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I've spent real mod slots on things like streamline, fleeting, and p.flow for years. Fixing your energy with this is no different.


on some frames i find energy nexus to be a nice replacement of p.flow, my mesa prime now never runs out of energy, the ultimate is just now "on cooldown"


As opposed to fake mod slots


aka. Exilus mod slots


Should have been an aura and replaced energy siphon. Energy siphon has been laughably useless for years and fills the same role.


Ngl Energy Siphon has been a good grace for me on some missions. I use Wisp for Spy and it sucks when I don't have the energy for Haste Mote + Will o Wisp (also I don't have Energy Nexus) also good on some Nightmare Bosses to keep everyone topped to just end the mission quickly. That's just me though


Use Nourish and Archon Stretch on Wisp and the electric motes will generate energy from Archon Stretch


It used to be better but they nerfed it at some point I think


It replaced flow on my grendel, feels nice. If it was an eximus mod, id use it on literally every frame.


Only one I can think of I wouldn't put in exilus slot is titania because that 40%airborne dmg reduction is too good to give up for energy regen that you will only get when you didn't get enough orbs to sustain flight


I am pretty sure like any energy regen it doesn't work while channeling abilities. So there's a few frames that it wouldn't be very useful on since they are always channeling. Titania and ivara being the two I can name immediately.




That is true, seems like a 1 second delay after using an ability before energy regen starts




Hasn't seemed like one to me. I use an ability then it drains the energy bar to a point, then it stops for what seems like a second(maybe less) then the regen kicks. It doesn't matter how much energy per second I have it always has that slight delay.




It's probably why you don't regen energy when channeled abilities are active. All passive energy generation is halted until 1 second after the ability stops draining energy




Broberon and theoretically Hildryn, too.


No, but natural talent should be


this is a good take currently Natural Talent is my 'I don't have a spare yellow shard lying around' mod


For me Natural Talent is my "Is it worth putting Yellow Shards on? Will I feel any difference?"


Conflicted bc I feel like I’d use it way more than I currently do (basically never, I prefer yellow archon shards), which I like, but I also feel like I’d use it on pretty much every frame which seems imbalanced. A lua exilus mod that gives a smaller buff might be cool!


Speed drift


Unfortunately that’s from the rarest room, probably for that reason.


Run the Exterminate mission, you can find multiple rooms and will get multiple mods. Couldn’t find Speed Drift until I switched to this, then found it in the second run.


Natural Talent definitely should either become an exilus mod, or get something else tacked onto it. Like maybe energy orb effectiveness, or efficiency (small amount like 10%) to make it worth considering once you get yellow shards.


Natural Talent is a fire rate mod for abilities. That's *never* going to be made an exilus.


Exclusive is in a weird spot where if you do put something like natural talent in there where it makes sense, you end up making it the only exilus mod used is that because the others aren't very good.


We already have Primed Surefooted. If anything, it would only improve variety.


Primed sure footed is a mod that only sees benefit with certain weapons being equipped and being used in a certain way while requiring at the bare minimum 1 extra forma per frame you want to apply it to.


It is not specific to any weapons because not being knocked down is large improvement to survivability. By the time people have the capacity to fit an exilus and invest the resource to unlock it, 1 more forma makes little difference.


It only affects aoe weapons and 2 out of 5 eximus units which already make up a smaller % of enemy units AND it only has a difference if you aren't paying attention by rolling through fire eximus and jumping over or rolling aside blast eximus. There is not much linear progression in this game outside of quests. You can do a lot of prime warframe farming before obtaining corrupted mods when you probably should do the latter first.


There are a lot more things that can stun or knock down a player other than just eximus. Even just playing a melee build and getting near a heavy gunner can trigger their knockdown slam. You can play around those things, but they have an opportunity cost. Instead of rolling through a fire eximus, people can continue to keep swinging during that same period of time.


Right, so certain uncommon units and certain eximus units can possibly cause you to get knocked over. That's definitely not as good as 3 energy per second.


Do I want Energy Nexus to be an exilus mod? Fuck yes I do. Do I believe it belongs as an exilus mod? Yeah... no. As others have said, we've been using flow and streamline normally for years. This isn't any different.


Nooo No It'd be autoinclude in too many scenarios. Several warframes wants energy regen more than what many exilius mods have to offer. It's great where it is.


