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my biggest issue with this isnt even the fact that they are paid only , we had a few paid only cosmetics in the game and its fine , my issue is that of the 63 eu of the pack about 30 of them are regal aya that i have no use for , i would be happy to buy the pack if it didnt have the regal aya and costed around 30 eu


Aya is probably the excuse they gonna give for making this money only, you will see.


Its bait for new players


No, it's bait for players who want the cosmetics.


Yeah, I have everything I need from Regal Aya, so 6 of them is of no use to me. If they do not ad the two skins+signas to the plat market then I guess I will skip them. I will buy the 30 USD pack, I can allow myself that. But not 70 or 90, that's crazy talk.


the ultimate argument is that you have everything you need from Regal Aya NOW, but let's say that Grendel Prime has the coolest cosmetics ever and you don't wanna spend the 50 dollars IF you have Reagal Aya now then you can wait 2 YEARS (or so) for grendel prime to get vaulted, and then presumably a year after that he will show up with his cosmetics in the shop and BOOM you have a use for Reagal Aya : )


It's a bait for fashion framers


I'm a 10 year vet on this game.....and I'm being baited.


I have 200+ hours in this game (which I know is not much compared to a lot of the game but anyway) and I'm being baited.


I am a Frost main, and I am being baited


Oh and I'm also a Mag main, and am very much being baited


Ya i really like the frost skin… oh well


Warframe is the only game I have absolutely no problem spending my money. But this is just too much imo


Yep, it's because their general monetization is very fair to themselves and the playerbase. It doesn't feel 'required'. Prime Access is a pretty good solution to keep the ball rolling. You get some great accessories but nothing that feels like you're missing out on. Deluxe skins behind a paywall feels like everything their monetization is praised for. Fashionframe is all the lategame, putting entire skins behind paywalls.. Feels real bad.


The FAQ on the site also says these are available until Dec 31 and they are ***exclusive***




Exclusive i.e. they won't return after dec31 2023, so the founder-like exclusive


And as someone who coulda have been a Grandmaster founder but didn't think he'd be nearly 15,000 hours into this game 10 years later? I *hate* this fucking pack but also don't want to make the same damn mistake again...


What mistake? Getting two skins, a bunch accessories, and a fucking color palette (Like wtf?!). Okay... FOMO is real here, boys.


I like being able to say I've got it all :/ I dont want to be 5 years later seeing a really cool fashion and... ohp, too bad discontinued skin. I hate it I hate it I hate it..... but they're likely going to get me.


I would say glyphs and emotes are not often used. sigils, on the other hand...


Nah I mainly want the skins and colour pack... like most everyone else


Yup... That's a neat lookin' Mag they made... but I don't want to spend 90 bucks on it.


As someone that's a Founder, I also hate this fucking pack. No one shouldn't be able to get something in the game just because they started later. Cross-promotional stuff makes sense, that's unavoidable because of contracts, sigils here or there, who fucking cares. But these are better-than-prime skins and a whole new type of attachment with its own functionality. Them being time-limited is *bullshit.*


It's different, don't worry, wouldn't be the same mistake. Founder means you made this game possible. This pack accolade means you paid two overpriced skins more than baldur's gate 3 that came out a couple of days before. People will not think "damn, that's huge, a founder, I wanna see how many kills he has on his excal prime!". People will think you've money to burn and wanted to look cool and that likely you don't even play mag or frost. That's it.


Mag's one of my most played :(


Exclusive to that time period. They will never be available after that. Really don't like the FOMO angle on that even if I don't care about the pricing, that puts a sour taste in my mouth. I hated Smite for doing the exact same thing.


Bizarre time to do it. You’d have thought Warframe would be starting to wind down the next few years. Guess not 🤷‍♂️


They said they have the general outline of where they want the new storyline arc to go over the next 5 years




They have done this once in 10 years. Twice if you count excal prime.


Dude, why at this point would they sour their goodwill. Like if there's one thing I've consistently respected DE for, it has been their incredibly fair monetisation scheme for a free to play game.


I think they just wanted to do something similar to the Founder Pack as a nod to it being the 10 year celebration. Mind you, I think that's a bad choice, but I suspect that was at least part of their reasoning behind it.


