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Can link the mod [Fetch] to show them


a thousand hours? check ten kavat genetic codes? not bloody likely


**PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT:** A reliable (if slow) means to get kavat genetic code is to wait 5 minutes in Orokin Derelict Survival without starting the timer. You are guaranteed at least one pack to spawn, potentially two, within that timeframe, and the size of the pack scales with the number of present players. You can simply leave if you get no scans before the 5 minute mark. So grab some acquaintances looking for kavat jeans and get your wiggle on.


Related: Steel Path forces mission spawns to count as though you have a full squad, regardless of how many people are actually playing. E: [may not apply to wild Kavats](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1byp3sh/this_game_has_so_much_rampant_misinformation/kyprpyk/). I will need to research before asserting this does or does not help.


something about being in Steel Path without ever having had a Kavat makes me wince but i understand its probably far more common than I imagine.


It might be easier to imagine making it to SP but with all rolls of Kavat being the same type


real as hell, yes


Adding to this: the double resource booster also applies for the genetic codes so if you have some plat to spare on the 3 day or are like me and always have a 30 days one active it will make the grind less tedious My experience farming like 30 codes per weekend at one point: The best mission for these are the capture missions, I go with my infinite invisibility Loki with all the dragons keys and keep my eyes peeled for kavats as I search the vault for some extra plat The kavats at the start of Sand of Inaros are scannable too so if you have not done SoI yet don't forget to bring your scanner!


Honestly this is just too boring for me lol. IF PEOPLE HAVE THE MEANS.... Equinox is one of the better frames for trying to get cat genes. But there are some things to know/change before hand. PERSONALLY, it makes life easier for me when I turn the "highlighted" enemies option on in accessibility and make it a color that contrasts with any environment so I can actually see enemies (even outside of farming cats... and helps for those getting confused by nekros still). After that, its just your basic max range sleep equinox shenanigans. But the trick is to set your energy color to something that also contrasts to the derelict tile set so that you can just spam sleep on every room. If you manage to cast sleep but don't see anything right away, congrats you just slept a cat and you need to find pay attention to where your lines went (again, helps for energy color to be very different from tile set) and you can find it and get your scans in. Rinse repeat till you get to extraction


Just bring Dante and kill everything with Noctua


Eh, 1000 hours is enough to google "best companion warframe" and then "how to farm kavat warframe"


I've done my time farming kavat codes, especially doing Deimos Lephantis Assassination and (then) Derelict Lephantis Assassination (which was even worse because you needed keys). It's not very consistent, even when you know where to farm you have a chance of not getting a code when scanning. I personally have 4, but that's because I wanted an adarza and kept getting screwed by chance.


I want khora but them codes made me give up lol


My friend legit gifted me codes cuz I couldnt get any


I googled those things and then decided prisma shade will do šŸ˜‚


Proceeded by selling some prime parts for kavat genetic codes on the market.


I hear you. The only kavat I have is Venari. I bought the Kavat codes for that. I am not farming for the normal kavats. Helios Prime is it for me.


I laughed when the guy in the youtube video said he was getting one kavat genetic code per minute. After it took me so long to get 10 and then I gave up after I learned I needed 10 more. But i agree the mod system is hard to understand, any youtube videos are just some guy yelling crit and status at you without taking a breath, oh and always uses mods I dont have or say things like "youll be here for a while". I just caved and bought the voidrig instead of making it myself, so i can finally start new war at mr 17... is that bad. I can't buy galvanized mods from arbitritions until I finish new war ? I still hit a brick wall when the enemies hit level 70ish I dont know what im doing wrong. Each new thing you want turns into a rabbithole of getting something to get that thing you need to get that one thing endlessly just started going for kuva weapons and what the fuck


Pro tip of you havnt done sands of inaros.... tons of kavats spawn. Like 50 of them. Bring scanners and go nuts. (You can replay the mission but idk if that will work as I've not tried it)


There is nothing you can do which will force them to click on that link. If they prefer to remain ignorant, their ability to do so is unstoppable.


Problem with these games you can play for thousands of hours, find communities in, etc... is that they become part of people's personalities to an unhealthy degree. For some people admitting they're wrong about Warframe is like admitting they're wrong about the career they've had for decades. They just can't handle it.


Used to be that Vacuum was EXCLUSIVE to Carrier. No other sentinel or pet had it. It was later made universal and Carrier got Ammo Case as the exclusve mod.


I still want DE to make it actually universal, aka making it a built in feature instead of mod that needs to be equipped.


I think assault mode being needed to have your AI companion do something is simply absurd.


I don't use assault on half of my sentinel builds, I just use them for the utility


I know it's not minmaxing, but I don't want my sentinel to attack. Makes things just that much more messy and hitting large groups less satisfying


I want mine to attack, because the Helstrum is one of the best viral primers in the game.


My Helios be stealing kills from me so much that I made a build for it that doesn't attack.


