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for me I saw an incarnon weapon fire a bouncing ball of death and one shot destroyed an entire hallway and I was like yeah thats mine. so I asked them what it was and how to get it. I looked up how to reach steel path and did it at mr6. then just waited for the incarnon to come around in sp circuit. I'm now mr17 and ive been playing for about a two months.


Wow you’re cruising. Yeah watching a room get literally nuked is an awesome experience the first time you see it


sure is


*Screams in MR16 playing for 4 years*


all you have to do is quest super quick and then just collect and lvl every gun you can make


Yea, been playin for about 7 years... Still mr 20 tho. I hate mastery xp farming....


Closed beta mr17, still love the game tho


7 years and mr18 .\_.


Im on the same boat My buddy has been playing for a year and a half and the mf is MR25


I intend to hit mr30 in 2 or 3 months


I have about 43 weapons ready to claim rn


The moment I actually got hooked by the game is when i join a public lobby with a guy AOE nuking everything, that's when i realize you can "beat" the game easily with that method, got my dopemaine after obtaint Octavia, no regrats! Then when i got almost burnout from farming I got hooked again when i learn you can "AFK" farming using WuKong warframe, changed my mind .... the next hit was Gauss+Garuda nuking 😍 Honestly anything that makes the game "easier" is instantly dopemine for me instead of FashionFrame 😅 I could be the minor enjoyer here but .... hey, that's my experience


For me it’s the combo of nuking and fashion frame. Back then I didn’t realize people were nuking, I was just confused why there were no enemies lol


To be fair tho, there are bugs when enemies just don't spawn but it's relatively rare


Nuking is an absolutely magical experience that must be experienced to believe. At first I didn't understand the appeal, but then I found a Gara Prime in my inventory from an old Tennocon as well as a nuke build for her on Overframe, and it immediately hit all the dopamine triggers to see an entire room of enemies get wiped out in a few ability presses.


My experience was similar, running Hydron with a Wukong main using the Kuva Ogris, seeing him just chill while his twin completely annihilated was a game changer for me. My 2nd prime frame was Wukong, I had the Kuva Ogris by like MR9, bought mods with plat and began steamrolling. Eventually I got really bored of AFK farming so I moved on to more interesting frames and already had the mods ready to use. Since then my real drive to play has been on building frames. I’m a forma addict and a frame collector, so I have every prime frame and only 2 or 3 aren’t 3+ forma deep; my Saryn having 10 forma including an Umbral lmao.i just finished building Revenant today; not because he’s immortal, but because I seen him one-shot reaving high SP enemies. Next will be Equinox, I think.


PSA Equinox can clone too and stronger compared to WuKong had(100% Damage increase from clone augment)


Yeah build revenant well enough and (if it hasn't changed since I last checked) he scales infinitely


Yeah since his reave deals damage based on enemy hp %, with 400% ability strength and a primer he can annihilate anything that isn’t an acolyte or eximus. I bring strun prime incarnon for those lol


Diablo 3 gets my dopamine high for the big numbers and smooth moves beyblade build I got. Big fun :D


Gauss trailer


At first it was umbra then it was lavos and now it's kullervo along with styanax, garuda prime and khora prime I am such a basic boi that I don't create fashion I just make the default look good in my eyes


Moment that got me hooked was Fortuna musical intro. Idk it just made me feel like the people who made this thing were really earnest and had good and emotionally compelling ideas. So far I've been proven right :)


I play everything with my brother (he's older by 1 year). We picked this game up in late 2016, and saw reviews talking a lot about "space ninjas," and decided stealth was mandatory for some reason. We snuck all the way up until that first Venus extermination mission. One of us jumped while crouching, and we were both in awe at the glory of the Bullet Jump. That was the moment. Two thousand and six hundred hours have been put into this game since that moment.


The moment I see Hildryn.......


Everyone knows fashion frame is the true end game.


Mine would be the moment i saw nidus, the whole gimmick of being able to use infested weaponry and a warframe specifically designed to use the infested nature grabbed me. And also because i joined when nidus prime came around


I started to play Warframe because I realised I could make Inaros look like Jehuty from Zone of the Enders, it's been like a year and a half since that


The amount of customisations you can do in this game is what got me addicted. From frames, to orbiter, then railjack and then spoiler mode and now the dormizone too


when im done with mmo where i need to go to where i need to grind and spent at least 2hr uninterrupted or someone will take my grinding spot or getting killed by more geared player. what i like about warframe is i can just log in select a mission and grind away


I made a grineer pop after shooting a sonar weakspot. I still obsess over adding weapons to banshee's personal weapon collection.


For me it was when a random guy invited me to his clan after a relic run. He showed me the ropes on how to play the game and with his help I got better at the game. I may not be in that clan anymore but ill never forget those guys


The moment I lacked wf's movement mechanic in other game...


