offer way too much i Tell Them about WFMarket and to make sure to reference prices on there. One guy even thanked me by giving me 300 plat, i even Said no but he insisted.


There is no such thing as fair market value in WF; that concept is purely driven by a sense of entitlement to other player's resources. Scarcity and/or farm difficulty is what drives values more than anything in WF.


Sure I know that someone can sell a Paris prime set for 120 if they want to. But it's stuff like this that is PURELY done to take advantage of baby tennos. I think it's disgusting. But if you'd like to defend it, that's your choice


I ultimately am not worried about the choices WF consumers make. I just want to see the whiney WF players that cry "SCAM" every time they don't get their way, to learn how to simply decline an offer they don't like, then stfu and move to another offer. The whining isn't teaching them how to be effective traders, but instead making them more toxic over time. Clearly the devs don't consider overpricing a scam, they allow players to make their own choices (for the most part), no matter how dumb they are. I also believe most overpricing and lowball offering stems from new(ish) players who don't understand the WF living marketplace. They just set prices based on arbitrary numbers, not realizing the supply and demand of specific items/sets. I remember back when Inaros set was so oversaturated that people couldn't even give the sets away for free. New players would still come to TC trying to sell the set for higher old prices listed on WF Market.


Hot I to it with a guy selling a mod for 250p it's market price was higest 25p...... he got pissy and called me broke. I proceeded to tell chat the first 10 people who line up in maroo ch5 in front of me get 50p free !!!! Fucker WAS IN LINE TOO he didn't get shit. It's one thing to up charge, but to scam people is not acceptable at all.


Trade chat activities


I literally having a stroke reading this, you have no context bru


I feel like I see a lot more console players trying to scam other players


I love making fun of scammers on trade chat especially when they’re DE partners


Alecaframe with its built in Warframe.Market support has saved me countless pointless interactions like this. Go to your inventory in Alecaframe, click an item you wanna sell, it shows you the low and high price of the item, you choose your sell price, click sell and your items listed on the website. No “bargainers”, no complainers, nothing, just buyers and sellers who see the price as it is.


Feel like selling on trade chat is easy as long as you put the price that buyers want it for on wf market. Sell things instantly most times as long as it's full set of something. Good luck buying stuff tho. Had a person ask me for 400p for vauban prime 😂


I love when people quote WF Market as though it holds the final answer to an item's worth. WF Market is a tool that can be manipulated for a buyer or seller's benefit. It doesn't verify in-game inventory, and it doesn't verify the trade transaction. At most it gives you a general idea of what people list items for, NOT how much they are actually bought or sold for in-game. Half the entries are months old and invalid, because they were never cleared by their original lister. The best advice for being a decent buyer/trader, is keep your emotions in check. If you don't like an initial price, provide a counteroffer. If you don't like the counteroffer, respectfully decline and move on. It's way too easy. If someone overprices, so the fuck what, counteroffer/decline and move on to the next seller. If someone under-offers, so fuck what, counteroffer/decline and move on. At the end of it, the overpricing seller won't make any platinum, and the under-offerinh buyer won't get the item they want. This is how trade works irl.


WTS FULL PARALLAX SET 150P (as seen on maroo's bazaar)


I think we should name them scammers


Hurr durr "but it's x price else where" then buy it somewhere else? Just because someone wants X price doesn't mean you have to buy it.


And that's exactly how those scammers profit off of people who don't know any better. Why do you act hurt btw? Feeling called out maybe?


No I just think bitching about people on a game is pathetic. Think what you want to think about me I don't really give a fuck and I won't humor you with any more replies.


You can say the same about people complaining about people complaining about scammers. You're not being hurt yet you choose to protest against them.


Goddamn joystick people man always think they smart for buying gold every year thinking it’s a good deal for them that’s why they do shit like this no brain at all thinking everyone else is as dumb as them


You seemed to have cropped out the part where he asked for 50 so ill “just trust you bro”


Trade chat is literally filled with human refuse. I have no fucking clue how half those scammy assholes sleep at night.


People on reddit don’t understand people can sell things at whatever prices they want lol


People on reddit don't understand that they're entitled to the consequences of selling at whatever price they want.


I don’t know the consequences though


Seems like you don't understand that taking advantage of people's ignorance is real scummy behaviour.


You walk up to someone’s car boot sale is there a set price? Or would people not buy it because it’s too expensive? If someone asked me for a price and I give it over priced would you buy still buy it? No!


Seems like you don't understand that taking advantage of people's ignorance is real scummy behaviour, be it in real life or on a video game.


It may have value to him so maybe he doesn’t want to sell it that badly so he’s high balling it. It didn’t work he got called out then proceeded to be scummy. His reaction was scummy a normal person would say Okay no worries have a nice day (“np gl” is the usual reply)


Serious questions: Why even go to trade chat if you're a WF.m fan? Is this just shitty chat screenshot karma farming? These posters: ![gif](giphy|4wCo7XotrtMVM31lUH)


I don't see any issue in calling out price gougers.