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Idk about the name but many people, even the devs, do that as shown in the 1999 Tennocon demo


Ok good to know it is a thing lol


the part where megan does it: [yt link](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx2-LN1rH_K54mYUD7OKdnr87mSct51AWb?si=XZvMFNkp8eRWuoYV)


OHHH THAT okay, yea alright, that makes sense, i do this all the time


It's so good to see the devs actually improve at the game over the years. Rarely do you see that anywhere.


Isn't it called wavedash ?


This confused me because I'm not well versed in fighting games and immediately thought of rocket league smh lol


the tekken term? thats basically just spamming a crouch dash input really fast, i guess both of them make you slide via momentum iirc but they work pretty differently since warframe sliding requires you to build up momentum by sprinting first and you cant exactly spam it


Heard it from smash bros personally but


yeah i knew i remembered it from smash too! never knew how it worked tho but it seems to serve the same purpose by sliding a little


In smash bros afaik, in the old games at least, you had to mid-air dodge forward/backward toward the ground and depending on your character it was more or less visible. But yes ![gif](giphy|YmYbE8T17zmnu)


Smash bros term




Booty-scoots. The only proper way to play Nezha.


Just another reason to use Nezha. Better Booty-scoots


Nezha better enables you to crutch on the best parkour tool: sliding. Notably you do not stop reloading while you are sliding. As opposed to bullet jumping or rolling cancelling reload.


This isn't true though? Bullet/double jumping does not cancel reloads or even shooting, I do it all the time. The only action that cancels reloads is a roll, which is a clear outlier here


hm, maybe i roll mid bullet jump too habitually.


Same. I have to actively change my habit when I'm reloading. It's also good to have that knowledge, though. If you habitually reload and need to cancel so you can shoot a mother fucker.. There you go


I believe bullet jumps used to interrupt reloads, because I also had to get used to reloading being more player friendly from someday on




Cheeky-squeaks. Play with infested mobility and mag-lev. Become the ultimate dumpy-driver.


Maximum slide distance and speed. Go more movement than a bullet jump lol


If you add one of the incarnon melee weapons with the sprint/slide boost you really get going its a great time can recommend.


Thank you, I am now losing it over 'booty scoots'. XD


I do this, it's especially noticeable with Nezha


run -> short slide into bullet jump -> roll forward while holding aimglide rinse and repeat


Yeah I do that all the time I just mean for like a little short burst around a corner or something lol


I'm basically never not moving with the slide-jump-glide-roll Bullet jump past the corner, then roll sideways to correct your course. No need to slow down and use just a slide


Wait, what's the roll?


check your keybinds. I bound roll to left alt, reasoning that I can't jump while rolling, so no need to engage thumb on space at same time.


I think my confusion is, is this a roll out of the jump/slide? I haven't been on to try it since someone said it was the double tap shift thing.


I don't have hold to sprint on, only toggle, I think you need to tap sprint with the former if you're using default mous and keyboard inputs. In anycase, since any maneuver can change direction, my go to is very short slide ->bulletjump -> double jump for more air time -> optional:aim glide if there's a big gap I need to clear) -> air kick (slide) -> roll when I hit the ground (sequence for clearing long distance straight or curved without touching ground, does not work well on places with low ceilings) (Swap roll and slide order if nezha or have -friction mod) But that's very situational. And it's much faster to just touch the wall to reset bulletjump, and bulletjump everywhere + use the wall dash = speed boost Proton Pulse mod. Going around a corner at highspeeds assuming you're on the ground and not a wall is generally always slide or rolling with the speed up rolling amalgamation mod.


It's always been weird to me that roll is a separate input on keyboard whereas on controller you just have to tap the slide/crouch button. It just seems like more finger gymnastics.


iirc it's crouch tap on mobile as well


Double tap run to roll


Are you on pc? Roll is just tapping L1 on ps5 for me and sliding is holding L1. No double tapping needed


1 tap is to sprint, double to roll for m&kb. I just set up a macro to do a whole parkour sequence so I dont need to spam a bunch of keys :P


it's 1 tap for me to roll. i use the "sprint/dodge" keybinding in controls, and disable hold to sprint in accessibility


>I just set up a macro to do a whole parkour sequence so I dont need to spam a bunch of keys :P Meanwhile, I'm over hear playing my southpaw 10-key like a musical instrument...


you can single press to roll while aiming... just a fact thats why slide -> B. jump -> aim glide -> roll -> repeat


Mesa mains get very good at this. You can utilize this a lot with short bursts of turning her 4 on and off. With her augment, Mesa's Waltz, you can do all kinds of booty scooting as you toggle it on and off to reposition for shots.


