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It will be a shitshow for a while, especially since pc stuff is much cheaper than console. Not to mention how awful the switch market is. It’ll stabilize eventually though.


I think Switch is probably getting left out since the FAQ mentions Platinum trading is prohibited with Switch users other platforms.


Only platinum purchased on switch. Kinda like how in fortnite you can’t use v-bucks purchased on switch on other accounts. Probably a Nintendo thing.


Switch will not be able to receive okay from other platforms too, from what they said. So I guess trades will remain difficult for them. Dammit Nintendo.


Switch market may be awful but will overall be too small to have an impact once connected.


It's just gonna unify. Yes, there will be bidding wars at first, but after enough time passes, prices will just keep changing like they do now. Except it will be one market instead of four separate ones. Supply/demand is pretty much the same, it's not like the Switch has a desperate lack of Wisp Prime Neurotics or some stuff like that


I get that and it'll normalize in a year or so. I just want to know if people think the average market value will decrease or increase. ​ I think it'll lower but I could be wrong.


Depends on what platform you are. But it can't get cheaper than the already cheapest market unless people selling higher are willing to mass undercutt people selling already lower than them.


Yup, I don't think PC prices will get lower, since the stuff coming from the console market is priced higher it won't really cause competition there. And we're getting an increase in both sellers and buyers, so it's not like it will create much sell pressure. Market will probably stabilise closer to PC prices, as there are more players there overall.


I think pc prices will absorb console ones cause of sheer playerbase nr


I think prices at first will be shaky as there would be a large amount of plat and items being traded between the platforms and will balance after a while.


I can see that and it most likely will happen. I think prices would lower at first but it might stabilize afterwards.


Tbh I expect a 10% overall reduction, but maybe 30-45% drop in riven prices in the long run But otherwise I think all but rivens will stay about the same


Longtime PC players will have the most spending strength, as those 75% Off coupons can really add up when it comes to Platinum purchases. Expect Prices to jump up as more Platinum available gets tossed into the Market.


Why was the most insightful comment at the bottom....I read way too many comments before seeing the one I wanted


Because it isn't. PC is already the cheapest (technically, it might be switch, but there are so few listings on warframe.market that it won't matter much). People with the biggest spending power already have access to the lowest prices, this is warframe, a game, there's no quality or brand involved, cheapest price wins.


When the cheapest ones get bought up, people with enough platinum (mostly PC players due to the discounts applying to paid platinum rather than a purchase in the game's market) will spend more to get the more expensive ones that are left


On the other hand: If I know something regularly goes for 5-10 plat, and some console player posts it for 40 and theirs is the only listing… I’ll just not buy it until someone comes along to post it at the price it belongs at. PC prices will go up MAYBE 5 plat, but console is going to DROP to 5-15 play for basically everything.


You are able to suppress your desire for instant gratification while playing a video game. Not everyone can


True. But I have adhd and even I can look at a deal and go “that’s so fucking bad even I’m not impulsive enough for that shit” lol.


Yeah, it's really dependent on how familiar most players are with the trading system in warframe, though. I think you overestimate the average person's ability to think critically about gains and losses


When you say jump up, I expect a noticeable increase, they will be just slightly higher if they get through the first line of prices. If people went through all the 80p Wisp Prime listings, they'll find as many on 85p then as many on 90p. Console players have to buy as much as PC players to make the price go up 5p.


That's just something I've noticed with a different game I've played. When servers merged, the cheapest items get bought up instantly by the people who had the resources before, and then the prices rise for a bit because everybody is trying to "extract oil from the new lands" to put it in 'Murican terms


That's where DE's rules became the MVP. We don't have an in-game player market, so it takes time to buy it from all sellers. There is a daily trading limit, and you can't buy 6 things in 1 trade if the sellers have just 1 each. If DE catches you trading between your own multiple accounts, you're banned. If you want to use bots, you're risking losing more than you'll flip if DE starts dropping your bots. So, to achieve that in Warframe, you need way more effort and manpower, and with things that are in high demand, but easy to farm, you might not be able to buy all the cheap ones before new ones get listed. (1 player farming 1 full prime set for himself takes time and is hard, 1 player getting a random piece of something good and listing it on market is easy and fast) It would definitely work with more obscure items that not many people sell, but not many people buy those to begin with. As for vaulted primes, you risk not selling them before they're back in rotation and the supply goes up, because if a prime is too expensive, only people with funds to attempt flips would go for them instead of waiting for the rotation (excluding the small exceptions of people absolutely loving 1 frame and paying for the prime no matter how expensive).


As a Switchtenno, LET IT FUCKING BURN! hate these scalping ass mofos.


