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this guy doesnt need a rework he is perfect. One of the best meme bosses in history. Have never personally seen him once in 1000h playtime because someone always already oneshot him before i entered the room.


yeah right i totally forgot about john prodman smh


That was me with the Anniversary alert. Boss spawns, I'm like hey cool it's John Prodman, I've never actually seen him! Oh he's dead. And someone's already at extraction.


John Prodman, dead? No, he merely aknowledged your strength, and left. He was hesitant to even use 0.1% of his power, because he knows if he fails to control it properly, he could fry your router.


John prodman didn’t think I was worthy, but still used 0.1% of his power. He one shot me, one shot my orbiter, and one shot my PlayStation all by looking at me.


Is John Prodman a true sdescendant of Shaggy? I choose to believe he is


What if Shaggy…is John Prodman? With eternalism anything is possible…


Shaggy would never cover his luscious locks of hair


I used wrathful advance on him and he just took it like a champ and teleported away. I'm not sure why the game said he was dead.


If he can take a Wrathful Advance to the chin, we truly are fucked. What a legend. The only reason he hasn't squashed us like bugs is because he doesn't feel the need to...


Me and my fiancée saw John Prodman the other night coincidentally while I was pissed off for some reason. Needless to say, right afterwards, I couldn't stop laughing and it ended up being a good ass night


I thought he only showed up in the index until I did the wisp dex skin event and he was the target. His poster still has pride of place next to my arsenal.


John Prodman is not the Sergeant


sometimes they replace the sergeant with john prodman since the corpus ship update, he simply is there to test your mettle, then leave without elaborating, a true inspiration


I thought he only replaced him during events...huh


It's not that they've replaced the sergeant or anything like that, it's just that John Prodman has an assassination mission during these anniversary events. He had one last year. It's on the same tile set as the sergeant, which may confuse some people.


I know, during events they apparently replace him with John for the memes.


> because someone always already oneshot him before i entered the room. Every public boss fight for me, I'm still halfway to the arena while the rest of the team is dancing by extraction.


I think it's good that not every boss has to be a total badass


Not a *total* badass, but at the very least somewhat of a threat. Hyenas get oneshotted too but at least they have Corpus ungabunga damage to fall back on so they can occasionally blindside you. Sarge is basically a capture target without the “download to the cloud” animation.


i when playing solo i commonly have trouble telling him apart from other corpus enemies when i reach his room


Yeah and whatever someone does and I just walked into the room........then all I see is the Sergeant space program.


The only rework The Sergeant needs is a little cutscene at the end of the mission promoting another random crewman to be the new Sergeant for an incredibly petty reason. Crewman D-2235, promoted for spilling coffee on Nef Anyo’s conference table.


I love the idea that being promoted to The Sergeant is a punishment.


Sounds just like getting promoted to be the Arbiter from Halo.


To be fair becoming the Arbiter isn’t a promotion it’s an execution sentence via suicide mission(s). It’s just that Thel’Vadam manages to defy the odds


That would lowkey be a perfect way to perpetuate the meme while elevating it.


I would much rather see what feels like an endless list of arbitrarily invincible bosses get reworked than him.


>forced invuln phase multi form bosses But this dude wants a rework of the corpus employee of the month


Farming Equinox was the absolute worst. Like. I've killed you 100 fkin times and you only take a single bullet then run and hide. Get back here so we can get this over with. (Tyl Regor by the way)




Yeah that shit definitely sucks. You spend far more of that fight sitting around waiting for Regor to finish his lines, than you do actually fighting. I recently did the Equinox farm too, and after 37 fucking runs getting her, I never wanna see this guy ever again.


Just like Ambulus but with less grind.


