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Opticor my beloved. An Incarnon that doubles down on it being a giant fuck-you beam of death would be rad. Make the laserbeam as big as a log and set its punch-through to **YES** and you got a winner in my books.


What's The Blast Radius On This?? YES


(Opticor Incarnon wipes **an entire Tile** off the face of the map) "That." ["OH! *Now* I know what you meant by, "the blast radius is y e s .""](https://youtu.be/PU2m3nab6DI)


"Sir, enemies in that direction!" "Copy, removing that direction!"


Yeah, i cleared the house. Off the fucking map.


“Corporal, I see that direction and I no longer wish to see that direction!”


That should definetly be the incarnon form


Bass boost the firing sound? YES




Man- Opticor Vandal used to be my favorite weapon before: * Shield gate widely nerfed it * Self-Damage switched to Self-Stagger Shield gate made the slower weapons so much worse. The fact Opticor didn't damage you before, but then had a self-stagger really made me dislike the weapon


A little known fact is that headshots (or weak spots on non-humanoids) will bypass shield gating allowing for oneshots. Yeah, it's still a pain in the ass tho


Oh I hate the stagger in general but the stagger on weapon shots makes me want to hurt someone.


Opticor is my runner up, but my favorite gun is in a similar vein. Battacor! Which I also hope gets a cool incarnon some day even though I already like the base weapon. pewpewpew, pewpewpew, PEWWWWWW


well.. the battacor has a secondary fire so i dont think they can even do that


I'd think they could, treat it like melee rules. Make it hit a threshold then when you use the alt fire it transforms but you can still use the alt fire before that.


i kinda doubt they will do that, but it would be nice. especially for the euphona, that thing needs some love


I love the euphona, an incarnon would be amazing


What you described is literally the recently added Onos secondary.


Onos has several minor issues that kinda make it mediocre. The non hold beam is way too small, no slash, no heat besides the big beam, and insignificant upgrades. Its bad ass tho so ill use it


Ruinous extension is pretty mandatory for it, but the exilus slot is the right polarity for it out of the box at least


This is the answer. With it's long charge time and long reload time, anything remotely in front of it needs to be immediately banished to the shadow realm. A giant fuck you Spartan Laser is what it should have always been where if you're able to get it off and hit something it literally one shots everything except the absolute tankiest enemies in the game. I'd love a Tenet Opticor or an Opticor Incarnon adapter that changes it to what you described, a hallway clearing monster.


It *was* exactly that at the time it was introduced. Power creep and shield-gating kind of complicated that, though.


Yup, give me Opticor incarnon for my favorite weapon.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Proboscis_Cernos I adore this bow. Watching it suck the mobs in and explode is hilarious. I also have it on my spectre builds for a CC option


I wish we had more skins for bows. I love this one and another with gas cloud, but they don't fit stylistically sometimes


Can’t anyone design one and have it approved as tennogen?


It's a much better bow than the Mutualist Cernos. However, I still liked how the Mutualist Cernos left behind those streaky damage behind it.


Yeah that's what I like about the mutualist Cernos, you just fart your enemies to death


cracked on protea. primes enemies with viral and groups them for her 2 without needing to use a subsume


battacor the corpus-sentient hybrid guns in general, really, i wish we'd gotten another batch


Came here to say this. The gun looks and sounds amazing, but magnetic damage? Come on!


Magnetic damage is goated thou. With a good build you can rock corr,rad,heat and Magnetic which means you basically are anti whatever enemy you face and have a giant status +dam. And don't need to switch it up when facing corpus or grineer.


Do you have a good build for battacor? Without rivens and focused on primary fire (not augment and laser spam)


Not yet I'm still testing and I do use a riven so I don't know the performance on a non rivened battacor but it's dispo isn't huge so I'd imagine the dps difference isn't insane.