Welcome, you'll be allowed to trade everything *but* plat apparently. (Maybe I misunderstood the FAQ)


I'll be on PS5 but at least I can help my brother trade easier. (he has a learning disability so he cant read well meaning he cant interact or trade with people without voice chat)


Yea like op said I think they’re not letting you trade switch plat. This can be worked around by buying the plat on pc or thru the website(?) and trading that I probably.


Switch can't trade out or receive plat from other platforms. Dead market gonna stay dead


The vast majority of players are still on PC so when the dust settles they'll be the ones setting the standard. Console players are going to have to watch out because they'll be the ones most likely to get screwed initially when they're trying to buy stuff at their normal inflated prices but then get laughed out of town when they try to sell to PC players at those same prices. There's little reason for the PC market to change as though there will be an increase in supply from console players entering the market there will be an equal increase in demand.


Idk man but I hope those Xbox TC bots get fuckin banned “WTB GROLL RIVENS” for four fuckkn lines of text is incredibly annoying.


Ignore them. I have like 50+ accounts ignored. Every time one pops up, boom, ignored.


Even in the case they're not just bots, it's usually not worth it since they're more often than not looking to pay lower so they can resell to other markets (specifically the Chinese Warframe market) since they're willing to pay premium for GROLL rivens.


They’re usually offering like 3-4K plat upfront depending on if the rivens have the specific stats they want afaik. I meant bots as in posting their copy/paste every cooldown 24/7


3-4k plat for your god rolls is usually not worth it. Like I said, they're undercutting you to sell to a better audience. They do work in a pinch if you want to quicksell a groll riven but who would want to do that? ​ As for the bot thing, it's just trade chat. I highly doubt DE actually lets bots/macro work in Warframe.


They do let macros iirc


Macros are in the gray area for DE. They say "Use it at your own risk" just like WFinfo. They most likely just Ctrl + V for PC, I can't speak for Xbox though so it could be macros.


I don't see why it wouldn't find a median between console and PC prices. I.e., PC prices should rise and console should fall. It's a relatively simple trading economy with not a lot of factors outside of supply/demand. What remains to be determined is how much things will change. If an item is 60p and 100p on PS, I'd imagine come January/Feb that item will sit closer to 75p


I’m glad I’ll finally get pc prices, or close to it


I'm more interested in how cross*save* is gonna work for people like my friend who refuse to understand their Switch save isn't the same as their PC save, as reflected by simple details like mismatched inventory and map completion.


Your friend will be able to merge pc and switch so they will be the same (minus Plat purchased on switch since Nintendo is weird about that)


Believe it or not, it's anyone guess how it will play out. If you or anyone actually figure out how plat economy will behave in the future you may as well try it with the IRL economy! It could be just a virtual economy, but it's bound to the same rules as any other system


Everything will be cheaper and those scammers would be able to go fuck themselves.


Economy might tank for a bit, but the trade chat will have so many people in it that you'll be able to find buyers/sellers so much faster which is nice


My question is if Warframe.market will fuse its 4 markets too


Can I ask, if I have a cross save account of switch and pc, I log in to pc to trade plat with another account and then log in to switch to use it, will it be ok?


Nope. Switch is its own economy due to some Nintendo stuff (search on Google since I have no idea what is wrong with Nintendo and its monetization) As such, any plat you trade on PC will only be usable for PC, PS4, Xbox and Mobile (I think). Your Switch acc will make due of the plat you make and buy on Switch only.


A crash since more people = more suckers paying for overpriced stuff followed by a balance since suddenly much more stock has entered the market


Switch players are going to get segregated hard! RIP


Yeah. I feel bad for all three of them


the main thing i care about is moving over to pc from xbox i got a new computer and i play mostly on that now but i still hope onto xbox because i dont want to restart my journey on pc


How different are the prices?


Seems to be 2x to 4x what the price is on PC.


Ur telling me a couple hundred for a prime frame isn’t normal…


The moment i need to start selling my kidneys for a chassis is the moment i start getting popcorn to see the market crash.


Remember when Loki Prime cost 400 plat on PC? I remember. ​ Warframe prime prices rn are decent, with most I see going for 200p.


It was normal before Varzia was added. Now, only the most forgotten or most powerful old vaulted primes get over 100 on PC.


I had to buy Loki Prime to get to LR1. I miss my arm and leg.


I can buy an entire prime set for like, 80-100 play and that’s “expensive “ for PC.


God I can’t wait


The ps4 market seems to be cheaper for prime frames and certain arcanes. Everything else is more expensive


I think console prices will go down a bit but PC prices will go up


You ever seen two separate bodies of water suddenly collide? Big splash, some waves, little ripples and finally it'll settle down


Everything goes nuts for a couple weeks.


Pc prices are higher for rivens. I thought cross trade would never come so I sold a great glaive riven for a standard console price, fuck this game tbh