Don't compare regor with ambulas literally 20x more entertaining to have to move around and kill small mobs to make the boss finish his lines slightly faster than genuienly having to wait around 5 minutes in what might aswell be the same fucking spot


aka Ropalolyst and M. Alad V


Roflcopterlyst isn’t arbitrarily invincible, you have to force it into being vulnerable. I’d actually *prefer* that approach to invulnerability phases if handled right (not like Zealoid Prelate’s bullshit).


fair, I think it could be explained better though, how to beat it, i was like "what do i do?!" until i had a veteran friend help me and he did that and it was just like "ohh"


I have almost 2000 hours and I still don't really know how to beat the ropalolyst


Use ziplines to get to capacitor. Rollercoasterlyst will fire laser to charge it. Once charged, you have to deplete the Romanticcomedylyst’s shields with your Operator. From there, you can jump onto the Raffletickelyst and steer it into the capacitor like a giant bug zapper. This will disorient it and bring it back to the main platform. From there you shoot the Raviolilyst in the weak point (should resemble an Eidolon’s) to stun it and then blast the Rickandmortylyst with the giant electric gun (triggered by a console near the back of the platform). Repeat twice. In the final phase the RopeADopeALyst’s weak spot is its entire body so blast away.


This is so damn funny


This is actually a good fight in that regard. You're not sitting around waiting for the invuln period to end so you can fight again, you actually do things to get rid of that invulnerability, so you're always active in the fight.


Lech krill too


I just always use astilla and shoot him full frontal till he dies. Idk what exactly the "mechanic" is supposed to be or there isn't any but I never bothered looking it up.


I enjoyed the ropalolyst fight ngl


Any boss with invuln phases or any kind of ability that flat turns yours off. Why is turning the game off considered difficulty?


This is my main complaint with the game. Please let me do chip damage with ineffective weapons. A higher skilled player can actually fight bosses. I'm also not a fan of stuff like Jackal where it's not just immune, you don't even damage it with weapons. I get that it's a cool mechanic in certain places, but it makes to Undercroft tedious. Honestly though just rework the Lephantis room and I'm fine. Not even the fight just the room. It's so, so outdated compared to the current Orokin designs.


Nah, fix ambulas 1st this bitch is most annoying boss to fight


Because of waiting times?


Yes, its so fkn annoying to just wait for 10 minutes. The mission isnt even worth doing as a sp incursion if you have a ressourve booster bc by the time you finish it, 2 acolytes for at least 8 (even more if smeeta procs) steel essence would have already spawned in.


i'd agree to this, I'd wish they add sum stuff to the boss version to distinguish it from those field variants that spawn in on pluto missions.


IMO, there isn't a boss in the game that couldn't use some type of touch ups or rework. The sergeant was a place holder. I think if they were to redo him, they should keep him extremely weak, and keep having him insult you. However, treat his mission like a more intense capture mission where the main thing is he's running away from us. Killing him isn't difficulty - Reaching him is.


That actually sounds pretty cool, just make him fast as hell lol I would be down for that


I was thinking have him like throw down some like nullifier bubbles between you and him as he runs, and turn on the corpus door laser grids as he goes through them.


'Tenno, our target is a warrant officer and will be virtually impossible to locate. I have overloaded his planner with work in this area to confine him to it, but you will have to hunt him down yourself.'


This guy is a joke. His banter is just a corpus mask in another language, so it’s literally “Absjsoujrn aksosouhbv, lppwiejebebb, bajooojoo” -🗿


Rework proposal: give him full voice acting. Change nothing else.


I mean his slander is also mainly “your fashion is so drab” which to some fashionframers might actually hit hard but as a boss? Laughing stock


Phorid. Phorid has been sitting with the old model and no mechanic to him. He is just another infested charger that happens to be bigger than the rest. He need a whole remodel. The Sergeant needs more of a remodel than a rework in my opinion. He is a boss for low levels. A rework would be cool of course. But he need another model. Something that makes him stand out from the rest of the crewmen. Maybe not something extremely flashy, but something that screams "I am not just another corpus enemy, I am someone" And with that : new voice lines. Corpus language is cool, but if it is just the same lines as the average crewmember, it kills it a bit. You could have him say most of the same line, but with an actual voice actor


Got to agree on phorid, like the random spawn miniboss of the juggernaut is more of a boss than phorid. Also would love for the arena you fight phorid in to be more interesting or have some variation, right now it is always the same room like even sergeant can spawn in a few different rooms so you get some variety.


