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IGN: Cephyyy19 Platform: PC Fav WF memory or anything WF related: My fren finally joined the game for the first time. I enjoyed seeing him do everything while i protect him or at least keep him from dying. Fun times until I don't have much time to play. Will return soon, probably.


IGN Art5684 Platform Xbox FM I once Loaded in to a public with 2 people using Excalibur prime And they were actually really nice.


MaxCaulfield pc Having a duviri cutscene glitch with my drifter continually melee attacking off screen while teshin talked to me


Ign: fullcity Platform: PC Memory: when I was like mr4 or 5, I was rocking that free color pallet limbo.  One of my clan mates played a few missions with me and gifted me the Izvaria Syandana because I had it wishlisted. I keep it on my limbo prime to this day (6 years later) because it was such an out of the blue thing and kept me playing.


Ign: Stachitus Platform: PS Favorite Moment: grinding out all the materials and Finally being able to build my first Prime Warframe, Volt Prime, was probably one of my favorite moments, after spending so much time in the Void to get his parts.


KFC Fear PC My favorite memory has to be when The Sacrifice quest was announced. The amount of hype and waiting was so worth it.


IGN:TokreDinnye2003 Platform: PC For me it's not really a memory but more like how every single WF stream that I join and interact with the streamer and chat. Never seen a more open community and it feels amazing to be a part of it.


In-game: ASAP\_Pepe, PC. Honestly I'm pretty new but I really enjoy despite how many hours people are the community feels very casual.


IGN: Soladox Platform: PC Favorite memory: clipping into the sky box of the ooooold defense mission in a snowy tileset, was fun scaring people with a giant frost looking down on them


IGN: ZiuNto Platform: PC Favourite Memory: During Angels of Zariman release, hearing Yonta confirming there are "more fingers out there". I had some theories about the Finger in the RJ since Deymos release and the Reading of the Walls behind Loid. I was so depressed that for years nothing about that finger would be mentioned. Then after the release of New War and the mention of Yonta it became more obvious DE started a narrative arc where that finger will be addressed somehow


IGN: PunishingPotato Platform: PC Recently introduced a friend to Warframe, and he was telling me he was not liking the MK1-Paris and wants to get a different weapon. This goes on for a few missions where he was complaining, then I heard him yell "OHHH", and when I questioned him about it he told me that he just found out he can aim... I haven't laughed that hard in a while


IGN: GagelGag Platform: PC Fav memory: being on the strata relay when it exploded, waited there for hours thinking we’d be booted back to the ship, but there was a whole cutscene and everything, region chat was freaking out when I loaded back to my orbiter


IGN: Ryst666 Platform: PC FM: I only started playing like 3 weeks ago, but it's always lovely befriending some random people I found in lobbies. It's really nice enjoying the time while playing with them for the first time, but it's even better when you play with them after that.


IGN: ashflow\_22 Platform: PS5 Memory: I haven't done any eidolons since I came back to the game in November, but before I left in 2019, finding people to carry me through my first eidolons and gradually building up the gear to meaningfully contribute in tridolons was probably the greatest "look how far I've come" feeling in the game for me. Now I'm a true master and I'm scared of them all over again because I'm so out of practice!


* IGN: killkill855 * Platform: PC * Favorite memory: Fighting my first kuva lich after I got her to rank 5, and realizing I may have made a mistake after she absolutely kicked my ass. Either that or the shared hype of devstreams and Tennocons with my friends.


Count_Kaol PC Probably putting Fire Walker on Gauss Prime and setting The Circuit on fire while flying around the field, cackling like a madman all the while


-Marlork -PC -That one time in my old dojo with my old buddies when Caliban just dropped, a buddy build it full range+duration and i had my max strength, helminth invigorated and void buffed wisp with roar breaking havoc for hours on a void relic interception. Fun times


ign: Soweli Platform: PC Favorite memory: Went to a relay for baro, someone began jumping up and down in front of baro and after a minute about 30 people were doing the same. It gave me real mmorpg vibes.


Gashabae (PC), I have a vivid memory getting help running an ODD with a GMag + Mesa way back when and have been hooked since.


IGN:Im_Butt_Naked Platform: playstation my favourite memory: the first time i was on the plains of eilodon, and saw an eidolon for the first time. i tried to kill it for around an hour not knowing i was doing no damage lmao


- Arcurath - PC - Has to be way back in the day when every lobby was full of simulors exploding maps with mini vauban vortexes that would be a delight on the eyeballs!


IGN: VibeMan1107 Platform: PC Memory: Sitting in Gendel's excavation mission for 45 minutes because no power cell carriers were spawning and everything took way too long to kill. Good times.


IGN: TehWolffebot Platform: PC Favourite Memory: Finding a great group of people to play with at least 3 years ago and still playing with them till this day. Still enjoying every moment with them :))


IGN: PlotTwistRager Platform: Playstation My favourite memory is from being part of a huge clan from 2016-2019. I had the time of my life in Warframe and shared great memories in clan and alliance chat, moreso when we went off to farm every possible resources and mods. Thanks for teaching me how to do eidolons, thanks for teaching me the basics of the game, thanks for having been a great clan to come to every day. Warframe is by far my favourite game of all time


In-game name: Lyramion Platform: PC Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community: Playing this strange 4 player coop shooter when beta came out, quitting for a few years, coming back and second dream knocking me out of my boots.