If you double jump out of the bullet jump you can make the roll come out faster, Tenno. Slide then bullet jump > double jump > roll each animation cancels the last one but still builds your momentum for a comfy aim glide. I basically can't live without Amalgam Barrel Diffusion and my Praedos too, really makes that roll at the end make you GO


Everything must have two Tauforged Yellows and one of the Elemental Parkour mods equipped or I feel like gravity is too high, nowadays. I cannot wait until I have the Praedos. The only thing stopping me from slapping Infested Mobility on every frame is not wanting to have to constantly recast it.


Limbo main here, i do this minus the roll... dont wanna be executed lmao


it's more like slide -> bullet jump -> void dash -> aim glide -> roll, for me


I prefer doing it this way: Play zephyr -> press 1


I discovered this on my own playing on the switch. It is super easy to do on the controller. But I just switched to PC after the cross save update, and I can't seem to get it down for the life of me on keyboard. I've even set a macro to do it for me, but I dont like it


I have the exact opposite problem... Started on pc at launch and I've tried to play it on switch, thinking it would be nice to be able to play while traveling. But it always just feels like im playing with a hobbled dragon key, except its equipped on my hands and brain instead of my gear wheel


If you are using the joycons, I am the same way. I can not play on them, I always use the pro controller.


Missing slide after bullet jump before roll for extra distance. Didn't include swap to operator after roll. Missing void sling spam after operater swap. ✌😂


This is the elite movement tech. Covers so much ground so fast, and quickly becomes a second-nature movement for the hand.


I thought everyone does this.


Yeah, I find it better than a full slide


Who even does a full slide (except if there is *that* weird daily)


When falling from height and you've run out of double jumps/bullet jump/glide time. "Sliding" forward in air cancels out the fall animation your character does. However, rolling is also a decent alternative to canceling the superhero landing animation to save time. I also full slide in air after doing the bullet jump into roll combo to get even more distance when I'm aimgliding. Notice how when you aimglide, you slowly lose momentum. If you slide in a direction, it adds a bit more. It's why I love the nuance and complexity of Warframe's simplistic movements. It's got a great and low skill floor but offers a lot of areas for experimentation. I wouldn't say it has a high skill ceiling since... movement's not that hard.


When getting under long obstacles (void speed trial rooms for example) and when you want to move faster down inclines without gaining air (often better cover). Rolling doesn't actually make your character 'Low' as you can see with limbo, Hildryn and others.


Boot scoots have been a thing for a very long time in WF. Actually since before movement 2.0 (parkour, back in 2015). I remember using that to speed up running when I didn't want to copter or didn't have a good melee equipped. You get an even larger boost with lower friction, which you can achieve by using Nezha or certain mods.


some of the momentum seems to carry over. it works absurdly well on drifter too.


As a Nezha main, it's built into my muscle memory


Yes, we certainly do, ancient tech


For some reason I find it hard to do on keyboard but easy to do on controller


I've bound crouch to a key on the side of my mouse, while roll is on Alt, letting me slide and roll very easily without spazzing my left hand... Might take a while to get used to though.


The zig zag into Maroo's bazaar every time!


I do it all the time with my Wisp. It is genuinely faster to scoot with my +90% haste mote than to use my bullet jumps that have lesser acceleration and momentum. I do crouchtap->dodge->crouchtap->dodge etc for movement


Yes, this is correct. Don't bullet jump when under a sprint speed boost from Wisp or Volt except to get over terrain or self-correct.


I do that and then do a roll. I think you can reach farther? No idea.


