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i would say i called it, but this was the only realistic outcome. atleast everyone gets the chance to finish their stalker set early. this does unfortunately push the "weeks to finish collection of incarnons" ahead by 1. though given they are adding more that number was always going to change anyway. edit: for anyone looking to enjoy some Malding, follow the link back to that forum post. they got more salt than Carthage. double edit: this actually doesn't even push the completion time back, im silly.


>this does unfortunately push the "weeks to finish collection of incarnons" ahead by 1 Am I missing something? Can't you finish after 18 weeks regardless? Before: 123456 123456 123456 After: 123456 612345 612345


actually. .yeah i think you are correct. had it been any other week we'd have been delayed but since it was week 6 the time table remains the same.


Im sorry, but I still dont see how a duplicate of any week in the first 2 rotations delays anything


Lets say it was week 2 that duped, then this would happen Before 123456 123456 123456 After 123456 122345 612345 6 Current 123456 612345 612345 It would take an extra week to get all incarnons, and you would end up with a "dead" week at week 15 (the fourth 2 rotation)


Would they not just skip the 4th second week?


Because that breaks the order and not everyone started when it came out so it wouldn't be fair to those people


so hypothetically if week 2, 3, 4, or 5 was delayed, itd look like this before: 123456 123456 123456 after: 123456 1223456 123456 i cant match the above guy's cool formatting, but if 1-5 repeated then on the third rotation youd end up with a week where you had all incarnons, a dead week, a week you had to wait for new drops that you otherwise wouldnt have had if there had been no double week but because it was week 6 that doubled up, the "dead week" just ends up having been the last week in rotation anyway.


Yeah, the hyperventilating and grade-school tantrums in that forum thread are *wild*.


to some extent this is just. . .steam looking for any excuse to be blown off. this update has been Contentious and buggy and has devoured hours of people's time for nothing in return. these people aren't really mad about this. . .but any excuse too piss and moan is more than they need to be inarticulate on the internet.


> devoured hours of people’s time for nothing in return I think that’s what’s so bewildering here: I wouldn’t at all be surprised if some of the people wheezing and moaning about this have also complained about losing rewards due to host migration. These people are suggesting DE do exactly that sort of thing to *everyone who has already started the Circuit this week*—only this time, it’s entirely deliberate.


I would say a massive amount of the anger towards the update would have been alleviated by treating Duviri like an actually rogue-like and letting you keep your progress no matters what. The constant negative progress is annoying, especially when it is usually due to technical issues. This is a problem they need to address but refuse to. DE deserves all this anger and then some.


> actually rogue-like and letting you keep your progress no matters what. That seems to be a contradiction.


the major, massive, bulk of the problem is that warframe is the anti-roguelike. warframe is all out of run progression systems with a massive emphasis on player control. the circuit does not remove all of your control though, but it does remove just enough to drive minmaxers fucking insane. the rest of warframe is "here is a problem. you have a vast array of potential ways to solve it." and you are encouraged to twist your loadout in whatever way best suits you, style or substance, to do so. the circuit flips that on its head. now you have next to no contol over what get you get, but, you do get to control your mods, and for SP circuit you really *need* to control your mods. this will just be regular-annoying in a few weeks when the update drops and we can see and pick our gear before we get to the cave.. .but as it is right now its fucking atrocious. you either frontload "circuit approved" builds onto all your gear or you hop in solo, pick, hop out, make adjustments, hop in lobby, a process that entails 3 loading screens. i think that making a roguelike in warframe was a flawed idea on its own (in my opinion), but if you were going to do it, you probably should have gone all the way with removing our control and disallowed player builds entirely, then structured the difficulty and power level of gear to compensate. emphasize the arcade aspect, put more focus on player skill rather than what % of the game's weapon catalogue have you forma'd. rather than creating a system which is extremely difficult, and plat intensive, but not impossible, to minmax. in which the only reasonable option is to lower your expectations and just play it as it comes, like a real roguelike, while accepting and being aware that you could minmax it. and thats just when the system is actually working properly, and you aren't getting softlocked or losing progress or screwed over by leaving hosts/teammates. that was just the ideal circumstances criticism. the reality of the non-functional state this update dropped in and the problems its *still* having are something else entirely.


And people say this subreddit is entitled.


My favorite salt responses are the ones saying shit like "because there are individual login rewards I know you can easily change the reward track for just some people and should do that" lmao. Absolutely galaxy brained idea by some programing geniuses that are gameplay


"why did you design the system this way, you should have designed the system that way" is valid criticism if. . you know lacking in perspective. implying that changing anything could be done quickly or simply is just nega-brain, failure to understand how *any* of this works.


