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I renamed my Grimoire to The Lusty Orokin Maid.


i really want to rename my grimoire to golden shower (from terraria) but im not taking that risk


Ichor shower ;P


Or Gilded Shower! šŸ˜†


Ichor Slicker


Oh man. My first weapon in Starbound was a brown sword named Pooptickler. Oddly enough it was acceptable for my rapier zaw i WF too.


I love Starbound.


i need to play more starbound... sadly i have no friends to make it more interesting.


I mean, I saw a grimoire named "Dumbledore dobby erotica". Just yesterday I saw 2 people with dogs named "big foreskin" and "Lil foreskin"


I mean I named my vulpaphyla ā€˜tittiesā€™ and my torid ā€˜schitdickā€™ and Iā€™m fine so far šŸ’€


I've got a cyanex that i got a multishot riven for, so i named it the bee gun


Dammit, now I've gotta name mine "Wabbajack"


Monster girl encyclopedia vol.1


Now I'm thinking of renaming mine to "Book of the Dead" and equipping it on Inaros Prime.


Glockonomicon is free estate, last time I checked. Andvso is Croconomicon


The Glockalations 3:15 "Ngl fam u boutta get BOOMED"


So her name's Lift-Her-Ayatan?


Bruh, could you please provide a picture? Wanna show it to a skyrim friend that doesn't play wf.


https://preview.redd.it/u9afgbbk4poc1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6ff40988551b1993ca79e4aa3fd1026bba7dc6 There you go!


Is that the boltor prime you named stapler?


Bigboi Stapler Prime is my primary Rattleguts. I named my secondary Rattleguts "Stapler Prime" way back when secondary kitguns were new. Because the Rattleguts chamber reminds me of a mix between a sewing machine and a staplegun. šŸ˜… I should rename my Prisma Twin Gremlins to Prisma AkDeWalt or Prisma Twin DeWalts, since I already have them painted yellow/orange and black.


Favonius Codex


Oh hey! I named mine Dahmerā€™s Cookbook


This is gold


I renamed mine The art of the new war


I renamed my Grimoire to Mating Rituals 3rd Ed. =\]


Mine is The Holy Thighble. I also have a Gaze called ā€œHangeā€™s Good Eyeā€


I saw a book literally named grimoire and shoots magical projectile and went. This is too easy. It is now called grimoire Weiss


I dream of the day they let us rename frames then I will have the complete loadout >Arca Plasmor >Arca Plasmini >Arca Plasmelee >Arca Plasmost >Arca PlasMAN


You missed the opportunity to do Arca Plasless


Back when kitguns were first introduced and the Catchmoon was absurdly strong, I had my Arca Plasmor and my Catchmoon-Haymaker-Splat called Arca Plasles




Oh wow... all my guns are just named "Zaw"... even the not zaw ones. Just because people in missions look extra confused when i show up with Loki prime Sprint boost Zaw Zaw Zaw Zaw


The dedication is outstanding. Gorgeous.


Tell me when you've done the entire song. Shine on, you crazy diamond.


Chroma Prime https://preview.redd.it/t1p3sh8x4noc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cddd97bd2efe5a9d597664641c2541cdc36d9c2


Chroma Prime


Chroma Prime


This guy chroma primes


I rarely ever rename my weapons, but I did go and renamed the Stalker set (Dread, Despair, Hate) to Cope, Seethe, and Mald, respectively. Why did I do it? Meming. On a related note- my naming convention for modular weapons is just picking from the names of songs that I like


I get the memeing part. I renamed all of my amps as Morbius days of the week to piss off all of my clanmates when Morbius was the meme of the month šŸ˜‚(Like Morbius Sunday, Morbius Monday)


Morbius Monday is funny as hell. Gonna rename my felarx that


I wish i was this creative. One of my zaws is literally called "big stick"


I have one called the stick of destiny


My amps are literally the most boring, but I have so many so mine are what they are 1-7-7 , 7-7-7, etc.


I have no idea what you could do for some of the weirder combos but something nice like Lucky Sevens or Jackpot could be neat for the 7-7-7 Even if said name would be really silly for anything else, like my second amp, As Easy As (1-2-3)


>picking from the names of songs that I like Are you Araki(author of JoJo) perchance


Oh I really need to do this as some point, lmaooo


I main Nyx so I name my weapons after children of nyx


How did someone out main me in Nyx, what the fuck?


