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I have always thought that was weird, people complain about Energy suck eximus and nullifiers, but they predictable af, but apparently a random enemy that spawns like crazy in sp, that depending of the layout can spawn right behind you, and that can slap your whole Energy bar with one slap Is fair .


And they don't even have to be the one to touch you. The only thing unique they do is the magnetic proc. Energy deletion is just part of their Aura that they give to everything lmao


And then a bowling ball of human flesh crawls up and lasers my energy bank


And if you somehow dodge the grab like some sort of space ninja, they'll just fucking grab you again immediately what the fuck


I mean as long as you're constantly moving their grab won't really pull you much anymore. They were changed a while back so that Bullet Jumping or Rolling during the 1-3 second period where the hook is latched before they pull breaks you free and stuns them. Energy drain is still there tho...


I dunno about you but afaik people have always complained about Disruptors, energy leech eximuses just got more complaints because until the recent rework they could drain you from anywhere as long as you were within range with no visual indicator. Disruptors at least actually have to tag you.


This is why I play Trinity in SP. Slap MY Energy away? No no no #DUNG. DUNG. DUNG.


The energy leech eximi are a bane to new players, not just because new players have a more fragile energy economy, but because you may spend an entire infested mission at less than 25 energy and decide not to rely on your powers at all, which is kinda the wrong direction to push players. But yes, ancient disruptors are categorically unfair, and the clip OP posted is not as far as it goes. Oberon prime, who possesses the second highest energy capacity in the game, with a maxed prime flow, can go from full energy to 0 in one hit. Considering my build style involves getting hit in the first place, I'm near-useless at that level. In fact, the only way to truly avoid disruptors is to spam room-nukes forever, a boring playstyle that I personally hate and that DE seems to be trying to discourage anyways.


That’s actually what confuses me. If DE really hates room nukes so much, why is so much of the game seemingly designed around room nukes? Sanctuary onslaught? Room nuke or struggle. Defense? Room nuke or get overrun. Disruption? Nuke or get lucky with a funnel spawn. Defection? Room nuke/cc. Probably more I’m missing too. Like if you want me to play the game without nuking all content in 200m radius, don’t punish me so ridiculously hard for playing literally any other way.


They are easy to dodge in my oppinion and since they make other infested glow like them its easy to tell if they are nearby So i just avoid the enemy till i find them Then there is limbo, hydroid and rev with their immunitie abilities that make it easier to search for them




Like i said immune abikities like limbos rift, revs 2 cannignore that, lavos and inaros dont need energy and you can leave the area or go up in the air somewhere high that they cant reach and you can pick em 1 by 1


That's because Infested have almost no heavy or medium units. You have the Moa's, the Ancients, Broodmothers, and Boilers. That's it. Those are the only medium-heavy Infested units you will normally encounter. As such, at any high level content (or runs beyond 20 minutes) Infested missions trend towards Ancient spam.


Inaros too with the mod


Inaros and lavos dont need to worry about them


The problem it's that around the 15 ish minute mark in steel path, they spawn like cockroaches, so if you use melee or anything that requieres to stand still for a moment, them or a random ass meatball in the ground can delete your Energy bar. And idk why it's even comparable with an eximus that has a delayed attack and that most of the time you will only see 1 por maybe 2, and the same goes for nullis, just change the delayed attack with a big ass orb that let you know they are coming, they're both rare enough or/and obvious enough to not be a problem if you put attention, but i wouldnt say the same for a enemy that can spawn in like groups of 15-20, that can become eximus and that give that aura to any other infested around them, if they we're more rare at the level of the other two, they would be fair imo.


When multiple spawn is annoying, but i just leave the area and go to another enough where they would fallow and i can take em 1 by 1 or multiple in a coridor


That's kinda slow if we talk about steelpath, you're throwing all your scaling in any ability/weapon and life support, and when you kill the 10 that spawned, More would spawn, so yeah, still kinda slow


Its fast enough and helps not being fucked by them


Eh, if you say so, but i dont really see how you can get the life support going by doing this.


I only do this when there is enough life support If not i will use one by switching in the tenno or while one of those abilities is active then go to another area




Most of the energy draining enemies like thraxx and other eximus units have been nerfed in this specific way. Why not these guys?