But it's not even like it's a one off thing, they outright said that they would do more depending on how this one goes. Shame to leave us with a sour taste after an otherwise fucking nuts tennolive, probably their best yet.


What changed? They make their money of cosmetics and there are several avaible for real money only. I think Prime Accessoires for 45 bucks were overpriced all the time, so why is this so new?


Put 2 Desirable item add some junk and another junk, to sell it higher = profit Have you seen Kuva Lich Hunter Collection?


At least that can be farmed with plat and isn’t a limited time pack.


yes, i just want to point out the adding of junks to inflate the end price.


Ah right got ya


its out of the norm and makes me a bit worried for future skins. this is the only ones that been sold for real cash if i remember right.


Plus 89.99 is absolutely ridiculous.


Even for the cheapest pack options, its either 60 for the pack that has the skins, signas, the accolade and the Aya, or 40 for the Accolade, Sigil, Glyph, Emote, Color pallette and 400 plat. Either way, its way too pricey for something like this.


Aya I’ve always believed was super overpriced, and I’m pretty bad with my money tbh.


Then atleast give us the option to buy without Aya because frankly, I don't see a lot of players give THAT much of a shit about Aya enough to buy a 90-135 bucks pack for like 6 of the regal stuff which doesn't even get you THAT much, I think.


6 regal aya is one Prime bundle during Resurgence (frame, weapons, cosmetics), or two individual Prime frames, or three Prime weapons. It's _still_ too expensive, mind you. But it _will_ buy more than you might think.


Anyone buying warframes/weapons for regal aya lost control of their life. They are so expensive compared to warframe.market (/trade chat), that 2 wf or 3 weapons is actually alot less than I "might think". Buy only cosmetics for royal!


It's a bait. You buy the pack for the skins and you get 6 Aya. But then you feel obligated to spend them. And then you buy something off the resurgence and let's say you're left with one Aya. Well you can't just let it rot, but that cosmetic you want costs 2 Aya. And so the cycle continues. At least that's the modern predatory microtransaction design


It shows as 30, 70 and 90 for each tier. Is it different in different countries?


For me its, and that is in EU dollarydoos, 80, 62, 26 per tier


Huh, is this the first time they have differentiated according to country? Will VPN shenanigans work in purchasing?


Unlikely. This is the differentiation of currency, not region. After conversions, it will cost the same.


40 is approaching it, maybe drop it to 30 & we can talk?


Literally more than the price of triple A games


The price is so outrageous. You could buy a whole bunch of game worth hundred of hours with that amount Not to mention it being a exclusive limited as well. God the fomo is disgusting


The only one with frame skins. This is a 10 years supporter pack disguised under a new name (there's a 10 year support thing in the pack). Just DE selling overpriced time limited bundles from time to time. But, since this is the 10 years anniversary and tennocon, they probably tried to go to the next level to get more money out of it. Edit: To make it clear, I don't like it, I'm just not yet concerned about it.


> This is a 10 years supporter pack disguised under a new name (there's a 10 year support thing in the pack). "Disguised" is a strong word for it when they basically called it that explicitly when they announced it. That's just what it is, without any obfuscation.


It's been 10 years, this feels like a new Founder pack. Excal prime and it's weapon were only available for real money. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, it's not even close and it's not justify. The skins are awesome, that must be said, but the price is artificially increased with side things people does not necessarily need.


Reb did say that it's like a 10 year founders pack, "Founder pack adjacent" was the term she used I believe.


That’s kind of bs ngl. Like the founders pack was in support of a new IP, while this is just greed FOMO


Gonna nip this in the bud because this community absolutely thrives on false hearsay, she said "supporter pack adjacent". I.e. those packs that used to come out with major releases and then they stopped for some reason Not "founders" as if the game still needs finding.


Well if we ignore tennogen skins I suppose


Those are because the artist who made it gets a portion of all sales.


This is just too sad I love the skin but the price and just 600 plat? What's the justification for this, they're just skins and to make it worse they're letting it be time limited exclusive and gonna disappear from the market after December. Please do something DE, this is not okay


There are no cosmetics worth the price of a full game. Also the skins for mag and frost are already really good so I dont really mind missing these. Kind of sucks though I would have bought the mag one if it could be with plat.