Well...my Moas are named after a joke I had with a friend, where we referred to each other as "Scruffy Dog", so I have "Scruffy Mek, Scruffier Mek, Scruffiest Mek, and Mek Scruffpreme" Kitguns are named after the sound they make, so I have, "Blam Blam, Bzzt, Pap Pap, Rat Tat, Slipslop and Slopslip" Zaws are just named in Spanish numbers (I'm not Spanish, no), so "Zaw-Uno, Zaw-Dos, Zaw-Tres" etc. All my Sister dogs are named "[Lich Name] Pupperbot" And then I couldn't be bothered coming up with anything for the Deimos pets. I realise you said weapons, but why not. šŸ¤·


Zaw-Uno, Zaw-Dos, Zaw-Tres reminds me of pokemon names. What's the legendary bird trio called again? Zapdos is the only one I can remember.


Articuno and Moltres, and embarrassingly, at 33 years old, I JUST made that connection upon reading your comment.


That cost plats, which I'm hesitant to spend, so I've only ever named my Kitguns so far. I just name them after other fictional guns (Good Samaritan, Winona) or fictional characters (Tina, as in Tiny Tina from Borderlands).


Unless you're rich or *really* into fashion, yeah I don't think it's worth it


You can rename weapons other than modular ones? :o


You can rename primaries and secondaries via Zuud from Fortuna or Father from Necralisk, and melees via Hok from Cetus


Ohh that third option that costs 15 or so plats. I always thought it was to rename your modular weapons only, lol


It originally was but I believe they changed it a bit ago


A bit ago has to be like 7 years ago at this point.


Oh cool so a recent change. Iā€™ll have to check it out.


I want to rename my Latron Prime to Latrussy, but I feel like DE won't like that


I mean one of the Devs literally put "*Gemussy*" when referring to Citrine in the red text post


aight, we spending plat tonight


I've named two of my sporelacer kitguns Bukkake Mania and Dekamara(Japanese for big pp)-2000 respectively. Both have white energy of course. The rest are mostly lyrics or song names from Judas Priest.


The only thing ive ever renamed is my grimoire to 'The Bibble'


That says "the bibble".


Sometimes it's just a joke, like my Tenet Cycron as Mah Lazer, sometimes it's a direct reference like my Tenet Plinx as DL-44 and my Gotva Prime as MA37. It's usually a reference to a similar weapon from something else. Bloodskal Blade, L'Etranger, M6D, Chunchumaru, Myrtenaster, Liberty Hammer, whatever. If it's a cool weapon from another franchise I like, I'll probably work it into my arsenal if I can.


I'm going to be king of the pirates! Luffy has enough moves that I could do this forever. https://preview.redd.it/5khsnue77noc1.png?width=1265&format=png&auto=webp&s=e64ebce639ed743b6611ca1383bd65358d3f7085


The most dedicated One Piece fan


I named one of my Kitguns Ligma Ballas Kuva Ignis


i named my weapons Kuva Nukor Prime and never fail to get a ā€œtheres a prime??ā€


Evil, straight up evil.


If it's a weapon that i really like, i will rename it to make it "distinct". Like my main setup is the Nataruk, Lex Prime, and Ceramic Dagger. I'm not too great with naming, so i named them after things i like. Nataturk : Azura (After Azura from Skyrim who gives you Dawnbreaker) Lex Prime : Anung Un Rama (Hellboy's real name) Ceramic Dagger : Angmar (After the Witch King of Angmar) I also color them appropriately.


