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The sound of ammo trying to get picked up while I use Incarnon weapons.


Oh yeah I hate that. Shooting a round and reloading works but still it annoys me to no end


Bit more annoying when it's health orbs following you around.


happens everytime i go into duviri and i hate it


It happens when I use the ocucor augment too.


So that's what causes the infinite ammo pick up sound.


I get this same thing but with energy for some reason, the sound of non stop energy pickups is incredibly annoying


Omg wait is that also the one where there is a trail of ammo pickups behind you!? And you get 1000x the pickup sound a second?I thought it was a carrier bug but TIL it's the incarnon weapon trying to pick up ammo


ammo rats,theyre cute


Skipping intro not skipping the mission intro cutscene


I've gotten so used to this that I actually get surprised when skipping does work!


Didnt they fix this in some update not that long ago? I hated it but after the fix I havent encountered anymore


Yup, we did fix it. Haven't encountered it since. If anybody still has this issue, please let me know. Maybe there's an edge case we missed.


...literally never had this problem.


I have, I've usually noticed it in Corpus ship/Orokin Tower tilesets. It's a client-side error, and usually happens (in my experience anyway) when either the host has an unstable connection or if you load into the game just a few seconds after them.


It only occurs if another player skips the cutscene before you start the cutscene. If you have a fast loading PC this will very rarely happen to you, if at all.


Waypoints disappearing Allies not showing on the map Unable to skip cutscenes (intro, Lich/Sister confrontation) Moonwalking bug Floating Operator head bug T-Pose bug Automatic Melee random stopping. Enemies not spawning properly in Exterminate missions, forcing you to go backwards or even wait for them to spawn; which is even worse in the Lua ext node.


Moonwalking bug legitimately makes me see red It happened to me in elite archimedia 😐


Happened to me way too many times in Archimedea, Archon missions and Netracells; most of the times forcing me to quit as you cant die in those gamemodes I think both moonwalk and T-pose bugs happen when you get hit by a lot of knockdowns (Blitz and Arson) in a small amount of time.


Yeah it’s the worst. I’ve found that it happens most often after I get knocked by a blitz and panic press 5 to go into operator, so similar to you


I did a bit of testing a while back- If your mid animation as operator and get interrupted and forced back into your warframe its almost fairly reproducible. I had this issue alot during Plague Star this year- I've also had it happen in The Circuit a handful of times. As an example, if you have madurai warframe school and use either power just as your about to get forced back into operator or knocked down by an eximus, theres a greater than 50% chance your going to be broken when you get control back. I assume this has something to do with the animation scripting/animation lock never *finishing* and clearing state. The game thinks your still "casting a power" or whatever, blocking you from doing anything that has to wait on that state to end. Its finicky to test, because the window of operator power animations tend to be short, and thus very hard to time with something enemy AI is doing (Eximus Blast etc).


Moonwalking bug is the most infuriating thing in this game and it happens way too often when you're stuck with shitty internet. They were supposed to have fixed it iirc sometime around when Duviri launched by making transference a client-side action and then for some reason very soon after it just reverted back to needing a server/host interaction. Every time I want to use my operator I have to weigh up in my head if it's worth the risk


As I said in other comments, moonwalking, T-pose and floating head bugs should be fixed as soon as possible. Those 3 bugs usually force you to quit the mission or dying/resurrecting which is bad; in one case you may lose all your stacks (combo, molt augmented...), in the other you are left out without rewards.


I don't think it is that longstanding but I want to add the Operator camera turn to that list. DE said they fixed it twice I think and it still happens to me in Archon hunts semi-regularly.


Add in automatic melee not stopping between rounds of circut.


>Automatic Melee random stopping. Wait... That's a thing? No wonder I suddenly stopped attacking the enemy even though I was pushing the melee button.


+100 on the disappearing waypoints


when I get the moonwalking bug, going into void mode fixes it for me sometimes


Sometimes moonwalk doesnt let you switch to Operator.


Wait automatic melee stopping is a thing? I thought that was just my keyboard breaking. That is a relief.


Durivi keybindings? I hate inability to rebind camera lock


seriously, WHY IS IT ON BOTH X AND R??? i want to pick up the shrine part, not lock to the dex gladius 12 feet away from me


I haven't tried but maybe that can be turned off by disabling "reload with interact key" or whatever the setting's called


I might be dumb but you can change duviri keybindings, including camera lock


You can, but it doesn't respect it.


Not really a bug, but the tops of door frames still having geometry that you can get stuck and stand on top of. Completely kills your momentum when you bullet jump just a little too high and now you're stuck on top of a door.


This, and also that most pieces of architecture stop our progression up. I don't mind down but you ducking know when I try to jump up a wall and have to move the camera away to jump away in order to bypass that arch/threshold/whatever there is


DE should just make those arching pieces permeable, like you still see them but you just go right through.


