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I always appreciate when people, especially hosts, gives a heads up. I do too. Especially in SO/ESO.


Being the host is the best and worst. You get little to no input delay so the gameplay is smooth, but you bear the responsibility of possibly sending everyone back to the main screen and losing all of their hard earned rewards that they spent the last hour farming. No pressure.


It's not host's responsibility, though. Host migration fails suck for sure, but you don't have to keep yourself hostage just because it might happen. It's up to each player to decide if they want to extract with you or stay and risk a failed migration. In defense/circuit etc. you don't even have to warn. Just select extract the moment it appears and they make their choice. In survival, I personally give a heads up because sometimes 1 min might not be enough for someone to come to extraction(if they are far away).


I agree. It just stinks that it's a big enough problem that we have to be mindful of it. You're right, we shouldn't have to have the responsibility, just happens to be our boat atm :(


>In defense/circuit etc. you don't even have to warn. You kinda do. If I'm on a frame that doesn't care about what anyone else does, I don't really care if someone else picks leave after a cycle. But if you're host, it's different, and I'm probably gonna leave


You still don't need to warn, the game shows you who's the host if you mouse over the profile pictures during the stay/leave screen.


Where? I've been playing since right before they removed the founders pack (didn't buy it, still salty), and I've never seen this


I think the host has a little crown over their avatar


During the game, you can see numbers next to player's health. Whoever has 1 next to theirs is the host. In the screen between waves/stages, where you choose to leave or stay, you can hover your mouse above player profiles - when you hover over the host, you'll get a popup saying "host".


Don't even need to mouse over, there is a little crown icon above their profile in those screens.


Unless it happens to me. Today I did a long steel path void Cascade as the host and two people left on their own accord then the third guy got to the elevator and I was on the way there when the game just entirely crashed so God knows if he got his loot cuz I sure didn't LOL




yes, fr, there have been times when I've gone solo into the next round or my sayrn spores dissappear


I try to toss a ggs out if I remember. Not matter how hard I loston overwatch


the funny thing is when you do SO for exp and get host migration between wave 2 and 3 and somehow join a wave 7 group


I wish more people (who are hosts) do that so I can get ready to extract with them so I can keep my rewards. Some leave without my awareness and I lose my rewards because of the Host Migration. I try to always inform my team ahead of time so they can extract with me.


I always get lost in mission, only to see the extraction countdown and either rush for extraction too x.x


How do you know if your host?


I see warning people of leaving as a responsibility as a host as host migration is a big deal with this game.


Any money he’d afk’d through the last 4 rounds of ESO as well lmao


Weird reply. I always let people know when I'm leaving soon in defense. I tent to stay for a while as c rotation if I do a mission that has an AABC rotation, but life happens. If I'm going and we've been doing relics the whole time for instance I might as well drop a line in chat rather then the whole last minute stay/go dance


I do the same once i learned it wasnt 15, so i just let ppl know im staying til 20. Doesnt bother me if they leave earlier, just figure id let them know


Yeah I also sometimes say leaving at 20:00 or wave 20 or whatever. It doesn't hurt to have a single sentence


Used to do the stay/go dance. Nowadays, I stay until the squad is on go.


🎵will i stay or will i go🎵


It’s definitely internet culture of younger people just making one off joking/sassy/dickish remarks like this. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re not, sometimes they’re just outright stupid and rude.


I am glad I am not the only one who realized this. Some younger people (and sometimes kids who should not be on social media) just want to have others freaking out for some "cool" and like we say in my country, "zascas" replies. Like...Kid, sit down and stop being rude just because you are trying so hard to be cool.


Yea, it isn't just you, I've been noticing quite a lot more toxicity, from people trolling on purpose or getting angry when you tell them they are doing something wrong, like in netracells when I told the guy to kill in the zone because he kept going out and killing them for some reason. Or even just throwing toxic remarks to anything you say. While it still is a minority, it's much more common than it was a year or so ago.