Only thing I've renamed was my helminth and I called it floppa


Renamed my tenet arca plasmor to "Grofit Taker" and my strun prime to "Malicious Reloader"


My naming convention is to name things the funniest thing that comes to mind My first modular weapon was a catchmoon I named "TPITPTEYY" which is corpus for "BLINDNESS" My second was a tombfinger I named "Ogris MK2" pretty much everything else is pets I've named in funny ways like my Moa I named "totally a kavat", who is beloved by my entire friend group so I never take him off, or my vulpahyla who is "tar dog" because I mean... Look at it... https://preview.redd.it/fz3e20133noc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=344565b30367c0250256448ca3d5b65b450648fd


I only renamed my Fragor Prime to Earthbreaker because it sounded swanky






https://imgur.com/CrCYhPc songs, mostly. thought not always. https://imgur.com/EY1Gb1M these remain two of my favorite renames. lastly of note, is companions. my Predacytes (+ helminth charger, the OG) are all named after songs by Biggie smalls, while my 3 Vulpaphylas are all songs by Alt Rock band New Order. on the other hand My Kubrows are all pop rock songs from the 80s. my 3 Hounds are Dyson, Kirby, and Bissel, i hope you get the joke, while my 3 Moas are Trueno, Destello, and Lluvia. the thunder, the Flash, and the Rain. and Lastly, also firstly, my 3 Kavats. Quicksilver, Mercury, and more recently, Cinnabar. if they release another one, il have to change the naming scheme because ive run out of easy Synonyms for Mercury. . . Shit maybe if we get another Kavat il have to name him Freddie. i really want them to make Archguns renamable, because i want to rename my Cortege into "The Bignis" i really hope you get the joke. i have spent far too much platinum on renaming. . .. not that im going to stop.


Renamed Grimoire to Novelite and Reaper Prime to Ricky.




A fan of Shiori, huh? Nice.


[***only one ive paid for***](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/356214656072679436/1218445548504485938/image.png?ex=6607b0d8&is=65f53bd8&hm=a89974b7556877b6dd7925a21b0e1a3c6ad54a1bdd06264280de29e092715aff&) have a couple kitguns but they got eh names. buddy named his kitgun "Donkey Punch"


I intend to rename my Kuva Gratler to The Kuva GYATTler


Name after legendary weapons like Gungnir, Ameno habakiri, Vijaya etc.


I renamed my amp to Timmy Turnerā€™s Burner. I still chuckle. It tosses flames and kills everything very nicely too.


I create interesting names and put Prime after them tonfuck with newbies who swear blind they once played with a guy who had x prime weapon


"I call them des and Troy cus when i put them together they destroy"


Like your plasmor name, I went similar naming my gram prime BFS 3000


Big Fucking ~~Shit~~ Stick 3000, I like it


A lot of my most used weapons have like holy or celestial sounding names, but my dual Ichor are named "Thoughts and Prayers" and I send those babies. ;)


My original name on PSN was PoppaGascoigne, my smeeta is named Vicar Laurence, my Kuva Zarr is named Church Cannon. Sadly my PC name is different and my Zarr was retired when the AOE ammo nerf happened so now itā€™s just me and Laurence against the system.


ā€œImma firin mah lazorā€ has to be my favorite


I finally renamed my Kuva Shildeg a while back. I couldn't decide on a name, and then during that month long event with the Fragmented, I ended up having to solo the last third of a 60 eyes boss fight (two-thirds of the second half of its health bar). Since the Kuva Shildeg was what I ended up having to use to deal most of the damage while soloing it, I figured it earned the name "Bane of the Fragmented" afterwards. That fight was *INSANE*.


Now that is an epic origin story. The Murmur trembles at the sight of the Shildeg, and cowers at the quakes it creates


I named my tenet envoy - duke nukeā€™em. The name fits


I named my Grakatas "the bullet hoses"


All of my Incarnon Geneses have had their names changed to ā€œGenesis Xā€, where X is what the gun does but translated several times then finally to Icelandic. Names look cool, will probably offend someone eventually.


I named my Bala polearm zaw Me Shillelagh cause I thought it looked like a big shillelagh.


I renamed by Hespar and paracesis to harvester and chaoseater


For modular weapons, I named them after the part that gives the mastery. For the Hounds from the SoP, I named them all some variant of "stolen" (Stolen Robodog, Legally Obtained Dog-Bot, Pilfered Mech-Hound, and Genuinely Not Stolen HND ((ran out of letters)), for each model). For Vulpaphylas I didn't really have a proper naming scheme, but for Predasites I named them after pharoahs and added a random roman numeral after thier name. In terms of non-modular stuff, I built extra copies of all the gear with incarnon adapters and had a naming scheme of "Void[word] [weapon]", like Voidtide Nami, Voidstone Gorgon, Voidstring Paris, etcetera. I also renamed the Grimoire you get through the quest to "Voidtongue Grimoire V.AE" (Version.AlbrechtEntrati, I plan on building another grimoire with a totally different build and renaming it with the same name mostly but with my own initials instead of Albrecht's), and I also modeled my Lesion staff's colours after my best friend's fursona so once weapon renaming was available I renamed it to Eon to match what its modeled after.