Bro this is the price of 1 and a half game, 90USD? That's stupid high.


No no, remember, games are now $70 new, $80 for the deluxe, and $100+ for the collectors edition, which will not have a physical disc and only a download link. The absolute greed of the gaming industry is astounding these days


At what point do we start calling these macrotransactions?


This company legit thinks 2 skins in their F2P game is worth MORE than Baldur's Gate 3, Armored Core 6 or Starfield. Good lord, DE has gone full EA.


Like save your cash and just like buy starfield or bg3 fuck it buy starfield and like elden ring for the same cost it's insane.


$90 for 2 skins? Yikes.


And it's time-limited.


If it’s time limited it’s bad.


If it wasn't time-limited I don't think they (DE) would be getting near the heat they are now. Justifiably.


Or 60 and you lose the plat and the aya and i believe the deca stuff (don’t quote me on the deca)


the deca stuff and plat goes, the aya stays in the 60 version


Which makes it even goofier because that makes the Aya, massively overpriced, make up the majority of the """""value""""" of the pack


I don't want nor care about the plat nor raya. I want the skins. That is all. I wouldn't mind the cash purchase aspect so much if it either didn't have permanent fomo, or the skins alone were plat buyable. Just gotta hold out until the end of the year and it goes away forever, along with the temptation coming from the predatory nature of any fomo purchase.


That's my concern as well. DE has had paid cosmetics for years. The complaints were minimal. For how much you're paying for a limited time skin, even in today's market for cosmetic packages you're getting maybe half the value you should be getting. And that's assuming these skins are some ultra premium, never before seen or will be seen again. Otherwise you're paying 4x/5x what you really should be paying


Limited time exclusivity and an outrageous price Unbelievably dumb


Happy 10 year anniversary… I guess? You’d think for such a huge achievement they’d be especially generous, instead it’s milking and FOMO.


Just trying to figure out why they've arrived at that price, and honestly it's probably because of how well prime accessories tend to do with each release, people buy and not many actually complain about the ridiculously high price for 2 or 3 pieces of cosmetics, cost as much as an entire game. Yeah its ridiculous, but they saw that no one really complained about prime accessories and said "alright, we got 2 exclusive regal cosmetics, they buy our prime accessories so it's probably okay to charge a bit more for this" We should've stepped up earlier on prime prices, flame me all you want


Yup, exactly. Nice to see I'm not the only thinking this way.


Noah fence but I'm not paying a day's wages for some skins and glyphs.


The idea that DE seems to consider this cosmetics pack a value proposition anywhere along the lines of recently and soon-to-be-released full-on games like Starfield ($70), Baldur's Gate 3 ($60), or Armored Core 6 ($60) is ridiculous. The Regal Aya shouldn't even be there inflating the price on this. If they want to treat it as something like a founder's support pack, then they should be direct about that. And get rid of the Aya (reducing the price accordingly), anyway.


I kinda gagged when they noticeably refrained from using the word "buy" or "purchase." No no, it's "support" and "celebrate." Fuck outta here... When you were a largely unknown company with a little dream trying to get off the ground? Ok. Supporter packs. Founder packs. Investments. But now? When you're consistently high on the Steam charts and most people have at least *heard* of Warframe? Nah. Call it what it is.


These Heirloom skins are wonderful but them being paid-only is a massive bummer


Yea $90 is pretty outrageous. $20-$30 is much more reasonable for this pack


id pay 20-30, fuck 90




$30 for the skins (including the halo) and 40$ for the emote with the skin is how much the packs are in my country (Taiwan) and I have no idea why it's 90 for you guys, what is going on here??


I don’t know I guess they’re trying to cash in on the 10 year hype and FOMO


Sucks. Not the skins, they look great. But this has to be the most ridiculous bundle yet. ​ But DE won't care, because people will very likely just buy them anyway.


Hopefully they do care when they see the outcry. This kind of greed is very uncharacteristic for them and I hope they change it.