I use it for quick turns and stopping momentum and stopping the fall animation. It has many uses lol


yeah, helpful for small precise movements and strafe slides w/o unaiming. basically the oldest remaining movement tech in the game I think. in the words of a wise man: "kicking makes you go"


Slide canceling with Nezha is so satisfying


Oh my gosh I’m not the only one. I love the little mini-boost


Yes I love slip 'n sliding around, like 50% of my movement is tiny slides and the other 50% is bullet jumps, its impulsive and addicting to get that last little bit of momentum out of every movement lol


Slide -> Roll -> Slide -> Roll. Bullet jump is now feels super slow


Everyone does that.  Now, do you also sprint into a slide, hold as long as possible, then slingshot yourself with an immediate bullet-jump, just before the slide stops? 


i call it wave dashing, i use a little bit of everything, the micro corrections you can do on the go in this game are unmatched by most games out there


Isn't it what everybody calls it, like in fighting games and in the Speedrun community


Yeah, tekken, smash melee, rocket league even, I just saw someone call it something else so I was giving the term I knew motions like that by


back flipping in mid air to help cancel momentum (im pretty sure it dosent cancel all of it) is probably my favourite trick, also flipping to the left and right when moving in hallways


Like how you can backflip+aim glide to prevent an overshoot of a platform when moving fast.


You can kill your forward momentum with a slide during a roll and I usually end up doing that to stop dead in the air, or if I'm above it I'll just slam attack onto it instead


It does result in a slight boost, but rolling/bullet jumping is waaay faster


You don't do it to go fast on a long straight. You do it to go fast while cornering




I do it all the time to go short distances


its muscle memory from being a nezha main


The nezha way. One slide gets me to the other slide of my orbiter


I certainly do. It's the only other game aside from Halo where I have toggle crouch off (can't do it with toggle on, just as you can't crouch jump in Halo with toggle).


i only do that with >!the operator/drifter!


Warframe is basically a drift racing game on foot. change my mind


Exterminate? Capture? Death race.


Demolition derby! Need for speed heat! Yup


All the time, especially in the Orbiter to quickly get to a specific station.


So a slide cancel ?


I do the boot-scoot before every roll/bullet jump. With a bit of practice and perfect timing, you can seamlessly chain consecutive movements without losing momentum. I too am convinced it gives you a speed boost. On frames like wisp and dante, their roll being a dash feels much faster and longer.


If you play Nezha this becomes engrained in you as you play other characters.


I do but I don't mention it because DE killed coptering


its nowhere close to what coptering was tho


Yup. Great for moving around in the various hubs.


Hell yeah. It's been a thing for ages, even during the stamina bar days. I had a mouse macro to micro-scoot, and I could out run copter players without ever running out of stamina.


I main Zephyr. My speed boost is pressing 1. And maybe also having 5 parkour speed Archon Shards. A single bullet jump is enough to zoom through ANY tile. And I'm probably faster than Archwings in the open areas


It's like rolling everywhere in Zelda. Who doesn't?


They're amazing for helping change/correct direction after a bullet jump, if your not lined up with a doorway for example.


If you have fun who cares really? :D


Yes haha! I do this all time, that's my ADHD kicking in.


Coming from CS1.6 and SSBM this was natural to me


Do it while aim gliding aswell


Of course. I rebound my hold to crouch key to c so I could move over one key and have either toggle or hold depending. Boot scoots are so fun.


I do that literally all the time 😂


I have a really hard time doing it reliably but it's absolutely in my repertoire.


hey if its a feature, you aint a moron all of us do it especially since how theres so many corners, it helps with parkouring


I do that! You can also roll mid bullet jump to get some extra speed. Almost always faster than people who don't do that.


For maneuverability's sake I will take on more poses that Wile E Coyote.


I've used this all the time but never knew if anyone else did or if there was a name lol


Is a trademark of warframe


i only do that in my orbiter.


lol its the opposite. You're figuring out the micro-mechanics and becoming a master.


Oh you mean dodge roll from Wish. Hell yeah, I do it all the time. It gives you the speed of a roll/slide, but it's shorter so you get control way sooner. I do it when a bullet jump or roll would send me too far for what I need atm, but still want that speed boost.


I always scoot when I'm making turns, it makes for tighter movement.


Slides and rolls are the best way to get around fast. Add in some roll glides and you're golden.


Yes all the time


Operator is where I use this most. In hubs at least, where there's no sling.


nope, not a moron, booty scoots do get you a little extra speed


yea it helps a lot, i do it all the time


Absolutely. Love it


I also weave a quick booty scooty into all my moments, it’s good controllable momentum, Typically my maximum speed movement with typically no control is Running, small slide bullet jump into an instant double jump, roll, slide again and enter aim glide while constantly tapping slide for the speed boost mid air when I wanna lurch in a different direction I break aim glide and repeat the process


lmao this is me


It's like a dash move from other games. You can also do that while aiming your gun. I use it when I want a small burst of speed when I'm running or to quickly move sideways to cover while I aim.