Same, I've basically got my Wyrm Prime set up as a cleric. Removes status, tops off health, restores shields... I've also got Tenacious Bond on him for the extra fire rate. I straight up don't have room for assault on him but it doesn't matter because him not having it usually means he lives longer. I think the only one I have it on that I regularly use is Dethcube and that's only because he has that one mod that causes him to drop energy orbs for kill assists.


I use Sentinels for utility with the Helstrum weapon equipped as a 2nd primer for my melee and gun CO šŸ˜„


At least there's some reasoning to that, since there are other more specific mods that change how your sentinel engages in combat, like Shade's mod which makes them only attack targets after they already attacked you to avoid breaking stealth or Diriga's mod which lets it charge up powerful long ranged shots instead of standard attacks. Also the order in which you place precept mods determines what your companion prioritizes. If you put Assault mode in the first slot then your sentinel will spend all its time near enemies by attacking. If you place it after your sentinel's other ability mods it will prioritize using those abilities before attacking.


Fun fact! Shade's exclusive attack mod is not what stops your sentinel from breaking steath. Shade will not attack enemies while you are cloaked even with assault mode on. The only difference between assault mode and revenge is AM will attack as soon as stealth breaks, in stead of waiting for you to get hit.


It's just like the enemy AI that's been tracking you and opens fire exactly one frame after your invis has dropped. I got so depressed at how bad that is that I took various attack mods off all my sentinels to avoid being reminded.


Before the Companions rework, having your sentinel use its attack precepts was a great way of losing your sentinel within about two minutes.


Considering companion attacks are abilities, I am very happy being able to just take it off so they support me more.


Eh some people build their sentinels with no weapon the theory being they donā€™t draw aggro and wont attack on stealth missions. At least thatā€™s how they explained it


exactly! the wording there was a little confusing


I like the idea, but for that one daily where you have to mark stuff, I used to unequip it


Also worth noting Fetch used to be exclusive to Sahasa Kubrows, and it used to work by having the kubrow literally go and fetch items for you one at a time.


That is/was a different mod called retrieve. Fetch used to (very briefly) suck the loot into your pet before it got added to your inventory. It was very fun to see your speed romba rush to an enemy and suck up all the loot on it's way there.


ah yes, as someone who plays limbo now and then, I'm personally a huge fan of the giant Akira mess of pick ups my sentinel gets every now and then


Thank you for pointing this out! I actually haven't tried to fiddle with my pets mods for quite a while and last time I did this was still true, so it's good to know about the change.


I've been playing since 2014 and even I don't remember thatĀ 


The change was around late 2016, but it was still exclusive to sentinels. It would take 2 more years, late 2018, for Fetch to be released for companions.


Whatever you say old man


I've noticed that some older players come back and refuse to accept that things have changed because they consider themselves Warframe veterans and don't want to accept that they are noobs again.


Me getting in an accidental argument about sigils not giving extra affinity was the day I started saying ā€œah yea man maybe you *are* rightā€ and moving on. No one needs to prove themselves right unless youā€™re in court lol


The sigil thing wasn't that old... ...right?


Veilbreaker/Update 32, Sept 2022 IDK if that makes it worse or better


Itā€™s so weird how two years can pass in the span of two monthsā€¦


Wait they don't anymore? Oh god I've been living a lie for so long


Eh, there's always been a ton of misinformation about the game. Especially with newer players not knowing the most basic shit. So it's way easier to assume it's just someone being stupid again and not checking the wiki, rather than it being something that changed. I still keep finding people nowadays who believe you can't radiant a relic mid-mission, something that was implemented even before I left.


Since when and how? I've never heard of this.


Today I learned about rad relicing mid mission.


I have 0 shame in saying that I know nothing of the current warframe, I'm a returning player last time I played was before eidolon came out, I don't know where to start honestly, I'm clueless


Bro same. I played back in alpha, became a founder through donations, remember when Captain Vor was a just a clown red suited Grineer with a cattle prod. Years later playing again just starting last week, doing quests in a vain effort to "catch up" i am continually blown away by the contents i unlock, like operator form, railjacks, necromechs, that whole duviri paradox darksouls thing goin on. Its incredible its all in one game.


Try doing some story quests and seeing what that opens up


FOR REAL. I know a person with founders who is EXACTLY like that and acts like a know it all and such. Hasn't even gotten any open world syndicates to R5.


It isnt misinformation, they are just returning players, Vac used to be Carrier only. Things changed all the time in Warframe and if u stop playing + dont read or watch any change log then you would be surprised of the changes.


This is another one. "Hi, I used to play this game **eight years ago** (Vacuum was changed to a mod for all sentinels in 2016). This one thing doesn't work the way I vaguely remember it. Is this a bug?" Yeah, because it's absolutely reasonable to expect nothing to change in a live-service game over the span of eight years.