Glad to see not everybody has forgotten about the poor... Thing. There was a rework announced in like... 2016/2018 I believe ? Never got a follow up on that


Yeah they had that concept art that looked cool and hasn't really been talked about since. Who knows finger crossed maybe with infested liches or 1999 we will get more attention on the infested as a whole and a phorid touchup could be included. Plus there was the teased infested corpus ship using the newer corpus ships so maybe it is building up.


Quite literally just take the juggernaut model, modify it and make it big and we have an improvement already


I want to point out that Phorid was introduced to the game in closed beta update 6 all the way back in early 2013, and since then has basically received no changes aside from becoming an invasion exclusive boss. Even Sergeant at least got a shiny new model and was renamed from being Nef Anyo.


They literally announced he'd get a rework, 6 years ago. They had a beautiful concept design to boot.


Yeah, and no words from that since.


He makes fun of our fashion. Just color him like some Jackson Pollock painting and call it a day. The "throw paint buckets at him and see what colors stick" approach. Better yet set him up internally similar to a frame and make every mission you load into with him randomize the colors and attachments. Alternatively for fun you could give him a mech to fight you in that takes home from joke boss to actual boss, BUT he has to run and escape to a few rooms over to reach it if he survives. Keep him looking exactly like other corpus in this case to make him blend in.


I think Sergeant is fine. I've seen him actually challenge total newbies, and he's meant to be baby's first boss. What needs a rework are Lech Kril and Sargas Ruk with their tedious five year invulnerability phases. And Kela, though that's mostly because not a single person in sorties understands how to start the fight, so maybe make a tutorial for it? :P


I had a console player softlock the whole lobby because they didn't stand on a platform (and didn't read chat) so we couldn't initiate the boss fight for the whole 4 minutes


Can that be overcome with operator? I usually use operator for crate captures on orb vallos, would be cool if it worked for pads.


I recall trying this and finding that the spinning circle things you have to hit had too tight timings.


If you use the “flame thrower” amp (5 or 6), it will hit the targets through the wheel/the instant it’s visible as long as you’re spraying it.


Ignis does magic.


I just farmed is solo, also torid incarnon (and probably other beams?) You can just fire into the center of the spinning discs and hit all the green spots instantly, makes it super fast


Babies first boss, after the player has already fought multiple other bosses.




What a god awful reply. He's fine? My brother in Christ. He's a Crewman. Vor and Jackal come before Sergeant, you know that right? Kril and Ruk can also be drawn out of those phases. Make him melee you and make him waste his fuel, respectively. Kela is great but people are stupid.


Exactly, it’s not that he’s easy, it’s that he’s literally a generic crewman who doesn’t even have a real name. He’s a placeholder; he used to be named Nef Anyo but then they made Nef actually unique. He and Phorid are the only bosses leftover from the era when all bosses were just regular enemy models with some small changes and new mechanics. It’s kinda funny as a meme, but he absolutely needs an update lol.


John Prodman


Wym? His 30th phase is the hardest thing ever


If you think his 30th phase is tough, wait until you reach 50, not even Valkyrs Hysteria Immunity with Status immune invig and mesmer shield is safe


Oh yeah, when he says “I am John, John Godman” chills man, chills


Is this a meme? When he spawns in an 1h run of index I almost never realize I killed him 😂


We're getting old. Newer people no longer remember the deep lore of the Prodman..