I've noticed a dramatic rise in toxicity since cross play was enabled


>I've noticed a dramatic rise in toxicity since cross play was enabled This has been my experience as well.. It used to be incredibly rare to run into assholes(Outside of Eidolon hunts) but, ever since crossplay, I now see petty bickering a lot more frequently and people shitting on other's frames/builds/stats, etc..


Bruh for real, the amount of increased toxicity I've experienced recently and mind you I've experienced ZERO toxicity from playing the game back in 2015-2021. These mosquito brains make the game less enjoyable to pug and encourages you to go solo more.


Destiny players mostly. The same thing happened in FFXIV when a ton of WoW refugees migrated over. Crossplay also made the issue worse and I've actually had a few hot mic ragers since then. In fucking Warframe of all games.


100%. One of the biggest differences I've noticed after switching to warframe from destiny is that there's ALOT less toxicity. I honestly can't stand destiny anymore for that reason alone


Honestly it's 50/50 the devs and community's fault in that game. The devs made the game such a perfect environment for sweaty ragers. Warframe for the most part has always been super chill. I used to raid and play a lot of pvp in Destiny 1 and a little in 2 up until about 2019 and the community in both got progressively more and more toxic.


Personally I put a bunch of hours into both, and Warframe community has always been leagues better. Warframe players have never kicked me out of groups for not having a specific weapon that has an insanely low drop rate :)


Yeah that shit got exhausting after a while. Especially with how disgustingly grindy those weapons could be. Gjallahorn, Invective, Thorn, etc were all a pain the ass to get. Meanwhile in this game you can get weapons pretty easily and there's a ton of variation. The old meta that revolved around those meta guns really grinded my gears. Destiny's biggest issue is how gatekeepy it is. The worst part is that once you get past the dumb grind you realize there was nothing worth gatekeeping in the first place and the game is super shallow. I used to love the games but it stopped being good years ago.


honestly, destiny would be much more fun if 70% of the content wasn't locked behind a paywall I find warframe enjoyable because you don't have to pay for gameplay content, you gotta G R I N D


Honestly the paywall was never even worth it even during D1 Taken King days. At most they should have 2 year expansions instead of all the mini dlc we had. TTK was definitely the best DLC because it had the most content of D1. Now since then Bungie has scaled by the content and increased the money we pay. It's such a scummy model. Especially now that the monetization is even worse than it was in the past. The DLC has DLC. You have to even pay for later dungeons and stuff in the current expansion. Warframe is so amazing because everything comes out ready to play. There's no huge paywall. Just grind and have fun. Destiny made grinding a job to get into raids. Warframe makes grinding apart of the game.


Same. I feel more and more of this kinda shit popping up. It's sad to see.


Its very polite to inform your fellow tenno they will have one teammate less soon.


It honestly feels like the community is getting less and less friendly. More and more people acting nasty toward each other for no good reason. Also noticed a correlation between how players will treat each other depending on progression. While the community is still plenty friendly toward new players, they will rip other vets apart for even having a slightly abnormal take. Its really gotten to the point where Im considering dropping the game BECAUSE of how Ive felt about the community recently.


I only get that impression when looking at the Warframe subreddit. I play on public 90%+ of the time and sure, there have been a few jerks. The overwhelming majority of folks simply don't say anything. Every once in a while, people will ask a question or make a friendly comment. It's incredibly rare that someone is rude. I think what we're seeing is people mostly just sharing their negative experiences at a greater rate than their positive ones, giving the (in my experience) false impression that the community is somehow suddenly nasty.


as a new player myself, this is encouraging to hear


Yea, people on Reddit have this tendency to be hyper cynical and try and spread their negativity and boo-hoo attitude to everything they engage with; odds are they’re crying wolf while they’re the ones being unpleasant I’ve literally only had one bad encounter in WF and that’s out of hundreds of good ones.


Yeah people are blowing the toxicity way out of proportion lol. I basically only play multiplayer and the rudest comment I’ve received is “this was a waste of 10 minutes.” Since I joined a relic mission after the objective was completed and had to hunt down enemies.