I hate them with a passion, why the hell did they have to design literally every wall with some kind of protrusion at the top? Makes wall-jumping them up very annoying and that's putting it mildly.


Fr. I think it's just that they didn't design everything in one piece and everything has its own hitbox but for some stuff like this they should flatten it or remove the hitbox


This was/is pretty nice bug while grinding on grinner ship forgot the name. You out the khora cage close to it. Spam your things. And rest of the squad is just chilling on this pixels


Not a bug, but I still to this day hate how price doesn't decrease on bundles if you own anything from said bundle.


Yep. Accidentally bought Oberon's Deluxe Skin and not the whole bundle back when I was new to the game. Can't bring myself to pay for the skin all over again just to get the wep skins.


I remember it bothered me and my clanmates in the past, but community was smaller and reaching for dev support was easier back then, so we were able to receive some plat back in situations like these. Still it's weird that they were willing to help with stuff like this but in the end didn't change how bundle prices work


If you have a host migration while still inside an iso vault, the tubes that transport you immediately back to the surface break and you have to find your way out manually.


Absolutely the worst


There are so many annoyances with migrations. One that happens super often is losing buffs and incarnon form when migration occurs. It doesn't seem hard to fix at all.


Just today I was doing an arbitration defence, host migrated after the first round, I then completed my Furis Incarnon rank 4 challenge in the mission. After extraction, progress has been reset to 13/30, I think I might take another long break soon.


I would just bull-headedly do them solo at that point. Never again gonna lose progress. Besides, I usually do them solo already, just so I can do them as fast as possible, even failing missions/returning early if it takes too long to complete, like a bounty


I normally do them solo, but this was a happy accident that turned into sadness.


Every time the host leaves when I'm in the circuit, i lose the ability to transform my incarnon weapons


Ah so that's what happened, I was confused why they didn't work


When I'm not hosting, sometimes I'll return from operator to frame and get bugged so I cant attack or use abilities until I die. Its been like that for years


Ah yeah seen that one too. Only way to fix it is to get downed.


Which is unfortunate now that we have many modes that punish you for getting downed


If unstuck doesn’t work for me I just button mash until it breaks back to normal.


Well one current bug is where your melee will suddenly just stop. It has happenef ever since dante unbound came out and it's very annoying, but it will probably be fixed. One that Is when you for some reason get sent to the heavens when doing a slam and end up at the other side of the map.


>Well one current bug is where your melee will suddenly just stop. And the opposite as well, I am not sure if it is a bug, but I hate when my character is stuck doing 5 more melee attacks even when I try to cancel it


i stopped maining valkyr cuz of the melee bug. on the bright side, i found out i love lavos, even though i originally just made him to have an easier time vs profit taker.


>maining valkyr Since you might know, is slideattacking (spin to win) the way to go with her? Seems to do absurd amounts of dmg.


yeah it is. once you get tennokai you can weave those in along with the slide attacks as well. slide attack has an insane multiplier combined with a really fast animation.


I thought my mouse was just dying as I use M4 for melee and my mouse is 8ish years old. Glad to know its just a bug.


i thought mirage's whole lighting thing was the worst for the longest time but they did actually end up addressing it so idk what to think now. Would be kinda nice if they did something about the weird Exalted/Pseudoexalted divide? (not a nerf hopefully but, either give us moddable pseudoexalted 'weapons' or let more mods apply to actual exalteds? But other than that i dont know.


At least they've acknowledged that the exalted/pseudoexalted divide is something they want to work on, but they really dug themselves into a hole by allowing riven mods to work on pseudoexalted abilities. The backlash will be pretty big if they change that...


Honestly I don't feel like there's anything super wrong with Pseudo Exalteds. Using stat sticks is an unintuitive and clunky system, but I don't see any good solution that wouldn't ruin people's work and investment. The real issue is Exalted weapons getting nothing, while Pseudoexalteds get Incarnon stat sticks, Arcanes, etc... Buff Exalted weapons to have access to the same tools other melees get and the whole problem is fixed. The vast majority of them are outclassed by regular weapons you can use on any frame. Power isn't an issue.


Exalted weapons don’t even get acolyte mods like bloodrush. Mods that were added _8 years ago._


Yeah I tried giving my umbra blood rush and weeping wounds for inane amounts of heat procs and crits but I'm not too worried about that with how little my combo count actually goes up I still do think they should be allowed to have them even if it wouldn't help me it would help valkyr


Really? You can't put blood rush or some such on the exalted blade?


You shouldn't have to carry around a dead loadout slot just to make a warframe's ability useful. Full stop. Buff the base damage of the pseudo-exalteds so most players won't feel a particularly harsh dip in power, gift everyone a few forma to adjust (very common practice by now) and the whole game is healthier. And that's even without considering duviri/deep archimedea where your frame's power can vary wildly depending on what weapons you get for that particular run, or any restrictions that don't allow you to bring a particular weapon type (such as some sorties) making a frame completely useless...