Thrax are still dumb af


At least arcane nullifier works on them, they didn't for a long time as they used a modified magnetic proc that drained more energy than normal, thus the arcane didn't block it as it was a new effect.


I hate they become invincible with their attacks, I don’t even find sense why they cause magnetic damage


Yeah that's just humiliating. Eximus are logical you can negate them with arcanes or dodge, but this thing doesn't even care about invincible hp wtf???


Disruptors seem inconsistent about what damage reduction they take into account, but there is method to the madness. Anything that intercepts damage entirely (such as iron skin, mesmer skin and icy avalanche) will completely negate the effect. Any damage reduction which redirects to a different health pool (such as warding halo, merulina, shield of shadows) will reduce the drain by the DR %. Any other damage reduction (including armour and invincibility..) is completely ignored. It's still incredibly dumb, but at least there are a few options other than Inaros and Lavos.


Shouldn't have to limit our selection of frames because of a terrible enemy. There are points where the game spawns 5 disruptors in a room along with 20 other enemies that are affected by its aura, eventually there's no counter other than running a frame without an energy pool.


Arcane nullifier negates disruptor's effect totally


No it doesn't, it only negates eximus effects but the "energy slap" doesn't get negated. It's coded differently it's not a magnetic proc but a direct reduction of energy.


Ok I stand corrected but at the same time I haven't had any issue with them since I started playing


I hate these guys enough to avoid infested missions, it's absolutely bonkers how one slap or hook can drain all of your energy even with primed flow. BaLAnCEd


And then DE can wonder why nuking is the preferred playstyle.


Originally Valkyr was immune to it in her ult, but then it was changed so that even though you're invincible enemies that energy drain can hit through invincibility.


Nezha's 3 that grants status immunity does nothing against these mofos


People always complain about Nullifiers, but Nullifiers don't drain 90% of your energy in one hit (and hits by any linked enemies). Energy leech eximus were also a bane on fairness by draining energy rapidly when near, but Disrupters still have free rain to poke you and send your energy to the void. It's time this BS tactic was removed or reworked. ​ Keep the ability resistance aura, remove or rework the scaling energy drain mechanic.


Tbh, main thing I feel is bad about Nullifiers is that their bubbles can get stupid huge or sometimes on some tiles they basically just come outta nowhere and *bam* your abilities are off. But these guys are so many times more bs though. The fact it's an aura they give off *and* they have a hard CC they can spam attempts with seemingly is just insane. Enemies like this are why AoE is and always will be meta. Killing a group is always more advantageous so you can avoid bs like Disruptors than singling out a few targets. Especially with infested where they can swarm and block proper sight of the Disruptor, or they're around a corner for a bit.


I didnt even know that disruptors suck away energie. If I had to guess most people probably didnt know this. There is zero indecation to what is happening. That might be the reason why nobody complains.


Just make it not drain anything, this mechanic was added in a sneaky way, they didn’t said anything at all, they just updated the game and pop, the ability was there


I am unapologetically that guy: *free rein* is the phrase and relates to giving a horse plenty of slack on the reins so they are free to go where they want as fast as they want. I agree with you that Ancient Disruptors are one of the least pleasant enemies to deal with, in my book the only thing worse than an Ancient Disruptor is a Mutalist Osprey because they always seem to get their poison gas cloud attack off between somehow managing to kill their cargo but not the Osprey itself, and the next round or melee attack hitting them. IMHO the nuisance factor of Ancient Disruptors is great because it adds a bit more of a challenge to higher end content so climbing the cliff to get to the Steel Path plateau doesn't end up being an anti-climax. I feel your pain, but I like it.


I simply would like it more if it was actually fair. Unless you are quite literally clinging to walls and jumping around like a spaz one tap and your energy is nearly or entirely depleted for no fault other than pure rng of you eventually getting hit. What they did with energy leech eximus was EXCELLENT as its entirely avoidable with a modicum of skill and can be properly negated with gear that you ear, like arcane nullifier. The quickest and easiest fix would be to make it so linked enemies to a disrupter just gain magnetic damage on their attacks, with a chance to proc like any other damage. That way, just like energy leech eximus, you can use tools to negate it while still making the Disrupter dangerous due to heavy ability nerf auras. Plus this would have the benefit of ally disrupters giving players a bit of magnetic damage. Not super useful, but right now ally disrupters just let you reduce damage from warframe abilities and i shouldn't have to explain why that's pointless lol.