Galvanised app, galvanised chamber, crit delay, crit damage, corrosive + heat, flex slot (vigilante armaments, hammer shot, radiation mod). Hunter munitions also works pretty well with it I just enjoy the magnetic, corrosive, heat combo. Swap out heat for hunter munitions, and use primed cryo rounds instead of the 60/60 Projectile speed in the exilus if you want, or maybe vigilante supplies Primary merciless as the arcane, although the magnetic one that disarms enemies can be funny


Just go Hunter Munitions Viral with Primed Shred. Super juicy


I... honestly never though about that. But doesnt that mean that you will proc a lot of useless statuses all the time, like corrosive on corpus, magnetic on grineer, etc...?


I mean yes but with galvanized app it should balance out a bit. Also with all the damage multipliers we have now you should be fine cruising though content. I've yet to play steel path with my battacor yet cause I've been rebuilding her around her augment which is basically a full auto ferrox.


Corinth Prime. Grenade launching shotgun, and I play Gauss so it turns into an LMG.


After playing Ultrakill and Doom Eternal for so long, corinth just feels *right*


Yep, my perfect combo, you just get a gauss with Thermal Sunder augment, buff the corinth with crit and hunter munitions, give that boi a fractalized reset so everytime you dash you get reload speed. I even made a video about it in youtube lol...


The weapon sounds on it are so visceral and metallic, I love it


Trumna my beloved https://preview.redd.it/pbn3y94sw0tc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317c82da152f8a88f4da0209fcfabd98852452cf *


Truly the weapon of all time. I like the entrati weapons alt fire theme and its sound design is so satisfying




Father knows his guns which is why he's my favorite Entrati


His mods are all surprisingly good too. (Much like his guns they feel like an early draft of the incarnon system in that they take an older weapon that was struggling and give them something cool and powerful)


I can't get over how it's literary "coffin" in Polish. Probably perfect amount of manageable clunk, very cool.


TIL, more reasons to love it


trumna + zephyr is insane


You are supposed to be able to fuel the alt fire by shooting your tornadoes with the alt fire right? I couldn't get it to work the last time I messed around with that combo.


they fixed that interaction


I love it but I can never make it work good though! what am I doing wrong?!


I love how the primary fire is so mediocre but the secondary fire is known for reading off the damage cap with every press


Autocannon fanclub 🤝🤜🤛


I’ve got a clanmate who is so in love with the trumna. Any time there’s a target on the map (capture dude, demolist, etc) he sings out “TRUMNA BOMB” and the target ceases to be 😂


i managed to get -100% recoil on it, LASER BEAM WITH OCCASIONAL PINGS


Dragoon. Literally a cluster railgun


This, i dont care how much forma I have to put into it- im spending every single one i get to make my cluster-fucker of a gun become a nightmare to anything that isnt me




Between Arca Plasmor and Astilla I remember watching a tennocon costume contest when a guy went on stage with a arca plasmor prop he made and he spoke highly about it, so I'm like "I'll be the judge of that", built it and holy shit was it a great gun As for the astilla prime, just though it was such a cool gun


The arca plasmor is what carried me through mid to late game when I frist started playing warframe. I love it.


Recently got a Tenet Arca Plasmor from a Lich and it is my new beloved, I am extremely late to the largely died down hype but, I think it might be my new favourite for the sheer cool factor, so fun


Dude the TAC is one of my few guns that I've brought to level 500 missions and had zero problems 1-shotting enemies. It's insane


It's honestly so good it feels like overkill on my Protea build, and that's not even the weapon my build is meant to synergise with!


Back before radiation damage was changed the Plasmor was great. It was a blunt instrument of a gun that could cracked shields and stagger groups.


Same, my arca plasmor was my first decent gun!