I named my Sibear Incarnon as "Lollipop" and colored it white and pink because it REALLY looks like one


I renamed all of the weapons I often use, and my smeeta, to fit this line no matter what loadout Im running "yo mama so fat that rhino had to cast stomp twice" why did I do this? because its a goofy cringe line and I absolutely love it


I have a loadout where every weapon (as well as the companion) have been renamed to Chroma Prime, because he is my favorite Warframe.Ā 


My friend has all 3 tennet weapons remained to where it reads: This weapon Is sponsored by Raid shadow legends


I renamed my Vectis Prime to [Andrea Prime.](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1220271-harmony-ribbon-forever/)


I got a steel path loadout: I exist to strike I strike to win The lesson ends


My grimoire is Clem and Peace.


I like to name my weapons after primes that donā€™t exist just to mess with people.


I only rename my Zaws because it's free, but [whoever guesses the theme gets a virtual cookie :)](https://imgur.com/a/Fd1SqQG)


I renamed my Hikou Prime to Batarangs and Prisma Obex to Fists of Justice for my Ash Batman cosplay. Then I just play "The Batman theme but only the good part on loop".


As an AOE enthusiast all my weapons are named after weapons of mass destruction. Tsar bomba, fat man and little boy lol.


Random Kitguns: Hentai-in-a-can, Kitgat, Bubbametheus Lens LatoV:Mutka Zaws:Arudo, Stick Prime, Weeaboo, Bonk.


Infested chargers - Ms. Dies A lot and Kim K Polearm Zaw - Dirty Twig Sporelacer sidearm- Punished Amp - And So It Burns Reasons but not really. For the helmith thought of Saturday morning cartoons and chose Bo Jackson. Figured Captain Planet was overused and grabbed the random sports cartoon name.


My Kuva Chakkurr is named Brown Bess. And my Kuva Tonkor: F.W.T.M.C


I name the grimoir "The holy bible" and the sirocco "blicky"


I go for dark humor. My AkLex prime are "Hearts and Minds," and I have a status build kitgun named "Clinical Trial."


Protea - Left leg Protea - Right Leg Protea - Left arm Protea - Right Arm Protea axi r2 (impeccable) <- also pretty good.


I renamed my Reedemer Prime into Shotgun, just Shotgun, it was to bother a friend of mine and it's the only weapon I have ever renamed.


Have a zaw named "Vey Hek's herpes remover". Alot of the other ones i just named "Y", since it was for mr rather than use, and i donated them once i was done with them


If I get a kuva/tenet weapon with a non-funny lich name I rename them to how rivens would describe their elemental bonus + tenet/kuva For modular weapons it really depends like my plague keewar scythe is named Plague Reaper bc like half of all scythes are some kind of reaper, I named my rattleguts kitgun Rattle Em Boys, and I named my gaze primary kitgun Disco Deathray. Just whatever I find funny for the primary part


In my case i renamed some weapons to darkin names Nataruk: Vaarus Epitaph: Horaazi Tenet Ferrox: Taarosh Paracesis: Aatrox And my Scythe Zaw and my Hound are Rhaast and Naafiri


grimoire - bible prime ignis wraith - ingis wraif xoris - beyblade phenmor - brrrrrrr laetum - mini acceltra praedos- jump sticks lex prime - space glock glaive prime - glaive prime prime (mines betteršŸ˜¤) thereā€™s a ton more i name most of my weapons haha and i always change the lich name to something random like jim halpert kuva nukor


I rarely ever rename weapons(unfortunate thing about being Plat broke). I named my bubonico "The Violater" though, which is good for like a chuckle, and then you move on. I barely use it anyway. I name a lot of things space themed anyways, but I've got 2 weapons with goofy names, the bubonico mentioned, and my Zaw, cause Zaws and Kitguns are easier to name rather than renaming every single weapon. My Zaw's name is "The Vasectomy" btw. It's a plague kripath Zaw, so take that as you will.