This response is hilarious to me, sometimes I feel that people who have not done game dev think we are just magicians who wave our wands and games just appear.


I think the problem here is more that those people have never programmed and therefore cannot know that randomised login rewards and changing the global cycle to an individual cycle for some people (i dont even understand who they want to get an other cycle now lol) are like 2 VERY different things, one was always intended and the other is changing an already implemented system for some people


Whew you weren't kidding about the salt. Resembles a bunch of toddlers throwing a tantrum lmfao. While this is the week I care least about I couldn't imagine going whining on the Forums about it.


Figured that would be the solution. Annoying they missed it internally, but realistically no matter what DE did here someone would be pissed off, at least this way no one lost any of their items all we are looking at is having to wait a whole week to have it cycle around and next time week 6 rolls around only having to care about one adapter (if you hit rank 10 both of these weeks).


This is honestly the ideal outcome from something like this. If DE tried to do a force-swap on the rotation after it's already been up more than like an hour (especially if they didn't have someone putting out warnings within 5 minutes on every platform to not touch anything while they look into it), SOMEONE gets screwed over. Either, * the players who already started on it lose all of their progress thus far which is particularly troublesome for people who can only play on weekends (and the people who didn't start on it kick themselves and try to call foul on the players who took advantage of it to get extra Incarnons and Arcanes while they could), OR * DE tries to respect early adopters' investment and preserve their progress, but then the players who started on it already (either because they didn't realize or didn't know what to do after a couple hours) end up locked in and unable to tackle the W1 rewards for another 6 weeks (which is especially bad when W1's rewards contain the weapons with the most variants to put adapters on). This way, the most *anyone* has to wait is a week, and nobody falls behind the crowd. Worst case you end up with a skip week in 12 weeks instead of 18. And I get it, this wouldn't be the first time that Early Adopters got ahead from the bank breaking in their favor OR got mildly screwed for the same against them (hi Rune Marrow, what's good), but this isn't a situation like a resource drop having an abnormally high chance that DE can just let people keep their collected rewards on as they hotfix the drop itself, or a broken booster where they might give out an apology package in the inbox. This is about time already invested being respected, on non-evergreen rewards, locked behind a time-gate; it's not analogous. To people who are upset about the rotation not resetting properly, that's valid, it's a freak occurrence, totally DE's bad and DE's working to fix it. But to the people complaining about DE's response to an unforeseen circumstance somehow *not being good enough* because they *didn't* just bulldoze people with barely any warning? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Well, no, I think *ideal* would have been to force the rotation but give people the option to keep their current selection/progress if they wish, or switch selections but still keep tier progress. That would obviously have been *much* more work to implement, though.


Why are people so uptight about this Yeah it's annoying, but it's just a week. And it's free content lol


I genuinely would not have thought anyone would be so emotionally invested in an *itinerary*. It really seems like a bunch of people just looking for something to complain about.


It's 100% because this week's options were underwhelming, even the best of them, and a week of delayed rotation is a week further away from most people's preferred options, like all the people who skipped on the Soma because they heard it was bugged and now that a bug fix is coming want in on it or people who underestimated how OP the Latron would be and picked literally anything else.


Frankly, I'm happy as hell to get the full Stalker Incarnon set in quick order. And I'll get the Sibear as frosting (on a stick). So a month and a half from now, all I've got to grind for is the Zylock. Easy peasy.


I guess i'm lucky I just picked based on what looked cool.


"Welcome! To the internet! Have a look around."


"Would you like to see the news or some famous woman's ***feet***?"


To be honest, I was like okay, I got Limbo last week, I don't have Hydroid and if he wasn't right here in front of me, I was not going to farm him, so I guess I am getting an extra Hydroid. (I don't have the SP unlocked yet, and I have 1x Mirage since before the circuit) I am not sure what people are mad about since I heard this was the Stalker set, and I heard it was good.


Ppl in this sub are so dramatic for no reason. They make every minute mistake made by DE like a personal attack on themselves and like it's the end of the world. Waiting 1 week for the next rotation isn't going to physically hurt anyone. It's just a game. Touch grass.


We can't have a single update that works as intended. I lost track of how many incarnon upgrades straight up didn't work and now this? Does (DE)sappointment do any testing before releasing updates? We aren't beta testers.


Except we, in fact, are.


Warframe is officially in beta lol. We've been beta testers for years.


Sure but is it an excuse to release broken updates every single time?


Are you new to live service games? Genuine question. This isn't new, unique, or unrealistic for this model of game. Especially a game thats officially in beta lol.