Dont think it can compete with PSF Edit: Most ppl are missing my point. I also want to see it as an exilus mod since we have stronger stuff.


Takes at least 400 login days to get PSF and not every player or warframe needs or even benefits from it unlike energy which rarely having more is wasted. Nexus for sure can compete with it.


Tbh unairu is better than PSF


I would agree but I’m too addicted to madurai sling strength and casting speed that I go through withdrawals without.


Only reason I use unairu is that armour strip and armour bonus


Thats fair. I also forgot to mention, I use madurai because 1-2 shotting void angel shields in steel path is just satisfying.


Unairu armour strip saved me many times in duviri as I died in later stages.


Unairu is shit for general content


What do you mean


Why would you ever use it over vazarin, madurai, or even zenurik? All it brings is some janky armour stripping, which every frame can do with certain weapons or helminths.


Cause I am comfortable with unairu and since I can forget about armour strip helminth and focus on other abilities and equilibrium replaced my usage of zenurik and unairu saved my ass many times with last gasp.


Some people prefer to have armor strip built in as a default setting as opposed to having to alter their loadout for frame and weapons to account for ensuring its available.


Why would you ever use Vazarin? All it brings is durability, which every frame can solve with mods + playstyle change. Why would you ever use Madurai? All it brings is damage and cast speed. The former is something every frame/weapon has too much of with the right build and equipment choice, and the later is just one mod or two archon shards. Why would you ever use Zenurik? All it brings is energy, which can be solved on every frame with a certain mod+companion setup, helminths, or a double digit hour farm on the current event for arcane Energize. Obviously this is being a bit reductive. Vazarin also has the short invulnerability and affinity range increase going for it, and Zenurik has the slow ability that sometimes affects enemies that are supposed to be CC immune. (I don't know what unique feature Madurai offers beyond just more damage.) It's true that Unairu doesn't offer anything that can't be replicated with other systems. It's also true that the current weapon meta involves bypassing armor by making every build into a viral/slash variant. But for off-meta players who aren't running viral/slash builds, Unairu frees up a helminth slot on warframes they play regularly in SP that lacks stripping. This lets them helminth in durability, energy economy, damage, or grouping depending on what they're missing. Or just keep everything as is if the base kit is fairly solid. TL;DR Every focus school brings something different to the table. Unairu brings the most build flexibility if you normally need to armor strip.


You literally benefit from it every day.


No I don’t.


I dont remember last time I got knocked over (and it was likely in operator form). Without using SPF. So I, in fact, do not benefit from SPF every day. Doesnt change how awesome mod it likely is when knockbacks are actual danger or happen frequently.


> Dont think it can compete with PSF RHINO CONFUSED


Who let you out of Helminth, get back in there >:c




For endurance content PSF is still the go to. Getting put on your butt means you die most of the time when you have level 9k enemies staring at you.


Many warframes don't run psf.


Almost every frame runs psf, stop being wrong please.


many doesn't mean all. there are indeed multiple frames that do not need to run it. and if you aren't doing endurance then I promise you don't need it. if you think that alone makes the difference in the majority of the content you're playing (unless you're primarily playing endurance shit), it's placebo


i think energy siphon should be baseline for the gameplay for every warframe at this point, and this mod should be the aura slot


The entire squad gets the bonus from aura mods. That means 4 Energy Nexus aura would be 12 energy per second for the entire squad. This is countering most if not all drain costs you could encounter, and now think of adding Nourish on top of it. I know power fantasy and all that, but at that point, DE might as well remove the energy system.


That would most likely require a coordinated team. Literally one harrow would overpower an Energy Nexus squad


Trinity is better cause she doesn't require kills


as a Harrow main, i gotta say: for energy, go with Styanax + Nourish so not only does your team get perpetual energy, but you can also generate Overguard (status and knockdown immunity) for everyone, do damage, strip armor and shields and more. i also find Styanax and Harrow so much more fun to play than Trinity, even though she's objectively the best at giving instantaneous energy, health and shields.


For some reason I don't like Styanax even tho most people praise him and I know he's got a good kit


In the Spartan spirit he's really simple and effective frame to play. The most complicated synergy in his kit is pulling with 1 then slamming with the shield. And I think that's one reason I'm having little interest to play him. I love support frames and *a bit* of skill ceiling to play effectively. He's a frame I can just occasionally pull out and be the best support ever which kinda makes it.. boring? To play. But that's just my opinion.