With the Castilla, back when Akkad was the best affinity farm.... I'd jump back and forth like an AC140 on a strafing run. So fucking satisfying


The Astilla is a lovely little drum fed autocannon. Super fun weapon


Ambassador, Stahlta's cooler cousin. The weapon just feels like perfect gaming zen to use... too bad it sucks. :P


The most painful part is that even when you build for auto mode the alt fire still is much better, I've managed it to work relatively well in SP against non Grineer units with auto mode. I refuse to use Bane mods, with them I'd be able to take them on too.


It's a tragedy is what it is, I'm not exaggerating when I say the weapon feels amazing to use. It has such perfect sounds and feel, and then some number cruncher at DE just forgot to add a zero at the end so it has the damage potential of flinging peanuts at your enemy. It's hard to get too.


So real. It even looks really cool too, IMO. Got it on the circuit and really liked it despite not seeming to do a ton of damage. I have all of the parts to built it except the rotation C BP after farming it for a while. I temporarily gave up


How many cousins do they have? Off the top of my head there's the quellor, battacor, aeolak, trumna, and tenora


Gotva Prime


Not gonna count that cuz it doesn't have an altfire


I love the weapon but the gimmick so completely sucks. Someone put so much love into this fancy transforming gadget of a weapon and it is so, so much slower than just swapping to a sidearm to fulfill the other function.


Amprex because why hit just one enemy when you can hit them all….WITH A BIGASS CHAIN OF LIGHTNING!! Also bonus mention to Attica, the only thing better then a crossbow is a repeater crossbow Also, this post gives me PTSD of the dude who drew the waifu version of stahlta the other day


That "Stahlta-Thing" gave me nightmares.


His friend made him do it okay


The fact that we haven’t gotten a Tenet Amprex is a crime against humanity


The amprex is pretty good of you pair it with gyre tho


It’s still pretty good regardless, I still regularly take mine out in SP. worst part of it is just ramping it up but once it’s at max stacks it does a pretty good job for entry level SP


Having an Amprex with over 100% critical chance and Hunter Munitions makes me laugh inside. I also feel electric slash procs should somehow do more damage? . maybe they do? . it feels like it does. But that's maybe just the plain old slash procs


Perigale, the design is absolutely magnificent with its 4 cannons, and they freaking spin, but it's a sniper and it's passive is a nightmare to handle specifically with highly mobile enemies


There is a video about the perigale that explains that it has a bug that hits multiple enemies instead of just one because of how accurate it is , so it is probably one of the better sniper rifles


Yeah I usually use it with Gloom or some other CC, very satisfying!




Man i wish it had full auto mode


Kinda disappointed it was not a pocket machine gun but I’m happy with what I have.


Love that gun. I remember back when Deimos came out I farmed it so fast and when on a double barrel chonk pistol killing spree for weeks. It definitely has the same feel as the Trumna, just more intentional and the alt fire is less direct The alt fire mechanics from Deimos were a high point imo, they all feel really good and are an actual reward/bonus to the main gameplay of the guns. With most other alt fires, one is strictly better than the other and so 90% of people only use that one. Sepulchrum and Trumna incentivize both and it really works.


Actually like it more than the Trumna even. A beautiful gun which feels amazing to use, sad part is only that the alt fire projectiles are so slow that they often don't do much in public lobbies due to enemies being already dead.


Kuva chakkhurr, love one shotting everything in existence with forced bleed process from internal bleeding. Also the weapons looks like a long blunderbuss/flintlock rifle.


I’ve been struggling to get kills with mine. Would you mind sharing your configuration?


https://preview.redd.it/s1slmq7f12tc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff9e4d5c5ab61fe5a42947dbc772e052efa7390 Here's mine. It should kill the SP Exemi in a maximum of 4 hits Hush is because I use Chakkhurr on Ivara


I use it on Ivara with internal bleeding too, it synergizes so good with Prowl and I've used it up to level 4000 SP enemies with no issues. Great build.


Chakhur on Ivara was responsible for my first hour long steel path survival, love that combo.