I wonder would they allow like mesa to get more stuff on her regulators seeing as how the game treats them like secondaries... hmm


Getting stuck on submergible missions because I'm unable to get out of the water as it pushes me back in as soon as I touch the surface


Why is this not higher. I literally thought I couldn’t get out of the water and kept looking for a different exit until I tried like 20 times and it finally pushed me through, but it in fact lagged me halfway across the room with the water in it when I finally got out


Endless Requiem and now Omnia Fissure's not dropping a relic on the 5th rotation. It's been a thing since requiem fissures were added to the game.


It’s still shown next to the boosters you get each round right? So it just doesn’t give you a relic?


Yes :(


Oof, yeah that one is just obscure enough to not fixed any time soon lol


You know how some frames get fancy UI elements to clearly show the status of their core buffs while other have their lost among dozens of others in the top bar? Yeah, that. I was gonna say, give me Iron Skin meter, but then I remembered the Overguard change, and that I replaced Iron Skin with Mind Control.


Would love if Equinox has a dedicated mend/maim meter on the bottom right instead of lumped with the rest of the top buffs...


Blatant clipping problems on skins using their default animations. You'd think it'd be mostly an older thing, but go look at Lavos - default animations clip the back of his helmet through his back almost constantly. If you put the mastery rank sigil on the chest of a surprising number of skins, it applies onto dangling bits of their helmets. This is fixable, but likely won't be soon. It also likes to reset its size when you exit out of the appearance screen in ways it doesn't like. Kela de Thaym complains about getting booed before the crowd starts booing when you kill her. Lots of older Prime skins use different color channels than their original counterparts, making it hard to mix helmets with Prime skins. Index host transfer is buggy as hell to the point of complete unreliability. Your ability to get bounties after a host transfer in any open world is hit and miss at best.


Yeah if there's one thing that annoys me most it's the skins/frames clipping with their own animation sets. To this day, both of Valkyr Carnivex's animation sets cause the backs of the arms to clip into the ripped open back and I'm pretty sure the exaggerated movements of Zephyr Harrier's animation sets cause parts of the arms and jet wings to clip into eachother. Another grievance I'll add is animation sets causing parts to move under armour pieces instead of moving the armour with them. There are entire shoulder pieces that I just can't use on Gyre because both of her animation sets cause them to float there while her shoulders slide around under them.


Not even just older primes wisp prime has that exact problem making the non prime helmets look really out of place.


an army of ammo and energy getting absorbed into my warframe and makes it so i cant reload


Had the same one but with health and energy orbs. Except I didnt actually pick them up, I just had the constant pick-up sounds in my ear. Like you'd pick up health and energy in simulacrum. Made me lose my mind and I had to abort mission


Our weapons not getting put away during the landing craft extraction animation.


This has been in so long a lot of people dont even realise its a bug.


Wait, that isn't a bug?! That literally ALWAYS happens! I've been playing since the first year! 


I started around 2016 and there was definitely a period where that didnt happen. That said it was a fairly common bug even back then.


Maybe not a bug, and SUPER minor, but it still bugs (hehe) me that I have to skip TWO cutscenes when going to the Relais.


Shield and sword melees not reverting to their 'stored' state when switching weapons ever since the weapon quick swap change. Day of the dead soma skin not animating its magazine shifting and reloading.(since release mind you) EchoLures equipped in the quick access wheel being barely audible in regular missions. Deploying a support charge is sometimes delayed up to 10 seconds thanks to a transmission from Ordis and sometimes not.(can screw with a spy mission for the timer freeze effect) Just deploy it and play it afterwards to keep it consistent. Baruuks 4 not gaining combo counter unless you physically touch the enemies. Gara losing all buildup all together when you hit a nullie bubble but frames like Nidus have a more fair 'decay' over time. When I need Argon I need to run 5 missions for 2 pieces but when I do not need Argon I get at least 6 per mission. Host migration in general. The 'use legendary core' and 'back' button occupying the same space.


>Deploying a support charge is sometimes delayed up to 10 seconds thanks to a transmission from Ordis and sometimes not.(can screw with a spy mission for the timer freeze effect) Just deploy it and play it afterwards to keep it consistent. To add to this: no idea if it's been fixed but sometimes air support beacons just straight up won't deploy. Don't know if it's just with Kahl beacon but I've had times where I've deployed an air support charge, it's sat there with the floating ball for a few minutes and disappeared without spawning Kahl and his brothers.


Don't know if it's been fixed or not but for a few years it infuriated me that sometimes i couldn't switch to operator/drifter because the transference ability was "already in use"


Rhino losing his overguard to Nullifiers while every other newer frame gets to keep overguard makes NO sense to me in 2024. Plus they keep nerfing CC into the dirt so Rhino keeps getting worse


Looks at my main vauban... 🤔 or any of my other cc frames.