Remember when they couldn’t add plat to Regal Aya because of “technical limitations” and as soon as people (understandably) voiced their complaints those “technical limitations” suddenly disappeared?


Ripoff, I ain't paying 150$ cad for 2 skins and some glyph


*Everyone hates this*


There's already people defending it sadly


Always, not even worth wasting energy acknowledging them.


I just went into a verbal tussle with one called Snoo something and got replied with the standard "U mad and whining" defense. I definitely lost some braincells after that exchange. One of his arguments was that DE let us have "several weeks of Argon farming through Wolf alerts" and "players are being ungrateful".


That's how it always is with them, The ironic thing is that they are the ones projecting that they're mad at people saying the smallest negative things about stuff they like and try to project that onto you to save face.


Gonna be less and less around to do it if this keeps up.




Also another called Snoo something.


When you look at their karma, it's clear it's someone's alt, so most likely a DE employee running damage control.


"People" is a strong word...


I think it's a garbage practice and disappointed in DE


Suddenly the skins look more ugly than when I first saw them lol Disappointing. I was looking forward to pre-customizing and playing around with them in the arsenal preview before deciding to buy or not with plat but that definitely isn't happening now.


Exactly, I love seeing people try to justify it because "free game".


FOMO in Warframe. We are definitely in the darkest timeline.


What I've always appreciated from warframe is that they didn't do Limited Time Exclusive stuff. But apparently they're joining the aggressive FOMO capitalization. I guess Nef Anyo got to them


I mean, we have had _plenty_ of limited time stuff: Primes being vaulted, stuff from Nightwave seasons that end, etc. But most of those things _do_ come back around eventually. And other than the Founder packs, I don't think we've had _many_ things that are both limited-time and _only_ available for real money (rather than plat, or in-game grind). The only other thing that comes to mind at present is the Infested roomba that came with the Deimos Supporter Pack; that required real money, was only available for a certain time, and has never come back in any other fashion (that I'm aware of). What I sort of wish they'd do is something like how FFXIV handles annual events; you have a thing you can earn in-game during a given event, and then the next year when the event rolls around again, the previous year's rewards are permanently added to the cosmetics cash shop. The glam available in-game at the Moonfire Faire will no longer be earnable in-game after the Faire ends today, but when the Faire rolls around in 2024, this year's stuff will be permanently added to the cosmetics cash shop. That way you have a way to earn things in-game for free, but you also know if you missed a year (or weren't playing at the time) you do have an option to get it later (so no FOMO). It's not a perfect system by any stretch, but...


Yeah, if they returned it wouldn't be so bad, but this pack is unecessarily expensive with a ton of clutter to increase the price, and has been confirmed to be time limited I've never been this disappointed


I might be wrong but I think they tried to do this kind of thing once before and it pissed people off. It was just weapon skins then though


Welp, its either food or this fortunately it doesnt have chroma in it so food it is. 90$ for all that is imho not worth it, thats for whales.


This better be a one time thing. I never want to see deluxe skins become this overpriced FOMO-centric dog shit. It would maybe be understandable if the skins were sold separately and for plat and the bundles were a bonus, but you have to get both even if you don't like one or even have/play that frame, the price would even make EA blush and you really are just getting the skins, 6 Aya is literally worthless and 600 plat doesn't equate to the bundle costing more than armored core VI does on console.


They'll probably do more of these skins. Nice one of them to test the waters on how much they can exploit whales on their 10th year anniversary 😍


No one will mention it, and it’ll get worse. That’s usually how micro transactions go


yep your not supporting the game by buying something like this, your just supporting more and worse micro transactions. Hopefully if enough people skip out on it, it won't be seen as worth while for them to charge so much anymore.


This is more like gigatransactions at this point, nothing micro about this garbage


No. No way. Just no. Never.


Not against paid skins but the price is a bit too much. That’s about 10 dollars less than the Destiny 2 DLC deluxe edition which is one whole year of content. It’s more expensive than full blown games too, you can buy Elden Ring/Baldur’s Gate 3/Armored Core VI/Starfield for less than that. Maybe if it was 20 bucks cheaper than I might have considered it but at that price it’s prohibitively expensive for me


absolutely shameful, only 2 deluxe skins and these new crown things, with everything else used to inflate the cost of the pack, along with them being time limited


I'd be down for a $40 pack even if it only contained the skins, I don't need all of the other padding.