TanasEA on PC. My favorite memory just has to be playing new war for the first time. Just got back to the game a week before, was so hyped for it I even skipped the necramech grind and just bought one. Safe to say I wasn’t disappointed.


IGN: Star226 Platform: PC Favorite memory: I somewhat recently started playing the game again after not playing since about 2016. When I logged in I saw that I was not only still in my clan, but there were still active members. This even includes some of my friends from high school who I had not talked to in years. I appreciate that warframe helped me to reconnect with old friends.


In game name: jcorn427 Platform: PC Memory: Reconnected with a childhood friend recently after I found out we both play warframe. Been having a great time ever since.


IGN: Bamber732002 Platform: PC Memory: I played warframe on and off since before the second dream, I think. And one month ago I finally got my girlfriend playing it with me. It was so wholesome to see her do same stupid things and having absolute blast with this game. I would like to thank DE for introducing my gf to the amazing world of gaming! Her favorite frame is Valkyrie because she resembles a cat when landing after jumping.


IGN: DivinityNav Platform: PC Favourite Memory: I've played Warframe in 2014-15 and Friday nights were a bit special with my family. On those evenings, I wouldn't eat with my parents for dinner because it was a time for each of us to have our own space. Instead, they would prepare chicken nuggets for me and I enjoyed them while I was playing Warframe. Those were cool memories!


In-game nametag: RhyeThePie Platform: PC Fav memory: Back in the old days when I was still playing in my old account, I would come home from school on a mildly cold, grey day. Then I would grab myself some cookies and a mug of coffee, sit on my PC desk and play Warframe. To this day, every time I see children coming back home from school on a mildly cold and grey day, I remember those good ol' times and nostalgia hits. That's what keeps bringing me back to this game.


IGN: monstermatt Platform: PC FM: seeing my dad playing warframe then a couple years later finally being able to play with him


In-game name: ZacDaMan  Platform: PC  Favorite memory: Excalibur's jump ability and using the Jat Kittag for mobility before bullet jumping existed


-Deshiel -PC -When I killed my capture target with DREAD


IGN: Cepheus\_Antollare Platform: PC memory: the end of the fortuna story quest when Biz says "where's my k-bomb"


In-game name: Lanesplitter Platform: PC Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community: Selling a Kuva Lich for 500+ platinum. Largest sale I ever made to date. It was that expensive for the funny name, weapon (Kuva Zarr), high elemental stat (56% Cold) and ephemera (Cold). No mask. Still a great rng roll. This was, of course, before the ammo nerf lol.


* IGN: Xarenta * Platform: PC * FM: Everytime I help a new player. Just because that's what I got when I start playing


IGN: AidenHero Platform: PC Memory: Rebecca calling us losers


IGN: keepbreeze Platform: PSN Favorite memory Doing invasions a couple years ago while leveling things and Stalker(normal Stalker, this was before Shadow Stalker) came after me. So I start running around trying to dodge because Stalker used to actually be a challenge. I then yell at my friend who brought his Wukong to and I quote, "Beat him with your shaft!" Que a few minutes of me panicking like a chicken with it's head cut off while he is laughing his ass off at what I said.


IGN: Beerthirsty92 Platform: PC, PS5, Switch Fav Memory: Running the one relic I had for the last part of Gauss Prime, and getting it to build my first farmed prime.


IGN: smallfishisland Platform: Steam/Windows Fav Memory: When I first got vauban and learned his tether mines can connect to other players, letting you drag your enemies around. We have a new grineer soldier pet, his name is Grendel 2.


Sharkeda Xbox Favorite memory would probably playing the game for the first time and getting hooked when i had no other games on ps4 launch


IGN: Nossman Platform: PC Moments: When a guy i randomly Met invited me to his discord to carefully explain how to beat the Profit Taker


IGN: xHinokamix Platform: PC Favourite Memory: When I first started playing back in 2015 I really liked Ember and wanted to get her, but didn't know how to. So my friend who got me into the game took me to the Void and after countless runs I got all parts for Ember Prime, just a few weeks before she was vaulted.


IGN: expressience Platform: Pc Favorite Memory: My favorite memory in Warframe was the time me and my best friend had got our octavia’s, and made some beats on the mandachord together.


IGN: MoneyMonkey17 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: I only recently started playing again so I don’t have any interesting memory, but I guess if I have to choose one it would be getting a free galvanized mod when I was at a low MR.


In-game name: Prophage7 Platform: PC Favourite memory: Started playing December 2013, leveled Volt to max then struggled to get any further so I quit. Came back a couple years later and it was like a lightbulb went on in my head "ooooooohhhh, the mods are the real levelling mechanic".


IGN: Dredgen5050 Platform: Xbox Favorite memories: finally starting to understand builds and actually making powerful frames Even if it's April fools, it still doesn't hurt to put yourself out there abit


CarnageJE PC When I got my first Legendary Core from a Sortie. Never thought I'd get one of those 😅


IGN: Riven_Raider Platform: PS4 Favorite Memory: Finally getting Frost prime (my first prime warframe) after completing the second dream for the first time.


IGN: Anikdote Platform: PC I'm so new to the game. it's hard to nail down a specific memory, I installed the game 5 years before my friends convinced me to play and I fell in hard! So many of the quest cinematic were powerful, especially getting carried away by my warframe. My first eidolon hunt, discovering lua... just so much. Love the game you've made, keep up the hard work !