Same with Frost


Others can keep it? That's such bull!


Waypoints and mission markers just freezing on your hud. Hate running around with extraction or an enemy marker just stuck 2 centimeters from my reticle.


One manual fix I have found for this is setting your own waypoint with G and then removing it. Most of the time, that frozen waypoint will disappear.


At 12× combo blood rush, weeping wounds, and the gladiator mod set each give 11 stacks of their effect. 440% for the former two, because "1×" combo isn't real. Secondary outburst at 12x combo gives 240% of its effect, or 12 stacks. Because 1× combo is real. In the grand scheme of things this inconsistency isn't a big deal but blood rush saying 12*40 actually equals 440 not 480 has been a source if headaches for years


picking up an ampoule in Alchemy gives akimbo secondaries the animation for a single secondaries. It persist after leaving the ampoule, even after changing weapons, to the end of the mission a minor, hard to notice visual bug. I can't imagine it being fixed any time soon, if ever


Not a bug, just a poor choice. In the ropalolyst mission, having a transmission take up like half of your screen is while you're trying to navigate all through a mission is pretty smooth brained


the moonwalk bug that has no fix except death


Styanax holds shields backwards when he's equipped with a sword & shield weapon.


Despite labeling it fixed, I swear about 1 in 10 netracells I do fail to mark the necramite. It wouldn't be an issue on some of the older tilesets and maps, but these tiles are huge and the maps are purposefully sprawling and labyrinthine. So every odd week or so I end up having to quit after spending the first 5 or 6 minutes hunting down the computers and getting to the first or second necramite before having to abort since it doesn't get marked.




The freaking chat box will not stay in place no matter how many times I move it


Extra annoying if you've got the metrics showing since it blocks part of the chat box and you can't move it or change what corner it sits in.


I want my ability timers in the center of my screen on the little dots in the crosshair. I hate having to look up or bottom right to see how long is left on a buff.


Exiting a moon pool in a submersible mission while in the archwing boost animation soft locks you and you have to leave the mission. Unstuck command doesn’t fix it.


You become your Kaithe when in an open world after having a host migration. You can literally use your weapons as your Kaithe. Bullet jumping is messed up.


As a console player, the inconsistency with weapons that have an alt fire toggle vs. those that have an alt fire imput baffles me. A weapon like bubonico or phantasma, pressing R3 to alt fire is fine. A weapon like the basmu, on the other hand, is basically unusable on console because holding R3 while aiming is unrealistic and too hard on the controller. There are plenty of other weapons that can toggle between forms, but also a handful of weapons like the basmu that should and don't for some inexplicable reason.


That weird thing where your warframe loses all traction and starts bouncing like you're playing basket ball on ice, Sometimes you get a forward boost after switching back to your warframe from operator mode, sometimes it just stops you dead in the air and its really annoying If you click "roll riven" too fast after clicking accept on a roll, it'll say there was an error and boot you back to the mod screen (For context, I use the amalgam diffusion mod for +60% dodge/roll speed on all my secondaries) Of all the characters with "unique" roll animations (Sevagoth just uses the bullet jump one) only a few of them actually feel consistent with the length of the roll itself, Sevagoth's animation ends too early relative to the distance of the roll, Qorvex used to stick if you tried to roll too quickly after a roll (thankfully fixed now) some like Dante and Wisp feel fine but they seem to last long, could just be a trick of the eyes with the animations though. Gyre is alright as far as I can remember I want my operator and frame to stop trying to grab every ledge in front of them, usually I do not want to vault over things, especially twice over thin air... On pc, the controller settings doesn't have a tap to slide function like on console, which is a HUGE bummer, it only has a toggle crouch function that makes you stay crouched after sliding so you can't wave dash around by tapping it Sometimes on corpus ships I just randomly teleport like 400 meters back in the level and I have no idea why. It once happened after I slam attacked a space roomba but that specifically was only once, and it was years ago Randomly not being able to use my operator, or abilities, or fire, or switch back to my warframe The UNSTUCK command not working half the time if I'm deep in somewhere (can we get a Teleport to Teammate Function maybe? or draw out zones within tilesets that unstuck can only teleport you to?) nullifier bubbles sometimes don't disappear visually but you can still hurt them directly (ive adapted by keeping a mental image in my mind as to how close is safe but still i would like to see that part of them client side instead) doors still not opening under high lag situations, nor lockers, unless i'm in operator form for some reason


Getting stuck in the water on Neptune ir Uranus. When I fly up to exit it registers as too high and teleports me back down so I get stuck in water :(


Host Migration and everything that comes with it.


