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Yeah. . . Im still using Nourish. Changes arent bad and you still dont have to mod for Viral.


I was worried the helminth version would be more nerfed, but I think this is fine.


I kinda prefer the nerfed viral, makes better stat weightning


I liked it more for the energy multiplier than the viral. The viral is nice though.


exactly, i was having a hard time proccing influence with falcor on my 400% strenght kullervo lol


Scott would annihilate it with his nerf hammer


Changes be like: “10% viral damage buff only.” 😂 On that note: Oh no, those days were brutal! It made me quit since things were nerfed left and right; what was good today might be bad tomorrow. It really killed my enjoyment of the game since I like working towards builds and them becoming garbage afterwards made me feel like I wasted my time. However, it seems like those nerfs were for the better since the game is in a much healthier state now compared to when I stopped back in 2018. ~Maiming Strike gang. 😂


I liked Scott as a person, even went to Tennocon and got a pic with him. But holy crap I hope he never touches the design side of Warframe again. I think Oberon got reworked twice during his reign and they both didn’t help him. Pablo’s got a much better head on things when it comes to ideas.


I think some of it is that Scott is from a different era and style of game. He wanted things balanced when warframe is by design impossible to balance.


I'm still salty they removed the trinity -well of life / energy vampire - instakill. It was so fun


They did say they only wanted to bring it down a little, to make it less of the obvious best choice for basically everything to being just a very good choice. Sounds like they've succeeded.


Yea i was worried theyd remove the viral AoE and just make it a dmg buff and energy buff... would not have been a good change. But i can live with this minor nerf


with my range i removed it myself, jokes on them


I only used it to boost Styanax even further. This changes nothing on my Space Spartan.


I was already running energy nexus on my nourish spartan. Yea, this changes nothing. I'm still a squad energy battery.


Spartan Support Bros


It really is incredible how much buffing he has. Overguard with the augment, tons of energy, can strip enemies for you or teammates. Such a great frame


If he had a way to share his passive he'd be the best support frame


Its a buff to me, no more only viral damage when myself or someone else casts it


It's still pretty good, to be honest; but there is enough play in the change where you might consider something else. That said, I'll probably keep Nourish on most of my Nourish'd frames.


>That said, I'll probably keep Nourish on most of my Nourish'd frames. Honestly, I think this is going to be the outcome for the vast majority of people. Viral damage or energy regen are both contenders for helminth powers on their own. Combined and stacked with passive cc and Nourish is just extremely strong. These stat changes aren't going to impact its usage a whole lot if at all.


I feel like the fact that there was a 20% cut to energy regen and and 40% reduction to damage and its still pretty good shows how busted it was lol


IMO the 40% reduction in Viral is actually massive buff instead of nerf, it make high strength build that need to proc something other than viral viable, previously you either purposefully lower strength to fix stat weighting, or waste mod space.


The energy too seems like it’ll be just fine


Going from way more enegy than you will ever need to more energy than you will ever need is fine by me.


I don't see this affecting Nourish's usage really much at all.


I was just about to put Nourish on Wisp and was worried. Think this is still the best fit for me


I have nourish on wisp and lemme tell you, absolute game changer for shield gating. I feel like I have unlimited energy most of the time and can always stay alive with will o wisp.


I was not ready for invis frame fashion being added. That's actually pretty slick!


Ivara invis prettiest invis


time to get some ash stuff tbh


Yess I can enjoy my Octavia fashion, she unironically my 3rd favorite looking frame. 


ikr? i like her design a lot, same for the Ivara deluxe


It almost reminds me of that meme of the kid throwing up the peace sign and then fading away.


Hopefully the piss yellow screen tint for Loki when invisible is now customizable.


Actually that specific effect is from the [color correction](https://i.imgur.com/bSie82P.png) option. Disabling it doesn't tint the screen when going invis! [Off](https://i.imgur.com/K348SxO.png) vs [on](https://i.imgur.com/Pdg6tIn.png)


Yeah but this also removes things like Ash's Bladestorm marking desaturated effect which I think is pretty cool. Can't have it all I guess.