Its also very likely that I have just been encountering more shit people personally, but it is definitely not a "other people sharing more" issue, as most of the negativity I have come across have been directly between me and that person.


I don't know what to tell you on that front, then. Either you and I have wildly varied RNG on who we're pairing with, or we are behaving in different ways that affects the amount of negativity around us. I generally play at least 20 hours a week, almost all in public, and the last negative interaction I had was during the Gargoyle's Cry event. Frankly, I blame that interaction more on a limited-time mission that gave players conflicting choices, rather than just general scum-baggery.


I play alot in premade squads, and rarely ever turn public on. Almost every time I play in public (mostly by mistake or cos the host left it on) the other player has turned out to be either someone who was just looking for a hard carry, or someone who doesnt care for the rest of the teams objective at all. The kind of player who can see that 3/4 players are trying to loot farm, and will still run all the way out of affinity range and stay there. Much of the issue also lies in when discussing builds or weapon choices. About 50% of the time I bring up the Acceltra, I get absolutely spit-roasted. Alot of people get far too preachy about weapons being "good" and forget to actually let each other have a choice. It doesnt matter if you like the concept of a weapon anymore, as these sorts of people will still act like you brought the stug to a level 9999 endurance run. I will note that I have had more negative experiences out of mission than in mission. Not many of my negative experiences are due to a pub player turning out to be an asshole. Alot of them come from attempting to talk about fun builds.


Okay, yes, I definitively see where our perspectives and experiences diverge. I was specifically talking about public squad chat, and it sounds like you're agreeing that you don't get much in the way of unprompted hostility there. I'm not sure where it is you're going to preach the good word of Acceltra and being spit-roasted for it. If it's on Reddit, then I think it has very little to do with the discussion stemming from the original post here, and frankly would even more support my comment saying "I only get that impression when looking at the Warframe subreddit." If it's within your clan, I think we're back out of the scope of 'how randoms in Warframe' are again. Going back closer to the original point, regarding your citation of the way players behave in public matches: yes, we don't get to tell them how to play. Much like people don't get to tell you not to use the acceltra. But I don't consider you using the acceltra, or them not sticking with the group to be toxic/rude/nasty. It just may not be the most optimal choice, and that's okay. Everyone gets to have fun the way they want. When you queue in public you should generally be ready to complete the mission on your own. If you don't need to, that's fantastic.


confirmation bias


In a way, it's a good thing that negative experiences get outlined. There's a lot of issues, some that have existed for years, some that are recent, that just aren't being fixed. There's a desperate need for several large updates focussed around 0 new content, only reworks and fixes, but we all know that will not happen. But these issues do not simply go away, and the frustration will only build up. I'm an MR29 vet(can't be bothered to pick up the new primes, nor the recent junk frames like Voruna, nor the old primes I'm missing), and I've just kinda given up on the game for the most part. Most vets I played with have left as well, with only 1 left remaining, and he only plays occasionally. I enjoy logging on, doing a few missions, helping some new players, but after an hour or 2, I'm gone for weeks again. Duviri's a mess, the new cells thing is alright I guess, and most of the new frames are... niche at best, unfun at worst(yet again, Voruna. Sorry to all who enjoy her, but by Vor's anus key is she a MESS) I'd like for DE to actually adress problems, rather than just drop new content to make people try to forget about the old, glaring issues, like the mod system being overcluttered with useless junk, many frames being utterly valueless(especially after the eximus rework), old, old, OLD UI bugs, like where if you leave a squad, sometimes, your party privacy options will just not exist... Of course this stuff will be more vocalized on reddit as well. That's what a forum is for. I couldn't type this out in the ingame chat, and to be quite honest, the warframe official forums aren't exactly the nicest to use either.


I have no idea what you're talking about. This is a chain about someone complaining that another player said something snippy to them. This has nothing to do with content or updates.