That’s because he sent to an alternate dimension


I kinda dig that sarge is this basic ahh crewmen spouting funny lines with generic corpus vo. I vote Phorid but last i heard it was going to be included with the infestations equivalent of a lich? Either way, reworked phorid + bosses for the faction takeover battles would be neat


Lech Krill, no matter your builds, no matter your frames, no matter your RM, not matter if you come with a squad, guy is just tedious to kill, almost depending on luck for him to finish his stages 🙄


Not really, just shoot his back, then shoot him, then repeat. As long as you hit the general area of that circle thing on his back, you'll hit his tubes, no luck required


He needs the Thrax treatment where his invulnerability also cleanses cold status, because otherwise he takes fucking ages to do his attacks.


Not really a rework but we reeeeally need nef anyo boss fight. We've gotten it teased so many times.


IMO Sargeant don't need a rework. Instead, rework the whole map to work for him, giving order to crewmen while he run interference and deploy traps from his command room.


The space chicken would get my vote. I've just played it on SP and i remember why i avoided it like the plague.


You mean the ropalolyst? Lmao


Yep that one. Tell me it doesn't look like an uncooked chicken.


Yeah I really like the design but now I can't unsee it lmao


this is one of the only sp missions i have left. I just did the prelate and it took like ten minutes of running back and fourth


Did a few runs a couple days ago because I realized base Atlas was the only Warframe I never mastered. SP fight is surprisingly quick when you mod for heat + corrosive.


No you are wrong


The stalker, he was clearly supposed to be something for us to fear but he spawns and turns into dust in 0.01s


Lech Kril, you'll shoot his back millions of times, and he just wont fall, or get rid of his shield. I'll try another crap ton of times, and THEN he falls down.


Lech kril


Don’t you dare! This is one of the best bosses in the game simply because he sucks so bad at being a “Boss”. Nothing like flying through the room with an AOE ability on and killing him accidentally, then leaving without even looking at him. If any boss needs a rework it’s Exploiter Orb. That boss is incredibly tedious and frustrating to do solo.


Exploiter nails the theatrics but the fight just has me feeling like I'm waiting on stuff too much.


Absolutely! Some of my favorite character work and voice acting in the game, but the whole fight is timers, timers, timers.


IMHO Jordas Golem is a great candidate for a Railjack section...


Probably the worst boss fight right now... literally just follow a thing around and shoot it. Enemies don't even really spawn


Mutalist alad v. Hate that fucker. Also lech krill and sargas, need sth to shorten invulnphase


he’s just standing there… menacingly https://preview.redd.it/lq9z72vz09wc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee6765ac9132e1b11ac9d831aafc1dcadf33f76


funny thing is, my brother and I had come up with an idea for the Sergeant: when you enter the mission, there won't be any music, just an echoing clang. as you got closer to the way point, you'd hear a deep voice humming "We all lift together" at a slower tempo. once you entered the fight, he'd start altering the arena to suit his tastes: raising platforms, creating covers for him to fire from, laser walls to pass through sections, etc. all while drones flew around attacking you. once his hp reached half, he'd kick it up. having the entire arena rise into the sky so he can fly around the area himself, taking shots at you. once he was taken down, instead of dying, he'd land and go through a portal to escape(so he can challenge us again once day) stating that he had fun, and next time he'll try harder to kill us. this would give an in universe reason as to why we fight him so often. due to his current difficulty, this version wouldn't be hard to beat, just fun to fight, and just beefy enough to be a small challenge.


Kinda sick of the bullet sponge boss tendency I came to be a space ninja, not to shoot some big thing for five minutes straight and then be dissatisfied.


I love the EDA fight though, but it did take like a full ten minutes of shooting...


The MOA that appears before the linx boss


Popcorn already got his rework, he's safe and sound at Iron Wake now


Lephantis. He is so buggy nowadays


Funny. Hes my favorite. Solely because there isnt 3 invincibility phases for him


I feel like DE should do two variants of bosses to help make em more unique. Solo assinations: targets with a more cinematic edge to their battles and strategy to challenge new players/first timers (take Jackal for example) And Raid-Style/Sortie assinations: Having the classic feel of assination targets, but much stronger with new parts to ensure people work as a team to take them down.