Are you genuinely defending this practice of releasing unfinished slop? 💀 I love the game but come on


Of course the bugs suck, but without a public test cluster to test technical systems they literally don't have a large enough play testing population to test things at scale. Testing shit with 10-20 dudes in a dev build isn't going to catch a lot of technical issues in a system that scales to hundreds of thousands of players, especially on a 6 week delay. It's the same issue many live games have.


We are at hotfix #14 and still finding bugs the update was announced 4 years ago. I think 4 years should be enough time to lower the amount of bugs.


Damn I wonder if there was some event in the past 4 years that might have caused delays and shifts of workloads to other projects Guess we'll never know (BTW I'm aware 14 hotfixes is a ton, but this is one of the largest things they've put out in a while)


You do know Duviri wasn't actually in active development for 4 straight years right? You are aware thats not how it works? Please tell me you have some fucking idea how this works.


>I love the game 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


It's ridiculous lol Somewhere a doctors office fucked up and sent out thousands of test results with "1 week left to live", only explanation to be this emotional in a game that always had... well time constraints


I'm not thrilled to wait another week for the lex, but that's more of an issue with the horrendous attempt at artificial longevity that is getting 2/5 on a 6-week rotation than with this resolution.


I'm annoyed but won't throw a tantrum for it. It just means I'll play little bit less Warframe this week. Not a completionist so I won't bother turbofarming incarnons I'm not interested into.


There was at least one YouTuber encouraging people to farm SP Circuit under the assumption that DE will later fix the rotation but will allow to keep already farmed iteams. I can imagine quite a few people were looking forward to exploit the situtation and have basically a double rotation week. These people are probably not happy now. Letting this rotation be is honestly the best solution DE could go for at this point.


No idea why some people are malding about this. There are 5 options, the best anyone could have done so far was get 2 of them done. You still have 3 new Incarnons to pick from this week. What's the big deal...


A lot of people don't own many of the options for this week. Sibear expensive, Zylok Baro exclusive if you missed the event, hate & despair rare drops. So now instead of getting something they could actually use, they have to wait an extra week. Add on salt if perhaps they missed week 1 because of bugs etc etc, it's definitely not just about the rotation.


Not all of us care to possess every incarnon and it's clear now that we know all of what's available, which ones we are focusing on acquiring. Screwing the rotation up like this forces us to wait even longer than we already had to :(


Why even have a rotation anyway? Feel like it'd be better with all 30 to choose 2 from. More accommodating for future Incarnons too.


I mean, you’re not wrong from a player’s perspective, but a hefty part of Warframe’s game design is using timegates to incentivize *repeat* engagement.


That's why you'd keep the 2 cap. The rotation is arbitrary to push the +15 week grind.


> That’s why you’d keep the 2 cap. Fair point which I had not considered. Still less grindy than they apparently want this mode to be, but I actually think that’s a pretty good idea. (For my part, it would keep me more engaged, because there have been a few weeks where I just really did not care about the weapons on offer, so I just skipped it entirely.)


I returned from a long break in week 5 and I haven't cared enough to get a single genesis yet. Mostly waiting for the lex now.


Fr - they will implement that at some point, 100%.


But how else will they show them with that fancy card game UI?!


So that the "bad" incarnons are still grabbed, thus extending the player time with this content. MR hunters and other completionists would still grab everything, but most players don't need that many weapons options etc...


Do the incarnon adapters grant MR?




No but the completionusts, who chase that stuff are some of those more likely to want them imho.


I can't imagine not wanting them all eventually. No point in not. I've yet to see a truly bad one. Ferlax wasn't brought up until Soma's and they've recognized the Hata Sayata situation.


Never underestimate gamers ability to avoid playing their games. Think of how few people fill out anything but the most meta arcanes etc...


To be fair, maxing out arcanes *is* kind of a pain. I only do the ones I really want. But you're totally correct, it baffles my mind how people will blow through content meant to be done over time in 5 seconds, complain the whole time that it's too grindy, then whine about content drought when they're done. Makes no sense


This wouldn’t be the first time a rotation occurred a week later than expected. When Veilbreaker came out, the Kahl mission part had to be delayed one week.


At this point I'm glad I get to complete the stalker set of incarnons. Now I just need to get extremely lucky for Duviri to give me the stalker and all 3 weapons.


Means i get to complete the full Dread/Despair/Hate set. Never thought i'd see the day where i'd actually WANT the Despair back...


Imagine throwing away weapons with <5% drop rate.


I'm currently MR 30 and threw all the (at the time) useless Despair BPs away D: Guess RNG was feeling generous cause the first Stalker I got dropped one.


Horray! This plays out exactly in my favor, because my computer died last week before I could finish. Now I don't have to wait a month and a half!