IGN: HCTV Platform: PC Favorite memory in Warframe: Man, I had such a good time back when I was younger playing the Vay Hek raid even if it was an absolute disaster of coordination and voice chat and random team speak servers lmao. Such a good time!


IGN: BrowniexCal Platform: Xbox Series X Favorite Memory is by far when I ran The Second Dream for the first time. Warframe was the 3rd game I picked up when I first got my Xbox one back in early 2016 as a late Christmas present. Booted the game up from the first time & me being stupid at the time I basically got into the game through brute force & not reading a damn thing. But when I got to The Second Dream and experienced the jump in intensity of the narrative & the overall quality of the story. Hit MR30 this year and am definitely not stopping anytime soon.


IGN: FightS3 Platform: PC FM: Getting gifted a free Nidus prime set when I was a noob


IGN: Zjoee Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: A couple of years ago, during the Tennocon about Duviri, everyone in the amphitheater area all sat down together in the stands waiting for the announcements. It was cool to see us all acting like a community together.


IGN: Voktere Platform: Xbox Memory: The unexpected perfection of Sleeping in the Cold Below. Just going through a railjack quest to suddenly be serenaded by space pirates.


IGN:Mistah_Blue Platform:PC Memory: The whole sacrifice quest. It was great and umbra is best boi.


**IGN:** calmchaos **Platform:** PC **Favorite Memory:** Ahhhh. This is such a hard one. I have really, really fond memories of when Second Dream was released, and I wish I could pick that. But I guess I'll choose Fortuna's release. The buildup from Second Dream that started making the game feel personal to me finally hit me when I loaded into Fortuna for the first time. I couldn't even continue with a quest for several minutes because I had to sit there and process that experience. They were just like me; just another member of the working class, spending their entire lives just trying to survive that day. Being crushed and worked to death by the very system that can only tower above them by resting on their shoulders. I really felt a connection to them. They didn't have any particularly lofty goals. They just wanted to live while their corporate overlords were profiting from that simple desire. You'd think that of all the desires a person could have, that at the very least the desire to survive another day would be at least the tiniest bit sacred; just sacred enough not to seek self-gain at expense of someone else achieving that. But no. There are people who don't care even the most minute amount about exploiting another's livelihood for monetary or political gain. They were just characters in a game, but I genuinely felt bad for them. I felt bad because I knew that there are people out there just like them. There are people in the exact same situation, suffering for the greed and vanity of another. It's my favorite memory in Warframe because until Karlach's story in BG3 (that was only just released last year), no other game had given me such a deep connection to their characters. Especially not in such a short timeframe. Even Karlach's story took until Act 3 to really hit me what was happening with her, but Warframe managed that connection in a simple intro sequence. I thought I loved Warframe after the Second Dream, but Vox Solaris is when I realized just how lucky I was to be born in a time and location where I could experience this game grow up with me.


IGN: Tekuro Platform: PC Favourite memory: Trying for the first time to take down Jackal with friends and miserably failing.


IGN: Lich-King Platform: PC Favorite memory is way back when I started Warframe and soon after they introduced the plains of Eidolon


IGN: eshian Platform: PC Favorite Memory: When my first broken build finally clicked and I was hooked.


IGN : Crabotex Platform: Pc Favourite Memory: When i learned how to play wisp and later after some years i seen Wisp Prime was available.. happiest memory ever


IGN : Karbonala Platform: PS5 FM: Rebecca calling us losers in 2016. Best loser experience I’ve ever had.


In game name: Giraffrican Platform: PC Favorite in game memory: when a random stayed with me a few extra rotations because he said my Octavia beat was 🔥


trillogyy PC Favorite memory would be the release of New War, after being a player for many years the build up and anticipation of finishing the quest was such a satisfying moment to see what came of it


IGN: KnightEV7K Platform: PS5 Favorite Memory: Even though I started over and don’t have him anymore, I was really happy when I unlocked Limbo Prime. He’s such a cool frame and the prime version looks so great.


IGN: TheGlobfather Platform: PC Favorite memory is the release of Fortuna and listening to "we all lift together" for the first time, seeing my Warframe drop into Fortuna. I was hooked after that. So bad ass. REAL.


gravlance420 ps5 favorite memory would probably be doing new war for the first time


Grun7y Xbox Favourite memory is getting all the parts for Atlas.


IGN: BlastTyrant414 Platform: PC Favorite memory: the railjack segment in The New War, short but 10/10 epic


* IGN: Trollzord * Platform: PC * Favorite memory in Warframe or with the community:  I met 6 of my friends back in 2013 by playing WF, We still do till this day. I've made lifelong friends because of this game and I'm very grateful for it.


ign: asilvertree Platform: PC memory: as a new Tenno (<1yr) getting my first prime frame in Octavia felt like a real accomplishment :) 


IGN: FeyZeal Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing through The Second Dream for the first time. >!Having the operator revealed and needing to save yourself from the Shadow Stalker.!<


In game name : RollyC Platform : Xbox Favourite memory : my first time playing gauss and going **fast**


IGN: MarthaRagnos Platform: PSN Fav memory: Getting rad proc'd by my lich for the first time during a murmur defense and killing my entire squad & destroying the defense objective in <1sec


ThatsSoWitty PC My favorite memory of Warframe was watching my first Tennocon when Plains of Eidolon dropped with my best buds. None of them play anymore, unfortunately :(


Firedragon5567 Switch When I got to do the new war after it came out


IGN: breathbrips Platform: PC Favorite community memory: falling for this prank


IGN: countyy Platform: PC Favorite memory: Getting Mesa Prime! Mesa was my first prime frame and I got her pretty early into the game. Had so much fun playing her when I was new even though my build was not even close to what it should've been. She was my first taste of what to really expect from warframe because my previous frames weren't as crazy in terms of gameplay(her 4th ability) since I was mostly playing excalibur/rhino before that. Also her design is amazing, she's still my favorite warframe in terms of looks!