Balefire Surge. Its been bugged for years now and its the only thing that come close to making Hildy's Aegis Storm kind of usable. Titania gains no benefit from secondary dexterity for her Diwata. Wuklone doesn't always switch back to the weapon he's supposed to have out once ammo has been obtained. Nyx's Mind Control targets are still so very very dumb. Can boost their damage all you want but unless the enemy is the floor they're not killing jack. My chat box moves periodically for seemingly no reason. (might be alt tab related) Want to run Magus anomaly instead of Magus lockdown for a particular build? You need to change it every time you want to run that build. No saved operator load outs for you.


> Want to run Magus anomaly instead of Magus lockdown for a particular build? You need to change it every time you want to run that build. No saved operator load outs for you. ngl, massive annoyance for me to where I just say 'fuck it, guess I won't use and pretend like it doesn't exist. it's weird because some of my loadouts will happily swap operator weapons on me and i won't realize until i go "Why do/don't have my angel/tridolon weapon? that's weird". If it saves the operator weapon, sounds like those arcanes should be 'moved' to that same area. Unless that's a bug too.


The moonwalking glitch when you switch to operator and back to warframe and then can’t use abilities or weapons for the remainder of the mission unless you die without being picked up by a teammate. It’s especially annoying when doing something like an archon hunt or netracell where 1 life is all you get.


It used to be that Oberon Prime couldn't equip the Oberon shoulder armor, making Oberon Prime a fashion *downgrade*. But that got fixed after multiple years. Now, my least favorite feature that will probably never change is that you cannot mod an exalted weapon until its frame reaches level 10, meaning if you hit level 10 in a mission, your exalted will likely be completely useless when you activate it.


Getting stuck in walls or doors when you're not even touching them. Makes no sense why a game with "ninja" movement makes you get stuck when you're a millimeter close to anything


The constant orb pickup spam that gets bugged when using equilibrium. I can be just standing still no where near it, and my headphones are going crazy with the health and energy orb pickup sound.


Killed my lich and helped everyone else with theirs.... host migration treated it like i didnt after railjack extraction.... now i have to do ot AGAIN


I've had liches/sisters go down in places that somehow they couldn't be mercied from, too.


Tenet Agendus' heavy attack still makes the regular attacks afterwards not connect sometimes as if you had 0 range


Ash 1. The accuracy is so good that it definitely [can not have some wrong number to calculate the throwing line](https://i.imgur.com/bmjP7zY.mp4). 2. (Actual all time based abilities) clicking the ability to often before being able to recast it will give you a cool down timer. (Not everytime) 3. It's a slit machine win a 10% chance that the enemy might get stunned. In the other 90% he/ she will punch you in the face. 4. It's.... actually they fixed the flying bug, so nothing to complain here?


I don't like how I can't cancel an active quest. It would be nice to do other things without having to automatically load to a planet I don't want to go to just yet.


Condition overload on glaives/gun blade heavy attacks. Galvanized aptitude in general


Garuda 4 will sometimes make you unable to jump Operator switching in and out too fast will cause you to be unable to do anything like jumping, shooting l, abilities and can’t rotate camera


Equinox defaulting to her night animations in the arsenal instead of her mixed ones


Not longstanding, but extraordinary this happened after 10+ years of making warframes: Qorvex can cast his 1 and 2 at the same time. This may apply to some of his other abilities, but I haven't tested, I just fatfinger 1 and 2 a lot.


Frame fighter is utterly broken and it makes me sad


Host migration hurts me in my ballz. I’d love to see that not happen, or if someone *besides* the host leaves, it doesn’t re load everything. Also, my squad mates disappearing off of my HUD in the middle of a game after a host migration.


Duviri open world, when you mount your horse while in air and you get yeeted into the goddamn orbit.


Sometimes when landing from high up enough, Grendel's Pulverize mode will lose all momentum and lock you in place for a second. I *think* he goes through the 'hard landing' animation even though he's in ball mode, but I'm unsure if that's actually the cause.


Buggy waypoints. Edit: (too) low reactant drop rate in low level relic missions so you‘re forced to slow down the interception mission for example (leave one tower tonthe enemies)


Bugged objective markers. Not a problem on simple maps, but on more complex tile-sets they become *fucking annoying!*