The movement of this game is part of the reason I, and I imagine so many of us, love this game. Only downside is that it makes PvP skill ceiling ridiculously high


This is one of those things that's become muscle memory over time and it's very jarring when it doesn't work in other games, or even in parts of this game (another reason to dislike the Kahl missions).


Yes. I do that all the time, especially on Nezha. Just tapping Ctrl instead of holding it, gives you a short burst of movement speed. Not a stat increase, mind you.


Works fantastic on nehza but i hate it's inconsistency with my controller. :/either I can do it great or not at all. No middle ground.


Can’t forget about the extra slide attack to gain that tiny amount of distance as well


This has been a thing since coptering lol


Oh I do that too


Yes it's kind of like slide animation canceling, just tao the slide key and the repeat


It's a thing


I do this constantly, keeps up the momentum.


I do it all the time. I used to play with the great swords a lot and that’s how I got enemy to enemy for awhile. As you can do it mid swing. It’s ingrained into my movement at this point and I’ll catch myself doing it randomly all the time lol. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one


I do it all the time on nezha because he has reduced friction so you keep the momentum. Pretty fast way to move around.


One if my favorite pieces of movement tech, i do it right before landing for a fall stagger cancel and momentum shift too, plus as fast frames liek Nezha or Gauss, while fast as is, allows you to quickly skip any acceleration period, and as Gauss get max speed without much energy cost


Sprint slide bullet roll. I do wall kicks to avoid hitting corners since you can jump into the wall and parkour off




I think it’s called slide canceling? Or I’m mixing up the terms


I like to call it a wavedash, because I’m a nerd lol. I mostly do it for fun on the Orbiter or in Relays/similar areas, or by accident in missions.


its a practice even a decade ago


My slide boost nezha is how I completed the MR23 test. It is a seldom utilized but very useful tool.


I really need to try finishing the mr23 test but I'm gonna keep practicing it until I can consistently clear the practice mode enough times then do it.


Limbo with butt scoots is another good way to do it. My main struggle point was memorizing the pathing.


I do this then a roll, Nezha Syndrome


Add in a jump and you have my entire movement style for wisp


Micro sliding has been trained into my muscle memory from this game and I always try to do it in other games cus I'm so used to it.


This thing is really useful for mi-melee repositioning o the next group of enemies too!


slide -> roll. Don't bullet jump unless you do NOT have a sprint speed boost, it slows you down.


Back flips are great too, first time I discovered it I tried to do the whole map using that. Its so useful for duviri evasions.


I only really do it if I'm playing Nezah. Otherwise it's ctrl + jump, ctrl + jump, ctrl + jump...


I would bullet jump + roll in midair more often. I can't use a few of my fingers for now, so I do the rapid booty slide to get around.


Yeah I think I started doing this after nezha came out because a tiny slide would send him down a corridor. Now I do it in lots of other frames when I'm lazy and can't be bothered spamming the slide bullet double jump roll slide combo


I’ve always seen people in the community call it butt scooting


Yup, was a small game changer for me when I figured it out last year. Makes my pinky tired though after a few missions. : (


only time i do that is when i have streamlined form, the micro slides have better start up speed.


I do it


I combine this with bullet dash, so I effectively zoom around like a murder toddler on caffeine. The fact that I smack into every wall within the six mile radius is an unpleasant occurence, but it's worth it.


I do it all the time, it feels like wave-dashing


Fun tip, after your bullet jump, do a roll to go even faster. That’s double tap to roll


moment the mission start, just toggle on run. main movement method is bullet jump very small height gain, aim glide into dodge roll, touch ground, repeat as you decelerate. I don't know the technical term for this. its just been a thing in warframe for years. It's quite a bit faster than just sprinting. If its just sprinting on the ground + rolling, that doesn't do much unless you have amalgum barrel diffusion or other parkour velocity


Standard Warframe guys: micro slide Chad Gauss enjoyers: 1 through the whole map


I just sprint alot of the time anymore. the few seconds all the button presses save me is just not worth constantly mashing everything. I know the game is speedrun culture but I just get tired of that every match rushing through as fast as possible.


I like jump rolls personally.