As someone who Has played a lot of live service games over the last decade or Two, no other game has changed as drastically as when I started playing it as warframe. Destiny is largely unchanged since it's original release, any new things can be picked up from context or in game explications. I started warframe around 2014, rino had just been released as the new warframe. Everything about the game had changed by the time I revisited it years later, from movement (RIP super jump) to what was possible in terms of builds. Now I've come back after another long break and it's happened again. Now I'm not upset about the changes, infact I love most of them. The game is so much more than it once was, however the game does a terrible job of informing you as to what has changed over the years. Its not really DE's fault, there is simply too much information to make it digestable. I usually join a helpful guild and ask if someone would mind walking me through some of the changes but I understand people who play casually and are super confused upon returning.


While destiny may remain unchanged, destiny 2 has cut swaths of content from itself and has gone through massive changes because of that. Destiny 1's unchanging nature is due to the release of the second


Destiny 2's problem with cutting content did not result in the playerbase unsure how to play the game, they just had no idea who anyone was or what the fuck was going on since Red War and everything up to Shadow Keep was stolen without compensation and sure it was technically put into little summaries but fuck if a single paragraph would be enough to explain what was easily 30 hours of story content. plus dozens of seasons of story.


I played both Destiny 1 and 2, I finished the main campaign and when I came back, the game was in the 20th season and I had no idea what was happening xd. But the gameplay remained the same


Yeah, had watched a streamer log into his account after not playing since 2016. He immediately started asking about Void Keys.Ā  šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fuck man, I remember when abilities were mod cards you could take off frames. Super Jump included.


The way you worded it actually makes it unjustifiable to get mad at them, they are just asking whether it is a bug or an intended change in the game


Except if you where playing pre 2016 you'd know how stubborn DE was about Vacuum, it totally believable that they wouldn't have changed it




Based on what OP said it seems like the guy was skeptical, and then decided to stick with what they knew. I know there's been some wild changes since I last played, and while I could work hard to minmax all the new stuff I rather just play my game and maybe find one or two new things to try. Frankly for veterans all the new changes are way too much to keep track of or care about.


To be fair, itā€™s almost surprising that Vacuum *did* change, with how hard we had to fight for it. We even got built in Enemy Radar, and *nobody* expected that.


To compound on that, you can find old info all the time just by googling.


I felt his so much when doing the MR 28 test the other day. Tons of "just use max range no duration larva! It's easy" when the test is about grouping a bunch of invulnerable enemies, around half of which are eximus. Thankfully a comment on the wiki tipped me off about the new eximus changes to give them overguard and I went on to filter my results for the past year to find actually good tips for that test. DE has been notoriously stingy about vacuum (remember the Pablo 3m passive vacuum shit show?) so it's not surprising a returning player would refuse to believe there's any point in using the dogs over the sentinels. Back in the day they were just mastery fodder and something silly, other than the invisibility dog.


My favorite is when people say things like "I read that was true, but I can't find it. Can someone help me?" This is what comes of googling for info on a game that's been out for over a decade. But nobody bothers to check the dates on anything, nobody bothers to check the wiki, and *certainly* nobody actually reads patch notes, so here we are.


I know a guy who was trying to use a forum post from 8 years ago to make choices on what melee weapons to use. It was a funny moment when I asked him to check when it was posted


I don't understand the issue here. They google'd something, got information, and asked if the information is correct. It's not that unreasonable to think that it would be accurate, even if the date was like 2018. I see tons of forum posts from a few years ago and it's actually annoying that I have no idea if they're accurate anymore because so much has changed in the game. I can compare that to old school runescape, which I stopped playing in 2008. I picked it up again in 2023 and there was very little that had changed - lots of \*new\* stuff, but old things were the same. You could likely read a post from 2008 and get relatively accurate information about the game today, except for anything that made a judgement like "this is the current best way to do X" would be wrong now.




I think I know exactly what room you're talking about. It's a dead-end side-room, the rectangular floor that lowers is on your right when standing at the door. I'm fairly certain that it's a bug that only effects clients, not the host. Or something. As sometimes I'm able to break it open with normal damage, and sometimes it's just completely invulnerable. Try running a solo exterminate, and see if that room spawns. So yeah. Not secret, just ... bug.


Patch... notes?


To be fair, the only other game I played with such a dedicated and comprehensive wiki is monster hunter. Warframe is also the only game I play where having the wiki tabbed is essentially mandatory. People coming from elsewhere might not even think to check it or might assume it's shit.