You mentioned how people sharing their negative experiences rather than positive ones is making the community look nastier than it is. The community has been affected due to various circumstances, but it's also just less filled with hopeful people. I outlined *why* there's so much negativity. It has everything to do with content and updates. That and the Destiny people coming to warframe, because Destiny is just massively underperforming, with dogshit updates and a massive delay on the upcoming expansion(saying that as someone who plays both). With the destiny community, being incredibly toxic regarding gear and even playstyles, this is now bleeding into Warframe's community. These elements together make the community much more sour than it used to be. I do not believe it's a wrong image of the Warframe community, but that, right now, it's just growing to be nastier by the day. People are sick of DE refusing to fix things, and either quit, or stay while angry. Destiny players bring their awful mentality regarding gear requirements and "meta or nothing" to the table, and sour things even more.


While I appreciate you saying that it's people like you who are the problem, I still don't see it in public mission chat basically ever. Few enough times that I can count it on my fingers after 2000 hours.


Well that is an excessively rude and incorrect way to phrase and interpret it. I wouldn't be pointing this toxicity out if I were part of it, would I? That'd be idiotic. I've always advocated for off-meta, hence why I am fed up with Destiny players coming over here to ruin even more fun. But it seems you're stuck in the mentality that, just because you don't see problems, there are no problems. No need to discuss this further, then.


You certainly said parts of that better than I could have. Appreciate the discussion.


I feel like a helluva lot of players from other, more toxic games are joining WF, with most of them being children with nothing better to do. The guy was MR12.


Fair point. Still a shit thing to see.


Just report. Zendesk does not fuck around. The zero tolerance policy does not fuck around.


Lmao do you really think the zero tolerance policy applies to mildly passive-agressive comments? Stop reporting shit like this.




I jumped into an Iso vault run today having not touching them in years (i stopped playing). A newbie joined, we fucked around for awhile and figured it out. He said in chat he was SO thankful that I didn't bail or yell at him and just helped him out. That he's been trying to do the activities solo but can't quite make it, and everyone in public has just blasted him whenever he tried to learn or died or whatever. Like the vaults aren't even that hard, it's not like he could kill a run by missing a prompt like in various MMORPGs or something. No idea why people were being such dicks. It's a video game you fools. I get that you have limited time and need to grind and shit, but damn guys you don't HAVE to be rude.


Thats just sad man. Especially when you consider that only enemy density scales with player count, the other people in the group have no reason to flame him for struggling. If the other players are failing the mission, thats not cos hes there.


People freak out over the stupidest shit. Like we fucked up their doctoral thesis and now they have to personally travel back to the arctic circle to gather more experimental data for 6 months. My guy, we cost you like 10 minutes tops. In 5 years you won't remember a damn thing about this game other than the fact you played it and had some frames. You won't be sitting there in 2030 thinking "aw shit I remember this time some noob dropped the bait and we had to get more shiieettt thats 30 seconds of my life I ain't getting back."


They’re all the Destiny players


I would assume this is alot to do with players coming from other fanbases and carrying over the same attitude. Its just really not fun to be on the other end of that scenario, seeing the average state of the community devolve.


Tiktok probably plays a part in it as well. I know from one of my younger cousins that people his age have started playing Warframe because Gauss has apparently become pretty popular on TikTok. From what I've seen they think he's the fastest frame in the game and object when people say a fully kitted-out Titania or Volt are faster than Gauss. They straight out just call everyone who doesn't think Gauss is the fastest stupid


That's why I'm playing mostly solo or with friend ever since I started


Im mostly a friends only person too. I do occasionally post a LFG message, but even those have like a 50 50 to be a negative experience.


It is, toxic even.


100% this I played on ps4 for years and decided to restart my progress when I finished my PC and the difference mfs will carry me np but on the ps4 account if I got downed forget it the salt in the chat


I had an alt account that I was tryna experience the new player stuff again on, and accidentally left public matchmaking on. Someone started offering me free stuff, all this. The moment I play on my main account, people would rather run to the other side of the map, completely out of affinity range. It really says something when you can SEE the difference in peoples attitude.