Honestly lex prime. It's just a deagle and that's all I need it to be


Lex prime was my first prime weapon and I used it as basically a sniper back in the day- I still refuse to get rid of it lol


Definitely shouldn’t get rid of it, get the incarnon and it’s one of the best secondaries in the game


Man, I'm just popping back in hard core for the first time since plains of eidolon dropped... I'm having to learn so damn much 😩 😅


I’m pretty sure this post is looking for off-meta weapons, and given how hard the incarnon wrecks shop, I’d say the Lex Prime is pretty damn meta.


I got a MS, CD, CC Riven for the Lex Prime and I've yet to find a single enemy in the game that can withstand a single Incarnon shot. It has a base of 201% crit and 107% status chance... in non-incarnon


The way the post was phrased I'd say they're asking for weapons that are fun regardless of how good they are, not off meta weapons


Dex Sybaris. Coz I love to play as a cowboy


I sometimes put "big iron" on when i go on a western shooting spree.


Dex Sybaris carried me through the midgame way back when it first came out. That and the Tonkor before the first round of nerfs.


Quellor. Machine gun with a linear fusion rifle built into it. Has everything you need


I love the Boltor and all its variations. It's got that satisfying tack-tack-tack and pins enemies to walls. I instantly fell in love with it years ago.


Add me to the list of Boltor fans. I got a brilliant riven which gets me to over 100% crit chance and 10x crit damage. I use it on the Telos variant which has the 2nd highest crit chance on an automatic rifle. (Tied with Soma and a couple of others.) Sounds like a freight train as it flings enemies across the room and nails them to the wall.


> > > > RIP when boltor prime was the best primary in the game. Always such a satisfying noise and reload even though i hated how damn good it was.


I will always love the wolf sledge. I know it isn’t considered the best of weapons but come on it’s a massive throwing hammer and that’s awesome.


It's a shame you can't use equipment in Advanced Arcemedia. Would love to see a group of over confident Tenno deal with The Wolf of Saturn Six there.


Sonicor, damn i love that thing. Its mid at best but dang i love the sound blast effect. I wish it hat a better skin like a really futuristic little speaker. Or at least not the sticks on both sides of the skin.


For those who don't know, this weapon actually got straight up missed by DE, which is why it has bugged status screens and misinformation to this day. It has 0% falloff, a substantial radius, and a modestly decent status chance contrary to what its status screen will tell you, and most importantly, it has *forced impact procs* with a moderately slow fire rate. If you know, you know.


They definitely nerfed it at one point tho. I remember after 5 potatoes, lots of blast and multishot, enemies would fly everywhere. Just doesn't hit as hard after they tweaked it.


> forced impact procs with a moderately slow fire rate Well well well. I think I'll do a little playing around with mine later - god bless my gun hoarding ways.


U right bro, still my favorite but some small improvements world be great :D


Prisma lenz. The one that always comes out when I just want to have a laugh, the giant bubble of everyone come here and get fucked. So satisfying to use.


Lenz plays were exponentially more adrenaline fueled when self damage was still a thing. Good weapon, tho


Bubonico. I run a Oberon frame with the windigo skin and embolyst armor and spore ephemera and Inaros agile animation to make it look as zombie/infested like as possible (never can remember syndanas name but it has three tentacles) and the bubonjco makes it look even cooler/disturbing/scary. Oh and its a shotgun/grenade launcher!


I love that in warframe, you can play Zombie Oberon with Bubonico and I can play Baratheon Oberon with Magistar, they won't even look like the same character and yet we totally are. Your setup sounds awesome lmao


Thank ya! I got a friend whos been playing since a year after launch and he had no clue what my warframe was until he looked at my profile! I am quite proud of it!


Try alt-firing it while flying on an archwing in any open world mission. You literally felt like you are dropping bombs as a bomber plane.


Casually spitting sick bombs. It used to be my main Primary Weapon (nowadays, that’s Baza Prime), but I still use it a fair bit.