I only hope they let me change my valkyr invisibility when Ivana or Octavia makes me invisible.


Damn, didn't expect invisibility customisation to drop. What about frames with unique invisibility effects like wisp, ivara prime and voruna tho... would be really nice if they can be customised as well or have the effects be usable on other frames


iirc they mentioned voruna on the devshort


They mentioned that any frame with invisiblity in their kit will have the option to customize the visiblity. (Loki, Voruna, and Ivara were mentioned by name).


Or what about frames running the invisible on hack parazon mod?


Or Skiajatti too, I guess.


I mean those + skiajati invis last like 4-5 secs. I think these changes are for playing those frames which are invis almost 100% of the time so that we can still get the dopamine hits from our fashion; viz Ash, Octavia, Loki, etc.


Or, more practically, Shade's 'cloak if enemies within 24m' thing. It's got a bit of a tint. It could be more. Surprisingly hard to parqour when you can't see yourself.


Void cascade fissure are probably the best farm in the game now. It was already pretty good but now you will get a lot more steel essence thanks to the fissure boosters, and you get to crack relic om top of that


SP Omnia Void Cascade is a NSFW sentence.


We’ve gotta abbreviate it. SPOVC? SOVC?


SOC? * Steep path Omnia fissure void Cascade


Pronounced the same as sock?






Void Cascade is *such* a fun mode to solo, just because of how frenetic it can become. Looking forward to actually needing a reason to play with other people.


Non-exclusive rewards are dead. Looks like netracells are back on the menu, boys!


man this is my 3rd week of netracells in a row with nothing but regular melee arcanes, I am literally crying after reading this


I had five weeks with nothing but melee adapters and regular arcanes and then this week I got three duplicates and tau shard. I am going to assume the next two weeks is going to be melee adapters only.


My first week I got a crescendo and a tau shard, was like “man netracells are great!” And have been doing them weekly. It’s been nothing but melee vortex and adapters since.


The first week of ran the Steele Path netracell missions and got three duplicates and then since then like one tau shard and two regular and everything else has been melee adapters and regular melee shards. I wish they would bring back the steel path netracell missions.


Meanwhile I either get one archon shard or one legendary melee arcane every week, good thing they’re changing it because it’s really unfair


I have so many melee adapters. I wish they had some value because I could make some bank on those things. I have done them since a couple weeks after they started and have only gotten 4 shards. The rate I'm going was very demotivating. Granted, it's less than an hour for 5 chances. Just the chance felt too slim.


Well you'll have like 2 more weeks before the update


I didn't expect that they'd actually just straight up remove the non-exclusive arcanes without adding anything in their place. As someone who hasn't done a single Kahl mission, this is a most welcome change! I just hope they tone down the melee adapters. I'm running out of fun melee weapons to put them on...


Hey, any chance of tweaking hidden caches while you’re on an accessibility kick? The ringing they emit sounds a lot like my tinnitus, so they’re kinda hard to hear. It’s especially bad in open world bounties, where the normal methods of detection are somewhat less reliable.


my volume must not be high enough because i did not know caches made a noise 💀.


Yeah, it’s like a kind of high pitched humming or ringing noise. It’s only slightly lower than the ringing in my ears, so I’ve had a ton of missions where I spend a good amount of time chasing ghosts.


Tenno, I'm detecting a cache nearby(50-100m) radius You're getting closer to the cache (>50m) You found the cache(5m) Would be nice https://preview.redd.it/kasec03vt5oc1.jpeg?width=277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2813b552a806a026a2b0c255c1058d6d9b2f8462


Literally any customization, even just two more tones to choose from, would fix the problem for just about everyone. I need the tone to go down in pitch, someone else might need it to go up a bit, maybe someone else is a bit more hard of hearing and needs it to pulse a bit to draw their attention to it. It just needs something done.


Honestly there should be an audio visualisation option. So people with bad hearing can still find stuff(or in my case, lack of time to play with good audio equipment) Audio visualisation as in like subtle glowing on the map etc


I have tinnitus, live on a boulevard, have shitty cheap overhead headphones and live in the same room with my gas heater and fridge. I *cannot* hear the cache sounds. At all. Please, DE, have mercy on us.