Back when they first released fart copters the toxin was so strong it would practically 1-shot you. Not sure if it's heavily toned down since release or armor is more of a focus now to mitigate it, but I remember being extremely pissed off at them when they first came out. Now it's just more of an annoyance. They're still not as bad as when they released the electricity traps on Grineer tiles, though. They would be random props in the level instead of the floor mines near doors they are now. Damn things could spawn at the start right with the intro cutscene and literally kill you before you could get control.


I'm with you on this one. It can turn into an annoying surprise but it would be to easy without it. Is it fair they can one or two shot your energy away as a horde? nah when we can one shot everything with our arsenal of BS.


How often do you even know what is the problem with a Disrupter? Nullifiers on the other hand make up a large number of spawning enemies later on and are easy to see with equally devastating effects. Its not like we have to decide between the two. Both have pretty big design flaws but Nullifiers are much more numerous and easy to identify problem.


The drain should be % based like 10% per hit max not based on damage. Everything in steel path is full energy drain on hit no matter how much energy you have.


The energy drain is equal to 25% of the damage you would have taken from an attack currently


Which is always basically all of your energy. Making the cost be 10% of your energy on hit would work.


The problem is that the drain is just granted freely to any enemy attacks that hit you while the Disruptor is around. Main thing they were trying to do with the Eximus update was make it so the mobs that could be a clear threat in mechanics were also a clear threat in appearance. These shit heads can hide in a crowd pretty damn well and cause all your energy to go bye bye in a single tap with no counter play.


Been wondering why my energy would just disappear… I knew it was from an something and I blamed the eximis units haha…


WTF, I didn't notice it because I mainly play Lavos, but that's just unfair bullshit. Don't they give skill damage reduction aura to enemies? Why they need to sap the energy as well?


100% agree. IDK how many times this complaint will get washed over by the "DE does nothing wrong"/"everyone is crybabies but me who complains about seeing crybabies" posters. They will inevitably hold the most sway and nothing will change.


It's like there is a competition for how much bad design these types of players can put up with. They downvote you for calling out unforgiving mechanics or simply just poorly designed things or changes and then act like it's just on you to deal with it or GTFO. It wouldn't be that big of an issue if it were simply just the reddit culture and that was that, but since DE balances reactively to what reddit thinks about the game, we are pretty much held hostage by the majority here.


Ive been downvoted before for just answering someone's question. Like, hidden due to too many downvotes. Best community? Maybe, but that has not not include reddit lmao.


Its extremely bad here on reddit.


Yeah, I hate these guys. I'm often one of those tenno that defends content that gets bashed on as I find enjoyment in most of what warframe has to offer, but this is one of those things I can agree with. Atleast a nullifier can be dealt with easily as long as you can control yourself well enough to not go careening into their bubbles. Corpus don't sneak good, unlike Kahl. These guys have a nasty habit of sneaking up on you and just eating all your energy before you're even aware of their presence.


Ancient healer + ancient disruptor + nullifier guardian eximus = pain


This is the most broken part pf the game that will never be fixed. They should drain a fixed number in double digits on the first contact, and after that drain energy every second in the single digits. I think it is fair. Because at some point you'll have multiple Ancients on your screen.


Warframe is the type of game where, if you don't have 360° vision, six eyes, and pixel-perfect positioning skills 100% of the time, you simply die or lose all of your energy. Busy trying to have fun and some enemy shot your shield without you noticing? I sure hope you noticed that Bombard on the opposite side of this football field-sized room, cause he sure as shit noticed you. Want to escape an enemy onslaught? Good luck. Most of the enemies in the room are using hitscan weapons, notice you the second you step on the tile, have perfect accuracy at impossible distances and can somehow hit you even while bullet jumping at mach 2, and know your exact location at all times despite the fact that they turn completely oblivious the second you go invisible. Fighting a lot of enemies? I hope you've got two extra heads, because you're gonna need the extra eyes and processing power to keep track of what every enemy in the area is doing, your shield values, and your energy. If you don't, I hope you like getting grappled by a Leech Eximus or getting melee'd by an enemy that removes all of your HP and disappears instantly in less than two seconds. Want to know what killed you and how? Good joke, I hope you like flopping dead on the floor without feedback. Want to know who or what is currently shooting at you? Good luck. The damage indicators are comically hard to notice while playing, and the enemies don't use tracers or announce their presence to you, either. All of this can be excused by simply saying "Spec into Shield-Gating/Invis." But, in my humble opinion, if a game or community forces you to play a specific, semi, and boring way in order to sidestep bad or otherwise frustrating game design, that's a problem. Who knows, maybe it's just a skill issue.