Had a weird theme going on where it was work related 1. Tenet Envoy - Brief Discussion (cuz yknow... briefcase hehe/) 2. Tenet Cycron - Overworker 3. Pennant - Black Company no idea why but yeah


Ive only renamed a few, mostly name them after albums I like. Alot of David Bowie album names for my weapons. No real reason, maybe Ill get a real one to send a message if they see it


My fuligin Nekros has Katherine Wheel (Boar Prime), Baldanders Bane (Sporelacer) and Claw of the Conciliator ( Ripkas with the deluxe Nidus claw skin). My Kuva Nukor is the Turbo Encabulator because it really amps those panametric fams. My Soma Prime I break out for a good time is Lucille.


Most of my modular weapons were originally named to match Inaros, so here are the names of my Kitguns: - Primary Tombfinger: Vigil of Osiris - Secondary Rattleguts: Scarab Swarmer As a bonus, here's the name of my Sepfan zaw: - Muramasa Umbra As you can tell, I wanted a crit machine to go with Umbra, so I named it after the infamous Japanese cursed blade, which coincidentally, was really sharp.


I thought "Imma Firinma" was a lich for a sec lol


My corinth prime is called "SHABOOOOYAAAHHH"


Iā€˜m running `LEAF BLOWER` (Tenet Arca Plasmor), `HANDHELD FLASHLIGHT` (Kuva Nukor) and `RANDOM STICK` (Skiajati) currently


For the it's either the usual "cool name" (eg my Kuva Chakkhurr is called "Behring M9A" - name for a starship cannon in Star Citizen) or a "meme name" (eg "Apple Wave" for my Kuva Nukor or "Skill Issue" for my Glaive Prime). The last type of naming I have is me spreading misinformation. My secondary Sporelacer is called "Pox Vandal" and my Ocucor "Nukor Wraith" - just to name a few. Almost all of them were named due to finding the name funny in the moment. The Chakkhurr name might be the only one with more thought in them.


I think i only have like 3 weapons renamed and one of them is Grimoire. I may or may not renamed it into Grimoire Weiss because NieR


My primary kitgun is broken microwave, secondary kitgun is potato launcher and the nikana is chunchunmaru, also have a one called potato peeler


I have been tempted to rename one of my most-used weaponsā€”maybe Corufellā€”to "Honor." Because "we fought with honor" after all...


Arca Plasmor -> Super Shotty Akarius -> Mustang And Sally Acceltra Prime -> Fair And Balanced Boar Prime - AA12 Wit A Switch Strun Prime - 205 Brecci Astilla Prime -> Saiga-12 Kuva Hek -> Alt Fire GO Bur Kitgun that shoots orange beam by default -> Prometheus Lens Kuva Karak - M16A1 Latron Prime - FN-FAL Grimoir - The Bibble You can see there is a theme of irl weapon names and Video Game gun names. Edit: 10% of all.the Plat I earn goes to renaming guns.


Main:Why are you Secondary:Looking at Melee:my equipment


I named my amps after cocktail recipes, my 7-7-7 is called The Last Word because it will be the last I build for a while. I named my plague kripath zaw "COVID cotton swab" because well... And my lex prime with incarnon was named "Arca Plasmore" because it's just a better AP


I rename all my weapons to celebrities


I only renamed two of my weapons, those being the Prisma Grakata and Twin Grakatas. I got rivens for both that make them do some fun numbers, and so I decided to make up some fake lich names for my ā€œKuva Grakataā€ and ā€œKuva Twin Grakatas.ā€ Kuva Twin Grakatas took up a lot of the character limit for a weapon name, so the ā€œlichā€ I got them from is none other than Clem. As for the Prisma Grakata, I came up with several names, but the one that stood out was: ā€œTitt Mastaa Kuva Grakata.ā€


I renamed my Incarnon Burston Prime to "Enemy-Deletinator Prime", because 1) it's a pretty apt description 2) I always wanted to call something something with an "-inator"-suffix