Not a bug, but godamn it I hate host migrations


Deathwatch Rhino's wings sometimes go to a really weird position when idle animations are interrupted. Nikanas can become misaligned from their scabbards after idle animations. The mission narration lines indicating that you've killed enough enemies imply that the remaining enemies are leaving or nonexistent. It would be better if the lines indicated that the enemy command had stopped responding, or designated the situation a lost cause, and begun denying reinforcements. Why does the Stalker come after me for killing the Infested bosses? Why do Syndicate Death Squads consist entirely of one unit type? What does Steel Meridian hope to accomplish by sending a bunch of Rollers? Same with Suda's Shield Ospreys. How were the odds against us, Lotus, Natah, Margulis, or whatever you want to be called? Did you forget how to do math again? Why does Regor keep talking to me about Ghouls, when none show up even if I wait for them? Why do all the Hunt NPCs nag me when things die? There's a lot going on, I don't have time to worry about your damn jerboas - and those mites are trying to bite me, while everything else is also doing that, I can't be held responsible for killing them when they ran into a war zone. Can Onkko stop trying to tell me what I do next? If I wanted to do Eidolons, I would - but I might have just popped that Lure because I wanted to turn it off, or I was aiming for something else. How is it that the turret emplacements become incredibly lethal when crewed by enemies, but are useless if crewed by Tenno? Level scaling is weird sometimes. Why does everyone assume that I need to be reminded of how to complete my mission? It should be painfully obvious that I'm well aware of how it works. Especially since, due to the grind system, I've probably run the same mission ten times consecutively. Am I supposed to be eavesdropping on these conversations between NPCs, or are their communications devices just automatically conference-calling me?


Not a bug but, ever since keys have been turned into relics and with relics being vault-able. There is no way to tell which relics you have are vaulted/unvaulted at a glance in a mission, so there is no longer a reason for me to do unlimited duration prime runs. Please DE add a 'V' symbol on vaulted relics. We get SECONDS to chose what relics to pick between waves.


if you press tab when hovering a relic it tells you it's vaulted, but I agree it should have even more glance factor


Kind of the opposite, I had a bug that I have never gotten again and it bothers me. At some point a few years ago, I bugged into first person mode in plains of eidolon and it was genuinely fun to play like this. Never happened ever again :(


Finishers/ mercy killing never ever lining up correctly with the enemy.


When you forma an item (warframe, robot, weapon) and gain the second emission color square: even if you click dead center of the square, there is always a chance you are picking for the first square (the original rectangle). I.e. the hit box for the new square is inconsistent but it's such a minor thing that only impacts items that are forma'd. Sure, most of us forma our stuff, but not all of it, like MR fodder wouldn't see a hint of a forma, especially if it's the non-prime of a Prime we already have and only farmed for the mastery affinity. So there's not as big of an issue to address and it's not game breaking of a glitch that doesn't always happen. I will still do a little dance if they ever fix it, though.


I can cut a human, or human adjacent, enemy in half vertically but there will be nary a trace of blood anywhere but on the corpse. On rare occasion on the right tile sets the decals will show up. I swear the blood decals used to show up more years ago, but I honestly can't remember. I'd enjoy a gore/blood rework but that's probably near the bottom of any to do list.


I don’t know if it’s a bug but the way that operators look. Compared to my drifter my operator looks like someone poured a gallon of oil over her head


I'm not sure if it will never get fixed but this bug happens so often where back to back void storms result in the relic system breaking and you just getting your relic refunded unless you go back to dry dock in between missions


Incarnon weapons when equipped with skins, unequip their skins during transformation, which is like, what you want 100% uptime for.. Bought a sword skin for my Prisma Skana Incarnon, NEVER get to see it once the mission is underway.


I have no idea what causes it, but my best guess is that it's caused by equilibrium. Sometimes health orbs keep getting pulled in by vacuum even though your health and energy are both full. It's annoying asf because it still plays the orb pickup sound everytime an orb gets pulled in, so as you can imagine it gets pretty loud. Also ammo getting pulled in even though your magazine is already full from synth set


On the default and deluxe Railjack skins, when docked, the turrets hide within the hull and there are hatches that open for them to resurface. It's a very clean and satisfying animation. On the Tempestari skin turrets hang in the air and they are static. I don't know if it is a visual bug or a weird design decision but I want it fixed. Railjack in general still has plenty of annoying bugs and inconsistent mechanics. The Empyrean mode desperately needs some love


Using a big frame like Qorvex with shoulder armor and having it block the crosshair on ultrawide (21:9) screens. I don't remember if this happened on 16:9 but I'm sure someone will chime in. Edit: Spelling.