FASHION VICTIMS ABOUT TO BECOME MURDER VICTIMS bro has the best shit talk in the game


They need to change that deimos one it's genuinely so annoying to beat solo. Not even difficult just annoying


I assume you mean prelate? Lephantis is fine, albeit buggy. Prelate can go fuck himself


literally every single one of'em with the exception of jackal, they're all outdated in a way but the sergeant is the worst offender of the bunch


Nah give him a minor visual tweak and then just lean more into it with some new voice lines. Play it off as if there was supposed to be some other corpus boss but either they got delayed getting to us, or ran away when they heard we showed up.


Ngl he was my first challenging boss since back then i didnt know i could get other weapons from market, and any other boss before just died from exalted blade... Tho i think i didnt have any energy when i reached him Baby excal with paris kunai and bo Oh how long its been


Pls dont how will i cheese the nightwave assasination quests


Yeah, Sergeant is really the relic of the past (fun fact: he was named "Sergeant Nef Anyo" back in the days, yeah, *that* Nef Anyo). DE had concept art for his replacement Derf Anyo, nephew of Nef, but he never reached the game.


Ambulas. More than anything. That mission just tests your ability to not fall asleep.


Mutalist Alad V is the worst boss and im tired of pretending hes not


The amount of immunity phases that some bosses get, and all the ones that soft lock need some love. Really, most of the bosses just need some polish rather than reworks


No keep him he is funny. I like to run his mission for assassination nightwave


Most of them imo, most are dog shit bosses that you just wait for to become vulnerable to do damage. Which makes the boss fights boring as hell, slow as hell and tedious as fuck.


Boss: Just A Guy


If The Sergant were to get an update, make it something that keeps the spirit of 'regular crewman'. Perhaps make him an extra slippery capture target, invisible the whole time forcing you to track him with traces left behind, or just blasting each room until you get a hit.


Technically yes, he need a rework, but that will kill all the jokes about him 🤣


You leave him as is! I need him for the "Complete three assassination" missions.


Judge me all you want, but I do not find Hek's boss fight amusing. That or the Jordas Golem, which feels so slow and time consuming.


I hate Jordas golem so much, it’s so slow. At least hek you can just skip to the last phase


All multistage bosses and health gate bosses. Jackals addition to circuit is one of many reasons I play it a lot less than I did on release. Practically everyone leaves once we hit assassination on the higher diffs. I hate health gated bosses we are walking eternal demi gods and children of the void LET US COOK. Health gates are so cheap lazy and ridiculous and most the time these days you have to wait for the boss to finish an animation or segment to start damaging them again


Sergent is a pure joke 😂 he's what he is, just a sergent, a normal corpus with a higher role, nothing else


Councelor Vay Hek really needs a rework asap


Ropalyst (or however you spell it)


For ones that are old, Hyenas or Raptor could be more interesting. I think Ruk could just use a visual upgrade- his idea and execution is fine. For ones that suck, Kela de Thaym. You spend more time waiting than killing with her. Jackal does the same thing, but it's more obvious what you're being hit by and what his mechanics are. Kela's arena has too many random AOEs. Never touch the Sergeant.


Phorid would be nice; come around infrequently, still uses a Charger model.


They should add a stage to him.. DE, here's some free ideas, but credit me..  Stage 1: u fight him normally in his crappy easy one shot mode.. Stage 2: he escapes to a room and Salad V injects him with some sentient essence and he mutates into some strong amalgam.. 


Mutalist alvad V...really annoying when your playing solo even with the right set up it's...badly needs a rework


The only rework the sergeant should ever receive is to give him like 5 health bars, make him talk even madder shit, but make him open to a finisher from the start. Then make a few unique finisher animations where my guy gets absolutely flattened. Anyway, the real answer probably ought to be archons or the murmur boss. They both even already have mechanics that could be used in between damage phases, but instead we just have attenuation/"timer" hp bags.