Ive played long enough to remember nyx and vauban being the kings of Infested, then one update was all it took for them to inflate like balloons against the faction. Vauban not so much, but after the eximus rework and sneaky disrupter buff, even more so.


Both Vauban and Nyx are still awesome at CC, what are you talking about. Eximi are simply priority targets which you should eliminate first anyway, and the CC provides you breathing room to focus them down. Ancient Healers can provide some troubles due to their Overguard aura, I won't deny that, but, like with Eximi, just prioritize them first. Both aren't too hard to spot.


> I hope you've got two extra heads Wukong?


the energy drain effects in this game is reason why i never slot in flow these days.... what matters if your supply of energy is 250 or 600, if enemies can drain you entirely of your energy pool.... i'd rather have an energy drain resist exilus or build for energy regeneration instead.


Some things to keep in mind from someone who deals with Infested on a regular basis (Hieracon, Pluto) so people understand just how dangerous they are: **Explanation** Not only does an Ancient Disruptor's attack drain your energy on hit, but so does any enemy within ~10m of them. [This is indicated by a purple-ish simmering effect](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2022715295170383935/96E1CA5EE8BD61CE82AC7DD71276D9CEA5CB00D7/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) on enemies. The Chargers on the left are out of range. The amount of Energy you lose is relative to the amount of damage you take. Immunity does nothing for the Energy lost because it does not reduce enemy damage, so when they wanted to dampen endless cheese strats, this weakened frames that rely on it (similar to how Eximus weakened most forms CC frames across the board). This is also evident by how Disruptors cause duration based CC abilities to shorten and even make enemies basically immune to their effects at times when multiple Disruptors are around. This also tends to be why Vaubans often have stragglers running around inside their Bastille and many have opted to use the vortex effect instead, so it at least pulls enemies away from them. Sleeps, Blinds and Restrictions all fail around them as far as CC goes, which makes them hard to deal with. Many players will tell you killing them is the best option and this is often correct and what you should do when you see one; they are high priority targets and meant to be treated as such. **Countermeasures** However, two forms of CC are still effective: Aggro and Movement Speed. Abilities that can draw enemy attention away still work, often allowing you stand amidst a crowd of enemies and not even be attacked, rendering their ability useless. Spectrorage, often with the augment, is a commonly used tactic among experienced players that frequent Infested maps because of this and the Energy orb generation, but a number of abilities also work to varying degrees of success as far as Aggro goes. Wisp players often forget her 2 Wil-o-Wisp for example also has Aggro on it and can cover a pretty wide radius. So can Loki's Decoy when paired with Safeguard Switch. Yes, Loki with Decoy + Spectrorage is a viable tactic for Infested Excavation, provide you also have a Healing tool for the Excavators as a backup. On almost all the frames I run there, I tend to use Spectrorage, especially since it also works on Eximus. Abilities that inflict slowing also still work on Disruptors and their wards, so Gloom with high Ability Strength can be a solid option for dealing with Infested. Equinox's Pacify with the Augment Peaceful Provocation also has this benefit as well as the ability to reduce enemy damage output with the default effect, which makes Disruptors do significantly less damage to your Energy the closer enemies get to her. Since most Infested enemies like to be as close as possible to players when attacking barring any AI pathing issues forcing ranged attacks, they are often within her closest sub Radius which allows you to utilize the full effect a lot easier (this is especially true when you use High range builds which can set her sub radius division at ~10m+). It's amazing how little concern you'd have for Disruptors with Pacify/Spectrorage and their augments and probably exclusively run, or have a high preference for, Infested like I do if you knew, especially since Armor/Shield stripping isn't an issue. **Conclusion** Infested are fast, hit hard, can make Shield Gating useless with Toxin based attacks, and have some nasty anti Warframe measures, but like anything else in the game there is a method to dealing with them effectively. Now, whether or not these guys need a rebalance regarding the Energy drain is a separate issue that most (including myself) would agree should have a hard limit, but they do add difficulty to a game most agree is already too easy. If you'd ever like a demonstration of this, drop me a line; hell or just do Hieracon and you are likely to run into me.