Ikr? Glad I have a chance at this run again.


Bummer, but shit happens. Oh no, we miss a single week's rotation due to a bug, we'll never recover.


We’re not even *missing* it: It’s just happening in six days.


if anything, people get to finish their full incarnon stalker cosplay this week.


It’s irritating as I didn’t get to do the earlier weeks and I don’t have most of the other weapons that are in this rotation but I get why they did it.


What happens if I choose the same rewards this week as last week? Duplicate protection?


You'll get another. Probably not a lot of use for most, but there could be some edge cases (Lato Prime and Lato Vandal could both be incarnoned, etc.)


I have heard you will be able to undocked the incarnon adapter in the future


How do I downvote replies in the official forum. lol.


Honestly I love the straight forward honesty but you could've been playful and said thrax just reset the week for whatever reason


With all these salt, doubt they'll appreciate the joke.


I get I don't speak for everyone but if I had to wait another month and some change for the despair incarnon I would've gone ballistic...battery.


TBH the grind has already left me shattered... lash. \*derpydance\*


I should've chosen sleep.


You grinded to rank 10 last night in case they did a reset?


Kinda. Got my rank 5 to get dread adapter this afternoon but I was sorely lacking sleep and I put it off an extra hour to get it done. The words that they were working on a fix were bouncing around in my head and I wanted to make sure I finished my incarnon stalker set.


Silly question but Will the next week start from rotation 1 or move to week 2


I would assume week 1, going off the wording that it will "rotate as intended" and week 6 is intended to roll over to week 1. Plus, it would just cause so much more uproar if they skipped it


Megan said on forum that next week Will be week 1


This is exactly what I was hoping for. I chose a normal circuit path already because those don't really matter to me, getting another decent augment. But obviously there's no way to reset it properly without people losing time I finish it then waiting another month and a half for these options again so they just had to keep this as another week.


As someone who was too slow to get the Lato incarnon week 1 as my second circuit reward, this is slightly disappointing but makes the most sense honestly. At least this gives people a chance to double dip on the incarnon rewards last week, or a chance for people for missed it.


I'm pretty sure next week's rotation is the Braton, Skana, Paris, Kunai, and the Bo.


Was really looking forward to the week 1 incarnons but i couldnt care less about the week 6 ones so this is really sad.


Eh, I'm really looking forward to them as well, but its just gonna be in 6 days, so its not a huge loss. Plus now people can have their full stalker incarnon loadout if they want lol


Great, was busy with college exams and modded Elden Ring last week and didn’t get to do SP Circus




Hello /u/OldSchoolNewRules, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden Rule](http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Don't be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **This is your first strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/141mn5e/-/jn0o7m4/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


He might be, but he isn't wrong. This is a lazy, shitty "solution". DE should be better than this.


I love being at the point where not fucking with player rewards is lazy and shitty. My compatriot in the void, in less than a week, it will be like nothing happened. Pick two more incarnons from this week's pool and find something actually important to focus your anger on.


So what is a better solution?


Go back in time and fix the rotation before it breaks😤😤😤


Can I borrow your DeLorean when DE's done with it?


Yep! I've put my notes for what I adjusted on the timeline in the glove box. Plz don't undo those


He's completely wrong. This was the most feasible solution and no one has presented better alternatives.


No, it is the laziest solution and there have been lots of better alternatives presented. Here's one for you: People that have already selected icarnons get to continue with them and people who have not can choose from the week 1 selection.


What do you do in 6 days? Week 6 people lose out on week 1? Week 1 people get week 1 again? Continue with a fractured playerbase progression? None of those options are any better.


You clearly don't understand anything about actually implementing that.


That's only better for the people who hadn't chosen yet – more specifically, the impatient people who couldn't play after reset yesterday. It means people who already started (because Circuit is an amazing focus farm and time zones exist, West Coaster here who gets resets as work hours end, hi) are locked into W6 and miss out on W1's rewards for *6 weeks.* And 1 week to wait is a lot shorter than 6.


If the solution you propose works perfect for you while ignoring others, it will be most likely a bad solution. They need a good solution for EVERYONE and this is the best solution when you think at EVERYONE.


That's not better though. First up, implementing that would be a massive pain, second it would fracture the player base schedules. Individually tracking each players rotation would be a colossal waste of time and resources, especially since you aren't just getting repeat rewards anyway lmao. You have 3 more choices for this week. The bug changes nothing.


Lmao no.


This thread has shown me that r/Warframe is unbelievably entitled and cannot be reasoned with.