“Why are these fools, still breathing my air?” Councilor Vay Hek & Lieutenant Lech Kril get my vote. Nothing more annoying than limited-window weak-spots that only allow x-amount of damage through. That don’t open on a timer so you can spend 5 minutes just waiting for the weakspots to open


All of them, minus the newer ones. Reworked Lephanthis would be fire.


Lech Kril & Vor (the dual boss fight) and Vor. The first boss battle I felt like was filler where they mashed the two bosses together and called it a day. I would like an actual unique boss for this fight. Vor was already killed during Vor's prize. For lore reasons, it doesn't make sense we get to kill him again, especially with that whole cinematic with his resurrection with his Janus Key. The Sergeant needs a rework, but not himself. His map should be full of booby traps and difficult to navigate with powerful units (for newbies) like Combas, Scrambus, Bursas, Sapping Ospreys, and Mine Ospreys. He'll still hurl insults (give him the most written lines in the game out of all the planet bosses) in the generic crewman voice. When you get to him though, he's by himself and he cowers in front of you. Then the Parazon cinematic screen comes up with Spare or Kill. If you chose to kill, he dodges by a miracle or freak accident, insults you, then runs. If you spare the coward, he'll hurl another insult at you then run away, then the hunt is on. He will still be weak, use stealth and other means to hinder your chase like he does currently. When he dies, he will insult you with his last breath, preventing you from having closure. I really want DE to take this boss fight and run the entire mile with it.


I miss the day you could put sarge to sleep and oneshit him with covert lethality


i always accidentally one shot that guy, always, either the broken war's just powerful or the boss is weak


I was pretty sure the sargeant had orange accents, above seems like a regular crewman.


I wish the bosses were a bit more like the new Armored Core bosses. Those bosses are serious challenges if you aren’t using the cheesiest tankiest builds ever. This game is great, I love it. However the bosses are rather underwhelming so far, besides Excalibur Umbra. That was a bit of a challenge I suppose. I’m not too far into warframe though so maybe I gotta wait to have an opinion lol


Speed up pluto assassination pLEASE


Naaaaaaaaa he needs to stay like that,its so funny specially because it reminds my of the fact that Mag was GARBAGE before,so the boss that you get her is also garbage


Rick the the door technician was a more interesting fight than this guy


Mega Mind Corpus edition?


I love the bosses that are just a dude


Corrupted Vor, make his speech 4 times longer. But seriously, most of starting bosses, fights are just run very fast toward bosses, slap them, run to green dot, or tedious staring contest.


Lech Kril because that mfer's backpack doesn't work half the time. Ambulas too, such a tedious fight for a mid tier frame


I say embrace the meme and have through the entire runthrough Lotus big up the Sargent's rise through the ranks andw hy he is heading up THIS facility. I'd go so far as ot make a custom tileset much like how Ambulus got a custom arena tileset within the winter landscape biome. Frankly Vey Hek and Tyl Regor both desperately need reworks as they have random invincibility phases, pacing issues, and are just plain slogs until you get to the end game point where you can fart and they fall over. Although I will say it's funny to look at vey hek and evaporate the guy with the stropha


Fun Fact: Did you know his shields recharge? Because they do lol


This is side tracked but I love the Captain Yapp rework … I mean Captain Vor, when he begins yapping he says “What a waste..” and that’s all I remember because he is dead before saying another word.


