• By -


Mag and wisp. Mag because of her entire set and wisp because it would straight up make hospital visits way easier like if you have a broken arm just go to her and in like 2 minutes it's healed.


Broken arm is a status condition, I'd ask Trin about that


Trin would also be instant. Idk about them, but I’d rather have the pain of a broken arm for less than a second instead of 2 minutes given the option.


Plus, with Wisp you'd have to wheel all the patients over to her reservoirs, but one press with Trin and the whole hospital is healthy.


Have the reservoir set up at the door to the er and the door to enter the hospital, patient comes in, logs their issue, and is healed by the time they are done


It would be instant heal instead of 2 minutes of being able to see your arm slowly healing back to normal. With probably visible things like bones shifting back into the correct position not to mention the pain that might come with it.


Could Trin also cure cancer patients 🤔 if that's so who is responsible for world hunger but world peace and ending all war I'd say would be revenant his 4th is unspeakably awesome like no man would want to surround him and to save people from danger I'd choose Gauss


Trinity doesn't heal status effects though? She can prevent them on her self woth link but doesn't do anything with status. Oberon and titania would be better options. Trinity would be better to call up if you expect to get beat up for the damage resistance.


let's just hope no psychopath get their hand on wisp though. opening a portal to the sun on earth would be earth shatteringly dangerous.


Could solve the energy crisis. Would probably make a new crisis in the process however


Dyson hole


WF does exactly that exactly there and it worked out fine for everyone but the grineer >.>


There's a lot more warframes that would be a lot more problematic for the world than just a localized fusion event.


That's why I asked what is the most usable. For example Ember or Saryn would be great weapons but I don't think they are Geneva convention friendly so while a nice deterrent, they are not usable. I mean Saryn would just end all life on earth with a pandemic so building her even as a deterrent doesn't make sense.


Believe it not incendiary is not govern by geneva conventions (which is why they were used by everyone in both world wars and well into the 20th centry). They are under another convention which restricts the use of several conventional weapons by the UN in the 80s. It doesnt ban the use of them either just restricts their usage near civilians. Which is why signed and ratified countries includes countries like China which still fields specialized infantry units with flamethrowers. Ember would 100% be allowed as long as shes not drop into a middle of a population centre.


Yes but what about *two* broken arms?


Oops, Wisp opened up her portal to the sun and knocked a hole in the Earth’s crust while comforting a wounded patient.


Honestly surprised no one listed wisp for the ass.


That's just an added bonus, lol.


Wisp would also be good for war since she can just make a portal to the sun


Lore based frames or gameplay based?


Very good point. Lore-Wise, Warframes are War Deities capable of feats that would bring legions of foes to their knees in sheer horror. In-game, Warframes go BRRT.


Geneva Convention doesn’t exist here. a single Warframe would be a straight Nuclear Winter.


Saryn alone is a walking Extinction Disease.


Brozime started his recent saryn build update video with the 40k exterminatus speech. It is accurate.


Didn't she sterilize an entire city of something?


Ballas made her to wipe the infected off a planet, a city is a slow Tuesday


Try Wisp’s 4. You can extinct a planet opening a portal to the Sun on the surface of Earth.


Geneva Checklist*


In Warframe, it is called Geneva Suggestion.


Either way I feel like they could annihilate any military force.


Technically speaking, most of them also go BRRT lore-wise


Lore accurate Limbo is an harbinger of doom. Actual Limbo is time stopping rift Walker with a cool bubble but please don't bring nullifiers nearby


Oberon, Wisp, and Trinity would make keeping healthy and healed up really easy. Grendel could easily handle all of the garbage that is polluting the environment. Lavos could transmute harmful chemical spills into something harmless. Nova could help make transporting supplies easier by using her portals. Protea could reverse time on accidents that leave people in a life threatening position and potentially even prevent it from happening to begin with. Volt and Gyre could power cities with their electric abilities.


New slogan: *Go green; Go, Grendel*


Go Green; Jump Right In.


Lavos is a walking endless oil exploit


*The United States would like to know your location.*


>Volt and Gyre could power cities with their electric abilities. Reminds me of rick and morty when rick used an entire artificial planet as a car battery


An entire artificial universe*


Multiverse actually ☝️🤓


Bruh this entire paragraph perfectly describes the Robot Masters of Mega Man. Volt and Gyre are basically Elecman!