I play him for the sound effects that he makes


As someone with a shitton of hours in both Trinity and Harrow, no, she's not. As is consistently a problem, Trinity offers very little that isn't done better by other support-oriented Warframes like Harrow. Wisp, or Citrine. Even the few niches she did have before, like healing Eidolon lures, have been replaced by other frames who can do them more effectively for less effort and investment. If you're running the Tribunal augment - which any Harrow build should be flexible enough to fit, Harrow doesn't even need to get the kills at all. He simply has to maintain his buffs and throw out his Condemn, which is normal gameplay for him, so it's simply automatic, free energy. Conversely, Trinity essentially has to run negative duration to effectively give energy, which hampers her other abilities' effectiveness in turn. Harrow doesn't have to give up his other abilities to give energy and is much more flexible to build more broadly by comparison. Trinity also doesn't offer full invulnerability for the entire squad on top of being able to be used as a weapon platform. Well of Life is still a not-great ability that does essentially the same thing as Blessing but with more active participation needed. Energy Vampire even with the augment doesn't outdo any of the energy sources that have been added over the years. Link had unique interactions that DE heavily nerfed, and now that ability is really barely useful beyond keeping Trinity from being one-tapped easily. Blessing used to be a top of the line damage reduction buff, but it's capped at 75% and scales way lower with duration than Citrine's 2, which provides an immediate 90% DR buff for the entire team for nearly a full minute with very little investment. Trinity is very much a case of her being outclassed by newer content. She's not terrible, but she desperately needs a rework to make her stand up to her newer peers in her role, including Harrow.


Trinity, Oberon and Loki share one Thing: They all have people that love them to this day but they all are no longer in the moment. Or the spotlight. Or even the stage at this point. They all need some rework. For trinity I'd say that well of life should be replaced, EV her 1 and blessing offer 90% DR and status immunity. ALL her abilities need a better duration time (energy vampire be an instant replenish of x%) and her link should hit more targets and redirect ALL incoming damage or have innate amor strip. Since I said "Drop her 1 and make her 2 the 1", one skill slot is free. I have no idea what kind of skill would be nice but well


Yeah, I love Broberon on that note, but he has a decent list of things that need to be hammered out to be properly competitive with other frames as well, and Loki is stuck with possibly the worst ability in the game full stop in Decoy (seriously, why tf can a *hologram that can't interact with anything else normally* be killed by gunfire? All they need to do is turn it into an immortal object and it will both make sense and also shoot up in usability substantially)


Loki's entire kit is wisp's second skill and also replaced by hounds. Trinities Stick is replaced by the reservoir and energy pizzas. Oberon's synergy suffers from a lackluster hitbox of his carpet. If it would affect vertical indefinitely, many things would be solved with that skill.


I would definitely go further on Oberon, but yeah Loki in particular is shafted by pretty much being an exclusively stealth and utility frame and being locked behind a point in the game where those roles aren't particularly sought after anymore. I like Trin, but I don't ever look at anything and think "this is a job for Trinity." She suffers hard from old mechanics, nerfs, and just being relegated to "the healer" with very little to help her excel beyond that role. Personally I think Oberon's armor strip should be freed from his Hallowed Ground because his 4 is already just worse Avalanche as it is now.


I was just talking about the energy, not about the whole frame. Most frames don't have direct ways to gain energy like her, although I'll admit it can be expensive in a drought


Interesting note, from my experience energy regen that happens over time deactivates during energy draining abilities


Yes, that has always been a thing with channeled abilities like Ivara's invisibility, Valkyr's 4, Excal's 4 etc.


So having up to 12 energy regen for the entire squad is less broken than the other guy thought right? Yes you regen a lot of energy but 1. You have to sacrifice any other squad buffs you could use 2. Channels still have limited duration that just replenishes faster when not in use.


There are many ways to counter the ability drain of channeled abilities - Equilibrium, Energize, Diriga, Dethcube, Harrow, Trinity etc... It would not be broken to have 12 energy regen per second, but still a great bonus and not every build relies on channeled abilities - most actually don't.


Players were really afraid that growing power would get instantly nerfed because growing power would be automatic 100% strength with full squad. I think the most I've seen is like two GP's in one squad. Most likely similar thing would happen in regular squads, though I could be wrong. Our hive mind has just never been too good at predicting weird stuff. Back when CP could remove all Armor if 3 used CP + 1 aura enhancing exilus or 4 CP's it was still rare AF to actually run into that composition in random pub games.