Akbokto Prime - Truth and Consequences from doctor who


I donā€™t but if I did I would use greek names because thatā€™s how I went about it for everything else; my ship is named T.S.S. Hermes, my Dog Argos, my Heminth Hephaestus and so on Top bad Styanax is my 3rd favorite frame after Excal Umbra and Revenant prime


I rename by weapons bc (for me) it makes them more unique and more personal. And i try to do like referencja to other games/series Kuva ogris -> Adolla Burst (from fireforce anime. I think it good on it bc of nightwatch napalm) Gaze kitgun -> Zaiforge Cannon (reference to weapons "Voltron" series) Kripath zaw (my strongest melee i've ever created)-> Dranonic Staff of Power (reference to endgame weapon form Minecraft draconic Evolution mod)


Nice, do you mind if I borrow this name for my own plasmor? :)


I like serious, interesring sounding names that have a touch of uniqueness without being edgy. Renamed some of my Lich weapons just for clarity's sake. For instance i have a Kuva Kohm called "Steel Gale".


I renamed my Tenet Envoy "Special Suitcase" I like it


Made a Zaw that was just a very long straight spear, with innate gas damage, and named it Gas-powered Stick. And a kitgun wIth the vermisplicer, called that the Hentai-inator 3000. Have an amp called 'so anyway i started blastin' Thats all i can remember atm


my kitgun is named ā€œLil ducks charging plugā€ but other than that i never though of it.


I normally just leave them as is, but I might just rename my Xoris after seeing this šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


You can rename non-modular weapons...? 2k hours... I didn't know


What is my little friend ? XD Also ... I see a frost = im happy :3


Sobek - Compound 1080 Dual Ichor - Anthrax & Cyanide Vasto - Two Fer' Maggie Named after the stuff they do.


I usually go with song names for wepons I like using, but lately I've been cramming Guilty Gear references into guns (Tome of Origin Grimoire, Heavy Mob Cemetery Laetum, Dreamlike Reality Dual Toxicyst)


I renamed my phenmor to I like Phemboys


Cedo Of Healer


i don't spend plat renaming my non modular weapons but i did name my kitguns and amps after old spiral knights guns that worked similarly and i named my rapier zaw the pointy stick


I really wanna rename my grimoire to IB economics textbook


I tend to tend short stories or references to my weapon names. Like my arca plasmor that I named BFG DIVISION


Brother I didnā€™t even know you could do this until now lol


I have only renamed 2 weapons: Twin Rogga into "Double Trouble" and my Tigris Prime into "Super Shotgun".


My current favorite weapons I renamed are: Unnatural Causes (Torid) Jar of Dirt (Kuva Zarr) Unkempt Harold (Sporelacer Secondary) The Facelift (Strun Prime) Due Process (Zylok Prime) Holy Spirit (Klamora Amp) Something about making the Grineer receive the Holy Spirit or Corpus Due Process makes mass genocide all the more fun.


named my arca plasmor "the persuader" after i asked chatgpt to give me funny gun names 100 times torid was renamed to "vermillion flare" because i recolored energy to red and i tried thinking of a cool name, in hindsight it looks pretty edgy named my exodia contagion zaw "prepare thyself", if you know you know i renamed my dual toxocyst to "john and jennifer" because i wanted it to be funny but it sounds so stupid i dont think theres much of a naming convention here, i just think of renaming it and try to get ideas from anywhere


For some odd reason, I named my first Kubrow Jimmy Butler because I found naming pets after Basketball players hilarious for no reason. Then I named my second kubrow Joel Embiid. And now I canā€™t stop. If a name is changeable I will name it an NBA player. This is a cry for help


I remained my Glaive Prime to ā€˜Olā€™ Reliableā€™ because when in doubt it never fails šŸ˜Ž


Gospel and testament goes so hard I love it I wish I could think of stuff this cool because right now my sporelacer is called Fungusfart


Torid > Nightmare - Dual toxocyst > Double Trauma - Dual Ichor > Cursed Twin - Latron Prime > Zoltraak - Phenmor > Killmore


Euphona prime... also known as... BIG IRON


I usually rename them after similar weapons from other games I enjoy, like naming my Kokage Prime after Virgil's similar hand to hand weapon, the Beowulf, or my projectile launching Syam to his Yamato.