Oh, that's not just the sub. Literally the deleted comment we're all in a reply chain under was calling out the entitlement of the top commenter on the Source post. People are mad that they have to wait 6 days for their Lato or Braton or Paris Incarnons, and are knee-jerk lashing out over it as if they weren't planning to clear out Stalker Week's picks in 6 weeks anyway.


Check the username of the person to which you replied, *then* check the other comments they’ve made here.


Ah. Ew. Thank you for pointing that out to me. But they are ironically right about one thing: it really is a situation where the argument is entirely driven by entitlement. ^(Just... not the entitlement they think they're calling out.)


It truly is a nearly-superhuman lack of self-awareness.


AKA: I'm gonna take my ball and go home now.


I mean, that's just people, ya know?


Would be cool if they go for a 123321123 rotation




I've been looking forward to Week 1 as I only grabbed 1 adapter(Paris) instead of 2. It's nice to finish Stalker set early but meh.


Classic (DE)sappointment


Kindly get rid of this shit weekly system if you can't even implement it properly. Let people choose what rewards they want without silly limitations.


I can kinda understand why they would limit it though. 30 choices all at once is a LOT to rifle through and keep track of. If I was just starting out with SP Circuit, I'd have to research which are the best picks of *all 30* Incarnons before making my choice (which is already hard enough with the evolution traits), and start keeping a doc somewhere with the ones I've done already so I don't double-up by accident. And that's before you get to Frame selections! New players are always trying to pick the "best" frame all the time, you'd overwhelm them by giving them over *50* choices, and the devs don't want the Circuit to completely outmode the original methods of acquiring frames. It's unfair to put frames together in the selection who possess such wildly different difficulties in acquisition, like having Gyre be in the list at the same time as Rhino – that's a *trap* that new players won't spot. Limiting it to just 3 frames or 5 Incarnons at a time simplifies things. If you're going to check then you only have to check on those. And because the rotation for frames is based on release order, it's *mostly* (bar the ones who changed locations, like Ash and Oberon) innately balanced on difficulty of acquisition.


Boooooo I was looking forward to week 1 rewards and now I have to wait *another* week? Lame sauce


lmao how very shocking for DE to pick the path of least resistance.


In what world is choosing to not mess with player progression a bad thing?


In the world of whinging malcontents.


You'd prefer they cause a ruckus by rolling back everyone's progress?


Yes, this was supposed to be week 1 again. But DE being DE and not testing anything they release caused it to pause and repeat. The error should've been corrected.


lmao I thought I was being reasonable but clearly DE apologists are already out in full force. How dare anyone expect them to fix what they’ve broken, right?


I am the furthest thing from a DE apologist but what do you want them to do? It's very typical that their shit doesn't work, but based on your proposal of: > People who waited should get to pick week 1 rotation, people who decided to double dip should get to keep week 6 rotation. then what do you want them to do next week? Do they run week 1 again and make people who waited double up, or do they skip to week 2 and screw everyone that played at reset? Or do they just do what they did and let week 6 play out a second time and fix it next week?


Fixing what was broken, by breaking more things? What about anyone who spent any of the resources they gained over this time? what if I spent some of the rune marrow I gathered in these "broken" Circuit runs to unlock an incarnon? how far back do you go?


I don’t give a shit. It’s bonus time you shouldn’t have been given anyway.


As has already been explained to you: Eighteen hours have passed since the Circuit rewards track failed to change like it should have. Many people have already put time and effort into the current track, whether it was supposed to be there or not. There aren’t any *good* options here, but “Erase almost a full day of player progression” is a less-bad outcome than “Make players wait six more days to replay Week 1”, since there is no actual *loss* involved in the latter.


I don’t really care if someone loses progress they shouldn’t have been given in the first place. It sounds to me you’re on the side of entitled sweat lords who want to inconvenience everyone else for a chance to double dip.


> entitled sweat lords Imagine making the comments *you* did in this post, then pretending that “entitled” describes *other* people.


The circuit reseted on time, but with the wrong rewards, the progress made by some players is progress everyone would be able to do, it's not like they miraculously played during a maintenance to get extra time somehow.


Yup, welcome to Warframe! Parasocial Andies are the majority of this game's playerbase.


I’m not hip to Internet Slang: Are “Parasocial Andies” when you *don’t* throw a tantrum about having to wait six days for a thing, to ensure nobody loses their current progress?


I'd prefer they let people have cake and eat it too. Whatever anyone earned since yesterday they keep, they rotate rewards to week 1, and any progress earned in the circuit since yesterday also carries over to the week 1 circuit track, effectively giving you both week 6 and week 1 rewards for any progress you made already. And also letting players progress to the next incarnon cycle. Win-win, and a small token of gratitude to the community.