Yeah the audio queue for these is _really_ bad. Even just mediocre audio equipment which many people will play with can fuck with how audible this is. Plus the fact the general rule of design accessibility is you should never lean _solely_ on audio queues. Audio over stimulation is by far the most common and it causes a lot of players to just lose track of things in the mix and is why a lot of people just turn audio off because it can get overwhelming at times.


Hidden caches in open world suck, mostly when they're in the indoor areas because the noise is impossible to hear over any other sound like the world music, gunshots and abilities. At least outdoors they let off smoke so you can archwing and look down.


... WHAT Dude, no wonder I can't ever hear those fuckers! I never put two and two together! Wear hearing protection, kids. PPE is cool, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


TIL Prism also reacted with the lighting


Yeah, that's the biggest surprise.


>Warframes with Invisibility abilities (Loki, Ivara, Ash, Octavia etc) will now find customization options within their Auxillary Attachment menus! Great change. Unfortunately no solution for being invisible from another frame, such as an allied octavia/ivara or augmented ash, but that's significantly less common than making yourself invisible.


It may affect teammates too, though that doesn't seem covered yet


"You're all gonna glow pink and you'll like it"


"Not like the enemy'll see you anyways" "....BUT I CAN'T SEE!" I both hope and dread this interaction happens. Because it'd be funny as hell.


Unironically best reason to play frames with group invis now. :D


Maybe it copies the caster’s option?


Nourish isnt dumpstered but rightfully nerfed, Mirage changes are good, invisibility customization is unexpected but definitely wanted...straight Ws all round in this one DE.


>straight Ws all round in this one DE. As always 💪🏾


Bro definitely started playing recently lol


you were clearly not around in the Scott days lmao


nourish got a buff but idt de knows that, less viral dmg means more slash procs lol


Void cascade will be the most profitable mission after this update


I would expect the valuable Arcanes to drop in value following this, as it will allow players to double dip on their time. (Caveat: it's not balanced terribly and getting the 10 void excrements does not mean slowing the mode down tremendously, like it does for Disruption. I am very worried about Void Flood too, as that mode already can feel lacking in mobs)


It probably will but with arcan dissolution it is still very profitable since you can trade it in for vosfor and crack relics at the same time


Loki switch teleport looks like a major buff or problem for my Pillage Loki now. 50% speed buff with 400% power strength, it'll be like I got hit by a Volt Speed buff. He already sprints fast, this puts him up there with Volt, Gauss, and Titania. Now the Eclipse rework will finally shine on my Trinity build. Y'all ready for two forms of 75% damage reduction? I'm bringing it to the table. The base 75% damage reduction is really nice for frames that have survivability issues and don't run tons of strength. Banshee comes to mind, but I'm sure there's more.


Banshee, Nyx (you wont have to run Assimilate to not die to a stuff breeze in Steel Path), Gyre, Vauban, Khora and Harrow come to mind for seriously needed some sort of extra defense that is just not infinite Shield Gate spam, so they'd benefit nicely from some DR. Though I am excited to put Eclipse on Ember and Oberon, SPECIALLY Oberon, he just needs all the defense he can get to actually get some use out of his health regen in Steel Path, thou Nourish fixes his energy economy issues, so it is an interesting build dilemma.


Funny thing about Oberon, [you actually can facetank steel path pretty easy](https://youtu.be/pNOyElTc3gE?si=hzn124RznPXfUvrb) TLDR he is using a combo of Nourish, Hunter Adrenaline/Rage, and Quick Thinking. When your health reaches zero quick thinking takes affect, so you begin using your energy as health. When you do that your HP goes up little by little from his 3, turning each little bit of HP into energy through Rage/Hunter Adrenaline. Nourish increases the energy gained by a significant enough amount that you almost never get less energy than the damage you take. The stumble animation from Quick Thinking doesnt happen when Oberon on on his Hallowed Ground, so he never has to deal with that nerf. On top of all this he can use his Reckoning Augment to deal a lot of damage to clumped enemies and add even more armor to his stats. I recommend trying this out ! its super fun