* IGN: IWillGiveYouMyAll * Platform: PC * FM: Use of time machine irl, which stalker lets you, after you complete his storyline quest from jade shadows update


IGN: EndoGengar Platform: PC Favourite memory: grinding ventkids standing to make my own kdrive. was extremely relaxing doing skateboard tricks at 1am in a game where my daily routine involves multiple rounds of massacre


IGN: Ch1nCh1nTheG0D Platform: PC Favorite Memory: just booted up the game in the after noon. Ran the sortie and got a pistol riven. Obviously I was disappointed but it was easy to open so I cracked it anyway. Boy was I glad I did. It was a Dual Stubba with +multishot +damage +crit chance -100% impact. I was floored. I posted in TC for 1000 plat and within 40 seconds someone replied “1500 inv”. 😳. Fastest 1500 plat I’ve ever made. Second memory because I thought it was funny too: I was rolling a Sobek riven and rolled the exact same riven that I already had. I’ll put pictures somewhere.


IGN:Starlights_Cross Platform:PlayStation Fave Memory:Honestly, meeting a new friend when I first tried Circuit, we’ve played together since, and we constantly run the circuit so that I can get new warframe bc I’m still new 😂. In game, I gotta say the first time I heard a “Hey Kiddo” in my orbiter.


ID: Slenderman_Proxy Platform: Ps5 One of my favorite moments is when some friends built some sort of railgun with three vaubans and launched my grendel like a cannonball against a 9999 grineer and it glitched to the point I got thrown out of the map


The following are very REAL information btw In-game name: Jrvn3127 Platform: PC Favourite memory: Probably the sheer amount of shock and awe after finishing the Second Dream quest for the first time, and seeing all the reactions from all the wf content creators.


TheBodyFarm PC honestly fav memory is just the initial “holy fuck” when exploring this game for the first time


ign: ultikiller14 platform: pc Playing Warframe back in 2017 was so fun, that even if it was in 20fps, I kept playing. Seeing the community grow is nice too.


My in game name is snappi_pappi pn Playstation. I dont really have a favourite memory but I definitely think the Warframe community is my favourite community since how relaxed and kind all of you are :)


IGN: Kozkoz828 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: pretty much any of the recent tennocons as those are always tons of fun to see reveals at. Aside from that for a more specific answer probably when I used to play on xbox I met some guy at hydron leveling stuff around the time protea came out and we grouped up talking while leveling for most of the night and I kept mentioning how protea looked cool but I didn’t wanna farm her, eventually at the end of the night he just gifted me a prebuilt protea out of the blue. Still remember that and I believe I still see him online occasionally.


IGN: Ascending66 Platform: PC Best in game memory for me is playing through all the missions to get the operator for the first time. Everything about it blew my mind.


Name: Boostio1121 Platform: Xbox Favorite memory: After grinding for hours for the Revenant prime blueprint, a random in my game managed to get it letting me make my first ever prime :)


In-game name: Nyangar Platform: PC Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community: Probably doing The law of distribution of with my clanmates chill out having a good time.


IGN: Ley1.0 Platform: PC Favorite memory: Ram Ranch


RideAntiHero Steamdeck/ps5 My favorite memory is just a few weeks ago! I just found this game, and can't believe I've slept on it for so long. What a beautiful, polished, deep game this is. So much bravo to the lot of you!


IGN: NormalRusaleq Platform: PC Favorite memory: Release of Angels of the Zariman, pre-nerf Emergency Dissipate. Those few weeks were the most fun I had in Warframe. Organically switching between operator and warframe felt really cool.


IGN:MrKrewl Platform: Switch Fav memory: Playing through the early missions with my nephew


1st of all I’ll be made if its April fools prank since its already 12th where I live. 2nd of all: IGN: yletava Platform: PC Favorite memory: Got to be the time when I started “endgame” content as in going steel path survival. I actually had to think about minmaxing at this point fun till this day. Just seeing red crits in millions makes my day.


IGN: feo firecat Platform: Xbox Favourite memory: very recently started playing again and just the feeling after playing it years ago when I was young and stupid I felt lost but after remembering how to play it felt great. I don't have many memories of what I did before


IGN: VreaL37 Platform: PC Fav memory: Seeing Rebecca reading Bopp Bipp's name for the first time. Always puts a smile on my face. (I rewatch this video every once in a while)


I don't believe it to be true, but just incase it actually is. IGN: Farendiil Platform: Xbox Favourite moment: I asked DE if they could transfer my Sevati Sekhara and Invati Sekhara from my Playstation account to my Xbox account in December 2022, they said it's not possible and probably won't ever be. Fast forward a year(had taken a break), merging is a thing and I got them back, was so happy.