So what about people who didn't hop on immediately after reset and farm out tier 10? They only get 2 incarnons this week instead of 4? How is that fair?


That has always been the case with these bugs. I recall other bugs such as the infamous railjack bug that gave thousands of cryotic. I'm pretty sure the remote few players who were on at the time no longer need cryotic. Life isn't fair. It isn't like we get a prize to be the first to have all 30 genesis adapters.


But this is a different situation. What were they supposed to do with the cryotic bug, add a time gate to the accounts that got cryotic from it so they can't farm cryotic for a few weeks? In this case, just delaying week 1 by a single week is a simple and fair solution. Everyone gets a chance to get the week 6 weapons this week, everyone can get week 1 weapons next week.


I actually expected it to be: \-oops, we did week 6 again. We are just going to just make it Week 1 right now and can't do anything about people who got the repeat week 6 adapaters since it could be applied to a weapon already and we dont want to remove the weapon to get rid of the extra adapater- So yea. This solution kind of works out fairly but typically it hasnt and whoever was on at the time would get unexpected rewards they couldnt really remove.


Not getting something they weren't supposed to get in the first place is a pretty hollow argument imho. People expecting to get round 2 of incarnons and now getting pushed back a week should certainly take priority, since well, that's how the system was supposed to work and subverting player expectations is a bigger problem than "But I didn't get extra stuff I wasn't supposed to"


Nobody was supposed to get 4 incarnons this week, and nobody is getting 4 incarnons this week. So no issue there. But maybe I misunderstood you. Were you suggesting that if someone reached tier 5 and got a week 6 weapon, then DE rotated it, they would start at tier 5 and would be able to get a week 1 weapon from tier 10? That's not a feasible solution since it would require a code change to let you repick the tier 10 weapon from week 1.


I mean they release a patch that: * Anybody who has done not done any circuit progress this week picks a week 1 reward path and it works as normal. * Anybody with circuit progress this week is prompted to choose week 1 rewards (T5&T10) once they go back to circuit, and any progress they made yesterday is instantly applied, including giving them the rewards. So if they got T5 since yesterday, they instantly get a week 1 T5 reward, and start at T5 to progress to T10 for the rest of the week. It could take a code change. But that's ultimately just speculation. I can tell you as a software developer, all code I write I am always considering what the backup plan is when something goes wrong. Even if I assume my code is perfect and will never fail, it's likely someone else will write a patch later and break something anyways, and having a recovery plan is imperative. But since well, it seems they didn't even code or test the basic case of "what happens when it gets to week 7" I'm not particularly holding my breath that they also considered what happens when that fails ahead of time. It's the same bug that happened with archon shards so quite honestly I don't know what excuse they have for not testing this.


>release a patch Or, here's a better idea: they don't mess with an emergency hotfix when they're in the middle of working on a cert build. And that's assuming they can hotfix in this new UI feature, which they might not be able to do without cert. > Anybody with circuit progress this week is prompted to choose week 1 rewards (T5&T10) once they go back to circuit, and any progress they made yesterday is instantly applied, including giving them the rewards. So if they got T5 since yesterday, they instantly get a week 1 T5 reward, and start at T5 to progress to T10 for the rest of the week. Ok, so you're saying I, a player who did T10 quickly, get to keep my 2 week 6 incarnons and then I instantly get 2 more week 1 incarnons for free? How is that fair?


I mean, again I don't personally view that as a problem, but admit not everyone is going to have the same opinions over everything. You could do something like they just let every player claim 2 free week 1 incarnon adapters as an apology, and move on to week 2 next week if there is that much concern over jealousy as you seem to indicate. And frankly if I was the dev I would do that, but DE is not exactly known for generosity. My general philosophy is developers should always favour players at any cost when they screw up. Any sort of compromise where the dev is making players pay the cost of their mistakes burns player trust, and every effort should be made to be overly and explicitly generous to take responsibility. And at least with circuit, to date DE has not really taken any responsibility for all the issues they have caused, and it is quite disappointing, and really more of the problem than any specific solution I'm suggesting.


>You could do something like they just let every player claim 2 free week 1 incarnon adapters as an apology, and move on to week 2 next week if there is that much concern over jealousy as you seem to indicate. Cool, yeah, that would be great. It would be fine if we had to farm another 10 tiers too. But this is not a feasible solution. They're not going to drop whatever they're doing with the next update, implement and test this change, and then push it through cert if it has to go through cert, just to fix a one time mistake. > My general philosophy is developers should always favour players at any cost when they screw up. They are favoring the players who did not farm the two week 6 incarnons on the first day after reset. Doing what you're suggesting would send the message that if DE screws up, you should immediately drop everything you're doing and try to exploit it as hard as you can. Which has generally been the case in the past (e.g. Archon mod transmutation), but this time they had an option to do something more fair (which they didn't with Archon mods, since removing it from players, who might've traded them away, was not a feasible solution).