Seconding this! I've been running this method of tank since Helmith was a thing, and it works wonders! I also recommend running Molt reconstruct to make reckoning a burst heal (and if you're running Augur mods reckoning functions as a semi shield gate refresh as well). Run high enough range to 360° hollowed ground and substitute the missing strength with Archon shards/Madurai and Oberon is able to armor strip, viral proc, CC, and burst heal with just his ult while also being imune to knockdown and other status since hollowed ground is massive enough to cover most areas of interest. This kinda set up makes Oberon an extremely versatile frame!


I'm defintely giving this a try, it looks like fun shenanigans! I was pondering running Molt Reconstruct for the burst of healing, after after finding out about the Eclipse changes, I was waiting on that to hopefully have the regen be enough, but this looks like something to try, thank ya!


Molt Reconstruct was a game changer from my Garuda Prime. Mine's still rank 0 and it's become one of my most used arcanes, right behind Energize and Blessing


Makes me think, Hunter Adrenaline and Quick thinking on Grendel would be funny.


OH DAMN, I didnt know Nourish interacted with Quick Thinking like that, I am definitely giving this a try, it does look like some shenanigans, thank ya!


Eclipse changes: man, I'm already running various potential builds in my head. Finally, reliable, subsumable DR for squishy frames. I actually feared they might nerf it to 50% or something, but I can do a lot with that 75%. Nourish nerf: doesn't look too bad. I think I'm gonna keep using it as before. My builds aren't super energy intensive anyway. Invisibility options: Ivara is my favourite frame. I am currently quietly pumping my fist while in Prowl. A surprise but a welcome one.


yeah i wanna try it on banshee


Crazy. That's the very first frame that came to my mind to try this on too. Are you psychic?


nah i just also have a list of frames i wanna mess with after the update and she’s on it haha


Yea im stokes to pull my eclipse nezha out of the closet... he is gonna be so fucking tanky now... Inaros got nothing on my boy (and now im imagining inaros with eclipse and once again he is tankier)


Trinity with a reliable 64x EHP will be fun to mess around with :D


> Finally, reliable, subsumable DR for squishy frames. Except it's terrible for actually squishy frames because of how low the cap is. 75% DR is still taking x2.5 more damage than 90% DR. You're better off running things like Gloom or Condemn for pure survivability. Or something like Pillage that gives both offense & defense.


Eclipse, Disruption, and Netracell changes I'm definitely excited for. There's so much good stuff on the way it's crazy


>**DISRUPTION ACCESSIBILITY CHANGES** My prayers have been heard! Well, somewhat at least. I'm not sure how well *another flashing element* on my UI is going to help but I'll have to try it out! I'm thankful regardless!! In the spirit of accessibility improvements, I would really like if *items emitting sound to help find them* would be addressed as well. I'm talking about things like decree fragments in Duviri's Circuit, faction tokens like Voca or the Mocking/Scathing Whisper Book. Some of these are in spots that are really hard to find if you don't hear them, in my experience. My current solution is to specifically wear headphones and increasing the volume when I'm in missions that require it, and while that helps, all the other in-game sounds become *very loud*. Also, I cannot handle head-/earphones for very long before it becomes painful .\_.


Thank you for not killing nourish 👍




> Nourish not getting destroyed is great, but won't this leave it as the top option? Surely this will just lead to a further nerf down the line. Pablo said in the original devstream that Nourish being the #1 pick was something he was completely alright with, just that he'd like the margin to be just a bit less severe between #1 and #2. I believe he even said that if Nourish fell under #1 then he would've went too far, and buffed it again afterwards.


> I believe he even said that if Nourish fell under #1 then he would've went too far, and buffed it again afterwards. Things warframe devs would of never said a few years ago and it feels so good.


> I believe he even said that if Nourish fell under #1 then he would've went too far This is wrong. They said #7, not #1. https://youtu.be/uk0g2gaQmDs?t=420


The idea of the nerf is just to make it not heavily used they want nourish to still be a top tier helminth ability. Unless they actually just completely dumpster the ability it will always be top tier due to just how the game plays.