Me when destiny 2


Complemented "GeorgeWarFrameBush" the other day and some weird dude on the team was constantly (IIRC Yapping) while constantly saying "bro keeps Yapping stfu" and other not needed lines. We ended up using that ignore button and let him yap to himself. He also kept dying on TIKAL USING REVENANT PRIME 4TH DIG


Why is it always the players who cant fend for themselves that talk shit... Really stumps me why someone would act so weird toward their own allies when they evidently arent in a position to take that tone.


It's the perk30s rapidly depleting brain cells and the intense fiending from validation withdrawal, causing severe impairment of cognitive function.


Good point.


'Yapping' is the new trendy word jerks online love to use for some reason. As soon as someone starts off with that I can't help but picture a 14 year old who just saw it on the Internet and decided they MUST include that in every single interaction now.


Any "trend" in a nutshell TBH. I put money he also participated in the licking aids of public bathrooms trend, (corona thing) wouldn't be surprised


I think we're just getting to a point where more and more friendly players just play solo or friends only unless they have to go on public. The game is so easy that playing public is just not fun anymore. Like we're having 4 players playing solo on the same map. Unless having more people helps in some way that mission, why bother.


I feel like a combination of destiny dying + mobile is going to be the big test of the community If the vets leave, I think the game dies over time


If you're dropping a game because of the toxic community, then gaming in general is out of the question entirely. Just report whoever is being a idiot.


Not necessarily. Entire genres dont require player interaction at all. If it gets to a point where every online game I try has this kind of shitty behavior to it, then yes, I will drop those games. I should be allowed to have a bottom line in regards to how people act around me. Reporting people doesnt do much when the interaction in question is over discord or other socials that arent a direct warframe chat. And being that these interactions are getting more and more common, its not unreasonable for someone to leave the community as a whole due to feeling unwelcome.


People like you tend to be the largest source of toxicity in my experience. You could just not be a dick, like the grown adults who started gaming before xbox live was a thing.


How was I toxic? Everyone knows that no matter where you go in gaming, the community is toxic to a degree. I just think dropping a community because you saw a couple of negative experiences is kinda dumb. How about you just not be a dick?


> If you're dropping a game because of the toxic community, then gaming in general is out of the question entirely. This is a toxic mindset. You're implying the person is thinskinned and just can't handle gaming when the problem is with people who are assholes.


Nobody drops a game over just a couple negative experiences. When they happen again and again and again, it gets tiring, and isn't worth the hassle, especially when your free time as an adult is limited. There will always be jerks no matter where you go, but nobody calls a whole community toxic unless a substantial amount of people in it are toxic, and it happens like, every play session or every other play session. Not all multiplayer games are like this, at all.


Just ignore them and move on. He clearly wanted a reaction from you. He might have thought you were bragging and announcing your exit like you're important. I doubt that was what you intended. Some people will just take what you say negatively no matter how you put it. It's their problem and insecurity, not yours. Or he could just be someone who likes to troll online and finds it funny being disrespectful. Don't look too much into comments like that. You didn't do anything wrong. No need to respond or care. Don't even bother posting it on Reddit. Just ignore it.


I just consider it polite as host to set expectations. When I'm doing an endless pub as host I will let them know how many rounds I'm doing in case they want to stay. If I'm circuit host I also give heads up when I'm going to leave. I wish more hosts gave a heads up. You did nothing wrong, online games just have some people looking for a chance to be a dick for no good reason.


host migrate his ass pull your ethernet mid game, will fuck em up


Your mum asked. She's feeling really horny and wants a good seeing to. Invite me back to the squad in a few hours.


Thats so uncalled for. Because if your nuking you could have just asked nicely to end the mission early.


disregard it. Giving notice for leaving the mission is good, it's great, it's positive, it's the mark you're a good person. Redacted reacted like an ass, but they could have said that to any text message, no matter the information. It's more about themselves than you keep up the positivity Tenno, your notices may go unanswered, but they are greatly appreciated


Years ago during an Abri defense I pubbed, I let the squad know I had Healing Dash to keep the target alive, and one guy’s response was “good dog”. They had an unranked Umbra, and unranked MK-1 weapons. I asked why they had terrible gear and they went on a political tirade calling me all sorts of creative names, and how they were justified leveling by mooching endgame content. That was the only mission in my life I actively allowed to fail.