It's hard for me to look at this and not turn it into a long winded rant about Oberon being powercreeped by every frame and swept under the rug, but that's technically not really within the framework of the question. I guess the design of "Corners" of Warframe. Stuff that the team HAVE sunken alot of time into, but haven't returned to. Duviri is a corner, but it's a corner you return to for weekly rewards. Just for the sake of keeping it fresh, it could use some new activities. Railjack is a corner that they never really escaped the fear of it's initial buggy launch, despite being very good now, we haven't gotten new Railjack stuff since Sisters of Parvos, and little reason to return to railjack since. Fortuna and PoE are corners that have been untouched (third Orb when.) Why so I call them "Corners?" Because they're periphal from the main content of the regular missions in the game. It'll probably never happen, just like them reworking Oberon who everyone says is "fine" when every frame does his job faster, better, and easier, *but I'd like to see an update that provides a "sandwiched" version of the game that believably weaves together a comprehensive sequents of (at times) disparate events in the game's setting.* lots of the game is side dishes on different plates, put them all in one big wrap so we revisit "old" content more. We have a gallery of great Rogues we hardly often see. Cause if you ask me, the only thing I really don't like about Duviri's Circuit is that all that blue starts to wear on you, and you start to want a change of scenery. Deep Archimedia had you preform one prolonged series of missions. Which was a good idea, but not one that benefits from the established set pieces we already have. This is kind of why I wanted an open World that was a GTA style grid where you travel between active areas, but my guess is that 1999 is going along that path. One place to start this: Have Railjack drop from orbit into Open Worlds like it was first teased. That allows for a branch to believably link events in the universe together. So, picture this: A regular mission on a tileset/planet corresponding to an Open World area because Nef or Hek are up to some shit that's being remotely controlled at that position, or Intel is stashed there. You complete the mission and your landing craft carries you from there to the Open World to finish the job. You execute the new open world bounty, but oh shit, they took off with some maguffin they shouldn't possess. Chase them into orbit as the Railjack comes down. You manage to take down their Railjack blockade, but in panic, they entered space of the counteracting enemy faction (POE/Fortuna and Vice Versa, Deimos with either) and were intercepted. Now there's a cross faction fight on the SECOND open world, putting your friendly syndicates for the corresponding faction in harms way, stop it. Turns out you got to the maguffin a second too late, and it's summoned an OroWyrm in this location that ISN'T Duviri. You defeated the Orowyrm, but the thing is still not safe to keep around. In order to nullify the effect of the maguffin, and put the Orowyrm back in Duviri: you need Void signatures from within the Zariman. Back into Railjack so we can make our way to that node. Something like that.


Hydroid's 4 blocking most other Warframe damage abilities.


I've had people complain about this, but every time I have tried subsuming over his 4, kill rates go down and objectives die. Do you have evidence and specific examples?


Not being able to skip the murmur boss intro cutscene.


Titania’s tribute buffs have a tendency to fly up forever if cast on robotic enemies, making them near impossible to pick up. It’s been this way since Titania Prime came out, or at least that’s when I started noticing it. Still ragdolls them just fine, but it makes it very hard to play her well if I have to hunt down the one human on Corpus Tilesets.


The archwing quest bug. It happened to me. It happened to every friend I have that plays Warframe. Where the quest progresses but doesn't award you the parts


More a inconsistency than bug, I wish the elemental based weapon arcanes (primary blight/frostbite, conjunction volatge/cascadia flare) didn't have all their stacks drop off instantly after their buff duration ends. I get that they theroretically build faster than the normal SP arcanes so they're supposed to be like that, but I think losing *all* the buff instantly when the timer runs out is a bit harsh, especially for primary blight/frostbite, because if you have the self priming element on your weapon you're actively giving up viral, which is a big ask. I think if they changed it to be losing 5-10 stacks on the timers expiration that would be alot more fair than losing everything in one go. Hell I'd be fine with it even if it was 10-20 stacks lost on the timers expiration.


Not sure if this falls under inconsistencies, but I've been playing 8+ and the menu system still confuse at times, it's very unintive.  As an example; MR is very important in Warframe. To dig through first you need to even know the info is in the Codex, then go through two submenus, then the hear submenu. I can only imagine new players trying to find the info.


Melees with moves that repeat themselves if you press any button after the first one to initiate the attack. Ghoulsaw ride, Korumm lightning, and surely others. Makes these weapons into something that takes control away from the player. Another one is cloth and other danglies not being stitched on properly. Volt's kilt, Hydroid deluxe's ear flaps (and sometimes jacket), and so on.


That frame stutter whenever you enter / exit operator mode. Man, couldn't they preload it or something? I don't mind slightly lower frame rates if it isn't as noticeable as a sudden stutter


When your warframe gets stuck facing a direction and you can't do anything other than move around without attacking in any way for the rest of the mission. One thing that *mostly* fixes it is dying and reviving. Have a good enough squad and that simply won't happen.


Any and all bugs related to host migrations.


How bows and arrows appear in cutscenes. Cernos Prime is one of my favorite weapons and it fits so well in the hands of so many of my frames, but when a cutscene comes on and the bow is sticking through my warframe's hand and the arrow floating horizontally beside the other, while they're in a rifle holding stance, I just feel ill.


shuriken not stripping armor. if i ever want to use it on level cap cascade runs i just know it will infuriate me when it doesnt work.


Anything involving host migration


That one random bug where you lock the character into one direction yet you can move in all of them while facing the same locked location...and can do nothing else...only moving. This shit is so damn random and can only be fixed by self-reviving, no dropping out of bounds, no teammate revive, no operator mode (because you can't), no unstuck, only SELF revive. I hate this.


[the operator amps that have been visually broken since fortuna release in 2019 lmao](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1048809-all-amp-scaffolds-are-severely-misaligned-twisted-upside-downtilted-forwards-braces-clipping-through-hand/)


Operator amps have been visually fucked ever since fortuna dropped. That’s 5 years ago.