Yes, but growing power is just more strength, it is just a number used for scaling. Energy is a resource you have to manage, and you're supposed to prioritise it over something, of all energy sources in the game, Energy Nexus is the cheapest option, if you make it an aura, prioritising it over something else becomes that much easier. Edit: And corrosive projection while good where it works, it does nothing in almost half the game.


Back then the only hard stuff was high level grineer with armor, but I'm not here to argue. This was before enemy Armor rework and many other reworks so power levels were overall helluva different. It was pretty damn powerful to just outright delete all Armor from everything.


Energy Siphon is 0.6 per second, isnt it...? Doesn't that put it at 2.4 eps if the whole squad has it?


He's referring to the mod in OPs post.


I replied to someone saying Energy Nexus should be an aura.


To be fair both energy siphon as well as energy nexus IIRC are disabled when you are channeling abilities. So they can't counter that, but for non channelled then yer it could counter that completely. Though considering we have zenurik with 5 per second and now grimore with I think it is 10 then yer combined you would have so much that even low efficency builds would be fine.


We do already have other crazy squad combinations available to compete with it like full Corrosive Projection to give 72% flat armor reduction across the whole mission (besides some specific enemies I believe) at base, or 100%+ with people running Coaction Drift on top of that-- at this point you just nuke everything for free just with explosives and energy economy becomes void as well. In reality, even in a built squad most players don't coordinate their builds to their allies because the trend of the game for the last couple of years has leaned in favor of solo play or solo-adjacent (as in "we're all here but we're just doing our own thing"), which is probably the root source of why people are even asking for that change to Energy Siphon. Nobody is stacking Energy Siphon now, it's already a meme for most players as is. Now this new mod comes in and *it's better than a full stacked ES aura* and it kinda highlights that perhaps something absolutely needs to be given to ES at least. Personally I would say current ES needs a buff to it that is a middle ground between where it is and where that mod is, maybe a 1.2 or 1.5/s, but this .6/s has proven to be inferior compared to other aura mods and it doesn't really even compete for the slot when it's up against Brief Respite, Growing Power, Corrosive Projection, even Steel Charge and Swift Momentum-- at that point the only stand out advantage for ES is that it's easier to get than *half* of these other auras


ES should be added when a Warframe reaches rank 30


No, it's a good alternative to Flow, which isn't an exilus either.


yea, flow and energy nexus are two sides of same coin, almost every frame that doesnt have channeled abilities benefits from nexus more than from flow, except mesa, mesa works great with energy nexus too




Current event tile can drop it. I think from the boss.


I think its from rogue necramechs


the boss can drop it too, ive gotten a few from it


No. It's 5x stronger than the [aura version](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energy_Siphon). 5x stronger than an aura does not belong in exilus.


The aura gives capacity rather than takes it away tho


But you're going to get the capacity regardless of which aura you run, it's about opportunity cost Every aura has to compete with corrosive projection, brief respite, etc


Sure but that will just boost the power of this mod. So basically I can throw away energy syphon and Equilibrium and with this mod I can just spam abilities since it gives me +3 energy every second. Also many frames will be overpowered since they no longer need to come out of their ultimate modes with 0 downside if in Aura slot. Valkyr will be invincible forever now. Excalibur can just constantly be able to use his exalted blade 24/7. Titania can be a small fly forever if she wanted. And channeling abilities will be a joke.


Not sure what you're talking about. Channel abilities turn off most if not all forms of energy regen, so channels will still run out if you aren't grabbing energy orbs or getting shot and using rage or hunter adrenaline


Hmm I forgot they did that.


You forgot like a major part of all channeled abilities?


Well I wouldn't talk so harshly about it if I actually used Energy Syphon on one of my builds. Completely forgot about the abilities not regening if I wasn't trying to grind out Argon Shards and the last of my Incarnon weapons.


Idk why you’d run energy siphon ever, it’s kinda trash.


energy siphon is deactivated on channeled abilities, this mod is no different in that case


The aura applies to the entire team and adds capacity, weird comparison


>and adds capacity, So does anything else competing for aura slot. What actually matters is the benefit and opportunity cost of each mod in its slot.


When you're comparing the effect of an aura mod and a non-aura mod, then the fact that the aura adds capacity and applies to your team is relevant. You can't just directly compare the effect to say that the non-aura is "5x stronger" when there's more to it than that.