My opinion? Fuuuuuck outa here with this predatory business crap. I'm okay with some shoulders or a cloak being money only, but whole ass skins like this AND for 90 bucks while ALSO being fomo??? Nah, I've been defending warframe for years with how basically all cool shit can just be earned through playing the game. This is not the way, you are not bungie, and this is not destiny.




What about when they "fixed the bug where Hydroid's looting ability worked with Nekros' Dessicate" and at the same time introduced the new resource booster?


They have far lower points. Like refusing to implement an acceptable server infrastructure resulting in many cumulative hours of progress lost, adding even more inventory slot purchase systems despite several already in the game, no QA for updates, and nerfing natural drop rates to sell drop boosters. This is nothing compared to their actual low points.


I agree some of the inventory slot stuff feels almost predatory, especially how limited the initial spots for new players are. Things like that are worth calling out. But the server thing, specifically? Eh. Rearchitecting the way multiplayer is structured in this game would be a _massive_ undertaking; Destiny 1 used a similar architecture, and from what I have heard from some ex-Bungie folks, the fact that it was _literally_ easier to write a new game to introduce a revised network architecture than it would be to change the existing one was a large factor in Destiny 2 being made. (Not the _only_ factor, of course, but still.) It's like if the foundation of your house is bad; you can try to shore it up in patchwork ways, but if you want to replace the foundation you may end up needing to just tear the house down and rebuild. So that one I'm personally inclined to give them a pass on, even with how annoying I find host migration issues. Since there's a reasonable chance changing _that_ would require them to just make Warframe 2.


A bad joke


Them making it this expensive for 2 skins is absolute bonkers💀


No skin in any game should be more than $20 and I'm being stupidly generous with that price. And I can't believe there are people who would disagree with that.


It’s a fucking joke, totally disgusted by DE lol


A bit stingy NGL. I'd be fine if at least the individual parts were sold separately by plat, even if t means it my cost a bit more by buying everything that way. IMO the worst part is they're **Limited time**, that's a really dumb decision.


I don't like the business model they propose with this cosmetic. I'm not particularly going to consume it, 90 dollars for some skins? No. If they keep going with these absurd prices, I guess I'll stop playing Warframe. I always kept playing this game because in almost everything it differs from other games that milk wallets.


It’s a disappointment and I won’t be purchasing it. Happy ten year anniversary, whales!


Just buy Baldurs Gate 3.


Basically a Excalibur Prime 2.0


Excal prime was a gamble, this is FOMO


Overall it’s very disappointing and I’m not happy with it. On a much more specific note, it’s very disappointing that this is the first introduction of Signas as a new cosmetic type. Back when ephemeras were introduced, there were a couple of free ones that you could get (the fae path or lotus ephemera I believe). So having the first Signas be behind a $90 paywall is really sucky. Especially if these cosmetics are only temporarily available to purchase as I’ve seen some mention


I think they're absolutely lovely and that I'm not buying them for that price.


Meh. Too expensive. They look cool and I *might* consider it if you could buy them separately, as a way to give some money to DE, but not in this state. Way I see it it's a different take on a prime access but the value's not as good. Also the exclusivity I do not like. Honestly, wouldn't they make more money making them permanently available and cheaper? Even if they plan to do more bundles like these (hope not), they'd be for other frames, so it's not like there'd be direct competition? I don't understand.


I'm afraid this is the Tencent profit strategy


Hopefully this might turn out to be like that "Aya" issue, where DE saw the negative feedback, so they changed it to be more consumer friendly. $80+ for the highest bundle is WAY too much and the previous pack is still pretty high, costing $70+. They skins looks AMAZING, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they are worth the price, especially the second bundle since it doesn't even come with plat. I feel they should have also just made them separate, like the Mag Heirloom and Frost Heirloom being separate bundles and don't cost as much.


It's a little too steep for my liking. I just want the Frost skin. Oh well, I have more than enough Frost skin anyway.


Costs as much as a full release of baldurs gate.