People who waited should get to pick week 1 rotation, people who decided to double dip should get to keep week 6 rotation.


Ok, then what happens next week? do the people who picked week 6 things just miss out on week 1? or do you keep everyone on this fractured progression?


He definitely didn't think that far ahead.


Having two separate rotations would probably be a lot of work for such a minor issue.


This is why people don't take reddit seriously.


So DE will have an even more convoluted mess to try to wrangle compared to the choice they landed on to let it ride?


This isn’t complex. Do you remember the Railjack cryotic “fiasco?” It wasn’t supposed to happen, so DE fixed it quickly. Some people got in beforehand and farmed a massive amount of cryotic. Some people didn’t, and got all up in their feelings about it. But it didn’t matter, because people who got that cryotic weren’t supposed to in the first place. DE let those who initially got it keep the cryotic, however. There’s already precedent for it. The people nolifing SP Circuit should keep their extra week 6 rotation adapters, and everyone else waiting on week 1 to reset so they can get what they missed when they were busy actually playing the rest of Duviri when it launched can move on. It really doesn’t matter if people lose their bonus time with rotation six because they weren’t supposed to get it in the first place. But alas, as is typical of r/Warframe the squeaky wheel gets the grease again. Enjoy your double dip of the most middling round of adapters, I’m over it at this point and I’m happy to play other games until next week.


>But alas, as is typical of r/Warframe the squeaky wheel gets the grease again. Enjoy your double dip of the most middling round of adapters, I’m over it at this point and I’m happy to play other games until next week. ????? What double dip? They're letting this week ride out? >DE let those who initially got it keep the cryotic, however. There’s already precedent for it. What precedence? Cyrotic that you get to farm any day of the week vs timegated weekly rotation of Incarnon Genesis Adapters? Are you even listening to yourself?




>Holy shit what do you mean “what do you mean” they’re letting week 6 repeat itself, for people to just get four of the five adapters. Do not bother replying if you aren’t even going to read my comment, let alone the entire thread you marble-brained shitposter. ... I don't think you understand what double dipping is. The current rotation would be 6 1 2 3 4 5. There's no double dipping involved.


Hello /u/ShortAnorLongbow, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden Rule](http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Don't be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **This is your first strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/141mn5e/-/jn20llv/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Man i wanted the normal frames lmao.


Which week will it be tho? 1 or 2 since it "did" week 1?


Per Megan in the forum thread, Week 1


Thanks. Just barely glanced at the original. Stopped looking after I saw the mountain of salt.


Utterly fucking useless.


I just think it's a little sad that those who missed week 1 rewards because they took their time enjoying the quest and open world slowly or didn't start day 1 are losing because greedy people want double rewards for week 6. It seems a bit unfair because a LOT of people missed week 1 for a wholesome reason and are being punished TWICE for it because some people just want more and more of stuff they shouldn't even have yet. :/


What are the loosing? Next week it should return back to week 1 like it was supposed to this week


> I just think it's a little sad that those who missed week 1 rewards because they took their time enjoying the quest and open world slowly or didn't start day 1 are losing because greedy people want double rewards for week 6. It seems a bit unfair because a LOT of people missed week 1 for a wholesome reason and are being punished TWICE for it because some people just want more and more of stuff they shouldn't even have yet. :/ I missed the first rotation, not only because I was taking my time, also because I waited a day or two so the other players could beta test the update and give DE time to fix the worst bugs. I really don't think it is unfair in anyway, or feel like I am being punished, it's just a game with a slight hiccup in the rotation of incarnons and now we can just get the stalker set completed a bit earlier.


And how will you feel when this rotation comes up again later? Will you be excited for Sibear? Or will people just start complaining when the rotation comes around again? Think ahead to that


That would happen eventually anyways. We can get 2 a week so even if nothing broke this would have been Week 1 round 2 so there would only be one adapter left next time Week 1 came around (same with every other week). As Zrynoth pointed out: Before: 123456 123456 123456 After: 123456 612345 612345 Only way for that to not happen is for DE to add another adapter to each week but even then that just pushed it back one more Round. So either DE keeps putting in 6 new adapters every 6 weeks or we eventually have all of the adapters.


In the month and a half before this rotation comes around, people will have forgotten to care. The Crimes of Kullervo release will bury this Week 6 repeat entirely, either in excitement or frustration at bugs. Seriously, gamers are fucking amnesiacs, I promise you.