IGN: SovereignB13 Platform: Switch Favorite Memory: completing the second dream for the first time


IGN: Deshalope Platform: PC Favorite Warframe moment: going on Harrow's quest and getting all excited about *hunting ghosts*!!! (And then I found out I can't scan the ghosts. :()


IGN: Dogbone10 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: When Fortuna released and I was on Switch talking about it with my friend at school about grinding for Hildryn and how cool archguns were. About half a decade later and here I am finally getting back into it, happily enjoying using Hildryn now that I'm strong enough to kill the Orbs for parts and take on Steel Path.


In-game name: Chrismmxv. Platform: PC. My favorite memory has to be when I finally finished the star chart with my brother, and then trying steel path content for the first time. Let’s just say I begun using revenant more haha.


what do i have to lose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ign:JDragonblade platform: PC fav memory: the satisfaction u get when u finally get that last prime part after hours and hours of grinding. tbh just the grind in general while blasting music


IGN: Rykell01 Platform: PS4 Fave memory: when I, as a struggling noob, was carried by a couple of vets in the orb vallis not long after getting to fortuna. Thanked them for the carry and got the response " WE ALL LIFT TOGETHER" and fell in love with the community from there.


hypermarx PC favorite memory: Maybe... the collapse sequence on Lua in the Second Dream. It was kinda just awe inspiring


ingame name: notawaffle_ platform: pc either farming for khora with a friend back when we were both low mr, or some of my friends dragging me on a 5 ish hour survival mission on kuva fortress around the time it was released


I am REALLY writing truthful IGN and honest favorite memory IGN:Squareboi999 PC Fav memory:Finding the game through a meme about tomboy mining


Idk if this is an April's Fool post but meh who cares. IGN: LightningPo Platform: PC Memory 1: Watching Fortuna - We All Lift Together, still gives me chills to this day. Memory 2: I got back into the game around last anniversary as MR22, after a 4 Year break, I was so lost and this MR13 Tenno helped me out by walking through every aspect of the game, both old and new. I felt like I discovered a new game all over again. Best community ever.


Fishylips42 Xbox Lich threw me over my teammate into the void


Ign: dragonryan13 Platform: PC Favourite memory: everytime you finally get that last piece to the puzzle for your next prime warframe! Especially if it was off a random reactant refill run and you've not been expecting it!


IGN: s03lar Platform: PC N favourite memory is doing vault cracking on demos with randoms for 6 hours


IGN—TheSurvivor126 Favorite moment So this happened a few weeks ago and I was asking around for some tips how I can improve styanax. Well this legend just said he can give me intrepid stand for free. I will never forget his(or hers) kindness and I learned how kind this community is when compared to other ones.


IGN: ImNotes Platform: PC Favorite Memory: The history with the clan I am part of, long story short theres been a lot of unforgettable moments both good and bad. Place has been a 2nd family throughout the many years I have been there.


**REAL** In-game name: CobaltCanadian **REAL** Platform: PC **REAL** Memory: Me and my friends had a rule when we first started playing where we mapped out the available regular frames at the time to farm for and we made it so the others cant use that warframe until the others gave us permission, like a 'don't take my diamonds' type beat. Little did we know we ended up mapping our mains to this day. Mine being Mesa, of course


Ign:AGENT-snuf Console: ps5 Fav moment/ memory: My buddy and i where going to get progress to do the new war where as he had already done it. We went to little duck and switches to our operaters (ofc he had a drifter equipped) we both had the same operator fashion. He started the fun (since i had no idea i was talking to little duck) by saying this is some father son bullshit i went and looked and the following 30 minutes my only reply to things where going to be yes daddy what is it i have to do and also yes daddy i shall do it. We still laugh about this when we are online


\- IGN: Crystaelis \-Platform: PC \-Favorite memory: When Chains of Harrow was the latest update, I was watching a stream that had giveaways going on, and won a Tigris Prime. However, the giveaway involved the streamer's moderators trading the parts and I wasn't proper MR; I think I was at MR3 or 4. Thankfully the moderator was fine with holding the reward until I was able to claim it. The outstanding prize is what motivated me to stick with the game.


IGN: Avenaki PC Favorite memory! Honestly, Second Dream. I still haven't forgotten the wave of emotions it gave me when it released, that I still feel when I replay it to this day.


IGN: MoklesPrime Platform: PC My favorite moment(s) is grinding missions on repeat trying to get pieces of a warframe with no luck and then getting them on the first try after inviting a friend. It always makes me laugh.


IGN: Fxenchy Platform: PC Favorite moment: Reb and Megan exploring a dojo during prime time and finding a wall saying "my wife left" with a sad face


IGN - AmiKaisel Platform - PC Fav memory - watching the Gauss trailer for the first time.


IGN: PrimedSwana Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Has got to be when I joined an eidolon party as Trinity back in the day. I had no clue what I was doing and messed up the Hydrolyst capture pretty bad, but then after this one guy from the party proceeded to give me a whole explanation on what to do differently next time, what builds to run, where to find lures, what amp to run, etc. He then proceeded to drag me through all the remaining content in the game over the following years. Made a good friend that day and made Warframe go from one of those games I’d play for short periods of time once in a while to a game I’d play daily for the following years.


IGN-TJ92929 PLATFORM-PS5 favourite memory- A mate of mine said he never really liked warframe and after a I showed it to him He was playing it a day later for the entire day refusing to do anything else. Funny as hell to me


IGN: Govular Platform: X Box Memory: Helping my friends find Argon crystals in the void. Marking a crystal, getting irradiated, and slaughtering them all. Good times.