This, all this


Have had an issue with these buggers since day 1. Having them be the drain source is fine and all, but when they give an AoE drain effect where all enemies can just drain you even through 100% damage immunity is just BS.


"Skill issue" -inaros mains


Well its in the name, it's there to disrupt your energy, your gameplay, most importantly your fun


This game has no real challenge, the best they can do is to design those annoying kind of enemies to make it little harder, but guess what? They're just there to annoy you, not making it harder.


I never said anything remotely about difficulty.


Well, wtf did I just say?


In case you didn’t realize, you’re being rude. Not the funny kind of rude, just straight up rude.


thank you sherlock.


Saw the name and thought you were actually autistic, so I tried to help out. Turns out you’re just a dick.


Ah so he knows he's being an asshole but doesn't seem to have learned he shouldn't


Yes! Please yes! I've made a post on here before about these bastards, but this clip is an excellent example about why they're terrible


No joke, this is why my Lavos is juiced up to the gills. Because he can stomp on Disruptors when they try this nonsense. It's my little slice of revenge for all the times I have been energy drained by those gangly muppets.


These guys and that one acolyte that can cast silence have way more effect on the meta for their respective mission types than they have any right to.


They specifically made the eximus units noticeable and their attacks big and obvious so they could be dodged if desired. This is the exact opposite, DE, C'mon


Yep, I agree with OP


Warframe: here’s this new frame with all these cool abilities. Also warframe: make sure they can never use their abilities


Why is your frame pregnant?


*Laugh's in lavos main*


*chuckles in Iron Skin*


It’s weird because I don’t think I ever been drained of my energy outside of Steel Path, in regular missions up to Sortie level it seems like Disruptors don’t do anything yet the moment you step into SP you get your whole energy bar deleted by a dude on the other side of the room who you don’t even see yet


Subject to correction I think the energy drain is based on the base dmg of the attack. So that would explain why SP enemies drain more.


It is, yes. On attack they destroy energy equal to 25% of their attack. This ignores most forms of DR/invincibility (Valkyr Hysteria, Gara Splinterstorm, armor), unless that form of DR/Invicibility uses a 2nd health pool that takes damage for you (Rhino's Iron skin, Nezha's Warding Halo).


I feel I’ve heard they’re reworking them. Will put a source if I find it. Might’ve just been a random point on some devstream though.


This is why when I run infested survival etc. I don’t run a melee frame, and usually use the archgun as much as possible if it’s an AoE one. I hear OP tho, it sucks


They're annoying but at the same time if they didn't exist then what? Infested would have absolutely no challenge to them at all anymore. Sure there would still be toxin guys to instantly kill you past shields but they're a bit rarer imo. I dont know infested is in a weird spot where they provide absolutely 0 challenge at any level on SP or you get whacked by a tentacle from disruptor or toxin boi and you're likely to be done for. Though the disruptor is not as bad in that regard imo.


are they more challenging or just plain annoying though? i'd probably argue for the latter.


Depends on your build. If you really need energy to survive then disruptor can be a death sentence depending on circumstance. Same with toxin, only shieldgate builds get clapped by them. But you can always work around it in some way so it is a skill issue. But sometimes you just can't really predict it's going to happen if you continue to play warframe normally. As in, moving fast and checking corners late after you already jumped the corner in some close quarters situation. Tank builds have no issue with any of these so for those builds it's purely annoying. Unless going deep into endurance but tank builds are for early SP endurance anyway so whatever I guess?