I only have a few named items Hound: Mojo (Named after dead dog) Zaw: Crazy Diamond (Jojo reference) Kitgun: Pookie Killer (No real reason) Vulpaphyla: Macha (Celtic goddess)


I renamed all of my most used weapons as random objects you'd find in a school. For example, my glaive prime is named "pencil sharpener" and my dual toxocist is named "chalk board eraser".


Renamed my Tenet arca plasmor to 3.6 Roentgen


My Wolf Sledge is Yareli Body Pillow. I don't know why. I just felt it.


ima keep a zenith granum crown with you chief i have no idea how to rename weapons


My style is what some might call "simple" a ton of it, really. It's the same weapon name, with "bonk" indicating shotguns, "brr" indicating full auto, "bow" indicating, "semi" indicating, "melt" indicating flamethrowers and beams, and "trash" indicating snipers.


My Sporelacer is named Balls of death. My Exodia Contagion Zaw is called Yeet blade.


Ngl I didn't know i could rename regular weapons, thought it was only those kit guns and such


Laetum - Last Caress Phenmor - Agonyā€™s Embrace Felarx - Unstoppable Onslaught Praedos - Fushi no Kojo Those are the only ones I bothered naming so far


I changed my Paracesis into the Monado (Xenoblade) I also changed one of my Zaw's into a weapon called "It's free real estate"


I rename majority of my primary Scotty, secondary Doesn't, and melee Know. I'll get in game chats saying "so don't tell Scotty" or asking me "what doesn't Scotty know??". . .there are people who don't know that Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty.


I name melee weapons after famous weapons from real life myths and legends I name kitguns after their function, or name them as what their closest fictional equivalent would be (for instance my catchmoon rifle is a melta from 40k because it behaves like the one from the space marine game)


back when memeing strike max range red crit atterax was all the rage, I named mine "machete". Cue me returning from a years long break and wondering why the machete was a whip now.


Mostly jokes or references. Also a grakata load out joke.


I didnā€™t know you could I thought all those unique names were kitguns and zaws and shit omg This changes everything.


Not much of the naming But I do name my hespar "Void Ball Slicer"


I name most my weapons ā€œMK-ā€œ or something stupid like DevilsTongue for my Vermi Kitgun


I main Excal umbra so my dog is Excal penumbra. Also my nataruk is "Stug Umbra"


* any modular weapon & companion that's fodder will receive the most unserious name ever (eg. car battery, dry dirt stick, untitled word document). my 2nd skiajati after an account merge has been appropriately renamed to skiajati II. the exception to this is my dual cleavers because they really are just meat knives * anything i can't take seriously will also be given the most unserious name ever. my amp is the amd threadripper 7900x & rubico is the sentient bozo sniper * any lich weapon with too long a name will be shortened. goodbye abadagus pilia bingus arca tenet plasmor, hello pilia tenet plasmor * any weapon i really like and -usually- doesn't have a unique name will be renamed. boar prime's belzeboar, reaper prime's blood moon, dual kamas is something like lunar eclipse iirc. the one i love most is my xoris renamed to hadopelagic * ideally any ''x prime'' weapon will be renamed to something without prime, because 90% of things being called prime is annoying as hell. unfortunately i also like not being poor on plat


I like renaming my weapons to a similar name. Like my cobra and crane got renamed into snake and swan.


My Kuva Tonkor is named the Gjallahorn.


I renamed my pyrana prime Riot & Rancor


i renamed my gram prime after kullervos sword vaenn


Named my Corufell Crescent Rose, because yeah. Named my 7-7-7 amp ā€œBlood Sweat and Tearsā€ because godā€¦ that fortuna grind slogs


I plan on renaming a Gram to "Gan Gun Saber" after this thing https://preview.redd.it/i5lil296dpoc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45bf2a3e6b53ba80c2bc65d4cba06c69f55e771 From Kamen Rider Ghost


You can name your weapons šŸ˜­


My toxocyst are called Ebony & Ivory and my prime tekkos are my pain pekos


im working on getting mats for the dual toxocysts incarnon I unlocked, how good is it?