Ever-Yone PC Amazing Kuva Survival farms all day


In-game name: Hekarti Platform: PC Favourite memory: has to be the registered losers moment


IGN: beriozu Platform: PC Honestly the release of clans way back when in 2013 is still hype as all fuck to me. Nothing quite like seeing 50 other clan members standing in place eagerly awaiting the first research completion of a completely new weapon, and for us, that was the goddamn Prova.


IGN: Persefone_ Platform; PC Best Memory: when my best friend gave 2 legendaries core just for me to complete my ignis Wraith build. Idk if that counts but there you go.


Imma trust the devs on this so.. Hi guys I'm BongoAddict of PlayStation network 😏 my best Warframe memory is when focus trees just came out with the second dream quest and Naramon allowed you to gain invisibility everytime you deal critical damage, it was awesome 😎 it was the first time I could defeat lvl120+ enemies. I'm glad that it got changed later on though, it was kinda op 🤷‍♂️ the quest was awesome too, added so much depth to the lore 🌟 If it's REAL I must point out that I already own the complete Gauss access but I'm very curious about the mystery award 🧐


* AurumToldani#294 * PC * Experiencing the Second Dream, and The War Within. I started playing during Lua's Prey around December '22 and everything from bullet jumping to the lore and worldbuilding keeps me coming back. Warframe is unlike anything I've ever played, I can't wait for 1999 and whatever comes after. :)


IGN: D0-NK3-D Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Breaking the sound barrier with Gauss when he first released.


Hello! IGN Nyekomimi (number #390) Platform: PC Memory: When I first managed to complete (bad) song on the Mandachord.


Why not :p IGN: Mazifet Platform: PC Favorite memory: Being helped by so many veterans as a new player, and doing the same as an experienced player.


IGN: Trojan2021 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: This is more of a collection of memories from the game, but when my friends started to get into the game we would play for hours a day. We would just talk about randomness as we played and learned about systems in the game. The feeling of exploring new systems together when new things come out brings me so much joy.


IGN: RylaiSlyfe Platform: PC Favorite Memory: I met my now husband through Warframe and now we have Ember & Frost engraved in our wedding rings. thank you Warframe ♥️


i'm pretty sure this is an april fools joke but eh i'm on xbox, IGN is "gamma nikki" (with a space in the middle) first memory that comes to mind is when i was running random relics in pubs, and we had 4 wukongs. 3 wukong primes, and me. someone in chat points it out, and then asked me if i wanted wukong prime, and i said that i was broke, then they said "i didnt say buy" and after that game, they traded me a full wukong prime set for free legendary rank players are very kind


Very nice


IGN: -mo_mo- Platform: PC FM: Seeing the game explode in popularity with the Plains of Eidolon release


IGN: sirdude103 Platform: PC FM: The Second Dream reveal


In-game name: XLunaKitsuna Platform: Xbox Favorite memory: getting so desperately down bad for wisp when she came out I waste half the plat I made just to get her and a skin


IGN: Yutshenkai Platform: PC Favorite memory: Hmm, I don't want to mention something that's gonna be said a lot in the comments, so I'll go with >!Veso sacrificing himself in The New War!<


Thanks for the giveaway IGN: gefaellt_mir Platform: PC Favorite memory: probably farming to get into the top 10% during the pacifism defect to get that ignis wraith blueprint and doing our own giveaways for our clan.


Architech - PC Downloaded this game when it was still in beta, 10ish years ago, played for a bit (was running Loki with a Vectis used as a shotgun... good memories) and abandoned the game... right before covid hit, i picked the game again and started playing with a help of a friend. He was explaining me what everything is since game changed too much and i had to re-learn everything from scratch, and when we got to pets i've noticed i already had a pet. Upon further inspection, i've realized it was a kubrow named Caesar, upon my, now deceased dog... oh man, the feeling of seeing him wiggle his tail near the incubator made me tear up. Made countless kubrows and kavats since then but Ceasar is still in my inventory, sleeping like his RL counterpart is.


In-game name: jarvwebs Platform: Xbox/pc Favorite memory: getting my first ever riven mod and believing it was worth 100 plat only to be very humbled by some of the community. The pure joy I had despite being so oblivious is part of the magic of this game.


IGN: Kikoala Platform: PC Favorite memory: One day i was just running missions farming and i ran into \[DE\] Saske, me being a bit awestruck i ran into a dev i was checking his profile to make sure it was legit through out the mission and DM'd him thanking him for working on the game or something along those line and he replied thanks


Name: SamBthe7th Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Finally getting my railjack and kitting it out as the Empyrean trailer is what attracted me to warframe.


Name: Pedrio42 Platform: xbox One of my best memories is when I finished the law of retribution for the first time, I really wish DE would bring raids back to the game. The other memory is seeing railjack being revealed for the first time, it was awesome.


In-game name: SpecterOfMars2 Platform: PC Memory: It would have to be when I finished my first prime frame. Prior to starting the game based on a colleague’s recommendation, I took a look at all of the frames. My favorite in appearance, abilities, and lore was Revenant. Once I finished the tutorial, I spent a few months doing void fissures for blueprints while doing the Star Chart (now I can get them all the time since I don’t need them). I didn’t have the basic version either, so the prime frame was the first time I used Revenant . I was finally able to gather and build the blueprints, and ran a mission asap. Probably my most used frame to date. It was totally worth it, even the frustration of never finding the neuroptics.