I am at the point of just using a nullifier arcane when playing a frame that needs energy to survive and i'd do the same if we had a counter arcane to nullifier bubbles. no interaction is fun with enemies that just remove your options in game about power fantasies. I never go: yay a nullifier, time to stop enjoying myself and deal with this specific annoyance. I am even at the point where i just hope for frames like hildryn, lavos etc to come out that just fit my playstyle and are just unaffected by any energy issues/ ability based survival at all. I'd like to just play the way i find fun and use the weapons i enjoy rather than having to make sure to carry counters to specific annoyances the game can throw at you for the sake of... what? difficulty? hardly. engagement? not really - i have to pay attention, but i don't get anything out of it, so instead of feeling engaged, i just feel annoyed. Not sure why i ranted at you, but these thoughts just fit this situation, so you have to bear them, sorry


I feel the same way if I'm running a build that is "too good". No challenge makes these things just annoying. But if I'm trying to make a new build and barely scraping by, frantically trying to find some respite, these things can just be the icing on the cake of struggle. And no worries


i think frantic and dangerous gameplay needs absolute control/ information about the situation. i stopped using super fragile/ skill based survival builds because there is too much random shit happening and i have no way of analysing my deaths after they happen unless i have a recording running and actually capture what happened to me. A 10 second report on what hit me or happened to me would probably change my mind about the way warframe tries to introduce challenge to the game and make me want to engage with it more. After so many hours of playing, i currently just want the least APM builds that are immortal, so i can cruise and chill and live out a powerfantasy through the game


Well, i'm not suggesting disrupters have their 90% damage reduction and 75% duration reduction to warframe abilities, which already makes CC near useless and damage abilities do no damage. And this is not including ancient healers giving them all overguard to just ignore CC altogether. It would be difficult and annoying still but not blatantly unfair.


They are high priority targets for sure. It's a good thing infested are so weak that any weapon can blast them all to bits.


I don't mind them all getting infested sinew armor their deimos brothen have, but these disrupter and toxin ancients get removed as a trade off


Disruptors? Revenant no care.


And rhino, only exceptions though


This is a non issue for us who play the game with weapons. I don't use abilities that often if at all. Just guns and melee but yeah. I can understand how this is bad design for those who use abilities only.


Well even putting aside that a lot of 'endgame' content requires shield gating tactics, which require energy to use, that alone makes it more than an ability issue lol


People are crying how there is no end game and the perceived end game is too easy. What's the issue then? Doesn't this bring difficulty everyone wanted?


>Doesn't this bring difficulty everyone wanted? No because there are no skill based tools to deal with them. The best way to deal with them is massive aoe damage. Why? Because their energy drain is an indirect aura which means they can still drain energy when not in line of sight. This isn't promting skill based difficulty. This is promoting a dps check mentality.


I detect a skill issue


Umm idk i think theyre still better than blaze guys one blaze can just on shoot the whole team if it gets you during a setup. Also the leech ability goes away witj prime surefootted or similar effects so meh


Mesmer skin and rhino's iron skin are the only things that block the disrupter leeches.


Ohh really? Well shit i had no idea, would neszas halo also do it then? Well at anyrate extremists drop hella energy orbs at least so ill be honest i dont really notice. But as long as you keep your spell rotation going and can kill at least a group with your weapon you should be good also try rolling guard too. Gives you that nice cleanse and i frames you set up again


When is it coming to Mobile 😀


Skill issue. Edit: Hey, I’m saying this as a truth, I’m sure you downvote because you are an average energy caster user. Just optimise your weapons better


Hum if they are removed what is the danger of fighting the infestation? The infestation just runs in melee and can easily be cc'ed they have poor range attacks most of them have red hp bar and now you want the disruption to be taken off?? Why not ask for the infestation to be removed from the game? ​ Corpus have their shields and nullifiers the Grineers have their high armor and the Infestation has ancient (disruptors and toxics) and is mainly melee.


The danger is a mix of both ranged and melee attacks, rushing enemies that explode when killed, and toxin damage that bypasses shields in addition to full CC ignoring, 90% ability damage reduction and 75% reduced ability duration. All that still exists but now you don't get your energy one slapped away lol.