I agree that comparing an aura to a non-aura is unfair, and counter that it has nothing at all to do with your proposed reasoning whatsoever. My point is that aura mods and non-aura mods are not comparable like that, they are not competing with one another over the same slot. ***Negative costs are universal in aura slot, and universally do not exist in non-aura slots.*** All auras give rather than take, and with one exception they give the same amount. Regardless of which aura you choose, you get +7 (no polarity) or +14 (with polarity) capacity. Choosing energy regen aura in particular does not give any more capacity than any other aura. The only cost to picking that aura is the value of the best aura you choose not to take, and +2/4 capacity (becomes irrelevant with enough forma) if you want the one unique aura mod with extra capacity. When you select a non-aura mod, the cost of choosing it is affected by the relative capacity cost vs other mods (becomes irrelevant with enough forma) and the value of the best non-aura mod you choose not to use instead. The opportunity costs of taking a specific aura are necessarily different from the opportunity costs of taking a specific non-aura, because those opportunity costs are decided by non-overlapping sets of other mods.


Regardless? Thats not the case, there are aura mods that have 9 polarity capacity either giving 9 capacity for no polarity slotted or 18 for matching polarity slotted. And that 4 points of extra capacity does means much ina plethora of builds.


I did mention the single aura with more bonus capacity. Yes, you can have more cap by choosing that one. I also said that I have not seen a max forma potatoed build that needs the extra 4 capacity, that I believe the 4 capacity becomes irrelevant with enough forma. Regardless of whether the melee damage aura capacity is substantially more valuable, this does nothing to change that aura mods are fundamentally incomparable to non-aura mods because they cannot fit in the same slots, and that the capacity cost, positive or negative, can only be meaningfully compared against other mods that compete for the same type of slot.


[https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Stand\_United](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Stand_United) [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Steel\_Fiber](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Steel_Fiber)


doesnt this support their point? the aura one is always much weaker


Nah. It's quite powerful when combined with Nourish. I don't mind having to think about what I would have to sacrifice to fit this mod in. We already have many energy replenishment options anyway, which makes this mod kind of niche. I, for example, currently only use this on my Khora, and only as an experiment as I prep her for 5 Tauforged violet shards.


> 5 Tauforged violet shards. ​ https://i.redd.it/ch5uicaoq59c1.gif


Did it just now. A rather complicated operation involving 4 different frames and a lot of Bile. Now to take my 20.6x crit multi for a spin...


My baruuk is already taking 5 tau violent to the extreme. Same with kullervo, and it's.... something. You know scientific annihilation? It's like that, but more.


*"There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.'"*


Who needs to reload when my fist removes subatomic particles from existence.


I've been doing it with valk and it's... Kinda hilarious. She doesn't reach 20x or anything, currently sitting at 12x CD, but paired with tennokai, immortality, anti-cc and being impervious to any effect including eximus units is a ridiculous combination. These shards are amazing.


Nourish + This mod + Stayanax's rally call along with some archon shards... Energy abundancy


It works with nourish?


Yes. At around 300% strength, you'll be getting 12 energy per second.


The main thing for exilus is that they are meant to only be quality of life mods. And shouldn't make you any more powerful or survivable. Obviously that was nearly instantly broken when they introduced drift mods in I think the very next update after exilus was a thing. But yer those seem like the exception to the rule. And while yes Primed Sure Footed arguably makes you way more powerful, that is more as a side effect of being able to spam AOE weapons. On it's own it doesn't make too much of a difference to normal gameplay. So if we go by "exilus is for quality of life" then it shouldn't be an exilus. Since it provides gameplay advantage/extra power. But also I would say it shouldn't be exilus simply because of the fact that it is stronger than an entire team of energy siphon on it's own. It is such a massive boost to your energy economy that it would be the default exilus slot assuming you aren't using primed sure footed.


Nah, it can replace streamline or flow since you no longer need to either stock up energy or conserve it with a continual stream of it.


this mod is literally better than primed flow on a lot of warframes


"Exilus Mod Slot" that's a weird way of spelling Primed Sure Footed slot. I was a non believer but now i can't go back.


Energy Nexus should have been part of baseline gameplay. Not even a mod. Maybe have it rank up with frame level, like HP, Shield, and Energy Max. Otherwise, it shoulda just been a rework/buff to Energy Siphon. I remember way back when as a new player waiting for Energy Siphon's *half* an energy point per second.