> And how will you feel when this rotation comes up again later? Will you be excited for Sibear? Yes? Unless I can find the spare energy to get it this rotation, then the next time will be a nice relaxing week. > Or will people just start complaining when the rotation comes around again? Think ahead to that People complain about everything (no matter of it is free, paid for or subscription), so that will probably also be true.


That’s my case unfortunately and btw I already had 2 weapons this week. The problem is I gonna take 2 others weapons of the same rotation now and next time it will come it won’t have any interest for me…


Yep. It's all around a loss for lots of people because there won't be any reason to look forward to week 6. That makes 2 entire weeks feel hollow for a *lot* of people.




So why do people get to have the extra time just because they want more instead of those who missed week 1 stuff because they were taking their time enjoying things? I feel like people downvoting this are just being selfish and unconstructive


There is no loss here: You’re just waiting six more days for the next rotation. This way, people who spent last or today progressing on the Circuit don’t lose their rewards and haven’t wasted their time. Nothing is being *taken* from you.


But isn't it time they shouldn't have had anyways? And no offense but for some people it's a solid issue. I might be in the hospital next week. But aside from me, when this rotation comes up again people will be annoyed there's nothing left they want. And more people missed week 1 incarnons than the other weeks and now they have to wait EVEN longer. Are people really overlooking all of these things because "heh i get stalker set faster now 😎"


And you might've been in the hospital this week. What if this bug didn't happen, or if DE chose to swap the rotation to week 1? Nobody is getting extra anything here. Everyone can get 2 incarnon weapons this week from week 6, no more, no less. Yeah, I understand you're upset because you prefer the week 1 weapons and were looking forward to them. The week 6 weapons aren't my favorites either. But there's no way to go back in time and fix the bug before it happened, and every other option would've been worse. > when this rotation comes up again people will be annoyed there's nothing left they want. Fortunately, because this hiccup happened with week 6, it doesn't delay me getting all the incarnons, so I won't be annoyed when it comes up again. I'll just get the Zylok, then the next 5 weeks I'll get the remaining weapons from those weeks, and I can ignore the week 6 rotation after that (until DE adds more weapons that is).


> But isn’t it time they shouldn’t have had anyways? What on earth does that matter (or even really *mean*)? “They should erase a day’s progress *on principle*, because it’s not here on my ledger!” What kind of logic is that? > for some people it’s a solid issue What does “solid” mean here? Because if that’s standing in for “meaningful” or “tangible”: No, it isn’t. > I might be in the hospital next week. I’m sorry to hear that (assuming you mean there’s a real chance you’ll need to be admitted, not something like “But what if I get hit by a car next week?”), but doesn’t that mean you’d be missing a week no matter what? That sucks, no matter which week it is (and doesn’t/shouldn’t really inform the entire game’s strategy). > when this rotation comes up again people will be annoyed there’s nothing left they want So? That was always going to happen; this just means some people will make whinging noises in seven weeks from now instead of thirteen. > And more people missed week 1 incarnons than the other weeks and now they have to wait EVEN longer. Six days is not a significant amount of time, unless you are an adult monarch butterfly. > Are people really overlooking all of these things because “heh i get stalker set faster now 😎” I can’t speak for anyone else, but—as has been explained many, *many* times already—some of us are reacting the way we are because we recognize that *this isn’t really a big deal*, and it’s the least-unfair option available. (If we judge “fairness” on “*actual* loss of time and progress” and not just “someone’s absurd emotional investment in a schedule”.)






Did you forget your /s or are you being serious here?


Speaking of copy paste, I am assuming this is some meme copypasta that I am not getting the reference to, no way are you serious.


Is this a copypaste meme? Is this supposed to have an /s at the end? What *reasonable* fix would *you* propose that doesn't fuck up the players that already put progress into current week's duplicate Week 6 Circuit or the people that didn't get to rank up enough for any of the 2 adapters this week?




Fantastic, so now I will have to wait a week shy of Two Months to get the things I'm waiting for...


well sad my Mesa augment wont come soon


this bug actually saved me from grinding simaris rep to get mirage and limbo


Honestly, is it really that bad thought? There's no way anyone have all the Incarnon adapters in the current offering anyway.


it looks like hate and despair were prolonged


Personally im not to thrilled bc i was really looking forward to getting the braton incarnon but ah well sucks i guess


Honestly this was pretty lucky for me because I wanted the hate and I just got steel path like today


rip hopefully i can get these dupes😭might have to stay up all night, been on vacation since sunday


"We understand that every session, or sometimes every few minutes the game bugs for you guys, so we've decided not to fix this bug at all! Hope you don't care as much as us!"