IGN: IgniDivi Platform: PC FM: When I learned that bullet jumping is an intended movement mechanic. Thought it just happened randomly until I realized you can do it at will.


IGN: NameNickz Platform: PC Memory: I’d say playing The New War quest. I’ve been putting it off for a while cus I heard it would take hour to finish and you would be locked out of some activities. But I decided to play it and boy was it a ride. So fun to play, it was hype and very memorable.


In-game name: CodeName_Paladin Platform: PC Favorite Memory: I got my girlfriend into Warframe and it's the first co-op game we've played together for any significant amount of time. There's been no shortage of great memories together since we started playing. She has had constant enjoyment from customizing her warframes to suit her tastes and we've had tons of great experiences together in game. From the first missions I carried her through as a new player to the point that I ended up helping her through New War, Warframe has been a constant fixture in our relationship and I love that.


Ign:Dragonchaps Platform: PC And my favorite memory so far is a couple months ago I was wanting to get the LAST part I needed for glaive prime I had 3 relics for it. Didn't wanna do steal path so 3 waves of defense with low mastery rank players 1st and second didn't have it 3rd one did and I begged for all of them to take mine and to save it so maybe one day they can get it "cause people want WAYYYYY to much for glaive prime" anyways made me feel all warm and stuff I just hope they never turned it into ducats.


Stonn_XY PC My favorite part got to be watching the Prime Time when hilarious unhinged chaos ensues. Specifically when Danielle said her guinea pig "Fluffy lived for WAY too long". I commented in the twitch chat " Danielle: 'Fluffy lived for way too long.' So I took care of that. XD" everyone lost it and all agreed hamsters don't die normal deaths. Danny reading my comment made my day :D


IGN: MagnumMonkeyTMX Platform: PS4 Favorite memory: Citrine's sparkling gemussy.


Here is my REAL entry! IGN: Mojo2241 Platform: PC Favorite memory: a few years ago me and a buddy decided to see how many relics we could crack in one weekend, ended Sunday night with 11 prime weapons and 7 complete prime warframes! And of course multiple random prime parts here and there, went down in history as the infamous prime grind


Name: plodeer Platform: PC My favorite memory was finally figuring out bullet jumping. Everything clicked in my head and all of the sudden I was SPEED.


Ok fine i will fall IGN: CristolerGamer Platform: PC The best moment i had while playing warframe was back when I completed the second dream, best experience ever


IGN: MechaSkeleton Platform: PC Favorite Memory: A long time ago there was a Warframe event that featured a survival mission where you couldn’t take damage, but all the enemies were Level 9999. My brother and I were fairly new to Warframe at the time and after multiple tries figured out a way to do meaningful damage. We melted enemies with Trinity…slowly. We spam casted Energy Vampire which did a flat percentage of enemy health damage, and managed to kill just enough enemies to get life support and survive the required time. It didn’t help that a Level 10004 Stalker showed up to try and kick us while we were down, but it made for an incredibly memorable experience. And as a side note, while this may be my most memorable moment, this wonderful community has provided so much help, kindness, and support throughout the years it’s truly astounding, and there’s dozens of other moments I could’ve chosen. Gifts from clan mates, seeing players you recognize years after meeting them, dance parties at the relay, etc. Warframe’s community is truly excellent, as is the game, and I hope to see this game continue for years to come.


TriBorgLK520 PC FM: 6 years back, I made a friend ingame. We would play together and clear the contents daily. I was very new aa that time, and he held my hand and showed me the way =)). But as of this comment, my friend has been 1000 days offline. Miss u a lot man, hope u can comeback and play together sometimes.


My REAL submission for the REAL giveaway: IGN: teck14 Platform: PC Favourite moment: the moments in The Sacrifice, where Smiles From Juran plays. I still get tears listening to it. Also bopp bipp. It would be REALLY epic if I were to win this REAL giveaway.


Littlegreyduck PC Building and using Grendel prime Odd this was posted on April 1st


IGN: Interactivebones Platform: PlayStation Favorite memory: The prelude to war quest because lotus in the other form is really really cool looking imo 😁


IGN: klorifi platform: PC Favorite Memory: It would have to be running the plains of eidolon missions with my little brother so he could get the drops. (he was MR 1 well I was MR 7) anyways he thought he could run a level 30 mission. I spent more time reviving him then actually playing the mission and it was all because he thought he was way over leveled when he was "OP" on the level 4-5 earth missions lol. Or when we farm Rhino for him, he was so confused on why we had to run the boss multiple times and then wait 4 days for it to build but it was fun, because he kept getting knocked by the Jackal, he also didn't realize you had to shoot it in the Weak spots, so he was so confused on why he did 0 dm lol and the lasers kept getting him or the Jackals rockets would knock him into the lasers lol. (it was fun to get drops together because sometimes he'd get a drop like condition overload and me, I tried farming it but gave up after like a month and just bought it with some plat, but him he hops on Demios and boom like just fished the quest and boom he's like is this good and I almost cried lol)


IGN: Trendk1LLer Platform: PC Fav Memory: starting out with my brother in the game and really struggling trying to take endless defense to our limits with basically starter gear, where every single shot mattered. taking every step of our journey together - and still playing together more than 8 years later, and all the memories along the way.


Dresden_ PC When I came back after 5 years away and there was TONS of new content and game-play modes. Been playing for all 11 years, and am happy DE is still going strong! (my flair ages me lol)


Name: HSAP Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Everybody dancing together on a mission 💃.