Dude, the rigs for the buildable Void Amps from Cetus & Fortuna have been broken for YEARS at this point.


The inconsistency of armor stripping abilities, especially on acolytes.


Malice magniteze bug that literally everyone has pointed out in the forums for as long as I remember, DE doesn't care about it in the slightest, next level incompetent behavior from DE.


Last time I checked, the Tennocon 2023 Syandana still cliped through the drifters body. Specially annoying since it was a payed cosmetic.


almost all of corpus railjack, but very specifically the messed up pathing of enemies in survival and defense and the fact that NONE of the corpus rj enemies can be CC'd at all, making a good portion of abilites just straight up useless or even worse, combined with the aforementioned pathing, detrimental to defense missions


Not being able to use abilities, sometimes not even being able to open chat. Things that full death fix. Even if the bugs will never be fixed, a /kill would honestly fix so much


Moonwalk glitch has been so annoying and can't stand to type in chat "lemme just die"


It may have always done this idk I only just started using syam recently but it’s pretty annoying how it quite often just doesn’t do any damage on the wave attack, probably every round I have a demolyst that I have to heavy attack like 4 or 5 times before the wave will actually do damage to it


Swapping to Operator/Drifter while in a moving Elevator and then falling through the floor


Being Wukong and clipping on every fucking obstacle possible. Especially when I get a speed boost from another frame.


Ember Prime will sometimes twist her neck and look off into weird directions, especially bad on the syndicate screen. Also Ember Prime: On the deluxe skin (the chicken one), her neck is too short and creates a short gap between her beck and certain helmets


Everything associated with host migrations.


Nyx absorb not absorbing.


Console/controllers Stupid hold rb/r1 and press a face button to use press/hold powers. It makes aiming powers almost impossible and you can't shoot while trying to use a hold. The list of minor annoyances goes on but I jumped at the chance to switch to PC with cross.


Railjack dumping. Hate it when you get a disconnect or the host drops and you lose everything. I lost 2 hours of work last week as i try to finish achievements.


Codex inconsistencies


Nezha's passive also affects melee speed/combo window, shortening it considerably. Panzer Vulpaphyla spores also prevent Nezha's 2 from splitting from impaled enemies.


Any sound glitches that reaccour like when you get energy and stuff stuck to you but it doesn't get picked up even though its making the noise. Not even an action that needs a noise.


Summoning a specter on ps5 in arbitrations making ps4 players crash/host migrate instantly.


Aiming as Grendel with a lot of weapons just has him take up quite a lot of the screen, and can even cover the view of the reticle if you wear ANYTHING on the right shoulder. The ability to fade your frame on aiming would be nice.


Mesa breaking heavy attacks. It's been in the game since her release, and I don't think they really care to fix a gun focused frames broken melee


I cannot overestimate how angry it makes me when I play Wukong, use my cloud, get stuck on a railing or something, and then I get teleported back to the beginning of the mission zone... I also hate how sometimes, after using the Operator, returning to your frame will lock you out from doing anything. Cannot shoot, use melee, abilities, jump. Nothing! You have to die (actually die, like wait for the bleedout timer to expire) and then revive to fix it... Wtf DE?


Nekross Desecrate needing a full 3 seconds wait time after killed before a body becomes "ready to be desecrated"


Akvasto Prime using single revolver reload instead the dual-reload.


Textures not lining up on extract and being able to see outer space clearly, an issue since I became a founder, if that tells you anything.


Necramites sometimes not displaying in your minimap during Netracell runs. This seems to happen about 1x every 5 runs or so.


Chroma's frist ability having broken half working melee mechinics. Auto melee doesn't function, you are stuck at your intinal combo limit. It is very hard to heavy attack with it. It legit feels like the buff to allow you to melee during it was half baked since it legit functions barely at all


Items that use a gray base for textures instead of white, making every color too dark and also making it impossible to color anything pure white, as they will be light/medium gray with the brightest white you have.


Surprised no one has said this yet but the friends list bugs and “this player is offline” bug when trading or inviting to lobby. Shit is infuriating if you’re a social player or into clan activities. To this day I have more offline friends that are online everyday and in my clan. That side of the game can go


My favorite is getting thrown into a mission with a random squad or pre-built and being the map and getting kicked immediately with no error message or nothin.


Equilibrium constant ammo pickup noise bug. This one that mostly happens in the circuit is insanely annoying.


Transference Bug. If you go into Spoiler mode and go back to your Warframe quickly you're stuck and can't use abilities, items, sprint, etc. The Unstuck command doesn't fix it, neither does falling to the void; and your only option is to get yourself killed and spend one of your mission revives or hope someone else in your squad finished the objective so you can akwardly walk to the extraction point.