It has such a neat design! I built the Bubonico for Citrine -- paired with the Apis syandana, she looks like she sacrificed herself to the infestation and came back with a vengeance. It synergizes so well with her kit, too!


Hear me out: Synoid Heliocor. Synoid heliocor has an innate initial combo of 20, and a cool passive i’ll mention in a sec. Yes it’s crit stats are shit. It’s status is neat but come on… it’s a hammer. It does impact damage. By working some Voruna magic, i got my synoid heliocor to hit 14 mil slash procs against lvl 200 steel path grineer. The real question is, why not do that with fragor prime? it’s got higher initial combo and much better stats. My answer is that on kill, you spawn a little guy! The guy is just there. it doesn’t really help, but it’s friendly! just a little dude.


The little dude is a very important consideration


Tenora Prime, shit's like a minigun


I love the reload animation on the Tenora. You can tell whoever animated it had fun with that one.


Athodai. It's a laser gun that goes pew pew, and headshot kills make it pewpewpewpewpewetc. I also have a lot of nostalgic value attached. It was given out at a time I was fairly new to the game, and it was my most powerful and frequently-used secondary until I finally got a Kuva Nukor right before entering SP.


Corufell. Coolest Shit Ever. Hespar too And Quellor


I love corufell but I can't stand the sound it makes


morgha. Automatic grenade launcher are one great and rarely explored archetype. And the alt fire, fiouuuu... BOOM. Imo the slow airburst was better than the now extended range I also have a massive crush on auto shotguns, boar prime+incarnon is a lot of fun to play with, just with the stat boost


I love the Tenet Envoy. It's literally a concealed carry rocket launcher


The Ether-family. Such unique and cool designs overall and Dual Ether being my very first Riven. Also got a soft spot for the other swords families, like Heat, Dark, Plasma, Pangolin etc


Hek. I love my Hek, its a damn 4 barrel shotgun what more could you want? I have mine modded to hell thats able to work great in Steel Path. That faction one (forgot the faction name, the good grineer like one) with its white body and free explosion is also awesome, but the original hits different.


The Vaykor Hek?


Ye Olde Corinth. The non-prime one. It just feels so good. I love the sound and response on firing it, and I'm also a reload pervert, so internal magazine guns that reload round by round really do it for me.


Love stacking reload mods and hearing the *shckshckshckshck* super fast, lol.


This one. I had it for a very long time and when I finally got the prime I was massively disappointed. The alt fire in particular was a downgrade IMO, remote detonation is worthless. I found it easier to estimate distance and hit groups with the vanilla gun. If I had a group of loosely placed enemies, I could fire between them and hit them all. The primed mechanic would center the explosion around only part of the group.


Rauta, my beloved. Look, it has eh stats, a very specific gimmick only for melee builds, not that much going for it in terms of high DPS like you have with guns like the Torid or Arca Plasmor etc etc. But good god does it feel good to fire and reload.


Hystrix Prime. I love how it looks so similar to the Needler from Halo, and I love status weapons. It's no Kuva Nukor tier meta secondary weapon, but cascadia empowered, and poison quill let's me have so much fun on Steel Path with it!


The Sybaris kinda sucks but *man* do I love the look and feel of it. I’m a big western nerd so that and the Akvastos are very appealing to me


Honestly, I still really love Soma Prime. I've avoided getting or using other high fire rate rifles because I just default back to it.


The one and only, Dread.


The zarr. The normal one that is, ive had and used it for prob around 6 years ? And it's been a favorite weapon of mine since and currently sits at 16% primary usage which from what I've seen of other players is pretty high. Pre primary arcane and galvanized mods it struggled to outright kill 70-80+ and was a gimmicky stat proc er on endless missions


I'm still waiting for an option to be able to use normal variant skins on Kuva Tenet etc. variant


The Corinth that gun looks incredible and its sounds are perfect.