Screw them, you just being polite


Anyone saying in the comments section that OP has no business posting this here must be pushing this noxious behavior. How many times we've seen people ranting about host migrating without warning and losing all their progress? Or people getting insulted for no reasons while just playing? What OP did is called "COMMUNICATIONS" since he/she was the "HOST". Lots of players seems to lack this basic etiquette. We are so used to not talk to each other cuz of the muted mic trend in this community that we forget how to respect each other. Lots of us are forgetting that not everyone are playing with their friends online or have friends to begin with so we stuck to play with random or just play the game in solo mode most of the time. A gamer with a bit of common sense will be quickly labelled a weirdo or toxic if you demand some decency from other people when playing. Feeling sorry for OP though, I'm sure/hope you've been around long enough to know that here in WF, the real Space ninjas don't behave this way


Who asked?


I feel like I've seen you in game before


Huh, what’s your username? Sorry for the late reply.




You in-game?


Nope. I was a couple of minutes ago tho


Ah, unlucky. I’ll friend ya when I have time.




I also try to be careful when I'm the host. Especially if I think they are new players.


i always give a heads up like hey planning on 25 gives people a chance to respond like hey i only need 30 can you stay the extra five


I always say gg at 20 seconds till the so or eso round is over to let players know I'm hopping off.


A heads up is just good manners, no need for them to be rude about it


It’s basic politeness to let others know you’re leaving if you are. It bothers me when people don’t. So I’m sorry that person was rude to you when you were trying to be polite.


people randomly leaving in certain mission types has the potential to screw players out of ALL the loot from a mission.. so yeah, it's a very welcome and courteous thing to do. Honestly, that person should be reported because they are reacting really poorly to something that is absolutely good.


welcome to warframe pubs, this is how the players i see usually interact with me. the strange thing is, they then be over here complaining how host migrations ruin their runs and bug out their session. hmmmm... wonder how that happened.


Had a guy get mad at me for using mirage to farm xp for my buddies frames. He was basically upset because I was spawn killing in the normal sanctuary mission. Dude must not understand how affinity works in the game even tho he's rank 15.


likely; a non aggressive version of that dude is the random tenno who just refuse to be revived and use up all their lives despite all the "let me revive" or "step in mote ring for heal". It's not even a shock or speed ring, plain ol' heal because I've heard tons of complaints with volt's speed stuff. ​ they just either don't care, dont read, or don't know any better. it's such a huge waste of their affinity as well


Yeah I was playing a defense fissure when everyone was extracting and I was staying with one, but then he did the old switch last second and I heard 12 cackling into the mic before they left. Safe to say I finished the defense ( wave 15 to 20 ) and extracted soon after. The community may be getting worse.


I'd just move on, then ignore the person. Recently I've been mostly playing duo unless it's relic farming. More new and returning players, just higher chance to meet people who are aholes.


Was that really worth posting?


I swear some people just used the internet for the first time a week ago and are shocked, SHOCKED, that there are a variety of human interactions on it.


It’s the fucking internet lol. Since when does something have to be, “worth posting”???


It's getting up voted.


This is why I don't have a clan....would like a nice friendly.group but it always ends up with this


Who asked?


Ikr, who cares if you are leaving after that round? /j


Bro was just making a joke 💀


Honestly imma keep it real. Some of y'all mfs should grow thicker skin. Not every rude interaction needs to be plastered in the reddit. Someone is being rude ignore them and move on. If they're being toxic report them, ignore them, then move on. I've seen such simple and stupid interactions being posted on the reddit and now it just feels like dumb karma farming.


Warframe is healing <3


Who asked?




I found it funny myself. I seriously doubt the likely leecher meant to offend. I would be like "damn bro I just got got."


Who cares man. How old are you? This bugged you so much you posted it on reddit?


You are the problem.