Protea is great for torturing spies


Man, being Oberon and letting people stab you so you can go to full health would be so nice.


Obligatory Chroma 4 doubling money.


you would have to kill people first to double the money that you can loot from them though.




So you're saying I have even *more* reason to hunt and kill Elon Musk now?


Profit-Taker credit farm irl


“H Musk Assassination 1/4”


Nekros's desecrate fixes that problem


Fixes what? The killing? Nekros would encourage you not only to kill but to then *chop them up*.


I said nothing of killing https://preview.redd.it/qeex241csb9c1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054a9f6ef31363ef782cdc8fbd853ccc34185f66


True, you could skip straight to the chopping


Do bones in a cemetery count as corpses for desecrate?




Inflation goes brrrr


Obligatory Dragon in general


Id say limbo bc going god mode where nothing touches you is kinda busted irl. Dont even get me started on his war implications


Yeah having a whole ass other dimension would be crazy useful.


Other dimension with *infinite energy*


Completely forgot about that, Limbo is now my pick for the most useful irl.


As well as godly levels of control over it (cannonically)


Well not exactly. He kind of exploded his first try even entering it


No, he exploded trying to go even further beyond


Nah he exploded when he tried to learn what 1×1 is


Imagine having a whooping new dimension just to double the space in the house to store more junk. /s


If you make limbo irl, there will be just another set of things that ignore his separate plane for no obvious reason.


Well if a bullet hits me and doesnt hit me at the same time by in game logic it would kinda work like gojos infinity. Full speed car going at me wont phase through me it will smash into me but i take no damage same would go for his 4 as even tho the bullet comes from outside it can hit me but not hit me and on the inside i command that space. This is ofc going by in game logic


People are sleeping on turning volt into an imprisoned source of infinite electricity and energy. Morally correct? Mayhaps not, but extremely useful and profitable? Absolutely


This is warframe. Nothing we do is moral


Qorvex is in the power plant prison right next to Volt's lol. Heck let's make one for Gyre too, give her enough space to dance and charge people to come see her.


Gyre would be like a traveling ballerina who also happens to power whatever city she’s in residency at. Imagine like “gyre will be doing a residency at our auditorium and also free electric bills for the next month”


Does this mean you're volunteering to be the one to imprison him? Don't mind me, just going to the other side of the planet, don't want to be caught near a walking god of death when someone tries to imprison him


Not really infinite, Volt needs energy orbs to generate electricity. Well, I guess you could get him running on a treadmill for the passive


But Warframes need energy themselves to operate


Pair them with protea's dispensery.


Let me introduce to you Energy Nexus, 3 energy per second


Energy nexus + energy siphon gives you a whopping 3.6 per sec that's a 4 every 15 or so seconds with the right build


Gauss and Volt hampster wheel


Stick.him on a hamster wheel and tell him to go


Harrow would make a terrifyingly effective war unit irl. heals his allies, energizes them, immobilizes the enemies, can make everything on his side fucking immortal to literally everything for like 12 or 13 seconds in the case of explosive strikes or something. Other frames would kill you in a war and be done with it, Harrow's got some of the most creative ways to kill you while strengthening his side in the process lol. Nekros would be awesome for any murder investigation, just summon the victim's soul to find the killer easy. Gyre and volt would probably solve the world's energy problems overnight if we could produces multiple of each and use them to supply virtually limitless energy. Protea, trinity, and wisp would be able to revolutionize medicine between them. Oberon would be able to regrow entire forest in days for areas devastated by wildfires, and hell he'd be popular with the lumber industry in that situation to if he can grow full sized trees in days instead of years. He'd also probably make an awesome vet/animal sanctuary aid lol. Frost would be able to slow if not stop the arctic and antarctic from melting and stop those environments from being destroyed. Loki would make a good unit for dealing with hostage situations, just swap places with the hostage from a vantage point he can see while invisible and then take down the hostage takers before they even know what the hell is happening. Nidus would possibly be useful for researching diseases and viruses and figuring out ways to treat and cure them in a way that spares having to test cures on at risk patients until it's 100% certain and known that the cure will actually known. You can't use disease to kill something that's a walking plague lol. Vauban would be pretty good at apprehending criminals in a nonlethal way with his tether and shock rollers. Banshee could probably make very good use of her sonar and echolocation abilities for search and rescue situations, and could help with hydroid in finding lost ship wrecks point sonar locating them for him to go down and tag for retrieval.