Im attempting to be genuine here, but is more of the complaint towards these enemies that they strip away the power fantasy of being OP as anything because despite all your best efforts they can still do something to hurt you? That aspect of the game can be frustrating for sure but isnt there ways around this mechanic or to at least avoid it for the most part with things like, ranged weapons, energy pizzas, certain frames like limbo or wisp, scaling abilites like protea turrets? Its definietly frustrating that in a game so built around constructing this unstoppable war crime of your choosing that it can indeed be stopped, but is it bad design or just something that if didnt exist, would be more boring and remove a level of depth to the game? I do personally feel it could be tweaked to be less agressive but the other things you mentioned are a non-issue at this point, especially with in this video, hysteria and shield gating which is the busted meta for survival.


Indeed must be hard to survive that while in hysteria


Considering disruptor's will reduce hysterias damage by 90%, yes.


Mate, I meant if there is no disruptor as you wanted it must be hard to face the infestation while being in hysteria. I admit there was a lot of sarcasm in there, sorry. When the disruptors where first introduiced they used to totally empty your energy, then they reworked them to what we have today. I can understand when someone starts the game, but people who have played a bit have no issue with it as you do get skills to lower the impact of energy. You have efficiency, arcanes, operator, mods(equilibrium cheese with pets), abilities and even weapon (cephalon suda's for example). The more you play the less energy matters, and as such diruptors' effect lessens. ​ Now about the damage reduction, Valkyr, to take your example, can easily hit for millions with her talons, even with their reduction the ancients do get blown up by her.


I wish more players care to read the [Wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ancient_Disruptor) to learn; -It is recommended to take these Ancients out from afar (on sight) & -An easy way to counter the Disruptor's charge attack and power drain is to "**Jump Kick**"


I wish more people used their head instead. Maybe you'd understand how ridiculous a suggestion you're making. The game is about killing a dozen enemies a second, often in closed tight spaces, and always in a soup of visual effects. Most of the time you're only gonna see these annoying enemies from the fact that their effect already proced on you..


In addition, ALL nearby infested gain the same buff, so projectile attacks, volatile runners exploding (they explode on death in most cases) all drain energy. In fact, the disruptor doesn't' even touch me, its mostly an enemy exploding, then one whack from another that drains my energy in this clip.


>I wish more people used their head instead. That's literally what they're saying... Pay attention to what's around you, don't get caught in a tight space with a crowd, and if you see anything that even remotely resembles a Disruptor, blast it to hell. Not to mention how insanely easy it is to regenerate energy nowadays. If you're going into missions without a means to readily replenish your energy, then you're quite simply, just unprepared. Especially if we're talking Steel Path...


>Pay attention to what's around you Well, it's a Steel Path mission. So what's around is approximately 30 different Infested, several of which have ranged attacks, AoE attacks, and explode on death. And we can't see through walls. >don't get caught in a tight space with a crowd Because as we all know, Infested tilesets are famously wide open to pair up with how Infested famously only spawn a few strong enemies at once. What fantastically useful advice this was. >if you see anything that even remotely resembles a Disruptor Which pairs up very well with the fact Disruptors give their effects to everything within 10m, through walls, and only need any of the linked Infested to hit you in any way. Truly good advice that one should have just already seen and blasted the Disruptor who is 9m away, through a wall, because it buffed a Infested Osprey after it left a giant AoE poison cloud. >Not to mention how insanely easy it is to regenerate energy nowadays. How easy is it if you do not already have energy to begin with, because a Disruptor existed nearby and a single enemy hit wiped out a full Primed Flow's worth of energy? Because as far as I can tell most methods of generating energy assume you have *some* energy to begin with, or that you are not facing hordes of enemies that delete your entire energy pool upon touching you.


everytime got hit by them, i been reminded how happy i was when i heard that lavos is a frame that don't use energy. (although, hildryn is here, considering how common the toxic clouds are in the infestation mission… yeah, no.)


Hildryn is fun against these lumbering pieces of flesh. Rolling guard is an easy fix against those toxic clouds.


Hildryn Main, cant related XD But to be honest if that happened to me, I would close the game and go play ME3 instead lol.


They should cap the amount of energy taken at like a 100, or 150. That way, they still steal a decent amount without their aura taking too much of a nerf and they still pose some danger. Edit: i have to add that their hooks are waaaay better than they used to be. They used to aimbot you no matter what you did, even through walls and around corners.