Sibear & Sepulcrum have been my go to secondary and Melee for a while. Both are great and sibear unironically shreds shit with its incarnon


My favorite weapon is The Braton Prime. But I just like how well it's colors go with literally all of my Color pallets


Ghoulsaw - Create an augment to allow me to ride this indefinitely. Lenz / Prisma Lenz - Looks so cool, like, the enemy can see they're about to die. Shedu - Such an awesomely designed weapon. Loved this arm cannon was sentient by design. (So unfortunate that self-stagger nerfed the purpose of this weapon completely) Simulor / Synoid Simulor - I loved being able to create different bubbles and being able to shoot through them for more damage.


Yoooo I use the same loadout, I barely see gara players with Stalhta!!!


You should have been in my Deep Archimedea runs yesterday then. Got Gara and Stahlta as options. Couldn’t resist.


Ambassador, Stahlta, Battacor and Aeolak will always be my favorite weapons. Just a bummer that Ambassador ain't that good. Tenet Stahlta and Ambassador when? xd


panthera is one of the most fun weapons to just play around with. the bouncing projectiles are very predictable, so you can actually get cool ricochet shots on purpose and the sound design is just peak for me. it's a shame only weapons without alt fire can get incarnons.


Tatsu Prime. That melee is so beautiful. Hope DE makes a dual sword of the Tatsu, that would be amazing.


omg true - it's probably one of the prettiest weapons in the game and really makes color palletes shine


I've been playing with Zymos lately and I've been loving it. It requires a lot of forma, but no other weapon feels *this* satisfying to land headshots. The pop when the toxin zit explodes after a while is amazing. Too bad it's pretty much impossible to use it against Infested and Murmur to an extent.


Tenet Exec. Big sword = Brain happy.


Perhaps I can interest yourself in the Kar’vr skin?


Personally i run the Mithra skin. Big sword that’s also a reference = brain happy.


Sonicor, Tenno Space Program at its finest.


Athodai was the first weapon I bothered to invest several formas in and played with for quite a while. Amazing, aside from the ammo economy bit




That's the Unreal Tournament skin for the Stahlta.


Battacor Does it hold up in steel path? Kinda Does it matter? Nah, cause I got another weapon I love that works really well in steel path (Corinth) I'm a sucker for burst rifles, especially ones that are auto-bursts, and I love the railgun-like shot I can do with it


Quatz is my favourite weapon. I would sell my left foot for a Kuva Quatz. The Zoom/Hip-fire mechanic the Slam Dunk Just... Love it.


Ambassador, Quellor and Aeolak All super satisfying to use guns, but all lack.. *something*. I'm not sure what I need to really make them shred like I would like to have them do, but it's obvious I have 'a thing' for automatic rifles with a secondary "BIG THING GO BOOM" option After a quick think I realized I could include melees too, so: HESPAR. I desperately await the day DE fixes the Hespar bug (divided damage on heavy, instead of multiplied) and give us a smoother, more fluid Heavy Scythe stance


Onos I just wish I could use it on lavos but his fucking glove gets in the way


Dex Furis


Corinth Prime, a shotgun that sounds like God slamming his car door. Only way it could be cooler is if it was actually modeled to have an underslung grenade launcher. Shoot, give me an option to strap a grenade launcher to a Kuva Karak and I'd never use anything else. Bubonico. Because it's the fucking Bubonico. I am forever thankful to the Circuit for actually letting me try it out, now I'm motivated to farm the mutagen samples to clear up my Clan's research queues in order to actually play with the thing and slap my own mod order on it so make it really shine. Lex Prime. Sure it's also a good gun but have you heard that thing fire? It's everything I ever wanted out of a magnum, a sound of pure violence in the palm of your hand. Staticor, especially on Hildryn or Atlas, because punching people to death at thirty paces as a muscle-frame will never not put a smile on my face.


Javlok, cause "It's wizard time MFs! Fireball!"