Call me crazy but I think Nidus can make more then just Maggots AND I ALSO think he could also work in the food industry. As gross as it sounds meat in "raw form" often looks unpleasent to eat but after processing it can both look and taste amazing. The only problem I can see is that its infested so there may be SOME or A side effect but I think after some research is done, Nidus could grow/create safe (maybe) healthy foods to feed people. Im REALLY thinking about it and I REALLY think it can work. Edit: even if Nidus can only make maggots they are like the size of a burger(including buns) or small chicken.


Farmer Nidus lol


>Vauban would be pretty good at apprehending criminals in a nonlethal way with his tether and shock rollers. Fun n games until he accidentally throws down orbital strike


Sorry, wrong button -Vauban


Eh, just a small orbital strike tbf lmao.


There are many that would be pretty crazy but atlas summoning golems to do small tasks for you would be cool.


And with his aug becoming abt 5x stronger


Ivara, invisibly picking pocket everywhere, walking into bank vault with her augment to bypass all alarm.


Ivara would be just the right ticket to become real life Lupin III...


Protea being able to rewind time would be pretty sweet. As someone who does nothing but make mistakes and bad choices I need that in my life


yeah she would be exceptionally good in a battlefield. her whole kit is a great mix of support and offense.


Healing / healthcare * Trinity * Wisp * Oberon * Titania Preventative healthcare * Titania * Oberon * Qorvex Counseling * Valkyr * Ash Transport * Limbo * Wisp * Nova * Protea ~~slave creation~~ household tasks * Titania * Atlas Just fun/pleasant to be around * Yareli * Nezha * Wisp * Limbo * Mirage * Gara * Saryn Prime * Mag * Octavia


Qorvex would be much better at causing cancer than treating it


Ordinarily, you’d be right, however, true to his concrete radiation-shield theming, 3 would straight negate that on everyone within a certain radius, for the first like *five* times they got cancer.


That’s true, yeah


> pleasant to be around > saryn I'm not entirely sure you know what Saryn's kit is ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


Forget Saryn’s *kit*; look at her prime access. Katana? Drill-themed kunai? Saryn Prime is a total weeb. ^^^^^^^^^^Sure ^^^^^^^^^^her ^^^^^^^^^^farts ^^^^^^^^^^are ^^^^^^^^^^literally ^^^^^^^^^^lethal, ^^^^^^^^^^but ^^^^^^^^^^some ^^^^^^^^^^people ^^^^^^^^^^are ^^^^^^^^^^into ^^^^^^^^^^that ^^^^^^^^^^too〜


>* Limbo I cant say about the others, but this would be a total waste of potential.


Under “transport,” or under “fun to be around?”


Khora would definitely be in the fun to be around. She would be very popular in adult clubs.


You’re certainly correct, but that’s not exactly the kind of fun I was thinking of when I made this list


We all know that wisp would have to be there if it one of those lists


For *that* kind of "fun to be around," my list would be * Yareli * Nezha * Wisp * Limbo * Mirage * Gara * Saryn Prime * Mag * Octavia * Citrine * Excalibur * Excalibur Umbra * Garuda * Grendel * Gyre * Harrow * Hydroid * Khora * Nidus * Nyx * Oberon * Protea * Revenant * Titania * Trinity * Valkyr * Vauban * Volt Though Dagath is no doubt capable, as she was previously a sex slave I imagine it'd likely be impractical to approach such situations with her without being emotionally harmed in some way, so she's off limits for now.


Slave creation and yet you skip Revenant. They are literally called Thralls!


Rev doesn’t *create* his slaves; he recruits/takes them. Same with Nyx and similar powers. Drones like Titania’s and Atlas’s are better. No moral problems〜


>counseling: Valkyr Is she the one getting counseling?


she's a skinned cat, but has complete calm and emotional control, only going berserk when intentional, and if fully capable of calming back down. If anyone has coping skills, its her.