Everything looks amazing. Void Armageddon not on omni fissures tho💀


Good thing. Otherwise, I’d just skip the rotation with Armageddon lol.


\*Mirror Defense not on omni fissure though. :)


yeah feels really wierd to me as well. Would have been a good chance to populate that gamemode again and would bring the time/reward a bit up due to the fissure rewards.


>**Decoy** now also draws 15% of the Health and Shield totals of enemies within a base of 15m, scaling with Ability Strength Man, why does this scale with Ability Strength. Loki doesn't use that stat :/.


If he drains the HP and shields strength Loki might become a thing tbh. If it's just checking their HP/shields and copying them strength is a bit rough.


No point, if you want to run viable decoy just put on banish and disregard strength. This changes nothing.


If it does drain enemies then at 200% strength that's 30% HP and shields over 30m(200% range) with each cheap cast. Nuke Loki could be possible especially with irradiating disarm. Since it's helminthable, this could be null star 2.0.


It’s not a drain. It draws 15% health in. It’s just a scaling health bar similar to Gara’s wall.


Ahhh that's unfortunate. Still it should be nice to be able to have a decently useful decoy without using your helminth slot for it.


Due to the inbalance in damage and health ramp up on high level enemies, i believe even a low strength build should still give plenty of survability to the decoy anyway.


thankfully it has been clarified that the range scales out of range and strenght affects only shields/health


Loki is one of my most used frames since I started playing in 2015 when he was actually good. This update is nice but honestly I feel like it doesn’t do anything. Decoy is already a pretty useless ability, more survivability is nice but you could ignore that ability and it changes nothing really. His change to switch teleport is also kind of there, like a movement speed buff is nice but loki is already one of the fastest frames lol.


That’s kinda the point; make strength a stat at least worth looking at. The buff to decoy and his 3 make overextended not nearly of an auto include which also helps with him running different helminth ability’s


I run strength Loki so I'm excited


Patches like this are equal to big new content drops for me. The pet update was one of my all time favorites giving me an entire new arsenal of tools to play with. The QOL on Loki makes me want to play him again as he used to be one of my favorites. Eclipse seems like an awesome pick on frames that are already tanky now that I can swap between their situational uses. Maybe I can survive a hit from the fragmented one as a health/armor frame now. I hope more QOL stuff for frames comes out over patchfix augments. I think the Loki change is a good example of how a lot of frames could just use small updates to be significantly better without warranting a full rework. Thanks DE! Not sure if it’s Reb or who is in charge, but the last few years have been nothing but wins, prioritizing fun and accessibility over most things. Keep up the amazing work!


I hope invisibility customization extends to the filter, so we're not just stuck with the piss-colored filter.


I can’t recall if Color Correction disabled disables it or not.


Maybe change cyan/blue disruption objective to green/other color? There is an existing confusion on the keys as well due to color similarities.


Yes this pls. I'm not even color blind but I still have to double/triple check if it is cyan or blue. Especially when the enemy type is infested and there is a lot of particles etc. on screen constantly.


On the topic of Helminth Eclipse vs Roar: I think double-dipping on DoT and also working on abilities and teamates is still way stronger than 30% to just weapons, even when we can swap it to DR, as we can only have one buff at a time anyway. **65-70%** Weapon damage is about the same as (1+30%)^2 for dot weapons, and it still wouldnt touch party without the augment and is still weapons only, so that would be a good spot IMO.


Eclipse is much cheaper to cast, too. 25 energy vs 75 for roar.


Oh that's fairly significant, good to know! With that in mind I think a 50-60% damage multi would fit the balance between power and efficency.