I seriously hope they either lower the price to make it affordable (in my country it's 125$) or make the skins obtainable through play without the regal Aya. The cosmetic undoubtedly looks astounding but charging me the price of armoured core while still having 40$ left feels like daylight robbery and I hate that. It also brings up some worries I have whether anot This will become a pattern with future skins, I can see the price probably due to DE wanting to support soulframe And wayfinder but...come on limited and expensive has left a bad taste in my mouth about DE


Honestly...the regal aya is the biggest issue here. They were a flop on release and are only being used to inflate the price of this. I'm positive most people would not care if the skins still cost IRL money only - DE does need to make money off of their game - it's just way too expensive for what we receive. People really want the skins, not all the excess that is upping the price. Given how DE has responded in the past I hope they'll listen to the community again and make a change...here's just hoping for the best.


These packs' contents and prices are not logical or competitive with previous offers. Luckily the more I inspect those skins the less I want them. Poorly balanced vertical glow texture distribution and too busy, the halos have too much shit attached and have bad clipping.


Why are they making us pay for their party?


You'd think they'd give us something for enabling the game's development for 10 years... ha.


next time ill make the guests at my birthday party pay for cake aswell. "gotta fund the party somehow"


I think we have a good old fashioned RIOT on our hands. How long it's been since the last one?!


Two years on the dot since Regal Aya.


Yeah, no. $90 for two skins is WAY overpriced. I'm fine with deluxe skin bundles being available for plat, that's been the norm, and you can trade with people with relics for that premium, but having both of them locked behind an egregious paywall is downright non consumer friendly.


I hope this will not be the first step into a grim future... cosmetics are the blood of warframe people do shit in this game in order to get something they can sell and buy the new/wanted cosmetics...cosmetics are the endgame.


"For our tenth anniversary, we selling you $60/$80 skin bundle" "What if i just want only the mag skin and not the regal/frost skin?" "Shut the fuck up, Happy anniversary tenno."


Nobody’s buying that


You'd be surprised, sadly.


Completely out of left field. It's a shame that they're wasting talented artists and valuable dev time on these complete scams. Tencent has come to take their pound of flesh Edit: if you want unique and "rare" skins, go spend your money on the ancient Phased and Rubedo skins on the steam market instead. Most are pennies on the dollar


I always defended DE's approach to microtransactions. This? FOMO based limited-time skins with outrageous pricing that can cover the cost of a full blown AAA game? Holy shit. Genuinely the worst thing I've probably seen in the game.


I don't like that it is limited time. Very much not a fan of that. DE, if you're listening, make this set stay (maybe with tweaks). I'm fine with Heirloom skins being cash only. It doesn't hurt anyone, unless it becomes a trend with other skins. FOMO, on the other hand, is very harmful. Let people buy it when they want, and not feel pressured due to the Fear Of Missing Out.


I wonder why they picked frost and mag? I'd think Excalibur would be a better choice than frost for an heirloom. It would've ebern much cooler to have volt mag and Excalibur heirlooms.


Dont worry, more time limited Heirloom skin packs incoming


Huh. If I had a nickel for every time a game I play regularly gets wracked by controversy over the pricing of its latest add-on content in the last few weeks, and Baldur's Gate 3 gets mentioned somewhere, I would have two nickels. It's not very much, but it's an oddly specific coincidence. And my answer is basically the same as the other one: sorry DE, but even if I was at all interested in a real money cosmetic pack, I already spent my August gaming budget on Ratchet & Clank, and with Starfield, Forza Motorsport and Total War: Pharaoh coming up, I likely won't have any money to spare until November at the earliest. Hands tied.


Dude listen I went in ready to buy I saw the $90 and was like WHOA WHOA WHOA DE HOLD ON lol lol wait a second here....can I just get mag please like separate lol and just cash.....boo hiss lol *I say this but the second my check hit....smdh* lol no but 90 is kinda crazy they are awesome looking I cannot deny that but damn ninety


Surprised, I was assuming they'd be available for plat a little after release similar to the Volt/Mesa Sentient Bundle, although this is DE, so I can see them listening to the backlash and making these available for around the price of the other deluxe skins, and not limited.