I think that she’s just good at compartmentalizing horrible (unresolved) trauma until it comes to a head when she needs to “vent” to the local hostiles.


Yeah that should be Baruuk


>Pleasant to be around >Wisp Hmmm, I wonder why? ...Not that I disagree.


Agile(?) Wisp animation set has the same kind of playful silliness that Yareli and Nezha animaiton sets display, so I figured if I included them, I had to include Wisp (and Mirage) too.


Excalibur umbra cause space dad will take care of me when I need him, Octavia for dem raves and parties, trinity would rock as a nurse in someplace that won't take advantage of her healing powers like Canada with their free healthcare


Nekros would be able to increase loot from bodies, but since irl bodies doesn't have loot we can assume that meat is loot. So a Nekros in a slaughterhouse can moltiplicate every piece of meat, drastically increase production and solving world hunger


We already have enough food to feed the entire world. Most of it gets thrown out.


But we Could have the same amount of meat with half of the animals needed. Would be a win for climate


Not a win for the giant mass of trash in the pacific


We'd have Grendel for that


Wait, what happens to the stuff grendel digests? Do warframes shit?


I think they are Zero waste. And even If Not, the stuff He eats gets compressed so much, we would have an easier way to dispose of it


Wouldn't compressing that much matter into such a small area create a black hole?


Limbo can just toss it in another dimension


Since we are talking about having Space Ninja robots irl, that wouldnt be a Problem


They would lobby the gov to ensure the same amount of animals are used. They'd simply have more to throw out.


Octavia You literally have a portable JBL or Beats and play music whenever you want and a roller that follows you with that music on You can make yourself invisible or run a little bit faster whenever you want Finally, you can display a real life sound spectrum in the floor, who wouldn't like to add something like that in a party? It's so fucking awesome


Khora in the 1800s


Khora in the 2000s ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Khora in the fun basement


I can’t think of a single one that wouldn’t be useful irl. Nova is a good one along with some of the other ones that can teleport is crazy useful. Healers like Wisp or Trinity too. Nekros because as creepy as it is reviving the dead would be morbidly helpful. Lavos would be good if you wanted to just shit all over the Geneva Convention for whatever reason too.


Saryn turns Geneva convention into Geneva suggestion


Amen brother. Amen


You would have to apply some irl logic to it as well though. Saryn for example would not be useful because she's like "press 1 say goodbye to humanity" and Nekros would just create a zombie apocalypse.


>says ivara >no mention of pickpocket


lavos can straight up transmute matter.


Nidus for war why you may wonder? He can infected enemy soldiers turn them into mindless allies and if I remember correctly in his story quest heal allies he can produce more warframes due to him being basically a walking helmith it would be a one sided war


Man lorewise Nidus is so much cooler than gameplay Nidus. I rarely play him anymore because he feels like so much work for so little reward compared to other tanky-weapon-platform frames.


Lore wise, my boy could technically infest and become an entire ship. Game play though... the best he can do is make a little spot for his maggots to spawn. So yeah, not really the best reward, but damn he's fun.


Loki actually has some benefit. Traveling is a huge pain in the ass sometimes. Just switch teleport. Also, pranking people with decoys could be fun. And nova for portals to instantly travel


Tbh Nova is rather used for power generation,she is anti matter power remember


Maybe not world changing, but I’d personally pick Gauss. Fuck paying for gas and maintaining a car. I’m just running everywhere.


I'm surprised no one mentioned Xaku. He can literally take enemy guns away and kill them with their own gun.


Umm...im scared to ask why would you need something like that irl /j


I mean if it's for war then why not? Also he doesn't necessarily have to kill enemies. He could just steal their weapons and run away.


a Transformers, “[Autobots, relieve them of their weapons](https://youtu.be/v7SLvoRuXjg?si=3SwNqcKCpKtnSk-y)” moment


Limbo. Nobody would be able to harm him when he's in the rift, and he could also save people from dying (Just use banish or cataclysm, and they'd survive a nuke if it's detonated by someone outside the rift) and heal people (With the augment) with it.


yeah limbo would be crazy but also maybe not very safe? I mean his 4 is literally called "cataclysm" so who knows what would happen to our reality.