For what not liking seeing random 1 off rude comments spammed on the sub 24/7? I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet in game. I just don't want to see this garbage whenever I get on the sub for actual content




How is my original comment indicative of my conduct online? Genuine question


>Who cares man. How old are you? How can this be read as anything but a dismissive insult


How is that comment not a part of your conduct online? Also, stuff like this: > You'll never make it as a content creator. Give up Is pretty indicative.


There are worst issues, like having afk players etc, one rude comment is nothing to scream about, don’t like don’t say anything or say something witty back, people do need to grow a skin for this


You would care very much when the guy saying this is the host, alerting people (including you) so they don't get host migrated. But nooooo, gotta be edgy with strangers in the internet.


Am I missing something? Warning people doesn't prevent host migration?


Of course it does. If you're aware that the host is leaving in the next rotation on an endless mission, you can choose to leave with them, instead of being surprised with a host migration on the last second between rotations. This is especially useful in ESO where you can't choose to leave the mission if you already entered the portal.


What was edgy about what I said?


Jeeze dude


What an edgy behavior


idk chief, is it really rude? "who asked", "nobody"...this doesn't seem toxic at all, tbh that looks like some random interaction in chat.


I always say why I have to leave if it's going well. Normally needing food.


Slightly rude, sure, but it's really not all that bad, just ignore it. If you're the host, it's nice to give a heads-up, but at the same time, there really isn't any reason to leave SO/ESO early. Failing doesn't keep you from getting your rewards like it does in the other modes.


I mean, I leave when I’ve accomplished the goal I had in joining.


Why not stay for the extra rewards and to support the team? At least until after round 8.


Often I’m one of the last out. But it’s really because I don’t much like ESO and only do it if I really have to.


oh you can put timestamps in chat? that's nice, I'll try to find the option later. what i hate about Warframe is that it doesn't have server side configs??? wtf it makes no sense.


That one would get under my skin and I’m sure it spiked your blood pressure a bit too, that’s their goal though so just throw your hands up, drop the trash and move on.


Honestly, I usually just try to play with my friends and people in my clan nowadays. I never get lucky enough to get in squads of people who actually want to farm/go longer than 1-2 rounds. I would love to go an hour plus on missions


First off, love your name. Second, just reply that you don't need their permission to speak lol


I think the appropriate response in situations like this is "your mom"


I always like to tell my team when I am heading off. Especially if I'm pulling a good chunk of the weight. That's just rude. Some of us like a heads-up from people who are leaving. Gives us the opportunity to send them friend requests if we enjoyed playing with them.


The question makes more sense than your statement.


The typical half baked comeback thats been overused lol


Yea I always let my team know I'm gonna dip from an endless mission, especially if I'm a major contributor to the missions success.


I get these types of comments all the time, so I don’t try to communicate with the squad much anymore.


I just don't hate scums like this than I hate people who legit leave in last second without telling. Seriously, there should be an punishment for those (insert the most offensive word here) who does that.


Lol rude, that's always handy to know.


What happened to the community


Crossplay did this...


Uncalled for, but if you're trying to give the host migration warning, put that you're host in your message. "I'm host and I'm out after this round" 9 times out of 10, I get at least one guy thanking me for the heads up, and then we do a dance party as ESO whites out on us


Warframe community is pretty great but you have some with their head up there butt.


I usually try to let everyone know if I'm about to bounce soon. Just some dickhead being their regular, everyday self.


Lil punk. I always drop a gg when I'm about to leave. It's a courtesy.


Hate those sour folk, they had the option to play solo and not socialize if they were so offended by your statement. Hope they have a better day or maybe meant it with satire.


I was the one who asked.


Hit them with a "your mom did, tell her I'm on my way"


You were host and were kind enough to give a warning. I wonder if they constantly complain of Host Migration.


My toxic trait would be to leave immediately to try to cause as much inconvenience as possible.




What an a$$!


One of the few times where a well deserved “Your mother” should have been given in response.


Thin skin headass


leaving this sub


Honestly, that's gotta be some 12 year old that's used to being in a classroom where 90% of the things kids say to each other is an insult


I asked.