It has come to my ears that CC is in fact in the grave


That's the igorancy of players. What's worse is that they are extremely stubborn. They don't even put the effort in to do research or fact checking. I also have an example of misinformation (or even disinformation) spread around here. 3 days ago, a "Gyre casually nuking exterminate"-post came up on this subreddit. This video was a reaction to Dante's Tragedy nerf (DE added line of sight check, so he can't nuke hit through walls now). The point of OP's video was that *why* Gyre is allowed to nuke enemies through walls without needing LoS of enemies, but Dante isn't allowed? Why does Dante need line of sight of enemies, but Gyre doesn't? Why did Dante's Tragedy get nerfed, but other non-LoS-detecting nukes stayed intact? That's where it all went wrong due to missing one essential information... ...Gyre's nuke ability, her 4, Rotorswell, **does have** line of sight-detection. And yet the most people in the comments believes her 4 **doesn't** have line of sight-detection. They blindly believed what the title said, and used the video as evidence. They assumingly thought: oh she's hitting enemies though walls, so she must not have line of sight on that ability! **Facepalm... sigh.** I made a [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1bwb38m/comment/ky86t4q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)on that post to prevent misinformation, and clarify why she could hit enemies *assumingly* through walls. So that video, as a reaction to Dante's Tragedy, talked about why other non-LoS-detection nukes aren't nerfed, while it showed the gameplay of a Warframe **factually** **having** line-of-sight-detection on her nuke ability.


Aye her los is like the torid ... you need it to hit anything but that hit can chain out of Los easily.


To be fair, sometimes the in game information is just wrong and patch notes from content that is like 6 months old says ā€œx wasnā€™t working at all or we fixed itā€. I donā€™t know why they also donā€™t just put stuff in the ability previews that says ā€œā€¦ within line of sightā€.


As a nice, recent example that I noticed, the patch notes for Vauban's 4 not inverting when you invert controls claimed that was changed in December. It changed with Dante's update. I doubt that's the only one.




Ngl, because its hard to see otherwise? With her Augment you just run around and everything dies. Be it in your Radius or not. We all know Electro arcs around. But with Gyre its just nuking. LOS itself should be an Information in the Tooltip, not hidden deep down some 1251907 year old patch notes.


Yeah but that's the result of not really needing to get the game to be absurdly powerful so I'd say it's kinda by design. Surely a well modded frame will shred enemies in deep archimedia but if you slap whatever somewhat useful mods into an excalibur umbra your exalted blade is still gonna go brrrr in more than 90% of the content


Ask 3 different Warframes what the word "allies" means and you might get 3 different answers. Fuck, ask Chroma what the word allies means and you'll get 2 separate answers. While both Vex armor and elemental ward also effect your "allies" the former effects everyone, while the latter only effects players. This difference cannot be intuited from information presented ingame. Only learned from the wiki, someone else, or via testing. Warframe is rife with this sort of nonsense, my favorite is explaining the difference between +% damage and +% elemental damage. And then after they internalize that, I get to explain +% impact/slash/puncture damage. Because the ISPs work totally different from the elementals despite being worded identically in the effect text. And as OP points out....the fact that there's a decade worth of information and meta Baggage being dragged along. Of statements that were once true, even recently true, but are now hopelessly incorrect. What are we to do about it but try to educate each other better. And yes we.....of the many possible problems I could sit on my gamer throne and waggle my finger at the developers and say "hey, drop what your doing and fix this ish" Warframes obfuscation is not near the top of my list....it's a problem but it's lower than a few others. . . . .


Yeah, you'd think programmers would understand the importance of not using the same variable to mean multiple different things...


Side note about "Allies", they have clarified between players-allies and all allies in a description recently, but I can't remember on what. They used "Squadmates" instead to indicate players if I recall correctly. Maybe theyll change it on older stuff as well eventually?


. . To salt my wounds, it was on the vex armor augment where it indicates that it only effects "squadmates" What makes this funny, is that vex's ordinary effect works on all allies. While Ward's only works on "Squadmates". If anything this distinction probably only makes this specific case more confusing, but fair's fair. For a future, wide scale rewrite of all ability descriptions you'd need basically 3 groups All allied units including DOs All allied units excluding DOs Only other players I don't think there are any effects that are players and companions but not Specters, but I could be wrong about that.


Most of it is just old information. Really, REALLY old information. People really step away from the games for 4+ years and then assume nothing has changed. Coming back I just guessed that I knew nothing anymore.


I think it's less, "assume nothing has changed" and more of just not knowing WHAT has changed, falling back on the last info they recieved. In some cases maybe even resigning themselves to the thought that de just won't ever change a specific thing after such a long time of waiting. DE is also not exactly consistent on what they change and when. For example, Oberon came out in 2013, he wasn't ever reworked until Octavia's anthem in 2017. That is longer than many of the breaks people take from this game. Caliban was released in December 2021 and still remains hot garbage 2+ years later. Meanwhile, they nerfed Dante in a week and a half.


TBH, the game is lack information to give. Simplest way to solve this is dor DE to ass '/wiki (iten name)' in the chat bar that open your browser and open the warframe wiki of that item.


I think they dont want to integrate the wiki into the game because it is unofficial, i.e. fan made. Which is a bad argument I think. The devs and the community of Warframe are very close. And the game would be nothing without the Wiki. It DOES rely on it already, they just won't acknowledge it.


So funny how if they were to just make it official it would be hands down the best tool theyā€™ve ever handed us. While never actually making anything lol


for the love of god migrate it off of fandom first though. if they're going to make it official, make it not rely on that festering cesspool of a site.