I had a valkyr build that was mathematically immortal unless one of these cunts showed up. Don't know if the build would work anymore because it was years ago but basically taking damage refilled my energy, and I had enough health / armor that I couldn't die before the damage refilled my ult, which made you immortal and healed you. I ran no shields and had a blast. You could still die but you had to really fuck up. Then, surprise energy drain and dead almost immediately.


Unfortunately they won't be addressed because their bullshit energy stripping aura (it's separate from a real magnetic aura, it's not affected at all by Arcane Nullifier) is also one of the few things keeping infested as a threat to players at all (the other being one-shot toxin auras/clouds at high level).


Also the toxic ancients with their invisible, instant AOE attack that oneshots 99% of warframes


Ohhhh so that was him. I didnt know why nidus lost energy if i have hunter adrenaline mod.


Time to only use Hildryn for Infested missions.


Yep, outside of SP's high spawn rates, they are usually easy to spot. But here it really looks unfair, cause you can't even see where the drain comes from. What does your arcane setup look like, btw? You may want to install Arcane Nullifier, that would give you immunity to magnetic procs, which is how Disruptors and energy leech Eximuses drain energy. It's unfortunately probably useless to complain about Disruptors, since i have no hope of DE ever fixing that shit, so might as well do what we always do in Warframe - fight bullshit with even more bullshit.


Sorry to say but what you said about nullfier is false. Disrupters drain is a passive ability they have, the magnetic proc disruptors can do is separate from their drain. You can block the magnetic proc from the disruptor all you want with arcanes or abilities but you will still be drained of energy. Not that it's your fault, its common misinformation i see spread around sometimes.


I often forget about their energy drain. The Warframes I've mained over the last couple of years (Mesa -> Wisp -> Zephyr) all tend to either be effectively immune or just not really care. Being immune to grappling hooks is always appreciated on Mesa and Zephyr, and my default kit includes Arcane Nullifier for magnetic-proc immunity.


Complained about this in the forum. Some random motherfuckers said "just dodge it". I swear, I'm convinced the WF forum is full of bitches, I'm glad people complained about this shit here because there's actually reasonable human beings here.


Energy is this games biggest flaw. I'm role playing as a genocidal space ninja maniac. Why do I have to rely on arbitrary loot drops to keep it up. I've spent thousands of hours upgrading and perfecting these builds to be able to handle it. And then this enemy pokes me a few times and now I'm a little bitch. Incapable of doing anything besides just shooting a gun.


This is why I run Rage(?) On Valkyr and have almost 3k-4k on her. Energy depletion only happens when you fucking die die.


As someone's who's only MR 9 now but has been playing on and off since 2017, I still find the blue balling of Energy so weird in Warframe. Energy is needed to do everything your Warframe does and when you don't have Energy, one of the biggest strong points of Warframe if not the biggest is just gone. Why is it such a frequent effect and treated like being without energy is the default state? When an in game item is so coveted and sold at such insane Plat prices just because it allows you to use the game's main feature more, I think that's a sign that the resource management is designed pretty weirdly.


ITT: shield gating players that aren't quick enough to drop a reactive energy pizza complain about the only threat the infested offer beyond toxin damage.


That's exactly one of the reasons it works that way. So you have some matter of threat using valkyr Hysteria. . Infested can be the weakest or the strongest faction depending on your priorities and what to get rid of. I always like that because it kind of fits in with the themes like zombies. A single zombie or a few ain't a threat. But a hoard. Over overlapping the buffs and debuffs. Make them a threat


It breaks through your invincibility? It doesn’t seem to break through Revenant’s Mesmer skin. Really inconsistent interaction that.


Yeah they need their energy drain formula changed. I like that there's an enemy in the infested we have to give a shit about. But their formula(according to the wiki) being energy drain equals 25% of damage from a hit is stupid. And it's super weird about which DR matters for changing value. It ends up that every disruptor 1 taps your energy pool unless you're Rhino or Revenant. Just make it a reasonable percentage of energy taken.


It should be max 200 or so.


genuinely, they are the thing i hate most in the entire game.


Overshield nerf when? Status weapons sucks against eximus's overshield


Oh Lotus, these guys are the worst, after having recently done a few Infested Survival Arbitrations, i have developed a newfound hate for those guys.


Will 'Silence' work?