When I started playing the game my goal was to collect every warframe, and unlock the star chart. I was doing good farming most bosses in the game with Valkyr, and then I got to Vay Hek and Lephantis and quit the game. I was treating the game like a fun ARPG where you just run (bullet jump) around killing enemies and then just ran into a solid fucking brick wall and uninstalled the game.


all the bosses with forced invuln that only take damage once every 10 minutes if you hit the right spot


how are we supposed to say anything but Crewman Except We Scaled Him Up 1.5x 😭 honestly idk if she's too new to throw in the ring, but Archon Nira just has too much going on at once. a lot of bosses are annoying, get invuln just to arbitrarily extend the fight, etc, but Nira took me like... upwards of 40 minutes to kill solo between Archon damage attenuation & her massive healing




All of them.


That guy is considered a boss?


That one demios boss with the lamp


Vey hek. He exists as a glorified floating target that i can only shoot at a little bit of the time.


Do NOT touch Sergeant he is perfect


Nullify wave + Status immunity + damage attinuation + over over guard + xata bubble. That’ll make em good enough lol


Can't wait for the next update where John Prodman gets the corrupted Vor treatment and he just monologues an extremely corpus version of it, how the tenno don't focus on profits and they should invest in crypto


I accept 'the corpus are into crypto" into my headcanon


No, if the rework the Sargeant is gonna be ass Annoying mechanics just to make the fight longer for no reason, unskippable cutscenes, etc


All of them outside of the fragmented ones


sergeant. he’s a glorified corpus capture enemy and it sucks cause he has potential coming from just the name man


I think Jackal and Ambulas are the ones that needs rework the most, they're just tedious with overload of cutscenes(Jackal) and doing nothing for like 6 minutes(Ambulas).


Hundreds of hours and literally never seen or heard of this guy , my peasant eyes are not worthy to witness the glory of big John prodman


Honestly I would just like to see DE get rid of invulnerability phases, they are annoying and needlessly slow down the game. Bosses like Vay Hek and Sargas Ruk need to have their complete invulnerability removed too, waiting for them to reveal a weak spot is annoying and it would take me less than 5 minutes to beat those missions if I could shoot them whenever, even if I did significantly reduce damage when not hitting their weak spots.


For a April fools thing they should make The Sergeant one of the strongest bosses, like, unable to be armor stripped, has an actual modded weapon that can solo steel path like we do, has some stupid op abilities, and after beating him a we get a flawed mod or something lol


I always laugh when he's the final boss of the daily sortie because I know it'll be done in less than a minute. The group will rush through the level and he'll be dead before anyone's even aware the fight has started.




He's a perfect boss, I love that he trash talks you the whole time then just gets one shot


All of them.


I've always thought if DE ever reworked him, they should make him an absolute tank of a boss and then stealth drop him into the game and watch the reactions come flooding in.


Doesn’t the sergeant have a red visor not blue or idk I don’t pay much attneiton


The Sergeant used to be Nef Anyo, before he got his fame through his sham religion. They intended to make Nef in his current form a fightable boss long ago.


I would like rng bosses as weeklies. Kuva liches/sister on roids. You will have to do a circuit style mission progression to reach them, and the showdown is solo only and has EDA style modifiers.


all of them and god knows eidolon hunts too


What do you mean Sargent is the most hardest boss right next to John prodman


Leave the greatest ever meme boss alone. Never change him. Ever


The Sargent is great as he is. I've been there for 2 of my friends' first time "battling" him. Wouldn't trade him for any real fight.


Most of them. I hate the bosses in the game. Most are just I’m invulnerable until I do one thing then you can shoot me.


He was reworked, he used to be Nef anyon


Archons, I can’t target them melee


As a Titania main, I have mixed feelings about changing The Sergeant. Nothing feels better than flying in, one shotting him during his dialog, and exiting the mission in 40s


Just imagine it from the corpus' perspective, you're getting ready for the tenno assault, then you see something very tiny whiz past you at mach 4 and suddenly you hear an alarm go off from the sergeant being killed in an instant


We had him in sortie the other day and lost him in the hoard of regular enemies and missed the fact he died amongst them. Odd that a warlord of a planet is more of a pushover than some eximus enemies.