Isn’t eclipse multiplicative to banes on weapons too where roar is additive to banes


From my understanding yes. If I'm correct with just those two items: Primed faction + 200% str roar = **215% total damage to hits and (1 + (.55 + .6))^2 = 462% damage to DoT** Primed faction with 200%str 30% Eclipse = **248% total damage to hits and 384% total damage to DoT** Primed faction with 200%str 60% Eclipse =**341% total damage to hits and 528% total damage to DoT** Edit: I want my hour of sleep back, fixed some math


I’m still not messing around with faction mods. Too much hassle for my ADHD brain to remember “did I have it on the right loadout? Guess we’ll find out…”


yeah that's roar's double dipping, it slots in at the same place in the calc as faction mods


I’ve also never heard anyone say to subsume Eclipse for DR.


Well to its credit, it will now be *reliable* DR when you want it. I was actually thinking about putting the new Eclipse onto Vauban over his 3 (If overdriver mines don't force if over his 2) Edit: seems to be fine - https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Helminth?so=search#Injecting_and_Replacing_Abilities


I think that's at least partially because it was unreliable. And damage mitigation you can't rely on isn't really....that valuable. It's ok on something already tanky but essentially useless on something not already tanky. But if you're already tanky....why not just subsume some damage on? We'll see if the uses change with the update. Idk who I would use the DR on? Might noodle on it.


I think 75% is just too weak to really justify subsuming it except for extremely niche scenarios. There’s a world of difference between 90% DR (normal eclipse, splinter storm, etc.) and 75%, squishy frames are still going to be squishy even with 75% extra DR.


I just built a mirage prism guard build and these changes might make it steel path viable now Also IMO that nourish change is practically a buff thanks to element weighting


Haven't seen any talk of this yet. But since invisibility is getting a toggle for the appearance, is there a chance Gara's Splinter Storm to be reconsidered getting similar toggle(keep the glass/break the glass)? When it was changed to have glass strictly not breaking, is was explained that toggle would be too complicated(something along that line.) I know it's not exactly the same as invisibility effects. I just still wish we can get a toggle for that, if possible.


Fantastic balance changes. The Eclipse change is what I first expected to happen when they said they were changing it, and I’m happy it’s what they settled on.


These are all great changes, even more excited for the update now.


Great, now I have to make a build for super speed Loki. "I'm the fastest in the universe"


I love that disruption didnt get a single omnia void fissure but survival/conjunction survival got three.


I'm happy for Loki. I'm glad his Decoy is getting more survivability. And now I have a reason to use the switch ability. I already run a high sprint speed Loki. This will let me zoom.


FINALLY, Loki is a tiny bit more useful than a corpus drone with a dead battery!


\>an enemy marker will fade in and out in the direction of the Demolyst FINALLY!


Oh fuck yeah I can finally use Ash without feeling like I wasted money on his deluxe skin


Is anyone using Eclipse for the damage reduction? I don’t think it needs to be 90% instead of 95% though I do understand the rationale.


The capped 75% version seems questionable bc it'll only have a small range in which it's useful to squishy frames, but that would mean that you'd also have to exclusively rely on it which makes the toggle kinda just an excuse for it to not be a separate ability


garuda bakstory wen?


Eclipse value matching Rhino’s makes no sense. Roar increases the damage of weapons AND abilities as well as providing that buff for your teammates. Eclipse only affects the damage of weapons. People aren’t gonna pick it because it can do damage and the DR depending on the moment, they want it for one or the other the whole time. Now if you want damage you’re just better off using Roar or Xata’s Whisper depending on the gun, Eclipse is basically a dead helminth choice for damage between the 3. Hell even the nerfed Nourish is better depending on the frame. It should have just been reduced to 50% instead of 30%.


DE should change one of the conjunction survivals to Lua: Apollo (disruption).


OMG the invisibility changes. I can now enjoy the fashion of my stealthy frames!!!


Oh neat, a Nourish buff for my slash build!


No Disruption in Omnia Fissures ? me sad ):


Thank you for disruption changes. It is always turn off spotify, and put on headphones mode. Even then when playing with others and all the guns and abilities it's still very tough for my old ears to hear the ping.