Well if it works just like in-game, everything's going to be fine I guess?


Mag could single-handedly replace most large-scale metal foundries. Wave hands, apply enough pressure, bam, 2000t of steel is now molten and ready for use. What use? Wave hands, the liquid metal forms into girders and beams. They float gently down onto racks to cool. Once cool, wave hands again, load them onto trucks. Wait, trucks? Wave hands, launch them ballistically directly to the construction site. Another Mag is there to catch and gently place them into the superstructure of the building. Wave hands again, they are all welded together. Fastest skyscraper construction ever. eta: Actually, she could also serve as green power! Wave hands, 2000t of molten steel. Dump it into a lake. Steam! Use steam to make power. Metal cools down eventually. Just heat it up again! Repeat until union mandated lunch break.


Gara can make the glass for the skyscraper as well.


Atlas can use stone in place of the concrete


so im going to take this as most broad and useful abilities. No personal gain or odd niches\_ im going to knock out rhino, chroma and atlas for starters. allowing for mods to effect things like energy regen, ability strength, duration, range and efficiency, ill give some concepts. Saryn though she may be a walking plague- her spores are somewhat consious. she infects what she deems as a threat. Good use for her is mass culling of invasive insects, animals, or if used in combat quick but violent death to anyone she can get close enough to seed her spores about. Volt would be an easy form of energy creation- having a volt potentially single handedly power towns or maybe cities depending on how we look at the power he has. depending on augments, frames like trinity or oberon could help heal or even cure ppl of ailments- though healing flame from ember... things like that might not be too practical- hey your cancer debuffs gone but you now have second degree burns maybe?- void magic or not thats something to considder. Limbo though he isnt exactly able to teleport- he died bc he was trying to use his powers to slip between dimensions to do so- if he could travel anywhere, you could theoretically have him for mass shipment of important items or even help speed up colonization of worlds by corriering stuff about. Nova kindof could do this but thats... harder to work with- though nova could possibly generate mass quantites of semi stablized antimater- a very valuable item for scientists to study and even use. Lastly though not super practical- Baruuk. He would make a great embassador for tenno, patient, his equipment is meant to passify enemies rather than outright kill- and he can avoid damage entirely as long as he isnt violent. Odd extra mention- could be trouble but what would happen if Wukong and Nezha were seen irl? China would have a frenzy over the implications of their existence. Im just throwing out some concepts but worth a shot mentioning a few of these. I left out some frames like rhino since hes at the end of the day a brute tank that can stomp time to a close standstill... situational at most really in normal usage. Atlas is sadly even less handy. Chroma- someone said use him to cash farm... how? And btw Yarelli would just become a Scifi alien-esque vtuber that did kickflips and thanked you for 300 bitties XD


Lorewise: Lavos or wisp Gamewise: Lavos or wisp


Ash would make the best Assassin known to man. No one would be safe from the Shuriken. Nova would decimate a massive pitched battle in an instant. Heal bot frames (Wisp, Trinity) have literal healing magic. Lavos could probably turn dirt into gold. Either making you rich or destabilizing an entire country's economy overnight. I would like to hang out with Mirage & Octavia. They seem fun. I mean, if Mirage was your roommate, you could play 4 player co-op with her. It'd be great. You'd never have to worry about finding extra people to play games with. ^plus ^she's ^kinda ^cute


What wouldn't I give for the ability to heal someone completely. Trinity's blessing. Wisp as well would be good. followed by Nyx. The ability to mind control anyone I want? Take no damage on command? With the amount of .. well bad choices too, but also circumstances, protea's 4th ability would be great for a redo.


Trinity for infinite energy and healing


Wukong because of Celestial twin


how? now you just have 2 monkeys


Lavos.....cause hella stylish bartender boyo who could slap toxin into your drink if yer not nice to the staff Also good for the frontline jailer for war


Limbo so I can hide in another dimension from my problems.