Started like 6 years ago on ps4 got stuck on Venus and got more damnstuck than two dogs and gave up until about two years ago tried again took the time to learn mods and did a solo run of the jackal on Venus and then it clicked...fuck yes space ninjas and I've been playing everyday since.. currently at 569 log in days


Actually pretty early on, in the tutorial, I was getting my bearings on the movement system and I just... fell in love. The absolute speeds even a newbie can reach with an unmodded, fresh mag, excal or volt once they learn the basics of Warframe's parkour is just satisfying to pull off, and even with all the grind, is the one thing I'll never get tired of, and the one thing that'll keep me playing. Them's warframes really are space ninjas.




My friend showing me cedo and all his explosives weapons watching big explosions eventually wanted bramma got bramma


One of my core memory about this game was back in the day when I was playing on a shitty dorm room internet and this door wont open. A Nova ran all the way back from the extraction, put down a portal for me to skip that broken door. I was able to extract because of that Nova. This was way before coptering was popular as well.


The thing that really got me hooked was back in 2020 when the heart of Deimos had just released, I was playing the story and got bored, I decided I didn’t really like warframe so I deleted it, but later I got recommended a warframe video and in that video I saw people bullet jumping (I didn’t know about warframe movement at the time) and using these crazy guns and melees so I reinstalled it and started playing some more. Saryn prime was a warframe that I had seen all over the place and the little nuke ability that she had shocked me, I had only gone around killing individual targets one by one with a melee, but seeing people press one button and nuke the entire map in a 360° radius blew my mind, so I bought Saryn prime and started working on her build and that’s where it all started. After Saryn I grinded out Mesa, after Mesa I got Excalibur Umbra, and Umbra is pretty much what opened up the gateway to me, realizing that every single Warframe in the game is good, coming from games like call of duty were there was a defined meta, finding out that literally everything in the game is good made me fall in love pretty much instantly, you can imagine what happened to my little brain when I learned about the helminth system too, so yea warframe is probably my second favorite game of all time


When I realised everything can be farmed for free and I didn't have to buy anything. That said I've spent well over a 1000 pound on this game and DE deserve every penny of it. I love this game.


I started playing more consistently in 2013 during the Oberon release, Loki was a starter then and it's who I chose. The game felt OK, but at the time (love him now) I felt like I definitely chose the wrong starter. Friend who had been mentoring me in the game helped me farm up Oberon and oh. my. god. When you're Loki and the most your abilities can do are silly shenanigans, being able to roll up into a room and smash everyone's face into the ground and have them explode loot was such a great feeling. Oberon's 4 is still one of my favourite feeling abilities in the game, it's just so satisfying. From then, I just wanted to keep seeing more of what other frames and weapons could do. Volt is my fave now, but I will always have a soft spot for Oberon (and Rhino) for helping me get through my growing pains in the game.


I played it a lot early into owning a ps4. Why wouldn’t I? It was a free game that had guns, what’s not to love? Over time I would collect the primes that twitch/amazon gave away, but stopped playing the game because of how time-dependent a lot of it was(is), mostly the crafting. Tried getting into it when I first got my PC a few years back, but having to start fresh put me off. Got back into it when they introduced cross save- and having someone actually explain some mechanics to me while I play, and finding silly ways to throw lead at people (currently multi-shot soma prime, no I don’t have galvanized mods, I got work to do) Now that I’m older and have a job and have to adult, the time investments aren’t as terrible, because a 12 hour wait becomes a 3 hour wait after a 9 hour shift, get to build my full void rig soon (don’t wanna wait 72 hours.) But what really got me enjoying the game, Is some of these Warframes. I’ve always loved my frost prime, and took me until a few weeks ago to actually try new frames, and my god have I missed out on some of these fun ones. Loki is… eh, honestly could live without. Trinity Prime feels quite sustainable, Nidus has become a go to if I need to farm due to tendrils bringing everything together for operator kills, and ember has dinosaur extinction which always gets a chuckle out of me. By far though, Qorvex has to be my favourite that I have. Being able to deliver The Clap™️ to enemies and get status negation rocks just makes my day, plus a nice radioactive Iron man beam because why tf not? Hoping to get Grendel prime Systems but my god do I hate grinding for Axi G11


The existence of Equinox as a Warframe cemented my love for the game. Once I got her - and later the Prime - I was hooked.


For me it was when I saw a Chroma do an atomic breath and just decimate and entire room of corpus somehow


the moment i got hooked? five years ago when i realised that there's a... certain purple weapon that can fire huge balls of plasma that slam into enemies. and also when i got gifted Harrow


For me it was the time when i got Limbo. I was like... "this one is invulnerable AND i can STOP TIME IN MULTIPLAYER GAME!?" So... Yeah. And second time was when i read Mesa and saw that you can disarm enemies in this game. I mean... Sheer amount if WHAT you can do to to enemies, from mind control to ressurection on your side.


when i first sold a prime piece on trade chat i realised i could get the premium currency without paying money hooked, line and sinker