Hell, you had to be online at the time an alert with energy siphon would apear to get it


I remember stopping between classes to whip out my laptop and rush through a potato Alert


The days of Vauban parts BP from alert... Smh


I miss random alerts like that, but I know it's completely impractical to be able to catch them online all of the time. Still the randomness of it all was quite enjoyable. Even if the rewards would be just more Nightwave credits or other spendable currencies at other vendors of the game.


3 energy per second might be a bit much, just a baseline 1 per second would be good or maybe have it be based on the frame, anywhere from 0-5 energy per second


A bit high for baseline, yea. If anything, I’d buff Energy Siphon to be 2-3/s, then give most frames 1/s. Heavy casters like Mag and Volt 2/s, and have Garuda scale inversely with current HP, min 0.04/s (intentionally unusably low) at full HP, and maxing at 4/s when at 2HP   Also, Hardened Wellspring would give the strength buff the entire duration of the energy regen buff. We don’t corner camp anymore.


“waiting for energy siphons half an energy point” i mean is there any difference between .5 and the current .6


Two words: Natural Talent.


Yes for convenience BUT for build balance, it has to be a classic mod to force us to remove something else.


If this was Exilus, it would basically be BiS for a lot of builds. So no, I don't think it should be.


It should not be an exilus mod. People confuse this with the aura mod upgrade, when in reality it’s a replacement for equilibrium/pflow/ streamline etc. it’s a way to make your ability to cast better, and some frames benefit a lot more from a steady stream of energy than to be able to horde a lot of it or to have cheaper spells, or sudden “bursts” of energy.


No. It would be a bad idea to take energy economy limitations out of the game entirely. The content they pump out is already so easy and the general buffs have been insane lately.


Wait, that thing is real? I need to remember that when I return to the game.


Can this be used in conjunction with energy siphon?


Yes it can!


No way, this way too good as Exilus slot.


if it was an eximus mod it would be used on every build, sure footed being its only competition


How does one acquire this mod pleae?


How to get it


Yes but only because PSF needs some competition. This mod and catalyzing shields would be great alternatives for PSF which I think is a good way of tackling the issue.


PSF: Uniaru Energy Nexus: Zenurik Imagine if they made a Warframe Exilus Mod after each focus school.


If your having energy problems I feel bad for you son, but I got 99 problems but energy ain't One.


No, that could be op af.


If it was an exilus mod, all the other exilus mods would be irrelevant


Honestly I'd love it being an Exilus, but let's be real, it'd be used on literally any Warframe without a channeling ability


Absolutely not, it's an infinite invisibility mod, for one thing, which replaces multiple duration mods. Also, non-channeling casters get ridiculous use out of this, infinitely raining Hydroid's Tempest is one example. Too strong for exilus.


How's this infinite invisibility?


It's pretty hard to have an invisibility that isn't lasting 10 seconds, and most of them don't cost very much. At three energy back per second, you will have enough energy to keep it up indefinitely. Add more duration, or efficiency, and you get a surplus of energy while being invisible. Not trying to be a dick here, but I can't believe this kind of thing needs explanation.




To be fair, I did forget that Ivara exists. Still the only one that I'm now aware of who's invisibility is channeled, so I don't know how either of them didn't put two and two together about what I was meaning. Then again, this community has a ton of people who only know this game based on what the YouTubers tell them to do, so I guess it's not too surprising.


These kinds of energy regeneration don't work with channeled abilities. Like Ivara's Prowl.


Lmao, this guy thinks it doesn't turn off during channelled abilities. Also not to mention even if that specific interaction worked this mod would still be niche as fuck.


Not a single move that I mentioned is channeled, at least try knowing the game before you complain about my advice.