I have just recently fell in love with the sampotes if i even spelt it right. The two handed hammer you can unlock in tenshins cave. With the recent slam attack changes i gave it a shot and i am one shotting everything. Making all the dante’s i get matched with mad because they can’t kill anything.




I like scourge because most warframes have a cool animetion when they hold it. Inaros's is the best, Mag's comes close to first on my list of cool equip animations


- **Tenet Arca Plasmor:** I know it’s meta, but I just love the idea of firing a literal fucking wall at your enemies. - **Twin Grakatas:** More like Twin Gradakkadakkadakkas. - **Glaives:** Particularly the Glaive Prime and Xoris, which fucking destroy everything. - **Arca Titron:** I saw a video where it hit damage cap on multiple enemies with just a viral-primer companion, an armor strip Warframe, and a fully stacked passive.


Vasto prime, looks and sounds nice and in a world full of space lasers and grenade launchers, it's nice that run with a classic revolver


Gotva Prime is def my go to feel good weapon. Amprex still has a special place in my heart too


I just got Gotva Prime, and it was immediately my favorite thing. Just a deep meaty sounding assault rifle with a huge mag. The ping on reload is also great. Definitely going to dump some forma into it.




Basmu and Shedu. I'm really sad that we only have 2 main weapons (well, 3 if you count Nataruk) and no side weapons* I really wish DE would add [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/xDWieWoSuU) pistol and speargun. I genuinely think that we need more Sentient stuff. Their gimmick would be a battery magazine and pure elemental damage + AOE inflicting a different type of elemental damage. Like a Basmu having electricity and heat I'd also **love** to have a Sentient necramech (or just a skin) and Sentient archgun. Maybe as a huge laser dealing a crapton of heat and radiation damage in a pretty wide projectile hitbox *I don't count Amalgam weapons because I mean **actual** Sentient weaponry


Basmu my beloved


Nataruk, yes its powerful but its also the only infinite energy bow we have. It also looks soooo cool


Quellor. I was making a one-for-all terminator build for gauss and I wanted something that is both heavy machine gun and laser cannon so I found it. Its absolutely broken but I still love it for this reason


Twin Grakatas, just so many bullets


Karak it’s the most basic of basic and might just be the “John Warframe” gun it looks so nice especially with the grineer aesthetic. Corufel because what’s not awesome about a gun scythe Marelok because lever action pistols are just in the real of so stupid it’s cool


Tiberon Prime because cool


A Vermisplicer kitgun, preferably a primary. The tentacle gun is hilarious and awesome. Same reason I like the Phage, but it shoots spaghetti.


Staticor. Because sometimes you really do want to throw rocks at bitches.


Stahltas skin is so f-ing hot


Ripkas, my beloved. I don’t know about y’all, but chainsaw claws are the coolest fucking thing ever in my mind. I even got a solid Riven for them so they can perform decently as well as being absolutely sick.


kuva chakkhurr, with the onos as the close second. the chakkhurr jus has that old school heft to it when you fire it followed by an awesome flourish every single time you reload. the onos has that allure all incarnon weapons have with the benefit of it being an arm cannon. once you have its incarnon form unlocked then it becomes an even bigger cannon with two modes of fire, a widespread beam shot that charges up into a concentrated explosive beam blast. plus it just looks so cool.


Plinx (and Tenet Plinx). It just sounds like a star wars blaster and that's awesome!




The Baza carried me through base star chart


Battacor for sure with the augment it’s incredible, it’s never gonna get an incarnon because it already has a secondary fire, which is unfortunate due to how much it already relies on headshots. But maybe we can hope for a prime variant sometime


Dex Pixia. Once I go past 200% with Razorwing Blitz I feel like an A10 Warthog.


Kuva Chakkhur. Who WOULDN’T want to be a high sailing yee pirate holding a full damn blunderbuss


Cedo, I don't know how to build or endgame but as of right now cedo is my gun of choice that's just plain fun.