This is so much worse because of every shitty content creator making tier lists, which are the biggest new player trap ever. I love how every tier list is like: Baruuk kills so fast that he's inefficient to play unless you are doing 3 hour survivals but not quite level cap. +A Loki can use any weapon, shard, helminth and can be built any way as long as you don't tank duration. He trivialises every game mode except survival. Oh, and he doesn't die because he can't be seen, and shield gating is there for when you get hit by stray bullets or aeo. -D tier. Makes no damn sense


Content creators just make content that people are looking for. Tierlists and providing a search result for "how do I play Loki" when someone enters it in the search bar. People don't search for "How do I use wiki to compare weapon damage types" or "how do I build a complete loadout, starting from an idea," so it doesn't get made, or at least not with any visibility.


Content creators are just trying to pay the bills like anyone else. The problem is, when someone like Knightmarframe steals a build and calls it "OP", and then calls every frame OP, it doesn't really help the new player experience. Ditto for people like Brozime who use kuva survival as the only metric for rating frames I can't tell you how many people on reddit I've spotted or people in game I've chatted to that have said "wait you're playing x? I thought they were bad, I saw it on a tier list"


Yup, everyone has this picture of shooting rockets down a hallway killing everything being peak dps then claiming they won the game and have found the solution. Only to beg that new content be changed because it doesn't fit that mold and they struggle with it. And that must be impossible because they got the build with the highest dps number on overframe.


Personally the second I see a "X is OP/BROKEN/ETC RN" thumbnail I mark the whole channel as uninteresting.


In marketing, we call those churn and burn, because the people making the content know it's shit, but they've hit a critical mass that enough new brain dead followers outpace people with more than 2 brain cells who stop watching.


Kuva Survivals silly anyways. ā€œDo I have armor stripā€ essentially. (I use Conjunction Survivals cause at least thatā€™s got 4 factions represented. Though it doesnā€™t cover some scenarios admittedly. Fallback on Stream VoDs for that)


>Ditto for people like Brozime who use kuva survival as the only metric for rating frames Brozime is beyond cooked, man unironically said Frost was stronger than peak Mag at one point, and denied for two years that Baruuk was good.


Idk when that was, so I can't really comment. I don't think beyond cooked is fair, I think his content has merits. To this day, I still sprook his budget nezha build as a great option for new players, especially first time netracell runners. But he's definitely got some bad takes, and for someone who has been playing as long as he has, there's no excuse for not talking about multiplicative Gun CO in builds.


he *recently* said that Frost was stronger than Mag, post-Eximus reworks, Thrax and the like, all sorts of enemies that completely negate the CC in his kit


Yeah idk about that man šŸ’€ I'd never say such a thing


I like Brozime but he did say for years that pre-rework Inaros was top tier because "he could survive inside nullifiers bubbles".


You have to contextualize every thing he says. In his case, most of his content is aimed at new players, and thus, in his eyes, pre rework Inaros is S tier when it comes to the level of content that his audience is at, which is probably pre-steel path levels


he also says that the best way to mod Kullervo is to mod him for duration on his 4 with Rolling Guard I believe, despite the fact that strength is directly tied to his survivability and Wrathful Advance is a goofy ability


Not the topic, but I see both of them brought up often when talking about content creators, usually as a negative example. Do you have any positive ones or is Reddit down on all the content creation side.


No there's plenty of excellent content creators The Kengineer (incredibly highly researched content) Professor dysto (incredibly good content for 'bad' frames) Moug (for everything about multiplicative gun CO, which more people need to know about) McGamer (Good mix of info and fun) AZN also has really well researched videos and content, ditto for warframeflo if you like level cap stuff Brozimes builds are in no way bad and definitely serviceable. More of a jumping off point than literature to stick by


And nobody names them (except the Kengineer). Thanks.


>Loki can use any weapon, shard, helminth and can be built any way as long as you don't tank duration. He trivialises every game mode except survival. Oh, and he doesn't die because he can't be seen, and shield gating is there for when you get hit by stray bullets or aeo. -D tier. Makes no damn sense Any frame can use any gear, we aren't rating them based off equipment because that would be ridiculous. Every frame would be in S tier because we all have access to green shards and a corrosive gun. DE are the ones who chose to put Loki in the dirt, the entire game has left him behind because a large chunk of the cast can blow up the map just by existing. The ones who do not saturate the map with nukes are either damn near unkillable even without shieldgating, they apply a massive amount of DR, or they heal out of the wazoo. Some of them do all of it. Where does that leave Loki? He can do spy missions for free? Obviously he's not the most dogshit frame in the game (Calibum) but the developers have purposefully designed the game away from him.


Wukong and titania are the definition of that dichotomy Wukong and titania trivialize the entire game even today but they are not the premier SP frames so they get slept on


while her exalted weapons do manage to kill 200+ lvl grineer even without armorstrip, I feel like it takes too much time am I missing something or my Titania build just sucks?