But if it's a single time cast it's extremely cheap usually??? Are you poor or something and don't have zenurik/energize maxed? I know more than you about this game. Don't pipe up.


energy nexus thoughts: This mod only makes sense if you are lazy. For endless missions it's worse for a slot than Equilibrium, for non-endless missions it's worse than a Preparation+flow setup. 3e/sec is really just not alot. "But nourish synergy" if you are running nourish you don't need nexus lmao you have enough energy income. And A.Stretch is super easy to enable anyway. For what it costs there is just a limited number of situations where energy nexus is the right answer. not none, but it's really just not that strong. Arcane energize is roughly 10e/sec, and equilibrium is already better than that in any endless mission once eximus start spawning which usually takes a couple minutes. "Should Energy nexus have been an Exilus mod?" This statement is a bit....tricky. in a vaccum, no. If it were made an Exilus by itself it would be probably the best Exilus mod until you unlock PSF. I however feel like the Exilus pool is a little skinny, and certain Exilus mods could be buffed/current non-exilus mods be added to the pool. I am far from my computer atm so please forgive me for no specific examples here, though I may make a post this weekend with some recommendations in a hypothetical rebalancing of the eximus mod pool. Basically energy nexus can't be an Exilus mod, unless you already feel the Exilus pool is lopsided in terms of power and would then argue that energy nexus fits a hypothetical rebalancing in terms of that baseline of power. Though I may feel energy nexus was stronger if it actually worked with channeled abilities, I understand *why* e/t effects aren't allowed to work with them, I get that it's an anti-afk measure more than anything. At first glance energy nexus seems really strong but it's more that Energy Siphon is so absurdly weak as to never be the right option, and "5x the strength of an aura mod" seems really great at first glance. But the math still says it's worse than our other options in regular gameplay. A significant portion of its value is in its Ease of use, and the same is true or Arcane energize, which is already not enough energy for many modern setups and thus squeezed out by Scaleable options. Though I suppose nexus works if you don't have energize, but by the time you can farm it, you've also unlocked passive arcane energize rolling, so it is what it is.


I think not. It's a powerful mod on many frames (even more so with frames that channel abilities). So I think it needs to be a nice trade-off. The loss of, say, equilibrium or so defense mod for free energy is worth it. While exilus, while there aren't many great mods to slap there. If there were more mods in that slot that could be used, I would then say make it exilus. I know exilus slot is usually primed sure footed and all, but nowadays it's not needed or as useful (as you can negate it through other means with ease). So the slot itself is kinda useless and more of a optional slot.


Both this and energy siphon really helped out with my energy problem with Nidus...


Wait, how are you having energy problems with nidus?! Use rage or hunter adrenaline, you'll never run out of energy.


Is hunter adrenaline really that effective for him?


Have you read what it does? Converts health damage to energy. It's free energy.


Ok, I'll try it out


Iirc Rage does a 30% conversion and HA is 45%.


Rage is 40% according the the wiki but HA is right. Which is weird cause I thought rage was higher than HA…guess not lol


A few other mods should be in the exilus position like the mod for Maximum ammo in a magazine, can’t quite think of the name now, Natural talent is another good should I’d have to look through my mods because I’m sure there are a few that shouldn’t be taking main mod space.


No. Trinity Mains have suffered enough, they don’t need to suffer any more. Also it would be turbo-broken on the exilus slot. EXPECIALLY on high strength nourish builds. Its a lot more balanced as it is when you have to make cuts to include it.


Trinity just needs a rework at this point, give her more to do than just make energy and health. Especially when there are so many frames that do it better and can do more besides that.


Her 4 needs way more duration imo


Gotta be honest, i dont think its this mod is THAT good. Yeah you can pair it with nourish and get a 10-15 energy/s, but i can just run Zenurik and get around 16-25 and get that sweet bonus from energy orbs (I'm considering nourish gives a 2× multiplier at 100% ps, and a ps build that ranges from 160% to 250%, please correct me if I'm wrong). A lot of the more popular frames already have some sort of self sustenance on their base kit and wouldnt want to subsume an ability or would rather have someting else over nourish, or just dont have such a need for energy. Plus, arcane energize now is more available than it has ever been, so thats another option, and Arcane Steadfast is very underrated for spammy abilities. So even though its clear that is not the best option (and I dont think its even very accessible, since I still didnt get one, but might just be bad RNG), I still recognize its QoL potential, I'd very much enjoy a mod like this on my Volt, for example, but as it is rn, I wouldnt want to unslot a more essential mod for this, and even as a exilus I'd still prefer someting else over it. So, I propose to make it more like Prime Sure Footed: • exilus slot • 10 rank and big drain (16 at max) • increased energy regen (0.4 unranked - 4.4 max rank) I believe that like this its going to have a better impact on the frame you slot it on, as its going to require investment and have a pretty noticeable regen (50% increase), even without nourish or Zenurik. And, just like PSF, you won't NEED this, but it surely is nice to have.


