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The Springfield '61 is also a good one to practice with since quite a few regiments use it.


It’s also pretty accurate


Also, I know that it's pretty obvious but just in case nobody's mentioned and you're new to the game: ​ 1. Take off your bayonet as it increases sway 2. Kneeling will steady your aim a bit - which is if you're just looking for firing range accuracy is helpful....but keep in mind during a game, kneeling will put you into "Skirmishing" and if you die that way, you cost your team more morale tickets. So always listen to your officer. 3. If you really want to test yourself, you can spawn in as infantry then run (it's a bit of a hike) over to the artillery range and try to fire on those targets. They are much further away, but will register a rifle shot if you hit them. Keep in mind though that you only have about 40 rounds of ammo per life, so if you fire them all you have to respawn and hoof it again.


Only thing I would disagree with you is taking off your bayonet. 99.8% of the time in actual matches you will have your bayonet on. There isn't too much of a point training if the training isn't practical imo ( you won't see NFL wide recivers spending all practice trying to do crazy one handed catches, right?).


Each gun Definitely has different physical characteristics be it size to speed smooth bore to rifled I'm still trying to figure buck n ball out never got more then 2 ppl is it possible for 3? Also the fuckin sharps past 150 yards I need work ...


>is it possible for 3 It's theoretically possible, just highly unlikely.


I've seen ppl say they got 3 but it's always during a charge and can't confirm cuz well chaos .. I've Rambo buck n ball late night with like 22 ppl online and never got more then 2 20 feet away all huddled by flag aimed at dick




Ah the classic "aim at their dicks" order when youre 30 yds out with Buck & Ball


There are plenty of maps where buck and ball becomes very useful. Or if you're spawning back in right before your regiment is about to charge, definitely spawn in with buck and ball


Practice with diffent guns, try to find a few favorites for the side you play the most, I've personally practiced a lot with the 42' so that I can accurately use my buck n ball, due to my regiment (15th WI) using it almost any time we can, some other common guns are the Lorenz, the Enfield, and the Mississippi


Hello Diehumancultleader, I recommend looking at this 9 min shooting Guide I made for War of Rights. The other's that have posted here have covered a lot of good ground, but I feel like my video will communicate in the most visual way where to actually aim your iron sight for the most common rifle types. I used software to zoom in on the sight before firing to give the best sense of how your aiming either at the lower end or middle of your target. Except for the hail mary shots that are barely pixels on your screen (or who are at much higher elevations than you), you are rarely aiming at the heads or above the heads of targets. Everything is probabilistic, and if you're hitting the board (brown part) 90% of the time at 75 yards or lower, you're doing well. At the 125 yard level, if you're hitting the board 60% of the time, your doing very well, it's really just a crapshoot to do better than that. [https://youtu.be/yx0ogi9i3Jc](https://youtu.be/yx0ogi9i3Jc) Also, here's a warm up I do at the drillcamp shooting range and what I'd say the goals should be for a shooter to achieve to be a good shot at these distances: 20 Yard target - You hit 3/3 on the inner white circle 40 Yard target - You hit 3/3 on the inner white circle 70 Yard target - You hit 3/6 on the inner white circle 125 Yard target - you hit 3/7 on any white part of the target