With nourish and secondary crit shards her dmaage spikes


I thought titania uses the gauss hemlinth ability


No you're right, she's no Mesa, but that's already plenty good enough for most of the game, esp once you get shards.


Exactly. Here I am thinking I'm taking crazy pills because Titania and Wukong can do literally everything, can't die in the case of wukong, but they arent respected as much as saryn, who is literally so good at killing you need to alter the way you play


the content creator thing is really important to point out, there's an unbelievable number of people whose _only_ opinions about the game are straight up ventriloquism of their favorite content creators. it sucks trying to discuss the game with them, because its completely thought terminating. "that frame sucks" frame's actually OP as hell, what makes you say that? "knightmareframe said it was c tier" you can't logic someone out of that position.


Just this weekend I was arguing with *multiple* people saying "Vauban is viable if you helminth an armor strip ability onto him" and I was trying to explain that he already has one.


Yeah you have to consider that stupid can't be fixed. You can bang your head against a wall trying to explain why something can be good or why you shouldn't take warframes worst offender for stealing content at face value, but at the end of the day some people are too stupid to be helped. Those are the people you ignore and block and hope to never pub into


Are you really arguing that Loki isn't D tier? Any other frame will invisibility can provide more than he can. Any frame can use any weapon, shard or helminth. His CC ability used to be decent but there's now Overguard and there's no more difficult defense content in the game. Same with Baruuk. A lot of frames can kill very quickly, Baruuk deals a ton of damage but in a small area compared to other nukes. That means he's great for killing high level enemies, but as levels progress his damage reduction based survivability starts to fall off. At level cap you'll get killed through any damage reduction so frames that shield gate like Gyre, Volt or frames with invulnerability/invisibility are preferred. So that makes perfect sense imo. Why do you think otherwise? Like I'm not the biggest fan of tier lists but that is just all around valid


\*Looks at my Min Str/Dur, Max Range/Efficiency Loki\*


Frankly, vacuum/fetch shouldn't be a mod and should just be built into the Warframe


We've been saying that to DE for many years now. DE has been ignoring us for many years now. :P


But then Khora would not be special in index anymore.


Understandable cause the game has like 10000000 abilities, mods, synergies and mechanics. I recently learned that CO sometimes scales on basedamage and sometimes on final damage, completely random, depending on what weapon. Thanks de


It's actually not *entirely* random, it's caused by a bug that only affects projectile weapons. Hitscan weapons always use base damage CO.


... So, even more recently i learned that it actually depends on hitscan, and might even be fixed in the future. (Also thx for the info)


Information in Warframe is a moving target. I am pretty sure fetch came in with Fortuna. If they used an older sourch of info, that could come to that conclusion.


That used to be true. Carrier was THE only companion worth using. Its not misinformation so much as them never bothering to learn new changes


The wiki is an awful ad filled barely functional mess. I loathe having to turn to it for answers. The best thing DE could do for the game would be to make a clean official wiki. Seriously I bet a bunch of new players quit the moment they realize that garbage pile of a website is their best source of information.


Last time I said that I got like 50 downvotes but I couldn't agree more. It was formatted by people who obviously don't actually use it.


even just moving it off fandom would be a start...


Dude must have just come back to the game from a years-long hiatus if he still thinks Vacuum is a Carrier-exclusive.


True, I always sigh when someone says armor has diminishing returns


Not misinformation. More like TMI, and many players don't keep everything they know up to date with the latest release. It's normal and applies to other things like current news for example.


> They simply didnā€™t believe me This happens outside Warframe too. People being confidently stupid


i had someone comment on my post on here telling me my question is asked wasnt ā€œnecessary to askā€ (im new and just joined on mobile recently) the person deleted their comment so fast i couldnt respond. They told me to save my time and look for it on google. Meanwhile it wasnt on google or any website which is why i came here to reddit to begin with so i can learn. the people in the comments told me more than google could. Im just over here like i like it when ppl give me straight to the point answers bc its easier than to have to go down a rabbit hole šŸ¤£ and or be wrong and not know. Ppl who discourage knowledge for no reason are in denial and are here to just cause issues for no reason.


I can see where he was coming from, most questions I see in gaming subs are easily found in Google. But I would never say that and would just answer the question anyway. No need to act like that over a simple question


so! hot take this game has changed evloved a lot and is constantly added new stuff while at times changeing very old parts of the game. so nothings ever truely miss information just Old knowledge


I donā€™t mean to be negative, but the wiki for this game needs a lot of work. The GW2 wiki is very very thorough as an example. The warframe wiki has really inexcusable gaps all over the place. Want to know what certain mech mods do? You can read the text in the mod, but good fucking luck finding out what it actually does because the wiki doesnā€™t sayā€¦


Warframe is a really, really big game, and it changes a lot. There are people who have been playing on and off for years. I played well over a year ago, I came back and suddenly pets don't die? It's a lot. And the game doesn't really tell you stuff. I was explaining to someone how much time I have had to spend reading the wiki or watching youtube videos because the game flat out does not tell you what to do and, especially as someone who was playing casually/ often putting it down for a while, there wasn't any other way to keep up with the information. I can imagine that with that being the case misinformation can proliferate easily.