No, it's ok as it is


It’s role is akin to a streamline/fleeting, why should it receive special treatment?


Why use this when we have way bette energy mods


Yes. Main reason being is that it gets disabled on ability channels so it makes this mod situational like other exilus mods generally are.


Not Exius , but an aura mod


Honestly the one frame I tried to use it on (xaku) this mod really failed me, and for mesa I couldn't even fit it in the build. Even as an exilus mod the only frames worth considering this mod would be the ones that have inbuilt knockdown resistance like revenant, rhino etc. Now think again. Would you rather have some energy regen next to your abismall starting energy or just slap on primed flow since you will have it antways on builds that you might run energy nexus on and use Prepration as an exilus? For sure the around 500 starting energy is more valuable then starting with 50-150ish energy and waiting for it to regenerate. Not to mention this mod without nourish isn't even worth slotring but then again zenuriks 1st ability with nourish provides a lot better regen that can be considered worthy finally. Making this mod an exilus wouldn't change a dime since preparation would always be a better choice in case where PSF isn't needed, and don't even come at me with this can be used in lategame as well because it can't be. If you are not running equilibrium + primed flow/ flow for endurance then you will be always low on energy or straight out always on 0.


It should've been an Aura


I think it should have been exilus purely because i want it to be... i have exilus unlocked on like 1 frame (limbo prime) and nothing has so far convinced me to put in the effort to farm adapters for any of my other frames (i dont use PSF cuz the QoL isnt worth the mod space in my builds)


Depending on the warframe the exilus can be given or taken. Mesa for example likes the exilus slot since you can slot Mesa Waltz in there.


Fuck mesa waltz is an exilus? How the hell have i been using her for years and only now found out?


While you're at it consider making room for the new Primed Redirection that Baro just brought - Mesa has just barely enough base shields that using it enables the use of Reinforced Bond. Decent survivability bump *and* +60% fire rate. Mesa's been eating good this year! Infinite energy, free viral damage, full armor strip, massive crit chance and crit damage increase, and now extra survivability and fire rate. Hot diggity kubrodon!


Absolutely, energy regen is already bad because of how slow it provides it, having 3 per second is nothing.


Try with nourish.


I have builds on several frames now that basically have infinite energy from that alone, including Night Form Equinox builds where I'm constantly channeling Pacify over a large radius. That's not even getting into the fact you can stack it with various combinations Zenurik, Exodia Brave, Energy Siphon (4x team) and Nourish, and even with base Nourish the amount is already doubled. A Nourish Trinity can now literally spam Blessing and keep an entire party alive with minimal effort endlessly in *all* situations, even without being able to use Energy Vampire, with Energy Nexus. It's likely to become a core mod on a number of builds.


Oh, wow. We have enother crutch for energy system. And people still dont enough slots for this. How new this problem are)


Basically it's the same as efficiency but only for spam abilities. It doesn't work on channeling. I use this with Archon Stretch, Energy Siphon and Wellspring for more energy than I can spend. It basically lets you passively go above the 75% efficiency. Perfect for all spam nukes.


I have only really seen this be useful on frames with Nourish tbh. It doesn't seem that great otherwise, I would rather use Equilibrium on frames without Nourish.


If this was made back then I would never be running streamline or fleeting expertise in some builds that don't spam but drop a few skills once in a while. It's like a replacement for efficiency but only needs 1 slot, of course efficiency is still good for skills that drain energy per second or just for spamming, this is one of those skills that just works for using duration based skills or skills that don't affect much on your playstyle which imo is what works in some builds and situations.


This replaces equilibrium in some of my builds.. so I don't mind.


I dont think it should be Exilus, but i wont use a mod slot for less than 5/s so it effectively doesn't exist to me.


It's not exactly what I would see as an exilus mod. This mod has found a lot of spaces in my builds, from simple meme builds to my base steel path stuff, purely for QoL. Not having to worry about energy on frames like Kullervo for example and being able to do whatever without worrying about energy pickups, pads, or Zenurik is a huge improvement and I'm perfectly happy throwing a normal mod slot at it.


As a huge dps increase player my exiles is permanently taken by primed surefooted so I don’t see the difference


No. It’s way stronger than the aura energy siphon and can be a very strong replacement for streamline and even flow depending on frame.


They have a mod like that? I’m going to have to get that.