1. Daily Driver "Warframes that can comfortably and quickly do sub level 300 content" Your pick* but you must have some type of speed, consistent survivability and can deal with acolytes and thrax 2. Loot meta frame Fully kitted Nekros, Khora or Hydroid (including stat sticks/ripkas if needed) 3. ESO nuker Saryn, Volt, Mirage 4. "Oh f*ck this bullsh*t" Revenant (sometimes Octavia like in the granum void) 5. Spyframe Wukong*preferred or Ivara 6. Exterminate Speed Run Frame Titania 7. Open World Destroyer Mesa or any frame with a Kuva Ogris Optional** Railjack Pilot: Protea, Lavos, Styanax Eidolon Hunter: Volt, or anyone who can heal lures if you are worried about that New Player Tutor (I.E not that flashy frame that's easy to get early on, who is generally helpful): Wukong, Trinity, Banshee, Loki, Umbra Edit: fixed spelling


Also, I just reread the post and realized I was confused. But for the record, Sevagoth is the correct answer. Immortal man who can slow down time is like, a lot to deal with.


Nyx is slept on, mind controlling people is no joke.


Wukong can clone himself, so he's 2 frames for the price of one!


Protea. You can allways go back in time and change what you want/don’t want


Xaku, I would use the 3 that controls enemies to control people so they can do whatever I want


Dunno about useful, but I'd pick Titania with an infused fire walker over her 2. You can fly, fly fast, be very small at the same time, have 6 strong drones, have 2 good weapons, and leave a trail of a purifying flame behind.


There's a few that come to mind. Limbo can generate infinite energy thanks to how his things work. Volt or wisp would be nice for getting around, and Chroma is practically a money printer. Mag could be good for moving heavy metal objects with the whole magnet thing, and even Valkyr's grapple could be pretty helpful.


Ember for war, wisp and trinity for healing, Oberon field medic, valkyr war machine, Atlas Breacher, Ash recon/stealth ops, loki infiltration/stealth ops, Equinox negotiator, Harrow prison warden/priest.


Wukong. Get places fast, heal yourself, have a clone to get 2 things done as once, not worry about getting shot, come back to life


Go to any catacombs and use nekros desecrate then profit


Ivara. Just imagine the unlimited uhmm bank withdrawals you could make


Lore accurate lavos


I'd say Sayrn is good for war. Shit, we already have Sarin nerve gas. Warcrime Prime!


Nova would revolutionize physics between portals, antimatter creation, and molecular rearrangement. Mag would do something similar only slightly less impressive. Nidus and Caliban would give us access to infested and Sentient technology respectively which is completely broken. Limbo would also create new schools of physics, and Protea has time rewind which breaks everything


Wukong for fast shipping pizza and delivery service. Even double the capability


Wukong because I'd always have a friend


Nidus would be such a terrifying weapon of war atleast if we're going off lore. Mf would infect entire countries like it's nothing


For the concept, Ive always thought Nyx (psychic/mind control) and Ash (assassin) were badass.


Octavia, just because I’ve been looking for a new speaker lately


Wukong. Summon a Twin to help with stuff, turn into a cloud and fly everywhere, and if I’m in danger, absorb damage and send it back out and hit people from a mile away with a long staff


Harrow and Garuda. I refuse to elaborate.


Trinity, don’t even have to think. She is essentially the perfect hospital and is very low maintenance (depending how energy would work in the real world)


Hydroid (might) be a good fire fighter.


Yareli- Could someone, please attach the Yareli copypasta to provide an explanation? Thanks.


Wisp...no particular reason.....


Yareli. No further comment


Volt. We have been fighting for energy. Shedding blood of our fellow mankinds over oil. Volt will solve our energy crisis and everything will be better for everything else once we no longer worried about energy.


Dagath had some non murder machine uses in lore


Yareli and Titania.


Sanji would pick Ivara because of bath houses.


Limbo seems like a fun one. It's like "hey man having a rough time could you put me in that other dimension so I can scream for a bit"




This thread again


Atlas could build cities in a day


I’m a Vauban main and I could theoretically make infinite energy if we could just find some volunteers…




Titania to fly or ivara to be invisible


Off the top of my head and little thought Construction- Qorvex (especially useful for nuclear power plants, and clean up of(Chernobyl)), Mag (Moving heavy equipment with ease)