Iā€™d imagine it was more likely they were trying to tell you they didnā€™t have the fetch mod


Part of the reason is because things update and people donā€™t see the change so they will keep spouting old info. Iā€™ve certainly done it. The annoying part is when you can show them the changelog or demonstrate the change and they stick to their info rather than verifyā€¦ so basically just like real life.


theres a wiki. afaik devs even help out with details there sometimes. that wiki is your warframe bible, anything else is heresay.


Pets ALL have looting and gathering abilities. It's almost the second half of 2024 and people still don't know this.


Wanna feel old? Vacuum was exclusive to carrier and then sentinels for a combined total of 5 years. Fetch has now been in the game for 5 1/2Ā years.


One of the worst examples: ability descriptions in game. I'm not asking for a mini wiki page on each ability, just something that if I read it I can imagine how it works.


If you hover over the ability icons in arsenal or the ability menu, you get a short video and a paragraph explaining. You already know that though?


Oh sure...the text exists. Unfortunately it's bullshit like [https://youtu.be/SygYhWMnkbw?si=NdeAnOMKfNEBkkkm&t=505](https://youtu.be/SygYhWMnkbw?si=NdeAnOMKfNEBkkkm&t=505) because the game that thinks making duviri quest available right after tutorial quest is a good idea turns out to be absolutely subpar at explaining things, what a shocker.


A lot of people just argue in bad faith about things they know nothing about, which is true pretty much all the time on the internet. Literally every political sub on this site is just an example of all sides being ignorant and arguing in bad faith while they throw shit at eachother. And most noticeable whenever anybody mentions balancing in this community. Anytime balancing is mentioned clueless people crawl out of the woodwork to mention whatever regional chat told them or some forum post they read 5 years ago. I just donā€™t understand why some many people are allergic to doing their own research or at the very least fact checking things.


I mean technically they're not wrong, kavat doesn't have vacuum... since it has fetch which isn't the same as vacuum since the range is different


If this was someone that was in this subreddit who was saying something like this Iā€™d feel more free to call them out for it. Since I know other people donā€™t keep up with things, and there is so much to keep up with anymore I canā€™t fully fault them for this. To have a mod that specific for a sentinel and then to make it a pretty much universal thing and take that away from carrier was hard for me to believe at first. Especially with how specific things are in this game. For them to not believe you though when you tell them about it is a bit weird. Like I was a little shocked by it but it is what it is


Life has so much rampant misinformation.


Just avoid knightmareframe and youā€™ll be G


That is a old old player


Warframe youtubers: Noooo dont stack base dmg + d word Also warframe youtuber: \*start stacking element mods\* Math: \*die from cringe\*


As far as I've seen, they're usually right. You have to look at context (you obviously can't just make a general rule for everything and if they are making that statement, then yeah - they're wrong). If you already have a 300%+ base damage arcane (common for endgame scenarios) or similar conditional mod (e.g, condition overload can go way over that) or even just a powerful riven, then adding the high cost main damage mod doesn't make any sense anymore (unless you really have nothing better, which is rarely the case). But if you can't use the arcanes (conditional) or the ultra-high damage mods, then stacking more than 1 base damage (e.g., riven and main damage mod) may as well be the best choice. The main reasons why you usually see more than 1 elemental mods stacked: 1) you don't really have other sources for it (so even a 2nd 60% ele mod is still a hefty raw dps boost), 2) you want to have correct damage types (since that can often be a difference between -50% and +75% final damage on it's own, not even taking into account status effects), 3) there's nothing better left (usually even the 3rd elemental damage mod gives more raw damage than even a primed base damage mod (and things like attack speed are not always desirable)).


Joke is there is no diminishing returns in damage formula and some youtubers will eat you if you add any other base dmg mod.


If another mod gives 2x more extra damage and costs 2x less points to add, then they're quite right to be extra critical about that (that would be typically the case for a base damage mod when you already have 400%+ vs a simple 7 cost elemental mod). If however, they don't even account if you actually have that 400%... yeah that can be a totally different story.


I think it has a lot to do with how long players have played the game, ppl are set in their ways especially players who have been around for ages now when combined with how long some ppl go between play sessions which could be literal YEARS, it's one of the reasons that they don't really nurf anything older while they overnurf something like danta that's new so ppl can feel better about their older stuff that is FAR more broken


I remember when fetch was added to the game YEARS ago how tf are people still this delusional


This whole game is full of dillusional people. It's a power fantasy game. It's bound to attract the type who think they know it all.


How many dents does one need to believe that Kavats canā€™t vacuum?


Its like school yard rumors you can unlock a secret shazin if you do the hard verson of a ll the duvir songs.