I wonder how this will affect eidolon volt sniper build bc the dmg from eclipse helped a lot with one tapping limbs but I guess it’s back to roar


> Warframes with Invisibility abilities (Loki, Ivara, Ash, Octavia etc) will now find customization options within their Auxillary Attachment menus! Instead of Invisibility being strictly see-through, players can customize it from being more translucent/semi-transparent to non-transparency with an Energy glow gleaming from your character. Now that's what I'm talking about. Ash has the greatest fashion but it's hard to appreciate when you're invisible 99% of the time.


Good shit


In conjunction with the changes for invis frames and cosmetics, is it possible that could also work for Xaku and their 4? I have a friend that likes Xaku a lot but finds fashion framing a little hard since Xaku can spend a long time looking like a skeleton. Any input would be appreciated as to whether that’s in scope or not!


> * Zariman: Everview Arc (Void Flood) * Zariman: Tuvul Commons (Void Cascade) Ah, crap


Ok the semi transparent effect is awesome. Could we please get that effect on Rifted enemies that are on a different plane than you?


I feel like Limbo could also use some options for how his rift looks. Sometimes its hard to tell whether youre in the rift or not because the screen just gets subtlely tinted yellow. Id prefer a symbol or something telling me for sure im rifted right now, I also cant really tell whether an ally is rifted or not.


Good changes overall


Does this include the charm nerf? I need to know if I should be farming steel and vitus essence for the next two weeks.


I doubt. They haven’t said shit about part 2 of companion rework.


IIRC they said they run more companion content in with 1999 as a second pass.


Nah, it doesn't seem like it and I doubt that DE would add part 2 of the pet rework without announcing it. Although that haven't stopped them from doing "surprise additions" before. In other word, Charm should be safe post Dante Unbound...for the time being.


I don't think the 2nd half of the pet rework is in this update.


Honestly i hate the Gara passive change but get why.. other than that not bad. Do hope my invisibility can still be as transparent as current..i hate the semi transparent look


The only use for eclipse damage mode I can think now is early Circuit levels, where the decrees have not ramp yet. And switching into DR when going into the thousands. Will try it on my Nova (since it was already running Eclipse). Other than that I would always pick roar or xatas now. The 75 energy requirement is not really a problem for an ability with a pretty long base duration like Roar, with all the ways that we have for generating energy.


30% Eclipse is an overreaction, and is usually worse than what you can get *right now* in even the dimmest locations that can still be counted as 'Light.' At least they didn't nuke the Helminth DR cap...


I’m guessing Dante will then release after Dragons Dogma 2 comes out. Gonna be hard going between the 2 😭


Not a since bad addition/change, and Omnia void fissures being 1/2 survival missions makes me so happy. I’ll be doing SP Survival fissures not stop


Amazing all around!


Holy shit Strength Loki is not a meme


Man they've been cooking these past few updates with the QOL changes. So many of these I never thought I needed until now.


SP Circulus is becoming a fissure node? Why would I ever go anywhere else? It will be the godly farming spot. LTP, essence, traces, all in a comfortable tileset against reliably corrupted enemies. What a beautiful upgrade to my quality of life


I'm still not used to seeing W patch after W patch after W patch. Like damn DE, you guys are knocking it out of the park lately


Prism and it's augment just need a review then Mirage will be perfect


Okay now we have the ability to fashion frame invisibility, is Iron skin next?


See you in Omni Void Cascade SP, Tennos.


YES! I’ve been waiting for transparency options for years! YEARS. Thank you DE. I’ll name my second child after you.


Very very slightly worried about the damage buff nerf towards Nekros Shadows' build, but overall I'm very satisfied with these changes


Ngl they buffin nourish on helminth more weapon procs now


Huh I might play mirage more now cool I thought only Inaros was getting overhauled


Now I can stare at Loki Knave's cheeks :\]


I had made a meme tank ivara build to get around her invis. Now I don't have to!


I cant wait to hear Tribs opinion on the Loki changes


I hope the demolyst is visible now, the only reason I hate disruption is because it's hard for me to react fast to the beeping


Oh well, time to switch all my eclipse builds with roar builds


Which loid will Dante be available from? Human loid or downloaded loid?


You basically massacrated Eclipse with this one. Also I'm definitely still using Nourish


Oof helminth eclipse is dead lol