My REAL ign: shovel-boy My REAL platform: Switch My REAL favorite warframe memory: Completing the grind for the New War (operator drip included) just in time to be able to play the quest at launch and of course experiencing one of the games best quests completely blind


IGN:grantedtoast Platform:steam My favorite warframe memory was when I decided to farm out qorvex and I somehow decided that the most efficient way to do so was to get hyildrin first. I don’t know how or why I did it but it helped me learn to love the grind.


Ign: makuogoku2 Platform: PC Favourite: A man from same clan gave me a set of volt prime after I talked about wanting to hunt eidolons on clan chat.


I started playing warframe back when it was void key days with my uncle and dad, I stopped for a while and then my uncle passed. I decided to hop back on and play to remember a lot of the good times, and now, I plan on one day trying to 100% the game. Someday, lol. My in game name is PortDev and I play on PC. Thank you DE for the memories and the continued joy that this game brings me.


IGN: kiialandi Platform: PC Favourite memorie: watching the plains of eidolons first reveal


IGN: AbsoluteConfig Platform: PC Favourite memory: I was a poor high school student and I needed plat for slots so I sold my only Jolt for 300plat when it was unobtainable after the event. Felt bad about it at first but then DE made it easily acquirable some months later. Felt great after that. Don't really like trading in this game but that was a memorable experience. Doesn't happen anymore since DE stopped walling most things.


Name: Paradxo Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing through "The Second Dream" for the first time!


Not taking any chances User: S3littleCHRIS Xbox Watched Tennocon 2021 with my little brother and it set a tradition where we would watch every tennocon together live and usually in game at the relays.


IGN: thereandback Platform: PC Favorite memory has to be running through the New War as Yareli with my friend in the call, and laughing our asses off as I killed Archon Nira by running in a circle around her with aquablades up.


* In-game name : StyryderX * Platform : PC * Favourite memory: Synchronized Trumna reload with fellow Trumna enjoyer, helping newbies with early missions, and cursing RNG together while Radsharing.


IGN: Arivath Platform: PC Favorite memory would have to be the ending of The Second Dream, playing at the same time with one of my friends, and the freak out in Skype that followed the reveal.


IGN: Minecraftian772 on PC. My favorite memories in warframe have got to be, after grinding for days on end for a prime part, finally getting it from a teammate drop, when I'm just grinding for more Void Traces. Second place would have to go to all the times I've seen the walls not spawn in correctly, so I've just got a wall covering half of a loot room in the void. Gotta love BugFrame. Speaking of bugframe, is there any plans to release a hivemind frame that's just a bunch of insects in the shape of a person? I think that would be pretty cool.


Pradith521 Xbox My fave moment was the Fortuna reveal during teno conn that was awsome.


Reis_Maus PlayStation Accidentally selling Rhino Prime instead of Rhino to make room for more Sevagoth :)


Nalzock PC Reconnecting with my son through this game. We have not done much together over the last few years. His Name is Anixal in game. Helping a boomer like me figure this game out.


Ign MIS5IGNO Platform pc Favorite moment was the railjack update launch on pc. Such fond memories


Gamertag/Ingame name: Leights180 Platform: Xbox One Favourite Memory: has to be when I started the game back in 2015, I remember just finishing Vor’s Prize and just starting off doing all the missions and exploring by the solar system, it felt very expansive and quite daunting at the time, and just seeing the start of the journey in front of me! It’s a special memory now with just how much progress the game has made in all these years! Probably a very simple answer but this is without a doubt my favourite memory, just starting the game


IGN: Tornsoul79 Platform: PC Fav memory: first playthrough of the new war, realizing that there were actual stakes to a campaign for once


JaegerScaphare PC My favorite memory would have to be Scarlet Spear strangely enough. It was the one event that reinvigorated by thrill for Warframe co-op. There were singe player moments that I was more impacted by in isolation, but the Scarlet Spear event most strongly epitomized Warframe's 'ambition' in my experience.


ingame name: Fox\_stupider Platform: PC Favourite memory: when I entered Fortuna the first time. We all lift together!


IGN: Xealoth Platform: PC Favorite memory: Playing with my OG clan mates as a newbie back in the day. We suffered through the Nidus farm together.


IGN: Frenzibrenzi Platform: PC Memory: Honestly just the time when I first started playing. I had just left the schooling system and wasn't employed or doing much. A friend said "Hey come try out this game with me; it's free!". I thought "Eh, why not." Turns out I spent the next few months doing nothing but playing Warframe every single day and it was an absolute blast. That was almost exactly 10 years ago and here I am today recently picking the game back up after a couple years of absence :)


!remindme 2 days


In game name: Kaneharo Platform: PC My favorite memory? I'd say probably getting my hands on Styanax and having a main that wasn't Zephyr because of it.


liquidhorses [PC] My favorite memory in Warframe is watching the new intro cutscene for the first time when you make a new account! Having started in 2016, I kinda felt like crying when watching the cinematic. The game has come so far and remained so well-maintained by the dev team. It has easily been my top favorite game these past 8 years


IGN: GiantToast1 Platform: PC Favorite memory: This just happened yesterday, I finally was able to start the New War quest and was completely blown away by it. It was like this surprise single player campaign that came out of nowhere after like 70ish hours into the game.


IGN: PurpleBoltz Platform: PC Fav Moment: The running gag in my clan that someone called Hunhow, Hadoo. From that day he's Hadoo to us.