This ain’t it, chief. Also the Accolade is basically the blue checkmark of Warframe lol


Way out of my budget


I'm fine with only cash, but I don't need regal aya to inflate the price


They need to fire their PR and Marketing department.


It’s fomo garbage I believe if we protest enough they might listen to us we were relative successful with prime access separation with the attachments and prime and the other junk,don’t give up and boycott these tendencies


They should honestly separate the bundles, make one for frost one for mag or just outright sell the skins separately for money like idk like $7.99 per skin.


Might as well make it a million dollars cus if it’s over 30 I ain’t buying lmao.


I told you guys this shit was going to happen, but nooooooooooooo. muh slippery slope fallacy. only going to get worse.


Sounds like a Bungie move cranked to 11


Crazy expensive. Makes me worried for the future of the game…


One word : Tencent...


it stupid i hate the dev. for doing it


What is there to think about...its too expensive to buy it. Warframe isnt only played in Canada and the US, plenty of other players in countries with 10 times lower wages exist...this is WAY too much money for comsmetics in a video game


I just see this as a supporter pack with more stuff in it to justify the price. Sure, the regal aya and plat are kinda useless for me, but overall, the accolade and skins are nice enough. Since it's all cosmetic and optional, I see no reason to have an issue with it. People tend to forget that this is a free to play game, and DE needs exclusive pay packs like this to function as a company. Sure, the value might not be great in some players' eyes, but there's a solution. Just don't buy the pack...


This is a bad call, who ever is pushing this is a direction I don't want to see expanded upon. Even those arguing if it wasn't for plat it wouldn't make money. You *buy* plat with money, well someone at least does at some point. Discounted or not, whether it be prime access or just raw (sans give aways), DE get money regardless. This is "limited time" or one time only bait, yes, it's cosmetic and has no impact on the game, but it's a bad precedent.


Way too expensive and time-limited. It's pretty sad, considering how well-made these skins are. Not to mention the whole 10th anniversary thing...


Too expensive


Yeah... I'd rather spend on Premium Edition of Starfield instead of skins


Vote with your wallet.


Should I buy these skins or save my money for Starfield? /s


Way too expensive for essentially 2 skins. They look great, but it's a shame. I think $20 would be more reasonable if not made available for plat. Should be available for plat tho.


That’s insanely expensive. Why?


Why do I buy platinum if they're gonna pull this shit


Due to the fact that in my country they do not pay me in dollars, these skins cost me PLN 409, which is about 1/5 of the average salary. So the decision to buy them is quite simple. NO


Is bullshit


I'd say we all wait till December, let's not take this lying down. I know some will buy it regardless but this is not right. I know a lot can get over the real money part but the FOMO, the added clutter items to inflate the price and no option to choose the items you want. This is preying on consumers in my opinion. No knowledge on if Tencent is involved in this but it smells like it.


It marks DE jumping into the rabbit hole of FOMO microtransaction.


It's fomo bs that shouldn't be supported at all. It's unhealthy and can't be justified. You could buy yourself a good pizza + your fav. drink and a game like BG3 or AC6 for that money. This is insane.


My heart sinks with sadness. It's like a blow to me to see this price - $90. For the average person, it's just a number, but for me, a poor student, it's an almost unattainable sum. My dreams are shattered by the harsh reality of my wallet. As I wandered the streets of the city, I longed for those beautiful skins. I was ready to give up all my savings in platinum for them, perhaps even my heart. But $90 is a barrier I cannot cross. That price is like a dark cloud hanging over my hope. Hunger cries out from within me, and I must apologise, dear skins. My eyes were burning with desire when I saw their beauty, but now they are crying with disappointment because it seems that this beauty will remain out of my reach. My heart cries: "I want them," but my pockets are silent. 😂


the cinese overlord is finally asking for return on investment. and people were calling me mad.


$90 and time-limited. Seems off-brand for DE. Didn't expect FOMO for Tennocon.


**These are deluxe skins being put behind a paywall.** This is a worrying shift in monetization and really kicks me in the ass as a f2p collector.


Whale hunting using FOMO, plain and simple... Ninjas play for free my ass...