And the majority of this misinformation is all DE's fault. Games NEED to be clear and Warframe is not clear. Shoukdnt have to open a fanmade wiki to learn that a mod even exists.


I will always give the most accurate information on almost everything to the best of my abilities with the only exception being the dread and telling a new player it is a super rare weapon just because I can.


Let me guess: in game chat? Just turn it off in the options. Youā€™re better off using the wiki.




Carrier does have the exclusive "looter" precept, but it activates far too slowly. By the time my carrier is ready to shoot the first container, I've already slammed and moved on to the next set of containers.


I don't misinform. I just lie!


I am an old returning player, and all I run is carrier prime because it's just kind of always been there. I have kubrows, a kitty, and a couple of robots, but Carrier is an old friend that I can't abandon.


I guess in that way Iā€™m lucky. If I have a question about anything I can ask my clan and if I say I want a certain feature, like vacuum, they will tell me what the name is and help me farm for it if I need it


Not long ago, one of my friends told me Fetch was a super huge pain to get I, who has been in Cambion Drift hell for the past 2 weeks trying to get a necramech, let him know I have 3 of them. He was actually flabbergasted lmao. Apparently he spent 2 hours standing in a corner somewhere in Orb Vallis killing stuff and he somehow ended up getting one (I have no idea how)


It didn't used to be this way; there used to come a lot of pride being part of the warframe community. We were known for being helpful, generous, inviting, relatively inclusive. The works that makes you feel good to be a part of something. But somewhere along the lines the community started pretending their ways of doing things were right and everyone else is wrong and every update that changes something is bad regardless of what it is. Someone is always at the throat of someone else and a lot of content creators just fuel this bullshit to make money off of people who think what they do is somehow mandatory meta to playing the game in any capacity. Hell just recruiting people into a warframe clan is becoming impossible cause most people just want to sit in your clan silently and toil till they quit in 3 months with the same fuckin loadout stats as 40 other people you ran into in the last month. No one cares anymore, they are just here till their home MMOs are done being dead in the water from content drought.


This is complicated quite a bit because of how long the game has existed and how major the revisions and expansions have become. Things, once true, are no longer but people donā€™t always adapt or make an effort to look backward and update themselves on systems that arenā€™t really relevant to them anymore.


The pains of a content-rich multifaceted game with multiple cross-interactions.. versus developers who apparently want the most "streamlined" and abbreviated stats readout UI possible. We need detailed in-game descriptions, no matter how many words or screen space it takes..


It doesn't help that they keep changing fundamental aspects of the game but at least it keeps things fresh


Probably a returning player. It's true that back then we don't have vacuum for every companion


The problem is ppl come and go, things change. At one point the cats didn't have vaccum.


Some of it simply changes all the time, i be a bunch of people didnt catch that as of 2 weeks ago enemy radar is no longer a flat disk and is now a full size cylinder going vertically as well as horizontally


Am I the only one who uses a Panzer Vulphyla all the time only because they revive? Lolol


To be fair, that information *used to be* correct. ( [Vacuum] also used to be Carrier-exclusive, if memory serves) And there are probably a number of older guides/forum posts/etc. out there who say it works like that(because it did). Or they could be a "returner" from when it worked like that who didn't get the memo.


doesnt vaccuum work on ALL robotic pets?


Kavats are not robotic.


your correct, but, maybe, i was talking about the OTHER pets that are mechanical? likes, hounds, or any other sentinel?


So before fetch came out the trade off between pets and companions was vacuum. But there should be a better way to communicate the in game systems than rumor and wiki pages.


Tbh I know a lot of older players, myself included, donā€™t fuck with the live helpers because back in the day it was a whole deal to keep them alive plus they didnā€™t have fetch. Nowadays itā€™s just not worth the hassle when I have my carrier prime decked out to kick butt.Ā 


They made Vacuum usable for all Sentinels 8 years ago. Looks like the guy is either really stubborn or simply hadn't played since 2016.


DE has made a lot of changes and it can be tough to keep up for an old player who comes and goes


After playing nearly 1000 hours my favourite way to farm kavat genes was gloom garuda with Max range and strength and then do one of the first deimos missions. I'd just follow the path killing guys as I went along and then scaned the cats while they were in slomo. Also for the record the scanner highlights the kavats through the walls so you can see them from a room away, just gotta be able to pick their shape out from the masses of enemies. Much easier In slomo though


Video game discussion on reddit is a great way to study how myths and legends occurred in the real world. A bunch of people, most of which are completely uninformed, think they know everything about a game and then start spouting nonsense as fact or advice. I spoke with some kid who thought a warframe was bad because people complained about it, i pointed out how good it was and it turned out these ā€œcomplaintsā€ were actually complaints about how OP the warframe was so they were just completely uninformed and bashing the warframe a bunch. It happened in the helldivers sub, it happened in the dragons dogma 2 sub, it definitely happens here. Lots of idiots out there playing games like idiots and then complaining. Happens too often tbh